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Saint Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church
“An Ancient, Contemporary and Eternal Community of Faith”
Street Address
676 Kearny Avenue
Kearny, NJ 07032
Mailing Address
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
Saturday and Sunday
9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Phone: 201-998-3314
Web: www.thechurchofsaintstephen.com
Saint Stephen C.C.D.
Phone: 201-991-3271 or 201-991-0236
141 Washington Avenue
Kearny, NJ 07032
FAX: 201-998-4924
E-mail: [email protected]
131 Midland Avenue
Kearny, NJ 07032
February 1, 2015 ~ The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Worship & Sacramental Schedule
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 12 Noon,
7:00 P.M.
7:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
(Anticipated Mass for Sunday)
Holy Days
refer to Bulletin
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:15 P.M. - 4:45P.M.
7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:30 A.M.
Or anytime by appointment
Parish Staff:
Fr. Joseph A. Mancini, K.H.S., Pastor
Fr. Richard J. Kelly, In Residence
Fr. Louis A. Pereira, In Residence
Msgr. Anthony Kulig, K.H.S. Weekend Assistant
Rev. Mr. Hermes Diaz Vargas
Deacon Herbert R. Gimbel
Deacon Robert C. Millea
Deacon Earl W. White
Mrs. Martha Lane, Director of Religious Education
Mr. Robert Maidhof, Director of Music
Ms. Patricia Sherwen, Youth Minister
Christopher Manley, Confirmation Coordinator
Michael Pego, Youth Activities
Matthew Schirm, Technology & Youth Activities
Mrs. Theresa Zaccardo, Parish Secretary
Welcome! The Archdiocese requires that all Roman Catholics be registered in a parish. Those who desire to be
godparents for Baptism or sponsors for Confirmation must be registered and actively practicing the faith. We cannot
certify your eligibility for these roles if you are not registered and if we do not know you. To obtain a census and
registration form, please call the rectory or visit our website.
BAPTISM – The Church asks that children be baptized soon after birth. Baptisms are scheduled once a month on
Sunday afternoons. Please call the rectory office in advance of your desired month for baptism. Parents and godparents
will attend a special catechetical session before the baptism. Godparents must meet all of the Church’s eligibility
R.C.I.A. – This is a process for those adults (18 years and older) who desire to become Catholic or complete the
initiation sacraments (Eucharist and/or Confirmation). It is also intended for those baptized in another Christian
denomination who wish to join the Catholic faith. Call the rectory and speak to Deacon Bob Millea for further
MARRIAGE – The Roman Catholic Church affirms the belief that marriage is designed for the union of one man and
one woman. Roman Catholics are bound by the Church’s law to marry in a Catholic Church and have that marriage
witnessed by a priest or a deacon. The Common Policy on Marriage in the State of New Jersey requires the couple to
prepare for one year prior to entering into marriage. Please call the rectory for more information.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Please notify the rectory in the event of a serious illness. A communal Mass of
Anointing is offered once a year. Visits to the homebound, upon request, can be made. Please notify a priest when a
loved one is near death so the appropriate prayers may be administered.
HOLY ORDERS – Any Catholic male, regardless of age, who feels the Lord calling him to the happy and fulfilling
life of a priest is asked to speak to one of the parish priests or to call the Vocations Office at 973-313-6190. You can
also visit www.newpriestnj.org.
Page Three
“The Seuss is Loose!”
St. Stephen’s annual youth retreat weekend
will take place at the Baptist Camp and Conference Center in Lebanon, NJ
February 6 – 8, 2015
We invite all students in grades 8 – 12 to join us!
Cost per person is $100.00 and includes meals, lodging and all materials
To register, please contact Fr. Joe at 201-998-3314
Any parishioner who would like to sponsor a participant, please contact Fr. Joe
APRIL 15, 2015
If you wish to receive a statement of your 2014 donations to St. Stephen Parish, please submit
your name, address, daytime phone number and the number of your donation envelope.
