SAINT PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH February 2015 St. Paul’s Good Works Team members and other volunteers serving a meal to the homeless at Holy Communion Lutheran Church’s Welcome Center. Food donations were sponsored by St. Paul’s members and Thrivent Financial for Lutheran. Over 100 Welcome Center visitors received a hot Thanksgiving meal. Lenten Soup Suppers at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Holden Evening Prayer Mid-Week Lenten Services, Wednesdays during Lent at 7:30 p.m. Join us for Ash Wednesday Services on Wednesday, February 18th at noon and 7:30 p.m. PASTOR’S LETTER During our recent council retreat we spent some time looking at the Good Shepherd window in the back of the sanctuary. It was early in the morning and the sun was shining through the window. It was one of those moments that was deeply spiritual and brought a sense of calm and peace to all who were gathered there that morning. We listened to the words of John’s gospel and talked about why God has put us in this place. I really enjoyed our talk and also just sitting there in silence with my brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer for all of us is that in the coming months we may all find moments of peace and experiences that help us embrace the mission we share in Christ namely to proclaim the Good News of Jesus who died and rose for us. As we sing in the Christmas carol he was born so that we may not die anymore. He was born to give us all a second birth and the promise of eternal life. As we go into the month of February we will gather again with 13 men for the Living Last Supper Portrayal. I am looking forward to the sixth rendition of Christ’s last gathering with his disciples around the table that provided the beginning of all communion meals that we celebrate to this day. We will be going to the streets again with donuts and ashes and begin another Lenten journey together on Ash Wednesday. Some things will be different but there is also lots of continuity. I can’t wait to sing the Holden evening prayer again on Wednesday nights. We will continue the tree theme that we started on Christmas Eve. I am looking forward to our soup suppers as well. I will talk more about our plans for Holy Week in next month newsletter. But I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who send a Christmas card, gave us a Christmas gift and especially for the very generous gift that we received from the congregation. You will be glad to know that our house is more organized now because we decided to buy some new closets for the kids and the living room which helped us to manage the ordinary chaos. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. You all really brightened our Christmas season. Soon we will be launching our new directory. If you haven’t send us your photo yet I encourage you to do so soon. Many blessings to all of you! Henrik Sonntag, Pastor There will be two services on Ash Wednesday, February 18th at noon and 7:30 p.m. Join us for the Holden Evening Prayer services each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7:30 p.m. Soup Suppers will be held prior to the Wednesday Evening Services (except for Ash Wednesday) at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Look for sign-up sheets in the Great Room for set up/clean up, and donations towards the meal. VICAR’S VOICE – Timothy Hearn Thursday, January 15 is the birthday of, and April 04 will be the day of the anniversary of the assassination of, Martin Luther King, Jr. And we celebrated his life on January 19. Many of us, however, may find ourselves satisfied to remember the life of an African-American reformer of society just one day a year. Across the twenty years I taught teenagers of color from Harlem and the South Bronx, the idea that as a EuroAmerican I might owe the current African-American community reparations for past offences did not sit comfortably with me. I would regularly ask myself and others, “In what way and through what reasoning can I possibly be held responsible for what others did to African-Americans in decades and centuries past?” I wasn’t there when AfricanAmericans were ripped from their villages, chained, and sent through the harrowing and horrid Atlantic Passage. I wasn’t there when families of African-Americans