2ND INTERNATIONAL ENGINE CONGRESS 2015 ENGINE TECHNOLOGY IN THE VEHICLE WITH ACCOMPANYING TRADE EXHIBITION 24 and 25 February 2015 Baden-Baden | Germany COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENGINES SPECIAL CUSTOMER BENEFITS – CO 2 REDUCTION – TCO MAIN TOPICS Engine development in China and India: requirements regarding global modular system production Technology solutions for combustion – charge exchange – mechanics – fuel injection – supercharging and exhaust aftertreatment Future of conventional and alternative fuels Current projects relating to the electrification of engine components New engines from Daimler, JCB and Volvo KEYNOTE LECTURES Dr. Elmar Böckenhoff Daimler Dr. Helmut Endres AGCO International, Switzerland Dr. Qin Li Weichai Power, China ATTEND INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS GIVEN BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES AVL List (A) | BorgWarner Turbo Systems (USA) | DAF Trucks (NL) | DENSO Automotive | DEUTZ | FEV | FPT (CH) | IAV | JCB (GB) | MAN Truck & Bus | Neste Oil (FIN) | NGK Europe | Robert Bosch | STEYR MOTORS (A) | TU Kaiserslautern | Volvo Group (S) www.ATZlive.com © Chisnikov - Fotolia.com PARALLEL LECTURES ON PASSENGER CAR ENGINE TECHNOLOGY AND OBD – MAY BE BOOKED SEPARATELY COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENGINES SPECIAL WITHIN THE INTERNATIONAL ENGINE CONGRESS 2015 WELCOME ABOUT THE CONGRESS The International Engine Congress in Baden-Baden is about to take place for the second time. The positive response to the previous event and the great breadth of topics to be addressed have motivated us to expand the format of the congress. You can now see the result of our planning in the form of our program for Commercial Vehicle Engines Special, which is designed as a “conference within a congress“. The International Engine Congress: The convention for experts from the engine community! You will, of course, still have the opportunity to move between the passenger car and commercial vehicle sessions, but you can now also benefit from the fact that the special requirements and key issues of commercial vehicle and industrial engines can be addressed in a targeted manner. One example is the need to reduce CO2, which for many years has been demanding the maximum possible efficiency from our engines, not in this case through fleet consumption targets but as a direct competitive factor. Commercial Vehicle Engines Special is supported by an advisory board of experts from OEMs and relevant suppliers. Our program includes highly interesting papers on the very latest topics: What potentials are still available in downspeeding or new super charging concepts? What is the optimum package of a combustion system, exhaust gas recirculation and exhaust aftertreatment? Which new fuels will decisively influence development over the next few years? In addition, on-board diagnosis (OBD) will be discussed in a separate branch of lectures together with passenger car engines. All topics are subject to the strict constraints of competitive cost structures and regionally successful products in a global market. We can expect to hear top-quality keynote lectures on these subjects. We are very pleased to offer you this platform for discussion in the commercial vehicle engine sector, and we hope that you will have exciting and informative days at our 2nd International Engine Congress 2015 in Baden-Baden. Dr. Johannes Liebl Scientific Director of the Congress, Editor-in-Charge ATZ | MTZ | ATZelektronik This new congress has been jointly developed by the leading organizers of automotive congresses in the German-speaking region: ATZlive and VDI Wissensforum. The first event was staged successfully in 2014 and around 380 people attended. In 2015, the structure of the congress will be similar to that of 2014. On the first day, you as a commercial vehicle expert can expect to hear numerous interesting keynote lectures and papers. In a parallel event, passenger car engine experts will meet for various keynote lectures before the conference divides up into three parallel sessions (two on passenger car engine technology and one on OBD in cars and commercial vehicles). In the evening, all the participants and speakers have the opportunity to continue their discussions on the topics covered during the day in a relaxed atmosphere at the Kurhaus Casino. On the second day, two parallel lecture sessions on car engine technology will