Devotion: Use this resource at home to guide your household’s daily devotions. You can do this alone, as a couple, as a family; in the morning, during the day, or at night. Find a routine that works best for you. Pray: Light a candle and open your devotion time with a prayer. God of plenty, show us the wealth of heaven that is ours because you are a generous God of abundant blessings. Stir our hearts to desire more of you and less of what we can obtain in this world, for the glory of your son, Jesus. Amen. Reflect: Reflect on the key verses from Sunday’s reading. [Jesus said,] “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20 Study: Study the reading and consider the background. In any culture and in any time, the accumulation of more is a temptation. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day professed to live rightly, praying publically eloquent prayers and acquiring praise and accolades for their “righteousness.” Their desire for more was misplaced, as their desires could only be met with material goods or praise from others. Jesus didn’t want empty words or rituals. Jesus wanted action. He wanted people to treat each other with kindness and generosity, and to speak with God honestly and authentically. Jesus encouraged people to seek treasure that would last far beyond the years on this earth. He showed that investing in God would pay far more dividends than investing in anything we can receive in this world. Read: Read the following daily readings to deepen your understanding of Sunday’s text. After the reading, ask the follow-up questions. Follow these stories of Jesus’ miracles, teachings, and healings. Sunday, Matthew 6:7-21 (and/or Matthew 6:25-34), Treasure in Heaven Monday, Psalm 20:7, Psalm Tuesday, Matthew 7:1-29, Teachings of Jesus Wednesday, Matthew 8:1-17, Healings of Jesus Thursday, Matthew 8:18-27, Miracles of Jesus Friday, Matthew 8:28-9:8, Healings of Jesus Saturday, Matthew 9:9-17, Call of Matthew How are Jesus’ miracles, teachings, and healings connected? What do they tell people about Jesus’ role in the world? Connect: Connect in conversation with others in your household. Discuss the following questions, or simply check in with “Highs” and “Lows.” What was a high point of your day? What was a low point? How is the accumulation of more encouraged in your community? What media or messages could you stop listening to so that you could limit your exposure to those messages? Name three things you wish you had more of. Reflect on how the desire for more shapes your behaviors and attitudes. Do: By acting on what we learn, we make God’s word come alive. Do the following activity this week. Limit your exposure to TV, internet, and other media this week. First, notice how you spend that recovered time. Second, notice how you feel after limited exposure to messages that encourage the accumulation of more. OUR SAVIOR’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. Prelude Welcome Confession & Forgiveness Opening Hymn Prayer of the Day Gospel Reading Children’s Message Message Hymn of the Day Apostles’ Creed The Prayers Sharing the Peace Polly Mauer “Lord, Speak to Us” Red #676 Matthew 6:7-21 “Christ Be Our Light” Bible NT pp 5-6 Pastor Phil Nybroten Vs 1, 2 & 5 Red #715 Screen Please keep in mind the concerns of your fellow congregants who may prefer to wish you peace verbally rather than shaking hands. Thank you for your understanding. Offering Music (8:15) (10:45) “There is Power in Jesus Name” - Pepper Choplin Offertory “We Are An Offering” Offering Prayer Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional) Communion “Lamb of God” Post Communion Blessing Ministry Moments Sending Hymn “This Little Light of Mine” Sending Leader: Go in peace and serve the Lord! All: Thanks be to God! Postlude Polly Mauer Chancel Choir Red #692 Screen Screen Screen Red #677 Polly Mauer Remembering in our Prayers Prayer Requests and Concerns: Richard Wegner; Carolyn & Jim Taylor; Jim Mars; Lonna Mars; Frank Tallon; Matt & Meg Feyen; Brian Lund; Dick Bahr; Carolyn Hadfield; Maxine Benrud; Mary Minich; Jeanne Fruit; Don Molter; Jim Masterson; Barb & Tom Luckiesh; Lila Goll; Deb Nollen; All those who are seeking employment. Prayer Requests and Concerns for family & friends of our members: Jeff Lytle (brother of Luann and son of Gloria); Matt, Nye and baby Zoe Peterson (friends of Carolyn Masterson); Brad & Jessie Cheff, Ashley Cheff (friends of Elizabeth Weiss); Jane Babich’s father; Vicki (friend of Liza Klokow); Bob (brother of Mary Stocking); Imogene Wenzel (friend of Margaret Madsen); Pam Rehberg (friend of Carie Bronson); David Sagal (brother of Dan Sagal); Terry (Shelliann Javorek’s partner); Bob Diest (son-in-law of Mary Minich); Kathy Manstedt (Carie Bronson’s Aunt); Nicki; Anola Kreklow 