Midphot Exhibition Midphot Audio-Visual RPS Central Region - Judith Parry RPS Central Region - Clare Ackford MCPF Guide & Directory MCPF Events MCPF Roll of Honour PAGB APM Awards VECC Photo 2015 Cheltenham CC Wrekin Arts PC Fotospeed Lecturers Day The Stereoscopic Society Wrekin Arts - Libby Smith Fosse Co-op CC East Midlands A/V Group Foto Film Academy Permajet ND COUN DLA I T M FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA S P E I Midland Counties Photographic Federation www.mcpf.co.uk Your Federation Your Club Working Together U N D E D 1907 e-Newsletter Contact the editor: Issue 69 January 2015 Roger Barker LRPS 24 Arthur Street WELLINGBOROUGH Northants NN8 3HH Tel: 01933 279554 email: [email protected] ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 2 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MidPhot 2015 52nd Annual Exhibition of Midland Photography Wednesday 25th March to Sunday 29th March SELECTORS General PrInts & creatIve Panels Malcolm Kus ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b Michael Krier ARPS MA (Photography) Graham Hodgkiss ARPS MPAGB APAGB AFIAP General Projected ImaGes Martin Fry AFIAP AV-AFIAP BPE2* APAGB Michael Krier ARPS MA (Photography) Graham Hodgkiss ARPS MPAGB APAGB AFIAP nature PrInts & nature Projected ImaGe Gianpierio Ferrari FRPS DPAGB ABPE Ian Whiston DPAGB, AFIAP,BPE3* Malcolm Kus ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b Closing date for Entries 7th Feburary 2015 THE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE, CHURCHBRIDGE, OLDBURY 3 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Classes and Awards Colour Prints Monochrome Prints Best Print - Judith & Roger Parry Trophy Best Print -Terry Chapman Trophy Best Landscape - MidPhot Golden Jubilee Trophy Best Landscape - Phil Swain Trophy Best Portrait - Jill and Peter Young Trophy Best Portrait Print PAGB Silver Medal PAGB Silver Medal Projected Digital Images Best General Image - Mildred Sothern Trophy Best Landscape - Graham Hodgkiss Trophy Best Contemporary Image - Bert Gutteride Trophy PAGB Silver Medal Creative Panel of Prints Best Panel - Barbara & Ray Porter Trophy Nature Prints Best Print - Alex Watson Memorial Trophy Best Print of a Mammal - David Moore Trophy PAGB Silver Medal Nature Projected Images Best Image - MCPF 75th Anniversary Trophy PAGB Silver Medal Each judge in each class with the exception of the Creatve Panel of Prints will be able to award an MCPF Medal to a photograph of their choice. MCPF Ribbons will be awarded in each class. Definitions Black & White Photography (Monochrome - FIAP) A black and white image is one with tones from very dark grey (black) to very clear grey (white) A black and white image toned entirely in a single colour will be able to stand in the black & white category and can be reproduced in black & white in the catalogue. On the other hand a black and white image modified by partial toning or by the addition of one colour to a part of the image becomes a colour image and should be entered in the colour category. This type of image will be reproduced in the colour pages of the catalogue. Definition of Nature Photography (PAGB Feb 2013) Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashionthat a well- informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves. Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible. Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. No techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph with out changing the nature story or the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permitted including HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Stitched images are not permitted. All allowed adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to greyscale monochrome. Infrared images, either direct - captures or derivations, are not allowed. Images used in Nature Photography competitions may be divided in two classes: Nature and Wildlife. Images entered in Nature sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above can have landscapes, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms, botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food. Images entered in Wildlife sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above are further defined as one or more extant zoological or botanical organisms free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. Landscapes, geologic formations, photographs of zoo or game farm animals or of any extant zoological or botanical species taken under controlled conditions are not eligible in Wildlife sections. Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are suitable wildlife subjects, as are carcasses of extant species. 