7 February 1, 2015 www.stmmagdalen-oakville.org. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mass Intention SATURDAY, January 31, 2015 Vigil Mass Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Pasquale Palomba requested by his loving wife and family SUNDAY, February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. Nicolina Mucciacciaro requested by her husband & family 10:30 a.m. Deceased members of the Petraroia family requested by Mr. & Mrs. Cosimo Petraroia MONDAY, February 2, 2015 The Presentation of the Lord 8:00 a.m. TUESDAY, February 3, 2015 Weekday 8:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY, February 4, 2015 Weekday 8:00 a.m. Joe Sotnik THURSDAY, February 5, 2015 Saint Agatha 8:00 a.m. Alice Stemm FRIDAY, February 6, 2015 Saint Paul Miki & Companions NO MORNING MASS SATURDAY, February 7, 2015 11:00 a.m. First Reconciliation Vigil Mass Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Vincenzo Zappone requested by his wife SUNDAY, February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. Bernice Giordano requested by her daughter 10:30 a.m. Gabriel & Anna Marie and Miguel & Filomena Rosa requested by Joe & Teresa Distasti Sanctuary Lamp Intentions The Church: Giocondina & Annuntiata Guerrera and Michelangelo & Anna Perugini reserved by their family Attention… All members of ministries ( Parish Council, Finance, Money Counters, Ushers, Scouts, REACH Liturgy, Catholic Women’s Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, Small Christian Communities Music, School Board) On Sunday, February 8th at 11:30 a.m., all members are requested to gather in the Church for group shots for our parish pictorial/directory. This is the ONLY TIME that these photos will take place. We encourage all members to attend. Thank you! Any questions, give a call to the rectory 860-2749273. Vocations: People were spellbound by the teachings of Jesus. The church needs bold teachers and preachers today. Consider a vocation to priesthood or religious life. Call Fr. Jim at the parish office, 860-274-9273. He would like to speak to you. Activities & Meetings February 1 - 7, 2015 SUNDAY 8:30a.m. 10:30a.m. Confirmation II, Church Hall “Wee Celebrate” Religious Ed Program for 3-5 year olds, Church Hall MONDAY 6:45p.m. REACH, Youth Group, Church Hall TUESDAY 3:45-5:15p.m. Religious Ed grades 1-6, SMMS 6:30p.m. Cub Scouts, Church Hall WEDNESDAY 3:45-5:15p.m. Religious Ed grades 1-6, SMMS 5:00-7:00p,m. Ziti Dinner sponsored by REACH, Church Hall 6:00-7:30p.m. Religious Ed grades 7 & 8 SMMS THURSDAY 6:30p.m. Boy Scouts, Church Hall SATURDAY 3:00- 3:30p.m. Confessions, Church Saint Mary Magdalen School www.smmsoakville.org Stewardship of Treasure Our parishioners need to give $5,500 every week to our spiritual home in order to maintain it financially. The weekly stewardship offering January 24 & 25 weekend totaled $2,810.00 and Online giving totaled $490.00. Totaling $3,300.00. Our goal was not met this week, fell short by $2,200.00 Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at: www.stmmagdalen-oakville.org. 2014 Contribution Statement Statements of your stewardship of treasure contributions for 2014 are now available upon request. Please fill in the following information and drop it into the collection basket. Your statement will be mailed to you within two weeks. Please print clearly your information. Thank you. ======================================== Name:_____________________________ Envelope #________ Home Address:________________________________________ Home Phone:_________________________________________ www.stmmagdalen-oakville.org. February 1, 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ziti Dinner On Wednesday, February 4th, REACH will hold its annual Ziti Dinner in the Church Hall. The event starts at 5 PM and ends at 7:30 PM. Curbside pickup will be available. Dinner includes salad, bread, ziti, meatballs, beverage and dessert. Advance tickets will be sold after the Masses on Jan 24th and 25th (snow date Jan 31st and Feb 1st). Tickets are $9 for adults, $7 for seniors, and $6 for children under 12. Proceeds will be used to cover the costs associated with many of the REACH service functions and events. Please support this worthy cause. We look forward to serving you a tasty dinner! Catholic Women’s Organization C.W.O. will meet Monday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory meeting room. Prior to the business meeting meet in the Chapel for Rosary. All women are invited and welcome to attend our meetings. Rachael's Vineyard Retreat Weekend in Litchfield, CT A Retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion This confidential, supportive retreat is for anyone (Woman or man) hurting inside after abortion. For more information Please call Marie Laffin at 