A monthly St. A monthly newsletter of St. John’s United Methodist John’s Volume 13, Issue 1 January 2015 PASTOR’S CORNER Welcoming A New Year A new year stands on my doorstep ready to enter my life’s journey. IMPORTANT DATES Happy New Year! Something in me welcomes this visitor: the hope of bountiful blessings the joy of a new beginning, the freshness of unclaimed surprises. Something in me rebuffs this visitor: the swiftness of the coming, the boldness of the entrance, the challenge of a year’s good-bye. Something in me fears this visitor: the unnamed events of the future days the wisdom needed to walk love well the demands of giving away and growing. Monday, Jan. 05 5:00 PM Staff Meeting Sunday, Jan. 11 Confirmation Sunday Thursday, Jan. 15 Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, Jan. 25 4:00 PM Chili Cook Off A new year stands on my doorsteps, with fragile cautions I move to open the door for its entrance, my heart leaps with surprise, joy jumps in my eyes, for there beside this brand new year stands my God with outstretched hands! God smiles and gently ask of me: can we walk this year together? And I, so overwhelmed with goodness, can barely whisper my reply: “Welcome in!” In my lifetime, some of the most inspiring poems and articles I have read are only known to me as anonymous. At the end of the day I am grateful for the inspiration the writer has shared with me. This poem, “Welcoming A New Year” has surely provided hope for me, knowing that in the upcoming year we all have a new opportunity to walk with God. As I reflect the past year at St. John’s, I am grateful for all the ways you have welcomed me as your new pastor and look forward to all the opportunities that are in our future. As we begin our New Year at St. John’s we will continue to explore ways to ensure we are able to extend hospitality to all who are living in the Fort Mill area. See you at St. John’s where together our can make a wonderful ministry in the Fort Mill community. Shalom, Karen Thank You St. John’s Words truly cannot express my appreciation for all the thoughtfulness that our St. Johns family has shown me during my accident. Your prayers, cards, phone calls, food, and visits have really meant so much to me. Your acts of kindness, compassion, consideration and love will never be forgotten. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to recuperate. May God continue to bless the St. John’s family. Love in Christ January 25th at 5:00 PM It's Chili Cook Off time!! Get your recopies ready. Join us for some good eats from your favorite St. John's cooks! Beth Safnauer [email protected] Brenda Ervin Thank you so much for the many expressions of concern you have shown Carolyn and me during and following my surgery. All the lovely cards, phone calls, delicious food, visits, and prayers were appreciated very much. I love St. John’s and it is a special blessing to be a part of such a loving and caring church family. I am still recovering so I would appreciate your continued prayers. God bless each of you! Our Chili Champ has taken his Special Stuff back to Texas Who will take his place??? St. John's Third Annual Chili Cook Off Sunday, January 25th at 5 pm New categories! Guest Judge! More details and entry forms coming January 1st In Christian love, David Rowland Thank You to the United Methodist Women for the wonderful meal prior to the service for Tootsie Collins. Thank You also to all the members of St. John’s for all of the prayers, love and support. You are appreciated. Janice & David Armstrong Thank You to our St. John’s Family for the many prayers, cards and visits during and after my surgery. We are grateful for this church family and all of the love and support you have shown to us. In Christian Love Jim & Liz Harris Thank You from the American Red Cross. During the November 20, 2014 blood drive We had 31 donors present and 29 units collected. We also registered 4 first time donors at this drive. Thank You for your willingness to support the community blood drive program. Sincerely, Michael Ingold Account Manager The VIPS will visit the Billy Graham Library on Monday, January 19th. Please join us for a tour and lunch at the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar. Transportation will be provided and admission is free. You will be responsible for purchasing your own lunch, menu items are under $10. We will meet in the church parking lot at 9:30am and depart at 9:45am. Please sign up outside the sanctuary. Hope you will join us! Red Cross Blood Drive January 15th 2:30 - 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Center January Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BIRTHDAYS Ruth Crocker Claire Cicciarello Bill Cummings, Sr. Charlie Elliott Randy Hirsch Linda LaRocque Frieda Price Wanda Barnes John Edward Frick Davis Lee Barbara Newton Melanie Deal Amy McNeely Nancy Shrine Andrew Fey John Lee III Ron Masters Karen Poteet Jack Thomas Tom Vinson