
The Dunolly and District Community News
Volume 30
Issue 2
Wednesday 28 January 2015
Dona!on: 50c
Winner: Ci!zen of the Year Marie Lovel
Joint winner Peter Daly
Cr Bob Henderson delivering opening speech
Fiona Lindsay, Bob Henderson, Crackers Keenan, Barry Caan
Jean Richardson and friends enjoying the day
The D Sharps providing entertainment
The new Dunolly Community Bus arrives this week and starts work on Thursday. Congratula!ons to the
RTC for persis!ng with this project over three years. We finally got there!
Page 2 Volume 30 Issue 2
Welcome Record Inc.
A0013872F ABN 19299170473
Published by community volunteers at the
Dunolly Town Hall 85 Broadway
Dunolly Victoria 3472.
(03) 54681054
[email protected]
Susan Anderson
Faye Arnold
Coral Christensen
Jan Brock (Accounts)
Jean Richardson
Jenny Sco!
Jean Anderson
Jan Brock
Cynthia Lindsay
Rosemary Mecredy
Jenny Sco!
Prin"ng and Distribu"on:
Jan Brock
Theresa Milne
Graeme Ray
Janet Ray
Tuesday 9.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 9.00am -1.00pm
Contribu"ons are accepted up to closing "me on
Tuesdays. Excep"ons are made only by prior
arrangement, or for important community no"ces for
the Classified pages. If in doubt please ring us before
2.00pm on Tuesday to avoid disappointment.
All le!ers, ar"cles and classifieds must contain the
writer’s full name, home address and day"me
telephone number.
The Welcome Record aims to present the diversity of
viewpoints which reflect the concerns and interests of
our community. It will not print contribu"ons which
are defamatory or being used as an alterna"ve to a
personal approach in dealing with a
personal issue. The opinions expressed
by contributors are not necessarily
those of The Welcome Record.
Phone 5468 1054
28 January 2015
Here I am again…….only a week a%er everyone else at the
Welcome Record! Do hope you all had a great Christmas and
are enjoying the New Year – in spite of the warm weather.
When we were driving to Eaglehawk a week or so ago, I
no"ced a couple of hoon Santas who are enjoying
themselves so much they haven’t gone back to the North
Pole yet. They are in a paddock between Marong and Myers
Flat. Santa number one is having a great old "me water skiing behind a speed "nnie! Water is a bit scarce but that
hasn’t worried him. The other one is a lesson on racing
around paddocks in the dark on a bike. He has collided with a
large round bale and he is embedded in it – only head and
shoulders and legs and boots visible either end. Presents are
sca!ered around the area. It struck me that he must be a
very tall Santa – how high is a big bale of hay?
I saw a falling star the other night – or was it a satellite or a
piece of space junk or a meteorite or even the Space Sta"on?
The romance that used to go with falling stars has been
I have a fatal a!rac"on for gadgets. Show me something that
is supposed to do almost anything in the home be!er and
quicker and I covet it. Just as well Mr Ramble only buys
gadgets that are ‘really useful’ and can live in the shed or
who knows where we’d end up. I think I have men"oned
before the jar lid loosener that requires three hands to
operate. There’s another jigger shaped like a coat hanger
with a thin wire across the bo!om that apparently cuts cakes
in half evenly – ha ha. My sewing basket has a fine collec"on
of things that are supposed to make the art of sewing and
needlework easier – in some clever salesman’s spiel. I have a
chuck-out every so o%en – I shi% stuff from one box to
another – very brave. At least I am not in the same class as a
lady on the TV the other night – my gadgets are all small and
haven’t taken over the house.
I was looking up the name of a plant in my garden book the
other day when I no"ced Platycerium Superbum. What a
strange thing to call a perfectly good fern. Then I dug into my
small knowledge of La"n – and realised that the word was
pronounced Superb-um. Nothing to do with Kim K. a%er all!
Notes from our Councillor
Church News
Important Dates
Cookery Corner
Neighbourhood House
Maude Street News
Classifieds -Personal/Public No"ces
Loddon Mayoral Column
Page 3
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28 January 2015
Lisa Mahon is to be commended for bothering to take
the •me to get the cork tree put on the Na•onal Trust
Significant Tree register. If it helps in even a small way
to assist the tree to survive for a longer •me then it will
be worthwhile. It is good that Lisa has brought this
intended move to the no•ce of the Dunolly
popula•on before she has gone through the process,
thus giving people a chance to raise any concerns they
may have with her.
Vicky Frizzell
Vice President of the Dunolly Bealiba RSL Sub-Branch,
Gerard Gunn, issued a warning to the men and women
of Dunolly’s mature-age table tennis group just hours
a!er the group disbanded late last year. The group had
played their sport in the RSL hall for the past seven
years. In delivering what he termed a ‘first warning’,
which included a crude sketch of the hall with a
diagonal line drawn through it, Mr Gunn demanded
that the table tennis players ‘show some respect’ and
return an RSL artefact that Gunn claimed went missing
the day the group folded.
The item in ques•on, later iden•fied as a framed
cer•ficate that congratulated the club on membership
numbers for 2006, was found in the RSL bookcase
minutes a!er the alarm was raised. Mr Gunn, who is
also the RSL’s local welfare officer, then claimed that
the table tennis players must have been responsible
for the brief disappearance because they were the only
ones who had used the hall a!er he le! the cer•ficate
in the RSL kitchen the day before the group played
their last match.
‘It is both disrespec#ul and an abomina•on to
interfere with, remove or deface RSL artefacts’, said Mr
Gunn in his •rade, which was handwri$en in red ink
and signed by him on behalf of the Dunolly Bealiba RSL
Sub-Branch. His message to the table tennis group was
le! face-up and open for anyone to read in Dunolly’s
RSL hall. Mr Gunn reminded the players that the hall
was ‘a sanctuary to the memory of common decency’
and if the table tennis players abused a privilege, they
also forfeited the right to it.
Mr Gunn has since refused to withdraw his veiled
accusa•on despite the fact that organisa•ons hiring
the hall have their morning tea in the kitchen and it
had become obvious that someone had moved the
cer•ficate from the kitchen to the hall’s display area
for safe-keeping. It is also worth no•ng that a number
of RSL items of interest on permanent display in the
hall have been donated over the years by the table
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 3
tennis players, some of whom are ex-service
Two members of the RSL sub-branch who were also
part of the table tennis group, immediately resigned
from the RSL a!er reading Mr Gunn’s unexpected
outburst. Mr Gunn responded to this by labelling one
of them a ‘deserter’, even though he knew that the
member in ques•on had spent many hours carrying
out volunteer work in the hall.
For the past month, the writer of this le$er has called
for Mr Gunn to either apologise in wri•ng to the table
tennis players or tender his resigna•on as an office
bearer of the local RSL sub-branch. The first official
mee•ng of this district’s RSL members since the
incident took place is scheduled for this Friday
evening, 30 January.
Mike Lester
Congratula•ons to the winners of Ci•zen of the Year
for Dunolly, Marie Lovel and Peter Daly. A great
morning was had by all. Crackers Keenan was great
entertainment, but thank you to everybody who
assisted in anyway, and who I haven’t men•oned. I
must thank Dunolly District Incorporated for pu%ng
the event together; thanks team. I also wish to
congratulate Be$y Lovel of Bealiba, who was the
Central Goldfields Shire Ci•zen of the Year.
Maryborough Rotary Club won the Community award.
The young ci•zens of the year were, Sophie Williams
and Aus•n Lynch. Well done to everybody. A big thank
you to all the people who came along and shared this
Bob Henderson
Cr Bob Henderson and ‘Crackers’ Keenan
Page 4 Volume 30 Issue 2
28 January 2015
A special carriage was a former Vinelander twin berth
sleeping car. It was removed from storage in 2010 and
allocated to the group to restore to working condi•on and
operate on its trains. Its visit to Dunolly was its first since the
overnight Vinelander train was withdrawn in1993.
Further details of the group, its train and tours that it
operates may be obtained at www.707opera•ons.com.au.
Michael Menzies, 0419 546 251. email:
[email protected]
On Saturday 24 January, 707 Opera#ons Inc. ran a very
popular heritage train to Ballarat and Dunolly. During
previous years, 707 had operated a diesel hauled train from
Melbourne to Ballarat for the Beer Fes#val. For the 2015
event, plans were made to extend the train to Dunolly and
return, during the #me that it had previously sat idle in
Ballarat. The move proved a winner, as schedule passenger
trains have not served Dunolly for more than 20 years. A few
#mes per year, special heritage trains pass through Dunolly,
but rarely stop there as a des#na#on.
Approximately 200 passengers travelled between Melbourne
and Ballarat, with many aligh#ng there for the Beer Fes#val,
but replaced by more locals taking the opportunity for a rare
ride by rail to Dunolly. Many more passengers joined at
Creswick, Clunes, Talbot and Maryborough, resul#ng in 340
passengers aligh#ng at Dunolly at 1.30pm.
Dunolly turned on a VIP recep#on, with an official welcoming
party, mini bus tourist shu"les, food and tourism informa#on
stalls at the sta#on and plenty to eat and drink from the local
bakery and other businesses during the 90 minute visit. Train
passengers enjoyed what there was to see and do and
appreciated the effort made by locals to welcome them.
