The BesT Of Malaysia

The Best Of
2015: Malaysia’s
Year of Festival
Exciting prizes
to be won!
The team from Tourism
Malaysia Singapore reveal
their favourite destinations
02 Cover Story:
The Best of Malaysia
04 Malaysia’s Year of Festival
Tourism Malaysia Singapore
TEAM’s pickS
10 Highlight: Johor
11 Highlight: Kuala Lumpur
12 Highlight: Sarawak
13 Highlight: Beaches of Malaysia
14 Highlight: Terengganu
15 News Bites
16 Getting There
Interpage Pte Ltd
[email protected]
Information and contacts published in
this magazine are subject to change after
publication deadline. Tourism Malaysia
(Singapore) will not be responsible for any
broken links, ceased contacts or relocation of
venues stated in this publication.
Happy New Year 2015.
Tourism Malaysia Singapore would like to wish you and your loved ones
a fantastic year ahead. We hope you’ve had the opportunity to visit many
stunning destinations in Malaysia in the past year and will continue to do so.
Thank you for taking the time to discover more about the unique states and
cultures of Malaysia. Happy New Year!
The Best of
and Indian – and the many unique ethnic communities of
World Travel Awards. The country also made it into the
Sabah and Sarawak.
list of Lonely Planet’s ‘World’s Top Ten Countries 2010’
and ‘Best Value Destination 2010’.
Also a top holiday destination, Malaysia is filled with a
wide variety of unique attractions. No matter what your
Malaysia’s lush and well-preserved natural landscape is
definition of a fulfilling holiday is, Malaysia has all the
perfect for a wide range of eco-adventures. Malaysia’s
necessary elements: Pristine beaches, beautiful islands,
rainforests such as Taman Negara – one of the
Located in the midst of the Asia Pacific region,
fascinating flora and fauna, lush and well-maintained
world’s oldest tropical rainforests – are endowed with
Malaysia enjoys a strategic location and a year-
nature reserves, world-class and modern facilities and
impressive biodiversity and are home to some rare and
round tropical climate. With 13 states, three
a long list of shopping hotspots.
endemic species.
Federal Territories (Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya
and Labuan) and a population that currently
Malaysia’s capital city, Kuala Lumpur, is
Stunning islands and beaches
stands at more than 30 million, Malaysia
undoubtedly one of Asia’s most exciting and
provide the ideal sun, sand
combines the best of Asia. It is renown for its
vibrant cities. Among the towering skyscrapers
and sea getaways. Some of
diverse cultural landscape that includes three
and remnants of Kuala Lumpur’s rich past in
these islands, particularly
of Asia’s oldest civilisations – Malay, Chinese
the form of pre-war structure, providing an
along the coasts of
interesting contrast of two different eras.
Terengganu and Sabah,
are world-class dive
Other destination such as Melaka, Penang,
sites with breathtaking
Langkawi, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu has its
underwater landscapes.
own individual charms. Some are even recipients
Not forgetting the magical
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
island of Sipadan, which
Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) awards, namely:
has been rated by diving
professionals as one of
- UNESCO World Heritage City the world’s top diving
Georgetown, Penang
- UNESCO World Heritage City Melaka
- UNESCO World Heritage Site
The country has more to offer besides enchanting parks
Kinabalu Park
and gardens, thrilling theme parks, picturesque hill
- UNESCO World Heritage Site Gunung
resorts, international-standard golf courses, luxurious
Mulu National Park
spa retreats and endless shopping choices. Malaysia is
- UNESCO Global Geopark Langkawi
also known for its colourful festivals and exciting events
held throughout the year such as the Formula 1 Grand
Not forgetting the other numerous
Prix, Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace
international awards and recognition
Exhibition (LIMA), the 1Malaysia Year End Sale (M-YES),
over the years, sealing its position as
1Malaysia GP Sale and 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival.
one of the top destinations in the region
and the world. In 2011, Malaysia was
So, whether you want a romantic escapade, a fun-filled
named ‘Asia’s Leading Sports Tourism
family holiday, an all-out shopping spree or a quiet
Destination’ while Kuala Lumpur was
retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life,
‘Asia’s Leading City Destination’ in the
Malaysia has it all!
