CYC Newsletter - the Corinthian Yacht Club!

February 2015
Commodore: Jim Test
[email protected]
Cell: 410-610-7012
Vice Commodore: Greg Edwards
[email protected]
Home: 703-507-8725
Rear Commodore: Harriet Bean
[email protected]
Cell: (301) 862-2840
Secretary: Sally Dressel
[email protected]
Home: 240-237-8859
Treasurer: John Wittman
[email protected]
Cell: 703-675-4469
Fleet Captain: Paul Altman
[email protected]
Cell: (240) 463-6051
Measurer: Liz Reisman
[email protected]
Cell: (240) 925-4648
Trustee: Charles O’Brien
[email protected]
Cell: (301) 904-8931
Trustee: Brian Winsor
[email protected]
(240) 682-4557
IPC: Paula Hajos
[email protected]
Cell: 240-432-5504
Jan 20-29: Fawcett Seminars
Jan 29-Feb 1: Baltimore Boat Show
Jan 31: First Aid/CPR Course
Feb 1-22: Walking with Washington Tours
Feb 3- 26: Fawcett Seminars
Feb 4-8: Atlantic City International Power
Boat Show
Feb 5-26: Winter Seminar Series
Feb 6-8: Mid-Atlantic Sports & Boat Show
Feb 6-7: Polar Plunge
Feb 12-16: Miami International Boat Show
Feb 13-15: Ocean City Seaside Boat Show
Feb 14-15: Fishing and Boating Flea Market
Feb 20-22: Richmond Boat Show
Feb 21: Fisherman’s Flea Market
Feb 22: Bass Class
Mar 13-15: Philadelphia Boat Show
Mar 28: Board Meeting Only
Apr 11: CYC Spring Clean-up
Apr 17-19: Bay Bridge Boat Show
Apr 24-25: Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show
Apr 25: Membership Meeting and Event
May 23: Flag Raising/Pool Opening/
Blessing of the Fleet
May 24: Shakedown Cruise
The Commodore’s Bridge
2015 started as another
fun year of CYC events.
We had perfect weather
with great views of
Solomons Harbor and
the Thomas Johnson
Bridge from the upstairs party room at
Stoney’s Kingfisher Restaurant. PC Greg
Edwards and RC Harriet Bean put
together our Change of Watch program
and PC Phil Deming performed as the
Master of Ceremonies, and kept the
program on track. The crab cakes and
Bloody Mary’s were delicious and added
to the camaraderie. CBYCA Commodore
Tom Kenavan and Rear Commodore Sally
Kenevan joined us for our membership
meeting, COW & lunch.
We have four standing committees with
open positions: Nominating, Membership,
Buildings and Grounds, and Long Range
Planning. The Nominating Committee can
be chaired by any Past Commodore and
requires Board of Trustees approval. The
following members are going to lead these
Membership: Sally Dressel
Buildings & Grounds: Greg Edwards
Long Range Planning: Jim Test
Nominating Committee: TBD
If you would like to participate, e-mail me
at: [email protected]
Please sign up to sponsor an event with
RC Harriet. Nobody is going to like my
disgusting, cold beans & franks entrée at
the pot luck, NON-SPONSORED, dinners.
Jim Test, Commodore.
Hold These Dates:
Board Meeting Only: March 28
Spring Clean-up and Work Day –
April 11
Kick-off Event:
April 25
Around the Grounds/
Vice Commodore
CYC spring workday is
scheduled for April 11,
2015. We will be putting
together a task list and
getting it out to everyone
ahead of time. If you
have a project or task idea please let us
We will be reviewing the survey /
inspection of the Club and cottages done
on Saturday 11/29/14 by HomesR Us and
putting together a priority list. We will
focus on the Clubhouse first.
We are working towards a new design for
the closet in the Kitchen. PC Dick Bean
has agreed to lead this project.
One Picnic Table will be purchased and
put out on Club property for consideration
for replacing the others.
The Posted Reservations Calendar on the
CYC Web Site (
is in the process of being updated to 2015.
