St. Anne CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Anne Parish, a Catholic community of faith, is joyfully committed to living the Gospel through worship and prayer, education, service, and stewardship. Mass Times Parish Staff Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacons Pastoral Assistant Parish Bookkeeper Parish Secretaries Dir. of Religious Ed. Dir. of Communications High School Youth Middle School Youth Choir Director Organist Nursery Director St. Anne Outreach Rev. Jeremiah McCarthy Rev. Jacob Almeter Rev. Mr. John Quillen, Rev. Dr. Eddie Ensley, Rev. Mr. Robert Herrmann Margo Truett Anne Dawahare Bernadette Coker, Tonya Seguin Brian Guillot Jennifer Sillitto Mary Denise & Troy Espiritu Tonya Seguin George Corradino Pat Jasinski Elizabeth Johnson 706-561-5039 Katie Byers, Director 706-568-1592 St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School PreK-4 through 12 Principal PreK-8th Principal 9th-12th Asst. Prin. PreK-8th Admissions/Comm. Office 706-561-8232 Fax 706-563-0211 Gayla Arrington ext. 223 Kristin Turner ext. 152 Jocelyn Smith ext. 144 Julie Davis ext. 271 Prayer intention for the Prayer Ministry Call 706-561-8678, ext. 125 or visit Saturday: 5:30 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM Daily: Monday-Friday at 7:30 AM, Saturday 10:00 AM Holy Days: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 6:00 PM Reconciliation Saturday 4-5 PM in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel and by appointment with a priest Eucharistic Adoration Friday 8 AM-5:30 PM; Rosary and Benediction at 5:30 PM Rosary Wednesday evening (see calendar for times) Nursery The nursery is intended for young children, ages 6 months to 4 years, not ready to participate in Mass. It is available during Saturday evening and Sunday Masses and other parish activities as deemed necessary by the Pastor. 2000 Kay Circle · Columbus, GA 31907 · 706-561-8678 · Fax 706-565-4845 · CH-Church MR-Meeting Room SJR-St. Joseph Rm. CP-Chapel RC-Rectory VH-Visitation Hall HMO-Health Min. Off. SCR-St. Cecilia Rm. YR-Youth Rm. Sunday, February 1 After 8 & 10 AM Masses 9:00-10:30 AM 9:15-10:15 AM 11:30 AM-12:30 PM 11:45 AM-12:45 PM VH Coffee & Donuts HMO YR HMO MR Blood Pressures Adult Ed Class Blood Pressures Sacramental Prep Class YR YR MR Tai Chi Strength Exercise Class Lectionary Bible Study Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree CP YR MR Divine Mercy Chaplet Yoga CCW Board Meeting Monday, February 2 1:00-1:45 PM 1:45-2:30 PM 2:00-3:15 PM 7:00-9:00 PM Tuesday, February 3 5:00-5:30 PM 5:00-6:00 PM 6:00-8:00 PM Wednesday, February 4 6:00-7:30 AM 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 1:00-1:45 PM 1:45-2:30 PM 6:00-6:30 PM 6:00-7:00 PM 6:30-8:00 PM 7:00-8:30 PM 7:00-8:30 PM 7:30-9:00 PM VH MR YR YR CP SCR MR SJR VH SCR That Man is You! Joyful Rosary Makers Zumba Gold Strength Exercise Class Rosary Group 12:30 Mass Choir Practice Adult Scripture Study Catholic Women’s Bible Study RCIA Adult Choir Practice YR YR MR Mother’s Scripture Study I Yoga Class JustFaith CP CP MR YR Adoration of the Blessed Sac. Rosary & Benediction Charismatic Prayer Group Covenant Program CH YR SCR HMO YR First Reconciliation Covenant Program Saturday Evening Choir Practice Blood Pressures Family Prayer Mission VH Coffee & Donuts HMO YR HMO MR CH YR YR Blood Pressures Adult Ed Class Blood Pressures Sacramental Prep Class Confirmation Parent Meeting Middle School Youth Group High School Youth Group “Once one becomes a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option.” Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, USCCB Pastoral Letter on Stewardship In the Gospel this week… A prominent theme in the Gospel of St. Mark is the divine authority of Jesus of Nazareth. While Moses was a prophet who spoke from a personal experience of God, he promised a great prophet who would be Jesus Himself. He is the one empowered by His Father to be the Messiah; whose teaching reached into people’s hearts and caused them to turn toward God. Even “unclean spirits” responded to Him. Stewards allow the teachings of Jesus Christ to touch them and transform their lives. Do we recognize the authority of Jesus to touch us each day? Do we give Christ the opportunity to transform us? Source: ICSC Parish Bulletin Stewardship of Treasure January 25, 2015 Offertory $20,203 Stewardship of Time & Talent Thursday, February 5 10:00-11:45 AM 5:00-6:00 PM 6:00-8:00 PM Friday, February 6 8:00 AM-5:30 PM 5:30-6:00 PM 6:00-7:30 PM 6:30-9:30 PM Saturday, February 7 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 10:00 AM-5:30 PM 4:15-5:15 PM 5:00-7:00 PM 7:00-10:00 PM Sunday, February 8 After 8 & 10 AM Masses 9:00-10:30 AM 9:15-10:15 AM 11:30 AM-12:30 PM 11:45 AM-12:45 PM 5:30-8:30 PM 5:30-7:00 PM 7:00-8:30 PM Below are two parish ministries specifically focused on the formation of our young children: Nursery: Members provide a safe and happy environment for children, up thru age 4, of parents who are attending Mass. Time required is 20 minutes about every 4 to 6 weeks before Mass to set up and greet children, Mass time, and then a few minutes afterwards to tidy-up the nursery. Contact Liz Johnson at 706-561-5039. