SYLLABUS (2013 - 2014) CLASS - III Subject: English Book Prescribed: Pearls -3 by Future Kids Publication Grammar: Go Grammar -3 by Future Kids Publication UNIT - I Lesson 1: Kabir Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABCD Learn New words ABCD) Poem 2: The Brave Boy Comprehension Exercises GRAMMAR 1. Sentences -Subject/Predicate 2. Making simple sentences 3. Punctuation (. ? !) Capitalization 4. Compound Words 5. Alphabetical order (Dictionary usage) UNIT - II Lesson 1: In the Garden with Grandma Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABCD Learn New words ABC) Paragraph Writing (Guided) Poem 2 : The Happy Sunflower GRAMMAR 1. Nouns (Common, Proper, Collective) 2. Singular/Plural 3. Countable/Uncountable 4. Similes 5. Unseen Passage TERM - I Lesson 1: A day with Simba in a hospital Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABC Learn New words ABC) Lesson 2: Sentosa Island Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABCD Learn New words ABC) Poem 3 : Fun With Dino (Comprehension Exercises) GRAMMAR 1. Verbs-Doing words. Helping Verbs (IS, ARE, AM, WAS, WERE, HAS, HAVE, HAD) 2. Articles - (A, AN, THE) 3. Homophones (Unseen Passage) UNIT - III Lesson 1: The Wheel Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABCD Learn New words ABC) Lesson 2: I Don’t Care. Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABCD Learn New words ABCD) Lesson 3: The Train. Comprehension Exercises (Contd. on next page) GRAMMAR (1) Subject: Art Book Prescribed: United Learning Art-3 by United publication TERM - I * Concept of line. * Different types of lines. * Basic Shapes * Geometrical shapes and filling them with crayons. * Using of different types of lines in different objects. * Drawing and colouring of different fruits. * Drawing practice. * Page 1 to Page 17 from United Learning Art Book - 3 * Force of line. Different exercises pertaining to Force of lines. TERM-II * Force of line. Different exercises pertaining to force of lines. * Drawing of different types of trees. * Drawing of different leaves. * Drawing of different vegetables. Page No.18 to Page No. 32 from United Learning Art Book - 3 (14) Subject: Papier Mache TERM - I Making of Papier Mache Ball Procedure to be completed in Term - I 1. To collect waste paper and soak it in a bucket full of water for 2/3 days. 2. After soaking beat it in a stone mortar with a wooden pestle to make paper paste. 3. Mix half boiled rice water to the soft paper pulp. 4. Take a ball mould and cover it with dry paper sheet. 5. Cover the ball mould with the thoroughly mixed paper pulp uniformly and keep it in the sun or near the heat for drying. 6. Press the pulp to make the surface smooth in the half dry condition. 7. After complete draying cut the dry paper pulp with a saw into two hemispheres. 8. Make the surface completely smooth with a sand paper. 9. Fix a hook in one hemisphere and join the two hemispheres with the half boiled rice water. TERM - II 10. Apply thin coating of plaster of Paris and glue mixture with a brush uniformly on the whole surface of the ball. 11. Rubbing the surface of the ball with brick stone using glue and water to make the surface smoother. 12. For making the ball crack proof paste a tissue paper on the surface of the ball with warm glue. 13. Rub the surface with the sand paper after the ball dries up to make the surface smoother for painting. How to paint the background with colours 14. Take water colours and apply on the surface uniformly with a brush. 15. To get different shades we mix the primary colour to get the required shades. 