Reservations should be emailed to me at
[email protected]. I will collect
the payments for the Clubhouse rooms
and Cottage 5 rentals then reservation
information passed on to John Carey who
will post it on our Website.
reservation is not officially scheduled until
the check, made out to CYC, is received
Greg Edwards
7114 Camp Alger Ave.
Falls Church, VA 22042
Clubhouse and Room Rates;
Bean Room Rental
$150 per day
Cottage #5
$65 per night, $400 per week
# 5 Supplemental Pet Fee$10 per night
Commodore’s Room #1
$55 per night
Vice Commodore’s Room #2 $50 per night
Rear Commodore’s Room #3 $40 per night
NOTE: Member/renter is responsible for
cleaning upon check-out.
As members we are all responsible for
keeping our Clubhouse property and
grounds clean and safe. If you see
anything you feel needs attention please
let me know via email or phone call 703507-8725.
participation is needed to complete the
Don’t be shy. Step up. Grab a friend to
co-host with you. There is always plenty of
help to assist in hosting an event. If you
desire to use a caterer, I have a list of
those who have worked at CYC before
and some new suggestions. Or if you
want to prepare your own specialty for the
members to enjoy we would appreciate
you doing so. You can reach me anytime
by email at [email protected] or
phone 301-904-9967 (cell) and 301-8622840 (home).Contact me any time to
discuss your selection.
Dine, dance, visit, be merry and enjoy the
New Year at CYC.
Harriet Bean, Rear Commodore
Fleet Captain
Year, and start those
V/C Greg Edwards
CYC Events/
Rear Commodore
Corinthian just celebrated another one of
our fine traditions, the
“Change of Watch”.
Members attended the
swearing in of your 2015 Board of
Trustees, kicking off the 112th year of
Corinthian Yacht Club. This year’s COW
was held at Kingfishers Bar and Grill on
Solomon’s Island - a beautiful boating site
for this ceremony.
Now let’s head over to another beautiful
boating site on Jutland Creek to Corinthian
Yacht Club, where more traditions will
occur. CYC has nine events on schedule
for the year. The May, August and
November events are truly CYC traditions.
The other events will be themes
designated by our volunteer hosts.
Reviewing the attached event calendar
you can see several hosts and co-hosts
have made their selection.
Our first cruise is
weekend of the Flag Raising. Destination is
Coles Point Plantation.
If you have
suggestions for cruising destinations, please
contact me.
Paul Altman, Fleet Captain
[email protected]
Dollars and Cents/
The First Quarter 2015 invoices have gone
out January 1st. I am happy to report that
already 15 payments have been received
in the first week. Please make every effort
to pay by the end of January. It helps our
cash flow and makes bookkeeping much
Electric rates – I have been studying the
electric rates we charge slip holders vs.
what SMECO charges us. We are being
charged on the average 17.2 cents a kwh
and are charging our members 16 cents a
kwh. I have suggested to the board that
we raise the charge for 2015 to 18 cents a
kwh to cover our costs. The board has
agreed to this change.
Budget – Some time in late January I
should be receiving year end revenue and
expense numbers from our Accountants
and will then compare them with our
budget. When known, I will report the
results and will start working on this year’s
budget. That’s all for now. Can’t wait for
Spring !
Your Treasurer,
John Wittman
The Bank Accounts
as of January 7, 2015
are as follows:
approved a transfer of $N from the
Operating Account to the Heritage
Account. These transfers will take place in
the next week or two. The Heritage
account is used for capital improvements.
We project several projects needed in the
next year where at least some of this
money will be needed. Rest assured we
will keep you posted on the expenditures.
Most of these items are of major
importance and will help to lengthen the
life of the Club’s facilities.
The board has approved a transfer from
the Entertainment Account to the Heritage
Account in the amount of $N Also it has
Members please review
your contact information
in the 2014 CYC
Directory now. If there
are corrections or new
information to Liz Reisman at
[email protected]. Liz will be
completing the Directory over the next few
weeks to be ready for distribution this
If interested in volunteering to be part of
the Membership Committee please
[email protected]. We are looking for
exciting “Seas” to market CYC!
Pat Krisko is recovering at Carriage Hill
Nursing Home in Bethesda following
surgery for a broken hip. CYC is wishing
Pat a speedy recovery.
Nancy Schatz is finally on the road to
recovery after several weeks in the
hospital. She is at home resting with Bud.
Bud continues to “hang in there”.
Covered Slips
A3 – 50ft x 18ft
Long time member, Shirley Franklin,
passed away on January 13th. A memorial
service was held on Monday, January 19th.
