I BPS A A us t ra l a s i a Special Interest Forum: Energy modelling is about getting real buildings to perform better, be that in design, commissioning or ongoing operation. We have gathered together three key industry leaders to discuss best practice approaches for how energy modelling can deliver better buildings. | Guest Speakers Optimising Supply Air Temperature Control Of all the parameters of building performance, supply air temperature control plays one of the most critical roles as it sets the balance between chiller energy, fan energy and reheat energy. In spite of this it is only in the last couple of years that simulation models have been able to represent supply air temperature controls in a manner that reflects common practice in the field. In this talk, Dr Paul Bannister will review the optimisation of supply air temperature control for VAV systems, using results from an extensive set of simulations conducted in IES covering a range of building configurations and climates. Dr Paul Bannister | Energy Action Early Stage Simulation – Friend or Foe? All too often Environmental Modellers are reticent to undertake modelling at an early stage of a design – instead opting for a “meet the building code” approach. This results in missing the greatest opportunity for impact early on in a project, with decisions about fenestration location, shading typologies etc being bedded in very quickly without any investigation through modelling. Given we know as modellers that building performance simulation is an abstraction of reality, what is our aversion to just getting on with it and providing modelled advice to our clients? Quentin will discuss some examples of successes and missed opportunities where modelling has been used to develop a building and support the design teams decisions. Quentin Jackson | Aurecon Weather Affects Building Performance - Simulation v Monitoring Apart from occupant and management behaviours, weather variability is the biggest confounding factor in comparing simulation results with metered energy performance (e.g. NABERS commitment agreements vis a vis initial NABERS rating). Trevor will discuss this variability and compare simulated performance with recent actual weather and the climatically typical weather used in most simulations. The use of actual weather data allows more reliable monitoring of energy efficiency to prompt timely response to system malfunction. This is illustrated by comparison of simulation results for three archetypical commercial buildings using Reference Meteorological Year data and the immediate past 12 months of recorded weather.The simulations are used to generate a set of Weather and Energy Indices that are published monthly for FM application without charge Trevor Lee | Exemplary Energy Partners please email [email protected] to register Date: 14th July 2015 | Time: 5.30pm for 6pm start | Location: AECOM, Level 21, 420 George Street, Sydney Presentations will be 10 – 15 minutes each with 15 – 20 minutes allowed for panel Q&A There will be an opportunity after the presentations for networking. www.ibpsa-australasia.org
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