16. Colour the ball twice in the interval. The second coat is applied only when the first coat dries up. 17. Again use the sand paper to rub the surface to make it smooth and shining. 18. Make the design of different shapes of your choice on the ball with free hand using a pencil. 19. Colour the design with different colour as required. 20. Shade this design and shapes with a fine pointed brush. 21. Coat the ball with varnish four times in intervals so that the ball appears more shining. Finally The product is ready (13) 1. Pronouns (Personal Pronouns) 2. Adjectives (Meaning & Usage) 3. Antonyms (Unseen Passage) TERM - II Lesson 1: Thirty Years From Now Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABC Learn New words AB) Lesson 2: Our Famous Sports Person Comprehension Exercises (Respond+Reflect ABC Learn New words AB) Poem 3 : Down The Bumpy Hill (Comprehension Exercises) GRAMMAR 1. Adverbs (How, When, Where) 2. Prepositions (In, At, On, For, With) 3. Conjunctions (And, But, Because) 4. Prefix, Synonyms , Letter Writing (Formal), Paragraph Writing, Unseen Passage Subject: Mathematics Books Prescribed: Go Math - 3 By Scholastic UNIT - I Number System ! Introduction to digits and numbers (Recap-3-digit numbers) ! Numbers beyond 999 ! Forming 4-digit number ! Writing 4-digit number ! Expanding number ! Indication place value ! Before and after ! Sequencing 4-digit number ! Comparing 4-digit number ! Odd and Even number ! Mental maths + Estimation. UNIT - II Addition ! Terms and facts on addition. ! Addition of 4-digit numbers. ! Addition with regrouping. ! Addition word problems. Multiplication ! Terms and facts ! Tables (2-10) ! Multiplication by 10 and 100 ! Practicing multiplication. ! Two-digit multiplication by regrouping. (Contd. on next page) (2) ! Mental maths+Estimation. Subject: General Knowledge TERM - I Subtraction 1) Facts and Terms 2) Subtraction with zero 3) Subtraction of 3&4 digit numbers. 4)Subtraction word problems. 5) Mental Maths+Estimation (Composite addition and subtraction) Division 1) Facts and Terms 2)Division as repeated subtraction. 3) Relating multiplication and division(without remainder) 4) Division with remainder 5) Long Division 6) Division word problems 7) Mental maths + Estimation. Geometry 1) Lines 2) Activity - Tangrams +Tiling UNIT - III Measurement of Mass 1) Introduction. 2)Working with parts of a kilogram 3) Solving word problems involving kilograms 4) Working with grams. Measurement of Length 1) Introduction. 2) Measurement of length Measurement of Capacity 1) Introduction. 2) Measurement of capacity 3) Mental maths + Estimation Fractions 1) Concept of fractions 2) Identifying halves and quarters 3) Working with fractions 4) Writing common fractions 5) Fraction word problems 6) Mental maths + Estimation TERM - II Money 1) Concept on Money 2) Converting Rupees and paisa 3) Working with money 4) Problem sums based on money (to be framed by teacher) 5) Mental maths + Estimation Time 1) Introduction to time (hours, minutes, seconds) 2) Reading time Geometry 1) Solid shapes 2) Analysing the properties of objects Data Handling 1) Introduction to data handling. 2) Interpreting a picture graph 3) Reading a horizontal column graph Patterns 1) Introduction 2) Number and picture pattern. (3) Know for Sure-3 by Britannica Educational Publication Books Prescribed: TERM - I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Amazing Animal Antics World of Comics Body Talk. Famous Landmarks. Plant-a-Facts. Wise Expressions. For the Book Lovers. Olympics Know how TERM - II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Shake a Leg. Mathemagic. Famous Explorers. Short Terms Kitchen Adventure Compuwiz Hellow World Rocks and Metals Subject: Moral Science Books Prescribed : 1. 