Weekly Bulletin - Blyth Christian Reformed Church

Sunday, Feb 01, 2015
Bulletin # 05
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Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95: 1
Welcome: May the Lord bless us as we worship and fellowship together. If you are visiting, we
extend a special welcome and please join us downstairs for coffee and a time of fellowship after
the morning worship service.
Welcome and Announcements
* Song: Holy
* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Prayer
Song: Oceans
Children’s Time
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: Revelation 13
Message: The Mark‼!
Prayer of Application
* Song: Greatness of Our God
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Word of Assurance
Call to Holy Living
Song: Wonderful, Merciful Saviour
(children, Grade 1 and younger
come forward)
Prayer for God’s People and World
Offertory Prayer
Offering: (1) Church (2) Friendship
Ministries (Goderich)
* Song: I Can Only Imagine
* Benediction
* Song of Praise: The Solid Rock
The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the
children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary)
The rest of the Sunday School children and teachers will leave during the parting hymn.
(1) Church (2) Friendship Ministries (Goderich)
Our contribution is used for the purchase of Bible-study material, and supplies for crafts.
The group currently consists of 42 participants, and around 20 mentors.
Additional volunteers, both male and female, will be most welcome!
Next Week:
(1) Church
(2) Cadets
Future offerings –Feb 15: Listowel Christian School;
Feb 22: Huron Campus Ministry
Sunday, Feb 01, 2015
Bulletin # 05
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* Call to Worship
* God’s Greeting
* Song #548(LUYH) My God,
How Wonderful You Are
Song #551(LUYH), 1,2,5 All Creatures of
Our God and King
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Judges 4
Message: Barak
Prayer of Application
* Song 432(LUYH) God Is Our Refuge
and Our Strength
Prayer Requests and Prayer
Offering: (1) Church (2) Friendship
Ministries (Goderich)
* Song 861(LUYH) In Our Lives, Lord
* Benediction
* Doxology #551(LUYH), 6 All Creatures
of Our God and King
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services.
Next Sunday:
Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services. It will be Cadet
Sunday in the AM with the Cadets participating in the service.
Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week:
Audrey Bos – Feb 1
Bert Sjaarda and Linnea Nonkes – Feb 2
Anita Boven – Feb 3
Sandra Bos – Feb 5
Jacob Nonkes and Levi Passchier – Feb 7
Keep in prayer those who are confined to their homes because of winter weather. There are
people in both our congregation and community who experience loneliness as the winter
passes. Let's keep them in prayer, and when we have a moment, perhaps we can stop by
for a short visit.
We remember those who work in the legal system, judges, lawyers, clerks and all the rest.
God has blessed us with a fair and just legal system in Canada, so let us be thankful for his
gift and keep in prayer those who make it fair for all of us.
Sunday, Feb 01, 2015
Bulletin # 05
Feb 1
Next Week
Feb 8
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Two Weeks
Feb 15
Cadet Sunday
Music- am
JK – gr 1
SS Helper
Tony Verburg &
Sylvia Nonkes
Martin & Janie
Raymond & Kendra
Jesse Baarda
Merv Datema
Brian Wiersma
Justin Shortreed
Vanessa Wilts
Claire Reinink
Dan & Joanne
Calvin & Cheryl
Raymond Wilts
Calvin Bakelaar
Shannon Siertsema
Emily W
Andrew Bos
Cheryl Bakelaar
David Passchier
Barb Bos
Liam Shortreed
Chantal Van Schaik
Micah Nonkes
Mark Siertsema
Jacob Nonkes
Kirsten Passchier
Jacob Wiersma
Desirae Verburg
Douwe Top
Jamie Reinink
Justin Baarda
Becky Bosma
Casey VanDorp
Marielle Van Schaik
Clarence & Becky
Luke & Shirley
Karl & Anita
Thank you: We would like to thank all of you for your prayers, cards, kind words, and meals in
the week that we lost our father and opa. Thank you for being a caring church family!
Paul and Heleen and family.
Profession of Faith
Do you have the desire to become a full member of our church? If so, please talk to Pastor Gary
about the upcoming Profession of Faith class. Be sure to let him know when you are available to
meet. We hope to start mid-February, so talk to him soon.
Ladies Society Meeting: on Tues, Feb 3rd at 1:30 pm. Study lesson 2: Baptism and Temptation.
Episode 1. Roll call word: Temptations. After recess: Annie Siertsema
“All-You-Can-Eat” Pancake and Sausage Supper: held at the Huron Christian
School on Friday, February 6, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meet friends and eat
lots of pancakes and sausages. Test your skills in the games room to support
students traveling to Ottawa and Montreal. Join us for an evening of good food
and fellowship.