These are some MyFest 2015 events to look forward to between January to March:
1. MyFest 2015 Grand launch: 10 January, Kuala Lumpur
2. KL Light Festival: 11 to 17 January, Kuala Lumpur
3. Tioman International Classic Surfing: 29 to 31 January, Pahang
4. Festival Layang-Layang Sedunia (International Kite Festival): 11 to 15 February, Johor
5. Pesta Perarakan Chingay 2015 (2015 Chingay Parade): 29 February, Johor
MyFest 2015 heralds the country’s endless celebration
6. Chap Goh Meh Celebration: 5 March, Penang
of festivals and events. Continuing the momentum and
efforts of Visit Malaysia Year 2014, MyFest 2015 is set
7. Festival Gendang Tradisional Antarabangsa
(International Traditional Drums Festival): 14-15 March, Kelantan
to make Malaysia etched in the minds of every tourists,
8. Karnival Pelancongan LIMA 2015 (LIMA Tourist Carnival): 17-21 March, Kedah
encouraging a longer stay to enjoy the festivals that are
on offer nationwide.
9. Formula One Festival: 27-29 March, Kuala Lumpur
10. Formula 1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix: 27-29 March, Sepang
MyFest 2015 was launched in Kelantan on
18 September 2014 by Malaysia’s Minister
of Tourism and Culture, YB Dato’ Seri
Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz.
The theme for MyFest 2015 is ‘Endless
Celebrations’, and the year-long calendar
is packed with festivities of every genre.
Examples will be cultural festivals, shopping
extravaganzas, internationally acclaimed
events, eco-tourism related events, arts
and musical showcases, food promotions
and more themed events.
MyFest 2015 campaign will continue to
boost the tourism sector and ensure that
the Malaysian tourism industry remains
robust after the Visit Malaysia Year 2014
campaign. As Malaysia is blessed with various
cultures, the new campaign seeks to showcase
and celebrate Malaysia’s bountiful and diverse
cultures on top of the various festivities.
2015 Logo
The MyFest 2015 campaign also seeks to
maintain Malaysia as the top-of-the-mind tourist
The design for Malaysia’s Year of Festivals 2015 logo depicts
destination with a target of receiving 29.4 million
a traditional musical instrument known as the Rebana Ubi.
tourists arrival. The campaign will complement
The drum is a musical instrument that can be associated
the Malaysia Tourism Transformation Plan, where
with Malaysia’s multicultural society, in line with the spirit of
the country has set a target of 36 million tourist
1Malaysia. Therefore, the logo design reflects an important
arrivals in the year 2020.
part of the country’s heritage, tradition and culture.
Our Favourite
The team at Tourism Malaysia
Singapore office share with
Yours Truly their favourite holiday
spots in Malaysia.
Normahani Ahmad, Deputy Director II
“A Johorean myself, I have to say
usual white and thick noodle. Also,
Johor is my favourite destination.
kacang phool – although a common
We have our own traditional Ghazal
dish in Singapore, I still find the one
Johor, poetic music that has its
from Johor tastier.
roots from the Middle East, lots
Noor Aine Ismail, Director
“For me, it has to be Langkawi. It is
mystical power to bestow fertility
peaceful, very laid back and is a perfect
on barren women. Other activities
paradise for beach lovers. Getting
include visiting the minyak gamat (sea
around the island is easy as cars can
cucumber oil) factory, batik factory
be rented from as low as RM 80.00
and aquarium. Not forgetting the
per day. You could take a boat ride to
panoramic cable car ride to Gunung
do island hopping around the smaller
Mat Cincang. And of course as
islands of the 98 islands that made
Langkawi is a duty-free island, you can
up Langkawi!
shop to your heart’s content.
A popular stop is at Pulau Dayang
Don’t miss the local cuisine at the night
Bunting, famous for its legendary Tasik
market or at the stalls by the villages.
Dayang Bunting (Lake of Pregnant
Worth trying are the Nasi lemak Daging
Maiden). The lake, so serene and
Kunyit and Laksa Power at a stall on
beautiful, is believed to have the
the way to the airport!”
of good food and Gunung Ledang
Here’s a little known secret.
(Mount Ophir).