The train departed for its return journey at 3.00pm, dropping
off local passengers along the way to Ballarat, where the
Beer Fes#val crowd joined the train for the homeward trip,
depar#ng at 5.00pm via Meredith and North Shore
(Geelong), to Melbourne, for an on #me arrival at 8.15pm.
The train was 254 metres long with a mass of 500 tonnes and
hauled by two 1950s era diesel electric locomo#ves, B74 and
T 413. Locomo#ve B 74 was made available for the day by
the Seymour Rail Heritage Centre to assist to haul the train
due to its large size. Locomo#ve T 413 and the carriages are
based at Newport by the train’s operator, 707 Opera#ons
Inc. Members of the group volunteer to maintain the train
and provide on board staff to supply refreshments and assist
passenger comfort and safety during tours that the group
operate to des#na#ons in country Victoria several #mes each
A 1927 Dining Car was busy throughout the day serving
snacks to passengers seated at tables in its vintage #mber
lined interior. A brisk bar trade was no surprise and the train
snack bar was also busy serving tea, coffee and cupcakes.
The remainder of the train consisted of air-condi#oned steel
bodied carriages da#ng for the 1940s and 50s.
What a deligh!ul morning in the Rene Fox Gardens to
celebrate Australia Day. There seemed to be at least 80
people a"ending and it was a happy occasion for catching up
and also for mee#ng new residents in town. It was a great
team effort to make the morning hum along so smoothly.
First, thanks to the CFA for preparing breakfast 9there was
plenty for everyone!) and thanks to Tom, Natalie and the D
Sharps for their music. Having children’s ac#vi#es worked
well and Maree painted the most extraordinary faces on
many children, who then became totally unrecognisable.
Thanks also to Andy, Nicole, Callum and Steve from the
Dunolly Football Netball Club for their handball clinic. Our
ambassador, Peter ‘Crackers’ Keenan, was very impressed.
We certainly appreciated Cr Bob Henderson’s involvement as
MC for the occasion and congratulate Marie Lovel and Peter
Daly for their Australia Day awards. A special “Thank you”
must be extended to Rick Young from the SES who was so
helpful in se&ng up and then pu&ng away chairs,
equipment and the gazebo, as well as giving a hand all
through the morning. And another special “Thank you” to
everyone who came, had a great #me, and then le' the
gardens so clear of any rubbish.
Fiona Lindsay, Convenor, Dunolly District Inc.
Australia Day - Raising the flag and then tucking into a snag
cooked by CFA. Meat supplied by Dunolly Meats. Thanks to
all concerned for making this a great day.
28 January 2015
As everyone will no doubt be aware, between 2015 and 2018
Australia will commemorate a significant Centenary, marking
100 years since Australia’s involvement in the First World
War. During the year there will be a large number of ac!vi!es
across Australia commemora!ng 100 years since the Anzac
Gallipoli landing. One project that has caught my a#en!on is
the ‘5000 Poppies project’. The project started in Melbourne
as a ‘na!onwide grass roots community tribute of respect
and remembrance where individuals and community groups
were invited to make and send 5000 poppies to Melbourne
to “plant” a massive field of handmade poppies in Fed Square
Melbourne on Anzac Day 2015 as a stunning visual tribute to
Australian servicemen and women for more than a century of
service in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping opera!ons’.
The 5000 poppies project has been so enthusias!cally
embraced that the target has now grown to 100,000 poppies!
In fact it is now such a huge project that Phillip Johnson,
Australia’s premiere landscape designer, has been enlisted to
design the display. A&er Anzac Day, the inten!on is to tour
the project na!onally from 2015 to 2018 with the ul!mate
aim being to gi& the en!re project to the Australian War
Memorial for all Australians to enjoy.
The poppy has become a symbol of the huge and terrible loss
both sides suffered in WW1 on the ba#lefields of France and
Belgium and at Gallipoli. They were the wildflowers that
flowered in the spring of 1915 as the carnage and destruc!on
The project got me thinking … could Dunolly create its own
field of memorial poppies? What a great display it would
make and it is something to which everyone could contribute.
The poppies can be crocheted, kni#ed, felted or sewn from
any materials. Any shade of red can be used but they should
be no more than 15 cm in diameter. We couldn’t hope for
5000 but maybe we could make 500?
There are many cra&y groups and individuals in the
community and we could organise workshops for those that
need some assistance.
Almost every family in the community would have a rela!ve
or ancestor that was involved in WW1, WW2 or one of the
many conflicts that have occurred since then. This would be a
great way to remember those individuals, whether they
belong to Dunolly or not. My idea is to start with as many
poppies as we can make in the next 13 weeks before ANZAC
day this year and then to add to the display during the year.
These are all just ideas at the moment. I would love some
input from anyone in the community who would like to get
involved. If you are interested in being involved in the
planning, or would like to make some poppies please ring
Faye on 54681508.
Pa#erns for crocheted
poppies can be found on the
web. Just google 5000
Faye Arnold
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 5
KW Hardefeldt Pty.
49 Alma Street,
Maryborough 3465
We conduct a Mobile Veterinary Service throughout
the Maryborough area. We are available for:
House calls for small animal consulta!ons ,
vaccina!ons etc
Rou!ne farm consulta!ons
All appointments for calls must be made
before midday Tuesday.
Tel. 5461 4466
Page 6 Volume 30 Issue 2
Bealiba’s Be!y Lovel is the Central Goldfields Shire
Ci#zen of the Year for 2015.
Be!y received her award during Monday morning’s
Australia Day celebra#ons held in Maryborough’s
Sta#on Domain.
Heavily involved in the many aspects of community life
at Bealiba, Be!y has been a member of the town’s
CWA for more than 40 years, earning life membership
of the Country Women’s Associa#on for her dedicated
And being 83 years of age hasn’t slowed her down
with Be!y involved in Bealiba’s annual Anzac Day
service, the town’s Australia Day celebra#on,
programs with the local Bealiba Primary School and
the CWA’s Christmas charity concert.
Be!y was surprised to receive her award. ‘It was very,
very surprising’ she said. ‘What I do I don’t really
expect to get any award, I just do it. I’d just like to
thank the one who nominated me. I didn’t know
Be!y has been a Bealiba resident since marrying Jack
Lovel on 5 August, 1952. She has provided voluntary
home care to those in need since she was 16 years old
and has been a member or supporter of most
organisa#ons and spor#ng groups in the Bealiba
Be!y has provided selfless compassion for those in
need – providing food, transport, general housework,
comfort and advice as support to those in the Bealiba
community who are ill, in grief or experiencing any of a
number of difficul#es. Her support has known no
boundaries as she assists both old and young Bealiba
residents for many years as well as those who are new
to the township.
Be!y is more than willing to transport people to
medical appointments and community func#ons and
maintains pride in the community.
She is also ac#vely involved in ensuring respect is
maintained for the town’s past, most recently coordina#ng the upgrade of the memorial to Bealiba’s
early pioneer se!lers, located at the Bealiba Cemetery.
It is for her commitment and dedica#on to Bealiba’s
CWA that many people know Be!y. In her more than
40 years she has been president for two terms,
secretary eight #mes and the group’s official catering
convenor for more than 20 years. The Bealiba CWA is
renowned for its catering at func#ons, mainly held in
Bealiba’s town hall, and Be!y has been a driving force
behind it.
Along with a team of CWA members, the catering
team has raised funds that are donated back to the
28 January 2015
local community – including maintenance of the
Bealiba town hall and cemetery and a scholarship
dona#on to a local primary school student for their
future secondary educa#on.
Big days on Be!y’s calendar include Anzac Day where
she co-ordinates her team to provide lunch for the
visi#ng pipe band members, returned servicemen and
community a!endees at the local service.
Aside from the food she also liaises with several other
groups to ensure wreaths are supplied, the guest
speaker is arranged and a special day of remembrance
is had.
The community involvement is also evident in the
Bealiba CWA’s involvement with the Bealiba Primary
School. Be!y helps organise a six-week cra& program
where CWA members donate their #me and skills of
cra& and run lessons for students in things such as
cooking, kni'ng and crochet.
In addi#on to the CWA, Be!y is a warden for St David’s
Anglican Church, a member of the Bealiba-Dunolly
Historical Society and is involved in the town’s indoor
carpet bowls compe##on, assis#ng others with
transport to a!end and serving as a team leader.
Courtesy of Maryborough Adver#ser
28 January 2015
On Friday 16 January 2015 one of our senior residents
had a very frightening and trauma!c experience.
Whether her foot got jammed and pressed on the
accelerator or what, she doesn’t know, but her car
charged forward into a parked car in front of her,
veered across Broadway, mounted the gu"er, went
down the footpath narrowly missing a pedestrian and
then back onto the road.
Once under control she parked the car and went to talk
to the owner of the clipped car. There was not much
damage and both cars can be repaired.
Now many witnessed the event, that by the grace of
God no one was killed or injured, but the lady was very
badly shaken. Of all who witnessed this ‘could-havebeen disaster’, only Veronica from the bakery called to
see if the lady was OK.
Stories spread like wildfire, even folks in Maryborough
were talking about the event. Three men and many
women and children witnessed this frightening event
unfold. Stories ranged from “Oh, my God, I could’ve
been killed’, to saying she almost got hit by a truck.
Some also say that she is not willing to come out and
face up to what happened. I, personally, have
corrected many gossips.
Shock is different for many people and for a lot of older
folk shock can take a while to get over. As I said many
people witnessed the event, but nobody rang or called
in to see how she was. Not one soul in this very
community-minded and Chris!an town has stepped
forward to lend any assistance in her !me of need.