who had survived the Passage were divided up and sold as individuals at slave auction, flesh as merchandise. I wasn’t there for the relentless and denigrating, backbreaking work and abuse, nor for the back-slashing floggings. I wasn’t there during Reconstruction for the Jim Crow years. I wasn’t there at any lynchings. Nor was I there when they crucified my Lord. It was Epiphany for me when, in my first class in theology at seminary, I internalized that the body of Christ lives as us through time as well as through space. I suddenly saw the body of Christ not only as all other believers alive today, I saw all who have gone before--still safe in God’s faithfulness--and those yet to come. Then I saw the wounds inflicted on the body of Christ by forced relocation, bondage in rope and chain, abuse in body, mind, and soul, and by lynching-and I realized that, in being part of that same body, I was to share in that suffering. And I thank our God that, through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, I may be not so much responsible for as made responsive to the needs of African-Americans past and present. I am to help ensure that race-based injustice does not continue to flourish. Nowadays I see Martin Luther King, Jr. Day not just as a day only for African-Americans, but as a day for everyone forgiven and made alive by the righteous sun of God’s merciful incarnate love--Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Lord. FROM OUR COUNCIL PRESIDENT…Mike Hoffmann During our annual Council Retreat this past weekend, we completed our year-long visioning work and put together some recommendations for the 2015 Annual Meeting. It was suggested, among many things, that we include specifics on how we will work toward justice and peace. This can be a difficult proposition for many congregations, as not everyone views justice and peace from the same perspective. I have expressed the opinion that we are blessed as a welcoming congregation that is growing in diversity while honoring our heritage. That diversity includes not only race, age and ethnicity, but varying political and theological perspectives. It speaks to our strength of community that while we naturally bring those things with us through the sanctuary door, and at the same time leave them at the door, we stand and sit together in the pews, recognizing and embracing our differences as we worship together. I believe THAT is living the words in scripture, spoken by Peter. Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. 36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” Acts 10:34 I believe God has put us here together, in this place, at this time, to work alongside each other to fulfill his plan. Let us encourage each other to think beyond ourselves and creatively find ways to share the Good News that Peter spoke of. Mike Hoffmann Congregational Meeting – Sunday, February 8th at 11:45 a.m. All members are encouraged to attend our annual congregational meeting to discuss and vote on our annual budget and other issues regarding the life of the congregation. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS At the December Church Council meeting, Bill Erat outlined proposed revisions to our mission statement and strategic plans for 2015-19. Council will flesh these out at an upcoming retreat. Elements for discussion include collecting and telling our stories, caring for creation, engaging members and equipping them to share their talents, and inviting in all whom Jesus would welcome. Pastor Sonntag expressed thanks for the ministries we do together, for the time and energy our members devote to service. Vicar Timothy Hearn announced plans for the Longest Night, Sunday the 21st, include this year a healing service with laying on of hands. Treasurer Mary Ann Allen reported that $50,000 has been donated for repairing the stained glass windows. Allen handed out copies of the proposed budget. Council will vote on the budget next month and it will be presented for approval at the annual Congregational Meeting in February. Keith Darrow reported that we should consider replacing the boiler Council thanked Keith Darrow for his Herculean efforts in the “Big Dig” to find the source of our water problems. Council voted unanimously to thank the anonymous, generous donor for the gift of $50,000 