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: During the Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 10:30 AM Masses, ministers present the readings and Gospel in a child-friendly version (ages 41st grade), lead a discussion with the children and usually oversee a simple craft or coloring page. All materials are provided and no experience is necessary. Contact Cathey Turner at 706-323-9041. As with any ministry working with children, a mandatory background check and VIRTUS training course is required for all members over 18 years of age. All parishioners new to St. Anne are invited to register by completing a parish registration form that can be found on the information desk in the commons area of the Church or online at Follow us on Facebook & Twitter stannechurchcsg Cover art work: Leonardo da Vinci, The Virgin and Child with St Anne, c.1510 Scan here to go to Pastor s Corner February 1, 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Next weekend, February 7th/8th, we will kick off the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. This year, the diocesan goal is $2,600,000. Our parish has been asked to contribute $165,549 towards that goal. Thanks to your good stewardship and generosity, we exceeded last year’s goal of $171,539 in pledges and, as of this date, those pledges have almost been satisfied. Last year almost forty percent (40%) of St. Anne parishioners participated in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. That is a level of participation which I hope we can attain again in 2015. If we all do our part, no matter how small the gift, we will be able to reach the goal which has been set by Bishop Hartmayer. I urge each of you to be generous in supporting the BAA and Bishop Hartmayer, and the work of the Church in South Georgia. The appeal will run through January 31st of 2016, if you would like to make your payments over the course of the year. Thank you for your generosity to this parish and to the wider needs of the diocese. M Teaching Our Children at St. Anne Parish At St. Anne Church, children are a big part of our community. With close to half of our families being families with children, the education and formation of our children is of great importance to our parish and Church. For our youngest children, we provide a variety of opportunities to assist parents in bringing their children to Church and to help the children participate at a level appropriate for their age. The nursery is available at every Mass, staffed by Nursery Director Elizabeth Johnson and parish volunteers. It is intended for young children not ready to participate in Mass. The Training Room, located in the back of the church, is intended for parents with infants or children making the transition from the Nursery to the body of the church. Children’s Liturgy of the Word, available on weekends during the Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30 PM and the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, is intended for children ages 4 - 1st grade. We are in need of help with this important ministry and encourage parents of children who attend Children’s Liturgy to consider helping out on a regular basis. Materials and training are provided. For our school-aged children, St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School is the only PK4 through 12th grade Catholic school serving Southwest Georgia. We also have an excellent Sunday School program for those students PK4 through 8th grade enrolled in non-Catholic schools. We encourage all families with children to be involved in the many ministries at St. Anne. At the age of 9, youth can begin to get involved as an individual in ministries open to youth. Monday, February 2 Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday, February 3 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, February 4 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, February 5 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Friday, February 6 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, February 7 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday, February 8 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Mass Intentions February 1 Living & Deceased