4 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Conditions of Entry Entrants must own the copyright of all images used in any entry. The MCPF accepts no liability for any breach of copyright by an entrant. Each entrant may enter a maximum of eight entries in each class - Monochrome Print - Colour Print Nature Print - Projected Image - Projected Nature Image. No entry may win more than one Award. Each entrant must be a member of a club/society affiliated to MCPF. Entry Forms: Please complete an Entry Form for each class entered clearly, accurately and using BLOCK CAPITALS. Entry Forms, Fees, Return Postage should be included in the same package as the photographs. Titles, authors’ names and photographic honours will be based on details included on the Entry Form. Electronic entry forms will be accepted. Entry Fee: A non-returnable entry fee of 75p per print or Projected Image and £3.00 per panel of prints must be included with the entry. Cheques should be made payable to MCPF. Prints (with the exception of the Creative Panel) must be mounted on light weight board not exceeding 50cm x 40cm no thicker than 4mm (thickness of 2 mounting boards) and must be titled and bear the authors name, address and club. Creative Panel of Prints Only one panel per entrant. Any number of prints may be submitted BUT must not exceed more than 1 metre square. To be mounted on lightweight no thicker than 4mm (ie thickness of 2 mounting boards), must be titled and bear the authors name, address and club. Projected Images Images must be jpeg format maximum 1400 pixels wide by 1050 pixels high. (Portraits should be 1050 pixels high). Numbered 1 to 8 followed by underscore then title followed by underscore then name of entrant and saved in sRGB and as jpeg (jpg) eg 1_name of image_name of author.jpg Save the images within a folder titled with the authors name. Entries should be submitted on a CD and bear the authors name(s), and club. More than one entrant per CD is preferrable. Please save authors folders separately in general and nature folders. N.B. slides will not be accepted. Provisos The Exhibition is for work not previously exhibited at MidPhot. The entry of identical images throughout all sections is discouraged. The organisers reserve the right to withhold from public exhibition any entry which, in their absolute discretion, they consider to be undesirable. No submitted entry may be removed from the exhibition without the permission of the exhibition organising committee. It is a condition of entry that any print/DPI may be selected and retained for possible inclusion in the MCPF entry to the PAGB Print/DPI Competitions. Any such print may be copied by the PAGB to form part of the PAGB Recorded Lecture Service. Any DPI accepted in the PAGB DPI Competition will be copied for circulation in exhibition form to Federations, and then subsequently form part of the PAGB Recorded Lecture Service. The organisers reserve the right to copy and reproduce any entry in the catalogue for press or for use in any MCPF promotion. Copyright remains with the author. Every care will be taken of entries but the organisers cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage however caused. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the organisers shall be final. The submission of any entry is deemed to constitute acceptance of these conditions. Any queries please contact Ralph or Lu Duckett 01283 740291 or email: [email protected] 5 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 EXHIBITION TIMETABLE Closing date for entries to collectors Wednesday 4th February Closing date for Post or at MCPF General Meeting Saturday 7th February Selection Weekend Sat14th & Sun 15th February Results Posted Wednesday 25th February EXHIBITION Weds 25th to Sun 29th March Returns available at collection points by Tuesday 31st March Returns and catalogues posted by Saturday 4th April N.B. Collection from Smethwick PS Club Rooms is Thursday evening only unless by prior arrangement ENTRIES Entries for MidPhot can be sent in the following ways by POST to Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGB - MidPhot Chairman Outwood Hill Farm, Lower Outwoods Road, Burton on Trent, Staffs, DE13 0QX Please remember that entries to be returned by post must have return postage forwarded with the entry fees by HAND to MCPF General Meeting at The Old Schoolhouse, Oldbury or to the following delivery and collection points Mon or Thurs evenings only Smethwick PS Club Rooms 0121 522 0279 Judith & Roger Parry, Birmingham 0121 427 4224 Mary Jenkins, Yardley 0121 628 6105 Ralph Duckett, Burton on Trent 01283 740291 Ian Bailey, Stratford on Avon 01608-663394 Alison and Andy Fryer, Stafford 01785 664109 N.B. Ring after 4pm Mike Chapman, Solihull 0121 733 2521 Roger Barker, Wellingborough 01933 279554 Howard Bagshaw, Stafford 01889 881503 Please contact the above people by phone before delivery or collection You are reminded that entries must be with the collectors by Wednesday 5th February 6 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MIDPHOT 2015 - ENTRY FORM CLUB/SOCIETY CONTACT TEL. NO: ENTER CONTACT NAME & ADDRESS WITHIN BOX BELOW (ONLY ONE PER CLUB) Email: Please enter below how your work is to be returned Post (remember to enclose your money) Return via one of the collection points Name Collect in person from Smethwick PS (NB Thursday only unless by