The Forge 1-28-15 - United Church of Christ at Valley Forge

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UCC/VF's Weekly Newsletter
Village People
The United Church of
Christ at Valley Forge,
The Lord called Samuel again, a third time. And he got up and went to Eli, and
said, "Here I am, for you called me." Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling
the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down; and if he calls you, you shall
say, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.' " So Samuel went and lay down in
his place. Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, "Samuel!
Samuel!" And Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
- 1 Samuel 3:8-10
following in the Way of
Jesus, is called by God
to deepen our
relationships with the
Spirit and our faith
community so that we
Many of us have been nurtured in a culture of individualism, having been
taught to "stand on our own two feet" and to "pull ourselves up by our
bootstraps" (never mind the physical impossibility of the latter). Those of
us following Jesus run immediately into a cultural tension, because Jesus
speaks and lives from a context rooted deeply in community (Israel), and
he offers a spiritual path that only reaches full potential in community (The
Body of Christ).
will be empowered to
reach out widely to our
neighbors in love,
justice, hospitality,
healing, and hope.
Scripture for the Week
Scripture for the Week
I mentioned on Sunday some research affirming the notion that we are not
made for the individualism that is so familiar to most of us. Dr. Robert
Bellah describes the theory that complex social interaction is responsible
for the evolution of human intelligence. He writes that human beings
became who we are due to "capacity for shared intention and shared
attention," (104, Religion in Human Evolution). Our brains have been
"wired" in and for community. We also intuitively know we could not be
who we are without others. Those who came before me shaped who I am.
Those around me inform my self-perception and shape who I am. As the
saying goes, "It takes a village to raise a child."
Psalm 111
Mark 2:21-28
Philippians 2:5-13
(Next page)
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10:30 a.m. Worship
Sunday School/Sunday Morning
Breakfast Club
Mon. - 7:30 p.m. Board of Elders
Wed. - 7:00 p.m. Caring Crafters
7:30 p.m. Spiritual Life Group
Thur. - 10:30 a.m. Spiritual Life
7:30 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal
Fri - 7:30 p.m. UCCVF Talent
9:00 a.m. - Prayer Advocacy
Ministry meeting
10:30 a.m. Worship Celebration
Sunday School/Sunday Morning
Breakfast Club
12:00 p.m. - Personnel
Committee meeting
Attuned with this reality, Jesus calls together people in community in order
to most fully experience God and to most freely love other people. We
cannot in isolation live the life for which we are made and for which we so
often long. We need God and, like Samuel in the story above, we need one
another, "the village," to most fully know God and the truth of who we are.
This is why we have church - it is our best attempt in this time and place to
honor our biological and spiritual truths, to recognize that we are indeed
village people, and to provide ways for us to come together to grow, to be
challenged, to know love, to deepen in understanding, to move with the
Spirit, and to embody justice, hope, and mercy in the world.
Love in Christ,
Michael Bush
Also referenced in Sunday's Message were the following books:
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam
Listen to & download Sunday’s message
UCCVF Talent and Interest Survey set to Launch Sunday, Feb 1
Director of Music
Ministry/Organist Job Posting
Following Elaine's retirement announcement and discussion
about the search process with the
Church Council, the Personnel
Committee has posted our position opening with the UCC Conference website. You can
find/share here:
The search team consists of the
Personnel Committee and additional choir/worship members:
Barbara Guido, Ann Devine, Michael
Matthew 21:23-33
Bush, Beth
Eustis, and
The first annual UCCVF Talent and Interest Survey will launch this Sunday,
February 1. All adult members and friends will receive a copy in their email in-boxes.
The survey is designed to help Church committees and leadership identify the hidden
talents of our congregation and to match those talents and interests with
opportunities to serve and support UCCVF. The survey will take a maximum of 10-15
For those members and friends who prefer a hard copy version of the survey will be
available outside the sanctuary or can be mailed upon request. Please contact Renee
for a copy.
Ÿ Healing and peace for Harvey Gurian, Patrick's father, who is recovering from
a broken hip.
Ÿ Sue Arons, friend of Joan Walkup, as she deals with multiple medical
Ÿ Comfort and peace for Jimmy Crane.