take place alongside the Commercial Vehicle Engines Special. Concluding keynote lectures will bring the event to an end. Participants can move between any of the lectures at any time. Simultaneous interpreting between German and English is available. The breaks will take place at the same time. Participants will have the opportunity to find out about innovative products and services in the field of combustion engine development at the accompanying trade exhibition. CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl, Director of the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Powertrain Systems, TU Darmstadt Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl Conference Chairman Commercial Vehicle Engines Special TU Darmstadt PARTICIPANTS The event is aimed at engineers and technical specialists in industry, research and education who are involved in optimizing the combustion engine in the traditional areas of development. The focus will be on diesel and gasoline/gas engines for passenger and commercial vehicles and off-highway applications. MEDIA PARTNER MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift is always one step ahead where engine development and technology are concerned and provides detailed information about research and development for specialist engineers. ADVISORY BOARD Michael Aschaber, Head of Development and Managing Director, STEYR MOTORS GmbH (A) Dr. Dirk Bergmann, General Manager, FPT Motorenforschung AG (CH) Dr. Peter Heuser, Vice President Global Business Unit Commercial, Industrial and Large Engines, FEV GmbH Jürgen Lehmann, Head of Performance & Emission Development HDEP, Daimler AG Dr. Ralf Marquard, Senior Vice President R&D, DEUTZ AG Simultaneous Interpreting German -> English Thomas Nickels, Senior Vice President Engineering Powertrain, MAN Truck & Bus AG Lukas Walter, Vice President Commercial Powertrain Systems, AVL List GmbH (A) TUESDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2015 HALL 4 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES | PARTICIPANTS MAY CHANGE TO THE OBD AND PASSENGER CAR SESSIONS AT ANY TIME 9:15 Welcome address and opening of the congress – Video transmission from Hall 1 – Passenger car engine technology Dr. Alexander Heintzel, Editor-in-Chief ATZ | MTZ Group, and Anne Bieler-Bultmann M.A., Project Leader, VDI Wissensforum GmbH Welcome address and moderation by the conference chairman Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl, TU Darmstadt GLOBALIZATION – MODULAR SYSTEMS 9:30KEYNOTE Challenge and solution for a heavy-duty engine to comply with Beijing V and Euro VI Development and special requirements of emission regulation in Beijing Technical solution Improvement of product homogeneity Dr. Qin Li, Director of Product Development, Weichai Power Co., Ltd., China 10:00 KEYNOTE Local Globalization New global measures through the introduction of the OM47x heavy-duty engine family from Daimler Success through cost-efficiency from a global perspective with specific requirements Potentials, challenges and limits of the apparent contradiction between local and global optimization Dr. Elmar Böckenhoff, Vice President, Global Truck Powertrain Engineering, Co-Authors: Wolfgang Weller, Jürgen Lehmann, all Daimler AG 10:30 Coffee break and opportunity to visit the exhibition NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMBUSTION – CHARGE EXCHANGE – MECHANICS – FUEL INJECTION Moderation: Dr. Peter Heuser, FEV GmbH 11:15 Potentials, challenges and limits of downspeeding for commercial vehicle engines in long-haul trucks Remaining fuel saving potential Influence on engine full load characterisitics Trade-off: mechanical vs. thermodynamical optimization Impact on base engine and transmission technology Heimo Schreier, Product Manager Commercial Powertrain, Co-Authors: Helmut Theissl, Dr. Christoph Priestner, all AVL List GmbH, Austria 11:45 CO2 reduction in commercial engines by optimizing friction Energy recovery and engine friction reduction Potential of friction optimization measures Transferability of passenger car engines to commercial vehicles Thomas Rinkens, Department Manager Mechanics Development Commercial Vehicle, Industrial and Heavy-Duty Engines, Co-Authors: Michael Neitz, Mirko Plettenberg, all FEV GmbH 12:15 CO2 optimization of the common rail fuel injection system for commercial vehicle engines Power requirements of engine subsystems CRS design and requirements Potentials of energy