SCHOOL AGE REQUIREMENT FOR KINDERGARTEN and PRE-K: Per Delaware Legislature House Bill No. 63,
children must be age 5 on or before August 31 to qualify for admission into Kindergarten. We require that children
must be age 4 on or before August 31 to qualify for admission into Pre-Kindergarten.
OPEN HOUSE: Open Houses will be on Sunday, January 26th after the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses and on
Tuesday, January 28th between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Date – Registration will be Sunday, February 2nd between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in the school Library.
Fee – There is a non-refundable Application Fee of $100 per student paid at the time of registration.
Requirements – Please bring with you to Registration the following: a copy of the Birth Certificate, Baptismal
Certificate, and if applying for Grades 1-8, the latest Progress Report (report card and any standardized test, if
applicable) to be attached to your Registration Application. You will also need to supply your child’s Social Security
Number and the complete mailing address and telephone number of your child’s present school.
KINDERGARTEN TESTING: Please sign up at registration (date still to be determined).
Childfind screening is a required Kindergarten readiness test (language, motor, speech, hearing and vision) given
by the State of Delaware. Your child needs to be screened by Childfind either at their present pre-school or the
Childfind screening to be held at St. Mary Magdalen (date still to be determined). If your child is screened for
Childfind at any location other than SMM, results need to be sent to SMM. Acceptance to SMM can not be made
until Childfind results are received.
In addition to the Childfind screening, all Kindergarten applicants are required to take a St. Mary Magdalen
School screening. Sign-up times will be available at registration.
ACCEPTANCE: Pre-K acceptance/non-Acceptance letters will be mailed out by mid-March and K-8th
acceptance/non-acceptance letters will be mailed out prior to April 15th.
*See new acceptance policy on the next page.
Pre-Kindergarten – Two Classes of 20 Students (mixed full day and half day)
Full Day Kindergarten – Three Classes of 20 Students
Grade 1 – Three Classes of Approximately 20 Students
Grade 2 thru 8 – Two Classes of Approximately 30 Students
7:55 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. (Regular Dismissal)
7:55 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. (Half Day Dismissal)
There is supervision for children arriving after 7:30 a.m.
Before School Hours – 7:00 – 7:45 a.m.
Fees - $2.00 Per Day/Per Child on a Drop-In Basis
$1.50 Per Day/Per Child on a Six Day or More Per Month Pre-Signed Basis
Extended Care Hours - From School Dismissal 2:45 p.m. (or 11:45 a.m. on Half Days) Until 6:00 p.m.
(There is no after school coverage on days school is not in session.)
Fees - $ 9.00 Per Day ( 2:45 p.m. Dismissal) Per Child
$17.00 Per Day (11:45 a.m. Dismissal) Per Child-
Tuition and School Fees are determined yearly dependant on budget needs. The school tuition rate and school fees
have not yet been determined for the 2014 - 2015 school year. Enclosed is the 2013-2014 school year tuition rate
and fees. Costs could increase as much as 10-12%. SMM collects these fees via an automatic withdrawal plan
from your checking account. The current SMM Tuition Policy and tuition payment information is attached.
Parents will be notified by mail whether or not their child has been accepted to St. Mary Magdalen School. Upon
acceptance there will be a $200 non-refundable registration fee due no later than April 15, 2014 for Pre-K students
and May 1, 2014 for Kindergarten thru 8th grade students to insure placement. This fee will be put towards the first
month’s tuition payment in July.
St. Mary Magdalen School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities
generally accorded or made available to students in the school and is based on the following criteria in this order of acceptance:
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Parishioner – brothers and sisters of children already attending SMMS
Oldest child of Parishioner entering the school for the first time at the Kindergarten level
Catholic children from Parishes without a Parish school
Catholic children relocating from out of town
Catholic children from Parishes with a Parish school
Non-Catholic brothers and sisters of children already attending SMMS
Non-Catholic students
Grades 1-8
Catholic students relocating from out of town Catholic schools
Parishioner-Catholic students transferring from a Catholic school
Parishioner-Catholic students transferring from a non-Catholic school
Parishioner – brothers and sisters of children already attending SMMS
Non–Parishioner Catholic students transferring from another Catholic School
Non-Catholic students transferring from another school
All applications will be reviewed by an Admission Sub-Committee. For school purposes, a “Parishioner” is an
individual or member of a household who registers with the Parish and shows support to the Parish community of
SMM through regular attendance at mass, regular contributions to the offertory to provide financial support to the
Parish, and volunteering time and talent to any of the many Parish organizations and functions. Some combination
of the above contributions of time, talent, and treasure should be made with the intent of promoting the mission of
SMM Parish.
Qualified families are expected to be committed to the philosophy of Catholic education, provide regular financial
support to SMM Church, abide by the school rules and regulations, and support our Home and School Association’s
activities and fundraisers.
