R E S U R R E C T I O N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H 51 G U M R O A D , K I N G S P A R K , VI C 3 0 2 1 , A U S T R A L I A P H O N E : 9367 8177 F A X : 9364 6207 http://www.res-parish.org 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B 1st February, 2015. Fr Noel Brady - Parish Priest [email protected] Pauline Debrincat - Parish Catechist [email protected] Deacon Francisco Ramirez [email protected] Melanie Apap & Rachael Bonavia General Administration [email protected] Maryann Krsteski - Finance [email protected] RESURRECTION PRIMARY SCHOOL John Kremers – Principal – (03) 9366 7022 [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Closed for lunch between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm. Sunday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. The Parish Library is open during office hours. PARISH MEETING NIGHT All Parish Groups meet monthly on the 1st Wednesday. We begin with prayer at 7.15pm; individual groups meet between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. RECONCILIATION Saturday 9.30am (or any time by appointment) BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Prior enrolment and preparation required. BECOMING A CATHOLIC Should you or somebody you know wish to become a Catholic, there is a great program called R.C.I.A. Contact Pauline Debrincat or Fr. Noel at the Parish Office MARRIAGE Preparation program for couples is required. NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome. Please collect your information package from the Welcome Desk or Parish Office. PARISH FINANCE The Parish is financially dependent on our Stewardship envelopes. Contact the Parish Office for details. BULLETIN A Bulletin is published weekly and on the last weekend of the month, a Big Bulletin is produced. Parishioners are encouraged to write articles for the Big Bulletin, particularly if personal testimony is included. When submitting an article, please make sure you mark it “Weekly” or “Big Bulletin” and send to [email protected] ________________________________ Mass Times Saturday 6.00 pm Weekdays Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Sunday 9.00 am 10.30 am 6.00 pm 9.20 am 7.00 pm 8.30 am ________________________________ This Week at Resurrection Monday 2nd February, 2015 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Children Back at School 6.00pm Mass 7.15pm RCIA Tuesday 3rd February, 2015 9.20am Mass 7.00pm Aerobics Wednesday 4th February, 2015 9.30am Communion Service 10.00am Rosary 7.15pm Parish Meeting Night ~No Preps at School~ Thursday 5th February, 2015 7.00pm Mass Friday 6th February, 2015 8.30am Mass 9.00am Stations of the Cross 7.30pm Maltese Mass Saturday 7th February, 2015 9.30am Reconciliation 10.30am Baptism Meeting 6.00pm Mass Sunday 8th February, 2015 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9.00am Mass 10.30am Mass Stewardship Presbytery $ 5,060 $ 340 We pray in thanksgiving for Joseph Moses Sam, Hayley Psaila, Thomas Young, Therese Jilla and all those who have died. We pray for Harry Bray, Virginia Galea, Maxine Sant, Maria Camilleri, Andrew Camilleri, France Camilleri, Mary Caruana, Tony Vella, Barbara, Evangelista & Emanuel Mercies, Margaret & Louis Gatt, Loretta & Phyllis Grima and all those whose anniversary occurs at about this time. Please also pray for Fernando Perez, Eugene Pascual, Jessie Alderson, Matthew Nash, Joyce Zahra, Rachael Bonavia, Rosemary Guarino and all those who are sick. CRC - ST ALBANS - ENROLMENTS - YEAR 7 2016 The College is now taking applications for Year 7 in 2016. Interested families requiring more information are asked to contact Anne Stokie for an enrolment information package. This can be done by phone (9366 2544) or email [email protected] The enrolment application form is also available from the College website at www.crcstalbans.catholic.edu.au. Applications for Year 7 2016 close on 27th February 2015. SANTO NINO We were fortunate to have Bishop Vincent Long as the principal celebrant at last Sunday’s Santo Nino 10.30am Mass and for the festivities in the hall afterwards. A big thank you to the many parishioners who helped make the day such a success. It is good to recognise our diversity and the many distinctive cultures that make us who we are as a parish. ASH WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday this year is 18 February. There are two Masses at 9.15am with the school children and 7.15pm. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. A copy of the Lenten regulations is attached. PARISH MEETING NIGHT This Wednesday (4 February) is our first Parish Meeting Night for 2015. It would be therefore appreciated if every parishioner committed to one of our Parish Groups does their level best to come. WELL DONE COMMS TEAM Photos of last Sunday’s Santo Nino celebration were on our Facebook within two hours of the celebration. Well done Comms Team. Check out our Facebook and have a look for yourself. 7.15pm Prayer in our church. 7.30pm- 8.30pm Individual group meetings 8.30pm Supper (This month organised and provided by the Comms Team and Social Group) LENTEN JOURNEY There is an old saying that goes something like, “the more you put in to something the more you get out”. How might you get the most out of Lent this year? What will you be “putting in”? Each week during Lent there are four opportunities to be part of a group to reflect and discuss the following Sunday readings. We will use source materials from the Archdiocese of Brisbane. Each participant is asked to purchase a booklet titled “Rich in Mercy “at $8 per copy. This booklet contains two translations of the second reading along with a reflection, discussion points and personal reflection. Each session will run for approximately one hour. The session times are: Tuesday at 7pm leader Dcn Francisco Wednesday at 1pm leader Jane Caruana Thursday at 9.15am leader Margaret Vilardo Thursday after 7pm Mass leader Fr Noel OPENING SCHOOL MASS The opening school Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 10 February at 9.15am. Parents, grandparents and friends are most welcome to participate. MINISTRY MEETING Thank you to all those parishioners who signed up in December to at least one parish ministry. On Thursday 19 February parishioners who committed to a ministry are asked to come to our 7pm Mass and remain for meeting after Mass. At this meeting the 2015 guidelines will be presented. Some parishioners committed to more than one ministry and will need to make a choice as to which meeting they attend. Should you have any suggestions to amend the 2014 guidelines would you kindly send Fr Noel an email [email protected] with your suggestion by Monday 16 February. The following ministries are involved: Children’s Liturgy Coffee clean-up Coffee Makers Data Projectionists Hospitality Ministers Proclaimers of the Word Special Ministers of Communion ~ ROSTERS 2015 ~ Start next week, please note if you have not filled in a Parish Ministry Sheet for 2015, you have been taken off the rosters. So if you wish to continue with your ministry, please take the time to fill in the sheet. ~ Thank you, Pauline. 2016 PREPS There will be an information night for parents who have a child commencing Prep in 2016. The meeting will be in our church and commence at 7pm on the 17th February, 2015. SENIORS ACTIVITIES We wish you all a very Happy New Year, especially the Seniors of our Parish. The first activity for our Seniors is an outing on Tuesday 24th March, to Point Nepean and Sorrento, then to Queenscliff on a ferry across the bay. We will be leaving Resurrection at 7.45 a.m. sharp - Please be on time! COST: $30.00 per person, all inclusive. FEB 2015 OUTING (already booked) – A reminder for those going to Tasmania – you need to be at Resurrection no later than 6.15 a.m. Mon 9 February 2015. FOR ALL ENQUIRIES REGARDING SENIORS ACTIVITIES, PLEASE CONTACT JANE CARUANA ON 9366 6633 OR MOBILE 0421 593 189. Next Week’s Reading – 1st February, 2015. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Reading 1 DT 18:15-20 Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen. This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let us not again hear the voice of the LORD, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest we die.’ And the LORD said to me, ‘This was well said. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kin, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it. But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.’” Gospel MK 1:21-28 Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are— the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. Responsorial Psalm PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 R. (8) If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Reading 2 1 COR 7:32-35 Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction. Alleluia MT 4:16 R. Alleluia, alleluia. The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light; on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death, light has arisen. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Reflection A lonely place Jesus often went off to a lonely place to pray. Yet the same Jesus who prayed in lonely places said, ‘When you pray, go into your room, and pray to your Father in secret.’ This means that the lonely place is not necessarily a place far away or that by ‘room’ he means four walls that separate us physically from others. The room is the room of our innermost heart. This room is with us at all times. We should make it a place to which we can go to find rest and spiritual recovery when the world is too much with us. Then we will discover that the inner room is not empty after all, but is occupied by the God of love who dwells in us all. 7th/8th February 2015 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 6 PM 9AM 10.30 A M MASS OVERSEERS Marlene Axiak Dudi Nicart Marissa Medilo HOSPITALITY Madeliene Axiak Dominic Boland Simon Pham Margaret Vella Mario Vella Imelda Dizon Lolita David Kathy Fatone Daniela Carapellotti Shahram Asgari Veronica Balinakandi Ramona Cazar Maria Cazar DATA PROJECTOR Henry Dunn Tristan Blandford Leanne Alderson CHILDREN’S LITURGY No Roster No Roster No Roster PROCLAIMERS Imelda Abrenica Choir John Borja Karen Colaco Lolita David Pauline Debrincat Jeaneth Falle Rosario De Jesus Gerard Alamo Choir Aurora Asuncion Rianne Brizuela Emergencies Jacqueline David Cherleen De Jesus Calvin Alderson COLLECTORS Arnel Abuan Jimmy Attard George Borg Roberto Abrenica Imelda Abrenica Shavawn Borg Jarrod Borja Ollie Farrugia Gharlie Galea Joe Caruana Frank Gatt Emmanuel Galea Ian McDonald Paul Riny Mario Vella Louis Manabat Aimeree Manabat Marian Bernardo Teddy Bernardo Matthew Alamo Sid Asuncion Roberto Bracco Angel De Jesus Agnes Atonio SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Roberto Abrenica Dominic Boland Adelina Borja Mary Camenzuli Joe Caruana Jane Caruana Khan Dang Jaqueline David Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Rose Gaquit Judy Leckie Rotillo Llovido Lolita David Kathy Phelan Thuy Vo Maria Blandford Cherleen De Jesus Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Gerard Alamo Calvin Alderson Natalie Anderson Aurora Asuncion Fely Baltazar Teddy Bernardo Daisy Bunag Maria Cazar Vesna Curmi Owen D’Cruze Charles Gatt Jane Inot Resy Lim Richard Marshall Emergencies: Janice Deo Pauline Debrincat Eduardo Medilo Marissa Medilo SACRISTY DUTY Mary Camenzuli Kathy Wale Kate Pedralvez & Marian Bernardo COFFEE MAKERS Charlie Galea Anthony Galea Anthony Scerri Tran Toan Agnes Atonio Richard Marshall Shahram Asgari COFFEE CLEAN-UP Michelle Polidano Mirjana