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Bulletin # 05
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Pre-Authorized Remittance Anyone wishing to use PAR or update your automatic withdrawal
please notify Tony Verburg before the 10th of any month. Withdrawals occur on the 20th of each
Mark the Date! LDCSS invites you to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’ at their Spring Fund Raising
Banquet on Saturday, March 7th. For details visit www.ldcss.ca
‘Welcome Wednesdays’ come to LDCSS! Grades 9-12 Admissions Open Houses. Dates:
February 4, March 4, April 1, and May 6, 9:30-11:30 AM, 12:30-2:30 PM. Come experience
LDCSS in action!
Tour the School
Receive Admissions Information
Meet Faculty and Staff
Please RSVP: 519-455-4360 ext.231 or [email protected]
LDCSS school tours are also available by appointment.
For more information visit www.ldcss.ca
Huron Christian School invites you to help meet our fundraising goal for 2014-15. How?
1. Choose an envelope with an earmarked donation amount which are on the display in the foyer
at HCS. 2. Make a donation. 3. Return the envelope to HCS.
Come to the school at an upcoming event such as the pancake supper on Friday, February 6 or
visit anytime to donate and build on the foundation of Christian education. Thank you for your
HCS Shop ‘n Save order: The next order will be placed on Wednesday, February 4. Order your
grocery gift cards through HCS and enjoy a cash free shopping experience. Not sure how easy
the gift cards are to use?? Talk to your church representative or Helen/Nellie at 519-482-7851 at
the Huron Christian School on Wednesday mornings. They can explain the program, the easy use
of the gift cards as well as how delicious the cheese products and coffee are. Try it – you’ll like it!!
It's time again when you have the opportunity to show your support for the protection of life by
purchasing a Right to Life Membership. The money raised will help to support Campaign Life
Coalition, Ramoth Center, Euthenasia Prevention Coalition and much, much more. Our aim is to
educate and support programs that protect life from conception to natural death. The cost for
membership is $20/family and $10/single. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a
membership please talk to Brenda Sjaarda. Again, we appreciate your support and convet your
Jan 2015 Offerings
Dec. 31
Ramoth House
Jan. 1
Goderich Food Bank
4 Alzheimers
11 Youth Unlimited
18 Serve [Blyth]
25 Huron Christian School
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Next YOUTH GROUP: Gym Night this Thursday, February 5 @ 7:30 PM at the Hullett Central
School, Londesborough. Laurina is on snacks & devotions.
Next TRILLIUM FORMAL meeting will be Tuesday, Feb 3 @ 7:30PM at Becky's house.
Next FAITH INSTRUCTION will be Tuesday, Feb 10. Quintin is on snacks.
Young People Hockey:
Sat, Feb 7
Sat, Feb 14
in Blyth vs Palmerston
in Blyth vs Exeter
Sat, Feb 21
make up games or playoffs in Blyth
at 9:30 pm
at 9:30 pm
Trillium Huron Youth website: www.trilliumhuronyouth.com
POSITION OPENING - Program Consultant, Tanzania: World Renew, an agency of the Christian
Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), has a full time opening for a Program Consultant in
Tanzania. We require someone who has a proven track record in partner consultations on
program quality, implementation and management, as well as organizational governance and
resource development experience. Visit www.worldrenew.net/careers for more information; to
apply, submit your current resume, a cover letter indicating your relevant skills and experience
and your response to the downloadable follow-up questions to [email protected].
Application deadline is Feb. 2.
POSITION OPENING - World Renew, an agency of the Christian Reformed Church in North
America (CRCNA), has a full time opening for a Country Consultant (Country Director) in Haiti. We
require someone who has a proven track record in delivering program results while also building
organizational and community capacity. This position will be based in Haiti and provide leadership
in the development of World Renew’s strategy in-country and will provide leadership to the overall
strategy and policies of the Ministry Team. Visit www.worldrenew.net/careers for more
information; to apply, submit your current resume, a cover letter indicating your relevant skills and
work experience and your response to the downloadable follow-up questions to
[email protected]. Application deadline is Feb. 2.
Position Opening - World Renew has a part-time opening for an Advocacy Manager, in
Burlington, Ontario. This position will assist with rolling out and encouraging involvement in the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank “Good Soil” agricultural funding advocacy campaign with World
Renew constituents, church members, and the Canadian government. Please visit our website at
www.crcna.org/jobs for information; to apply, submit your current resume and cover letter to
[email protected] by February 16.