If you wish to send condolences to her
family, please send to Vince and Shirley’s
daughter :
Theresa Doubleday
7924 Lobelia Lane
Springfield, VA 22152
Good news on the Ryland front-P/C Ron
Ryland is finally off treatments and starting
to exercise and regain his strength.
“Nurse Judy” continues to assist his
miraculous recovery! They express their
gratitude for continued cards, calls and
prayers—all are most appreciated.
C4 – 40ft x 20ft
C5 – 40ft x 16ft
C8 – 40ft x 16ft
Sally Dressel
Secretary, CYC
Season’s Greeting to All at CYC, Ridge, MD.
This is the 1974 Christmas Greeting we sent
the Christmas I joined CYC, Ridge. December
1974, Forty Years ago, and we enjoyed every
minute at CYC, Inc. Ridge MD. We hope to
see you all again Soon.
Sincerely, P/C + Mrs. John H. Krisko, III
CYC ’89 + Crew
Seasons Greeting and a truly Outstanding new
Cruising 2015
Aloha, P/C JH Krisko CYC ‘89
D2 – 30ft x 16ft
D3 – 30ft x 16ft
D4 – 30ft x 12ft
E1 – 30ft x 12ft
E2 – 30ft x 12ft
E3 – 40ft x 18ft
E4 – 40ft x 18ft
E6 – 60ft x 23ft
E7 – 60ft x 23ft
E8 – 60ft x 23ft
E9 – 60ft x 25ft
E10 – 60ft x
F1 – 30ft x 15ft
F2 – 30ft x 15ft
Slip requests must be in writing (e-mail
OK) and assignments require Board of
Trustees approval and are based on
Respectfully submitted,
Note from The Krisko Family at Christmas
B3 – 40ft x 16ft
B4 – 35ft x 16ft
B5 – 40ft x 16ft
B6 – 35ft x 16ft
B10 – 35ft x 16ft
B11 – 40ft x 16ft
B14 – 35ft x 16ft
B15 – 40ft x 16ft
B16 – 35ft x 16ft
C1 – 40ft x 18ft
C2 – 40ft x 20ft
On a sad note, Shirley Franklin passed
away January 13, 2015. Vincent and
Shirley were long time members of CYC.
May they rest in peace.
Several CYC families continue to need
your thoughtful support:
Marcoux, John and Pat Krisko.
A4 – 40ft x 18ft
A6 -- 40ft x 18ft
A7 – 50ft x 18ft
Open Slips
C9 – 40ft x 26ft
Around the Docks
Good News. We will
have four of our empty
slips filled next spring:
1 new member, 2 new
boats, & 1 returnee.
The Board approved Slip D-1 to Jim Tapp
effective 3/1/15. Congratulations on your
new boat! Boat owners are reminded to
check their boats and dock lines
periodically throughout the winter
months. We've had some very windy days
and some low tides.
SLIPS AVAILABLE: (See updated dock
diagram on the bulletin board.)
For future correspondence regarding slip
assignments, please contact our new
Measurer, Elizabeth “Liz” Reisman via
phone or email:
Cell: (240) 925-4648
Email: [email protected]
The following are the comments
delivered by Commodore Jim Test at
the Corinthian Yacht Club Change of
Watch Ceremony January 10, 2015.
Thank you for coming out for our Change
of Watch. Thank you to the members &
Thank you to our CBYCA Guests for
participating in our tradition of passing on
the gavel. Thank you, Past Commodore
Phil Deming, our Master of Ceremonies.
A funny thing happened on the way to the
Lectern today; after the nominating
committee announced their selection for
the 2015 Board, I decided to poll the
nominees about uniforms. I e-mailed my
suggestion to the new board that we adopt
a less formal attire. My idea was to lighten
the burden on new people serving on the
board. A more utilitarian uniform, like a
Blue blazer with khakis, would be easier
on the pocket book. I was told, in no
uncertain terms, to forget that dumb idea.
This yacht club is in its second century
and we have traditions, was the reply to
my email. I thought about the message,
“Don’t change our traditions”. So, that is
why I selected “Traditions” as the theme
for this COW.
The word TRADITION is derived from the
Latin word, TRADERE, which means to
“hand-over (to posterity)”, to “Give for
Safe-keeping”. Traditions are not laws or
rules; they are the thread of history that
resides in our memory and are part of our
soul. Our traditions are what define &
identify us. Traditions bind us together.