98 (mother-in-law of Dawn Kreklow); All those serving in our Military and their families. Prayer Celebrations: Deb’s recovery progress from her serious accident; Jeff Weber (husband of Luann Weber); Heidi Hiemke (daughter of Scott Dettmann); Johnny Stocking; Gene Krueger; Robert Sitzberger (father-in-law of Carolyn and Jim Taylor’s daughter). Those who mourn: Family and friends of John Zsori, in the loss of his mother (son-in-law of Dick and Carol Bahr); Family and friends of Dave & Judy Pross on the loss of Judy’s mom on 1.18; Family and Friends of Richard Wegner on the loss of his wife, Bernardine on 1.7. Homebound: Ruby Bedore; Kay Tynefield; Alice Palmer; Kermit and Shirley Pietz; Pauline Schultz 103 (Riverside Lodge, Dousman); Hazel Leque (Masonic Home, Dousman); Herb Jensen; Richard Wegner; Fran Shupe (Congregational Home). January Prayer Families: John, Mary, Johnny Stocking; Joel, Amanda, Rylee and Delani Stoffel; Scott, Stacey, Cassandra, Shelbey & Sawyer Strandberg; Dennis & Marla Sunstrom; Peter & Deborah Supple; Dave, Stephen, Scott & Stephanie Taddey; Frank & Lynn Tallon; Jonathan, Rebecca, Michael, & Nicholas Tallon; Tony, Cindy, Tori, CJ; Elizabeth & Abigail Taubner; Jim & Carolyn Taylor. We invite you to complete a prayer request form for anyone that is in need of our prayers. Forms are located by the prayer box on the wall by the coffee area. Also, please feel free to contact Carolyn Taylor directly either by phone at 262-367-7124 or email [email protected], or you may contact the office at 262-367-6000. Your prayers will be lifted up in confidence weekly by our prayer team. Pastor Tom can be reached at 262-490-4057. Calendar Events • February 1—February 8 Day of the Week Time Event 8:15 a.m. Worship Sunday, February 1 WORSHIP Annual Meeting 9:30 - 10:30 Fellowship Hour and Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship—Chancel Choir 11:45 a.m. Lunch and Annual Meeting—Fellowship Hall Monday, February 2 12:30-3:00 Quilters—Jan Molter and team 7-8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 1-3:00 p.m. Home School Group Tuesday, February 3 6:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Training - Chapel 7 -9:00 p.m. Troop 24 7-8:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible Study 9:30-11:00 Women’s Bible Study—Revelation Wednesday, February 4 Thursday, February 5 11:30 a.m. Staff Meeting Youth Bells will resume on February 11 at 5:45 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Praise Ringers 6:30-8:00 Confirmation 7:25 p.m. Chancel Choir 10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Friday, February 6 Saturday, February 7 Sunday, February 8 WORSHIP Commissioning Stephen Ministers 8:15 a.m. Worship-Praise Ringers 9:30 - 10:30 Sunday School, Fellowship Hour 10:45 a.m. Worship –Praise Ringers - Page 5- Sunday School News - Leanna Manser Sunday School Ministry Coordinator 262-367-6000 [email protected] SS Team Members: Scott Gosse - [email protected] & Lori Zeller [email protected] Classrooms are located down the East hallway on your left. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS “Living the Word” Teaching Kids God’s Story 2014-2015 Pre-K—6th Grade Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. All children are always welcome. Visiting today? Come and join us! Today’s Lesson: Our Father in Heaven With these words, God wants to attract us, so that we come to believe he is truly our Father and we are truly his children, in order that we may ask him boldly and with complete confidence, just as loving children as their loving father. - From Luther’s Small Catechism. Sunday School Mission Statement: BELONG, BELIEVE, BECOME Sunday School Program Overview: To help Sunday School Children: 1. Learn the Word of God 2. Grow to develop a personal relationship with Jesus as our Savior. 3. Serve as lifelong disciples recognizing their part and participation in their Christian community, local community, and worldwide contributions as Christians. 4. Have fun learning about God! Please visit our website at to see our Sunday School Curriculum and Objectives for the 2014/2015 school year. Sunday School calendars from January through May are also available on our website under Sunday School. Quick Links on first page of website. - Page 6- Youth & Family News Teri Bergendahl, Youth and Family Minister [email protected] Youth & Family Ministry Meeting Recap On Tuesday, January 20, we had our first Youth and Family Ministry Team meeting and outlined goals for College Ministry in 2015. We will be meeting on the third Tuesday of every month with the next date scheduled for February 17th. If you are interested in serving on the Youth and Family Ministry team, please contact, Teri Bergendahl. Second Grade First Communion First Communion instruction for