3. 5. God watches me Unity Hard work 1. 3. 5. Hospitality Managing wastes Going to school fun Hope for life-3 by Britannica Educational Publication TERM - I 2. 4. Be honest Friendship TERM - II 2. Be Confident 4. Respect your parents (12) Subject: Hindi Books Prescribed: ¼ijkx Publisher: IkkB~; iqLrd Hkkx &3½ ¼l`tu½ Unit - I IkkB~; iqLrd%1½ ,sls lwjt vkrk gS A¼dfork½ 2½ Mkdw lq/kj x;k A 1½ ek=kvksa dk nksgjk;k tkuk A 2½ lw;Z dh mi;ksfxrk ij ik¡p iafDŸk;k¡ fy[kh tk;sxh A O;kdj.k% ek=kvksa dk iz;ksx dj ’kCnksa dk fuekZ.kA Unit - II ikB~; iqLrd% 1½ u;k thou 2½ vkylh yM+dk 1½ ^^vkyL; dk gekjs thou ij izHkko iM+rk gS**] bl fo"k; ij ik¡p iafDr;¡k ¼vuqPNsn fy[kk tk;sxk½ 2½ ’kq) ’kCnksa dh igpku A O;kdj.k% laKk ’kCnksa dh igpku vkSj foykse ’kCn A ¼ifjHkk"kk o mnkgj.k lfgr½ Subject: Science Book Prescribed: Success with Science ahead -3 by Orient BlackSwam UNIT - I Topic: NATURAL & MAN-MADE WORLD. Sub. Topic 1. Living and Non-Living things 2. Characteristics of living things and non-living things. 3. Difference between plants and animals Topic: PLANTS Sub. Topic 1. Diversity of plant life (Activity) 2. Parts (Name and function) 3. Roots (Types) 4. Leaf (Structure) 5. Germination (Activity) 6. Shoot /Stems (function) 7. Diversity of habitat (Activity) habitat ANIMALS 1. Classification (eating habits , food chain) 2. Adaptation (eating habits) 3. Birds 4. Beak, feet and Claws. 5. Nest(need & material) 6. Migration (introduction of the concept only) Topic: Sub. Topic SAFETY AND FIRST AID 1. Safety rules at home, in school, in play ground, on the road) 2. First -Aid TERM - I AIR AND WATER 1. Composition of Air 2. Uses of Air (activity) 3. Water– Sources, Uses and Forms) WEATHER 1. Introduction to weather 2. Types of seasons SOIL 1. Formation of soil 2. Types of soil. 3. Layers of soil (activity) 4. Importance of soil UNIT - III FORCE AND ENERGY 1. Introduction 2. Force, work and energy (Definition) 3. Relationship between force, work and energy. THE EARTH 1. Structure of the earth 2. Shape of the earth 3. Movements of the earth STRUCTURE AROUND US 1. Structures (Definition) 2. Natural and Man-made structures 3. Stable and Unstable structures (activity) Term- I ikB~; iqLrd% 1½ uV[kV eax: 2½ gekjk Hkkjr ¼dfork½ 3½ vuq’kklu 1½ ^^vuq’kklu dk egÙo** ij vuqPNsn fy[kk tk;sxk A 2½ o.kZ foPNsn ’kCnksa dks tksM+dj u;s ’kCn cukuk A tSls% izfr $ fnu ¾ izfrfnu O;kdj.k% loZuke] lekukFkhZ ’kCn ¼ifjHkk"kk o mnkgj.k lfgr½ Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic Unit- III ikB~; iqLrd 1½ uUgk [kjxks’k 2½ dwM+k er QSykvks ¼dfork½ 3½ nks rksrs 1½ ^laxfr dk gekjs thou ij izHkko fo"k; ij vuqPNsn fy[kk tk;sxk O;kdj.k% fØ;k] fyax A ¼ifjHkk"kk o mnkgj.k lfgr½ Term- II ikB~; iqLrd% 1½ ,sls Fks fryd 2½ f’k{kk cM+h ;k /ku 3½ LoLFk ’kjhj 1½^’kjhj dks dSls LoLFk j[kk tk ldrk gS* fo"k; ij vuqPNsn fy[kk tk;sxk O;kdj.k% fo’sk"k.k] eqgkojs¼vFkZ lfgr½o mudk okD;ksa esa iz;ksx vifBr cks/k uksV%& izR;sd ikB dk Jqrys[k] lLoj okpu ,ao ’kCnkFkZ o vH;kl A (11) UNIT - II Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic (Contd. on next page) (4) Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic Topic: Sub. Topic TERM - II HUMAN BODY 1. Parts of a human body. 2. Introduction to all organs systems (parts & functions) 3. Building blocks of human body LIGHT AND SOUND 1. Light-Introduction 2. Sources-Sound 3. Sources of light 5. Noise/Noise Pollution 4. Vibrations-How is sound produced OUR ENVIRONMENT 1. Introduction to Environment 2. Pollution (Air and Water) causes and control. 