earmarked for the stained glass restoration. Old Business: -The total number of pledges received is now 102. -The leaking toilets were replaced at a cost of a little more than $2,000. - A list of items in need of repair or replacement includes: windows, boiler, slate roof, masonry, sidewalks, exterior painting, office fan and light, sanctuary exterior, patio replacement, air conditioning for Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Outreach: Council discussed how to help the community and make better use of our building to serve them, but concern was raised about the safety of children in the nursery school if we were to open our doors. Announcements: The next Council meeting will be January 19th, 2015, 7:30 p.m. The Council Retreat is scheduled for January 10, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. The Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for February 8 after the second service. Marlen Livezey Haven’t submitted a photo for the St. Paul’s Member Directory yet? It isn’t too late. The beauty of this new on-line directory is the flexibility for adding, deleting, and changing information. Send any photos electronically via email to [email protected]. Look for hard copies of the directory out in the Great Room at the beginning of February. Interested in getting the on-line directory on your smart phone. You’ll need to download the app for Instant Church Directory onto your smart phone. Send an email to church secretary, Laura Campbell, for the password. This directory is for church use only, not for solicitation or business purposes. To protect your information, any misuse of the on-line directory could leave to removal from the database. SPECIAL WINTER MUSIC OFFERINGS During the month of February and including the first Sunday of March, several of our worship services will have special musical offerings. On Sunday, February 1st the St. Paul’s Men’s Ensemble will lead worship, and then on Sunday, March 1st the St. Paul’s Women’s Ensemble will be leading worship. In preparation for these offerings the three Thursdays prior to their Sunday to sing, the ensembles will practice from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. If you are interested in participating, please do not hesitate to contact Rae Ann! On Ash Wednesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. the St. Paul’s Children’s Choir will be offering the special music to help us prepare for our Lenten journey. ST. PAUL’S YOUTH SINGERS ARE STEPPING OUT!! On Sunday, February 22 at 5:00 p.m. the St. Paul’s Youth Singers will be joining with 100 other youth from the area to sing in a festival at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Our youth will be singing with youth from Abington Presbyterian, Wayne Presbyterian and St. David’s Episcopal – a beautiful ecumenical event! This is in celebration of St. David’s 300th anniversary. All are welcomed to attend this event and support our Youth Singers. MARDI GRAS, FAT TUESDAY, FASTNACHT – TUESDAY, 2/17!!!! Step right up to our Winter Carnival! FEBRUARY 17th @ 6PM marks our second annual Fastnacht/Mardi Gras celebration. This fun carnival-themed event is sponsored by the Global Mission Team and proceeds will go to benefit the 9 youth (so far) and 2 adults who are going to Detroit this July to participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering. The Youth Gathering is a great opportunity for these young people to experience a wider view of our church, our nation and our world. This event is a wonderful way for us to shake off the cold, have some fun and get youth gathering fundraising off to the right start! We'll have... Talent show performances from our youth Games Music Pancakes by chef, Glenn Rall Hot chocolate Hot dogs Photo booth ...and maybe even a chance to pie your favorite pastor in the face (for an appropriately large donation, of course) So please mark your calendars! Costumes are encouraged (think Frozen), and most importantly, be prepared to loosen up and have some fun! Ken & Diana Brown, Youth Gathering coordinators SERVING IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2015 Acolytes 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2/01 Jackson Campbell Katherine Mitchell 2/08 Annabelle Leister Eva Kurilla 2/15 Rebecca Berglund Emma Christensen 2/18 