Welcome to the National Forensic Science Symposium 2015 (NFSS) hosted by Forensic Science Society of Malaysia (FSSM). We are delighted to host this event as a spark to gather professionals, researchers and academicians from the country and beyond for a productive exchange of insights, views and experiences on current and future developments in the area of forensic sciences. The National Forensic Science Symposium 2015 will be held on 18 and 19th March 2015 at Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya with the theme “Advancing Forensic Science”. The programme at this symposium includes presentations from invited keynote speakers and experts within forensic science disciplines on a wide range of related topics including casework experiences, research and development, education and training, standards and competence. We look forward to meeting you at NFSS 2015 in Petaling Jaya. We would like to invite you to participate in this symposium and to present results and discuss the most recent development on the sub-themes listed below concentrating on forensic science discipline. NFSS 2015 is intended to cover: -Criminalistics -DNA Analysis -Toxicology -Drugs of Abuse -Digital Forensics -Trace Evidence -Medical Forensics -Crime Scene Investigation -Fire Investigation - and others Members RM 250 Non-members RM 350 The call for abstracts and expressions to attend is currently open and will close on 28th February 2015. Presentation proposal can be submitted online to FSSM secretary. Notifications in relation to abstract submission and attendance will be sent by 5th Mac 2015. The language medium for all presentations at the conference is English. If you require more information, please feel free to email the NFSS 2015 Organising Committee at [email protected]. The presentation abstract should be prepared in less than 250 words in required format: Organising Chairman: Mr. N. Hithaya Jeevan Co-Chairman I: Mr. Primulapathi Jaya SAC Dato’ Dr. Yew Chong Hooi Mrs. Rosnah Awang Ms. Siti Nur Musliha Mohamad Noor Dr. Khairul Osman Co-Chairman II: Secretary I: Secretary II: Any individual or members of organisations involved or interested in Forensic Science. Forensic scientists and practitioners Academics Law Enforcement Officers Law Practitioners University Students Others who have an interest in CSI and forensic science The organising committee welcomes presentations, posters, expressions of interest to attend. Treasurer I: Treasurer II: Scientific Programmes: Logistics: Publicity: Dr. Vanitha Kunalan Dr. Ahmad Fahmi Lim Abdullah Dr. P. T. Jayaprakash Mr. Pua Hiang Mr. John Horswell SAC T. Narenasagaran Mr. Iskandar Azaman Form: Font: Font size: Spacing: Text alignment: Microsoft Word Times New Roman 11 Points Single Justified Any enquires, please contact: Cik Siti Nur Musliha/Ms. Vanitha Organising Committee, National Forensic Science Symposium 2015, c/o Department of Chemistry Malaysia Jalan Sultan, 46661 Petaling Jaya Fax: 03-7958 1173 Tel. 03-7985 3857/3837 Email: [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM (NFSS 2015) NAME: __________________________________ TITLE/DESIGNATION (e.g. MR./MS./DR.): _______________________ ORGANISATION/INSTITUTION: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________ PHONE NO. (MOBILE): ______________________ I WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT A PAPER: YES NO IF “YES”, TITLE OF THE PAPER : _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ PAYMENT: RM _______ MODE OF PAYMENT: CASH CHEQUE PURCHASE ORDER CIMB a/c No: 1248-0009263-05-1 Note: Photocopies of form are acceptable. Closing date for Registration Saturday, 28th February 2015 Send to Organising Committee NFSS 2015 by email: [email protected] (preferred) or fax: 03-7985 1173 The idea of forming an association among forensic science practitioners was mooted many years ago between officers from agencies involved in forensic investigation, examination and education. The idea eventually took on a more serious note in 2006 when a ‘revival’ of ideas and plans were initiated mainly among officers of the Department of Chemistry Malaysia, the Royal Malaysia Police, School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Forensic Pathology Division of Hospital Kuala Lumpur and several others. Subsequently a pro tem Committee was set up to take responsibility of getting the documents ready for submission to the Registrar of Society (ROS). After much hard work by the pro tem Committee, an inaugural meeting was held and subsequently documents were submitted to the ROS and on 8th May 2008, the Forensic Science Society of Malaysia became a fully registered society. At present, the society has more than 300 registered members. The Society was set up as a non profit organization with the following objectives: To advance the study and application of forensic sciences; To facilitate co-operation among persons who are, or have been, occupationally involved in forensic activities; To organise meetings, lectures, discussions; and To promote the activities of the Society. 18-19 March 2015 Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya
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