Drop this form in the basket on Sunday or mail your form to the Rectory
141 Washington Avenue
Kearny, NJ 07032
DAYTIME PHONE No._____________________________ENV. #_____________________
Page Four
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Mark 1:21-29
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015
Job 7:1-4, 6-7
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Mark 1:29-39
oncluding the introductory section of Mark’s gospel, today’s reading further clarifies the nature of the mission Jesus
means to share with his disciples. As we have seen, the healing and deliverance performed by Jesus are part of his
preaching of the Kingdom, signs that God will triumph over all the forces of evil in the world. This is brought out by
Mark, as he recalls and contrasts two moments of healing.
There are practically no details in the gospels of the family circumstances of the apostles. The account of the curing
of Peter’s mother-in-law is therefore remarkable. It is generally accepted that Mark composed his gospel in Rome about the time
of Peter’s martyrdom. If this is true, Peter’s telling of the story of Jesus would have been an important source of his material.
In this incident we may well hear echoes of Peter’s voice describing a sequence of events. Peter brings Jesus from the synagogue
to his home for a meal; they are surprised to find the old lady ill with fever; Jesus heals her instantly by taking her hand and
helping her up; fully recovered she gives herself to the service of the Lord.
As we have seen, ‘Who is this man?’ is the subtext of Mark’s narrative. There is no doubt that Jesus worked miracles.
Miracles, as we all know, have an unhealthy fascination for many people. Mark is concerned that his readers are not carried
away by the fact that Jesus was a wonder worker. They must understand that the miracles of Jesus were signs inviting faith in
the coming of God’s salvation into the world. True faith in the Savior will come, in the end, to understand that the greatest
wonder in the life of Jesus of Nazareth was the salvation he brought to the world as its crucified Savior. Thus, as Mark’s
narrative continues, we hear echoes of how Peter began to learn this lesson at the end of the eventful Sabbath Mark has
By evening, word had spread that there is a miracle worker in town. People came crowding around Peter’s door,
bringing their sick and ‘possessed’ for healing. Jesus responded to their appeals; but in his silencing of the ‘devils who knew
who he was’ we are reminded that these people still have to learn who he is. In the morning there was consternation when Peter
and his companions find that Jesus was nowhere to be found. ‘Everyone is looking for you’, they protest, disappointed that he
has not made the most of this instant notoriety. Later they will recognize that Jesus was concerned to lead the people beyond
the wonders he worked to a renewed faith in the coming of God’s Kingdom – the great theme of the solitary prayer he shared
with his Father. This could only be achieved by his preaching the message of the Kingdom. And so the ministry he was about
to undertake ‘all through Galilee’ would combine his ‘preaching’ and his ‘casting out devils’.
The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions
For 2015
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able
to rebuild lives of dignity.
For Evangelization: That married people who are separated
may find welcome and support in the Christian community.
A Love So Deep
If we have been saved and
sustained by a love so deep that
death itself couldn’t destroy it, then that love will
see us through whatever darkness we are
experiencing in our lives.
~ from Pope Francis and our Call to Joy
Page Five
Dear Friends,
his weekend our parish remembers Father John P. Washington and the Chaplains of the U.S.A.T.
Dorchester – Reverend Clark Poling, Reverend George Fox and Rabbi Alexander Goode – who
selflessly gave of themselves for others. We salute the veterans who join us today at the noon Mass
and we remember those who gave their lives for our country.
We also acknowledge a generation of military heroes – those who, in the post-9/11 world, still give
selflessly of themselves. These men and women – our sons and daughters – are on the front line of a
global war on terror. New threats emerge every week it seems. We pray for an end to terrorism and for
the safety of those in our military. Every day, at every Mass, we pray the Prayer to Saint Michael the
Archangel to be “our defense against the snares of the wicked”.
Let us show our gratitude to those who serve and have served our country. The freedoms we enjoy now
were bought at the cost of other human lives. They must never be forgotten.
It is also important to not forget the story of the Four Chaplains. I fear, and I know others share my
concern, that as time passes, the story will be lost to future generations. We cannot and must not let that
happen! Father Washington and the Chaplains are too important to forget. Parents and grandparents, tell
your children about them. Bring them to visit the monument. Ask them to think of others who are rightly
considered heroes by their actions.
I want to thank those who have helped us with today’s Mass – those who participated in a liturgical role
and those who served the veterans at the reception downstairs.
If you are watching the Super Bowl today, enjoy the game!
Have a good week!