Being too shaken to drive, she has no way of ge%ng
her day to day supplies and I feel this puts shame on
everybody who could, but won’t put the past aside and
make the first move to help another.
I live out of town, but I come in every day to assist this
lady with her every-day needs. I am just one person
and it is very !ring for me and takes a lot out of my life
to come in daily. There are many people who walk to
Broadway; surely someone could call in and pickup a
few things required to assist her.
Any help would be very, very greatly appreciated.
I expect a lot of bad press from my ar!cle, but I feel
we should all do the right thing.
Chris Chase
Forget Newton or Galileo these are the REAL laws of nature.
The Coffee Law
As soon as you sit down with a nice hot cup of coffee,
someone will ask you to do something which will last
un•l your coffee is cold.
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 7
A&er nearly 30 years as an
counsellor, whose work has
taken him all over Victoria,
Maryborough’s Wayne Kelly says
it’s !me to call it a day.
A local face for the last 26 years,
Mr Kelly has offered his services
businesses, as well as a third of the state, all while
being a member of the Maryborough CFA, RSL sub
branch and cemetery trust.
Mr Kelly counselled locally at McPherson’s Prin!ng
Group, Havilah, P&N, Central Goldfields Shire Council,
while on a state level he visited Powercor and Telstra.
Mr Kelly was also on-call as part of a state-wide
response group which dealt with major incidents that
could occur around Victoria.
For the last two years, Mr Kelly has received
chemotherapy and is unable to keep travelling the vast
distances required as an industrial counsellor and
In 1986 Mr Kelly was approached by Converge
Interna!onal to provide Employee Assistance
Programs in industries across the Gippsland area from
Pakenham to the New South Wales border, and
Woods Point in the high country down to Phillip Island.
While in Phillip Island, Mr Kelly was presented with the
opportunity to commence a number of support
services to clients which included marke!ng as well as
counselling services.
Mr Kelly also commenced support services at Phillip
Island through the CFA and was also involved in the
Australia Paper Mill and Victoria Police.
‘With the police and the CFA I did all the trauma
accidents, bodies, fires, stuff like that,’ Mr Kelly said.
A vacancy then appeared in the Central Victorian area
in 1989 with Mr Kelly being asked if he would move
there to establish Converge Interna!onal’s work.
‘Which I did’, he said. ‘We decided to live in
Maryborough and the area I covered was a third of the
Mr Kelly’s role was to market Converge Interna!onal’s
services to new clients and provide EAPs to exis!ng
clients while also supervising 12 other people in their
roles as well.
‘I was offered promo!ons but they were back in the
city. I was reluctant to take them as we wanted to stay
Cont … page 12
Page 8 Volume 30 Issue 2
28 January 2015
Men’s and Ladies Hairdressing
Tuesdays 1.00pm—late
(by appointment)
Wednesdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Thursdays 9.00am to 5.30pm
Tarnagulla first Monday of the month
(excep"ng a long weekend)
For professional hair care
Call Julie on 0408 179 657
One of the greatest pleasures of the long summer holidays is
that it allows for bonding "me between grandparents and
grandchildren. That does not always mean grandma has to
dig deep for special treats. So many shared experiences can
happen around the house. Cooking, crea"ve play and picnics
are great fun. However many things do call for extra funds.
This year the movies have been a favourite. To make it easier
on grandma's nerves the rule was one child per movie. That
meant no arguing over what to see, no fights about who
sat where, who ate the most popcorn, and no sulking in the
back seat of the car.
It turned out really well. The children were deligh#ul. They
picked movies which were enjoyable and did not make
themselves sick on the popcorn. A$er the show we had lunch
at their choice of KFC or Macca's, and they cha%ed happily
while we ate. True it was more expensive to take them one
at a "me, but so much more enjoyable, for them and for me.
My grandmother took me to the movies once. We went to
see Sound Of Music in the Melbourne CBD. When we le$ the
theatre I could s"ll see their nail bi"ng escape and hear the
lovely melody of Edelweiss. I don't think Grandma felt the
same. She was born before moving pictures and radio and
had li%le use for either. Books were her passion and she was
a magnificent story teller, regularly reducing us to tears with
Babes in the Wood and other tales. I doubt that any movie
could surpass the images she built up in her head when she
read. While all my family followed Grandma and were avid
readers, my sisters and I did enjoy "going to the pictures".
Before we moved to Melbourne we o$en went to the
pictures on a Friday night while our parents were square
dancing. A$er the film we would pool our pennies and get
sixpence worth of chips to warm us on the walk to the dance
hall. O$en other children joined us. No adults were ever
concerned that anything might happen to us on the long
walk. Who would want a bunch of noisy kids? - was the
general opinion. We were all 1950s dairy farmers’ children
and had to be very independent as our parents worked long
hours in the milking sheds morning and night and we had to
look a$er ourselves as well as younger siblings during that
Very few of the movies we saw then have stayed in my
memory. But the excitement and pleasure of seeing the cliff
hanging weekly western serials, as well as the glamour of the
make believe world on the silver screen was a long way from
cleaning out cow pats in the family milking shed.
I could see for my grandchildren that the pleasure of the big
screen was the same for them in 2015 as it was for me in the
1950s. Hopefully when they are grandparents they will be
able to remember the pleasure of going to the movies with
grandma, and be able to repeat it with their grandchildren. I
wonder if public theatres will even exist then.
Vicky Frizzell
28 January 2015
Maryborough District Health Service has a new CEO.
The health service welcomed Terry Welch to the Chief
Execu!ve Officer posi!on early in January. Mr Welch,
41, comes to MDHS a#er 10 years at Yarrawonga
Health where he was CEO for the last five years. Under
his stewardship, Yarrawonga was named Rural Health
Service of the Year in the 2014 State Premier’s Awards.
Mr Welch has been to both Avoca and Dunolly
campuses of MDHS. ‘I’ve been out to Dunolly and
Avoca and they are great campuses’ he said. ‘They are
very much at the forefront of my mind in terms of how
we con!nue to sustain and work with those services in
‘My belief is that you have to con!nue to improve and
you have to con!nue to meet what it is that the
community needs, within the reality of the system.’
‘The communi!es here have been overwhelming in
the welcome they have given me.’
Mr Welch has a lengthy career in health. Following in
the footsteps of his mother he chose the nursing
profession, became a registered nurse and worked in
Accident and Emergency. He managed Goulburn Valley
Health’s emergency department, and held the posi!on
of Director of Clinical Services at Echuca prior to his
appointment at Yarrawonga. He has a Masters Degree
in Business Administra!on.
‘I really loved nursing. It was fantas!c. It’s a terrific
‘I enjoy dealing with people. I think if you can work
with people and lead a team of people it’s very
rewarding.’ ‘A strong team can achieve some great
outcomes with our communi!es.’
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 9
Mr Welch, together with his wife and two sons, has
taken up residence in Bendigo. His wife is also a
registered nurse and midwife who works at Bendigo
hospital. His sons aged 11 and 13 will a%end school in
“The move to the Central Goldfields region provides
new opportuni!es for my family, including new
schooling opportuni!es for my boys,” he said.
“Already in the short !me I have been here I can tell
there’s a very good team here. MDHS is a good
hospital that is known within the whole industry and
the Department of Health. I look forward to working
with all aspects of the organisa!on and the
MDHS Media Release
New CEO of MDHS - Mr Terry Welch
Mark Marson
Servicing Maryborough & District
Ph: 0419133181
Bowen Therapy
Hair Mineral Testing
Homeopathy Remedies
Herbal Tea Blends
Equine Bodywork
& Muscle Therapy
Diet Herbs &
21 Main Street BEALIBA
Judy 0425 876 548
[email protected]
Page 10 Volume 30 Issue 2
Crowd Support Brings Home the Bacon
for Free Range Farmers
Over 220 people have thrown their support behind
free range farmers Chris Peel and Diane Snell of Mt
Beckworth Free Range farm in Evansford and made
their dream of establishing an on-farm butchery
possible. In November last year the couple launched
an ambi"ous online crowd funding campaign via the
website Pozible in the hope of funding a new direc"on
for their free range farming and butchery business.
‘We knew of some other farmers who had successfully
crowd funded projects’ said Chris of his decision to
turn to crowd funding rather than following the usual
route of going to the banks for a loan. ‘We s"ll had a
loyal customer base from when we had the shop, Spa
Venison, in Daylesford, plus we realised more and
more people are wan"ng to connect with the origin of
their food so we thought let’s give it a go!’
With just 41 days to raise $36,973 in an ‘all or nothing’
campaign the pressure was on to tell as many people
as possible about their project. ‘It was so exci"ng to
see those first couple of pledges come in.’ Chris
describes. ‘It’s not just about the money. Knowing we
have the support of so many friends, customers and
even strangers was reassuring to us that we are doing
the right thing here on the farm.’
In exchange for pledges to the fund raising campaign
Chris and Diane offered ‘rewards’ including meat
packages and farm tours. As the crowd funding
campaign gained momentum, and the pledges
con"nued to roll in, so too did the offers of support
from locals in the hospitality industry. Winery owners
and chefs made contact with Chris and Diane with
offers of their "me, exper"se and venues to help out
the fund raising efforts. Renee and Dave of Roman"c
Vineyard, Sandra and Rob of Mount Buninyong
Winery, Jane of Mount Beckworth Wines and local
chefs Andrew Dennis and Christopher Howe each
contributed towards a range of unique and exclusive
dining experiences which were offered as ‘rewards’
and all quickly snapped up by campaigns supporters.