Ash Wednesday 7:30 Jackson Campbell & Eva Kurilla 2/22 Connie Campbell Nicole Sacchetti Wed. 2/25 7:30 Annabelle Leister & Rebecca Berglund Altar Guild Helen Miklautz Mary Ellen Astheimer Assisting Ministers 2/01 Timothy Hearn 2/08 Timothy Hearn 2/15 Timothy Hearn 2/22 Timothy Hearn 8:00 Valorie Merkle Doug Strachan Paul Ziegler Julie Gable 10:30 Timothy Hearn Laura Mitchell Nancy Stevens Timothy Hearn Cathy Keim Pr. Bill Erat Timothy Hearn Alex Sickert Laurie Pellicore Timothy Hearn Beverly Freed Lawrence Fred Livezey Greeters Roberts Ave. 8:00 Easton Rd. 2/01 Laura Campbell Carol Mallen Hall 2/08 Sandy & Al Silvestri Carol Mallen Hall 2/15 Cheryl Doyle Donna Cunnane Jim & Karen Orr 2/22 Cheryl Doyle Donna Cunnane Jim & Karen Orr Roberts Ave. 10:30 Easton Rd. Dot & Bob Sutton Peter Kurilla Dot & Bob Sutton Peter Kurilla Jane Kinsey Ronny Kosempel Lynn Craig Jane Kinsey Ronny Kosempel Lynn Craig Counters: Lead Counter: Barbara Barlow; Assistants: Cathy Harris Kristen Moyer Greg Markham Flower Delivery 2/01 Deb Sekelewski 2/15 Marlen & Fred Livezey Nursery 10:30 2/01 Joanne Vasquez 2/08 Dawn Zapiec 2/15 Ruth Fricker 2/22 Brooke Yeager 2/08 Mary Ellen Astheimer 2/22 Debbie & Steve Reiff Rebecca Berglund Connie Campbell Katherine Mitchell Declan Zielinski Ushers 8:00 Ed Hayes Team: Linda Hayes Joe Noga Mary Anne Allen Ray O’Brien 10:30 Chuck Gray Team: Peter Kurilla Justin Kurilla Jim Shenk ASH WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. 2/18 Chuck Gray Team WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:30 Service 2/25 Ed Hayes Team Hospitality (first named sets up, second named cleans up) 2/01 Debbie Sekelewski Misty Wagner 2/08 Sandy Silvestri 2/15 Rosemary Mann Lynn Craig 2/22 Debbie Reiff Church Opener 2/01 Robert Sutton 2/08 Ed Hayes 2/15 Jim Hornberger Sue Duffy Linda Erat 2/22 George Neveil Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 Office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Men’s Ensemble 1 Soup Sale 8:00 The Eucharist 9:15 Adult Education 101 9:15 LLS 200 9:15 Sunday School FH 10:30 The Eucharist 12:15 Youth Singers 104 5:00 YFG Schreiber 7:00 Trp. 48 Com. Mtg. 200 Congregational 8 Meeting 8:00 The Eucharist 9:15 Adult Education 101 9:15 LLS 200 9:15 Sunday School FH 10:30 The Eucharist 12:15 Youth Singers 104 1:00 Rental – Gill FH/K 2:00 Choir Retreat Rm. 104 Ringer’s 15 Gospel Choir Groundhog Day 2 5:45 Pack 48, Den 8 FH 7:00 Trp. 48 FH/101 7:30 All Comm. Night 8 5:45 Pack 48, Den 8 7:00 Trp. 48 7:30 Stewardship FH/101 Rm. 200 President’s Day 16 6:00 Pack 48 7:30 Yoga Messenger Deadline 9:30 Lois Circle 10:00 NS Chapel 10:30 Staff mtg. 6:00 Pack 48 7:00 Elizabeth Circle 7:30 Yoga FH GR 4 5 6 11:00 Let’s Meet Group GR 9:00 NS Music Class Rm. 101 7:00 Lydia Circle 7:30 Confirmation Class 7:30 Ringers GR 200 9:00 NS Music Class Rm. 101 4:00 Kids Club FH/K/101 5:30 Cherub Choir 104/Nave 6:00 Children’s Choir 104 7:00 Trp. 793 Rm. 101 7:00 Women’s Choir 104 8:00 Adult Choir 104 12 13 10 11 GR Nave 200 FH 101 Mardi Gras 17 10:00 NS Chapel 7:30 Confirmation Class 7:30 Ringers Nave 200 104 18 FH 101 200 FH 104 200 6:45 Exec. Comm. Rm. 200 7:30 Church Council Rm. 200 6:00 Mardi Gras Fundraiser for Youth Gathering FH/K 6:30 PMT Nave 7:30 Yoga GR Scout Sunday 22 23 24 12:00 Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 Ash Wednesday Service 25 4:00 Kids Club FH/K/101 5:30 Cherub Choir 104/Nave 6:00 Children’s Choir 104 7:00 Trp. 793 Rm. 101 7:00 Pack 48, Den 11 FH 7:00 Women’s Choir 104 8:00 Adult Choir 104 9:00 Maintenance Day Valentine’s Day 14 12:00 Rental FH 2:00 Abington Chorale Club Nave NS Closed for inservice 19 9:00 NS Music Class Rm. 101 9:15 Newsletter Folding 200 4:00 Kids Club FH/K/101 5:30 Cherub Choir 104/Nave 6:00 Children’s Choir 104 7:00 Pack 48, Den 11 FH 7:00 Trp. 793 Rm. 101 7:00 Women’s Choir 104 8:00 Adult Choir 104 7 D 9:00 NS Gym Class Rm. 101 NS & Office Closed 1:00 Blood Drive 8:00 The Eucharist 9:15 Adult Education 9:15 LLS 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 The Eucharist 12:15 Youth Singers 7:00 Pack 48 Cm. Mtg. FH 3 20 21 9:00 NS Music Class Rm. 101 26 28 27 8:00 Winter Quilt Day FH/K 8:00 The Eucharist 9:15 Adult Education 9:15 LLS 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 The Eucharist 5:00 Youth Festival St. David’s in Wayne 11:30 NS Pizza