FOURTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church 951 Swan Valley Drive Forsyth, MO 65653 Our Lady of the Ozarks Mission Statement We are a unique parish, called together from far and near. We bring our talents and our shortcomings, our histories and our hopes. Most of all, we bring our faith, and together in this faith we grow in loving and serving our parish and our community. We are blessed to belong to Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church. Parish Office: 417-546-5208 Father Rick L. Jones Pastor [email protected] 417-334-2928 Father Joji Vincent, OSB Associate Pastor [email protected] 417-334-2928 Sister Charlotte Flarlong, SSND Parish Office Hours: 8:00am ~ 3:00pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday Pastoral Associate [email protected] 417-546-5208 emergency/cell: 417-231-5300 Check out our Web-Page at: MINISTERS: Sunday, February 1 8:30AM MINISTERS: Sunday, February 8 8:30AM Lectors: T Krueger, T Silvis Lector: J Loughner, D Ratermann Euch. Ministers: *Sr. Charlotte, D Gabel, J Silvis Euch. Ministers: * N Loughner, N Nance, M Luberda Ushers: J Fargo, A Danna, T Kinsella, R Terrien Ushers: J Silvis, F Otto, D Carr Jr., K Jones Servers: P Hadaller, A Hadaller Servers: S Hutchison, I Schmitz Offertory: Sue Higginbotham, Jane Carr Offertory: Dee Walton & Ann Forester Welcome/Greeters: G Ohlson, N Loughner Welcome/Greeters: M Luberda, D Vincent Homebound Communion: D Vincent Homebound Communion: M Little, G Ohlson Wednesday, February 4 9AM Mass Lector: M Terrien Wednesday, February 11 9AM Mass Lector: D Ratermann Friday, February 6 9AM Mass Lector: T Krueger Friday, February 13 Lector: D Walton 9AM Mass Sunday February 1 Monday 2 Presentation of 3 St. Blaise the Lord Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time 8:30AM Mass Jim McKelvey+ 8 Tuesday Office Closed Office Open 8AM—3PM Wednesday 4 Office Open 8AM—3PM Office Open 8AM—3PM 8:30AM Mass Mel Lamp+ 9AM Eucharistic Adoration Office Closed Friday Saturday 6 St. Paul Miki & 7 Blessed Virgin Companions Mary Office Open 8AM—3PM Confessions in Branson from 3PM—4PM 9AM Mass For All the Deceased+ 10 St. Scholastica 11 Our Lady of Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 St. Agatha 9AM Mass Ted Strom+ 9AM Eucharistic Adoration 9 Thursday Office Closed Lourdes 12 13 St. Paul Miki & 14 St. Cyril & Companions Methodius Office Open 8AM-3PM Office Open 8AM-Noon 9AM Mass Fredie Carr+ 9AM Mass Larry Hopke+ Confessions in Branson from 3PM—4PM Office Closed UPCOMING EVENTS Today: Sunday, February 1—PSR after Mass Tuesday, February 3—6:30 PM Parish Council—Discuss Chapter 3 of Intentional Discipleship Wednesday, February 4—Liturgy Music Planning after Coffee/Donuts A Special Thank You Sunday, February 8—KC Breakfast after Mass Wednesday, February 11—6:30-8:00 PM “Journey Through the Bible” Session 1 Thanks to everyone for your Thursday, February 12—6:30 PM KC Meeting prayers, supports, visits, Friday, February 13—10:00 AM PCCW Meeting cards, meals etc. during the past few weeks. We are Sunday, February 15—PSR after Mass very grateful and ask for Tuesday, February 17—6:00 PM Parish Mardi Gras Celebration your continued prayers for Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Mass healing. 6:30—8:00 PM “Journey Through the Bible” Session 2 Thursday, February 19—6:30 PM Parish Council Meeting Joyce & Mike Stenger Remember in Prayer All Those Who are Sick or Homebound O God, who willed that our infirmities be born by Your only begotten Son to show the value of human suffering, listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick; grant that all who are oppressed by pain, distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen among those proclaimed blessed and are united to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. (Collect for Mass of the Sick) Fern Abell Harold Blood Debbie Davis Elaine Hood Jan Olsen Joyce Stenger Norbert & Lil Aurit Sang Booth Patricia Fargo Gloria Hudson Fritz Otto Christopher Sullivan Faye Austin Miles Brook Frank/Ann Grimm Julia Marie Kress Rose Reynolds Helen Tarnowski Dana Austin Jane Carr Phil Harter Trudy Krueger Cathy Rice Mary Traeger Dena Baer Anna Danna Carl /June Henke Colleen McGowan Mike Stenger Bill Watson Mutually Shared Vision Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Our Sacred Purpose The sacred purpose of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau is to joyfully live our Catholic faith as intentional disciples, leading all to a full life in Jesus Christ. Weekly Financial Report 1/27/2015 Income: Envelopes