Second Graders will be during their Sunday School classes on March 8, 15 and 22. Celebration of First Communion will be Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m. Tentative date for chalice making is Saturday, March 14, time TBD. During January our 7th and 8th grade students will be studying the sacrament of Holy Communion. A brief homework activity is assigned with each unit. If you missed confirmation on Wednesday, please check outside Teri’s office for the booklet entitled, “The Sacrament of Holy Communion.” “Confirmation to Commissioning” 7th & 8th Confirmation classes will NOT meet during Lent, there will be an online unit to complete. Please invite your parents to Worship on Wednesday evenings; 2.25, 3.4, 3.11, 3.18, 3.25. Light Supper at 5:30 p.m. with Worship beginning at 6:15 p.m. Registration for the Lutherdale Confirmation Retreat is now closed. Thanks to all who registered. 9th Grade Mentor Workshop February 15 6-8 p.m. Students should contact his/her mentor to remind them of our upcoming Mentor Workshop on Sunday, February 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. Theme this month is: “TO PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS OF CHRIST IN WORD AND DEED.” Do you know the FIVE PROMISES OF BAPTISM? Thank you Brenna Hevrdejs and Danielle Fuhs for living out the promise “To Live Among God’s Faithful People.” Brenna and Danielle collected $130 for the Hartland Food Pantry by raising awareness about hunger in our area and collecting donations in November. Well done! - Page 7- Mentor Workshop Information LIVING OUT THE PROMISES OF BAPTISM January 9-10th, our 9th grade confirmation students and mentors gathered for a retreat on the Apostles’ Creed. We enjoyed dinner and fellowship followed by a conversation on why the creeds are important to the Christian faith. The evening included two additional workshops on the three articles of the creed and their meaning. We also played games, baked cookies for Family Promise and chilled together! Our retreat concluded with breakfast and a final workshop. Next workshop: Sunday, March 8—6 to 8 p.m. - Page 8 Are you visiting us here today? Would you like more information on one of the many wonderful programs at Our Savior’s? Please let us know by talking to any of our ushers or greeters, or by filling out a Visitor / Member sheet at the Welcome Board in the foyer or use this form. If you provide us with your email we will keep you up to date on our programs and activities. Name & Address:______________________________________________________ Cell Phone Numbers:__________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________ Just tear this sheet off and give to an usher or drop in the top mailbox by the office door. Thank you for coming to Worship with us! We hope you feel at home and among friends. Welcome to our “Church Family”. Women’s Ecumenical Breakfast Event 2.14 9-11:30 a.m. All women of Our Savior’s are invited to the 35th Annual Women’s Ecumenical Breakfast, Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 9:00—11:30 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Stone Bank. Breakfast will be served downstairs in the fellowship hall at 9:00 a.m. A program follows upstairs in the sanctuary featuring Sally Christiansen, Co-founder of the Africa Circle of Hope Foundation, which supports African women and children, impacted by disease and poverty, so that they can develop the skills and resources to raise themselves out of poverty and improve their quality of life. RSVP by Wednesday, February 11 to St. John’s Church office at 262-966-2034. - Page 9 TREASURE CHEST example: HAT -ADid You Know? Jesus o en used stories to help people understand God. Some of these stories are called, “parables.” - Page 10 - 6 Ma8hew Treasure in Heaven February 1, 2015 One day Jesus told a story about abundant treasure. TreasGreat Big Word ure sounds en&cing, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want gold or sparkly gems? Words and deeds But Jesus wasn’t talking about expensive coins or jewelry. that ar e good for God, ot Jesus said, “If you pray to God, your words are a more valuahers, and ourselve ble treasure than silver or gold.” We can pray, can’t we? s. Jesus said, “Here’s one way to pray:” “Our Father in heaven, your name is holy. Your kingdom is not only in heaven, it’s here on earth, too! Show us how to live on earth so that earth is as awesome as heaven. Please give us food to eat every day. Forgive us when we make mistakes, and help us forgive others. Keep us away from tempta&on. You are powerful and mighty, and everything good belongs to you. Amen.” Thank you, God, for giving us words that are more valuable than the most expensive treasure! treasure - Page 11 - Lenten Wednesday Fellowship Meals & Worship