Day 101 200 FH 11:30 NS Pizza Day K 7:30 Yoga 5:45 Pack 48, Den 8 FH 7:00 Trp. 48 FH/101 7:30 Rachel Circle K 7:30 Deborah Circle GR GR 6:30 Soup Supper FH/K 7:00 Holden Evening Prayer Nave 9:00 NS Gym Class Rm. 101 4:00 Kids Club FH/K/101 5:30 Cherub Choir 104/Nave 6:00 Children’s Choir 104 7:00 Trp. 793 Rm. 101 7:00 Pack 48, Den 11 FH 7:00 Women’s Choir 104 8:00 Adult Choir 104 9:00 NS Gym Class Rm. 101 9:00 Prep for Homeless meal K 7:00 Quilt Day Set Up FH/K Decem Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to noon. MINISTRIES OF ST. PAUL’S….. ALTAR GUILD - A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE!! Are you looking for a way to get involved in a service to our church? Are you looking for a way to include your children ( all ages) in service to our church? The Altar Guild is a wonderful way to share with your children the meaning of our worship service. The Altar Guild has the privilege of serving the congregation by preparing the worship space for weekly services; this involves setting the altar, placing the flowers, putting out the guest books and worship programs. Responsibilities are shared on a monthly basis with a partner; it can fit into any schedule. This is also a perfect opportunity for new members who would like to learn more about our church. Please contact Cheryl Doyle if you have any questions, 215-886-4539; [email protected]. FAIR TRADE PRODUCTS Fair Trade/Equal Exchange products are available for purchase each Sunday morning. There is a choice of high quality items, coffee, tea, chocolate bars, & fruit & nut bars, sold at competitive costs and with the added advantage of supporting the third world farmers who produce them. Currently, three St Paul's members are involved in this ministry; more are needed & would be welcomed. If you think you might be interested in being involved with Free Trade/Equal Exchange sales, please contact Linda Erat at 215-887-9383 or [email protected] PRAYER MINISTRY TEAM Do you or someone you know need prayer? Your St. Paul’s Prayer Ministry Team members engage in prayer every day for many people in various areas of need. At the Great Room entrance and the Easton Road entrance to the Nave, there are baskets with lids and cards to make your requests. Please fill out the card and place it in the basket. All requests are kept confidential. Among the categories of prayer are: For health of body and soul, those in bereavement, cancer patients, world concerns, aged and chronically ill, church leaders and organizations, those in emotional distress, those in service and all veterans, and other categories. Please let your requests be made known. Marlen Livezey is the leader of the Team. LET’S MEET GROUP/SPUD’S "Of All that is Seen and Unseen: A Few of My Favorite Demonstrations in High School Chemistry and Physics"- Come join us on Wednesday, February 4th, 11:00 a.m., in the Great room for our first meeting in the New Year 2015. Our own Vicar Timothy Hearn will present some of his favorite science demonstrations and shenanigans from his 20 years of teaching secondary school chemistry and physics in New York City. Be prepared to be amazed! Scientists and theologians welcome! Don't forget to bring your sandwich, and a friend or two. All are welcome. DINNER FOR HOMELESS SET FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH Your help is needed to help prepare a meal for the homeless to be held at the Church of the Holy Communion in Philadelphia at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 27th. Needed: 12 meatloaves (each should feed 10 people); 12 cakes—any kind, your choice The Good Works team will provide mashed potatoes, vegetable, rolls and butter. Helpers in the kitchen at 9 a. m. on the 27th are needed as well as folks to go to the site and serve. Sign-up sheets are available in the Great Room. Thanks for your help!!! On Wednesday, November 26th we welcomed into St. Paul’s membership through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Leah Holovachuk, daughter of Amanda Schreiber and Joe Holovachuk. On Sunday, December 7th, we welcomed into St. Paul’s membership through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Josephine Mills, daughter of Susan Pierce and Geoffrey Mills. On Sunday, January 11th, we welcomed into St. Paul’s membership