Dutkowsky Carmen Vella Volunteers needed Emy Debono Charles Gatt 1st Response 2nd Intercessions COUNTERS SUNDAY 8TH FEBRUARY Jane Inot Marta De Jesus Willy De Jesus Lilian Libang Fely Baltazar Daisy Bunag Veronica Santiago CHURCH CLEANERS NO ROSTER BAPTISM TEAM – PARENT MEETING 7TH FEBRUARY 2015 Aurora Asuncion Fely Baltazar Susan Moseros FLOWERS: Zeny Vella Pillar Vicumudo Judith Makripoulias ALTAR LINEN: Spira Attard PARISH OFFICE CLEANING : Joseph Anicete 14th/15th February 2015 Sunday of Ordinary Time 6th 6 PM 9AM 10.30 A M MASS OVERSEERS Gwen Hammett Pauline Debrincat Aurora Asuncion HOSPITALITY Pat Marek Melanie Apap Tenique Borg Megan Flores Brianna Flores Kathy Wale Jean Palmier Kayla Palmier Mary Gatt Rianne Brizuela Emmanuelle Brizuela Sebastian Brizuela Ivan Lee Nyan Daw Evelina & Evelyn Tuimauga DATA PROJECTOR Madeliene Axiak Vincent Dizon Rotcher Brizuela CHILDREN’S LITURGY Rachael Bonavia Marleen Ciappara Melanie Apap Joshua Cabigas Fennela Nisperas-Cabigas Gerard Alamo Suzanna Tienzo Cris Lawrenceson’s PROCLAIMERS Sabrina D’Costa Connie Attard Ly Doan Marissa Dunn David Hein Minh-Tam Pham Kathy Wale Nadia Young Zita Alderson Kristine Corsame Emmanuelle Brizuela Viviam Alamo Emergencies Janice Deo Liz Michaelsen Verna Curmi COLLECTORS Charlie Grech Willy Hudson Tyrone Tallent Mario Debono Manuel Inacio Maryann Krsteski Tony Zahra Jan Laszcz James Muscat John Vassallo Brendan Wates Frank Gatt Mick Donnelly Raul Dizon Lolita David Imelda Dizon Teresita Komoarow Michael Petruccelli Mario Debono Jomar Magnaye Mary Magnaye Tilo Matagi Simon Matagi Euplemia Davies Mary-Anne Lapid SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Le Diep Ly Doan Henry Dunn Carmen Falzon Martine Grech Rocky Hughes Doris Oliver Noel Oliver Fr Noel Brady Marc Dicconson Rose Gaquit Rotillo Llovido Dudi Nicart Kathy Phelan Thuy VO Kathy Wale Jaqueline Wolfe Lolita David Fr Noel Brady Cleo Oliveria Kate Pedralvez Angelita Ramat Veronica Santiago Korlu Subah Evelina Tuimauga Shanel Tuimauga Emergencies: Elizabeth Osegueda Rosario De Jesus 1st Response 2nd Intercessions Dolly Zipagan Zita Alderson Vivian Alamo Clem Beltran Vesna Curmi Owen D’Cruze Yvonne du’Pratt Enza Fatone Yvonne Utoasega Jacqui Yuan SACRISTY DUTY Jacqueline David Dudi Nicart Dolly Zipagan & Teresa The’ COFFEE MAKERS John Borja Mario Debono Margaret Gray Leon D’Souza Mary Rullla Suzanna Tienzo Lorna Salalila Veronica Santiago COFFEE CLEAN-UP Judy Ballos Martine Grech Roberto & Imelda Abrenica Valerie Stockbridge Imelda Dizon Luisa Fletcher Jane Inot Zenaida Magtoto Mila Nguyen COUNTERS SUNDAY 15TH FEBRUARY Lew Hammett Andrew Zitterschlager Kristen Psaila Imelda Dizon Thi Hoa Nguyen Arlene Manabat Glyza Bernardo CHURCH CLEANERS NO ROSTER FLOWERS: Michelle Polidano Juliana Tusa ALTAR LINEN: Lina Scicluna PARISH OFFICE CLEANING : Irma & Lillian Estrada 21st/22nd February 2015 1st Sunday of Lent 6 PM 9AM 10.30 A M MASS OVERSEERS John Borja J u d y L e c k i e / P a u l i n e Veronica Santiago Debrincat HOSPITALITY Jane Caruana Joe Caruana Charlie Grech Margaret Vella Mario Vella Imelda Dizon Lolita David Richard Marshall Janey Magtoto Brenda Shafton Teresa Billon Owen D’Cruze Loretta D’Cruze DATA PROJECTOR Lucas Borja Charmaine Blandford Jomar Inot CHILDREN’S LITURGY No Roster No Roster No Roster PROCLAIMERS Sandra Galea Rebecca Galea Gwen Hammett Geraldine Holt Marc Dicconson Linda Nguyen Dudi Nicart Cherleen De Jesus Jane Inot Jomar Inot Mark Gatt Yvonne Du’Pratt Emergencies Maria Mai David Hein Owen D’Cruze COLLECTORS Arnel Abuan Jimmy Attard George Borg Roberto Abrenica Imelda Abrenica Shavawn Borg Jarrod Borja Ollie Farrugia Gharlie Galea Joe Caruana Frank Gatt Emmanuel Galea Ian McDonald Paul Riny Mario Vella Louis Manabat Aimeree Manabat Jonathan Medilo Andy Morrison Lorna Salalila Jeffrey Suares Maria Joseph Alicia Joseph Patricio Magtoto SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Fr