Pledges came in from all across the country and in all
quan""es from $5 through to $2500, with every dollar
pushing them closer to their target. Each day saw an
average of $1000 flowing in with the biggest day of
pledges prompted by the backing of local farmer Ben
Falloon of Taranaki Farm in Woodend who encouraged
his 23,000 followers on social media to get behind
Chris and Diane's project. Many other farmers also
backed the campaign including Ma#hew Evans from
the TV show ‘Gourmet Farmer’ and free range pig
farmers including Tammi Jonas of Jonai Farm in nearby
Eganstown, Lauren Mathers of Bundarra Berkshires in
28 January 2015
New South Wales and Julia Powell of Backfa#ers in
With 11 days s"ll remaining of the campaign the
project successfully reached its funding target of
$36,973 and the pledges con"nued to roll in. On the
22nd of December the fund raising campaign came to
its end with Chris and Diane not only having reached
their funding target but exceeding it with a grand total
of $44,297 pledged by 223 individuals. ‘We were
absolutely over the moon’ said Chris of the support
received. ‘Our supporters really believe in us and we
are now working really hard to get the butchery up
and running so we can thank them with the ‘rewards’
and begin our online sales.’ explains Chris. ‘We are
also really looking forward to ge+ng back out to the
farmers’ markets and providing our customers with
our farm raised free range meats.’
You can follow Chris and Diane’s progress via
Facebook www.facebook.com/
Media Release Pozible
On Saturday Dunolly was alive with a flood of people from
the vintage train. It was wonderful to see so many people
enjoying our beau"ful, historical township. The only
complaint I heard was that they didn’t have enough "me
to see everything.
The market stall holders who had set up early managed to
talk to the many visitors as they browsed at whatever was
on display. When the Twilight Market commenced the
local people arrived. The market a#racted a variety of
stalls with a variety of well-constructed cra$s on view.
Entertainment was provided by Natalie Conlin and by
James Moore, a professional from Shepparton.
Our raffle of a detector was won by Coral of Carisbrook.
Second prize of a dinner for two at the Highland Society
was won by Hartley. Third prize was also a dinner for two
at the Highland Society, won by Caryl and Peter from the
caravan park. Fourth prize was a dinner for two at the
Golden Grain Café, won by Debbie Murray. All these
prizes were donated. The detector was donated by the
detector shop in Dunolly. Thank you to all our sponsors
for this raffle. Congratula"ons to the winners and a huge
thank you to those who supported this effort.
Our next market is a special Children’s Market. Children
must be accompanied by an adult if they wish to have a
stall. Stalls are to be the size of a card table. Cost will be
$5.00 to cover insurance. At the market there will be lots
of ac"vi"es for the children; quoits, plaster fun, face
pain"ng and many other fun ac"vi"es. The Kindergarten
will be hos"ng the BBQ. Come along and join in the very
special first children’s market.
Jan Wa#s DCMI
28 January 2015
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 11
Invite you to worship God and
welcome you to their services:
Sunday 1 February 2015
St John’s Dunolly Anglican Parish Service
8.00am Eucharist - Rev Andrew
David’s Bealiba Anglican Services
1st and 3rd Sundays monthly at 8.00am
Emu Anglican Services
2nd and 4th Sundays monthly at 11.30am
Catholic Services: Dunolly
1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays Mass at 8.30am
3rd Sunday Assembly at 8.30am
3rd and 5th Sunday Mass at 8.30am
3rd Saturday Mass at 11.00am
Bealiba Uni!ng Church
2nd and 4th Sundays at 11.00am
Dunolly Uni!ng Church
9.30am Prayers and song led by Jim McKenzie
Laanecoorie Uni!ng Church
No service
The •me is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at
hand: repent, and believe in the gospel.
Mark 1:V15
On Thursday 5 February UCAF will be having its first
mee"ng. Please bring a small plate of food to share.
On Saturday 13 February the Uni"ng Church will be
hos"ng the Car Boot Sale. Church ladies please put this
in your diaries and if you can help us in any way with
food or plants we would appreciate it.
Last Friday the congrega"on and the Church Choir
under the baton of Bradley Saul went to Swan Hill to
Rev Youn Sang Kim’s induc"on. It was a wonderfully
upli#ing service with the church full of people who
came from many places; Melbourne, Bendigo and all in
One of our past ministers Rev David Manzoney and his
wife Jean were there. It was deligh$ul for us all to
catch up with them.
Our Op Shop is again open with all summer clothes
and much bric-a-brac. We open Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday and a cup of tea is always available. Come in
and join us as we would love to see you.
Jim McKenzie is leading us this Sunday in our service
and you are most welcome to join us at 9.30am.
Jean Richardson
Mee!ng next Tuesday at 2.00pm.
For any further informa!on please contact Pam Brodie
on 5468 1183 or Trina Kay on 5468 1709.
Pam Brodie
Masses will be the same as last year: 8.30am on first,
second and fourth Sundays and assembly on the third
Sugges"on sheets regarding the Family Synod later
this year are in the churches. There will be a diocese
mee"ng next month to sort out admissions.
Congratula"ons to Peter Daly, joint winner in the
Senior Ci"zen of the Year in Dunolly – I hadn’t realised
he was in the senior age bracket.
R Mecredy
Photo copying
Computer Training
V/Line Bookings
Dry Cleaning
Community Bus Shopping Run
Post cards
Tourist brochures
[email protected]
Trading hours
Monday to Friday
10.00am to 4.30pm
03 5468 1205
Opening !mes:
10.00am to 5.30pm daily
(Sundays 10.00am to 5.00pm)
Dunolly DVD Hire
Overnight and weekly hire
Telephone 5468 1623
68 Broadway, Dunolly
Page 12 Volume 30 Issue 2
28 January 2015
28 January 2015
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 13
Page 14 Volume 30 Issue 2
Bealiba Playgroup meets every Friday from
10.00am to 11.00am in the Primary School during
school terms
Bealiba Progress Associa!on mee!ng,
2nd Tuesday each month 7.30pm Bealiba Hall
28 January 2015
Dunolly St George Lodge
4th Saturday each month
Dunolly Town Hall/Court House Commi"ee
4th Tuesday each month 3.30pm Town Hall
Bealiba Bingo 1.30pm in the Bealiba Hall
2nd Monday each month
Dunolly Unit Vic SES mee!ng 6.30pm
3rd Tuesday each month.
Training every other Tuesday
Community bus – every Friday to Maryborough and
back. RTC 5468 1205
Dunolly Uni!ng Church Messy Church
4th Wednesday each month 4.30pm to 6.00pm
Dunolly Community Garden at Pre-school:
Wednesdays 2.00pm AEST/5.00pm Summer
Golden Triangle Archers
4th Sunday each month 10.00am behind Deledio
Dunolly CWA 1.30pm RSL Hall
1st Wednesday each month
Dunolly Day Support Tuesday and Thursdays
10.30am to 2.30pm Phone 5468 2907
Dunolly District Auxiliary
1st Monday each month at 10.00am
Hospital Day Room
Dunolly Field and Game mee!ng
1st Thursday each month 7.30pm
147 Broadway
Dunolly Fire Brigade mee!ng
1st Monday each month 7.30pm Fire Sta!on
Dunolly Community Market
2nd Sunday each month 8.00am to 1.00pm
Maryborough Lions Club Tourist Market
1st Sunday of every month - 8.00am - 2.00pm
At the Maryborough Harness Racing Complex.
Mobile Library every Thursday 2.00pm to 5.00pm
outside Town Hall
Newbridge CWA mee!ng Newbridge Hall
3rd Tuesday each month 1.30pm
Old !me Dancing 7.30pm Mondays
Anglican Hall Barkly Street Dunolly
RSL mee!ng 12.30pm RSL Hall Dunolly
Last Friday each month
Senior Ci!zens cards each Tuesday 1.30pm
Dunolly Neighbourhood Watch mee!ng
3rd Wednesday each month 10.30am Bakery
Senior Ci!zens luncheon
3rd Wednesday each month 12.30pm
Dunolly Supported Playgroup meets Wednesday
9.30am to 11.30am
Dunolly Preschool
Talbot Farmers Market
3rd Sunday each month 9.00am to 1.00pm
Dunolly & District Probus Club mee!ng
3rd Thursday each month 10.000am
Senior Ci!zens Hall
Dunolly Museum mee!ng
3rd Monday each month 75 Broadway
Tarnagulla Playgroup each Thursday 10.30am to 12
noon – behind the hall
Tarnagulla Ac!on Group - Community Centre
3rd Monday each month 7.30pm
Welcome Record Commi"ee meets 2.00pm
2nd Monday each month - office
Friday 30
Mother Goose Program begins for 2015 - 9.00am - Dunolly Primary School Library
Sunday 1
Monday 2
Wednesday 4
Friday 6
Saturday 14
Dunolly Social Cyclists Bike ride to Barp Forest - leaving Wright on Broadway 8.00am
Dunolly Hospital Auxiliary Mee!ng - 10.00am - Planned Ac!vi!es Room
Dunolly CWA Mee!ng - 1.30pm SES Shed
DFNC Junior Informa!on Evening & BBQ - 6.00pm
Car Boot Sale - Uni!ng Church Grounds - 8.00am
28 January 2015
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 15
Supplied courtesy : The Puzzle Wizard
Crossword 47, Sudoku 49
Page 16 Volume 30 Issue 2
Clarence watched the barkers chasing something blue
and round.