Parishioners of St. Anne Church February 2 Cordelia Williams February 3 Mikey Jacobs February 4 Gerhard Peterhans February 5 Paul Hackett February 6 Paul Newman February 7 10 AM - First Reconciliation 5:30 PM - Matthew Daugherty Altar flowers for this weekend were donated by Ron Waldheim in loving memory of his wife, Judi Waldheim Drivers Needed to Help at Outreach St. Anne Outreach is looking for drivers to pick up bread in the early mornings either on Monday on Bradley Park Drive or Wednesday on Milgen Road. If you are interested, please email Katie Byers or Richard Sciulli at [email protected] or call them at 706-568-1592. Contemporary Couples’ Club Join The Contemporary Couples’ Club for an evening of food & fellowship Sat., Feb. 21, at The Social. The evening will begin at 6:30 PM, and includes tapas at the Uptown Columbus Taqueria. The cost to attend is $40 per couple with a cash bar. The mission of The Contemporary Couples’ Club is to promote fellowship in the Columbus deanery by presenting social programs for engaged and married Catholic couples and couples interested in exploring the Catholic Faith. Couples in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are invited to participate. Your check is your reservation. Look for the CCC table in the Commons Area Feb. 8 & 15 to drop off your check or mail check to Brian & Jennifer Sillitto, 142 Waterfall Way, Cataula, GA 31804. The deadline is Feb. 15. Questions? Email Contemporary Couples’ Club Coordinators Gayla & Alan Arrington, Heather & John Dalelio, and Jennifer & Brian Sillitto at [email protected]. New Study for Mother’s Scripture Study The Mother’s Scripture Study has begun a new study entitled Covenant Love: Introducing the Biblical Worldview from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. It’s an online study; no book is needed. Participants meet on Thursdays at 10:30 AM in the church nursery. Bring your kids to play while we study God’s word together! On Sunday, April 26, 2015, the Diocese of Savannah will celebrate Bishop J. Kevin Boland’s 80th Birthday and 20th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination. Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist at 5:30 PM with a festive party to follow. This momentous occasion is open to one and all. More details will follow. Mark your calendars! St. Anne-Pacelli students, John Clark Auer and Luke Dawahare, are collecting gently used soccer equipment and shoes for needy children and teens. A donation box will be placed inside the St. Joseph Thank You from CVUL Chattahoochee Valley United for Life wishes to thank everyone who came out to the March for Life on January 22nd. Thanks to pro-life efforts, 84 babies have been saved from abortion appointments in Columbus and Senator Josh McKoon has vowed to introduce new legislation that will require Georgia abortion facilities to adhere to the same health and safety regulations that apply to other ambulatory surgical centers. Bulletin deadline: Please send all bulletin news items and information to [email protected] by noon on Friday the week prior to publication. Room. Please bring in any equipment and shoes you no longer need. Education News St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School Thursday, March 12th, the high school youth group will be going to a Retreat at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Dinner will be from 5:00-6:00 PM Athletic Director of the Year Congratulations to Coach Alan Griffin for being named the Athletic Director of the Year for GHSA Region 4A. The award acknowledges the hard work Coach Griffin does in leading our athletic programs and the positive name he gives our school in the athletic community around the state of Georgia. Apply Now for 2015-16 We are excited to announce that many grades are near capacity for the 2015-16 school year. We are anticipating waiting lists for the following grade levels: PK4, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8. If you are interested in St. AnnePacelli, please apply now. St. Anne parishioners receive waiting list priority. Students Attend Pro-Life March Students from St. Anne-Pacelli took time out to participate in the Chattahoochee Valley United for Life Pro-Life March in downtown Columbus on January 22nd. They carried signs and helped place baby shoes on the steps of the Government Center to represent lives lost to abortion. and the Retreat will be from 6:00-10:00 PM. Cost is only $5! Check out Net Ministries to see what they are all about at Be sure to let the Espiritus know no later than Feb. 23 if you plan on attending. Our Middle School and High School Youth Groups will meet again on Sunday, February 8th. Middle School will meet from 