2014 – 2015 School Year
2014-2015 School Year
$100 Application Fee
Date ______________________
(not accepted prior to 2/2/2014)
Are you presently a St. Mary Magdalen School family? _________________________
Applying for Grade _____________*
*If Pre-K
□ Half-day (7:55am – 11:45am)
□ Full-day (7:55-2:45pm)
If applying for more than one child, specify grade(s) _______________
Child’s Legal Name____________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________
City _______________________________
Subdivision _________________________
State ____________________
Home Number __________________________________
(Name Student Goes By)
Zip _________________
Social Security Number _________________________
Race/Ethnic Background___________________________ Gender _______________ Birth Date _______/_______/_______
(Required by the Diocese of Wilmington & the State of DE for Government Statistics & Child Identification)
Father: Mr. Dr. __________________________________
Mother: Mrs. Ms. Dr. ______________________________
Address (if different from applicant)__________________
Address (if different from applicant) ___________________
City __________________ __State ______ Zip ________
City ___________________State ______ Zip ___________
Home Phone ___________________________________
Home Phone ____________________________________
Employer ______________________________________
Employer _______________________________________
Occupation/Position _____________________________
Occupation/Position _______________________________
Business Address _______________________________
Business Address ________________________________
City ____________________ State ______ Zip ________
City ____________________ State ______ Zip _________
Business Phone _________________________________
Business Phone __________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________________
Cell Phone ______________________________________
Stepmother _____________________________________
Stepfather _______________________________________
Occupation/Position ______________________________
Occupation/Position _______________________________
Business Address ________________________________
Business Address _________________________________
Business Phone _________________________________
Business Phone __________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________________
Cell Phone ______________________________________
With whom does the applicant live? _______________________________________________________________________
Which Parent(s) have legal custody? ______________________________________________________________________
If applicant lives with a guardian other than parents, please provide name, address, and phone number __________________
Are you interested in our Extended Care Program? _____ If yes, please check a.m. ______ p.m. ______ a.m. & p.m.
Page 1
Religious Denomination of Applicant ______________________________________________________________________
Religious Denomination of Mother _____________________________
Father _________________________________
Parish Registered In___________________________________________________________________________________
Full name of Parishioner _________________________________How long have you been a Parishioner?_______________
If SMM Parishioner, please supply us with your Envelope Number ______________
Child’s Baptism
__________ _________________________________
Child’s First Communion
__________ _________________________________
Child’s First Reconciliation
__________ _________________________________
Child’s Confirmation
__________ _________________________________
Full Name _______________________________________________Relationship To Student_________________________
Address ____________________________________________City _____________________State_______ Zip__________
Present School _______________________________________________________________________________________
Present School District _________________________________________________________________________________
Reason For Leaving ___________________________________________________________________________________
Has student been tested for a learning disability? ______ ___ If yes, give diagnosis ________________________________
Accommodations Requested ____________________________________________________________________________
Visual or Hearing Impairment? _________ If yes, explain _____________________________________________________
Are there other physical disabilities and/or medical conditions which the school should be aware? ______________________
If yes, explain ________________________________________________________________________________________
Please Note: St. Mary Magdalen School does not have a special education or learning disabilities program. Limited
accommodations can be made for students with certain mild diagnosed education needs. The school reserves the right to
accept only students whose needs can be accommodated according to written limitations discussed with parents.
Page 2
In order to assist us with our acceptance procedure, please provide the following information:
If you or your spouse are St. Mary Magdalen School alumni, please list name and year graduated:
If anyone in your family is a St. Mary Magdalen School alumni, please list name, relationship, and year graduated:
St. Mary Magdalen School values your personal commitment of time, talent, and treasure within your parish
community. In what ways have you been involved in your current or previous parish community?
If your parents, grandparents, or other family members are registered parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen past or
present, please list name and relationship:
Describe the value your family places on weekly Mass attendance:
Why have you chosen St. Mary Magdalen School?
Page 3
I/We, as the applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) have read the above in full and attest by my signature below that this
application has been completed and is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I/We wish to have my/our son/daughter attend St. Mary Magdalen School. If accepted, I/We agree to abide by the policies
and procedures outlined in any current year Parent/Student Handbook and in any new policies and procedures announced
to parents and students in any and all written communications normally transmitted to parents and students during the
school year.
If accepted, I/We agree to abide by the Tuition Policy, including a non-refundable $200 Registration Fee. This fee will be put
toward the first months tuition if the student attends SMMS.
I/We understand that if St. Mary Magdalen School is not in receipt of the applicant’s Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate,
Childfind* testing results (Kindergarten) and applicable progress reports at the time acceptances are determined, admission
will not be considered.
I/We understand that the $100 Application Fee is non-refundable.
If my/our child enrolls at St. Mary Magdalen School, may St. Mary Magdalen use photographs of your child for the school’s
publications, advertising and web site?
If my/our child enrolls at St. Mary Magdalen School, may St. Mary Magdalen publish your name, address and phone number
in the St, Mary Magdalen School Directory?
Applicant Name (Please Print)
Parent’s Name (Please Print)
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Applicant Birth date
Parent’s Name (Please Print)
Signature of Parent/Guardian
The above agreement must be signed by the applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to process this application.
