Guest Card February Birthdays For Our Guests What to Expect During Worship Rebecca Molina ............. 2/2 Jason Costen .................. 2/3 Name (s) ___________________________________________________ Date:____________ Address ________________________________________________________ Apt _________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________ Email _____________________________________ Guest Of _____________________________________________________________________ Jay Tanner ...................... 2/4 Lauren Heitsman ........... 2/5 Martin Houston .............. 2/7 Frank Logan ................... 2/9 Rachel Richards .......... 2/10 Dawn Tanner ............... 2/10 Vivian Ramsey ............. 2/10 Michele King ............... 2/15 Ebony Molina............... 2/18 Bonnie Walker ............. 2/21 Johnny Bradley ............ 2/26 PANTRY NEEDS CEREAL, JELLY, CANNED CORN, CANNED GREEN BEANS, PASTA SAUCE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes ................. 9:30 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m. Sunday P.M. Small Group .........6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening ...................7:00 p.m. Teen Young Adult Married Single Over 35 Moved from ____________________ Have a minister or elder contact me Need info on becoming a member CHURCH OFFICE 205 DENBIGH BLVD. NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23608 (757) 877-4322 Email: [email protected] Website: ELDERS BOB BEAN ........................ 757-886-1015 ART EDLOW ...................... 757-329-8881 DAVID STEVENS ................ 757-969-1300 JOE TATUM ....................... 757-870-0443 MINISTERS CHARLES “TUCK” TUCKER .. 757-234-3298 ROGER BROWN ................. 757-898-0155 Singing: We sing a cappella (without instruments). The songs are listed in the bulletin and lyrics are projected on our screen. We also have booklets with music notation available as well. We encourage you to join in, but do not feel obligated; you can just sit and listen. Lord's Supper: Communion is a part of our worship each week. In this simple memorial we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and we also emphasize the central place of the cross in our faith. Offering: The work at Denbigh is supported totally by the free-will offerings of our members. Our guests are not expected to make a donation. Preaching: The sermon will be about 20-25 minutes long and centered in Scripture. If our study raises questions, please feel free to ask the minister or one of the elders. After the sermon an invitation will be offered for those with a prayer request or desire for baptism. At this time, we will stand and sing a song. Please don’t feel uncomfortable; you will not be singled out in any way. Children’s Church: At some point during each morning assembly (usually before the sermon) children ages 2-5 will be dismissed to a class for a special lesson. An attended nursery is also provided. Usually at this time, we will take a few minutes to stand and greet each other. Expected of You: Participate in any way in which you are comfortable. We do ask you to fill out a Guest Card (at left). We are honored that you chose to visit with us today. We hope that you will stay around for a few minutes after our services so that we can become better acquainted. We also hope that you will come to see us as we see ourselves, a group of people who love Jesus and are doing our best to serve Him. Please come back and worship with us at each and every opportunity that you have. Denbigh Church of Christ Living As God’s Family Under the Cross Loving, Serving, Praising, Proclaiming Order of Worship On Being That Kid February 1, 2015 Theme: Hosanna! 66- Doxology 96- I Stand in Awe Welcome Reading: Hosanna Medley 167- Hosanna Hosanna, You’re My King 107- Holy, Holy, Holy (Hosanna) Opening Prayer All to Us Children 2-5 Dismissed to Class Meet-n-Greet Mighty to Save Communion (The Nails in Your Hands) Giving and Family News Sermon: Take God at His Word (2): Be Willing to Share Invitation Reflection Shepherd’s Prayer Dismissal Booklets with music notation are available in the back. Song lyrics will be projected on the screen. Please fill out the perforated Guest or Member attendance slip on the back of this bulletin. I was once that kid. You know, the one in class that had to answer all the questions. Especially in Sunday school, I raised my hand before the teacher even finished the question. But by the time I finished college I had begun to suspect that I wasn’t really all that smart. Sad, but true. I got through grad school by blending into the background and looking smart agreeing as other people answered the questions. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be that kid. Peter was that kid, the first to answer the questions. And like the time when he got out of the boat to walk on the water, Peter often found himself in over his head. In today’s reading from Matthew 16, Jesus asks, “Who do people say I am?” Well that’s easy. When you quote others, there aren’t any wrong answers, so the apostles jump right in. But then Jesus asks, “Who do you think that I am?” Peter is that kid with the answer, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” And Peter was right. And Peter was wrong. As Jesus continues, it is very clear that Peter has no idea what it means for Jesus to be Messiah. Jesus tells them of his coming death and resurrection, but Peter is quick to pull him aside and insist that Jesus had it wrong. After all, being Messiah meant crowns and thrones and victories, not a cross. Jesus rebukes Peter with the strongest of words— Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” (Matthew 16:23) Peter knew that Jesus was the Messiah; he didn’t realize what being the Messiah meant for Jesus… or what it would for him. He was thinking in human terms—of power, success, and prestige. What being the Messiah would mean for Jesus was a cross. That’s what it would literally mean for Peter too, if the traditions of Peter’s death are to be believed. So when Peter confesses Jesus as the Messiah, he was right. And he was wrong. When I was that kid, I answered a particular question one Wednesday night. Oscar McCoy asked if I believed that Jesus was the Christ, and I said, “Yes!” I got the question right (as usual). But I also got it wrong. I had no idea what it means for Jesus to be Christ. When I gave my answer, I thought that my confession was a prerequisite to baptism and that my baptism made me right and accepted by God (that and singing without a piano). As it turns out, baptism was pretty easy. Seeing what it means for Jesus to be Christ and living out that decision to be crucified daily with him, that hasn’t always been so easy. That’s a decision I must make anew every day. Peter had the right answer in Matthew 16. He didn’t really get the answer right until he came to realize what it meant for Jesus to be the Christ. It meant the cross. It continues to mean the cross. And that is something we must continue to live out every day. — HTTP://DENBIGH.ORG/CATEGORY/TUCKS-BLOG/ Souper Bowl of Caring CENTER FRONT MARK WEST CENTER REAR LONNIE COLSON RIGHT FRONT ANDREW KING RIGHT REAR CHARLES GALLOWAY GREETER/USHER Scott Turner/JB James Horne (prostate surgery) Mark West’s father (cancer, 3 month prognosis) Bruce Gaynon (several health issues) Sally Carr (broken leg) Jacob Peterson’s brother Earl (stroke) Helen Johnson’s brother (stroke) Helen Johnson’s sister Emma Sneed and Julia Denton’s parents (aging issues) Jeff Denton (effects of long-term cancer treatments) Norma Johnson and Nathaniel Davenport (shut in) COMPUTER JAY TANNER NURSERY ESTHER STEVENS LOUANN ALMOND ELDER’S BLESSING David Stevens CHILDRENS CHURCH RICHARD PITTMAN AUDREY BRIGGS AMAYAH WHITE OTHER CONCERNS: Crystal Houston and their families’ struggles Our church finances Crystal Sweatt schooling and health issues Ukraine and continuing unrest in that country Our marriages and family relationships Expectant mother Ryan Schneider (March) Our mission works in India, France and Ukraine For February COMMUNION PREP: H. JOHNSON CLEAN: T. DAILEY BREAD: G. DYKAS OUTSIDE SIGN RACHEL BEAN Pray for God’s strength and wisdom for our elders Tom Byrd upcoming wedding 10/4/15 Ben Stevens & Mallory Pratt, wedding on 2/15/15 Please contact the church office, 877-4322, with updates or prayer concerns Upcoming Events Our Daily Reading From the New Testament Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Matthew 19 Matthew 20: 1-28 Matthew 20: 29-21:17 Matthew 21:18-46 Matthew 22:1-22 Matthew 22:23-46 Today “Souper Bowl of Caring” Today Super Bowl Party 5:45 p.m. February 14 Sweetheart Dinner 6:00 p.m. February 20-22 Winterfest Teen Trip Information to Share BUDGET ............................... $4200 BILLY HEITSMAN ___________________________________________ JANUARY AVG. ..................... $4845 LEFT REAR Sarah Wheeler (recovering from pneumonia) Member (s) Present ________________________________ Date:__________ OFFERING ............................ $4147 KENYATTA DAILEY Lee Jaap (Multiple Myeloma) ___________________________________________ SMALL GROUPS ......................... 