Catholic Parish - St. Matthew Catholic Church

February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9303 South Chicago Road ■ Oak Creek, WI 53154 ■ 414-762-4200 ■
We follow Jesus as a welcoming Catholic community of believers, fostering a life of active prayer and worship,
sharing God’s word through education and action, and reaching out in service to those in need.
Parish Office
Phone .............................. (414) 762-4200
Hours... Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Email ......................... [email protected]
Parish Staff
Pastor, Rev. Patrick O’Loughlin
Deacon, John Stodola .............. 559-9957
Deacon, Steve Kramer sljk82@hotmailcom
Director of Administration
Kris Wegner ....................................... X 21
Parish Secretary,
Linda Anderson ………………………………..x 20
Administrative Assistant
Renee Rebisch ..................................... x 17
Liturgy & Music Director, Judy Wargin .. x 16
Child/Family Formation Director,
Carol Daun ......................................... x 13
Youth Ministry Director,
Shelly Madden .................................. x 15
Religious Formation Secretary,
Marge Schultz ................................... x 14
Parish School
Office ......................................... 762-6820
Principal, Julianna Barber ................. x 11
School Secretary, Diane Shadd ........ x 10
Parish Trustees
Secretary, Janice Beder– Yee (h) 571-0053
Treasurer, Mike Kuick ......... (h) 764-1313
Parish Council
Chairperson, Larisa Knorr……..(h) 736-3126
You may come as a stranger to us, yet you are known to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in his name
we bid you “welcome,” praying that you find peace, inspiration and friendship in this parish.
Parish Council
Alan Bronikowski, Lora Goedland,
Margie Kidder, Larisa Knorr, Mike Kuick,
Len Niemiec, Fr. Patrick O’Loughlin,
Mark Stake, Pat Trinko, Mark Wenig,
John Winter
Mass Schedule
Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 7:30 and 9:30am
Sacramental Life
Saturdays 3pm or call for an appointment.
Registered, practicing members, call the
Pastor as soon as you are engaged and at
least six months in advance of the marriage.
We welcome children of registered members,
practicing Catholic parent(s)/guardian(s).
Please call Deacon John Stodola for more
Information at (414) 559-9957.
First Communion
Preparation begins in first grade. Please call
Child Formation Office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick
First Fridays at Mass or weekends after
Masses. Please call Parish Office to register.
Parish Services
Sick/Communion Outreach
Requests for visitation of the homebound
should be made to the Parish Office.
Hospital Visitation
If you are hospitalized and wish a visit, please
call the Parish Office.
Prayer Network
Prays for personal intentions daily. To add
intentions, call Nikki Sunn at 414-762-8145
or e-mail [email protected] by Thursday
morning each week unless emergency.
Parish Membership
All Catholic adults living in the parish area
and regularly participating in Liturgy should
register with the Parish. Registration and
participation is required for reduced rates in
Parish School, Religious Education and Youth
Ministry Programs. To join St. Matthew’s, call
762-4200 ext. 20 for an appointment.
Question of the Week February 1, 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28
Saturday, January 31
4:00 pm
†Lucille Barutha
Sunday, February 1
7:30 am †Frank Rakowski
9:30 am
The Parishioners of
St. Matthew parish
Tuesday, February 3
7:45 am †Barbara Lorge
Wednesday, February 4
7:45 am †Sam Ferrito
Thursday, February 5
7:45 am †Harry Grutza and
Romey Buczkowski
Friday, February 6 First Friday
Mass in the Little Brick Church
6:30 pm †Stanley & Lottie Adamick
Saturday, February 7
4:00 pm †Adeline Sobotta
Sunday, February 8
7:30 am †Lorraine Ganey
9:30 am
The Parishioners of
St. Matthew Parish
2015 Mass Intentions
Do you have a loved one you would
like remembered? We are taking
Mass Intentions for this year. There
are still many weekend Masses as
well as weekday Masses available.
Each Mass is $10. Use your blue
Mass Intention envelope, call the
parish office or stop in. At this time ,
you may schedule 6 Mass Intentions
for the year.
Today’s Gospel story of Jesus teaching in the synagogue is early in his ministry.
The people “were astonished at his teaching” and asked each other “What is this? A
new teaching with authority.” But the people did not yet know or recognize just who
Jesus was. However the unclean spirit (that Jesus drove out of the man) did
recognize Jesus as “The Holy One of God!” Jesus’ authority comes from his holiness.
As children of God, baptized into Christ Jesus, it is the holiness that comes from
God’s grace that will help us battle the evils we face in life. Throughout life, we have
to make decisions that will either harm or destroy our relationship with God, or will
help us grow in our relationship with God – grow in holiness. Our identity as children
of God will be recognized by others if the words of what we say we believe are
matched by our actions.
QUESTION: Who do I know that has taught me a lesson because his/her actions
match his/her words?
