CV - Jean Borghetti

Resume JEAN BORGHETTI SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER Mobile: + 33 675 007 831 Email: [email protected] Skype: jeanborghee Linkedin: hgp:// + WORK EXPERIENCE / +8 YEARS TECHNOPÔLE DOMOLANDES -­‐ France 2010 Public company -­‐ Business & technology start-­‐up incubator -­‐ 2014 Head of Marke0ng & Communica0ons •  Built iniOal strategic analysis: compeOOon & market diagnosis, roadmap, go-­‐to-­‐market strategy à all approved by Board, 20 companies successfully established on site •  Defined and executed annual markeOng & communicaOons strategy à 250 k€ budget management, na=onal brand awareness •  Counseled start-­‐ups managers regarding strategy, business modeling & business development •  Successfully iniOated & developed the 1st naOonal Challenge for innovaOve start-­‐ups in the sustainable construcOon industry à +30% growth •  Launched the 1st virtual construcOon facility in France 2008 VERTONE -­‐ France -­‐ 2010 Strategy consulOng firm specialized in MarkeOng, Sales and CRM Senior Strategy & Marke0ng Consultant •  Led strategic study on the Smart home Building market in France •  Designed MarkeOng specificaOons for an online game •  Managed the main internal event of a Major French Telco operator •  Piloted a benchmark of Business services for one of the leading global payment technology companies à 95% staffing rate, promoted to Senior in 2 years -­‐ 3 years on average 2007 2005 2005 SFR, France, Major telco operator Junior Marke0ng Manager Contributed in all aspects of product design, launch & direct MarkeOng BMW GROUP -­‐ Germany Communica0ons, PR & Events Assistant Supervised all aspects of the BMW Golf Cup for Africa & Caribbean markets VILLAZZO -­‐ USA, Miami Beach, Luxury Real Estate Marke0ng Assistant Analyzed markets, compeOtors and designed website & communicaOons tools + PROFESSIONNAL SKILLS + LANGUAGES French NaOve English Fluent German Interm. Spanish Basics Project Management MarkeOng Strategy MarkeOng OperaOons Business Development Business Model Customer RelaOons CommunicaOons Resume + EDUCATION + MAJOR COURSES 2003 AUDENCIA NANTES, School of Management -­‐ 2007 Top French Business School Master’s Degree in Management, Business & Marke0ng Strategy BI Norwegian School Of Management 2006 Norway -­‐ Exchange Program 2006 Ohio State University USA -­‐ Exchange Program ü 
Marke=ng Strategy Project Management Entrepreneurship Leadership Interna=onal Marke=ng Management 2001 LYCEE PIERRE DE FERMAT -­‐ 2003 PreparaOon for the compeOOve entrance examinaOons to French Business Schools + INTERESTS + PERSONAL SKILLS AnalyOcal thinking CriOcal Thinking Problem Solving Sports Travelling Commitment Time Management Flexibility ProacOvity Socializing Techno Geek Music Cooking / Food
“Socializer” Leadership Fast-­‐learning