85 LEFT FRONT Joyce and Jerry Steward (health issues) ________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY A.M. W ORSHIP ............ 150 RICHARD PITTMAN HEALTH CONCERNS:. ___________________________________________ BIBLE CLASS............................ 85 TABLE TALK Please Pray: _____________________________________________________ FOR THE RECORD PRAYER JERROD TATUM ___________________________________________ The final version of the 2015 budget is posted on the hallway bulletin board. Thank you letters for 2014 contributions to the church were mailed out last week. If you have any questions, please see Bob Bean. So far in 2015 God is blessing us to meet our new budget. Praise the Lord! February is here and you know what that means…well, at least for the high school teens it means road trip to Gatlinburg, TN for Winterfest Youth Rally. Our group will leave around 7 am Friday morning Feb 20 and return Sunday evening around 6 pm. This year we have 11 teens from Denbigh attending this youth rally (Rachel Bean, Casey Davis, Hope Logan, Rachel Richards, Esther Stevens, Olivia Sweatt, Randy Harris, Marshal Butler, Reid Butler, Michael Tanner and Christian Goodeyon). Sean and Sarah Goodeyon along with Roger and Keri Brown are chaperoning this trip so please keep them in your prayers. Several speakers (Chris Seidman, David Skidmore and Jeff Walling) will be presenting lessons around the idea “The Way can’t be walked alone.” Please continue to be in prayer for our group as we finalize our preparations. Argyle Ames’ family ________________________________________________________________ It has come to our attention that not everyone enjoys watching football (hard to believe, I know) and so alternative entertainment will be provided during the Super Bowl. In the auditorium, the family friendly movie “Mom’s Night Out:” will be showing. It will begin around 6:30, wrapping up in time for half-time. Budget and Money Matters Winterfest 2015: The Way TONY BRIGGS Tuck, Lynn and family in the passing of Charles, Sr. ___________________________________________ Movie Time Will King will be doing a repeat of “Let There Be Light” photography classes in February on Sunday afternoons from 2-4 p.m. If you weren’t able to attend in January, now you have another chance to learn and improve. READING: ________________________________________________________________ Are you ready for some football? Our annual Super Bowl Party happens tonight! Amongst all the wonderful tailgate munchies we will be consuming, you can participate in a special competition: Denbigh's Super Bowl XLIX (49th) Cook Off! If you would like to participate, you may enter one or both categories of DIPS and/or BBQ. All entries must be on the table in the Teen Room by 5:45 for judging, eating at 6:00, game on the big screen at 6:30. During half-time we will have some special awards and updates of the Football Trivia Challenge . Photography Class For the new year we are looking forward to having our sessions in different sisters’ homes. On Monday, February 16, we have the pleasure of meeting at Renee West’s home at 6:00 p.m. She has graciously offered to prepare dinner so you can come right from work and enjoy an evening with your sisters. Please let Renee know that you are coming and prayerfully consider hosting one of the upcoming sessions. (Providing dinner is not a mandatory requirement). OUR SYMPATHY Next Week (Feb. 8) _____________________________________________________ Super Bowl Party Plans are underway for the annual Sweetheart Dinner. On Saturday evening, February 14, bring your sweetheart to the building at 6:00 where you will enjoy a sumptuous meal together and enjoy the company of a few of your closest friends. The cost is only $20 per couple or $10 for a single. Sign up on the list on the hallway bulletin board so we can have an accurate count. Sister2Sister Fellowship Prayer Concerns _____________________________________________ Put this in the bulletin? “Souper Bowl of Caring helps young people across America develop a stronger connection to their communities by caring for their neighbors in need.” Our teens will be collecting money after services today to donate to Five Loaves Ministry, an area ministry that provides food to the homeless and needy in our community. Please be in prayer about your giving to this worthy cause. Thank you in advance. Sweetheart Dinner Serving Member Card News and Notes of Interest
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