Easter will be here before we know it, and boy do we need to look forward to spring like weather!! Easter is earlier this year, April 5th. On Ash Wednesday , February 18th there will be a Worship service at 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent, beginning on February 25, we will have a light meal and then Worship. Meal at 5:30 p.m. and Worship at 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday February 18 7:00 p.m. Worship We are looking for groups to sponsor a Lenten Wednesday Meal. It can be as simple as tomato soup and grilled cheese, chili, sub sandwiches, sloppy joes, or your favorite recipe. (A small fee is collected for the meal which helps to offset the cost of the food that your group has prepared.) Please consider sponsoring one of the five Wednesday nights during Lent. February 25 March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 (no dinner on Ash Wednesday) Lenten Wednesdays 2.25, 3.4 3.11, 3.18, 3.25 Please contact Kathi or Larry Lund, Hospitality Coordinators to schedule your night. Thank you. [email protected] or 262-367-3458 Or you can contact the church office at 262-367-6000. Mark your calendars to join us for this wonderful fellowship time together. Music Practices will be as follows: 5:15—5:45 Youth Bells 5:45 – 6:25 Praise Ringers Worship 6:30-7:00 p.m. 7:00—8:00 Chancel Choir Confirmation students will be doing an online program for Lent. Students, please invite your parents to Worship with you on Wednesday nights. New Finance Committee for Our Savior’s A Finance Committee has been established to focus on long range financial planning for Our Savior's. Current members are Carol Emmel, Eric Grimstad, and Allan Schmitz. Are you interested in also having an impact on the long term financial health of our congregation? If you have any questions, please contact any of the current committee members. - Page 12 - Women’s Retreat March 6-8 Cedar Valley Retreat Center You’re Invited Cost is $170.00—Shared room or $200.00 Private room Main Activity/Workshop on Saturday: “Being the Me God Made Me to Be!” What is God’s purpose for your life? How do you know? Who are you ideally? Who are you rally? How do you set priorities? How do you make decisions that honor God’s destiny for your life? How do you find meaning, peace and fulfillment? Plan for a weekend of relaxation, fellowship and free time for quiet time or outdoor fun! Don’t miss this! Food is all included from Friday evening through Sunday morning. Retreat Coordinators: Donna Schumell ([email protected] 612-333-8791) Meg Feyen ([email protected] 262-470-2757) Liza Klokow ([email protected] 262-366-7070) Sign up today at the kiosk in the narthex. Look for the tulips! - Page 13 - - Page 14 - You’re Invited Our Savior’s Annual Meeting TODAY 11:45 a.m. Don’t Miss This !! Our Leadership Team has been listening to you!! See what we accomplished in 2014 and what is planned for 2015!! Light lunch and meeting in the fellowship hall. - Page 15 - Family Promise of Western Waukesha County Family Promise needs YOU! We are looking for more volunteers! We have had 2 very successful hosting weeks and we are well on our way to developing a “routine!” Thanks to all who have helped this far with meals, their time, etc. BUT—we still need more people to help us out. The larger “pool” of volunteers we have, the easier it will be to meet the needs of the guest and fulfill our obligation to this wonderful ministry. So what can YOU do? Talk to others in the congregation who are already volunteers. Look for those folks wearing the Family Promise badges! Attend one of the upcoming trainings. They only take about 1½ to 2 hours, and you only need to complete it one time. Dates for upcoming trainings: Sunday March 1st At First Congregational UCC-Oconomowoc 815 S. Concord Rd. 53066 --OR-Tuesday March 10th At Oakwood Community Church 3041 Oakwood Rd. Hartland 53029 Please see the sign up sheet on the kiosk in the narthex if you can attend either training. Sign up for a shift (or two) when our next hosting week comes around! Other Family Promise news: As many of you know, our guest Amanda is expecting a baby boy on February 26th. Amanda has found a studio apartment and moves in February 1st. We want to send her off with everything she needs for her baby. Amanda has already collected a few items and has support through other agencies such as safe babies and healthy families; so you will notice they are not on the list. Shower information: Date: Sunday, 2/8/15 Time: 1:30 -3:30 Location: Delafield Presbyterian Church RSVP via sign up genius (The link is listed below) We have created a sign up form via sign up genius that lists all of Amanda's needs for the baby. We are asking for slightly used items in good, clean and working condition or new items. The