Ÿ Healing and strength for Emily Mancuso for depression and anxiety.
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Part 3:Thanksgiving and the Table
Your Worship Committee regularly reflects on the purpose of worship and why we do what we do to lay the
foundation for evaluating our worship experiences and implementing new ideas. In recent discussions, members
of the committee recognized it would be helpful to offer some education to the wider congregation about the
"what and why" of worship.
What is Worship?
Christian author and leader Richard Foster says, "to worship is to change." We can understand worship as the
act of intentionally opening in community to the presence, power, and word of God. This includes hearing the
stories of the Scripture, witness to and interpretation of the stories in the present, asking for God's help and
direction, listening for God in sounds and silence, praising God in word and song, and thanking God. The Biblical
images of worship involve our minds, our emotions, and our bodies. To worship is to encounter God, which
makes us "new creations" - to worship is to change.
The present worship order of UCCVF reflects the ancient four-fold order of worship: Gathering, The Word,
Thanksgiving/Table, and Sending Forth. Within the four-fold pattern, we have a rhythm of opportunities for
speaking to God, listening to God's Word, and responding to what we hear.
Two weeks ago we talked about
our Joys and Concern (a prelude to worship and reminder of community). Last week we looked at the Gathering
and The Word. This week we turn to Thanksgiving and The Table.
Having heard the Word of God, it is right to give our thanks and praise (imagine if you walked up to someone,
told them some good news, and they just stood there for a moment blinking and then walked away!). The
musicians lead us in praise (sometimes organ, solo, or an anthem), while the congregation also responds by
sharing gifts in the offering, an act of praise and thanksgiving.
The whole congregation joins in praise by
singing together the doxology. And we pray for guidance and blessing in using the gifts that we have received
(prayer of dedication).
Having been gathered into the heart of God, heard the good news, and responded with thanks and praise, we
are reminded of God's goodness and God's desire to help us. In prayer together we affirm God's goodness by
giving thanks for how God has worked in our lives, and we affirm God's desire to help us by requesting this help.
We begin this prayer time seeking to be drawn again more deeply into the heart of God - centered - through the
prayer song. And then we pray - silently (silence of preparation), aloud (prayers of the people), and silently
again (silence of listening). We typically close this time with a prayer Jesus taught his first disciples, traditionally
called "The Lord's Prayer." We share in this prayer because it offers a helpful model for prayer and because it
provides a way
to recall
our continuity with disciples through the ages in seeking to pray and live in the Way of
for the
Matthew 21:23-33
Philippians 2:5-13
(next page)
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On the first Sunday of the month, we also move from the Word into Thanksgiving, but on those Sundays the
Thanksgiving centers around the Communion Table.
Following the praise response of music and offering, we practice being drawn into communion through a
Communion Song (hymn or song sung by whole congregation). The worship leader then invites all to the Table,
often telling some aspect of the meaning or purpose of this "remembering" meal. Jesus called his disciples to
remember him each time they shared in the bread and the cup (every meal for first century disciples). We
honor this call by remembering this meal together.
We then engage a prayer practice similar in pattern to the one described above (in the Thanksgiving section),
with the added aspect of praying that we awaken to our need to receive the Way and life of Christ just as we
need food in order to live -- symbolized in the bread and the cup that we will receive.
The worship leader then recalls some of the story from the Gospel about the meal Jesus shared with his disciples
just before he was arrested and killed. The leader then speaks the words of institution ("This is my body, given
for you . . .). The congregation then receives the bread and the cup. Most Sundays we pass the elements to
one another, a reminder that we serve each other. We also typically wait until all are served before we partake
of the bread or the cup, a reminder that we seek to be at one in Christ. Prayers of thanksgiving follow the
receiving of bread and the cup.
Annual Meeting Summary
God thanked, budget passed, church leadership candidates elected,
outgoing leaders thanked, Elders ordained with prayer and laying on of hands,
invitation to sign up for committees, and God thanked. Amen.