efficiency improvements in the system through experimentation or numerical simulation New electric gear pump (eGP) for system improvement and diagnosis Lothar Schmid, Director, Co-Authors: Thomas Lengen felder, Klaus Sassen, Dr. Andreas Sommerer, all Robert Bosch Group 12:45 Lunch and opportunity to visit the exhibition NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUPERCHARGING – EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT – FUELS Moderation: Dr. Dirk Bergmann, FPT Motorenforschung AG 14:15 Electrified turbocharging (eTurbo™) and engine usage strategies in conjunction with VTG control Methods for sizing and selecting the electric motor for a particular eTurbo and engine match Usage strategy for simultaneously controlling the motor/generator and VTG vane position Example of in-vehicle integration and electrical power flow management Brock Fraser, Director, Innovation and New Concepts, Co-Authors: Michael Ward, Dr. Helmut Förster, all BorgWarner Turbo Systems USA/D 14:45 SCR-only: further reduction potentials for Euro VI engines Status and further CO2 or emission reductions AdBlue consumption and CO2 from AdBlue Alternatives Dr. Wolfgang Gstrein, Leader Pre-Development, Co-Authors: Daniel Assalve, Ralph Wachter, all FPT Motorenforschung AG, Switzerland 15:15 Cooled exhaust gas recirculation in supercharged, stoichiometrically operated natural gas truck engines – a key to increasing efficiency Studies on a turbocharged Euro VI natural gas engine with lambda=1 control and externally cooled high pressure exhaust gas recirculation Simulation with 1D and 3D calculation and parameter variation Examination at various load points: influence of the EGR rate, valve timing and fuels with different methane numbers Herbert Knorr, Senior Manager Engine Research Alternative Fuels, Co-Authors: Maximilian Weidner, Dr. Bruno Barciela, all MAN Truck & Bus AG 15:45 Euro VI engines development by model-based calibration Benjamin Tilch, Team Manager P&E Concepts, IAV GmbH 16:15 Coffee break and opportunity to visit the exhibition FUELS Moderation: Lukas Walter, AVL List GmbH 17:00 Design of a gasoline engine in a commercial vehicle using gasoline, ethanol and CNG Concept of the gas exchange Study of the engine’s potential using different fuels Prof. Dr. Rudolf Flierl, Chair of Internal Combustion Engines, Co-Author: Christoph Hörhammer, both TU Kaiserslautern 17:30 CO2 and exhaust emission reduction with hydro-treated vegetable oil (HVO) CO2 and fuel consumption of HVO HVO tailpipe and engine-out emissions Potential of HVO with engine optimization Markku Honkanen, Technical Advisor, Neste Oil Oyj, Finland 18:00 End of the first day of the congress from 19:30 EVENING FOR THE ENGINE COMMUNITY at the Kurhaus Casino Baden-Baden We invite you to have dinner with other engine experts at the Kurhaus Casino Baden-Baden. You will have the opportunity to chat with colleagues, discuss the day’s events and expand your network of contacts. WEDNESDAY, 25 FEBRUARY 2015 HALL 4 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES | PARTICIPANTS MAY CHANGE TO THE PASSENGER CAR SESSIONS AT ANY TIME NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT Moderation: Michael Aschaber, STEYR MOTORS GmbH 9:00 Potential study of low-pressure EGR on heavy-duty d iesel engines Advantages and challenges Transient control for LP-EGR Emission cycle results Dirk Queck, EMS Application Engineer, Co-Authors: Dr. Olaf Erik Herrmann, both DENSO Automotive Deutschland GmbH, Ken Uchiyama, DENSO Corporation, Japan 9:30 Selective catalytic reduction supported by advanced ceramic filters and substrates to improve DeNOx performance Comparison of current LD & HD DeNOx requirements and concepts Improved SCR performance by advanced substrate and catalyst technologies SCR technology on DPF – impact on pressure drop and filtration performance Kathrin Heil, Technical Account Manager Heavy Commercial Vehicle/Non Road Mobile Machinery, Co-Authors: Hidetoshi Yanase, Dr. André Wolz, all NGK Europe GmbH 10:00 A global system approach for aftertreatment system integration Optimized integration is a key enabler for optimum cost of ownership Global product requires a modular design concept and maximum commonality for different market demands Major design challenge is optimum utilization of the available catalytic surface within the constraint packaging envelope Dr. Yasser Yacoub, Manager Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems, Co-Author: Erik Versluis, both DAF Trucks N.V., Netherlands 10:30 Coffee break and opportunity to visit the exhibition HYBRIDIZATION – ELECTRIFICATION OF ENGINE COMPONENTS Moderation: Dr. Ralf Marquard, DEUTZ AG 11:00 Future concepts for industrial engines Industrial engines Hybrid applications Dr. Georg Töpfer, Strategic Planning, Co-Author: Marco Brun, both DEUTZ AG 11:30 Challenges and examples of solutions for diesel-electric systems with a high power density Requirements regarding packaging and energy management Electric components with modular power electronics with a high density of common parts Dynamic operating point strategies Michael Aschaber, Chief Technical Officer and Member of the Management Board, Co-Author: Dr. Peter Langthaler, both STEYR MOTORS GmbH, Austria 12:00 Lunch and opportunity to visit the exhibition NEW ENGINES Moderation: Jürgen Lehmann, Daimler AG 13:30New engines from JCB Stage IV/Tier 4f engine Alan Tolley, Director of Engine Programs, JCB Power Systems Ltd., United Kingdom 14:00 The new Volvo medium-duty engine platform Targeted applications for the new engine range Description of the engine architecture The set-up of a global manufacturing footprint Anders Hellman, Senior Vice President, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Sweden, Co-Authors: Thomas Klang, Volvo Group Technology, Sweden, Olivier Lozar, Volvo Group Technology, France 14:30 Coffee break and opportunity to visit the exhibition Moderation: Thomas Nickels, MAN Truck & Bus AG 15:00 The new-generation Euro VI horizontal engines for low-floor bus applications New OM93x engine family for Daimler city buses and some intercity buses Horizontal engine as a derivative of the new engine family Further significant customer benefits Christian Gropp, Senior Manager Medium Duty Engine Design, Co-Author: Aleksandrov Metodi, both Daimler AG TRENDS 15:30 KEYNOTE Engines in agricultural engineering from 40–850 bhp in the territory between the opposing poles of emission regulation, small volumes and innovative trends Innovations in the agricultural industry Comparison of emission regulations in the agricultural vs. automotive industry Engines from 40 to 850 bhp Dr. Helmut Endres, Senior Vice President Engineering Worldwide, Co-Author: Gina Jörn-Zapf, both AGCO International GmbH, Switzerland 16:00 Summary and closing address by the conference chairman Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl, TU Darmstadt You will find the complete International Engine Congress program online which lists the presentations on passenger cars and commercial vehicles. An event organized jointly by ATZlive and VDI Wissensforum REGISTRATION FEE VENUE Passenger car engine technology € 1,295.– plus VAT € 1,195.– plus VAT for VDI members Kongresshaus Baden-Baden Augustaplatz 10, 76530 Baden-Baden or Commercial Vehicle Engines Special € 1,295.– plus VAT € 1,195.– plus VAT for VDI members This includes the congress documents, coffee breaks, drinks, two lunches and the evening event. Participants may move between different lectures at any time. Mode of payment By bank transfer after invoice or by credit card (MasterCard, Visa). Participants with a billing address outside Germany, Austria or Switzerland are requested to pay by credit card. TERMS AND CONDITIONS No cancellation charge is due if registration is canceled by 26 January 2015. Cancellations made after that date will incur a charge of 35 % of the registration fee. For cancellations made after 3 February 2015 the full registration fee is payable. Cancellations must be made in writing. The date of the postmark will determine whether the deadline has been met. If you are unable to attend, we will be happy to accept a substitute participant. Should a speaker be unable to attend at short notice because of force majeure, illness, accident or other circumstances for which ATZlive and VDI Wissensforum cannot be held responsible, another qualified person will be appointed to the exclusion of any claim for compensation. Should the event be canceled altogether, we will of course refund the registration fee. No conference documentation may be reproduced or transferred to third parties without the express written consent of ATZlive and VDI Wissensforum. Photographing the presentation slides and audio and video recording of the conference are not permitted. Phone +49 7221 304-0 www.kongresshaus.de HOTELS Various hotels in Baden-Baden – all centrally located – have room blocks at reduced rates for participants. Here is just a small selection: Dorint Maison Messmer Baden-Baden (*****) Werderstraße 1 | 76530 Baden-Baden Phone +49 7221 3012-0 http://hotel-baden-baden.dorint.com/de/ € 215.