Singaporeans might not know this
but there is a small town in Segamat
Growing up, I climbed up and down
called Labis that has a hot spring
Gunung Ledang very frequently,
known for its health benefits. If you
which is why I always get
want to relax, consider coming here
sentimental when the topic
to dip in the hot spring water.
of this mountain comes about.
As a Johorean, I am also proud to
Let’s not forget my favourite coffee
see attractions like Legoland,
brand, Kopi 434! It originates from
Sanrio Hello Kitty Land and Angry
the town of Muar. For food, my
Birds Activity Park all available in
favourite has to be Laksa Johor
the state.”
which uses spaghetti instead of the
Putrie Rozana, Marketing Manager
Rubiah Tul’Adwiyah, Deputy Director I
“My favourite destination is Taman
Another thing you must do? Have a
Negara in Pahang. It’s an opportunity
picnic! Enjoy your lunch as you dip
“Penang is my favourite destination,
to get close to nature; the greenery
your legs in the river.
thanks largely to the interesting
and the sound of birds chirping –
it just relaxes you.
The boat ride into the heart of Taman
Peranakan culture.
For the more adventurous, you could
try trekking at night or white water
Whenever I am in Penang, I would head to
rafting down the river.
Georgetown. A UNESCO World Heritage
Alternatively, there’s the Penang Hop-on
being a boutique hotel, this historically
Negara is fun! There is also the
site, Georgetown is made up of interesting
Hop-off City Tour bus that brings you to
rich building is also the perfect place
suspension bridge that everyone must
Alternatively, you can visit or even
old shophouses that give Penang a really
over 60 attractions around Penang. If you
for dinner. For food, when in Penang you
cross, although I must say it could be
stay at the Orang Asli village. The
unique touch. A number of new museums
are driving, try the RM$4.5-billion Second
must visit Aunty Gaik Lean’s Restaurant –
a challenge for some due to its length
Batek people are nomads who move
are also popping up - among them is
Penang Bridge, the longest bridge in
you can find authentic Peranakan dishes
and height. And one thing you must
according to nature’s food supplies –
Ben’s Vintage Toy Museum. Another must
Southeast Asia.
all here! Oh, one more dish you cannot
enjoy is the scenery – it is so beautiful,
the forest is their “supermarket”, hence
do in Georgetown is taking a trishaw ride
you can even see Gunung Tahan, the
when their surrounding are running out
as it lets you take in the sights and sites,
For accommodation, I recommend giving
sure to be there by 11:00 am because
highest point in Peninsular Malaysia,
of resources, they will move on. This is
plus checking out all the hip cafes that
the Cheong Fat Tze Mansion, also known
usually by 2:00 pm, they’re sold out.”
in the distance.
definitely an interesting experience.
are appearing everywhere!
as the Blue Mansion, a try. Besides
miss: Nasi Kandar at Old Merlin, but be
Nor Kalsom, Temporary Communications Officer
Abdul Salam Ahmad, Clerical Officer
“The destination that always
If you are adventurous, you have to
fascinates me is Sarawak. The last
visit the Bako National Park. The
My usual destination is Kuala
Madam Kwan for its variety,
time I was there, I stayed at the
oldest national park in Sarawak, this
Lumpur as I have relatives living
Nasi Kandar Pelita for, what
Damai Beach Resort that overlooks
is also the place you can find the
in the town of Damansara. Of
else, Nasi Kandar and other
the beautiful Santubong Mountain.
proboscis monkey roaming in their
course when I’m there with my
Indian dishes and my favourite
Another resort I would recommend
natural habitat.
wife and family, we’ll do some
‘chill-out’ place, The Loaf.
is the Borneo Highland Resort –
shopping at the Bukit Bintang
The Loaf is a bakery that
it’s cold and breezy and also offers
If you can squeeze some time, you
strip as it has all the shopping
was opened by the ex Prime
some of the best food you can find.
have to visit the Sibu Market. Here,
centres within the area.
Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir
Bukit Bintang is a good place
you can find food that is unique to
to stay if it’s your first time to
Kuala Lumpur.
Speaking of food, while in Sarawak
Sarawak and many more, but it is
one MUST try the Laksa Sarawak,
open only on Sundays.”
Occasionally I would also
Sarawak layer cake and lastly,
venture out of town to places
Besides shopping, Kuala
like Shah Alam. You’ll be
Lumpur is all about food too.
surprised at the many
My favourite makan places are
attractions this town has.”