Plate (loos e) Repair & Maint Fund Dioces an Collections K of C & PCCW Mas s Offerings & All Souls Holy Days Special Collections Advertis ing Grants Mem orial Gifts Other Incom e Total Income Expense: Adm in & Salaries Office Expens es Education (Adult & PSR) Altar, Liturgy Books , Flowers Maint Grounds Maint Bldg & Equip Telephone & Utilities Ins urance Kitchen/Dining Supplies Dioces an As s es s m ents Dioces an/Special Collections Trus t Fund Total Expenses Increase (Decrease) Funds Last Week Month Total YTD January $834.00 $4,845.00 $34,455.25 103.00 506.00 5,057.78 135.00 4,183.50 20,262.50 281.75 674.75 5,438.43 9,143.00 1,007.00 806.00 464.00 1,300.00 5,000.00 35.00 75.00 400.00 800.00 60.00 1,848.75 65.00 11,149.25 410.85 83,344.81 120.40 138.20 4,858.88 303.40 138.20 32,957.96 2,306.81 1,541.56 291.54 291.54 2,382.10 263.23 2,703.86 500.00 2,729.80 3,914.50 10,831.01 12,124.26 7,150.00 602.20 290.80 1,366.49 2,265.00 2,932.24 11,614.91 5,675.74 1,000.00 82,200.33 -$1,083.49 -$465.66 $1,144.48 Cash in Bank, 7/1/14 Cash in Bank, current Unpaid Bills $3,509.56 $4,654.04 $918.78 COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA Thank you for your generous donations to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your support helps ensure the availability of adequate catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formation. Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your faith. To learn more about how your donations are making a difference, please visit (search “Collection for the Church in Latin America”). Our Core Values Prayer, Generous Service, Enthusiasm The Thoughtful Giver: When you name the Church in your Will (or Living Trust) to receive a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, you make one final gift — your crowning gift — to your family in faith that you have supported during your life. You declare in your Will that you believe in the mission of the Catholic Church and that you want a portion of your accumulated assets to be invested in furthering the good work that it does in Christ’s name. Example of How to Make a Bequest: I give, devise and bequeath to The Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield—Cape Girardeau, a Missouri not-forprofit corporation, for the exclusive use and benefit of Our Lady of the Ozarks Parish, Forsyth, Missouri, (insert here the sum of money or percentage of the estate). Pope Francis has named 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life, devoted to the renewal of religious life, the celebration of the willingness of members of religious orders, and an invitation to young people to consider a vocation to the religious life. FEBRUARY 2 IS WORLD DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE — See insert in today’s bulletin to see how Srs. Charlotte and Francine are celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life. The following is a prayer for consecrated persons. God Our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Love INC Needs: Love INC is scheduled to begin new classes in February. The pantry is in need of the following items: Chunky soup, canned pasta (Spaghetti O’s), Mayo, salsa, salad dressing, boxed mashed potatoes, tuna helper, crackers (saltines) Thanks so much for all donations! HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP Calling all high school students—we are now taking applications for a diocesan summertime mission trip to Winnebago, NE, July 5-11. This mission experience will offer teens and chaperones a week of growing in faith, prayer, and serving those in need. Adult chaperones are needed. $50 will hold your place. Total trip cost is $390/ participant. All high school youth in the diocese are invited to participate. For more information, contact Annette Peterson, [email protected] or (417) 540-8614. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20; Psalm 95; 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35; Mark 1: 21-28 Reflections Questions: Do you know anyone who speaks “with authority”? What characterizes someone who possesses such authority? Do you agree with Saint Paul, that a married person is, more preoccupied with the concern of his or her spouse than with those of the Lord? Does being single help one to be more “anxious about the things of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7: 32)? While many who walked with Jesus didn’t recognize his true identity, the “unclean spirit” always did. What do you think the unclean spirits saw that the others missed? Are there times in your life today when