We have a responsibility to pass these
traditions forward, to provide those that
come after us with the correct course to
One of our CYC traditions is to pass down
uniform items to new board members.
John Kaufmann, a much respected Past
Commodore, passed away last fall, while
on his boat. John’s widow, Karen, got in
touch with the Board and offered his
uniform items to us. I met with Karen one
cold December day at Corinthian to
exchange those items. As we moved the
box of clothes to my car, she pulled back
one shirt. “My daughters won’t let me give
this one away”, she said. Karen then told
me about an old custom that seems to
have faded away. She held up the shirt so
I could see the logo and inscription: “Past
Commodore”. She said, “All of the Past
Commodores used to wear these shirts to
the monthly events. It was nice to see.
My daughters loved to see the members in
their Past Commodore shirts”.
poignant example of the importance of
tradition moved me to try to resurrect this
simple tradition. If it is important to our
young people, it is doubly important to the
As a token of our gratitude for her service,
I would like to present to Paula, this “Past
Commodore” shirt. I ask Paula, and all
past Commodores, to wear past
commodore shirts to our functions, so we
can show our respect and admiration to
those who have so served.
I am proud to carry on the Corinthian
dress uniform tradition; today, I am
especially honored to be wearing the
dress uniform last worn by Past
Commodore John Kaufmann.
Artifacts as Tradition.
One of our club artifacts is the beautiful,
wood-inlaid, six foot, ships helm wheel in
the Bean room.
Why is it there?
Following my theme of traditions, I began
to read up on the history of Corinthian.
That artifact was presented to the club by
a member, shortly after the 250 foot Gun
Boat, Monadnock, was scrapped in 1923.
Monadnock. The Native American word
for big, honking, war canoe? Not exactly!
Actually, it’s the Native American word for
an isolated mountain or geological knob.
The USS Monadnock fought in two wars,
in two Oceans. There are pictures, on
line, of the Monadnock firing on Fort
Fisher, NC in the Civil War. After that war,
Monadnock steamed around The Horn to
California. In the Pacific, she fought in the
Spanish American War in the Philippine’s
and was later assigned to patrol in China.
Another artifact I want to mention is our
ceremonial flag in the club house. That
flag is held on a stand fabricated by Past
Commodore Dick Bean. The base of the
stand is a propeller, donated by Doug
Dais, the proprietor of the Boatyard at
Harry Hogan. The flag, itself, came from
the last Submarine that Past Commodore
Ron Ryland served on.
Commodore Test holding a copy of
CYC History – 1903 - 1933
Another of our customs is the cannon
firing at the annual flag raising ceremony.
Last year, Past Commodore Jim Tapp
purchased, at auction, the right for his
grandson to fire the cannon. It was
heartwarming to see this young boy show
up to fire the cannon in his Boy Scout
uniform. Maybe this is a tradition we could
continue. I would like to see the young
people included in our club events. We
could make it a point to honor a child or
grandchild of a member in this way.
New 2015 Trustees:
Charles O’Brien and Brian Winsor
Denise Logsdon
John Carey
Andrea Storey
24 Jan
24 Jan
28 Jan
Caroline Brandhagen
29 Jan
Fredric L. Spain
Harriet Bean
2 Feb
3 Feb
James Test
Sigrid Stiles
James Bonham
Noreen Farrell
P/C Ronald Ryland
4 Feb
13 Feb
15 Feb
19 Feb
19 Feb
P/C John H. Krisko, III
23 Feb
Rosemary Tapp
Eine Wittman
23 Feb
1 Mar
Cathy Schrader
3 Mar
Jerry Murrell
Edlu Thom
14 Mar
24 Mar
Bob Ricketts
31 Mar
Heads up! The Frigate L’Hermione will be
visiting five Chesapeake Bay Ports this
summer! L’Hermione is a French Tall Ship,
which is an accurate replica of the same
vessel that carried the Marquis de Lafayette to
America 1780. It is a 213 ft. tall ship, departing
France and heading from Yorktown to Halifax,
and then back to France. Dates of its bay
destinations are:
June 5-7: Yorktown
June 9: Mount Vernon
June 10-11: Alexandria
June 15-17: Annapolis
June 19-21: Baltimore
So, we have opportune times to see this
magnificent tall ship several times: between
the Yorktown and Mt. Vernon trip (probably on
June 8th, and June 12-13 when the ship is
traveling from Alexandria to Annapolis. If we
learn more, we will make that information
Want to own a real sweetheart that's a joy to
both sail and look at? My 1976 Cape Dory
Typhoon, Carib Breeze, could be yours for
only $4,300. At nearly 40 years old you won't
find a nicer one. There's no motor (it's a
sailboat!), nor trailer but she's in a landslip and
ready for spring. I'll commission and rig her in
the spring and even provide lessons for the
non-sailor! Contact Chuck at 301-481-6669 or
[email protected].