Nur Hazlin Jumari, Communications Officer
Nadzri Moin, Marketing Executive
“Perak offers unique and interesting
the beach and the simple island life.
adventures, for example cave
This island is also the place to shop
exploration in Gua Tempurung and
for dried seafood – you would be
white water rafting in Gopeng. If you
spoilt for choice with all the
want to take things at a slower pace,
variety available.
“Borneo being a destination with lots
snacks and handicrafts – it is opened
there is the natural hot spring at the
of adventure, Sabah is a must visit.
everyday and, trust me, souvenir t-shirts
Lost World of Tambun.
It is full of unique activities, with most
are cheaper here than in Kota Kinabalu.
must also try the authentic white
Or you can even take a 40 minutes
still undiscovered by Singaporean.
That said, Sabah is easily accessible
Another must visit is Kundasang town.
from Singapore thanks to the many
A highland area, it is usually misty and
flights available now.
foggy; but the food and fresh produce
found here are cheap and good.
In Kota Kinabalu, the capital state of
Sabah, there is Mari-Mari Cultural
You can also explore islands surrounding
Village, where you can see and learn
Sabah. An example would be Sipadan
about the many different ethnic groups
Island, which is highly renown
in Sabah. Also unique in KK is the
among overseas tourists. There is
Filipino Market, famous for pearls
also Turtle Island (Pulau Penyu) –
and handicrafts.
a turtle conservation, this facility is very
memorable for me as during my first
There’s the Nabalu Market where you
visit, I got a first hand experience of
can find a variety of local produce,
observing turtles laying their eggs.”
Oh yes, and how can I forget? You
coffee in Ipoh!”
boat ride to Pulau Pangkor to enjoy
Yusoff Abu Bakar, Office Assistant
“Most of my relatives are in
As a family, we would go to Air Terjun
Terengganu, and I visit them regularly.
Sekayu (Sekayu Waterfall) in Kuala
I like the kampong atmosphere of
Berang and have a picnic – good to
the state and the beautiful scenery.
release stress here! Not forgetting,
A drive from Singapore used to take
I am particularly fond of going to Lake
eight hours or more but ever since the
Kenyir as well - the lake is a must-
opening of the Lebuhraya Pantai Timur
go for every angler who does boat
(East Coast Expressway), the travel
fishing. My favourite food when I’m in
time has been cut significantly.
Terengganu? Has to be Nasi Dagang.”
More than
meets the eye
You probably know it as a great shopping
destination, but there’s more to Johor
Shopper’s Haven
than just great bargains. Just a short
drive away, there’s something for
everyone just across the border.
Over the years, Malaysia’s frequently visited
Photo credit: architorture republik.
capital has played home to some of the nation’s
most loved shopping malls. With a wide array of
For families:
If you’re looking for a fun-filled day with
your family, Legoland Malaysia is your answer. Located in
Nusajaya, the themepark spans an impressive 76 acres and
is the first of its kind in Asia. With over 40 interactive rides,
shows and attractions, it’s heaps of fun for kids and adults
alike. The highlight of this themepark is the much hyped
about Miniland where over 30 million LEGO bricks form up
monuments like the Taj Mahal and Petronas Twin Towers.
The Observation Tower, some 60 metres from the ground,
also gives visitors a truly impressive view of Johor.
For history buffs:
Gunung Ledang
(Mount Ophir)
Built in 1540 under the reign of Sultan Alauddin Riayat
Shah II, Kota Johor Lama served as a prime defence fort
along the Johor River against invading forces. Located
within Kampung Johor Lama (Old Johor Village), visitors
A place for luxury
Nu Trends
can look forward to seeing the fort’s 10-25 feet high
If you’re in need of some retail therapy after visiting
Nu Sentral is your go-to place for some of the trendiest
earthen walls and the tombs of Sultan Alauddin along
the various attractions at KLCC, you’re in for a treat!
shops in town. This eight-storey mall plays host to major
with his soldiers.
Likened to Saks Fifth Avenue, Suria KLCC shopping
retail outlets including Sephora, Cotton On, Levi’s and
mall is a six-storey establishment with high-end stores
Focus Point. And if you’re looking to relax over tasty food,
and luxury boutiques. Major department stores such as
Nu Sentral has a wide range of dining options to satiate
Parkson Grand and Isetan also house upscale brands
hungry shoppers, including Sushi Tei, Starbucks and the
like Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and United Colours of
Wesria Food Court.
