TECNICAL DATA SHEET 2015 CARROFIX C1 STANDARD ADHESIVE MORTAR • Economical and high-performance • Small grain size for laying earthenware • New indoor projects: - Natural stone (porosity > 2%) - Sandstone (water absorption rate E > 0.5%) TECHNICAL DATA COVERAGE : 1,5 à 6 kg/m2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS CSTB Certificate n° 07 MC 226 TOOLS : U3, U6 or U9 serrated spatula TILE SIZE : up to 2 200 cm2 PRACTICAL OPEN TIME : approx. 20 min to +23°C 5,75 à 6L DESCRIPTION C1 standard bonding adhesive mortar for laying ceramic coverings Available in Grey and White INTENDED USE INDOOR FLOORS AND WALLS* *For concrete walls or porcelain tiles, use a C2 adhesive mortar from the CEGECOL range. CHARACTERISTICS - Aspect : grey or white powder - Bulk density : 1,4 ± 0,1 - Composition : hydraulic binders, plasticised resin, mineral fillers and admixtures SUBSTRATES They must comply with current NF DTU 52.2 P1-1-1 and P1-1-3 standards. Indoor walls : - conventional or waterproofing cement coating, class CS IV according to NF DTU 26.1 - not waterproofed plasterboard (restricted to dry/slightly humid rooms) - waterproofed plasterboard (restricted to humid private rooms, excluding shower) - terracotta tiles mounted with plaster binder (restricted to humid private rooms, excluding shower) - terracotta tiles mounted with cement binder (up to very humid rooms in a nonaggressive environment if the covering on the other side is water resistant, if not restricted to humid private rooms, excluding shower) - cellular concrete blocks with plaster binder (restricted to humid private rooms, excluding shower) - cellular concrete blocks with cement binder (up to very humid rooms in a nonaggressive environment if the covering on the other side is water resistant, if not restricted to humid private rooms, excluding shower) TION QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION MENT INNOVATION QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGEMENT Indoor floors : - earth platform surfaces with or without bonded screed or slab - floating slab or screed on insulating material or separation layer Substrates to be excluded : film coating (thickness ≤ 3 mm), wood, plaster, metal, fiber-cement, heated floors, concrete floors and walls COVERING MATERIALS They must comply with the current NF DTU 52.2 P1-2 standard : - Sandstone of all porosities > 0.5% - Earthenware - Terracotta - Natural stone with porosity > 2% (walls only) For stoneware, use white CARROFIX only. Max.weight of wall tiles : 40 kg/m² Size of coverings : (maximum surafce) Indoor floors : the tiles have a slenderness ratio of 3, with a maximum size of 90 cm maximum of 90 cm. Small plates of terra cotta Glass mosaïc 900 cm 2 FLOOR WALL Terra cotta tile 231 cm2 300 cm2 0,5 >E ≥ 3% 2 200 cm 2 200 cm2 2 220 cm2 Sandstone Sandstone E > 3% 1 200 cm2 QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGEINNOVATION QUALITÉ SER- Natural stones P > 2% 1 200 cm2 CARROFIX 102 TECNICAL DATA SHEET 2015 USE Consult current good engineering practices (DTU building regulations, technical building specifications, etc.). Working conditions Temperature for use : + 5° C to + 30° C Do not use when frosty; protect during setting in very hot and dry weather. Grouting Use CARROJOINT for joints up to 6 mm wide. Use CARROJOINT XL for joints from 2 to 20 mm wide, for drawn sandstone and terracotta. COVERAGE Coverage is given for flat substrates and smooth-backed tiles. Substrate age : - earth platform surfaces : at least 1 month - separate slab or screed : at least 15 days - bonded slab or screed : at least 1 month - cement coating : at least 48 hours - terracotta tiles and cellular concrete blocks : at least 24 hours Level if necessary with CARROFIX, filling where required (10 mm maximum) and leave to set for 24 to 48 hours, according to the ambient temperature, before laying the tiles. In hot or dry weather or on highly porous substrates, dampen the day before or a few hours before laying the tiles. Method of glue 1,5 3,5 4,5 6à7 3x3x3 6x6x6 9x9x9 9x9x9 20 x 10 x 8 (half-moon) Single Single Single Double 1,5 3,5 6 3x3x3 6x6x6 9x9x9 Single Single Double Size of tiles (cm2) Coverage (cm2) Indoor floors S ≤ 50 50 < S ≤ 300 300 < S ≤ 1200 1200 < S ≤ 2200 Indoor walls S ≤ 50 50 < S ≤ 500 500 < S ≤ 2200 Substrate preparation The surface must be clean, sound, strong, flat, grease-free and dry. Spatula (mm) Destination PACKAGING 25 kg paper bags CONSERVATION AND STORAGE One year in original pack, not opened and stored where sheltered from humidity On cellular concrete, prime beforehand with CEGEPRIM AN. Product preparation Mix CARROFIX in approx. 