Your Stewardship Matters
“Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.”
(1 Corinthians 7:23)
How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not
having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything
you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this—use the word “pray”
instead of the word “worry” in the future.
This week’s collection $9,419
WeShare” is a new way of Stewardship giving online. Go to Scroll
down to “Give online” and follow the instructions. It’s that easy. School families can
also use this for their tuition payments. After registering, please let parish office
know. Thank you.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Super Bowl Sunday – Start it off right - here!
Join us this Sunday [Superbowl Sunday] following the 9:30
Mass as dynamic speaker, Rich Curran, shows us how to be
champions of our faith. We will have an “expanded”
hospitality in the gathering space after Mass and our talk will
begin at 10:45 in church for everyone grade 5 – adult. Age
appropriate activities will be offered for children in grade 4
and younger. Accept the challenge - before you tune into the
Super Bowl to see who will be the NFL champion-come
explore what it takes to live a Champion’s Faith!
Super Bowl Soup for the Poor
St. Vincent de Paul is sponsoring their annual Super Bowl
Soup for the Poor collection after each Mass this weekend,
January 31/February 1. The money collected will be used
to support our local conference needs and the SVDP meal
program. Society members will be in the Gathering Space
with their soup bowl to receive your contribution. Last year
the society made 10 home visits and helped many people with basic needs of
food, clothing, furniture and some financial assistance. Volunteers prepare
and serve beef stew at the Madison Street meal site the first Tuesday of each
month. Open you heart again so we may be there for those in need. Checks
should be made out to St. Vincent de Paul. If you are interested in getting
involved in these ministries, please call the parish office.
Learn+Live+Love Jesus – this LENT!
The First Sunday of LENT is just three weeks away. Oscar Romero, the
Archbishop of San Salvador who was assassinated in 1980, wrote about
being a Christian: “Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed,
of laws to be obeyed....Christianity is a person, one who loved us very much,
one who calls for our love. Christianity is Jesus Christ!” This Lent you’ll be
offered the opportunity to grow closer to Jesus through our Lenten
discussion groups that will use Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD
series: PRIEST, PROPHET, KING. Sessions will be offered on Tuesday
afternoons and Thursday evenings. Sign up will begin this week.
This is the beginning of the
Pastoral Council (Parish
Council) nominations process.
We are asking you to
prayerfully consider
nominating yourself or
someone else that you feel
would be suited for the Pastoral Council. This is
an advisory council to Father Pat to achieve the
mission of the parish and typically involves a
couple of hours of meeting per month.
Nomination weekend will be held February 21/22.
If you have any questions, please contact Margie
Kidder at 414-764-7398 or another member of
Parish Council. Current members are listed on
page 2 of the bulletin.
Join Us...
The Holy Name Card Party will be
held on Friday February 13th.. The
cost is $13 a person (at the door).
You will get a chicken and lasagna
dinner, beer, soda, water, snacks
and plenty of raffle opportunities.
Doors open at 6pm and the card
party runs until midnight. If you have a group of
friends and would like to reserve a round table,
contact Roland Komorowski at 414-690-3226.
This is an age restricted event.
Be Ready for the Next Snow
Holy Name Society will be holding a
raffle for a Troy-Bilt snow blower.
Ticket sales will run through
February 13. Tickets will also be
available on the night of the Holy
Name Card Party, February 13th.
They are $5 a ticket or 5 for $20.
2015 Catholic Stewardship Appeal
St. Louis Parish Fish Fry
Next weekend will be the kick off for the Stewardship
Appeal. We missed our 2014 goal of $29,000 by $510.
Hopefully this year we can reach that goal. You should be
receiving your pledge card/envelope next week in the
mail. If you do not get the mailing within the next 3 weeks, there will be extra
pledge cards/envelopes on the red desk in the Gathering Space. Remember
to send your pledge cards directly to the Archdiocese. Thank you in advance
for your generosity.
St. Louis Parish 13207 County Road G Caledonia
Join us on Wednesday, February 18th from 4—7:30
pm. Dinner includes Fried or Baked Cod, Potatoes,
Cole Slaw, Soup, Bread and Dessert, Coffee, Juice
or Milk. Cost: Adults - $10, Children (4-11) - $5, 3
and Under - Free. All Carry-outs - $0.50 more Also
available for children Macaroni & Cheese, French
Fries, Beverage and Dessert - $5.
Any questions call 262-835-4533 or
email [email protected]
Respect Life
Thank you to all who supported the Pin Sale. The proceeds from the sale
were $296. It will be used by the committee to educate the parish on
Respect Life issues.
You may still sign up for the Spiritual Adoption program. Sign-up slips are
available outside the church doors. Thank you for your support of Respect
Life issues!
