EBARA INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Cryodynamics Division suBmerGeD CrYOGeNIC PumPs & eXPaNDers CrYODYNamICs marine applications WWW. eBa ra I N t L . CO m EBARA International Corporation, Cryodynamics Division (EIC Cryo) is the premier manufacturer of Cryogenic Pumps and Expanders for the many segments and applications of the worldwide liquefied gas industry. with over 40 years of continuous engineering advancement and the largest cryogenic test stand in the world, EiC Cryo is the only manufacturer of its kind with the knowledge and expertise to provide the most complete catalog of both standard and custom cryogenic pump equipment in the world. EiC Cryo incorporates the highest caliber of quality, engineering and technological advancement, delivering the most dependable and efficient equipment you can buy. marINe aPPLICatIONs EIC Cryo offers complete package solutions for all of your marine pump requirements. These units are available for all shipboard and floating applications and are used for main cargo unloading, stripping/spray, fuel and emergency (retractable), high pressure and expander services. Depending on your unique requirements, flow capacities range from 5 to 3000m3/h with heads available over 200 meters. additionally, electric power feed cables and deck penetration assemblies are custom manufactured at EIC Cryo’s Sparks, NV facility and meet all requirements of major ship classification societies. Special designs with built-in internal filtration are available to handle cargo that is likely to suffer particulate contamination such as LPG. W WW.e Ba raINtL.C Om CarGO PumP sPraY PumP CarGO PumPs CarGO & sPraY (strIPPING) PumPs • An Entire ship’s cargo can be unloaded in approximately ~12 hours. • Single and multi-stage designs available • Spray pump designs have such an extremely low nPSH, cargo tanks can be offloaded to near-zero liquid levels: • Increasing the amount of delivered cargo • Reducing the cost of transportation and heel product in the tanks during the return voyages • Spray Pumps commonly achieve a nPSHr as low as .3 meters and are often used for recirculation, reducing boil-off gases. emerGeNCY in the highly unlikely event that both cargo pumps were to fail onboard, an emergency pump can be used to empty the cargo pump storage tank. Thousands of our cargo pumps have been delivered and there is no history of any of our emergency pumps ever having to be used due to pump failure, a testament to the reliability of the EIC Cryo design. FueL EiC Cryo has developed low flow, high head lng fuel pumps. These submerged pumps are designed to meet the rigorous conditions of marine fueling applications. The rugged construction of these pumps allows years of uninterrupted service, even while operating with fuels containing some amount of contamination. muLtI-LIQuID & DuaL-DutY The multi-Fluid Cargo Pump allows the ship to offload not only lng but lPg or lEg without modification to the pump. The pump is designed specifically to operate at various temperatures and densities, therefore allowing one pump for multiple applications. Dual-duty cargo pumps allow a single machine to accommodate both feed and offloading pump applications. WWW.eB ar aIN t L. C Om CARGO PUMPS PUMP Characteristics Flow Rate (m3/h) Head (m) Electric Motor (kW) NPSHr (m) Hydraulic Efficiency High Flow Cargo Pump 16EC-24H 1700-2400 150-200 <912 <1.00 83% Cargo Pump 16EC-24 1400-1950 140-180 <635 <1.00 82% Cargo Pump 12EC-24 1000-1500 125-170 <500 <1.00 82% Stripping/spray Pump 2EC-12 42-62* 135-180 <26 <0.42 56% Fuel Gas Pump 1.25EC-083 13-19* 120-230 <12 <0.19 48% Emergency Cargo Pump 8ECR-12 400-590 145-170 <190 <1.8 74% *Additional models available Pump Features Designation Installation Accessories Application High Flow Cargo Pump 16EC-24H In-Tank, Fixed Bracketed to Tower Single Flange Connection Offloading Cargo Cargo Pump 16EC-24 In-Tank, Fixed Bracketed to Tower Single Flange Connection Offloading Cargo Cargo Pump 12EC-24 In-Tank, Fixed Bracketed to Tower Single Flange Connection Offloading Cargo Stripping/spray Pump 2EC-12 In-Tank, Fixed Bracketed to Tower Single Flange Connection Tank Cooling Stripping Tank Fuel Gas Pump 1.25EC-083 In-Tank, Fixed Bracketed to Tower Single Flange Connection Fuel Supply to Engines Emergency Cargo Pump 8ECR-12 In-Tank Retractable In-Tank, Vertical Foot valve, cable support system, headplate, deck junction boxes, storage containers Back-up Pump for Cargo Pumps w ww.e ba raintl.c om FLOatING Submerged motor pumps and expanders are well suited to the growing business of floating installations. The compact design of a submerged motor pump results in a machine approximately half the size and one-third of the weight of an equivalent external motor pump; an important advantage where space and weight are at a premium. Suction Vessel mounted pump models are used in high-pressure