Landings Saint Susanna Parish Pastoral Staff February 8, 2015 Reverend Stephen Josoma Laurence J. Bloom Jean Brown Janet Sebago Pastor Deacon Pastoral Associate Parish Secretary Welcome! A warm welcome to all! If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself after mass or at the rectory. We’d love to meet you! The "All Are Welcome" sign in front of our church reflects the spirit of Pope Francis' message. Our doors are open. Don't be afraid to walk through them again. If you miss being part of a faith community and you’re wondering if returning to a parish like Saint Susanna could be a life-giving experience for you we offer a program, called Landings, that can help you explore those questions. Landings is run by members of the parish and the focus is on sharing the stories of our faith journeys with people who are thinking about coming back to the Church, listening to their stories, and having an honest conversation about the continuing questions and struggles we all have with what we call God and what we call church. Our next session starts in March 2015. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Landings program, please pick up a brochure at the back of the church, visit our website, or contact Linda Bates by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (508) 238-0054. To our fellow parishioners, we ask that you share the information on Landings with family and friends and help us open our doors and our hearts to all those who are searching for community. **************************************************************************** Peace and Justice Please consider writing notes of support o Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, who spoke here at St. Susanna’s a few years ago. We have supported the Afghan Peace Volunteers and their Duvet Project whereby women in Kabul sew quilts for war refugees. Kathy was arrested last year at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri for trying to deliver a loaf of bread and letter to the base commander in nonviolent protest of the drone strikes which emanate from there, often killing innocent civilians. She is serving a 3 month sentence which began January 23: Kathy Kelly 04971-045 FMC Lexington’Federal Medical Center Satellite Camp P.O. Box 14525 Lexington, KY 40512 262 Needham Street Dedham, MA 02026 Rectory: (781) 329-9575 Web Site: Email: Facebook: [email protected] Please pray for All the deceased of the parish, all our sick and for all who have asked for our prayers. Saint Susanna Parish in Dedham MA Parish Center Hours Monday – Friday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Parish Pastoral Council Members Brian Dwyer, Chairperson [email protected] 781-742-5400 Richard Creegan [email protected] 617-325-0289 Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday: 1:00 – 2:00 PM Jay Johnson [email protected] 781-329-2381 Holydays Mass schedule as announced Mary Pope [email protected] 617-969-2633 Ellen Ronayne [email protected] 508-339-1346 Bob Taraschi [email protected] 781-467-1200 Russ Wilson [email protected] 617-750-7508 Dana Winikates [email protected] 617-323-3013 Sunday Masses Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 AM (Family Mass) Weekday Liturgies Monday-Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 AM Baptisms 1st Sunday of month at 10:00 AM Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00-3:30 PM Marriage Please contact the rectory one year in advance Peace and Justice Pat Ferrone 781-449-3890 [email protected] Saint Vincent de Paul Society For assistance please call: 781-329-9575 Mass Intentions Saturday 4:00 PM February 7 Frances Galli Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM February 8 Robert Foley (Living) Mary Kelly Tues. 9:00 AM February 10 Maureen Greene & Seamus Greene Sat. 4:00 PM February 14 John Bligh & Eugene Bligh Sun. 8:00 AM 10:00 AM February 15 All the Deceased of the Parish Roy Nelson, Jr. Grades 1-5 Middle School-Grades 6-8 Ashes will be distributed at Mass on Ash Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Please consider this opportunity to enter the spirit of Lent as a parish family. Parish Ministry Schedules Schedules for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers for February are available in the Sacristy for those not on our email list. Parish Giving - February 1 Offertory: $2,067 Parish Only: $1,557 Bus Campaign: $44,164 February 8 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: # 1011 Music Selections Opening Offering Comm. Closing #718 #649 #593 #678 8:00 AM #753 #649 #704 Sun. Faith Formation Gr.1-5 at 11 AM Parent’s Gathering 11 AM Middle School Faith Formation Confirmation Class 6-7 PM Gr. 6-8 at 6:30 PM Mon. Adult Faith Formation 7-9 PM Tues. Scripture Study 7-9 PM Knitting Group 7 PM Wed. Prayer Group 1 PM A.A. Meeting 7:30 PM Thurs. SVDP Meeting 7 PM Class for Grades 1-5 today, Sunday, February 8 at 11 AM. Parent’s Gathering 11AM Ash Wednesday Mass and Ashes 4:00 PM Upcoming Events in January/February Faith Formation News 10:00 AM #718 #621 #711 #678 Next class will be on Sunday evening, February 8 at 6:30 PM. Confirmation Program I and II Next class on Sunday February 8 from 6 to 7 PM. Adult Faith Formation Come join us in the Parish Hall. Monday, February 9 from 7-9 PM. Angels – Mesopotamia to Modernity, with Mary Joan Leith. Mary Joan Leith is full of surprises. As an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College, Leith says that students often have preconceived notions about what they are going to learn in her classes. She likes to challenge these ideas. “I love surprising my students with crazy stories,” she says. “I like seeing students come into a class and think, for instance, ‘It’s not really something I’m interested in.’ Then I see them get excited. I like turning on the light bulb.” Leith recently showed parts of the British comedy Monty Python’s Life of Brian to illustrate some of the facts about Jesus’ lifetime – and the students loved it. “I like to bring in unusual things, keep them on their toes; give the class the sense that it’s going to be worth it to walk into my classroom every day.” A frequent visitor to Saint Susanna Adult Faith Formation, Prof. Leith will lead us through the history of angels over the centuries. Doggett Circle The next monthly service at Doggett Circle will be on Friday, February 20 at 10:30 AM. All are welcome to join us! In Loving Memory During February the wine for our liturgies has been donated in loving memory of Mary Kelly from the Kelly /Scheib Family. Snow Days After a wonderful “false start” of a winter Mother Nature seems determined to not only make up for the earlier lack of snowfall, but to give us additional bonus snow storms and arctic blasts. This possibly will be the one of the costliest in years for heating and plowing. In any event, any additional contributions to help defray the costs of snow removal and heating this year would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support as we endure this winter for the record books. Little Black Books We have once again ordered the “Little Black Books” for your use during the upcoming season of Lent. These have proven a popular companion for individuals and families as we deepen our perspective on our faith as we journey towards Easter. They will be available next week at the back of the church. Please take one for your family and pass one along to a neighbor unable to attend! Tax Information Parishioners needing a statement of parish giving as they prepare their tax returns can obtain one by contacting Janet at the rectory. We are pleased to assist you. **************************************** Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday Mass at 7 PM with Distribution of Ashes Feb. 22 First Communion Meeting 7 PM Altar Servers The presence of young altar servers at our liturgies is a significant sign to all that people of every age are important to our community. Youngsters who come to our liturgies and see other young people actively serving at the liturgy gain a great insight in seeing them: “Kids like me are a part of all of this!” In recent years it has become more and more difficult for youngsters to serve, and for adults to train and lead them, in part because so many sports practices and games are now regularly booked for Sundays and because the idea of a Day of Rest has pretty much dried up. We owe a debt of gratitude to those young people who continue to serve in this important ministry despite these obstacles. Our plan is to keep the door open for any youngster in the parish, whether in our religious education program or not, who wishes to serve in this way. If any family has a child in the third grade or higher who is interested in being an altar server, we ask that you contact the parish office (781-329-9575), Father Steve, or Deacon Larry. Appropriate training will be given as kids volunteer. Thank you.
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