“What is that thing?” Clarence mu!ered. “It’s so bright
and blue and the barkers seem to be having so much fun
with it!”
He poked his head further out of the grass and saw a
human. It had other round things in its hands and was
throwing them down the hill.
“Look at that barker run! It’s picking up the round thing
in itsss mouth and taking it back to the human. Now, the
human is throwing it again! What fun!” Clarence
Suddenly the human stopped and looked at a funny
thing on her wrist. “Come on, boys! Let’s go in. I’ve got
to get ready for work!”
Straight away the barkers ran up the hill and
Clarence gasped, “They’ve le# the blue thing behind!”
He ducked his head under the fence and zipped over to
It was very hard and it smelt strange – like the black
monster mover that the loud, screaming monsters
rolled on all day.
Clarence curled himself around it and tried to pick it up
in his mouth like he had seen the barkers do. His teeth
got stuck. “Yuck! It tasstes awful!” he splu!ered.
Then he knocked it with this head. “How do you get it
to run?” he wondered.
“Go!” he ordered the ball.
“Off, you run!”
“Zoom, zip, roll,” he knocked his head into the ball.
It sat s%ll in the grass.
“Mother will know what to do!” he thought.
He curled his tail around the ball and dragged it through
the field; under the fence and up the hill un%l he got to
the flat rock.
“Ma! Come out here. I’ve got sssomething to sssshow
youuu!” Clarence cried.
Clarence’s mother stuck her head out.
“What is it, Clarence? I am very busy!” she said.
Clarence whipped his tail around quickly and showed
her the ball. He nearly knocked himself off balance.
“Look at this! The barkers were chasing it and having so
much fun but now I can’t get it to work at all! Isss it
broken?” the li!le snake asked.
Clarence’s mother shook her head.
“It’s a ball, Clarence. It’s not broken; you just have to
throw it. Here let me show you.”
She picked up the ball with her tail. She flicked her tail
28 January 2015
sharply like a whip and the ball flew through the air.
“Wow! That’sss fantasss%c!” Clarence cried and he slid
quickly a#er the ball.
He brought it straight back.
“Do it again!” he said pu(ng it in front of his mother.
“You have a go,” she suggested.
Clarence picked up the ball with his tail and flicked it.
The ball fell only a foot away from him. “I’m not very
good,” he sighed.
“Prac%se!” his mother said. “All you need is lots of
A#er a few minutes, Clarence learnt how to flick his
tail and make the ball zoom through the air. Then he
chased it. He spent the rest of the a#ernoon playing
with the blue ball. Up and down the hill he flicked the
ball, chased it and then started over again.
“I’m just as good as the barkers now,” he said proudly.
“Only without all that dribble!”
Susan Day
28 January 2015
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 17
Serves 4
½ cup crunchy peanut bu!er
⅓ cup chicken stock
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce
1 tablespoon lime juice
½ cup coconut milk
750g chicken tenderloins
Steamed baby bok choy to serve
Fresh herbs and kaffir lime wedges to garnish
1. Combine peanut bu!er, stock, honey, sauces, juice
and coconut milk in a medium pan; s"r over low
heat un"l combined. Simmer uncovered, for about
five minutes, or un"l thickened slightly.
2. Cut chicken tenderloins in half lengthways; thread
onto eight skewers.
3. Cook in a heated, greased, non-s"ck pan un"l
browned on both sides and tender.
4. Drizzle sauce over chicken. Serve with baby bok
choy; garnish with fresh herbs and kaffir lime
Recipe aww.com.au
250g of cooked (whole) oranges (see note below)
6 eggs
250g caster sugar
250g almond meal
1 tsp baking powder
1. Place whole oranges in a saucepan of water, cover
and simmer gently for two hours.
2. Cut oranges into quarters and remove seeds. Puree
oranges together with the skin in a food processor.
Measure out 250g of the pulp. This step is essen"al
so the cake is not too mushy and will set.
3. Beat eggs and sugar un"l thick and pale. Fold in
combined almond meal, baking powder and 250g
orange pulp.
4. Pour into a greased and floured 20cm spring form
(can use oil spray) and bake at 180°C for 30 to 40
minutes or un"l cooked when tested with a skewer.
5. Cool in the "n.
6. If desired, serve with orange slices, marinated in
Cointreau, or ice with cream cheese icing.
Note: I cook up to four to five oranges at a "me and
measure out 250g lots and place in the freezer for the
next cake. You will make this cake "me and "me again
and this saves cooking oranges each "me.
Recipe www.oversixty.com.au
20 Years Experience
Free Measure and Quote
A!en"on to detail
Personalised Service
Peter and Shelley Davies
Monday—Saturday: 7.00am - 6.00pm
18 Drive In Court Maryborough 3465
Telephone 5461 1000
Page 18 Volume 30 Issue 2
What’s going on at
28 January 2015
What’s going on
in Maude Street?
Here we are again the start of another fabulous year!
Our tried and trusted groups are s!ll going strong: Art,
Cra%, Archery, Singing, Dancing, Scrabble, Walking (yes
there is a Walking Group in Dunolly), Garden Club and
Monday 2 February 9.00am to 10.00am is our Parent
Informa!on session followed by the older children’s
first session for the year. Children in the younger
group commence on Tuesday 3 February or Thursday 5
February. We are looking forward to using our newlook kitchen!
Some of the things planned for this year are an art
show, clothes swap and supper evening, spinning, drum
sessions, trips, breast screen clinic and Whole Town
Garage Sale; all sorts of things we haven’t even thought
of yet!
In the mean!me we have the following:
I went to the Australia Day celebra!ons in at
Maryborough as we had been nominated in the
community awards We didn’t win but it was great to
be nominated. We have been working on the chook
pen before the children start back and we have had an
offer of new chooks! Thanks Tammie. We lost the last
lot to a FOX!
Every Wednesday at 5.00pm in the summer (winter
2.00pm) Veggie swap, garden maintenance, etc.
Everyone is welcome to call in for a chat and a cuppa.
Find us on Facebook.
from the Centre at 9.30 am.
at the Centre 1.00pm.
A Cappella Singing
with the D Sharps at St John’s
Hall 3.45pm.
Old Time Dance
St John’s Hall 7.30 pm.
Garden Club
Last Monday of the month
in the shed at the Centre.
Crea!ve Art Group
Using all mediums
At the Centre. From 10.00am
Wednesday 4 February we are back 9:30-11:30am.
Come and meet new families in our community.
Children 0-5 years. Gold coin dona!on. Bring a piece of
fruit to share and a hat as we are a sun smart
playgroup. Facilitated by Veronica Palmer
WEDNESDAYS:Cra" Group (doing whatever your par!cular cra% is) at
the centre from 10.00am.
We’re working on Thursdays!
SUNDAY (4th Sunday of the month)
At their range behind the Dunolly
oval. Muster is at 10.00am.
If you have an idea, cra%, exper!se or would like to
learn how to do a par!cular thing please let us know.
If you would like to know more about the Centre, what
we do, where we are, call Sharon on the number below
or simply send an email.
Phone 54681511
email: [email protected]
Join us for our first
dinner in 2015
Saturday 7 February
Reservations essential.
Enjoy our summer lunch menu, Friday to Sunday
Or simply a delicious coffee & cake
or a glass of wine.
Visit our local artists, including beautiful work
by Joe Jakitsch of Tarnagulla
Check out our regional produce and wines
- they make the best gifts.
Sharon Hiley Coordinator
127 Broadway Dunolly
03 5468 1245 or 0428 322 208
E: [email protected]
28 January 2015
Victoria has experienced large amounts of
rainfall and lower than normal temperatures
over past weeks. However we are s!ll in the Fire
Danger Period with restric!ons remaining in
force right across the state.
Loddon Mallee Regional Controller Mark Gilmore said
‘Although we have received significant rain, areas remain
extremely dry and s!ll pose a fire risk. We want to remind
people that we are now in the middle of summer and are
sure to see a return of higher temperatures and Fire Danger
Ra!ngs at the higher end of the scale. Along with this Total
Fire Ban days may be declared as condi!ons worsen.’
He also said ‘Preven!ng fires is something that every
member of the community should see as their responsibility’
and went on to add that ‘Fire Danger Periods are based on
local condi!ons and take into account fuel moisture, fuel
loads, grassland curing, weather and rainfall.’
Mr Gilmore went on to say ‘Members of the community
need to remember that burning off cannot be carried out
under any circumstances during the Fire Danger Period (FDP)
and property owners and works managers are reminded that
they need to apply for any permits well in advance if they are
planning to carry out essen!al work during the Fire Danger
Inspector Colin Renton from Victoria Police also emphasised
that ‘Police are called to all fires during the Fire Danger
Period and will inves!gate and prosecute all breaches of the
He added ‘There has been a marked spike in people burning
off rubbish since the recent rain event and police have
prosecuted a number of property owners as a result. Any
person ligh!ng a fire without a wri$en permit or causing a
fire through failing to comply with permit condi!ons will be
The Fire Danger Period means fires cannot be lit in the open
air without a wri$en permit from the CFA.