sign up is very simple, all you do is select RSVP you then enter your information. Then you can RSVP to attend the event, or RSVP to only bring a gift. - Page 16 - Pastors Wayne and Christa visiting us this summer!! Our previous pastors who are now Missionaries in Hong Kong, will be coming to visit us this summer. Pastors Wayne Nieminen and Christa Von Zychlin are giving us first dibs on their preaching schedule and they will be visiting us here at Our Savior’s on June 28th—9:00 a.m. Every two years they have the opportunity to visit some of their sponsoring congregations, sharing a bit about their lives and what God is doing in the churches and missions of china and other Southeast Asian countries. (Their blog is on our website under Outreach) Pastors Wayne and Christa were pastors here at Our Savior’s for many years, and we support them through our Outreach Missions and support of the ELCA Global Church Sponsorship. A picture of them is located on our bulletin board in the hallway by the kitchen. Mark your calendars for June 28th and come to support our Missionaries from Hong Kong. Christa wrote us another note regarding their trip back home to Wisconsin. They are in need of a dependable car to use for up to ten weeks this summer. See her request below: “ We're asking congregations to put the word out that we are in need of a dependable car if anyone has one to lend us for up to ten weeks of the summer! This is always an issue each year since we don't have a car nor relatives with an extra. Even a few weeks could be a big help. I'll write this in the general letter to congregations, too. We will be travelling to Iowa and all around Wisconsin and Illinois. We may need to go out to Ohio, where we also have several sponsoring churches. It's a huge thing to ask, but it's a real need.” - Christa Men’s Retreat for 2015 Men’s Retreat is set for February 20-22 of 2015 at Lake Lawn Resort in Delavan $200.00—Includes 2 nights lodging, 5 meals, and programming. Invite a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor to attend. Still taking reservations!! 6:00 p.m. Friday through 11:00 a.m. Sunday RSVP to Pastor Tom at [email protected] or sign up at the kiosk in the Narthex. Postcards are also available at the kiosk for you to invite others!! - Page 17 - Feel free to contact any of the Bible Study ministry leaders if you are interested in joining in or just stop by. All are welcome Tuesday Morning Men’s Study 7:00 a,m. Pastor Tom leads a men’s study at church on Tuesday mornings beginning at 7:00 a.m. Coffee is provided, just bring your own donut and be prepared for some lively discussion and fellowship. Come and join us before work. Contact [email protected] or 262-490-4057 for more Information. Wednesday Co-Ed Bible Study 7:00 a.m. Co-Ed Bible study on Wednesday mornings meets 7:00 -8:00 a.m. Currently they have 6-10 co-ed members who come weekly. Topics and material change every 6-12 weeks. Video teaching series by Christian authors, bible studies, Daily text readings from the bulletin. “Our goal is to engage in the study of God’s Word, apply it to our daily faith walk and help each other grow in our faith.” Tim Culhane. Everyone is welcome to join anytime. For more information contact Tim Culhane at 262-993-1128. Sundays 7th—9th grade Bible Study 9:30-10:30 Join Trent Spear and Tim Pietz for bible study, devotion and fellowship on Sundays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. “Living Out God’s Word” will be the focus of our gathering conversation and study. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at church in the youth room from 9:30—11:00 a.m.. Visit our website to see more details. Currently studying Revelation. Contact: Jen Lundberg 650-492-0033 Thursday Women’s Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study meets at 10:30 in the chapel at Our Savior’s. All are welcome to join anytime. Most go out to lunch afterwards. Great food for the body and soul!! Contact: Becki Culhane 262-3676279 Thursday Evening Men’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Men’s Thursday Evening Bible Study meets at Our Savior’s at 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in the Chapel. All men are welcome to join. Stop by after work sometime and see if this is right for you. For more information, contact Bill Schumell at 262-966-9713 or 262-894-5586 - Page 18- What is God’s vision for Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church? Our Core Values, which shape everything we do, continue to be: “Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Everyplace” Our primary focus for future direction: 1. Life-Giving Weekly Worship—The weekly worship gathering is the core reason we exist as a Church. 