prior arrangement) PLEASE ENTER ONLY ONE SECTION PER FORM AND TICK THE APPRORIATE BOX BELOW PRINT SECTIONS PROJECTED IMAGE SECTIONS Gen Nature Mono Colour Nature Panels Digital Digital Acc Acc Acc Mark Acc Mark Acc Mark Acc Mark Mark Mark PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IN BLOCK CAPITALS LISTING AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AUTHOR’S NAME & DISTINCTIONS TITLE (MAXIMUM OF 8 PER AUTHOR) OFFICIAL USEONLY CATALOGUES MAY BE COLLECTED OR WILL BE RETURNED WITH ENTRY ……………ENTRIES @ 75p or …………PANELS @ £3.00 £ £ : : TOTAL £ : Please make cheques payable to “MCPF” PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PHOTOCOPY THIS FORM or DOWNLOAD FROM MCPF WEBSITE www.mcpf.co.uk 7 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 THE MIDLAND COUNTIES PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION MEMBER OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ALLIANCE OF GREAT BRITAIN MIDPHOT 2015 AUDIO VISUAL COMPETITION Saturday 31st January 2015 www.wmid-av.org.uk/midphot Entries are invited for the Audio Visual Competition to be held on Saturday 31st January 2015, at the Priory Centre Church Road, Stretton, Burton on Trent, DE13 0HE Competition Judges Eddie Spence FRPS DPAGB AV-AFIAP Tony Collinson LRPS DPAGB Jeff Mansell The Competition is organised for the MCPF by Howard Bagshaw assisted by the Staffordshire Audio Visual Group. Closing date for entries ~ Saturday 10th January 2015 Completed Entry Forms together with the Entry Fee should be sent to: Howard Bagshaw, 9 Haywood Heights Little Haywood, Staffs ST18 0UR Telephone 01889 881503 E-Mail [email protected] 8 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Awards The author of the Audio Visual sequence chosen by the judges to be best overall will receive: The Tom Prince Trophy (to be held for one year) Plus an MCPF Medal In addition, each judge will choose a sequence that will receive a certificate and an MCPF Medal. The Intermediate Winner Please read befo 1. Entrant All entrants must 2. Entries It is recommended or 1920 x 1080 p created at other smaller image siz project them at th program(s) or AVI such as 'WeTran Howard Bagshaw The Intermediate Winner will also receive a certificate and an MCPF medal 3. General The duration of a per author may choice, in case p Please note – an Intermediate Worker is identified as an AV worker not holding RPS (A or F), PAGB (D or M), or a FIAP distinction all in the Audio Visual discipline. Previous winners of this award will not be considered as “Intermediate Workers” 4. Eligibility Sequences entere not be re-entered Audience Popular Vote The Martin Fry Trophy 5. Copyright It is the entrant’ Soundtrack or Vis The author of the sequence receiving the most votes will be awarded The Martin Fry Trophy” (to be held for one year) Copies of the entry form and directions to the venue are available from the website www.wmid-av.org.uk/midphot 6. Projection of E A Digital projecto will be provided. projection, and w selected to be sho written to a CD fo An e-mail will be sent acknowledging receipts of entry/ticket request 7. Entry Form an An entry form mu with the fee £8.00 A programme of the running order will be available from the website as soon as it is completed. 8. MidPhot Exhib A selection of se exhibition during On the day, complimentary tea/coffee on arrival, and tea/coffee will be available throughout the day. It is advisable to bring a packed lunch Following the competition, the results will be e-mailed to entrants 9 9. Conditions of The submission o of Entry’ FEDERATIO N FO HIC ND COUN DLA T MI PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Conditions of Entry be best overall Please read before completing the Entry Form 1. Entrant All entrants must be members of an MCPF member club. certificate and CPF medal t holding RPS (A cipline. Previous ded The e from the uest bsite as soon as will be nch 2. Entries It is recommended the images are cropped to a final size of not less than 1400 x 1050 or 1920 x 1080 pixels (depending on aspect ratio), entries that have previously been created at other sizes are still eligible for entry, however they may project with a smaller image size. AVI movie files will be accepted and every effort will be made to project them at the highest quality. The entrant should submit a CD containing .EXE program(s) or AVI file(s), alternatively the file(s) may be sent by a file transfer program such as 'WeTransfer' to [email protected]. Your entry must be with Howard Bagshaw by Saturday January 10th 2015. 3. General The duration of a sequence must not exceed 12 minutes. A maximum of two sequences per author may be entered. If entering 2 sequences please indicate your 1st choice, in case pre-selection is necessary. 4. Eligibility Sequences entered and shown in any previous MCPF MidPhot AV Competition, may not be re-entered subsequently. 5. Copyright It is the entrant’s own responsibility to ensure that any material recorded on the Soundtrack or Visually shown is suitably covered against copyright infringement. 