you fail to recognize Jesus? Taken from At Home with the Word 2015 website. PSR Classes — February/March Sunday, February 1—Semester 1 review; begin Chapter 7 Snack/Aide: Donna Covelli Sunday, February 15—Finish Chapter 7; Mardi Gras; Lent Snack/Aide: Angie Hadaller Sunday, March 1—Chapter 8 Snack/Aide: Joanne Hall Sunday, March 15—Reconciliation; Chapter 12 Snack/Aide: Jennifer Hutchison Sunday, March 29—Holy Week, Paschal Mystery, Resurrection Snack/Aide: Karen Koehn Congratulations to Tim and Angela Hadaller! GUMI CAMP USA is now a registered non-for-profit entity and donations are now tax exempt. Donations can be put in the GUMI Mailbox located in the Gathering Area and checks can be made payable to: New Horizons Foundation Memo: GUMI CAMP USA 5550 Tech Center Drive. Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Check out the new website: Grand Opening Celebration!!! Memorial Day Weekend 2015—May 23, 24, and 25 SCRIPTURE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Our Lady of the Ozarks is sponsoring “A Journey Through the Bible” using a video Scripture study with Professor Jeff Cavins, facilitated by Carl & Nancy Buffa. This study series has proven to be remarkably effective in helping Catholics uncover the Bible. As you grow in the knowledge and appreciation for the written Word of God, you will undoubtedly grow in love of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word of God. This 8 week series begins Wednesday, February 11th at 6:30 pm. (Each session is about 1 1/2 hours.) The last session will be on Wednesday, April 1 (Wednesday of Holy Week). Cost for the workbook is $15.00 and payable when workbooks arrive. HELP NEEDED: One additional small group leader is needed so that discussion groups can be a bit smaller in size. Carl & Nancy Buffa and Sr. Charlotte will facilitate two of the three discussion groups. Thanks! Sr. Charlotte It’s time now to get ready for Lent which begins February 18. See insert in today’s bulletin for a listing of parish opportunities. Remember in prayer Elleanor Crouch, who is preparing to be received into the Catholic Church on Easter Sunday at Our Lady of the Ozarks. COME JOIN THE FUN MARDI GRAS PARTY With . . . Food, Drinks, Prizes And . . . Funny Money Auction DATE: February 17th TIME: 6:00 PM . . . ? PLACE: Marian Hall Our Lady of the Ozarks MARK THE DATE — MARCH 15 ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER AND SILENT AUCTION All proceeds from the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and silent auction will go towards the purchase of a sign. To report child abuse call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-3738 or call the police. To report violations of the Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees and Adult Volunteers Working with Minors to the Chancellor at 417-866-0841 or [email protected] or a Victim Assistance Coordinator: Judy St. John, LPC, NCC: 573-587-3139 or [email protected] or William J. Holtmeyer, Jr., MS at 417-860-3858 or [email protected]. Concerns may be discussed with your supervisor, a Victim Assistance Coordinator, the Office of Child and Youth Protection or the Chancellor. The TIPS online reporting system may also be used, and is available on the diocesan website. Go to to view the Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees and Adult Volunteers Working with Minors and for other important information, including a link to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's document, Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. If you are unable to access the website and desire printed information, contact the diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at 417-866-0841. WINTER WEATHER REMINDER Weekdays: If the Forsyth Schools are closed, the Church is closed. School closings are announced on TV and radio. AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED The PCCW would appreciate any donation for the silent auction, big or small. Baked goods, gift cards, and services are also welcomed. Every donation gets us closer to our goal. We will post a complete list of the auction items March 1. Please contact Marie Terrien (546-2334) or Kathy Strader (546-8039) if you can donate to the silent auction or help with the dinner. Thank you so much. Let’s proudly make Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church sign a reality in 2015! BULLETIN REMINDERS 1. The bulletin deadline for submitting articles, reminders etc. is noon on Monday. The bulletin is completed on Monday afternoon, proofed and printed on Wednesday. 