For culture vultures: Homestay
Felda Semenchu
Benetton. The architecture perfectly complements the
luxurious feel of the mall with its marble floors, high
ceilings and huge arches.
There’s no better way to experience local culture than
Standing tall at some 1,276 metres above sea level, Gunung
living and mingling with the locals themselves. Take
Ledang in the Ledang district offers the adventurous-at-heart
part in the Homestay Felda Semenchu programme
an experience like no other. Hike up this gorgeous mountain
and you’ll have the chance to get familiar with the
and you’ll discover nature’s best, with exotic flora and fauna,
lifestyles of the Johorean Malays. Try out the traditional
waterfalls, and various species of birds. And if you reach the
Kuda Kepang dance or play a few rounds of gasing
very top, you’ll be rewarded with a spectacular view of the
(top-spinning) or congkak with newfound friends.
Straits of Melaka and the Sumatran coastline! Interestingly
You’ll also get to see Malaysia’s agricultural side
enough, it’s named after the mythical Princess Gunung
with a trip to an oil palm estate. semenchuhomestay.
Ledang who fled to the mountains after refusing the Sultan
of Melaka’s hand in marriage.
than enough to satisfy your inner shopaholic.
Kota Johor Lama
(Old Johor Fort)
For adventurers:
exciting deals and items, Kuala Lumpur has more
Digitally inclined
More than just mid
For everything and anything, shoppers can always look
forward to Mid Valley Megamall. A name fitting of its
massive size, this mall spans 4.5 million square feet and
Looking for the latest gadgets or electronics? Then
features an 18 screen Golden Screen Cinema, bowling
Low Yat Plaza should be at the top of your list. Located
centre, One-Stop IT Centre, as well as a good range of
just off Jalan Bukit Bintang, this popular 12-storey
fashion and dining options. It’s also connected to both
mall is a favourite hotspot of technology enthusiasts.
the Cititel Midvalley Hotel and Boulevard Hotel, which
From specialty shops by big-name brands like Toshiba,
spells great news for hotel guests. Highly accessible,
Canon, Samsung and Microsoft, to small-time ventures,
visitors can take RapidKL buses or alight at the KL
there’s a shop for everyone, regardless of your budget.
Komuter Mid Valley station.
Quenching the Thirst
for Adventure: Sarawak
Blue Skies Ahead:
Malaysia’s Best Beaches
Brimming with natural wonder and steep in culture, Sarawak is a unique destination that attracts travellers
Sun, sand and sea. What more could you possibly ask for?
from all walks of life. But if you’re an adventure seeker, you’ll find that these amazing destinations in Borneo
Yours Truly takes a look at some of Malaysia’s most stunning beaches.
will present you with unforgettable experiences that are guaranteed to thrill your senses.
Take the Plunge
Brave the Night
Whether you’re an
If you’re the sort who
One for the
Thrill Seekers
experienced diver or a
enjoys a peaceful night
by the calming
Just off the coast of
beginner, Sarawak has
stroll, then we recommend
waters of the
Kota Kinabalu in Sabah,
something to offer all
taking a night walk at the
South China
Sapi Island is tropical
diving enthusiasts. With
Bako National Park. Not
Sea, Rawa
paradise for the young
dive sites available in
your typical walk in the
Island is a
and the young at heart.
Sematan, Luconia shoals
park, you’ll encounter a
hidden gem
To quench your thirst
and Miri, there are many
wide variety of creatures
16 km off the
for water sports, it
dive companies who would be glad to show you the ropes.
including owls, cicadas,
east coast
offers visitors a chance
Apart from beautiful corals, you’ll also be able to see various
frogs, anemones and even get the chance to watch
of Peninsula
to go on banana boat rides, paragliding adventures
marine creatures including reef sharks, groupers and
fireflies light up the dark skies above you. You’ll be
and even jet-ski trips. Or if you prefer a quieter
turtles. Take note that the best time for diving in Sarawak
guided by a trained park ranger on either one and a half
Quiet, secluded and beautiful, if you’re looking for a quick
alternative, take refuge under Sapi Island’s large palm
is from March to September, when under water
hour or two hour trek to ensure your safety. Don’t forget
escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Rawa Island is
trees while watching the sun setting over the blue
to bring a flashlight, though.
the perfect place to be. The island is owned by the family of
waters before you.
visibility is at its best.