$100 Application Fee ____________
Check # _______________
Recorded by: ____________________
Birth Certificate ______________
Baptism Certificate _______
Progress Report __________________
St. Mary Magdalen School
9 Sharpley Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone (302)656-2745 Fax (302)656-7889
Page 4
(302)656-2745 * Fax (302)656-7889 *
To: St. Mary Magdalen School
Attention: K. Thommes
9 Sharpley Road
Wilmington, DE l9803
NAME OF APPLICANT __________________________________ APPLYING FOR GRADE _________
NAME OF PRESENT SCHOOL ____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________CITY _______________STATE ______ ZIP _________
SCHOOL TELEPHONE NUMBER __________________________________
In order to complete the application process to St. Mary Magdalen School, I authorize the release of my child’s
academic records, including any standardized testing, to St. Mary Magdalen School.
Permission is given for my child’s present school to complete a Recommendation Form (Kindergarten
applicants only), which will accompany this release form, and send that recommendation form to St. Mary
Magdalen School. The recommendation will be used for the admission process only and will not become part
of the student’s permanent records. This information is confidential and can’t be shared w/parents.
After acceptance has been offered, I authorize the release of my child’s full academic and medical records to
St. Mary Magdalen School.
*Parents are asked to return this form, along with the 4 page Application and Application Fee to St. Mary
Magdalen School.
Page 5
7 Sharpley Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19803
(302) 652-6800
Parishioner tuition rates will apply only to those parents who meet the following criteria:
Have been active, participating, and registered parishioners of St. Mary Magdalen Parish for at least
one (1) year.
If transferring, have been active, participating, and registered parishioners of their home parish for at
least one (1) year. This will be indicated by proper documentation.
If the above does not apply at the time of registration, non-parishioner tuition rates will apply. Should
the family register and be active, participating parishioners for one (1) year, then parishioner tuition
rates will apply the following year.
St. Mary Magdalen is always ready to offer tuition assistance when justified. Active parishioners will
contribute to the offertory collection at least the minimum suggested offering for all parishioners.
Mass attendance and participation in parish life is fundamental.
(This policy was approved unanimously by the Parish Pastoral Council at its June, 2004 meeting. Fr.
McMahon ratified it as Policy effective July 1, 2004.)
“Every believer in this world of ours must be a spark of light, a center of love, a vivifying leaven
amidst his brothers and sister; and one will be this all the more perfectly the more closely
one lives in communion with God in the intimacy of one’s own soul.”
……..Blessed John XXIII
SMM collects school tuition via an automatic withdrawal plan through your bank account. This plan was adopted for the primary
purpose of providing a method of payment which ensures a more predictable cash flow, as school operating expenses must be
paid on a weekly basis. The automatic tuition program also aids in the administrative and record keeping parts of fee collection.
Since administrative costs add to the costs of operating, controlling those costs can only have a favorable impact on future
tuition. (The bank charges SMM a nominal set-up fee and minimal annual maintenance fee which are borne by SMM.)
Wilmington Trust will withdraw the standard monthly amount from your existing bank account (any bank savings, checking, or
money market) on the due date you indicate and deposit the funds with SMM. A record of the transfers made will be provided to
the office for record keeping.
We aim to help all those who desire a Catholic education and maintain the high quality standards and programs established at
St. Mary Magdalen School. This tuition collection plan helps everyone to get more for their time and money.
One (1) Annual Payment – Paid in Full By July 1 - 2.6% Discount
Two (2) Payments – Paid in Full By July 1 And November 1 – 1.35% Discount
Twelve (12) Monthly Payments – Automatic Withdrawal From Checking Account
Diocesan Tuition Assistance: All registered Diocesan school students are eligible for assistance, but funds are limited
and the neediest of families are selected each year as fund recipients. Forms must be submitted online no later than
March 1, 2014.
Parish Tuition Assistance: Assistance can be made available to those families in need who have completed at least one
year of attendance at St. Mary Magdalen School. Forms may be submitted on line by March 15, 2014.
Once new students have been accepted and present students have re-enrolled, the school must be notified in writing of any
intended early withdrawal date. The following tuition requirements apply depending on the date of withdrawal:
Date of Termination:
On or Before 7/1
On or Before 11/1
On or Before 2/1
On or After 2/2
No Tuition Due
50% of Tuition Due to SMMS
70% of Tuition Due to SMMS
100% of Tuition Due to SMMS
All financial responsibilities for the current school year must be met on a regularly scheduled basis and in a timely manner.
Parents who are delinquent more than ninety (90) days and who have not consistently responded to all correspondence, may be
asked to remove their children from the school until all past due balances have been satisfied.
All financial responsibilities to St. Mary Magdalen must be paid in full before 8 grade “Graduation Day.” Students will not be
permitted to attend graduation ceremonies if all financial obligations have not been met.
A $50 per child non-refundable Re-Enrollment Fee for present students is due in the January timeframe in order to register and
hold a place for your child(ren) in the upcoming school year. This fee is non-refundable and is separate from tuition.
All financial responsibilities for the current school year must be met prior to enrollment for the upcoming school year. No student
will be permitted to return to school in September if the prior year’s tuition and fees have not been paid in full.
If you should have any questions regarding the above, please call the Parish Office 302-652-6800.