Schedule 13 Permit:
This permit allows you to burn-off grass, weeds, or other
vegeta!on during the Fire Danger Period.
Schedule 14 Permit
This permit applies to other uses of fire not covered by
Schedule 13, such as industrial burning or cu%ng, or burning
deceased stock.
Note that both Schedule 13 and Schedule 14 permits
become invalid on days of Total Fire Bans.
Each summer Crime Stoppers Victoria partners with
emergency services to raise awareness and encourage
repor!ng of bushfire arson through the Zero Tolerance
campaign. Arson is a$ributed as being the cause of 50
percent of all bushfires across the country, with 1444
suspicious fires and almost 400 people charged for arsonrelated offences in Victoria during the 2013-2014 bushfire
Deliberate and reckless fires can threaten lives and property,
and !e up valuable emergency service resources, leaving
other areas of the state vulnerable, par!cularly on extreme
and code red fire days.
CFA North West Region Community Educa!on Coordinator
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 19
Paul Tangey urged all residents to ‘Check the fire danger
ra!ng in their weather district every day over summer and
especially when travelling to other parts of the state.’
He went on to say ‘The Total Fire Ban Districts map and a
copy of the Can I Can’t I brochure which explains what is and
is not permi$ed both during the fire danger period and on
days of total fire ban, are two of the best sources of
informa!on you should have. ‘
Mr Tangey made the comment ‘Don’t forget if you have
seen something or know something then say something by
contac!ng Crime Stoppers confiden!ally on 1800 333 000.’
As a final statement Mr Gilmore remarked that ‘Fire
restric!ons remain in force for a very good reason – to
prevent fires from star!ng. If you are unsure then please
contact the CFA or your local council.’
For more informa!on, speak with your local CFA members,
check out the CFA website at www.cfa.vic.gov.au, grab
yourself a copy of the Can I Can’t I brochure which legally
explains what you can and can’t do both during the declared
Fire Danger Period and on days of Total Fire Ban or contact
the Victorian Bushfire Informa!on Line on 1800 240 667.
CFA Media Release
Rural & Domes!c Fencing,
Bathroom & Kitchen
Roofing Repairs & Pain!ng,
Pain!ng & Plaster Work,
Fully Insured & Free Quotes
CONTACT TERRY—0413 805 946
Page 20 Volume 30 Issue 2
Pu"ng together a history of Murphys Creek has one
long-#me resident reaching out to the community for
Dot Silke is gathering a history of the Murphys Creek
area, and the Silke family, for future genera#ons. Dot is
seeking help to iden#fy the people in a wedding photo
taken at Murphys Creek (Flat) or nearby Moliagul. It is
thought the photograph was taken between 1890 and
1910 and three members of the Silke family have been
They are Edward and Clara Silke, on the le% of the
photo, and the right of the photo with his hand in his
pocket, is Henry Silke. Any other informa#on about the
wedding, such as whose it was, where and when,
would also be appreciated.
Informa#on and photographs of the Welcome Inn
Hotel at Murphys Flat are also being sought. It
operated in the 1870s and was owned by Robert Leisk.
Dot is also keen to hear from people who know of any
28 January 2015
families involved in the early history of Murphys Creek
(Flat) and the Silke family.
‘I would appreciate contact with the following, and
other families, Rooney, Biggs, Smith, Kelly, Bell, Laurie,
Graham and the Hargreaves family, who had the saw
mill,’ Dot told The Adver#ser.
‘It’s amazing what’s happening,’ she says of the history
project that is expected to be turned into a fairly
detailed history of the area and the family. Others have
also joined in, providing and helping collect, photos
and informa#on.
The Silke family came out from England in September
1850 with 10 children, the youngest was two years old.
The family arrived, and se!led on land in the Murphys
Creek area in 1865 with several other families that s#ll
remain there today.
If you have any informa#on Dot may be contacted on
5438 7254.
Courtesy The Maryborough Adver#ser
Goes where the big cats can’t
Post hole borer
150, 450 & 300mm augers
Site Clearing and Trenching
Backhoe A!achment
4 in 1 Bucket
Phone Tom Fankhauser
03 5468 1660 0417 649 756
28 January 2015
I ran out of bo!led gas over the long weekend. As I
lamented my lack of hot water on social media, Peter
Daly of our very own Daly’s Hardware said he would
deliver a bo!le. Could you imagine that sort of
personalised service from a big hardware chain? True
country considera"on and kindness! I was able to get
my hot shower and cook dinner. Hooray for Peter.
Rachel Buckley
Coincidentally, this morning I was thinking how great it
was to live in a place where traders knew you by name
and were welcoming and friendly. I remembered how
a couple of weeks ago we also ran out of gas and I just
popped my head into Daly’s and said “Pete, can I
please have two bo!les.” I didn’t need to give my
name or address or fill out forms. He knew me. That
a%ernoon we had two bo!les delivered, no dramas.
Such a pleasure. Thanks Pete.
No wonder you won Ci"zen of the Year
Susan Anderson
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 21
Page 22 Volume 30 Issue 2
28 January 2015
To celebrate the Centenary of World War One I am pu'ng
together brief dossiers of the soldiers who did not return.
Their names are listed on the monument outside the Rene
Fox Gardens. Family informa$on and photographs would be
greatly appreciated.
To date I have not been able to iden$fy the following
soldiers - can you help? A Bowen, P Chapman and B Duff.
Shirley Xanthos, Goldfields Historical & Arts Society,
Contact: [email protected] or 5468 1417
The first mee$ng of Dunolly CWA for 2015 is on
Wednesday 4 February at 1.30pm in the SES shed,
unless the shed is being used by the SES. Compe$$ons
for the mee$ng are a flower from your garden and
‘What is it?’ – an item that may be a mystery to other
members – or even to yourself. If you are one of the
ladies who were thinking of joining CWA, you will be
very welcome to join us at this mee$ng.
R. Mecredy, Publicity
The Uni$ng Church will host the car boot sale on Saturday
14 February. Cake and produce stall, sausage sizzle, stalls
$2.00 - all welcome.
The Op Shop will be open with New Year bargains.
Drawn: 23.1.14 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 from 15 numbers
No winner. Season $ckets soon available.
Support our local clubs. Jackpot $800.
T Long
Dunolly Football Club
Junior Informa!on Evening
Friday 6 February 2015 6.00pm.
All past and new players and parents welcome.
BBQ and refreshments supplied. Bring salad to share.
At the last Annual Mee$ng of the Rheola Charity
Carnival Commi&ee, Peter Mason was again elected
president for the 145th Annual Easter Monday Carnival
for 2015. The following people were also elected:
Senior Vice President- Clause Krusel, Junior Vice
President-Glenys Cain, Secretary- Ann Leach, Treasurer
-Ellen Roberts. Plans for the 145th event are well
The main beneficiaries are the Inglewood District
Health Service and the Maryborough District Health
Service - Dunolly campus. The Rheola Recrea$on
Reserve and the Rheola Public Hall will also benefit
from the day.
Rheola is a very small community and ge'ng smaller
and the volunteers are ge'ng older and are not able
to help like they have done in the past years. If you
think that you would like to help us with this worthy
cause and can assist us on the day, even for a short
$me, please contact Ann on 54388280, or for further
informa$on email [email protected].
Ann Leach, Secretary
The Hospital Auxiliary meets in the Planned Ac$vi$es
Room at the Dunolly Hospital on the first Monday of
the month. The first mee$ng for 2015 is on 2 February
at 10.00am. If you would like to join the Auxiliary
which works for the comfort of the Nursing Home
residents, you will be made very welcome.
R. Mecredy, (Sec.)
Neighbourhood Watch will be held on Wednesday
18 February at 10.30am in the Dunolly Bakery.
All members of the public who are interested will be
made welcome.
R Mecredy, Secretary
The above program will resume on Friday 30 January at
9.30am in the Library at Dunolly Primary School.
Morning tea supplied.
Come along with your toddlers/babies for a relaxed
hour of rhymes, songs and stories. New parents most
Tarnagulla Community Centre
Open every Sunday
10.00AM to 4.00PM
8 Sandy Creek Lane Behind the Victoria Hall.
Homemade cakes, pastries,
soup and sandwiches
Come along and enjoy a coffee or Devonshire tea
Eat in or take away
We also have a range of local
cra"s and produce.
Support your local centre run by volunteers.
28 January 2015
Extracts from the newsle•er of the
On 2nd November 2014 descendants of William Lovel
and Mary Ann Mayes unveiled a plaque on the Lovel
family grave at Bealiba Cemetery. William Lovel was an
escaped convict from Tasmania who arrived on the
Victorian goldfields in 1852. In Ballarat he met up with
Mary Ann Carnaby nee Mayes, who had le• her
husband. The two followed the goldrushes un•l they
se•led in Bealiba. They never married as she was s•ll
officially married to her first husband.
One of their children emigrated to New Zealand and
kept a diary. In it he refers to his father as William Lovel
Laws from Norwich who had a brother who was an
homeopathic chemist and another who was a sea
captain drowned in Yarmouth Head. What followed
was a long genealogical search that tracked down a
convict named William Laws from Norwich transported
to Tasmania in 1843. Corrobora•ng proof came with
the discovery of a brother called James Laws who was
an apothecary at Hackney and Ma•hew Laws a
waterman drowned on the Yare River near Yarmouth.