Cave in
The Regal Wonder
Always wanted to be a modern day Indiana
the Johor Sultanate, which heightens the exclusivity of the
location. Do remember to book your accommodation early
The Ideal Stopping Point
as there are only two resorts available on the island.
Listed as one of the World’s 100 best beaches by CNN,
Jones? Well, now you can. Plan a visit to
Why settle for hills
Gunung Mulu National Park and you’ll
when you could be
A Treat for Divers
have the opportunity to go cave exploring.
climbing mountains?
A popular hotspot for tourists, Sipadan Island in Sabah is
Terengganu is
Our favourite, the King’s Chamber,
Arguably so, Gunung
truly beautiful. If you’re the adventurous sort, you can choose
famed for its
is filled with an impressive array of
Serapi at Kubah
to go snorkelling or diving too. Explore Sipadan’s crystal
turquoise waters
stalactites and stalagmites. And true to
National Park is one
clear waters and discover over 3,000 species of marine
and white coral
of the most popular
life, including
sand beaches.
mountain treks in
Kecil Island in
enormous schools
Sarawak. But if you’re feeling especially motivated, you
of barracudas,
means “stopping
should try the trek up Gunung Santubong, 35 km north
manta rays and
point” in Malay,
of Kuching. Standing at 810 m, the trek up this imposing
even sharks! With
in reference to its role in the past as a meeting point
mountain is not for the faint hearted. Surrounded by
several resorts
for traders between Bangkok and Malaysia. While its
jungles and mangrove forests, it’s quite the experience
in the area, you
brother island, Perhentian Besar Island, attracts more
there’s an
manoeuvring up steep slopes with the aid of rope
shouldn’t have a
families. Accommodation at Perhentian Kecil Island is
ladders. It could take between two and a half to four
hard time picking
more affordable and plays host to some amazing beach
cool breeze that follows you throughout your
hours to ascend, but the amazing view from the top will
one that suits
parties. Visitors are advised to plan their trip around
make it all worthwhile.
your budget.
March to September to avoid the monsoon season.
Photo credits: Robbie Shone, Duke88, James Joachim, Sarawak Lens
Photo credits: Guimaoying, Nicolas Tocigl
Embracing Culture
in Terengganu
Try a time
“Bustel” in MELAKA
Located at Klebang beach in Melaka, Bustel Klebang
is a brand new accommodation for tourists. The
A unique concept for tourists
name ‘Bustel’ was derived from the words ‘bus’ and
‘hotel’; here, your accommodation is simply an air-con
Built upon a rich history and heritage, Terengganu is a state rich in culture.
accommodation, Time Capsule
currently the one and only such concept in Malaysia. If
serves as a reminder of the Chinese influence in shaping the city.
you are planning for a short trip to Melaka, make sure
you grab the chance to experience it yourself! For more
Build a Boat
Eat out
Building wooden boats
From Central Market to Batu Buruk Food Centre in
(or bangau) has long
Chinatown, Terengganu plays home to numerous eating
been a tradition in
establishments which sell a wide selection of local
Dataran 1 Malaysia,
Terengganu. It’s truly a
cuisine at affordable
Pantai Klebang Melaka,
wonder to watch skilled
prices. Fresh seafood
Klebang Besar,
craftsmen construct
plays a central role in
Melaka 75250
these boats simply from
most local dishes, and
memory, as was typically done in the past. Detailed and
is easily attainable due
Customer service:
meticulous, these boat-builders also decorate the boats
to Terengganu’s location
so each is different from the other. One such place you
along the coastline.
can experience this brilliance up close is Pulau Duyung,
Ketupat sotong (stuffed
famous among local and tourists alike for its boat making
squid) makes for a
industry. Here, hundreds of wooden boats are made for
perfect afternoon treat while nasi dagang (rice steamed
sailing enthusiasts at quaint workshops around the island.
in coconut milk) is a great way to start your morning!