send-out service on FSrus and in several process services on FPSos. retractable pumps service the storage tanks on the vessels. Expanders can be found on the Flng topside modules. Various Types of Pumps for Floating applications: • High Pressure Booster Pumps • regas Feed Pumps • Cargo Pumps (below deck) • Process Pumps • Expanders • For many years, the traditional method to let down pressure in a liquid stream used a Joule-Thomson (J-T ) valve. an improvement in the overall efficiency of this let-down process can be achieved by replacing the J-T valve with an expander. in doing so, the overall plant efficiency will increase, reducing operating costs and increasing LNG production. LESS POWER CONSUMPTION +MORE PRODUCTION = sIGNIFICaNtLY reDuCeD eNVIrONmeNtaL ImPaCt • Expanders increase production of liquefied gas by ~20 tonnes per day. • Each megawatt of generated power increases the lng production by ~60,000 tonnes per year. • Expanders remove otherwise wasted energy from the lng stream, decreasing the total power consumption and further cooling the cryogenic fluid. WWW.eB ar aIN t L. C Om FLOatING staBILItY Floating service pumps are subjected to additional loads due to ship hull motion. These loads are present during sea towing and during operation while moored at site. Vessel mounted pumps and expanders incorporate additional lateral supports to reduce the stress on the vessel mounting lugs. Within the vessel, the pump is protected from lateral loads by the use of a lower support rod. retractable pumps use a deepseat style suction valve or a rigid retraction system to eliminate the possibility of the pump unseating from the valve seal surface during hull motion. In cases of extreme loads, a shaft locking device can be applied, preventing movement of the shaft during shut-down. it can be externally controlled and wired into the plant safe-guarding system with appropriate interlocks. INstrumeNtatION OPtIONs VIBratION mONItOrING sYstems (Vms) Depending on your project, your VmS can be designed with either a PCB 4-20ma transmitter arrangement or a Bently nevada 3500 compatible interface module. These packages can encompass all you may need for your system or control room including: • • • • • • • • Accelerometers Cabling Feedthru(s) Junction box Instrument rack Power supply Monitors Cabinet Other OPtIONs: • Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) System • Liquid Level System • VFD Control options W WW.e Ba raINtL.C Om SMALL SCALE SMALL-SCALE The liquefaction, marine, land, transport and regasification industries are changing. Facility size, storage, distribution and transportation methodologies are all progressing, delivering power and energy to even the most unlikely, difficult-to-reach corners of the earth. regardless of where you are in the global LNG pipeline, EIC Cryo has the pump or expander to support your specific application. Ship to Ship Transfer on-Shore Transfer • • overall height: 38.5 in, 978 mm • overall diameter: 17.0 in, 432 mm • approx weight: 450 lb, 204 kg 2ECS-12 CHARACTERISTICS Design Temp Max Flow Max Head Liquids NPSHR Range Max Power Max RPM -196◦ C 80 m3/hr 332 m LNG, LPG* .30-1.0 m 65 kw 4800 *Brochure technical information specific to lng only. Technical information for lPg applications available upon request. 50 Hz AT RATED IMPELLER DIAMETER Overall Efficiency (at 50 Hz) 80 Hz AT RATED IMPELLER DIAMETER Overall Efficiency (at 80 Hz) 400 200 350 175 300 150 250 125 Lin e) 100 EP 200 (B w) Flo x a 150 Efficiency (%) 2ECS-12 HEAD VS. FLOW Flow) • • (Min • Fueling Systems Skids Bunkering Vessels Head (m) • 75 (M 100 50 50 25 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 100 Flow (m3/hr) WWW.EB AR AIN T L. C OM EBARA INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Cryodynamics Division eQuIPmeNt Features/OPtIONs • Submerged Induction Motors Submerged in oxygen-free cryogenic liquid, removing potential for ignition; no mechanical seals • Patented Thrust Equalizing Mechanism® (TEM®) Zero thrust load on the bearings, for longer life • Complete Electrical System Packages Variable Frequency Drive, Power Cables & Junction Boxes Included • Inducers Pumps operate at extremely low NPSH levels without cavitation • Performance Testing with Actual Field Operation Conditions We test every pump in LNG for absolute quality assurance • Vessel Options Single Wall or Vacuum Insulated • Condition Monitoring Including Cryogenic ICP® Accelerometers • Skid Packaging GeNeraL NOtes PumP CharaCterIstICs CONtaCt us North America, Southeast Asia, Caribbean & Australia Europe & India China Middle East & Africa +1 775-356-2796 +44 1372-739-666 +86 21 5460930 +974 66550890 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] For a complete list of our global network of authorized agents, please visit our website and click on “contact” in the header. 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