LOOKING BACK – from the Dunolly & Bet Bet Shire
A young man named William Watson, who has been in
the employ of Mr Fowler the saddler since he went
blind, is to have money raised for him so he can
purchase his own saddler’s tools. Mr Fowler is to be
placed in an asylum.
Dunolly Police Court: Mrs Cross, a widow, applied to
have her 4½ year old son sent to the Industrial Schools,
as she was unable to support him. She receives 5/- per
week for cleaning the state school and is allowed 2/6
per week from the Ladies Benevolent Society. She also
has a younger child to support. She has a daughter in a
situa•on ge!ng 6/- per week. The li•le boy was crying
most bi•erly and begging his mother not to send him
away. The bench decided she should try a li•le longer
to support her offspring. Three of her children have
already been sent away.
On Monday 20th April 2015 we will be having a historic
tour of Dalyenong. This shall include the township sites
of Archdale and Tunstalls.
At the Dunolly Museum we provide a lot of informa•on
to people tracing their family history. I usually advise
them that the informa•on supplied is on the surname
and not necessarily their specific ancestor. However,
many genealogists are very enthusias•c and tend to
grab at every piece of informa•on and claim it as theirs.
A lady once told me she was descended from a
bushranger. When I ques•oned her I found that it was
based solely on her ancestor and the bushranger
having the same name.
With English ancestry prior to 1837 the parish registers
are considered the main source of informa•on. They
are good but the interpreta•on involves a certain
degree of guesswork. Marriages o•en don’t include
ages but do state if the person is ‘of this parish’. In this
instance people tend to look for a christening of a
person of the same name in the same parish about 15
to 30 years earlier. If there is one there they claim it
and start looking for the next genera•on back. A
mistake is made if the person: ·
The Dunolly District Agricultural Society held its first
show. On exhibi•on was a microscope manufactured
by Captain Baker of Goldsborough.
TITLE DEEDS LOST - 30 May 1884
At the Bet Bet Shire council mee•ng a le•er was
received from W Sheppard of Bealiba, reques•ng the
return of his deeds which council have had for two
years. Cr Po•s said deeds were handed to shire
secretary and by him to the shire barrister, Mr Orme.
Mr Orme said he could not find them.
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 23
changed their first name or got married under a
was much older when they got married
got christened under a different surname due to
the mother not being married
changed their surname as a child when their
mother remarried
an adult christening before their marriage
shi•ed from another parish at a young age and
was considered ‘of this parish’
was born in the area but of a different religion or
Cont … page 26
Page 24 Volume 30 Issue 2
Thanking our community heroes
Yesterday was a special day for us, with Australia Day
ceremonies conducted in towns the length and breadth of
the Shire.
People gathered around barbecues, lunches and morning
teas to salute our na!onal day and hear from 10
dis!nguished Victorians who visited the municipality as
official Australia Day Ambassadors.
Different communi!es structured their ceremonies in
different ways, but the same spirit of celebra!on and
thankfulness was common to all.
Congratula!ons again to the 10 recipients of the Shire’s
ci!zenship honours for their remarkable service to their
The winner of our Ci!zen of the Year award, Des Roberts of
Rheola, has given so generously of his !me over many years.
Our Young Ci!zen of the Year winner Crystal Shaw-Beck of
Dingee, is a young person of great character, while
Community Group of the Year Boort Swim Club has
dis!nguished itself by its dedicated group of skilled and
passionate volunteers.
Well done to our community service award winners – Honie
Tweddle from the Boort Ward, Ian Penny from Inglewood
Ward, Fraser Ramsay of Tarnagulla Ward, John Twigg from
Terrick Ward and Keith Ring from the Wedderburn Ward.
Bryan Jolly from Dingee was awarded an Australia Day award
for his outstanding achievement in sport.
Well done to the organisers of the Wool Wheat and Wine
Fes!val in Bridgewater, the event was awarded Community
Event of the Year.
While we happily salute these individuals for their generosity
in dona!ng so much !me and thought to their local
communi!es, we, as a Council, must also thank the many
others in our towns and districts who do a great deal – o*en
unrecognised – to contribute to the life of their neighbours.
Features installed at Loddon’s pools
Young water enthusiasts have taken advantage of the recent
installa!on of water features at three of Loddon’s pools.
The Mi!amo, Pyramid Hill and Inglewood pools had the new
edi!ons recently installed.
The water features are part of a large project at all five of
Erno and Villiam Kalmar enjoy playing with the new water
features at the Inglewood Pool.
28 January 2015
Loddon Shire’s public swimming pools which included the
installa!on of nine addi!onal shade structures late last year.
The overall project was funded from the state government’s
Seasonal Pool Program ($132,000), with a further $60,000
being contributed from Loddon Shire Council’s budget.
Council has received posi!ve feedback about the water
features, especially by Loddon’s youngsters.
Loddon Shire is always looking for ways to improve its
community facili!es.
Bridgewater Triathlon/Duathlon
Dust off your runners, find your swimming gear, and recruit
some friends. Organisers for the upcoming Bridgewater
triathlon are pu%ng a call out to residents to par!cipate in
the family fun event.
Runners, swimmers, riders and those looking for a bit of
weekend fun can mark Sunday 1 February on their calendar
for the Bridgewater Triathlon /Duathlon.
The event, now in its 12th year, all began when the Bendigo
Triathlon Club were looking for a half marathon event close
to home. Local Bryan Ryan jumped at the challenge and
worked with the club to find a suitable course involving a
swim in the Loddon River.
This year the course has a new start line, located at the
Bridgewater Public Caravan Park, allowing for be&er access
to swimmers, a larger transi!oning area, toilets and plenty
of lush green grass and a playground for children to play on.
Enthusiasts can par!cipate in the course individually, while
those looking for a li&le less wear and tear on their sneakers
can get a group of friends together and partake as a team.
Loddon was well represented last year, and with four
courses to choose from, organisers are expec!ng a large
local line up.
Those looking for a li&le more fun than sweat can
par!cipate in the 50m swim, three kilometre bike ride and
one kilometre run. The short course involves a 200m swim,
10km ride and a three kilometre run, while the triathlon
enthusiasts can sink their teeth into the 500m swim, 20km
ride and five kilometre run.
Those not looking to get their feet wet can par!cipate in the
duathlon. The dry course consists of a two kilometre run,
20km ride, finished with a further three kilometre run. The
event is not all about winning, with event organisers saying
they host the day for people to have some fun in the region.
Triathlon enthusiasts travel from across Victoria to
par!cipate in the Bridgewater event, with New South Wales
and Queensland represented by a few people each year.
There are some great prizes on the day with par!cipants
able to win up to $1000 for their local club or school.
Online registra!ons close Saturday, 31 January at noon.
Par!cipants can register on the day, however a late fee will
Organisers have praised community businesses for
sponsoring the event, including Loddon Shire Council,
Inglewood and District Community Bank, Bridgewater
Bakery, Scato Plus and North Central Catchment
Management Authority.
Without the generous on-going support of our local
business community, the event would not be at the level it
is today.
Cr Gavan Holt
28 January 2015
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 25
Dunolly Blue versus MHS Tartan at MHS
L Parker
M Davies
V Mortlock
C Dahl
H Freemantle
J McHugh
F Nielsen
M Webb
H Weir
J Cox
A Raven
N Stevens
Manager: Marian Webb
Emergency: Jim Smith
Lore!a and Alice
Dunolly Gold versus Golf Blue at Golf
L Whiley
E Murphy
S Deason
K Stephens
H Cooper
N Pike
M Mortlock
J Morse
E Milley
D Spiteri
M Shay
S Chaplin
Manager: Elaine Murphy
Emergency: Wayne Stephens and Stan Shay
Stella and Jill
RESULTS 27.01.15
Dunolly Blue defeated MHS Gold 90 - 42
Dunolly Gold defeated Carisbrook 77 - 57. Yeah, Yeah!
Dunolly Blue (67)
T Galofaro (20)
R Pickering (21)
P Mortlock (26)
lost to
lost to
lost to
Dunolly Gold (58)
L Thomas (22)
D Mortlock (14)
P Freemantle (22)
lost to
lost to
lost to
Golf Blue (71)
K Prime (24)
H Patullo (16)
D Pearce (31)
Talbot brown (76)
R Jackson (25)
I Burt (35)
G Cooper (16)
Dunolly Green (65) defeated
V Mortlock(14)
lost to
G Ray (30)
A Bri!en (21)
lost to
Golf Gold (64)
G Carmody (21)
L Wadeson (14)
M Gallagher (29)
Dunolly Red (46) defeated
A Deason(30)
K Nielsen(16)
lost to
MHS White (43)
L Wadeson (18)
C McArdle (25)
Congratula#ons to Tony Galofaro for winning the Club
Men’s Singles Championship and also to Lore!a Parker
for both the Club Ladies’ Championship and GBD
Champion of Champions. The Draw for the remaining
club matches has been done and has been posted at
the club. All members are advised of clarifica#on to the
laws regarding club rings/discs on bowls, the relevant
law is 52.1.8 and can be viewed at the club.