through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Preston Dubbs, son of Natalie and Kenneth Dubbs. We welcome our new, young members into our St. Paul’s family. Congratulations to them and their families. Month 3-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 13-Feb 13-Feb 13-Feb 13-Feb 15-Feb Name Mary Ann Saurman Nancy Stevens Elizabeth Edelman Aiden Gill Noah Bothwell Greg Markham Jennifer Pratt Susan Duffy Grant Emery Lorraine Glausman Michelle Hall Benjamin Sonntag Month Name 16-Feb 17-Feb 17-Feb 20-Feb 21-Feb 21-Feb 21-Feb 22-Feb 23-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 29-Feb Stefanie O'Brien Bernice Dicker Connie Sanders Marilyn Kowalick Aura Hatch Sheila Kurilla Judy Lunde Carolyn Moyer Justin Kurilla Leza Thomas Viginia Sue Kowalick Ruth Kirrstetter Anniversary Couples name 1-Feb Regina & Walt Thompson 12-Feb Nancy & Ed Fitzgerald David Kosempel was promoted to Assistant Director of the Cheltenham Auxiliary Police. He has been serving in the auxillary police for 12 years. The Cheltenham Auxiliary Police are celebrating 60 years of service to the community. Congratulations, Dave, and also to the Cheltenham Auxiliary Police Force. Dacy Boyd graduated with her Ph. D. in Religion from Temple University on December 18! Congratulations to Dacy on completing her degree! Thanks to the young families group and all members for my care package for finals week. I'm already one test in and have 5 more tests/presentations/musical performances to go this week. I'll be coming home Friday and am very excited to see you all at worship on Sunday! I'm sure I can fill all of you in on the excitements of college then. Blair Cunningham Dear Pastor Sonntag, Vicar Timothy, Emma, Eva, Annabelle Rebecca, & Jackson: I just want to thank all of you for the great goodie box & thinking of me. I was so surprised when the mailman dropped the package off at my house yesterday. I can't wait to start enjoying all the treats. Even though I had a great first semester & loved living away at school, there is still nothing like coming home. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoying your break like I am. Hope to see you soon. Thanks again! Lindsay Najbrt Dear St. Paul’s, Thank you so much for the care package! I had prayed earlier in the week for an extra boost to help get me through finals week, so you can only imagine how surprised I was to find my prayer answered in the form of a well-filled cardboard box! The Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways – so thank you all for listening to Him and supporting me through a tough week. Your thoughtful gift was most definitely appreciated. God bless, and have a great year. Allyssa Embery Dear St. Paul’s confirmation class, Thank you so much for the very thoughtful finals care package. Not only were the snacks a real treat, but it was nice to know that people back home were thinking of me and others away at school. I especially appreciated the mix of healthy and sweet snacks. I hope one day if/when you are at school that there will be people looking out for you in the same wonderful and thoughtful way. Thank you again! Katie Baxter Dear Pastor Sonntag, We appreciated your kindness in baptizing our grandson, Benjamin Luddy. Being raised as a Lutheran Minister’s daughter, it is wonderful to see that my father’s outlook in Christianity is still relevant today. We’ve enclosed a donation to help you continue your outreach program for children of the church and the community. Once again, many thanks & God bless. Sincerely, Jane & Pat Luddy To Pastor Sonntag & St. Paul’s, Thank you for the lovely altar flowers delivered to me on November 16th on the death of my husband. They were much appreciated at this sad time. Laura H. Johnson Dear Friends at St. Paul’s, Thank you so much for the beautiful altar flowers and all of your prayers and well wishes. The prayers must be working because all my therapists and visiting nurses are pleased with my progress. Skip has waited on me hand and foot and Suzanne provided us with Thanksgiving Dinner. (I came home from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day). I feel very blessed to have so many friends praying for me. Thank you again. Love, Pam McDowell Dear St. Paul’s, What a lovely surprise to find a beautiful autumn bouquet sitting on my steps … and