Father Joe
Page Six
Sunday, February 1st
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 P.M.
Joseph & Matilda Seeber
8:00 A.M.
Walter Berry
10:00 A.M.
Filomena DeGiovanni
12:00 P.M.
Father John P. Washington
5:00 P.M.
People of the Parish
Monday, February 2nd
7:00 A.M.
William F. Waddleton, Sr.
8:30 A.M.
Anthony Minichini
Tuesday, February 3rd
7:00 A.M.
Betty Chesney
8:30 A.M.
Peggy O’Brien
Wednesday, February 4th
7:00 A.M.
Manuel Pereira
8:30 A.M.
James A. McBride, Jr.
Thursday, February 5th
7:00 A.M.
Fr. Mark O’Connell
8:30 A.M.
Thermon Brooks
Friday, February 6th
7:00 A.M.
Raul Riela
8:30 A.M.
Pat Guerino
7:00 P.M.
Holy Hour
Saturday, February 7th
8:30 A.M.
Deceased Members of...
The Picillo Family
5:00 P.M.
Deceased Members of...
The Carchidi Family
Sunday, February 8th
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 A.M.
Clifford Smallfence
10:00 A.M.
Marie Josephine & Vito Mauriello
12:00 P.M.
Rosario E. Alonso
7:00 P.M.
People of the Parish
If you wish to bring forward the Offertory Gifts of Bread
and Wine at a Sunday Mass, please come to Church 15
minutes early and notify one of the ushers.
“To everything there is a season and time for every
purpose under heaven.” Ecc. 3:11
“...a time to be born...”
The Sacrament of Baptism
“...to be healed...”
Pray for... Sharafat Ali, Alcides Alvarez, Joseph Attanasio,
Jimmy Balatsos, Louise Balestreiri, Giovanna Barbagallo,
Brian Beler, Sharon Blevins, Rev. Alex Borsos, Patricia
Burke, Traci CarlenRoseanne Cornell, Hugh Clark, Jeanie
Clark, George Cole, Jr., Jim Cunningham, Anthony
Derogatis, Marlene Dillon, George Dock, Pamela Doffont,
Chris Duhm, Rose Durr, Deborah Ehmstrom, Jean Evans,
Mimi Evans, Raymond Evans, Paul Fadeski, Baby Sophie
Isla Fallows, Mary Feury, Eddie Fonseca, Alexander Forfar,
Kathleen Fudali, Maria E. Gillespie, Margaret Hacker,
Owen Hogan, Justine Irvine, Maria Jeri, Olga Kolis, Helen
Kurszwicz, Kathleen Lally, Samantha Lowes, Paul Marks,
Mary Masters, Mary Mazewski, Helen McDonough, Anita
McGinnes, Paul McGinnis, Paul McKenna, Rose McLafferty,
Chris Mertz, Mary Mossey, Caragh Murphy, Stephen Nolan,
Tere & Thomas Nolan, James O’Neill, Doreen Pace, Teresa
Patino, Carol Pavolic, Mafalda Pellegrino, Jose Perez, June
Picillo, Linda Protomastro, Patty Petrula, Jenny Quispe,
Brian Raferty, Richard Rodgers, Carrie Rogan, Ines Rojas,
Rose Russomano, Sylvester Sanzari, Heather Seiden, Steve
Slashkey, Marie Smith, Nicole Socci, Caden Stoll, Paula
Tomasheski, Diana Velazquez, Baby Rose Valente, Victor
Villalta, Rosita Walton, Shelly Wandling, Marilyn A. Watson,
Martha Wierzbicki, Michelle Zaccardo, Joe
“...a time to love...”
Rebecca Hooper & Patrick Keogh
“...a time to die...”
“...a time of war and a time of peace...”
We pray for all our national leaders and world leaders. We
also pray for the safety of all men and women who serve in
the armed forces of the United States.
Mauricio Barrantes, Major Thomas W. Burns, Adam
Campbell, Anthony Cicchino, Petty Officer Master at Arms,
Edward T. Glospie, Jr., Sergeant Stephen Hacker, Cpl. Mark
Isabella, Jr., Specialist Thomas Jessy, Major Timothy P.