Retreat Pahang is a hotel that offers
cosy, cylindrical air-conditioned rooms. Equally unique
is how both the toilet and bathroom are located outside
the rooms – communal living, anyone? Situated in
Sungai Lembing, it is also close to attractions such as
waterfalls, jungle treks and museums. As there are only
eight capsules available, you do need to make
prior reservations. For more information:
EB4 Belakang Sekolah Menengah
Sungai Lembing, Kuantan Pahang
For reservations:
visit the Terengganu State Museum at Bukit Losong. One
of the largest museums in Southeast Asia, this impressive
If you’re interested in
museum spans 27 hectares and is close to the Terengganu
visiting some places
River. You’ll be able to learn more about ancient Islamic
of worship, Tengku
manuscripts carved on
Tengah Zahara
stone (batu bersurat),
Mosque should be at
prehistoric tools, as
the top of your list.
A fuss-free way to learn about Terengganu’s culture is to
staying in an unconventional
room with full facilities inside a refurbished bus. It is
From its handicraft stores, boat building trade, and even its Chinatown which
Brush up on your History
who want to experience
World Kite
The World Kite Festival, Pasir
Gudang is an annual event that
features numerous participating kite
The Chingay Parade is a
street parade in conjunction
with the celebration of the
players. Other fringe events include various unique
Chinese New Year. This event was first
well as traditional
Known as the “Floating Mosque”, this unique structure
activities involving sports, culture, tourism, recreation
introduced in Johor Bahru in 2006 and the parade
herbs. With 4 multi
is built on a floating platform on the Terengganu
and leisure. These activities are free for anyone to
stretches go as far as 15 km throughout the city of
storey blocks playing
River. A symbol of modernisation and innovation, the
attend as the goal is to promote the kite flying culture.
Johor Bahru. The parade of about 145 groups usually
host to 10 galleries
architecture of this building impresses with its blend of
This event will take place between 11th to 15th
lasts from mid afternoon and late through the night with
(indoor and outdoor),
both modern and Moorish design elements. And if you’re
January 2015. For more information:
an array of lion dances, acrobatic performances, beating
be spoilt for
wondering when to visit, you should definitely catch a
drums and decorated floats. For more information:
glimpse of it during the evenings when the setting sun
Bukit Layang-Layang, Pasir Gudang
Thursday, 26 February 2015
lends it a stunning golden shade.
Photo credits: Uno Momento,, Mat Gebu, Azura Abu, LH Tang
Routes to paradise
Planning a trip to Malaysia?
Yours Truly pick some holiday
destination for you!
Sarawak and Sabah
Fly - There is no direct flight from Changi
Keen to get to Sarawak and Sabah? The only way there is
International Airport to Kedah. An alternative is
by air from Changi International Airport to the capital city of
to catch a flight from Changi International Airport to Kuala
Sarawak, Kuching and the capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.
Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). From there, catch a
domestic flight that will fly you direct to the Sultan Abdul
The following airlines fly to Sarawak and Sabah daily:
Halim Airport in Alor Setar, Kedah. Another way is to
Malaysia Airlines –
catch a direct flight from Changi International Airport to
Air Asia –
the Langkawi International Airport. From Langkawi,
Singapore Airlines –
simply hop on a ferry to get to mainland Kedah.
SilkAir –
Royal Brunei –
Train - The Senandung Langkawi express train
departs from KL Sentral in Kuala Lumpur daily
and stops at major towns in Kedah such as Alor Setar,
Sungai Petani and Gurun before proceeding to Hatyai in
Train - Board the KTM train from the Woodlands
Temerloh, Genting Highlands, Bukit Tinggi, Cameron
train station. The train will travel through several
Highlands). Alternatively, there is also the East Coast
states before reaching Kelantan, with Mentara Baru as
the first station in the state. To get to the heart of
Kelantan, Kota Bharu, you may want to drop off at
the Pasir Mas station.
Pulau Pangkor for more details.
on to the ferry from the jetty along Jalan Sultan Idris Shah
takes less than 30 minutes.
a FireFly flight from Changi Aiport to Ipoh. From
bus or charter a taxi to get you to Kangar, Perlis.
Train – Take the North-South Line and drop at
Ipoh, you can choose to either take a bus or charter a local
taxi to get to Lumut.