6. Projection of Entries A Digital projector with a resolution of 1920 x 1080px, computer and sound system will be provided. All entries will be downloaded on to the computer’s hard drive for projection, and will then be erased following the judging session. However for those selected to be shown at MidPhot Exhibition in March, a programme will be created and written to a CD for the exhibition organisers’ use only. 7. Entry Form and Fee An entry form must be completed for each sequence entered, and submitted together with the fee £8.00 per entry. Closing date for entries is Saturday January 10th 2015. 8. MidPhot Exhibition A selection of sequences will be chosen by the judges to be shown at MidPhot exhibition during March 2014. 9. Conditions of Entry The submission of a completed entry form implies the acceptance of these ‘Conditions of Entry’ s 10 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Location The Priory Centre Church Road Stretton Burton on Trent DE13 0HE MID Entries are The Competi Closin Completed Telepho 11 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 2015 MidPhot Exhibition ~ A-V Competition Entry Form AUTHOR(S) Surname ~ First Name ~ Distinctions Address E-mail Telephone No. Co-Authors MCPF Member Club YOUR SEQUENCE Title (Only one sequence per entry form) Duration Year of Production File name on CD (only one sequence per CD please) Min Sec Intermediate ? Yes Music or CD References No Recording Licence Details Author(s) of Text Spoken by Author(s) of Images AT THE END OF THE COMPETITION All CDs not collected on competition day will be destroyed unless return postage stamps have been included. A copy of the 'result sheet' will be e-mailed to all entrants. COMPETITION DAY All entrants will be issued with one ticket to observe the judging, other observers are welcome to attend on purchase of an observer's ticket priced at £6.00. The day's programme and tickets will be emailed to you. Map to venue required Y/N Number of Observers tickets required Name(s) Signed ... Date …………… Send the completed form together with your CD and cheque for £8.00 per sequence to: Howard Bagshaw, 9 Haywood Heights, Little Haywood, Staffs, ST18 0UR Telephone: 01889 881503 E-mail [email protected] to arrive no later than 10th January 2015 Please make cheques payable to the 'MCPF' 12 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Royal Photographic Society Central Region (Reproduced with Permission and Thanks) 13 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Royal Photographic Society Central Region (Reproduced with Permission and Thanks) 14 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Royal Photographic Society Central Region (Reproduced with Permission and Thanks) 15 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Royal Photographic Society Central Region (Reproduced with Permission and Thanks) 16 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Royal Photographic Society Central Region (Reproduced with Permission and Thanks) 17 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Guide and Directory 2014 Update 4 10 December 2014 NEW CLUBS We extend a very warm welcome the 4 new clubs who have recently joined the Midland Counties Photographic Federation. Broughton Astley Photographic Society 15 members Meet at Broughton Astley Village Hall, Station Road, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, LE9 6PT 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the month at 7.30pm all the year round. Secretary: Fran Marsland, 19 Eagle Close, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, LE9 6SR Telephone: 01455 282118 Email: [email protected] Corley & Fillongley Photographic Club 33 members Meet at Corley Village Hall, Church Lane, Corley, Warks, CV7 8AZ 1st Monday of each month 7.00pm - 9.00pm All year Secretary: Rebekah Mason, Ivydene Cottage, Church Lane, Corley, CV7 8AZ Telephone: 01676 549 160 Email: [email protected] Sutton Coldfield U3A Photography Group 40 members Meet at United Reformed Church, Gracechurch Centre, Sutton Coldfield, 1st Tuesday of each month @2.00pm all year Secretary: Paula Johnson. 5, Evelyn Croft, Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5LF Telephone: 0121 605 2818 Email contact: [email protected] Wellesbourne Photo Group20 members Meet at Wellesbourne Village Hall, School Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NH Alternate Thursdays @7.30pm All year Secretary: Sue Steward, 29 Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG Telephone: 01789 842387 Email: [email protected] 18 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Guide and Directory 2014 Other changes Droitwich Spa Photographic Society has changed the club name to Droitwich Camera Club www.droitwichcamera.co.uk Leicester Forest Photographic Society secretary change of address and contact Nos. Nick Allen, 36 Weavers Court, Trinity Lane, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0BT Telephone number: 01455 643397 Email: [email protected] Newport Photographic Club New secretary Howard Broadbent, 