Hiring for Startup Growth

HIRING FOR STARTUP GROWTH Ryan Kohler Founder & CIO Sara Jones CEO @ryankohler @saradansiejones Hiring for Startup Growth
THE APPLICANTPRO STORY How to grow a successful bootstrapped company with underdogs Hiring for Startup Growth
Which Stage Are You? •  MVP Team •  Validated Team •  Scaling Team •  Growth Team Hiring for Startup Growth
Where Every Startup Wants to Be Sales/ Resellers Product MarkeSng Finance/ Strategy Strategy HR Client Success Biz Dev/ Designer Developer BI Hiring for Startup Growth
MVP Team Skills Product MarkeSng Strategy Strategy Designer Developer Hiring for Startup Growth
TracSon Team Skills Sales/ Resellers Product MarkeSng Strategy Strategy Designer Developer Hiring for Startup Growth
Scaling Team Skills Sales/ Resellers Product MarkeSng Finance/
Strategy Strategy HR Client Success Designer Developer Hiring for Startup Growth
Growth Team Skills Sales/ Resellers Product MarkeSng Finance/ Strategy Strategy HR Client Success Biz Dev/ Designer Developer BI Hiring for Startup Growth
Hiring QuesSons For Each Stage Hiring for Startup Growth
ASSESS THE SITUATION Hiring for Startup Growth
IDENTIFY DISADVANTAGES Hiring for Startup Growth
WORK WITH YOUR ADVANTAGES Hiring for Startup Growth
PREPARE FOR NEXT STAGE Hiring for Startup Growth
KNOW WHO YOU ARE WORKSHOP TIME Hiring for Startup Growth
Part Sme employees Hire potenSal talent Work from home employees Contractors Consultants Mentors Resellers Clients Partners Hiring for Startup Growth
Contract v. Equity Partner dev resources Open source IntegraSons Hiring for Startup Growth
QuesSons? Thank you! [email protected] [email protected]