Noel Brady Olga Hughes Maryann Krsteski Joanna Nerpio Minh-Tam Pham Diana Pinto Brendan Wates Colleen Wolfe Joyce Zahra Marlene Axiak Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Maria Blandford Pauline Debrincat Cherleen de Jesus Rosario de Jesus Marc Dicconson Rose Gaquit Kathy Phelan Thuy Vo Fr Noel Brady Francisco Inot Jane Inot Mary-Anne Lapid Resy Lim Richard Marshall Josephine Medilo Eduardo Medilo Marissa Medilo Patricia Mayn Susan Moseros Cecilia Navarro Nhuan Nguyen Cleo Oliveria Kate Pedralvez Lynette Pirotta Emergencies: Roberto Abrenica Kathy Wale Angelita Ramat Veronica Santiago SACRISTY DUTY Joyce Zahra Pauline Debrincat Heidi Fabian & Sophia Fabian COFFEE MAKERS Marlene Camenzuli Louis Camenzuli Anthony Scerri Tran Toan Mariella, Pilar & Victor Vicmudo Kate Pedralvez COFFEE CLEAN-UP Ferdinand & Grace Flores Noelyn Fitzgerald Volunteers needed Lorenzo Atonio Julie Ann Sciberras Nyan Daw Joanne Scott 1st Response 2nd Intercessions COUNTERS MONDAY 23RD FEBRUARY Nadia Young Ana Mai Zeny Cunanan Connie Lysaght Augustine James Elaine Nadkami Cristina Paulino Jacqui Jablonski CHURCH CLEANERS FRIDAY 20TH FEBRUARY Joyce Zahra Olga Hughes Tony Zahra Jasmin Santiago Lily Cauchi Irma Estrada Mary Zahra Lillian Estrada Barbara Dabadie FLOWERS: No Flowers during Lent ALTAR LINEN: Clara Parnis PARISH OFFICE CLEANING : Norma Rojas 28th February/1st March 2015 2nd Sunday of Lent 6 PM 9AM 10.30 A M MASS OVERSEERS Michelle Mercieca Dudi Nicart Yvonne Utoasega HOSPITALITY Madeliene Axiak Dominic Boland Simon Pham Kathy Wale Jean Palmier Kayla Palmier Mary Gatt Zita Alderson Leanne Alderson Zeny Vella Dolly Zipagan Nyanyrob Deng Matthew Alamo Abie Alamo DATA PROJECTOR Malcolm Gonslaves Christian Dizon Alexandra Petruccelli / Joanne Scott CHILDREN’S LITURGY Maria Mai Lisa Vella Tenique Borg Cheyanne David Melanie Apap Rosario De Jesus Cherleen De Jesus Margaret Vilardo Natalie Penza Analiza Pascual Janey-Lee Magtoto PROCLAIMERS Marlene Axiak Trinh Duong Elizabeth Osegueda Max Michel Jeaneth Falle Cherleen De Jesus Pauline Debrincat Lolita David Judith Makripoulias Ivan Lee Korlu Subah Loretta D’Cruze Emergencies Sandra Xavier Marc Dicconson Resy Lim COLLECTORS Charlie Grech Willy Hudson Tyrone Tallent Mario Debono Manuel Inacio Maryann Krsteski Tony Zahra Jan Laszcz James Muscat John Vassallo Brendan Wates Frank Gatt Mick Donnelly Raul Dizon Lolita David Imelda Dizon Teresita Komoarow Michael Petruccelli Tony Tuimauga Marta Molina Analiza Pascual Angelito Tienzo Jose Vargas Oliver Zipagan SPECIAL MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Fr Noel Brady Dominic Boland Martess Borg Adelina Borja Mary Camenzuli Joe Caruana Le Diep Khan Dang Jacqueline David Janice Deo Fr Noel Brady Kathy Wale Jacqueline Wolfe Maria Blandford Lolita David Cherleen De Jesus Rosario De Jesus Marc Dicconson Rose Gaquit Rotillo Llovido Fr Noel Brady Dcn F Ramirez Korlu Subah Evelina Tuimauga Shanel Tuimauga Margaret Vilardo Jacqui Yuan Dolly Zipagan Emergencies: Jane Caruana Pauline Debrincat SACRISTY DUTY Mary Camenzuli Kathy Wale Aurora Asuncion & Cecilia Navarro COFFEE MAKERS Henry Dunn Maryann Krsteski Margaret Gray Leon D’Souza Daisy Bunag Mario Debono Nora Russo COFFEE CLEAN-UP Tony & Joyce Zahra Cui Hoang Erato Muscat Valerie Stockbridge Imelda Dizon Joseph Roberts Thelma Roberts 1st Response 2nd Intercessions COUNTERS SUNDAY 1ST MARCH Steven Lay Victoria Polon George Paul Christopher Lee Chris Vallescas Ivan Lee Kevin & Carol Tedesco Hue Chung CHURCH CLEANERS NO ROSTER Daisy Bunag Gerard Alamo FLOWERS: Calvin Alderson Natalie Anderson Aurora Asuncion Fely Baltazar Teddy Bernardo Maria Cazar Kristine Corsame Loretta D’Cruze Evelina Tuimauga Evelyn Tuimauga Antonio Tuimauga No Flowers during Lent ALTAR LINEN: Helen Muscat PARISH OFFICE CLEANING : Kim Tran
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