Kelly, Major Joseph P. McNamara, Major Vivien Escolona
McNamara, Evan Pilot, PFC Alex Potvin, Adam Richards,
Major John P. Rudio, Sgt. Shawn Salerno.
Intercessions for Life
For women and men who are suffering
in the aftermath of an abortion:
that they may find healing, consolation and strength
through the sacraments and prayer;
We pray to the Lord:
“Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a
deserted place, where he prayed…He told them, ‘Let us go on to
the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this
purpose have I come.’” - Mark 1:35, 38
In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of
stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to
be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with
God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to
do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God.
Collection Jan. 25 $7,511.00
Fuel $1,913.00
Page Seven
Our next members meeting in Hedges Hall
is Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1:00 P.M.
Cake and Coffee at 12:00 P.M.
Annual Membership for 2015 is $10.00
Dues are due
For Club info call:
For Tours call:
For Sunshine/Condolence:
St. Stephen’s Church
Hedges Hall
676 Kearny Avenue/ Kearny, NJ 07032
TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015, 6:00 PM
Bingo Volunteers Needed!
The Food Pantry is very low and in need of the
following items:
cereal (hot and cold), coffee, instant coffee,
canned fruit, cookies, hot chocolate, jello,
pudding, peanut butter & jelly, tomato
sauce, pasta sauce, pasta, tuna, macaroni &
cheese, soups, beans, canned vegetables.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Saint Stephen’s Religious Education
131 Midland Avenue/Kearny, NJ 07032/201-991-3271
Mrs. Martha Lane Director of Religious Education
During those days of inclement winter weather, our daily
Mass schedule will be suspended.
When a State of Emergency has been declared, Mass
will not be celebrated.
If it is snowing when you wake up, Mass will not be
If it has snowed, and the roads are impassable, Mass
will not be celebrated.
Although Mass is not publicly celebrated, a priest will offer
the Mass intention privately.
(This applies to Daily Mass only with the safety
of our parishioners and staff as a priority).
“Evangelii Gaudium”
This Apostolic Exhortation helps us
experience joy in the Gospels.
Reflections conducted by Father Louis will help you
experience the deep joy of a faith-filled life.
Next Session: Thursday, February 12, 2015
Mon Feb 2nd
Tues Feb 3rd
grades 1- 5
grades 6 -8
3:30 - 4:45 pm
6:15 - 8:00 pm
Mon Feb 9th
Tues Feb 10th
grades 1- 5
grades 6 -8
3:30 - 4:45 pm
6:15 - 8:00 pm
Mon Feb 16th
Tues Feb 17th
grades 6 -8
6:15 - 8:00 pm
Mon Feb 23rd
Tues Feb 24th
grades 1- 5
grades 6 -8
3:30 - 4:45 pm
6:15 - 8:00 pm
Mon March 2nd
Tues March 3rd
grades 1- 5
grades 6 -8
3:30 - 4:45 pm
6:15 - 8:00 pm
Mon March 9th
Tues March 10th
grades 1- 5
grades 6 -8
3:30 - 4:45 pm
6:15 - 8:00 pm
The next Church Cleaning will be
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Immediately following the 8:30 Mass
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society
will meet on February 10, 2015
at 7:00 P.M. in the Rectory Meeting Room.
Page Eight
Pilgrimage to the Shrines of the Americas and Quebec!
Join our pastor, Father Joe, on an 8-day pilgrimage to the
Shrines of the Americas and Quebec, July 6 to July 13, 2015.
Highlights of the pilgrimage include:
- the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Fultonville, NY and the Shrine of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in Fonda, NY
- the “Oratory of Saint Joseph” in Montreal
- the Basilica of Sainte Anne de Beaupre in Quebec City
- touring the sights of Montreal and Quebec City
The cost per person is $1,795.00 double occupancy. The cost includes motorcoach transportation during the entire pilgrimage,
an English-speaking tour guide, breakfast daily, two lunches and four dinners, and more! A deposit of $500 and a photocopy
of your passport are due by February 27, 2015.
To request a brochure, please call the rectory. For more information about the pilgrimage, please call Select International at 1800-842-4842.
Save the Date!