2. Service Adventures with the Poor and the Poor in Spirit—We believe that God transforms us through personal relationships with the poor, the wounded and the weak, who so often reveal God’s richness, health, and strength. 3. Enriching and Renewing Christian Households and Marriages—God created human beings with a deep longing for intimate bonds. Research has shown that stable, loving families are the optimal environment for children's health and the development of society. Therefore, we believe that our church should do everything possible to strengthen families & enrich marriages in our community. Visitors Nursery If you are visiting us today we would like to welcome you to our Church Family. We hope you find our Worship Service inspiring and feel at home and among friends. Visit our welcome center for more information located in the foyer. It is a blessing to see babies and children worshipping together with their families on Sunday mornings! Our supervised nursery is provided on Sunday mornings for parents who feel their children may need a little extra attention during the service. Parents are especially encouraged to bring their children forward with them for communion. Children not yet receiving communion will receive a blessing. Holy Communion We welcome all believing Christians to receive Christ's body and blood at the altar, regardless of age or denominational background. Infants and children whose families consider them too young for communion or those who do not wish to commune because of conscience or questions are invited forward to receive a blessing. Please take an Prayer Shawls Our Happy Stitchers Ministry group meets on the third Thursday of each month. During that time, we work on shawls and other items, to be given to those who may be experiencing a difficult time in their lives. All items are blessed by our group before being empty cup from the drawer and proceed to the serv- placed in the basket in the Narthex. Please choose er. Prefilled cups of white grape juice are available any item and attach a prayer card to give to someone as an alternative to wine. During an Intinction ser- need. We are thrilled to be spreading so much of vice, the communion assistant will also have a clear God’s love through this ministry! Please take one if wine chalice with white grape juice. you need it. Staff at Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor ................ ……………….Pastor Tom Pietz ………………[email protected] Youth & Family Minister……...Teri Bergendahl………………[email protected] Music Ministries……………….Carolyn Masterson………[email protected] Service Coordinator . ………….Deb Nollen…………………………[email protected] Business Manager ..…………...Tracy Renner………………………[email protected] Office Coordinator…………….Dawn Kreklow……………...……[email protected] Facility Management/Custodian Tom Mauer ……………………......……………[email protected] Nursery Supervisor …………...Amy Holland……………………….…[email protected] Organist ................... …………..Polly Mauer StoneRollers Director …………Irene Koenigs………………………. …………[email protected] A/V Tech Support Supervisor….Jim Masterson…………………………………[email protected] The flowers in our Sanctuary today are given by Megan Sarnowski & Mason Seifert In loving memory of Randy Seifert Serving in Worship • Sunday, February 1, 2015 Ministry 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Acolytes Readers Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Andrew Wipperman Greg Nebel Dave McGrath Amy Holland & Mallory Jones Chuck Thomas & Jim Tremaine Assisting Minister: Pastor Tom Tom & Pam Howell Margaret & Frank Madsen Anna Schmitz Heidi Miller Trent Spear Amy Holland & Becky Erickson Mark Erickson & Jeff Smith Assisting Minister: Pastor Tom Ken & Lori Kroeger Tom & Mary Kay Carroll Serving in Worship • Sunday, February 8, 2015 Ministry 8:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Acolyte Reader Tech Team Nursery Communion Assistants Greeters Welcome Michael Tallon Paul Breest Ally Kellerman Amy Holland & Kelly Krause Lara & Hank Ehrsam Assisting Minister: Scott Gosse Jim & Karen Tremaine Jeff & Diane Gratz Becky Erickson Kylie Burgess Trent Spear Amy Holland & Natalie Erickson Ann Grevenkamp & Tom Luckiesh Assisting Minister: Scott Gosse Tom & Barb Luckiesh Linda Arshem Ushers/Communion Prep/Counters for February 2015 Ushers Communion Prep Counters 8:15 a.m. Team #5: Dennis Sunstrom, Dan Sagal, Vern Manter, Eric Holland 10:45 a.m. Team #2: Josh Kleifgen, Elly & Calvin Smith-Skwierawski, Scott, Jackie & Tyler Jones 8:15 a.m. Margaret Madsen, Nancy Kiepert 10:45 a.m. Barbara Luckiesh Becki Culhane and Vicki Pratt Bible Based, Saved by Grace, Serving with Jesus Every Place! Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church • W299N5782 County Road E • Hartland, WI 53029 (262) 367-6000 Visit our website:
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