UCCVF Leadership
President - Christine Durst
Vice President - Jim Keller
Secretary - Melissa Slivka
Financial Secretary - Charlotte Emrich
Treasurer - Randy Hove
Chair, Christian Education Committee - Catherine Smith
Chair, Membership Committee - Lynn Bigelow
Chair, Stewardship Committee - Angela Steel
Chair, Worship Committee - Joan Walkup
Committee - Jim McKinley
the Week
Chair, Property Committee - Art Nilson
Matthew 21:23-33
Elders - Rosemary McKinley, Mark Fehnel, Melba Matthews, Ann Devine, Beth Eustis
Nominating Committee - Katie Gleason, Barbara Guido, Greg Zellefrow
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Greeters - Ron and Karen Stark
Feel free to share the remaining poinsettias in the
Sanctuary with someone who could use a little a color
during these cold days of winter. . .
Ushers - Gwynne Hagee and Kim
Lean On Me - Angela Steel and
Beth Eustis
In Charge of the Building
Stu McALeer
Lighting the Worship Candle The McAleer amily
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Shelter Nights at Old First UCC,
Philadelphia - February 15, March 1, April 12. There will be a sign up for
entrees, salads, fruits, desserts and more. Please contact Stefan or
Susanne Neubig if you have any questions.
Soundboard - Jim McKinley
Infants/Toddlers - Mary Evans
& Amy Cresse
PreK to 4th grade - Greg and
Rebecca Zellefrow
Middle School SMBC will remain
in worship this morning
Sr. High SMBC - Ed Hafer and
Jane Groves
Friday, February 6th
at 7:30pm
Fellowship Hall
Songs, Music, Poems and Humor… all provided by our talented
members. Hot drinks and snacks provided.
("Snow" makeup date February 13th.)
Ellen Matthews
Beth Eustis, Shannon Mudd and Christine Durst will be facilitating a book study on
Stretch Out Your Hand, Exploring Healing Prayer by Tilda Norberg and Robert
D. Webber. This class will take place during the six weeks of Lent - February 22
to March 29, from 9:00 - 10:00 am. There will be a sign-up in the Gathering Area.
During class time, we will learn about, discuss, and practice praying for ourselves
and others. Any questions, see Beth, Shannon or Christine.
Scripture for the Week
Matthew 21:23-33
Philippians 2:5-13
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Feb. 1 - Ron and Karen Stark
Feb. 8 - Jim and Rosemary McKinley
Feb. 15 - Rob and Marni Schultz
SMALL GROUPS - Join with other "village people" to be nurtured and
challenged to live and share more of the fullness of life.
Wednesday Night Spiritual Life Group - The Gospel of John We begin with
prayer together at 7:30 p.m., read a portion of the story of this rather unique pic-
Feb. 1 - Gwynne Hagee and Kim
Feb. 8 - Conrad and Betty Follansbee
Feb. 15 - Ed and Deb McAleer
ture of Jesus and his ministry, and then we discuss what the story meant in its
Feb. 1 - The Devine Flock
Feb. 8 - The Devine Flock
Feb. 15 - The Devine Flock
Thursday Morning Spiritual Life Group - The Gospel of John
Feb. 1 - The McAleer family
Feb. 8 - The Hillman family
Feb. 15 - The Cook family
Feb. 1 - Jim McKinley
Feb. 8 - Jeff Durst
Feb. 15 - Bernie Peterson
own time and how it may form and shape us in our time.
circle at 8:30 p.m.
We close with a prayer
John's Gospel has often been used to affirm an "exclusionary"
form of Christianity. Was that the author's intent? What does the Jesus in John
reveal about God and us? Pastor Michael facilitates the conversation. Come and
This group meets at UCCVF 10:30-11:30 a.m. each week. We begin with prayer,
read a portion of the story of this rather unique picture of Jesus and his ministry,
and then we discuss what the story meant in its own time and how it may form and
shape us in our time. John's Gospel has often been used to affirm an "exclusionary"
form of Christianity. Was that the author's intent? What does the Jesus in John
reveal about God and us? Pastor Michael facilitates the conversation. Come and
Sunday Morning Prayer Advocacy Ministry: This group meets monthly for a time
of praying for one another and for anyone requesting prayer. They also read and
discuss various books on prayer and healing as a way to grow in understanding and
practice of prayer. We meet generally the second Sunday of the month 9:00 AM-10
AM For more information contact Gwynne Hagee. The next meeting is Sunday,
February 8 at 9:00 a.m.