Annual Woman's Retreat
March 20 - 22
St. Stephen’s Largest Fundraiser
Our Annual Raffle Auction
America the Beautiful
Friday, March 20, 2015
Please consider making a donation. We have lots of
baskets to fill so any new items large or small are
needed! Gifts cards to any stores or restaurants
would be greatly appreciated. They can be dropped
off to the rectory anytime.
Mark your calendars. Tickets go on sale the
weekend of Feb. 21st and sell out quickly.
We are looking for volunteers to help on our
committee and the week of the raffle auction.
If you can spare a little time, please contact Cyndie
at [email protected].
Saint Stephen’s Annual Woman’s
Retreat in Long Branch, NJ at the San
Alfonso Retreat house is fast
approaching (March 20th to the 22nd).
All women of the parish as well as
family members and friends are invited to join us for a
peaceful weekend by the sea. Treat yourself to this wonderful
opportunity for spiritual and physical renewal with a friendly
group of women from our parish and other parishes
throughout NJ. The retreat consists of Daily Mass, group
conferences, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, discussions
and time for personal prayer and meditation.
The total cost for the weekend is $200. A $50 deposit is
required when you make your reservation. Funds are
available to help offset the cost for those who might have
difficulty paying.
For more information or to make a reservation, call June at
201-998-2773 or Pat at 201-991-5107.
New retreatants are always welcome.
Page Nine
Archdiocese of Newark
Women’s Commission Day of Reflection
Saturday March 7, 2015
8:00AM to 4:30PM
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079
This year’s theme is “Behold Your Mother….”
The day features keynote speaker Immaculee Ilibagiza. She will share her inspirational story of
Faith, Hope and Forgiveness. The day also includes continental breakfast, lunch, presentations,
confession, adoration, benediction & Mass celebrated by the Archbishop.
Registration is $25 for adults, $15 for college students (18-22) and $20 for seniors (65+).
For registration please visit www.rcan.org/womcom or call 973-497-4545
Buchanan @ 732-552-8039
or contact Cathy
Archdiocese of Newark
Catholic Men’s Conference
Saturday March 14, 2015
8:00AM to 4:30PM
at Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079
This year’s theme is “Be Not Afraid: He is With Us!”
Speakers include Thomas Peterson, Tim Staples & Damon Owens. Also featured is a young adult
Registration is $25 for adults, $15 for college students (18-22) and $20 for seniors (65+).
For registration please visit www.rcanmenscommission.org or call 973-497-4545 or contact Deacon
Earl White here at St. Stephen’s
Page Ten
Presentation of the Lord
February 2
t the end of the fourth century, a woman named Etheria made a pilgrimage to
Jerusalem. Her journal, discovered in 1887, gives an unprecedented glimpse
of liturgical life there. Among the celebrations she describes is the Epiphany
(January 6), the observance of Christ’s birth, and the gala procession in honor of his
Presentation in the Temple 40 days later—February 15. (Under the Mosaic Law, a
woman was ritually “unclean” for 40 days after childbirth, when she was to present
herself to the priests and offer sacrifice—her “purification.” Contact with anyone who
had brushed against mystery—birth or death—excluded a person from Jewish
worship.) This feast emphasizes Jesus’ first appearance in the Temple more than
Mary’s purification.
The observance spread throughout the Western Church in the fifth and sixth centuries.
Because the Church in the West celebrated Jesus’ birth on December 25, the
Presentation was moved to February 2, 40 days after Christmas.
At the beginning of the eighth century, Pope Sergius inaugurated a candlelight procession; at the end of the same
century the blessing and distribution of candles which continues to this day became part of the celebration, giving
the feast its popular name: Candlemas.
In Luke’s account, Jesus was welcomed in the temple by two elderly people, Simeon and the widow Anna. They
embody Israel in their patient expectation; they acknowledge the infant Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. Early
references to the Roman feast dub it the feast of St. Simeon, the old man who burst into a song of joy which the
Church still sings at day’s end.
“Christ himself says, ‘I am the light of the world.’ And we are the light, we ourselves, if we receive it from him....
But how do we receive it, how do we make it shine? ...The candle tells us: by burning, and being consumed in the
burning. A spark of fire, a ray of love, an inevitable immolation are celebrated over that pure, straight candle, as,
pouring forth its gift of light, it exhausts itself in silent sacrifice” (Paul VI).
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