-1- Welcome to . St Michael’s Church Galleywood www.stmichaelsgalleywood.org.uk www.stmichaelsgalleywood.org.uk SAT. 31st JANUARY: MESSY CHURCH 4pm . & CHURCH QUIZ 7.30pm FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 1ST 2015 . 4th Sunday after Epiphany A TRANSFORMED TRANSFORMED SITUATION 10am Preparation for the Word: Brian Pepper leads 10.40 The Word: Andy preaches Sonlight & Mega 11.15 Responding to the Word: Word: 11.30 Coffee and Prayer Ministry. 5.30pm TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED II: Gemma leads; Andy preaches. HOLY COMMUNION: Andy presides: Gemma distributes PARISH PRAYERS Tuesday Feb 3rd : Call Andy’s mobile mobile to find the location - 07788299061 Thursday Feb 5th : 9.15 @ the vicarage FEB 4th: WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP 2.15pm FEBRUARY 8th . 5th Sunday after Epiphany 10am JOINT SERVICE AT St LUKE’S, MOULSHAM 5.30pm Church @ the Pub: details to follow PARISH PRAYERS: Tues 10th: Thurs 12th: 9.15 @ the Vicarage OUR MISSION STATEMENT God calls us to Show the love of Jesus Share his Word with everyone, and Grow together as his family. FOR: Gill Stacy, Geoff Fox, Sylvia PLEASE PRAY FOR Booty, Norma Flack, John Fowler, Pam Plume, John and Eileen Fowler and Bishop John. COLLECT FOR THE DAY: 4th SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY:. O GOD, who knows us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright; Grant to us such strength and protection, as may support us in all dangers, and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ****NEXT SUNDAY****NEXT SIUNDAY** SIUNDAY**** SW CHELMSFORD CHURCHES’ JOINT SERVICE ST LUKE’S IS LOOKING FORWARD TO HOSTING OUR NEXT SW CHELMSFORD CHURCHES’ JOINT SERVICE ON SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8TH AT 10.00 AM. AM This will be a Celebratory Prayer and Praise type service focusing on Jesus, the Word as the source of all life - which of course includes our own shared life and witness! Plans are already underway but in case you have not been contacted and are wondering how you or your church can get involved, please get in touch with: **John John Smith - if you want to contribute contribute to the music (or ask about joining in the singing - all welcome to join St Luke’s choir practice on the Friday night before) [email protected] or 01245 354034 **Janette Janette Tadman - who is coco-ordinating refreshments (we’re not doing lunch but suggesting cakes/biscuits welcome) [email protected] or 01245 469124 **Or please contact myself myself if you want to get involved in the actual service: there are a number of roles still available so I’d love to hear from you if you’re up for helping. (We’re hoping this can be largely if not wholly led by lay ministers as it doesn’t include Holy Communion). Let’s all pray for a good response, and a blessed time together; The Revd Canon Carol Smith Warden of Ministers SW Chelmsford Churches -2- ***T ***THIS SATURDAY***THIS SATURDAY***THIS SATURDAY*** Our next MESSY CHURCH is this Saturday:Saturday:ST SATURDAY 31 JANUARY at 4pm in CHURCH. CHURCH. Everryone is invited to our next Messy Church. Why not come along for a wonderful time at Messy Church? Messy Church is an activity based service for all ages, so there will be many craft based activities, games and stories. It is a wonderful way to spend a late afternoon, so why not give it a try? You will be glad you did WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP MEETINGS COMING UP! For the next two months, at least, while building work is progressing in our church, we shall be joining our friends at Widford Parish Centre in Forest Drive for a 2.15 start. February 4th Tracy Davey (one of the team at Widford) will speak. March 4th Tim Sheppard from the Royal National Lifeboat Institute will be the speaker. I hope all our members will join us for these two meetings and if there is anyone else who would like to come for the first time please let us know or just come along! JOINT ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th February St Mary's Church, Widford – the church on the roundabout. Stephanie Gillingham leads, Gemma Fraser offers a reflection. All welcome. COMMUNITY CHORAL PROJECT FOR GALLEYWOOD Viewers who have watched the choral projects led by Gareth Malone on TV have witnessed the powerful positive effects of choral singing on a community. Galleywood is now to have its own project with a specially composed cantata by Eric Withams, a local composer. A similar work he composed three years ago for Great Baddow attracted over one hundred singers and musicians and played to full houses at the two concluding concerts. This cantata which is entitled “Gavelwode”, one of the ancient names for Galleywood, tells of the life and times of the village with solos and choral numbers in a light and accessible style. Singers of all ages and experience are welcome, and need not necessarily be residents of Galleywood. Children from St. Michael’s Junior School are to be actively involved. The cantata will be performed in St Michael’s Church, Galleywood, on June 12th & 13th 2015. The work is to be conducted by Steve Rumsey, an experienced choral director and music teacher, and rehearsals will be weekly, commencing in March There will be a Launch Day and choral workshop on Saturday 7th March from 10.00 till midday in St. Michael’s Junior School when some of the songs will be introduced, and further details announced. If you need transport (for the first time) please contact Diane Gale on 01245 475234 Meantime, all interested singers and helpers are invited to contact Eric Withams on 01245 471649, or email [email protected] ANDY GRIFFITHS IS AVAILABLE ON 01245 353922 and [email protected] GEMMA FRASER'S FRASER'S CONTACT DETAILS: DETAILS Email - [email protected] 01245 633112 Mobile – 07540 152561 -3- AMNESTY ON WORSHIP FOLDERS We used to have a lot more than we do now! If you have one at home for any reason, would you mind bringing it in? Thank you! Andy CHURCH BUILDING WORKS…UPDATE I confirm that we are now past the halfway mark and now on the Home Straight. We hope to complete the building side by the end of February and have the Organ installed on the new Balcony by the end of March. North Transept (where the organ was.) The new Mezzanine floor is now in place and the new staircase fitted. The new disabled toilet room is built and will be fitted out shortly. The frames and supports for the screens are all in place and the screens are being made although we do not want these fitted until the work is finished. A new wooden floor has been fitted where the Organ was and this will be carpeted on completion. The Font has been moved to its new position and has already had good use. West Tower (Previously Choir Room) The floor and ceiling had to be removed because of the presence of Asbestos. The replaced floor and ceiling have now been completed and will have new lighting that will be dimmable. The new balcony has been built and the organ will be installed on this. It is envisaged that the platform holding the organ will be put in place as soon as the hoardings are removed and then the organ builders will start rebuilding the refurbished organ, I have a little less hair now than when the project began but overall am delighted with the progress to date. Derek Martin CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NOTICE SHEET SHEET to Beryl Metcalfe on 01245 261454; by Tuesday evening if possible, please. Thanks.
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