CBYCA Visitors: RC Sally Kenevan, and
Commodore Tom Kenevan
Carib Breeze
The French Tall Ship L’Hermione
Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association
Potomac River Guide
From Chesapeake Bay Magazine, the
following Lessons Learned regarding
Anchoring is a blend of science, art and
Any anchor can fail to set the first time on
any given day.
Know the patch of bottom you plan to
anchor – learn to read the difference
between mud, sand, shell and a
combination. Picking up a sample can be
most helpful.
Consider all the constraints – shoreline,
predicted wind, other boats.
Be prepared for any circumstances, from
a casual lunch to a full blown storm, and
keep your equipment ready.
Learn from your experiences and the
experiences of others – then put it to
Potomac River Yacht Clubs Association
Terri Edwards provides the Invocation for
the 2015 COW
Oyster Restoration Programs
US Coast Guard Boating
US Marine Sanctuaries
Working Waterman Tours
P/C Phil Deming serves as Master of
Ceremonies for the 2015 COW
CYC 2015 Board Flying their Colors!
Board Members take the Oath of Office
Don and Cindy Dahl
Commodore Test delivers his “Tradition”
VC Greg Edwards Pays Tribute to IPC
Paula Hajos (absent)
Carolyn and Earl Waesche
Terri and VC Greg Edwards
Jim Estep – 2014 Barker Award Winner!
Mary Johnston and Trustee Brian Winsor
P/C Dick Bean and RC Harriet Bean
P/C Phil Deming presents
Bennett Binoculars and Gavel to
Commodore Jim Test
Julie and P/C Tom Shier
Jim and Vaughn Quince in the Florida Keys
visiting Chuck O’Brien. Looking good!
Corinthian Yacht Club 2015
March 28th
Board Meeting
April 11th
April 25th
May 23rd
12:00 PM: Pool Opening
12:30 PM: Flag Raising
2:00 PM: Blessing of the Fleet
5:00 PM: Cocktails
6:00 PM: Dinner
May 24th
June 20th
Flag Raising
Shakedown Cruise – Coles Point Plantation
Brian Winsor & Mary Johnston
Terri Edwards
Key West Party
July 18th
P/C Phil and Edith Deming
Paul Altman, Don & Ann Foster
August 15th
V/C Greg and Terri Edwards
George & Mary Niebuhr
Crab Feast
September 12th
P/Cs Dolores & Darrell Derrington
Sally & John Dressel
Prime Rib Dinner
October 10th
November 7th
Oyster Event
December 5th
Christmas Party
January 9th, 2016
Cathy Schrader & Donna Boetig
REV 1/25/15
Corinthian Yacht Club
c/o Dolores Derrington
6033 Ridge Ford Drive
Burke, VA 22015
Jan 20-29: Fawcett Seminars
Jan 29-Feb 1: Baltimore Boat Show
Jan 31: First Aid/CPR Course
Feb 1-22: Walking with Washington Tours
Feb 3- 26: Fawcett Seminars
Feb 4-8: Atlantic City International Power Boat Show
Feb 5-26: Winter Seminar Series
Feb 6-8: Mid-Atlantic Sports & Boat Show
Feb 6-7: Polar Plunge
Feb 12-16: Miami International Boat Show
Feb 13-15: Ocean City Seaside Boat Show
Feb 14-15: Fishing and Boating Flea Market
Feb 20-22: Richmond Boat Show
Feb 21: Fisherman’s Flea Market
Feb 22: Bass Class
Mar 13-15: Philadelphia Boat Show
Mar 28: Board Meeting Only
Apr 11: CYC Spring Clean-up
Apr 17-19: Bay Bridge Boat Show
Apr 24-25: Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show
Apr 25: Membership Meeting and Event
May 23: Flag Raising/Pool Opening/ Blessing of the Fleet
May 24: Shakedown Cruise