A. Larpent DBC
Dunolly Blue versus Dunolly Gold at Dunolly
T Galofaro
R Pickering
P Mortlock
G Dobbin
C Williams
L Parker
W McLeish
G Davies
A Weir
J McHugh
S Howard
J Smith
C Williams
Dunolly Gold versus Dunolly Blue at Dunolly
L Thomas
B Lanfranchi
P Freemantle
B Cann
D Mortlock
T Long
B Mortlock
H Taylor
S Rogers
A Larpent
J Haigh
E Weir
A Larpent
Dunolly Green versus Carisbrook at Carisbrook
V Mortlock
G Ray
A Bri!en
K Mo!ram
R Henderson
S Whitehead
D Coe
K Howard
P Chase
W Stephens
S Shay
D Conlin
K Mo!ram
Seconds. Leave Club 12.30pm
Dunolly Red versus Golf Green at Golf
A Deason
K Nielsen
C Lawson
R Weir
D Price
M Dennis
F Dunieville
R Cain
R Weir.
Seconds. Leave club at 12.30pm
I Fle!
‘Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the
la•er part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or
unexpected and frequently humorous.’
Since light travels faster that sound, some people
appear bright un!l you hear them speak.
Extensions ~ Pergolas ~ Decks ~ Renovations
General House Maintenance
Butch Kennedy (Owner)
107 Field St Maryborough 3465
Mob: 0428 741 052
Email: [email protected]
Page 26 Volume 30 Issue 2
Cont .. From page 23
These varia$ons only happen in a small percentage of
cases but when dealing with numerous ancestors the
chances are greater of it happening to at least one of
them. Then all the names on that line further back
are incorrect.
It is said in genealogy that the only known fact is who
your mother is. Modern es$mates vary widely
throughout different communi$es but come up with
a global paternal discrepancy rate of 3.7%. That is 1
in 28 people have the wrong father. This
misa!ributed paternity can cause major problems in
tracing a family tree. If you go back five genera$ons
in your family on average one of those males will not
really be yours. At six genera$ons you not only have
the parents of the wrong male in the fi#h genera$on
but another wrong male added in the sixth
genera$on. This has a cumula$ve effect. So a#er ten
genera$ons you are back to say the 1600s and a
significant 18% of both males and females are wrong.
Of course if the incorrect father was much more
recent, say your grandfather or great grandfather
then these figures would be greatly enhanced.
During wars the paternal discrepancy rate is
presumed to be higher. Don’t forget, England has had
a war nearly every genera$on.
DNA sampling for genealogists can link people with
rela$ves on a database that are separated by several
genera$ons from a common ancestor. This can not
only prove that line of ancestry but bring you in
contact with very distant rela$ves who may provide
different informa$on. DNA can also, to a limited
degree, es$mate the percentage of each racial
subgroup in your ancestry at about twelve
genera$ons back.
One issue with some early DNA sampling was with
people who are referred to as a chimera. A chimera
has more than one type of DNA. This can be due to
blood transfusions or bone marrow transplant.
Sampling is now done through saliva not blood
elimina$ng that problem.
Homo sapiens originally had black skin with brown
eyes. Anyone displaying other features does so
because their DNA is corrupted. This imported DNA
has now been traced to the Neanderthal who had
white skin and blue eyes. All people who are not
black skin with brown eyes contain some
Neanderthal DNA.
John Tully
28 January 2015
Cont … from page 7
in Maryborough. It’s a good place to bring the kids up.
People get to know you and they trusted you’, Mr Kelly
A large part of Mr Kelly’s role was trauma counselling
which involved support for emergency services. ‘I’ve
a!ended numerous road accidents and house fires
with the CFA and police and debriefed their members
a#erward to make sure they are okay’.
He also supported people through industrial accidents
at work and at home.
‘A lot of the work involved grief and loss counselling
and that usually involved suicides and deaths with
Mr Kelly’s line of work has also made him present
during sieges involving armed gunmen.
‘The police inspector and I have been out there telling
them to put their weapon down and come out. So I’ve
done counselling for sieges and armed hold-ups’.
But a#er dealing with the ups and downs of
chemotherapy, Mr Kelly says his $me has come.
‘I really can’t keep going with all the distances so I’ve
had to finish up a li!le earlier than planned. But we’ll
con$nue to live here, Maryborough’s a very important
part of my life. And I daresay someone is going to stop
me and say ‘Wayne we need to talk about this’,’ Mr
Kelly said, indica$ng his counselling skills will s$ll be
used locally.
Coming from a career that has been ‘thoroughly
rewarding’ Mr Kelly said it was nice when he received
recogni$on for his work. ‘Thoroughly rewarding,
absolutely rewarding. You do what you’re expected to
do. What the really good thing is, it might be two or
three months a#er an accident or something that I’m
dealing with and I’ll get a le!er in the post, a li!le
thankyou card and it’s just a recogni$on that they feel
they like to do. You don’t look for it but that’s what
makes it really rewarding, knowing that people
appreciate what you do’.
One example of people’s apprecia$on of Mr Kelly’s
work dates back to the Kerang train disaster of June
2007. ‘I was called up there for two days to support the
emergency people and there was a tent with Red Cross
people in it, and I had nothing to do with the Red
Cross, so me being me, I just wandered in there to
make sure they were going all right. About three weeks
a#er the accident I got a folder in the mail from the
Red Cross with a cer$ficate of apprecia$on. I’ve had
le!ers of apprecia$on from the CFA and also the police
for things that I’ve done, but you don’t look for that, it
just happens.’
Courtesy of Maryborough Adver$ser.
28 January 2015
Voca!onal educa!on and training (VET) students now have
a complaints hotline to bring rogue training providers to the
a"en!on of regulators.
‘Our Government is taking firm ac!on to crack down on
unscrupulous and misleading behaviour by some training
providers and brokers, and this one-stop-shop hotline
will help stop the exploita!on of students,’ said Mr
The joint ini!a!ve with state and territory governments not
only helps appren!ces and students to lodge complaints but
it also serves employers concerned about any aspect of the
training system.
‘We need to all ensure that our training system is of the
highest quality so that students and poten!al employers
can enjoy confidence in our training system,’ Mr Tehan said.
‘Anyone in the electorate of Wannon with a complaint or
query about the training sector now has one number to call.
‘To date students in Wannon have not had a clear way to
get the a"en!on of regulators when they have had a
training provider do the wrong thing by them, said Mr.
The Na!onal Training Complaints Hotline is accessible on 13
38 73 (Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm na!onally)
or via email: at skilling@educa!on.gov.au.
The benefits of a new $476 million Industry Skills Fund will
be felt across Wannon, with Australian businesses now able
to apply for support to boost the skills of their workforce.
“The fund will provide up to 200,000 training places and
skills advice for businesses over the next four years, and is a
key element of the Abbo" Government Industry Innova!on
and Compe!!veness Agenda,” said Member for Wannon,
Dan Tehan.
“This is a new way of providing support to businesses
that need to upskill or retrain their employees to enable
their business to grow, diversify, adopt new
technologies, or take advantage of new market
“I encourage businesses in the following industries in
Wannon to apply for the Industry Skills Fund - advanced
manufacturing, food and agribusiness, medical technology,
mining equipment, and oil, gas and energy resources.
“Employers in Wannon will be supported to decide what
training is needed in their business, and which training
provider they want to work with, to boost their business
produc!vity and compe!!veness,” said Mr Tehan.
The Fund will primarily target Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) to be"er posi!on themselves for growth
opportuni!es. A business will be considered as ‘posi!oning
for growth’ if the business falls into one or more of the
Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 27
following categories:
Diversifying into new or emerging markets and/or;
Adop!ng new or emerging technologies and/or;
Entering export markets for the first !me and/or
Responding to significant new domes!c market
opportuni!es and/or;
Reposi!oning because of market driven structural
Businesses wan!ng support to train workers will be
required to make a contribu!on to the cost of training.
The co-contribu!on rate depends on the number of
employees, with smaller businesses receiving higher
levels of support.
Guidelines and more informa!on are available at
www.business.gov.au. Applica!ons are accepted on an
ongoing basis, throughout the year.
The Produc!vity Commission Review of the Fair Work Laws,
promised by the Coali!on prior to the 2013 elec!on, is now
underway and Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan has called
for people in the local area to make submissions.
This independent review will assess the opera!on of the
Fair Work framework and consider op!ons for
improvement before making recommenda!ons to
‘It is important that the Produc!vity Commission get a full
understanding of how the laws work in prac!ce, both good
and bad, including prac!cal examples from local
employees, employers and community groups,’ Mr Tehan
‘Submissions can be made on any aspect of the system and
an online comments op!on is available, which can be used
to quickly and simply submit views of the system.’
‘Anyone in our local community with feedback, posi!ve
or nega!ve, on how the workplace rela!ons system is
working should make a submission to ensure a wide
ranging and robust report,’ Mr Tehan concluded.
The review is due to report by the end of 2015 and will make
recommenda!ons that the Government decides to adopt
will then be taken to the 2016 elec!on to seek a mandate
from the Australian people.
Submissions to the review can be made online at
www.pc.gov.au or by post to the Produc!vity Commission,
Locked Bag 2, Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003.
Dan Tehan
“Be•er to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to
speak and remove all doubt.”
Abraham Lincoln
Page 28 Volume 30 Issue 2
28 January 2015
What a busy weekend we had. Saturday the Ballarat train brought a huge influx of people. Above some photos of
greeters in costume, with Queen Victoria and entourage making an appearance, people u"lising our shops, the Red
Hat con"ngency; then we had the Twilight Market in the evening and finally Australia Day celebra"ons on Monday
with Peter ‘Crackers’ Keenan as Ambassador. Altogether a great weekend for Dunolly.