Grief Support Group: Pastor Michael continues leading a monthly Grief Recovery
group here at UCCVF for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one and are
grieving. The next meeting will be held Monday, February 23 at 1:00 p.m.
Our Facebook page offers
links to articles connected
with faith life, periodic
the and
Lean on Me Prayer Ministry: The Lean On Me prayer ministry is a one-on-one
prayer time that is offered every Sunday after worship. Two of our Prayer Partners
will be seated in the chapel chairs in the Sanctuary. You are welcome to come and
sit next to one of them, tell them what you would like to pray about (a joy, concern,
or thanksgiving) and then the Prayer Partner will lift you up in prayer.
Prayer Shawls and Prayer Squares are available on request.
More info is posted on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area.
Matthew 21:23-33
HERE to2:5-13
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The Caring Crafters are meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. at the home of Elaine Langerhans to
create items for charity. No crafting skill is necessary to join the group! We are looking for projects for the new
year so if you hear of a need, please let us know!
The Running Group is a new group spearheaded by Lou and Colleen Mauro. The group’s mission will be to create
unity among membership while also providing visibility for UCCVF in the community by running in local charity
races as a team. All ages and experience levels are welcome. The group can benefit from seasoned runners,
walkers and even people to cheer at the finish line! There will be the potential for group training and support to
help everyone reach their personal goals. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Monthly Dinner Out group will meet monthly at local eateries for fun and fellowship. Members are asked to
sign up to pick a place to eat and organize the meal. Deb Reis will help coordinate.
Inclement Weather
The Church Office will follow the Tredyffrin Area School District when there is
inclement weather. For example: If the school district delays school opening
by two hours, our office will also delay opening by 2 hours, and will open at
11:00 a.m. If school and school offices are closed, our office will be closed.
PLEASE NOTE: For information concerning evening meetings and Sunday
worship/events, cancellations will be decided on an individual basis.
Whenever possible, information will be posted to the website and our
Facebook page.
Scripture for the Week
Matthew 21:23-33
Philippians 2:5-13
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This year Caring Crafters is once again pairing with a group of women from my company
to sew dresses for Little Dresses for Africa. Last year my company, in partnership with
groups such as Caring Crafters, sent Little Dresses for Africa over 2000 dresses, almost
300 of which were from my group at work and Caring Crafters. My company matched
the hours spent and sent over $5000 to the organization. Little Dresses for Africa used
that money to build a well, providing fresh water for an entire village and partially
funding a school house in another village.
The dresses are made out of pillowcases (new or not so new!). If you would like to donate pillowcases
or cash to purchase supplies, please leave them in the church office. In addition to making the dresses
this year we will be collecting hotel soaps and lotions. If you have any travel plans and stay at a hotel,
remember to grab the soap and lotions, or if you have a box of them at home bring them in. I will be
placing a container in the Gathering Area in the next few weeks to collect any that you have.
If you have any questions please reach out to Robyn Slough ([email protected] or 610-3166889) or visit
Robyn Slough
Quiet Days – Various Dates – East Greenville
2015 Dates: FEB 3, MAR 3, APR 7, MAY 5, JUN 2, JUL 7, AUG 4, SEP 8, OCT 6, NOV 3, DEC 8
Quiet Days are held at New Goshenhoppen UCC, 1070 Church Road in East Greenville, PA 18041. They are
designed to open new avenues of communing with God, and to provide an opportunity for sharing faith journeys
and stories. They allow for Sabbath time and renewal in the midst of our busy world. There is no formal
registration, but a minimum donation of $5 is requested on Quiet Day. Each participant is asked to bring a Bible,
journal, pen and a bag lunch. Come and see what God has in store for you!
The Rev. Michael T. Bush
email: [email protected]
Director of Music
Elaine Langerhans, Organist, Choir Directori
Director of Christian Education
Intermediate Choir Director
Ed Hafer
Scripture for
the Week
email: [email protected]
Matthew 21:23-33
Renee Miller
email: [email protected]
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