5:30-7:00 PM; High School will meet from 7:00-8:30 PM. For more information regarding our Youth Groups, contact: High School: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR: First Reconciliation is scheduled for Saturday, February 7th at 10:00 AM in the church. Please pray for our second graders as they prepare to receive this Sacrament. A Confirmation Parent Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 8th. Parents may attend one of two meetings that day: 9:10 AM in the high school auditorium or 5:30 PM in the church. Mary Denise & Troy Espiritu at [email protected]. Middle School: Tonya Seguin at [email protected]. Abuse Hotline Number To report sexual abuse of a minor by a Diocese of Savannah employee or volunteer, call the abuse hotline number, 888-357-5330 or the Office for the Protection of Children and Young People, 912-201-4073/4074. To read the diocesan policy on sexual abuse of minors, go to St. Anne Community Outreach Each month, St. Anne Community Outreach collects much needed hygiene items for those in our community who are facing hardship. We are also in great need of gently used or new clothing, small household items, linens, blankets, and towels. All items may be dropped off Monday through Thursday from 8:30AM until 12 Noon or after all Masses every 3rd weekend of the month. Below is a list of the Items of the Month needed by Outreach and the monthly dates Outreach will be open before and after weekend Masses. Please cut out this notice and put it on your refrigerator as a helpful guide for the coming months. February 14/15 Deodorant March 14/15 Socks Pilgrimage with Fr. Scott Winchel Travel with Fr. Scott Winchel, Pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church, Cordele, GA on a trip to Greece in the footsteps of St. Paul. The trip will include visiting Athens, Thessalonica, Phillippi, Delphi, Corinth, Piraeus, Kavala, Ephesus (Turkey), Patomos, Santorini and other cities. The trip will be from September 19-28, 2015 and the cost is $3,599.00 including airfare and other charges. To register, please contact 855-842-8001 or 508-340-9370. You can also register online and find out more information at Fr. Winchel can be reached at (706) 294-2766. Prime Timers Luncheon The Prime Timers will meet for lunch at Caffé Amici, 2301 Airport Thruway, on Mon., Feb. 9th at 12:30 PM. The Prime Timers meet the 2nd Monday of each month. For more information or to make your reservation, please call Pat Jasinski at 706-323-0228 or Ursula at 706-561-6314. April 18/19 Custodial Position Available Razors St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School has a part-time custodial position available. The hours are 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If interested, you may apply in the main office of the school between the hours of 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM. Please be sure to have your driver’s license and social security card with you. May 16/17 Toothbrushes June 20/21 Shampoo July 18/19 Soap August 15/16 Deodorant September 19/20 Socks October 17/18 Toothpaste November 14/15 Shampoo At The with CCW Our next meeting event, which will be held on Tuesday, February 17 from 5:45-8:00pm in Visitation Hall, will be Pursuit of Happiness. Our guest speaker will be financial advisor, Robbie Green. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Caps of Love will continue until March 17. For more information, please contact Anne Lester at (706)662-9029 Sacramental Information Baptism: Parents must be registered members of St. Anne Parish. Attendance at a one-hour Baptismal preparation class, held every six to eight weeks, is required. Please contact a priest to make arrangements for the Baptism. Baptisms are normally celebrated following one of the scheduled Masses. Anointing of the Sick: Contact the parish office to arrange for a priest to anoint any Catholic in need of this sacrament of healing. Due to current HIPAA laws, we are unable to access names at health care facilities so if you don’t let us know, we won’t know to visit. First Reconciliation: Typically celebrated in the second grade. Children must be baptized. Students are catechized during religion and Sunday School classes. Special classes are available for older students. Funerals: When a loved one dies, contact the parish office to speak to a priest. He will work with you and the funeral home to assist with the arrangement of funeral services. First Eucharist: Typically celebrated in the second grade after Holy Orders: Anyone interested in information about priestly having made their First Reconciliation, usually in May. Students and/or religious vocations, contact one of our parish priests or the are catechized for