they came from the caring people of St. Paul’s. The flowers brought happiness to me and my family. Thank you for your kindness and for thinking of me. Sincerely, Gloria Kiehn Dear Pastor Sonntag & St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for the gift of $13,250 you sent in November 2014. The continued support of St. Paul’s for Lutheran Disaster Response truly makes it possible for Lutheran Congregational Services and Liberty Lutheran to provide this program to the region. Your steadfast support of our program represents more than a financial contribution; it represents meetings, volunteer coordination, volunteer time, and a tremendous amount of energy in preparing for Oktoberfest at St. Paul’s each year, a wonderful event that people have enjoyed for the past six years. Again, thank you. Blessings in Christ, The Reverend Dr. Jennifer Phelps Ollikainen, Executive Director, Lutheran Congregational Services Dear Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, We would like to take this opportunity to advise you that the John R. Freed Funeral Home of Glenside is arranging to have a young tree planted in memory of Elizabeth A. Hopkinson. This memorial tree will be planted on public lands during the earliest appropriate season. We would like to extend our condolences to the friends of Elizabeth A. Hopkinson, along with the staff of the John R. Freed Funeral Home, who have provided this living memorial. Sincerely yours, Robert S. Pearson, President, Lofty Oaks Association Dear St. Paul’s, I want to thank you for the check that Marina's Kids received from you this past week for $200. At percent, the funds are raised will be going to the following projects in the next few weeks: A medical brace for a 3 years old boy, to straighten his back, after a spinal TB has left him with a large hunk on his back; winter shoes; winter break bible camp in one of the orphanages. I really appreciate your support, and on behalf of the kids that it helps, we are grateful. Marina Thank you for remembering those on our prayer list during the upcoming week. Please contact the office with any changes to the prayer list. Rev. Don Anderson Bernice Dicker Veronica Imsick Michael Lavin Vicki Sbrocco Kathleen Wallace Young Bai John Berglund Hilda & Danielle Graf Kristen Jacobus Judy Lunde Marie McCarthy Betty Stevens Olivia & Julianna Warner Edith Bergner Anna Gump Ed Klein Jack McCleary Geneva Stevens Matthew Zeccardi Stephanie Corbin Joe Daughen Nancy Hadley Chris Hunsicker Jane Klotz Alberta Lang Katie Noga Stephan H. Putnam Carolyn Stuetz Please continue to pray for our members and friends in the military: Jason Carr Grant Kerrick Andrew Sickert OFFICE AND STAFF CONTACT INFOMRATION Office Hours Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Church Office Number 215-884-3005 Fax Number 215-884-6199 Nursery School Number 215-884-8995 Our Website: Our Staff Listing & e-mail addresses: The Reverend Henrik Sonntag, Pastor [email protected] Vicar Timothy Hearn, Pastoral Intern [email protected] Rae Ann Anderson, Music Director [email protected] Laura Campbell, Parish Secretary [email protected] Kathleen Getz, Nursery School Director [email protected] Nancy Carbine, Bookkeeper/Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Frank Crawford, Bob Sutton - Sextons Pastor Miriam Schmidt and Jeremy Blyth, missionaries St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 120 N. Easton Road Glenside, PA 19038-4199 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 106 GLENSIDE, PA 19038 PERMIT NO. 106 GLENSIDE, PA 19038 Services on Sundays are held at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday school and adult education begin each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. At the intersection of Easton Road & Mt Carmel Avenue in Glenside, Pennsylvania Nursery care is available January 22 , 2015 during worship for infants and children through The Messenger is a monthly newsletter of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 120 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. FAX: 215-884-6199. Phone: 215-884-3005, after hours please leave a kindergarten. nd message on St. Paul’s General Delivery Mailbox, extension 21. St. Paul’s Nursery School office phone is 215-884-8995.
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