Mamie Wilson (94 years!) Sloan Hill Mallory Mercer Jay Cryderman Ashley Edwards David Frazier Peggy Powers Agnes Stamper Katie Hosage Melissa Littlejohn Josephine Clark Lauren Meador Brent Meche Brad Parham Annabelle Ham Kristen Pittman Sara Grace Starner Courtney Hill Owen Fey Dawne Reddeck Gina Hill 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Maryellen Cox Tyler DeRosa Sidney Hillhouse Bonnie Meche Parker Thomas Dylan Southwood Donna Voss Sherry Boyce Jerry Griffin Michelle LaRocque Tim Kane Brad McDonald Wes Moore Bob Howerton Andy Krueger Jacob Meenaghan Zeke Patterson Cayden Sullins Lewis Sutton Crissy Anderson Jason Damm Abigail Edmondson Benjamin Edmondson Claire Carswell Grace Rabb Sarah Rabb Steele Fitzloff Michael Davis Catherine Kinley Sarah Kinley Alecia Kontzen Hugh McCallum Courtney Bonéy Ed Carswell Lori Clyburn Nelson Odom Davis Phillips Patrick Powers 2 4 7 10 16 17 20 31 ANNIVERSARIES Tim and Donna Blankenship Jay and Carolyn Short Michael & Mary Alice Dewees Gerald and Abby Talley Bill and Beth Hozey Ron and Marguerite DeRosa Rick and Becky Diak Fred and Jean Blackwelder Reed and Carol Blackwell Please contact those listed on their special day to let them know you care! UNITED METHODIST WOMEN It was a great honor for the United Methodist Women to present our annual special mission awards at our recent Christmas Luncheon. Each year the ladies of the UMW select a few recipients to receive this award for their tireless giving back to the church. Suzanne Fisher, Connie Gunsch, Robert Gunsch and Tom Vinson were the 2014 recipients. Each were presented with a framed acknowledgement and pin from The Women’s Division, General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. Our second annual Chicken Pot Pie Sale will take place on Sun. February 22, 2015. Orders will be taken beginning February 1. We are making 60 this time so plan to get your order in early. Bless His Name! Judy Tilly, President UNITED METHODIST MEN In December St. John’s United Methodist Men sponsored a pancake and sausage breakfast prior to the Christmas parade. This event was actually staffed by the men from the St. John’s softball team, with the proceeds used to help offset the league dues. The men also prepared lots and lots of hot chocolate which was enjoyed by many chilled parade spectators and float riders. We then sponsored the annual Advent prayer breakfast during the Sunday School hour on December 7. Thank you to all that attended and especially to those who shared their favorite Christmas traditions, and a big thank you to Matt Geesey for coordinating this event and to Gerald Talley for organizing the food. Our next meeting will likely be Sunday, January 25 at 7:30 AM in the fellowship center and I would like to encourage all men of the church to make a new year’s resolution to attend a UMM event in 2015. Please contact Steve Siebert at (803) 548-1384 or any UMM member if you have any questions about St. John’s United Methodist Men. Steve Siebert, President Music Notes A very special thanks goes out to all St. John's music groups for their wonderful Christmas music! I am very thankful for all participants of every age! Thank you also to the congregation for your continued support for our programs! As the new year approaches, I wish for each of you a happy, healthy, and music-filled year! Adult choir rehearsals resume on Wednesday, January 7th at 7:00 p.m. Adult handbell rehearsals resume on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. Youth and all children's choirs resume on Wednesday, January 14th at their respective times. All choirs are always open to new members and we would love to have you join us! Honoraria Karen Radcliffe by Betty Tysinger Sonja Bell Loyce Sutton by Betty Tysinger Charles Powers by Nelson & Judy Odom Brenda Ervin, Loyce Sutton & Joyce Patterson Memorials Nell Becknell by J.L.& E.C. Green Jodie Becknell Elliott Close Polly Collins Howard & Mary Adkins The Dutton Family Sarah Ackerman Carolyn & David Rowland Jane & Joe Pettus Linda Rodgers Jim & Margaret Messer Ray Hozey by The Ladies Bible Class Love and Thanks for all you do. Ann Hozey Howard & Mary Adkins Amelia Graham Lindsey & Billie Vaughn Betty Tysinger J.C & Veola Green by by Leslie Klein by J.L.& E.C. Green Carl Miller by In Loving Memory John & Rene Howard The Mary Osborne Circle Mary Baumgardner by To the family of Janie Collins (Tootsie) who entered into eternal rest on Nov. 29, 2014. Vereen Brown Patty & Billy Barron Bobbie Littlejohn by Nelson & Judy Odom To the family of Marie Allen, who entered into eternal rest on December 08, 2014. Dot/Charlie Richards by Nelson & Judy Odom Patty & Billy Barron Janie (Tootsie) Collins by Carolyn & David Rowland Elizabeth Messer by Jim & Margaret Messer Ushers: 8:30 11:00 Benny Patterson (head) Tom & Marilyn Turner Mark Carter (head) Phillip Elliott Chip Morris Lonnie Shrine Nursery: Jan. 04 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Jane McGee Terri Carr Jennifer Mayes Melanie Edwards Greeters: Jan. 04 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Fellowship Center Stephanie & Michael Corn Clair & Paige Moore Cori & Bryan Mitchell Julie & Ricky Williams Education Building Jean Schwerin Bob Gunsch Bob Gunsch Joy Luther First Time Visitors: Jan. 04 Matthew Geesey Jan. 11 David & Frieda Price Jan. 18 Matthew Geesey Jan. 25 Bill Davies Flowers: Jan. 04 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Don Whelchel Altar Guild for the month: Joyce & Benny Patterson Children’s Church Date: Activity Scripture Leader 1 Jan . 