5,75 to 6 litres of clean water per 25 kg bag, preferably with an electric mixer at slow speed (500 rpm maximum) until a homogeneous, smooth, lump-free paste is obtained. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Observe the instructions on the packaging and / or refer to the sheet Product safety data available on our website www.cegecol.com Wait 3 minutes and mix again briefly before use (do not add any more water). Technical data - Pot life : approx. 3 hours at + 20°C - Practical open time : approx. 20 min. at + 20°C - Time during which adjustments can be made : approx. 20 min. at + 20°C - Waiting time before grouting : minimum 12 hours at +20°C Use of floors : - walkable : minimum 12 hours after grouting - normal use of premises : minimum 36 hours after grouting These times may vary depending on the porosity of the substrate and the ambient conditions (temperature/relative humidity). Application Apply CARROFIX on the substrate with a spatula then adjust the thickness using the correct serrated spatula for the tile size. (see table below) Apply adhesive over surface areas of 1 to 2 m2. Lay the tiles using the simple or double method of glueand press them with a slight motion in order to flatten out ridges and remove air pockets. When using the simple method, check the adhesion of the adhesive mortar on the back of the tiles during application. Cleaning Stains and tools, during application, with a clean, damp sponge. Les informations contenues dans cette fiche technique n’ont pas pour ambition d’ être exhaustives et sont fondées sur l’état actuel de nos connaissances et des lois et réglementations en vigueur : toute personne utilisant ce produit à toutes autres fins que celles spécifiquement recommandées dans la fiche technique, sans avoir obtenu au préalable une confirmation écrite de notre part de l’adéquation du produit à l’usage envisagé, le fait à ses propres risques. Il est toujours de la responsabilité de l’utilisateur de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour répondre aux exigences des lois et réglementations locales. Toujours consulter la fiche de données de sécurité et la fiche technique du produit, si disponibles. Tous les conseils et informations que nous fournissons sur le produit (par cette fiche technique ou tout autre moyen) sont corrects en fonction de nos meilleures connaissances actuelles mais nous n’avons aucun contrôle sur la qualité ou l’état du support ou les nombreux facteurs susceptibles d’affecter l’utilisation et l’application du produit. Par conséquent, sauf accord contraire écrit de notre part, nous n’acceptons aucune responsabilité que ce soit sur les performances du produit ou sur toute perte ou dommage survenant consécutivement à l’utilisation du produit. Tous les produits commercialisés et les conseils techniques donnés sont soumis à nos conditions générales de vente. Une copie de ce document est disponible sur demande, réclamez le et lisez le attentivement. Les informations contenues dans cette fiche sont régulièrement sujettes à modification à la lumière de notre expérience et de notre politique de développement continu. Il est de la responsabilité de l’utilisateur de vérifier que cette fiche technique est la plus récente version existante avant toute utilisation du produit. SIKA FRANCE S.A.S - Activité finition intérieur - CEGECOL - 34, avenue Léon Jouhaux - 92160 Antony- Tél - Fax ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION QUALITÉ SERVICE ENGAGE- CARROFIX
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