C F M GREGORY DRIVE Alliance Church A place to belong… There is a deep desire for community in all of us. Look at Tim Horton’s and malls, and you will see groups of people who meet on a regular basis. God has put within us all a strong need to belong, to contribute, to be valued and to be accepted. Gregory Drive Alliance Church is part of God’s “big family”, and you are welcome to come and belong! Belong A place to begin... Gregory Drive is a place for new beginnings, no matter who you are or what you’ve experienced. So whether you’re looking for a new church home or just a new start in life, God has a new beginning planned for you and your family. Your spiritual journey can begin right here! Begin A place to believe... We all believe in someone or something, and as a church family we have an unshakable belief in a loving and just God and we are learning to love each other unconditionally. We are governed not by man but by believing God and His Word. We invite you to join us as we learn, believe and apply what God reveals to us in the Bible. Believe A place to become… People exist to know God and be known by Him. We invite you to join us on the greatest journey of all - to become a person of God’s purpose and plan. Become Connue to Pray for those with ongoing concerns… • Donna Stacey, LeeAnn Welch, Janet Kleyn, Ron McIntyre, Mike Gellner, Eldora McManus Pray for … • Our Youth & Young Adults who will be travelling to a%end the • Aquire the Fire event. Pray that that gospel message proclaimed would take root in the hearts of the many young people a%ending. NIGERIA Boko Haram has killed approx. 2000 civilians, with Chris4ans being especially targeted. The leader of Boko Haram has threatened " this is just the beginnings of the killings. This is just the 4p of the iceberg, more deaths are coming." Pray for God's protec4on over his people and that they may remain faithful in the midst of great persecu4on and even, if God wills, to death. T W Youth Truth Project - 1:00 PM (following 11am service) @ Donovan & Julie Jacob’s home. Lunch will be provided. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Kidventure Quest - 6:30 pm Elders’ Prayer Time - 6:00 am Jr. & Sr. Youth - (Grades 7-12) 6:30 - 8:30 pm Ladies Bible Study - 10:00 am Men’s Coffee Hour at Baja Café - 10:00 am FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sr. High Acquire the Fire C S REF. GGHI REJKGLIM PNMOGH THNPJ FQELIRM PNMOGH MNHPRM ESTEHLEJ PNMOGH RGJ VNK KEMOEHEK ALQPE DEHVMEK MNHOWN BNVEH Senior Pastor Children Youth Pastoral Care Administraon Administraon 255 Gregory Drive West Chatham, Ontario N7L 0E2 Tel: 519-352-4580 Fax: 519-352-4587 www.gregorydrive.com [email protected] A place to Belong… A place to Begin . . . A place to Believe… A place to Become… Living the Call Together. Acts 2:42 February 1, 2015 Rev. Gordon Reynolds Sermon Series: The BEBE-attitudes! “The Unique Physique of the Meek!” Matthew 5:1-5 & Psalm 37 On Sunday, February 15th, we will be having a Baby Dedica4on, Bap4smal and Membership service. Anyone who is interested in having their baby dedicated, being bap4zed or church membership, please fill out the welcome informa4on card in the pew and place it in the offering plate or contact the office at offi[email protected]. West Wing West Wing North Wing North Wing Room: Café 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service in the Sanctuary Nursery and toddlers ages 0 - 5 years DEDICATION, BAPTISMAL & MEMBERSHIP SERVICE There will be a Bap8smal and Membership Informa8on Class TODAY & Feb. 8th at 6:00 pm. 9:15 a.m. - Worship Service in the Sanctuary Nursery and toddlers ages 0-3 Sunday School for children JK-grade 6 Quizzing Program & Bible Study for ages 12-18 Youth Sunday School for grades 7-12 Adult Elec4ve Teacher: Joe Hall NEXT WEEK FEBRUARY 8 9:15 & 11:00 AM CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS West Wing There Will Be No “Sundays at Six” Tonight Other “Growing Together” Opportunities at GDAC… Connect Groups Home based fellowship, study, prayer and outreach. Various groups throughout the week. Contact Evelien Wiersma for more informa4on (519) 360-9240. Ladies Bible Study Every Wednesday morning at 10:00 am W V ! We are pleased that you chose to worship with us today, and we trust that you will enjoy your visit. Please take a moment to fill out the communica4on card found in the pew in front of you, and place it in the offering plate. You will find a wealth of informa4on at our Welcome Sta4on in the foyer, and any one of our friendly ushers would be glad to assist you in any way. Ministries for children run concurrent with the service, so if you have a child, please contact one of the ushers and they will direct you to our children’s ministries area. THE LAST TRUTH PROJECT FOR YOUTH … will be held at Donovan and Julie Jacob’s home, 173 Chippewa Drive, TODAY at 1:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. THROUGH THE EYES OF AN ANGEL - March 25-28 Church wide Outreach event specifically designed for you, the church family to use as a opportunity to invite your unsaved neighbours, co-workers and family. It is a drama4c presenta4on of the Easter story. Please be in prayer for who the Lord would have you invite. MISSIONS FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON th The Young Adults will be organizing a lunch on Sunday February 8 following the 11:00 am service. There will be a free will offering with proceeds to go towards Michelle Vander Ende serving in Madagascar. Just a friendly reminder that Gregory Drive Alliance Church is a scent-free environment, so we ask that perfumes, aftershaves, hairspray, colognes, etc. not be worn in our building as a way of showing our care for one another and making our building a welcoming place for everyone. Gluten-Free Communion Crackers For those with special dietary restrictions, please be advised that our communion crackers are now gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, and soy-free. NURSERY & TODDLERS Baby/Walker Room 9:15 a.m. Paul & Sara Spence Jillian Mallory 11:00 a.m. Joyce McIntyre Megan Van Dusen Toddler Room 9:15 a.m. Linda Orr USHERS 9:15 a.m. Terry Bible Ron Ytsma Dave Dawson John Smids 11:00 a.m. Dave Lug4gheid Jim Aus4n Al Van Der Vliet Bill Pilon GREETERS 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Margie Van Eijkern & Ingrid Phaneuf VISUAL ARTS & SOUND 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Jeff Fieldus Josh Campbell LIBRARY 9:15 a.m. Jean Noordam 11:00 a.m. Clara Smith THINGS TO DO Contact the office if you would like to have your baby dedicated or you would like to be bap4zed, or become a member.
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