this sacrament during their religion and Sunday diocese at School classes. Special classes available for older students. Confirmation: Typically celebrated in the seventh grade. Students must complete a course of study, perform service hours & attend a retreat. High school students preparing for this sacrament are expected to be active participants in Youth Group. A sponsor is required; must be 16 years of age, confirmed and have received Holy Eucharist. Marriage: One of the priests must be notified at least four months in advance of the desired wedding day. Couples required to have several meetings with a priest, complete and review a pre-marriage inventory called FOCCUS, participate in marriage preparation program, and provide the necessary documents for marriage. Please support our parishioners’ businesses as they support our parish bulletin! Silver Service Emily Rosher • 706.575.6648 Chu’s Hair Salon Hair Color · Perm · Style Creative Style & Cut · Relaxer & Weaving Skin Care & Massage Therapy Open Hours: Wed-Th 11:30 AM-6 PM; Fri 10 AM-5 PM; Sat 10 AM-4 PM St. Anne Members Discount Senior Move Manager & Estate Liquidator 5734 Windsor Drive, Unit 1 Columbus, GA 31909 Owner - Chu Jarmon (706) 561-0986 Jenny & Chuck Nobes 1711 Warm Springs Road Phone: 706.221.3822 Columbus, Georgia 31904 Fax: 706.221.4355 Foot and Ankle of West Georgia, P.C. Foot and Ankle Surgery Center, LLC Alap P. Shah, DPM, CWS Specializing in Diabetes & Diabetic Wound Care and General Podiatry Care Michael Schreck, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified in Foot Surgery & Specializing in Pediatric and Adult Patients M. Carter Hyneman, DPM Specializing in Trauma and Sports Related Injuries 2751 Warm Springs Rd. Columbus, GA 31904 (706) 327-8819 Office (706) 327-3147 Fax Bishop Gross Council 1019 The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, family-oriented organization, promoting Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. K of C Councils are chartered in many countries throughout the free world. Our charitable activities encompass an almost infinite variety of local, national and international projects. Membership is open to men, 18 years and older, in good standing with the Catholic Church. Contact: Rodney Russell, Grand Knight 706-536-6765 Jaime Herras, Membership Director 706-569-7878 3747 Macon Rd. · 706-561-6000 6575 Whittlesey Blvd. · 706-561-5714 Italian “Where friends and family meet for great food.” Reservations Welcomed Harmony Place 2301 Airport Thruway Columbus, GA 31904 Knights of Columbus Phone: (706) 653-6361 Fax: (706) 653-6357 E-mail: [email protected] Open 7 days a week Monday-Thursday 11 AM-10 PM Friday-Saturday 11 AM-10:30 PM Sunday 11 AM-9 PM Bring in this ad & receive 15% off your ticket (excluding alcohol) Valid at both locations Richard Mansfield, D.O. FAAP Amy Cool, M.D. FAAP Farzana Malik, M.D. FAAP Trina Williamson, FNP Nancy Ryan, CPNP Phone (706) 571-9699 Professional Nail Care for Ladies and Gentlemen Acrylic - Gel Nails - Spa Pedicure & Manicure Gift Certificates Available Mon.-Sat. 9 am-7pm; Sun. 12 -5 pm 6501 WHITESVILLE RD. #300 706-507-1694 $5 off any service with bulletin Buying, Selling, or Building Your Home Inspection Company Robbie Green Financial Advisor ROFESSIONAL INSPECTION SERVICES, LLC 945 Broadway, Suite 105 Columbus, GA 31901 tel 706-324-5471 fax 706-327-4822 toll free 800-638-5989 [email protected] Stephen G. Wilson Office/Scheduling: 706-565-0333 Cell: 706-593-3407 [email protected] AL Reg # HI-0584 CATHY HODGE Sales Manager HELGA L. SCHIFANO REALTOR 7830 VETERANS PARKWAY UNIT C COLUMBUS, GA 31909 BUS (706) 576-2400 FAX (706) 576-2244 CELL (706) 587-1252 [email protected] WWW.HELGASCHIFANO.COM WELLS HOME FARGO MORTGAGE 5820 VETERANS PKWY, Suite 209 COLUMBUS, GA 31904 Tel: 706 494 5667 Fax: 877 388 1574 Cell: 706 329 0891 Direct: 706 494 5669 [email protected] NMLS #: 151296 2416 Capstone Court Columbus, GA 31909 Tele: (706) 327-1281 Fax: (706) 327-1159 Thomas W. Ellison, MD, FAAP · Kathryn K. Cheek, MD, FAAP Jennifer R. Evangelist, MD, FAAP · Mark C. Oliver, MD, FAAP Susan E. McWhirter, MD, FAAP · Kathleen T. Roberts, MD, FAAP Erik A. Heiss, MD, FAAP · Cheryl K. Carroll, MD Parishioner Address/Information Changes Had a name change? Moved? Changed email or phone #? Let us know by completing this and drop it in the collection basket! Changed: Address Name Email/Phone Marital Status Name Address Email Marital Status (describe) Phone Rick Gonzalez - Realtor ® “The deal maker” St. Anne Parishioner / 3rd Degree Knight of Columbus / Usher / Ft. Benning Vet Bilingual 706-225-9705 [email protected] 10% of my commission will go to St. Anne’s!
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