3. Pollution in villages and cities. Subject: Social Studies Book Prescribed: Longman Vista Social Studies-3 by Longman Pearson UNIT - I TopicEARLY HUMAN BEINGS Sub TopicHow human beings reached their present state. F Stone Age TopicDISCOVERY OF FIRE Sub TopicHow was fire discovered. F How did it help human beings. TopicFARMING AND WHEEL Sub TopicHow early humans discovered farming. F How people settled near water bodies. F How animals were domesticated. F How early humans invented raft. F How wheel was invented. UNIT - II TopicMEANS OF TRAVEL Sub TopicAbout different means and modes of transport. TopicSUN AND ITS FAMILY Sub TopicSun its family F Planets and Stars. F Satellites. TopicOUR PLANET EARTH Sub TopicThe earth- a special planet. F Shapes of earth. F Continents, Oceans and atmosphere TERM - I TopicOUR COUNTRY Sub TopicStates, Union territories and Capitals. (Contd. on next page) (5) Subject: Computer TERM - I Book Prescribed: I.T Tools Plus-3 (Kips publication World) THEORY 1. Computer – A Machine a) What is a computer? b) Functions of a computer? c) What makes a computer powerful? PRACTICAL 1. Working with Paint a) Features b) How to open paint c) Toolbox d) Using tool e) Drawing ellipse option f) Using pick colour tool g) Using select tool 2. THE KEYBOARD a) Alphabetic Keys b) Numeric Keys c) Special Keys TERM - II THEORY 1. Hardware and Software a) Hardware b) Software c) System Software d) Application Software PRACTICAL 1. Tux Paint a) What is tux paint? b) Features of tux paint? c) How to open tux paint? d) Paint tool e) Sub- Tool box f) Free hand drawing shapes g) Haze brush shapes h) pattern brush shapes i) Text tool j) Stamp tool k) Lines tool l) Saving a file m) Opening a saved file n) Time for some magic 2. Introduction to Ms-Word a) What can we do with Ms-Word? b) Starting Ms Word c) Typing the text d) Saving a document e) Closing a document f) Opening a document g) Exiting Ms Word h) Printing a document (10) Subject: Kashmiri Book Prescribed: Kashir Kitab -3 JK BOSE F F TopicSub Topic- F F TopicSub Topic- F F F TopicSub Topic- F F F F F TopicSub TopicTopicSub Topic- F F TopicSub Topic- F F F (9) National symbols and festivals. Metropolitan cities- Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Delhi (Map work, Climate, Culture & tourist attraction) INDIA AND ITS CULTURE Language spoken in India. Various dance forms and music in India. Various musical instruments. MY COMMUNITY AND I Meaning of community. How we depend on each other in a community. How various people help us. (Concept of Occupation) What are the important buildings in a community. UNIT - III OUR STATE J&K 3 Administrative Divisions Locations (Map Work) Physical features Climate and culture Agriculture and Industries Tourists attractions (The project work can be pictorial charts & pictures etc. Scrap books & in the form of models) FAMOUS PERSONALITIES Zain-ul Abidin and Lal Ded (Life and Contribution) TERM - II MEANS OF COMMUNICATION What is communication What are the means of personal communication What is mass communication FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & DUTIES Citizenship- meaning and types Eligibility for Indian Citizenship Concept of constitution, Rights and Duties. Our Fundamental Rights and Duties. (6) Subject: Urdu (Contd. on next page) (7) (8)
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