203-631-9030 or email at [email protected] NIFTY FIFTY CELEBRATION Dear Friends: Saint Mary Magdalen Church is publishing a parish pictorial/directory and a special commemorative Nifty-Fifty birthday card for Father Jim Gregory in preparation for a dinner/dance on May 9th at the Grand Oak Villa. More info to come in next weeks’ bulletin, but mark your calendars to hold the date, Saturday, May 9th. We are seeking your support. We are offering a business card size ad to appear in both the pictorial/directory and the Nifty-Fifty Birthday card for $50. In addition, you may want to sign Father Jim’s commemorative birthday card with a patron listing for a $15. All ads are due with full payment by February 6, 2015. Checks are to be made out to Saint Mary Magdalen Church. Please submit your payment with your business card and/or the completed patron listing form below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return this part form with your request no later than Friday, February 6, 2015. Drop off or mail to: St. Mary Magdalen Rectory 145 Buckingham St.Oakville, CT 06779 Name Listing:____________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Telephone Number:____________________ Address: ___________________________________ Shepherd’s Desk By Fr. Jim Gregory I recently returned from Tucson, AZ after attending the first ever Faith and Astronomy Workshop put on by the Vatican Observatory for parish priests and those who work with them. The week involved talks from working astronomers, field trips to astronomical sites around Tucson, and evening telescope observing. One of the highlights of the workshop was our group’s visit to the Planetary Science Institute. This is because it showed us that people of science are not much different from people of faith. The PSI provides a positive institutional setting for its scientists to study the origins of the solar system and to share that knowledge with other scientists and the public. PSI relies totally on grants and donations, much like our parish or ministries such as Carolyn’s Place. Government or archdiocesan funding is not a source of income for either. When our group arrived, we were greeted with hospitality. There was a sign that welcomed us outside the entrance and a spread of inexpensive wine, bottled water, and Costco cookies on a folding table. That’s not too different from a social function at the Magdalen. Granted, there was no coffee, but perhaps church coffee is better than lab coffee. We learned that scientists are involved in more than just science. The member scientists of the PSI share their other interests with one another. Parishioners bring all of their varied interests and talents to the parish community and share them in order to build up the community. One such example is Bill Hartmann with whom we met and chatted. Bill is the astronomer who formulated the most accepted hypothesis describing the formation of the Moon. He spoke to us about art and science for he is also a space artist. He said the purpose of a science artist was to synthesize what the different scientists see of a particular subject and visualize it. Dr. Hartmann showed us some examples of his space art hanging in the corridor and took us into his office where his walls are covered with paintings he made of more terrestrial scenes. These scenes of nature were painted by Bill on his various travels all around the world. He said for him painting is a way back to earth from all the planetary science he does. He paints by acrylic and not by any digital applications because he also needs to get away from sitting in front of computers. Bill’s art speaks nicely of prayer. Although he never said this, perhaps his art is his prayer. It showed me that like doing art, prayer enables us to remove ourselves from all the things we do in order to get a fuller view of our reality. Prayer also leads us do better those things we are removed from whether we like doing them or not. Among the many paintings in Bill’s office hangs a painting by a space artist from a previous era, Chesley Bonestell. The painting depicts the formation of the Earth and Moon as two orange orbs, one larger than the other, both with grayish white halos on a black background. In Bonestell’s era, the Earth and Moon were thought to have formed by cooling down together. Today, thanks to Dr. Hartmann, we know that the Moon was formed by a planet-sized object colliding with the Earth and that the debris that was torn off the Earth coalesced into the Moon in Earth’s orbit. This shows us that like faith, science does not have a perfect grasp of reality, that reality is far more complex than either one to completely describe. It also shows us that both faith and science changes and grows.
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