2. All information for the bulletin must be submitted in writing. 3. The contact person for any parish event is responsible for preparing the bulletin article as well as for preparing and posting fliers for the event. When you get to your wit’s end, you’ll find God lives there. Sundays: Branson Hometown Radio (KOMC 100.1 FM) sometimes announces Church closings beginning at 7:00 AM. Sr. Charlotte will e-mail those who have e-mail. The parish call list will also be activated. Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for February 2015 Prisoners That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Separated Spouses That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Saint of the Week: St. Paul Miki & Companions One of 26 Christians killed in the first martyrdom of Nagasaki, Paul Miki was a member of a noble samurai clan. He joined the Jesuits in 1580, becoming a distinguished preacher during the missionary effort that accompanied the age of exploration. After their arrest by Japanese officials, Paul and his companions were tied to crosses and pierced with lances on a hill overlooking Nagasaki Bay. The martyrs - 6 Franciscans, 3 Jesuits, one Korean, and 16 Japanese Laymen - were canonized in 1862. Feast Day is February 6. GERKEN & Associates 1.800.897.4016 Visit us online at 173 Shadowrock Dr. Forsyth. MO Tue — Fri 8:00 — 5:00 Sat 8 — 12 For Appt 294-1984 Walkin’s Welcome two barbers to serve you Don Carr Wren Carr Full Service Funeral Facility Traditional Funeral—Cremation Pre-Arrangement Available Funeral Chapel Residential Commercial Realtors Serving the area since 1975 MR. DON’s BARBER SHOP Forsyth Whelchel Funeral Chapel Established in 1915 417.546.4757 Dan Guy ENROLLED AGENT D&M Accounting Service Highway 160, P.O. Box 808 Forsyth, Missouri 65653 (417) 546-5086 Fax (417) 546-6559 [email protected] 16560 U.S. Hwy 160—P.O. Box 425,Forsyth, MO 65653 The Offertoryfor Gift BearThis Space Available ers have the privilege of YOUR ADVERTISING bringing to the altar the bread, wine and water that will be miracuPlease call the Parish Office lously transformed Into 417-546-5208 the Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! Don Carr Construction & Home Maintenance Free Estimates Insured PH 417-251-1012 Darrel & Susan Bearden SNAPP BEARDEN FUNERAL HOME OZARKS MEMORIAL PARK BRANSON 417-334-3670 PB PEOPLES BANK OF THE OZARKS Member FDIC 15775 U.S. Highway 160 Forsyth, MO 65653 417.546.3118 Fax 417.546.2208 Mailing Address: PO Box 728, Nixa, MO 65714 Toll Free 888.739.8560 [email protected] Have Family or Business Disputes? School issues, Rent, Medical or other bills? Personal assistance available Dr. MICHAEL K. HYNES No charge for inquiries 335.5759 ~ Stop conflicts ~ ~ Save Legal Costs ~ Forsyth Welding & Ornamental Iron 142 Main Street Forsyth, MO OPEN MONDAY — SUNDAY 8:00 AM — 8:00 PM Matt Stallcup & Daughters Excavation 417-546-3298 Specializing in Residential and Commercial Excavation! John Stallcup & Sons Excavation 417-546-5203 Specializing in Topsoil Delivery! Knights of Columbus Nathan Brooks Phone: 417.335.2532 8040 E State Hwy 76 Kirbyville, MO 65679 PRO LIFE Forsyth Council #7680 Lake Views Shepherd of the Hills Estates 517 Coy Forsyth, MO 65653 Food Store 417-546-5446 Apartment Community 1 & 2 Bedrooms 1-1/2 & 2 Baths 417-546-3334 for Carefree Living CHEVROLET ~ BUICK ~ GMC WWW.PINEGARBRANSON.COM BUTCH WOLFE New & Pre-owned Sales & Leasing N. Hwy 65 ~ Branson, MO 65616 417-334-3114 or 1-800-766-9215 LENT 2015 Our Lady of the Ozarks MASS Ash Wednesday 9 AM and 6 PM Wednesday and Friday 9 AM Sunday 8:30 AM CHRISTIAN FORMATION A Walk through the Bible Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM February 11 - April 1 Women’s Retreat Day Saturday, March 21 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PSR February 15; March 1, 15, 29 Lenten Reflection Materials See Table in Gathering Area PRAYER Eucharistic Adoration Monday 9:00—10:00 AM Stations of the Cross Friday 5:30 PM RECONCILIATION “The Light is on for You” is an initiative of the Springfield/Cape Girardeau Diocese to allow all Catholics to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is a wonderful opportunity to set aside our sinful ways and to draw closer to our lord. Confessions will be held every Friday during Lent from after the 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross until 7:00 PM. This time set aside for prayer and the Sacrament of reconciliation will conclude each week with the Divine Mercy chaplet. ALMS AND GOOD WORKS Participate in Catholic Relief Service’s Rice Bowl Program where