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Bulletin # 05
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Cycle to End Poverty! - Registration is now open for the 10th anniversary ride of the Sea to Sea
Bicycle Tour. Join other cyclists this summer for a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in Alberta,
and raise money for the fight against poverty. Proceeds will fund ministry by World Renew,
Partners Worldwide, International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives in communities
along the route. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist with both rides. For information or
to register, visit seatosea.org.
FREE WEBINAR - Join us on February 4 when Mike Hogeterp and Mark Charles will present
"Icebergs in History-The Doctrine of Discovery". They will examine how the DoD may have
shaped our relationships with Indigenous Peoples and address key questions: "What is the DoD?"
"Why is it important?" and "What does it have to do with ministry today?" For details and
registration for this free, one-hour event, visit crcna.org/webinars.
CAMP SHALOM SUMMER STAFF - If you love Jesus and like working with individuals with
special needs, then apply to be a missionary at Camp Shalom this summer. Located just outside
of Cambridge, Camp Shalom offers programming for kids and adults with special needs. We are
now accepting applications for our summer staff positions. All positions are paid and you must be
17 before Dec. 31st, 2015 to apply. Visit www.countrysidecamp.com to apply. Interviews will start
February 14th. Questions? Contact Adrian at [email protected].
STUDY & MEMORIZATION: - Join us as we discuss Psalm 119 and other Bible passages that
show us how spending time in Scripture through study, memorization, and meditation nurtures our
relationship with God. Subscribe for free weekly email notifications at ListenToGroundwork.com or
visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio station or listen now.
Serve Hand-in-Hand with Youth in the Dominican Republic - This summer you can meet
college-age students from the Dominican Republic and serve with them to reach out to local
children. From July 22-August 3, you will present drama, music, sports, and other outreach
programs. Visit crwm.org/volunteer for more information.
SCIENCE AND FAITH: - The Kuyper Centre at the University of Western Ontario invites you to a
conference with Dr. Arnold Sikkema on "Science and Christian Faith: Engaging God's World &
Word Today" on Monday, February 9, 8:30-4.To register, email [email protected] or call Dr.
Michael Wagenman at 519-851-5845. Nominal cost covers meals & refreshments. At 7pm, come
to a free public presentation by Dr. Sikkema at London's Talbot Street CRC, entitled "Engaging
God's Word and World: Christian and Scientific Perspectives on the Origins Conversation." No
registration required.
SERVE & LEARN IN EGYPT - This unique spring time opportunity to come alongside World
Missions' staff in Cairo, Egypt awaits you from April 27 – May 7/15. You'll help build a rooftop
gazebo at a seminary, meet with and encourage pastors and also visit some amazing churches.
Additional details can be found at www.crwm.org or contact [email protected].
SWAP for YAYAs - Serve With A Purpose in Uganda or Honduras for 4 weeks this summer.
SWAP is more than just a mission trip! It’s a program for youth and young adults (YAYAs age 14 –
24) who are looking to plan, learn, grow and serve both globally and locally. Do More, Be More
with SWAP! See details at www.worldrenew.net or contact [email protected].
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Bulletin # 05
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LIBERTAS MALE CHOIR SPRING CONCERTS - Martin Mans, director; Andre Knevel, organ;
Liselotte Rokyta, panflute: March 11, Instrumental concert at Ancaster CRC, 70 Garner Rd. E.,
Ancaster; Choir concerts: March 12, St. Clements Church, 745 Duke St., Cambridge, Ont. ; March
13, Georgetown CRC, 11611 Trafalgar Rd, Georgetown; March 14, Talbot St. CRC, 513 Talbot
St. London. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: order online at www.libertasvoices.com,
[email protected] , 905-522-0001, or at the door. Adults $18, Youth $10. Under 10, free.
BUS TRIP—are you looking for a trip with fellow Christians this summer? Join us to discover the
beautiful Gaspé Peninsula, August 4-12, 2015.
For details contact Johanna at 519-482-9948 or [email protected]
Faith-in-Song: Friday, Feb 6th at the Blyth Christian Reformed Church.
Admission is a free-will offering to North Huron Community Food Share.
Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ................................................................................. after the offering
Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service
Sunday Services ................................................................................................... 10 am & 7:30 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Ladies Society ‘Priscilla’ ........................................................................................... 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Trillium formal meeting at Becky’s ...................................................................................... 7:30 pm
Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am
Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm
Youth Group Gym night Hullett school in Londesboro ............................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am
Tykes Hockey at the Blyth Arena ........................................................................................ 7:00 pm
Young People Hockey in Blyth ............................................................................................ 9:30 pm
Church & Minister: 519-523-4743
Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: [email protected] .
Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805
Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail: [email protected]
Blyth CRC Web Site: www.blythcrc.ca
Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail
[email protected] before 5:00 pm on Thursday.