04 Jan . 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Elijah & the Widow Elijah & the Widow Naaman is healed Naaman is healed 1 Kings 17: 8-16 1 Kings 17: 8-16 2 Kings 5:1-19 2 Kings 5:1-19 Rebekah Conant Rebekah Conant Rebekah Conant Rebekah Conant Leader2 We need worship assistants in many areas for the new year. If you would like to participate and are not sure who to contact, Please call the church office and we will put you in touch with the appropriate person. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER Our Wednesday night supper at St John's United Methodist Church is free and open to the community. Bring a friend or neighbor and join us at 6:00 pm. Dinner includes beverages and dessert, and LEFTOVERS are boxed and available for take home at 6:40 pm. Leftover boxes are not guaranteed to be full meals. If you need a FULL MEAL or meals to take out, please email [email protected] or call the church office prior to 5:30ish. Donations are accepted and appreciated! Update your calendar for your Wednesday meal. There will be no Wednesday night supper on Wednesday, 31 December or Wednesday, 07 January. Wednesday night meals will resume on the 14 January with the beginning of children's choir. Beth Meador Director of W.E.E School (803)547-7538 [email protected] W.E.E. School Registration 2015-2016 W.E.E. School registration for the 2015-2016 school year begins Monday, January 26 at 9:00am for currently enrolled students and their families. Registration will be open to the public on Monday, February 2 at 10:00am in the Fellowship Center. For more information please contact Beth Meador at (803)547-7538 or [email protected] A VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU AT ST JOHN'S We need someone to take charge of the Wednesday night supper effective fall 2015. Kate Dooley will not be handling the meals after the end of the upcoming children's choir session. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this position. Come in any Wednesday night this winter or spring and see what it's all about. Join us between 4:30pm and 7:00pm to check it out and ask questions. The W.E.E. School receives a portion of your purchases as a rebate from Harris Teeter. Please help us out by linking your card to our school. Our Harris Teeter number is 6893. Visit http://www.harristeeter.com to link your card today. Thank you!! If you need more information about this opportunity or have any questions, email Kate at [email protected] or call the church office. BROADCAST MESSAGES Many of you have called the Church Office and asked why you no longer receive the broadcast messages being sent out by the church. In most cases, It is because you have unsubscribed to Constant Contact. St. John’s is using Constant Contact to send theses messages to our members and if you unsubscribe, you will need to re-subscribe by filling out forms that Constant Contact requires. Please keep in mind, that you will receive all of the messages sent or none at all. You do not have an option to choose which ones you wish to receive. Call the church office is you need help re- subscribing. The W.E.E. School participates in Labels for Education. We collect Campbell’s Soup labels as well as other participating products. Please visit http://www.labelsforeducation.com/EarnPoints/Participating-Products for all participating products. Please drop your labels in the Campbell’s collection bin in the Fellowship Center Drop Zone. Thank You! Jennifer Mayes, Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Happy New Year and Welcome to 2015! What an exciting year this can be for St. John’s. Here is a sneak peak of early 2015… Parent’s Night Out Date: February 7, 2015 Time: 5-8pm Want to take your sweetheart out for Valentine’s dinner and can’t find a sitter? Let us provide entertainment for your children while you have an evening out. Space will be limited so look for sign-up sheets to be posted in January. Annual Easter Egg Hunt Date: April 4, 2015 Time: TBD If you are interested in volunteering to help with a craft, game, or the egg hunt – now is the time to contact me! Vacation Bible School is coming this summer! Date: June 15 – 19th, 2015 Time: 9 am – 12pm I am forming a committee that will meet in January to discuss strengths and weaknesses of past Bible Schools. I really need your input. If you have worked VBS in the past, please volunteer a few hours of your time that could really be important on improving this experience. Please send me an email if you are interested ASAP. I’d like for the first meeting to be at the end of January. Children’s Ministry Needs: Each month I will feature a needs section in my newsletter submissions. Please check here for ways to get involved and help! As these are filled with volunteers, they will be removed from the list! 1. Sunday School Teacher for 2nd/3rd grade 2. Volunteer Coordinator 3. Nursery Volunteers 4. Children’s Church Helpers 5. VBS Committee members 6. Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers Please contact me for a description on what each of these positions include. Brandon Galbraith, Youth Director 803-804-6071 [email protected] Sunday, 1/4 Sunday, 1/11 Friday, 1/16, 1/17 Sunday, 1/25 No Youth/ Enjoy Your Break Youth Meeting/ The Zone-4pm Youth Lock In/ Snow tubing Youth Meeting/ The Zone-4pm Preparing For the New Year December was a remarkable month for the youth. We truly are thankful for all those that supported the Angel Tree and Luminaries. The youth were able to support the community and missions of the church. It was amazing to see the reactions of the people receiving the help and the youth in being able to give the gifts from the church. It is truly a blessing to work with such a giving church family. January is geared for the youth to set goals for themselves as Christians and young adults. LOCK-IN and Snow Tubing- On MLK weekend, we will have a lock in on the Friday and leave Saturday morning for a snow tubing adventure. Cost is $50. Please let me know if you would be interested in helping Chaperone for the lock-in, snow tubing trip, or both. It will be awesomely fun! Please let me know if you or another family needs financial assistance to pay for this trip. I do not want that to deter youth from attending. Thank you to all that have given time, gifts, or service in support of the youth. I am truly blessed to have the support of members as we continue to provide leadership to our maturing youth and their growth as Christians. Peace, Brandon Sun Mon Tue 2015 4 12:00 PM (Room 200) Children’s Council Meeting 5 5:00 PM Staff Meeting 6 11 Confirmation Sunday 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 12:15 (FC) Family Ministries Meeting 4:00 PM Until Chili Cook Off Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 3 7 NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL 8 9 10 14 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 15 2:30 - 7:00 (FC) Red Cross Blood Drive 16 17 21 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 22 23 24 10:00 - 12:00 Adult Craft Time 28 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 29 30 11:30 - 2:30 NSW Luncheon 31 The vision of St. John’s UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching out to God’s community through worship, witness, nurture, and service. Monday Night Worship: An Invitation to a Changed Life When is it? Monday Nights at 6:30PM (Hospitality Time 6:00) What is it? An alternative time for worship that reaches out to our community and membership. A worship experience for those who work or miss Sunday services. A casual environment for praise and worship. ST. JOHN’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 130 Tom Hall Street P.O. Box 1298 Fort Mill, SC 29716-1298 Phone: 803-547-7538 Fax: 803-547-7539 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sjfm.org _____________________________________________________ Rev. Karen H. Radcliffe, Pastor 864-313-9348 (Cell ) [email protected] Sonja Bell…………….…………………...…. Secretary Cindy “C.J.” Foster….…..…..Church Administrator Jim Harris ……………………………….….Accounting Bill Cummings….… Monday Night Worship Leader Pamela Johnson…….…………..……..Choir Director Jim Lowery…………..………………Church Organist Beth Meador…..….……..…Director of WEE School Jennifer Mayes... Director of Children’s Ministries Brandon Galbraith.….Director of Youth Ministries Jeannine Hillhouse………………………....Custodial When Using the Facility for functions, please respect the classrooms and most of all, the Sanctuary. Members and non-members need to be sure that children are not running through the Sanctuary or education building classrooms. W.E.E. School classrooms usually have projects out drying or in progress of being completed. Also, Please do not leave a child in a room unattended, and if you are using a room to entertain your child, please clean up and leave the room as you found it. These rooms are usually already cleaned and prepped for the following day. We are having instances where the whiteboards have things written on them, things left out of place, and trash/ crumbs left on tables and floors. Please be respectful of the Your Church Property and clean up after yourself. Deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of each month.
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