Pulau Redang
Pulau Redang is accessible directly by air, via
Tower at 10:00 pm daily. If you are going to other parts
of Pahang, you can hop on to another inter-city bus, or
simply hire a cab.
Important contacts:
PLUS Highway
Drive – The driving time from Singapore to the
Berjaya Air. Alternatively, take a flight from
Phone: +603-7981-8000
capital of Kota Bharu is about 10 ½ hours via the
Singapore to the Sultan Mahmud Airport in Kuala
North-South Highway.
the Arau Station.
Fly - AirAsia takes you direct to the Sultan Ismail
Petra Airport in Kota Bharu, Kelantan from
to Kuantan from Singapore. Five Stars Express
departs from Golden Mile Complex at 9:30 pm daily,
while Konsortium Express departs from Golden Mile
to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). From
Coach - There are two coaches that go direct
– this will get you straight to Pangkor jetty. The journey
respective jetty terminals to arrange their transfers.
Airport in Alor Setar, Kedah. From there, take an express
Terminal 2 to the Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport in
your GPS to the same destination. Then from Lumut, hop
If you prefer to fly, you can do so by taking
KLIA, catch a domestic flight to the Sultan Abdul Halim
flying from Singapore Changi Airport
Kuantan. Firefly flies direct to Kuantan - check out
at Alor Setar or Arau in Perlis and proceed to the
for visitors entering or leaving Malaysia.
you all the way to Cherating.
takes you direct to Lumut. If you are driving, set
capital of Kangar is about 8 ½ hours via the North-
Fly – Take a flight from Changi International Airport
Jalan Segamat-Kuantan route, which even brings
From Singapore, you can simply take a bus that
Thailand. Visitors heading for Langkawi should disembark
The border town of Bukit Kayu Hitam is the entry point
adventurous, you can take the kampong road, the
Fly - If you prefer to fly, you can do so by
Drive – The driving time from Singapore to the
South Highway.
Highway that will bring you to Kuantan. If you are more
Changi Airport four times a week. Alternatively, you may
Terengganu, and then catch a ferry from Shahbandar Jetty
to the island. If you prefer to take things easier, you could
either take a direct bus or drive to Kuala Terengganu
before catching the ferry.
Phone: +603-2267-1200
Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)
Drive – The driving time from Singapore to the
also opt to fly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport
capital of Alor Setar is about 8 hours via the
(KLIA) – Malaysia Airlines, Fire Fly and AirAsia flies from
Drive - The main North-South Highway takes you
Phone: +603-8777-7000
KLIA and Subang Airport to Kota Bharu daily.
to most of the towns in Pahang (Jerantut,
North-South Highway.
Estimated at 130 million years old, Taman Negara (National Park) is the first and oldest official Protected Area
in Malaysia. The preserve was originally named King George V National Park, and was established in 1939.
Taman Negara is also the largest park in Malaysia, and thanks to its protected status, houses an abundance
of biodiversity; making it one of the most complex and rich ecosystems in the world. A virgin jungle expanse
that covers 4,343 square kilometres of protected pristine, lowland and evergreen rainforest, Taman Negara’s
role in conservation is vital, as it helps preserve, protect and propagate the indigenous flora and fauna; with
the number of species estimated at 10,000 plants, 150,000 insects, 25,000 invertebrates, 675 birds, 270
reptiles and 250 freshwater fishes. Taman Negara is also home to an estimated 200 species of mammals,
and some of these include the highly endangered Malayan Tiger, Indochinese Leopard, Sumatran Rhinoceros,
Malayan Sun Bear and more.
Taman Negara National Park
Four (yes, FOUR!) lucky winners stand the chance to win the following:
- 1 voucher for 2 persons to D’Coconut Island Resort, Pulau Besar, Johor
- 1 voucher for 2 persons to D’Coconut Island Resort, Pulau Lang Tengah, Terengganu
- 2 x Jet Ski Tours vouchers in Langkawi
Simply answer this question:
Which popular dive destination is divided into two sub-islands,
and what are their names?
Send you answer to: [email protected]
(Hint: The answer can be found somewhere in this issue of Yours Truly.)
Submission deadline is 30th January 2015. Prizes are kindly sponsored by
D’Coconut Resorts and MegaWaterSports Sdn Bhd
Email us at [email protected]