your sacrifices help change the lives of others especially in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rice Bowls and accompanying information can be found on the table in the Gathering Area. Your gift of alms can be returned on Good Friday or Easter. Reach out to someone sick or homebound in our parish community or the broader community - call, write, visit, prepare a meal etc. FASTING During Lent, Catholics in the United States abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. They fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. To abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent means to not eat meat on those days. It does not intend the omission of eggs or dairy products. The required fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday involves eating only one full meal on those days. One or two smaller meals may be taken on those days, but may not total one full meal. The required fast does not allow eating anything between meals. All Catholics who have completed their fourteenth year are bound by the law of abstinence; all adults are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their sixtieth year. Nevertheless, pastors and parents are to see to it that minors who are not bound by the law of fast and abstinence are educated in an authentic sense of penance. Year of Consecrated Life 2015 50th Jubilees of Sisters Charlotte and Francine, School Sisters of Notre Dame Pope Francis has declared 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life. This same year is also the 50th Jubilee Celebration of Sisters Charlotte Flarlong and Sister Francine Koehler, School Sisters of Notre Dame ministering in Taney County, in our two parishes in Forsyth and here in Branson. For us consecrated religious women, these are two exciting events that happily coincide. They provide an opportunity to explain a bit what consecrated life is and how these two SSNDs wish to celebrate with you, our parish family. In his recent letter to men and women in consecrated life, Pope Francis states the aims of the year of Consecrated Life. Briefly stated they are: 1. To look at the past with gratitude 2. To live the present with passion 3. To embrace the future with hope. (21 November 2014, Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.) Much in his letter resonates with our own constitution called You Are Sent. Our rule invites us to “gratefully celebrate life” as we continually respond to the new ways our God invites us to live the gospel in the spirit of our foundress, Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger. As apostolic religious we are “deeply inserted in our world to address its basic needs…we are called to transform the world by making Christ visibly present through our ministry as educators.” p. 12, You Are Sent. The gift of our internationality challenges us to witness to unity in a divided world, and to encourage a sense of global responsibility. With this framework of the Year of Consecrated Life in mind, let us see how we School Sisters of Notre Dame renew our vowed commitment to God. At certain milestones in our vocational journey, we do so in a renewal celebration called a Jubilee. Married couples would call it an anniversary. It is a time to capsulize the past, present, and future of our religious vocation by renewing our vows publicly. Similar to the aims of the Year of Consecrated Life mentioned above, Jubilee is a time of deep gratitude for God’s faithful love over the past 25, 50, 60, etc. years of religious life. We recommit to live our vows of consecrated celibacy, gospel poverty, and apostolic obedience in community forever. We do this through our charism expressed in the particular ministry we are responsible for here and now. Together we embrace the challenge of the unknown future, confident of the one star that shines for us—“the infinitely wise and gracious providence of God.” (Trust and Dare, January 1, p. 19.) So it is with great joy that we invite you to celebrate with us our 50 years of vowed life! Come to one or both of the following celebrations. Sunday, June 14, 2015 Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church Forsyth Missouri 9:00 am Eucharistic Celebration ******************** Sunday, June 28, 2015 Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Branson, Missouri 10:30 am Eucharistic Celebration Thank you for your support and love throughout the years, and for all the ways, by fidelity to your own vocations, we mutually enrich the entire Church. Amen!
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