February 1, 2015
All New "One Night With John McGivern"
Emmy-award winner John McGivern is coming back to the South Milwaukee
PAC. In this NEW show John will be sharing his life's stories of being the third
born of six kids in a working-class Irish Catholic Family in the Midwest as well
as stories of his younger years attending a parochial school. Mr. McGivern's
show will bring you to tears with laughter.
The event is Saturday, April 11 at 7:30pm.
Tickets available at the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center
Phone: 414 766 5049 or Online: (click on the
Performances tab)
Sponsored by Martin Law Office of Oak Creek
All Proceeds benefit St. Matthew School
Free Throw Contest
South Milwaukee Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest is
open to all boys and girls 9-14. The contest will take Friday,
February 6 at General Mitchell Elementary School 5950 So.
Illinois Ave. Cudahy, (2 Blocks E. of Penn. Ave on Ramsey Ave).
Registration at 6:30PM/Shoot at 7PM. District competition to
Hunger Task Force Volunteers
Are you interested in helping people in need? Do you have a student that is
looking for community service hours? If so, please consider volunteering at
the Hunger Task Force location near Howell and College Avenues on
Saturday, February 21, from 9am to 12pm to stock food boxes for low-income
senior housing sites and senior centers as part of the St. Matthew's group
that is volunteering. To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Len
Niemiec ([email protected] or 414.940.1061) by February 7.
Len will provide additional details closer to the event.
Parameters for Group Stockbox Building:
• We are looking for 20-25 volunteers for this event
• Volunteers must be age 12 or older (ages 12-15 must be with an adult)
• ·Most volunteers should be able to lift 30 pounds
• Volunteers must be able to stoop, bend and be on their feet for the
3-hour shift time
Gospel Concert
Saturday, February 7 – 3 p.m.
St. Joseph Chapel, 1501 S. Layton Blvd. (Greenfield Ave. at 27th St.),
In honor of Black History Month, the School Sisters of St. Francis present “Keep
on Doing Great Things,” a brief ecumenical prayer service, an hour-long concert
featuring vocalist Rodney Cunningham, followed by fellowship and a photo
documentary of our sisters’ service in African-American communities. This joyful
event is free and open to the public—please join us! For information call 414-3855272.
Sunday, February 1
9:00 am Families of Faith
10:30 am YM Gr. 6/7/8
10:45 am Speaker—Rich Curran
Monday, February 2
3:35 pm Mad Science
6:30 pm Religious Formation
6:30 pm YM Gr. 6/7/8
Tuesday, February 3
3:35 pm Art Class
5:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul
Meal Program
6:00 pm Pack 251
Wednesday, February 4
3:35 pm Chess Club
6:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul
6:30 pm Home & School Board
7:00 pm Tanzania Team
Thursday, February 5
3:35 pm Spanish Class
7:00 pm Adult Choir
Friday, February 6
9:15 am School Prayer Service
6:00 pm Middle School Dance
Saturday, February 7
10:00 am Net Retreat
All Rms
4:00 pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday, February 8
8:30 am Holy Name Society
9:30 am Preschool
9:30 am Confirmation Class
9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:30 am YM Gr. 9
7:00 pm YM Gr. 10 St. Stephen Parish
CH-Church • CR-Conference Room • GS-Good
Shepherd • MP Multi Purpose Rms•
SR-Scout Room • SW-South Wing
LL-Lower Level
Readings for the Week
Unwanted Jewelry
Please donate your unwanted used jewelry to St. Ann Center for
Intergenerational Care where it will be resold to support day care and
wellness services (bathing and nail care) for clients who cannot afford the
cost of their care. Please contact Ross Vietch at 414-977-5040 to arrange for
pick-up or drop off. For more information on the Center and its services
Please remember to turn off you cell phone while in church. Thank You.
Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/
Mk 1:21-28
Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/
Lk 2:22-40
Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34
Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39
©Liturgical Publications Inc
“Christianity is not a collection of truths to be
believed, or laws to be obeyedChristianity is a
person, one who loves us very much, one who calls
for our love. Christianity is Jesus Christ! -Oscar Romero
How well do you know Jesus?
The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. In Priest,
Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One–the ultimate priest,
prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using
Biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we see Jesus
most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. This study series includes 6
short DVD presentations followed by group discussion and personal reflection.
Join us this Lent as we explore what it means to call
Jesus a priest, a prophet and King.
We will have two discussion groups this Lent:
Tuesday Afternoons
The 6 Tuesdays of Lent
February 24-March 31
Thursday Evenings
The 5 Thursdays of Lent
February 26-March 26
Please sign up on the table outside the church
Atty. Kevin R. Martin, RN Seniors 55 Plus - Independent Living
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Donate online to
St. Matthew Parish
(414) 764-2910
Lisa Bronikowski (Realtor)
(414) 350-6320
[email protected]
St. Matthew Parishioner
Robb Guddie
Director / Parish Member
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