B!smart - BiiT Sourcing Solutions

Business Process
Modelling & Optimization
Design tools that put the business in control
Open Source Solutions for Business Process Modelling & Optimization
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Business Process
Modelling & Optimization
What is an e-business modelling suite
Supports the design, modelling and
optimization of business processes
Brings the business in control and less
dependent on IT
Helps the business to improve the
quality and the performance of the
design of webforms
Simplifies the creation and maintenance
of knowledge rules and business
Results in shorter iterations of the
design and development phases of
webforms and business processes
When you want to be less dependent on
IT and Operations
When you want to be in complete
control over your own design process
and documentation
When rules and laws change regularly
When you want to use (more) proven
Open Source components and
frameworks which are based on Open
When you want to save time and
money by eliminating unnecessary
development-iterations and versions
Agile support
Webform and flow design
Knowledge rule and business scenario
Version control
Standard design documentation
Use of pre-fab building blocks
Impact analysis between versions
Preview of webforms and publishing to
a testportal
Creation and maintenance of
Automated testing
Based on XForms open standard
When should you use it
B!smart is a platform that supports all
stakeholders and which allows you to
make quick and simple changes caused by
internal or external reasons or factors to
support business agility.
Fully managed SaaS solution
for webform design
for knowledge rules and business
scenario design
for data analysis and data visualisation
of submitted webform data
for the design (based on BPMN2 open
standard) and execution of webform
based workflow and business processes
for the monitoring of performance,
tasks, workflows and business
Cloud based, modern, fully integrated
web application
High level of security by using VPC
(Virtual Private Cloud)
Use of proven Open Source components
and frameworks and based on Open
No worries about maintenance and
support; Complete solution
All-in-one price
and more...
Pilot / Proof of Concepts (PoC)
implementation – let us help you and
guide you through the whole evaluation
process with specialized consultancy
and best-practices advice
Start-up support – let us help you set
up, design and deploy your first
webforms or business processes
Custom development – we develop
custom adapters and connectors for the
integration with existing digital portals,
systems and/or frameworks.
B!smart..a modern, modular and flexible e-business modelling suite