– Standard single room € 291.– Standard double room Der Kleine Prinz (****) Lichtentaler Straße 36 | 76530 Baden-Baden Phone +49 7221 346600 http://www.derkleineprinz.de/home/ € 135.– Classic single room € 185.– Classic double room Hotel Löhr (***) Lichtentaler Straße 19 | 76530 Baden-Baden Phone +49 7221 302775 http://www.hotel-loehr.com/ € 65.– Standard single room € 95.– Standard double room € 80.– Double room for single occupancy The room prices given above are all-inclusive and also include breakfast. Visitor’s tax may be charged. The complete list of hotels can be found on the event homepage at www.ATZlive.com. The General Terms and Conditions of ATZlive apply, as published on the website www.ATZlive.de/AGB Please reserve rooms by 27 January 2015 at the latest. Booking reference: “International Engine Congress 2015” Your personal details will be stored electronically in compliance with the German Data Protection Act. ATZlive and VDI Wissens forum GmbH collect and process your address data for their own advertising purposes and to enable reputable companies and institutions to send you information and offers within the context of advertising activities. In some cases, external service providers are involved in the technical execution of data processing. If you have any questions on hotel bookings, please contact: Baden-Baden Kur & Tourismus GmbH Adelheid Ey Phone +49 7221 275271 [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive such information and offers, you may withdraw your consent to the use of your data for advertising purposes by us or by third parties at any time. To do so, please use the following email address: [email protected] EXHIBITION AND SPONSORSHIP YOUR CONTACT PARTNERS If you would like to make contact with prominent congress participants and present your products and services effectively to a selected specialist audience, then you should become involved in the congress as an exhibitor or sponsor. This industry meeting place gives you the ideal opportunity to take part in technical discussions with the participants and to make new contacts within the industry. We offer individual sponsorship and exhibition packages tailored to your specific needs. Take your pick from a variety of options. SERVICE AND BOOKINGS FOR PARTICIPANTS Elisabeth Moser Phone +49 611 7878-118 Fax +49 611 7878-452 [email protected] EXHIBITION AND SPONSORSHIP Nicole Benner Phone+49 611 7878-320 Fax +49 611 7878-430 [email protected] www.ATZlive.com ATZlive | Springer Vieweg Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany [email protected] We will be happy to give you more information about the various presentation options available. 2nd International Engine Congress Engine Technology in the Vehicle | 24 and 25 February 2015 | Baden-Baden | Germany REGISTRATION ATZlive | Springer Vieweg Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany Phone +49 611 7878-118 Fax +49 611 7878-452 [email protected] www.ATZlive.com I hereby register for the congress. I agree to the terms and conditions and accept that my registration is binding. Registration data Registration fee International Engine Congress Family name Passenger car engine technology or Commercial Vehicle Engines Special € 1,295.-* € 1,295.-* € 1,195.-* for VDI Members € 1,195.-* for VDI Members First name VDI Membership number * plus VAT Acad. title Attendance at evening reception on 24 February 2015 Company / Institute yes no Department I am interested in exhibition and sponsoring opportunities Function yes no Mode of payment Street / P.O. box Participants with a billing address outside Germany, Austria and Switzerland are requested to pay by credit card. Postal code / City Country Bank transfer after invoice Credit card MasterCard Phone, Fax Card holder E-mail Card number Invoice address (if different from above address) Card security code Visa Credit card valid until VAT No. CS00755 You will receive confirmation of participation upon receipt of your registration and be invoiced three weeks before the congress. You will receive your congress documents when registering at the venue. Please register one person per form only. BY FAX TO +49 611 7878-452 Date, Signature
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