24 Church Meadow, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9HD Telephone 01952 677050. Email [email protected] Rugeley and Armitage Camera Club New Secretary David Hanmer, 128 Green Lane, Rugeley, WS15 2RP Telephone: 01889 803684 email: [email protected] Shirley Photographic Society Meetings: Please note that the meetings begin at 8.00pm, not 7.30 as stated in the 2014 Guide and directory Shirley Methodist Church, 255 Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull. B90 3AL Walsall Wood Camera Club new secretary Dennis Murcott, 42 Main Street, Stonnall, Walsall, West Midlands. WS9 9DX. Tel. 01543 373350 Email [email protected] 19 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Events 2015 And other notable dates Saturday 31st January 2015 MidPhot Av Competition Burton-on-Trent For information contact Howard Bagshaw [email protected] Saturday 7th February 2015 MCPF General Meeting The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2AS For information contact General Secretary Mary Jenkins [email protected] Closing date and hand in for MidPhot Any queries contact Lucia and Ralph Duckett [email protected] Saturday and Sunday 14th &15th February MidPhot Selection Wednesday to Sunday 25th to 29th March MidPhot Exhibition of Midland Photography The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2AS Saturday 25th April MCPF print and PDI Championship Civic Centre, Braunstone, Leicester Contact Roger Parry [email protected] Friday 1st May to Sunday 3rd May Midland Salon Selection Contact Judith Parry [email protected] Thursday 7th May Closing date for Photofolio Enquiries please contact Photofolio Liaison Officer Judith Parry [email protected] Sunday 10th May Photofolio Selection Wednesday 3rd June Opening of Photofolio The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2AS For information contact Judith Parry [email protected] 20 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF Events 2015 And other notable dates Wednesday 3rd June to Saturday 6th June Saturday 6th June Saturday 13th June to Sunday 21st June Photofolio is open for 4 days The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2AS For information contact Judith Parry [email protected] MCPF Annual General Meeting For information contact General Secretary Mary Jenkins [email protected] Close of Photofolio Midland Salon open for 9 days More information to follow Saturday 11th July 2015 PAGB Inter-Club PDI Championship Arts Centre, Warwick University Details to follow Saturday 5th September To 18th September FIAP Colour Print Biennial on display at The Old Schoolhouse, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2AS Sunday 18th October Judges Seminar Saturday 24th October PAGB Inter-Federation Print Championships Venue details to follow There is some additional information on the MCPF website www.mcpf.co.uk 21 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 General Secretary Mary Jenkins APAGB MCPF ROLL OF HONOUR TO ALL MCPF CLUB MEMBERS and SECRETARIES. In 1996 MCPF introduced a Roll of Honour, and the first awards have been made at the subsequent Annual General Meetings. Recipients to date are listed in the current Guide and Directory. This award recognises outstanding service to the Midlands Counties Photographic Federation, and clubs are invited to nominate individuals whom they consider to have made a significant contribution. This can be work in any area, practical or administrative, for instance: lecturing, judging, setting up a service to the Federation. It does sometimes happen that work is being done without the knowledge of Council, for a variety of reasons, and we would really appreciate hearing about any person that you would like considered for this honour. Please get in touch if you would like to have a chat about this award. If your club has a member who has contributed greatly to the MCPF would you please write to the President or myself, stating your case for that person. Thank you Mary Jenkins Mary Jenkins APAGB General Secretary 11c Mary Road, Stechford, Birmingham, B33 8AR Telephone: 0121-628-6105 E-mail: [email protected] 22 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) Congratulations to the following MCPF members who were successful in the ‘C’ Credit PDI adjudication Howard Broadbent - Newport PC Leslie Beardmore - Tamworth PC Aleks Gjika - Cheltenham CC Full report in a future issue Vale of Evesham Camera Club – National Digital Internet Exhibition Photo2015 Accepted images on website from 10 April 2015 Vale of Evesham Camera Club proudly announces the staging of our 26th Annual and 17th National Exhibition which has both BPE and PAGB patronage. The Exhibition is open to 4 Digital Categories:Colour Images Experimental/Creative Images Monochrome Images Natural History Images SELECTORS:Sandy Cleland FRPS, AFIAP: Experimental, Mono, Natural History Karen Berry FRPS, AFIAP: Colour, Mono, Natural History Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/p: Colour, Experimental, Natural History Graham Hodgkiss ARPS, MPAGB, APAGB, AFIAP: Colour, Mono, Experimental photo VECC onalt i t a N erne Inthibition b ra Clu Came tion Crown esham ic Exhibi of Eitsvih Photograph le a V The ted to the Br Awards Ex 20 15 Affilia KEY DATES:Exhibition Website opens for entries 1st January 2015 Last date for Entries: Wednesday 25th February 2015 Selection: Saturday 7th and 8th March 2015 Accepted images will be viewable on the exhibition website www.eveshamphoto.net from 10th April 2015 until the following years’ exhibition. Entry can be made easily online, our preferred option, or entry forms downloaded for postal CD entry from the exhibition website www.eveshamphoto.net. (Please note new website address) 23 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 24 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 25 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 Admission at Door £2 - (Award Winners Free) 26 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 27 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY in 3D Saturday 7th February 2015 – 2:30pm St Barbara's Church Hall, 24 Rochester Road, Earlsdon, Coventry, CV5 6AG Entrance: £2.50 including refreshments. First time visitors free. Nature Photography is a popular subject for 3D photographers and can provide some of the most breathtaking images of the natural world as never seen before. Our meetings use cinema like large screen 3D projection in glorious full colour 3D providing a glimpse into the natural world in true dimensions just like being there. Close up photography of the natural world can provide some surreal images, but in 3D they are unforgettable, lifelike, mesmerising and when faced with a 6 foot butterfly or a bee the size of football hovering in the room - even quite scary. Please join us for an afternoon of amazing 3D images, 3D AV shows and 3D videos, covering the plant and animal world in public gardens, Hebridean islands and our own back gardens. Flowers and plants, birds, bees and butterflies - on land, in the air and even underwater wildlife. For example 3D photographic video and time lapse techniques have been used to produce AV shows of the life cycles of lepidotera (butterflies and moths). In the first half of the meeting members of The Stereoscopic Society will talk about how they take "normal", macro and micro (with a microscope) stereoscopic (3D) photographs, not only stills but also 3D videos - of the natural world. The technique of putting photographs and video clips into 3D AV shows using commercial software such as Magix will also be covered in some detail. For further details contact: Bob Pryce : 024 7641 8239 [email protected] 28 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 WREKIN ARTS PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB PRESENTS A Full Day Digital Workshop with LIBBY SMITH, MPAGB,APAGB,EFIAP,BPE3* Sunday February 22nd 2015 at10:30am Belfrey Arts Centre ,Princes Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1JG § Raw conversion to mono and colour • HDR : Layers and masks • Paper choices for prinLng • Tickets £20 inc.tea ,coffee & biscuits. Please bring a packed lunch. contact Sheila Thomas, 5,Ashmore drive, Trench, Telford.TF2 7EN Tel-‐01952 617170 Email [email protected] 29 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 The Fosse Co-op Camera Club INTER CITIES PROJECTED IMAGES COMPETITION 2015 This will be held in our usual venue St Peter’s Church Centre, West Holme Street, Leicester, LE3 0TA At our Evening Exhibition Event Saturday 28th February 2015 17 Clubs have been invited to take part, and it should be a really good evening The judge for this year is David Gibbins ARPS APAGB AFIAP Programme is expected to be: (All times are approximate) 7.30pmDoors open 7.45pm Official Welcome followed by Part 1 of Inter Cities Competition 8.15 to 8.30pm Break for refreshments and Viewing of prints 9.00pm Showing of Audio Visual and Fosse Images, followed by Part 2 of the Inter Cities Competition 9.45 to 10.00p Draw Raffle Summing up by Adjudicator, Award of Trophy, Medal and Certificates Enquiries to: Mary Stapps 32 Norfolk Road Desford Leicester LE9 9HR Honorary Secretary Telephone: 01455 824039 Mobile: 07828675695 30 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 31 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 32 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 33 ND COUN DLA T MI FEDERATIO N FO HIC PHOTOGRA P IES e-Newsletter U N D E D 1907 MCPF Newsletter Editor Roger Barker LRPS Get your Club Events, Exhibitions and Information into the MCPF Newsletter email your Information to: [email protected] Copy deadline dates below: Edition Copy Deadline January February March April May June July August September October November December 23 December 27 January 26 February 25 March 25 April 27 May 25 June 25 July 26 August 25 September 28 October 24 November Subscribe to the MIDLAND COUNTIES PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION NEWSLETTER Send your email address to the editor: [email protected] 34
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