Annals of Mathematics A Mean Value Theorem in Geometry of Numbers Author(s): Carl Ludwig Siegel Source: The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Apr., 1945), pp. 340-347 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 27/08/2011 18:37 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of Mathematics. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS Vol. 45, No. 2, April, 1945 A MEAN VALUE THEOREM IN GEOMETRY OF NUMBERS By CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL (Received December 8, 1944) I. Let R be the space of the n-dimensionalreal vectorsx, withn > 1, denote by dxj} the euclidean volume elementin R and considera bounded function f(x) whichis integrablein the Riemannsense and vanisheseverywhereoutside a boundeddomainin R. RecentlyE. Hlawka1provedthe followingremarkable proposition: For any arbitrarilysmall positive E thereexists a real n-rowed matrix A of determinant] A = 1 such that Z (1) f(Ag) _ f f(x) {dx } + E, where the summation is carried over all integral vectorsg - 0. As a consequenceof his theoremHlawka deduced an assertionofMinkowski whichhad remainedunprovedformore than fiftyyears: If B is an n-dimensional star domain of volume < t(n), thenthereexists a lattice of determinant1 such thatB does not contain any latticepoint # 0. This statementhad been announcedby Minkowskion severaloccasions,2and eine arithmetischeTheorie he observed: "Der Nachweis dieses Satzes erfordert der Gruppe aus allen linearen Transformationen." Later this arithmetical theorywas createdin the shape of Minkowski'smethodof reductionof positive quadraticforms;but he did not come back to his assertionon star domains,except forthe special case connectedwith the closestpackingof spheres. as one mightwish; however, Hlawka's proofis as simpleand straightforward it does not make clearthe relationto the fundamentaldomainofthe unimodular group whichwas in Minkowski'smind. This relationwill become obvious in the theoremwhich we are goingto state. 2. Let % denotethe multiplicativegroupof all real n-rowedA with I A I = 1. The (n2 - 1) -dimensionalgroupspace Q1possessesan invariantvolumeelement dw,unique up to a constantfactor. The properunimodulargroupFi is the subgroup consistingof all integralA in U1. We shall defineon Ui a fundamental regionF with respectto P1, and we shall prove,as an immediateconsequence of Minkowski'sreductiontheory,that the volume of F is finite. Now we determinethe arbitraryfactorin the definitionof dcoby the conditionthat F has the volume 1. The connectionbetweenHlawka's theorem(1) and Minkowski's reductiontheoryis providedby the following 1 EDMUND 2 HERMANN HLAWKA, Zur Geometrieder Zahlen, Math. Zeitschr. 49 (1944), pp. 285-312. GesammelteAbhandlungen, vol. I, p. 265, p. 270, p. 277. MINKOWSKI, 340 341 GEOMETRY OF NUMBERS THEOREM: Let g run overall integralvectors- f (2) Jf(Ag) dw = 0, then ff(x) {dx}. It followsimmediatelyfrom(2) that (1) holds fora suitablychosenA in F, even withe = 0. It is worthnotice that the proofof (2) also leads to the value of the volume of F, in termsof an independentlydefinedvolume elementon i1. The result is closely related to Minkowski'swell known formulafor the volume of the domainof reducedpositivequadraticformswithdeterminant< 1; it seemsthat our methodpresentsthe most satisfactoryway of provingthis formula. real n-rowedmatricesY. The 3. Now considerthegroupU ofall non-singular = all mappings Y ->+ YC, M is matrix invariant under (dY)Y-' differential C e Q, of the groupspace U onto itself,and the positivedefinitequadratic differRiemannianmetric. Plainly ential formu(M'M) defineson U a right-invariant a on the induces (n2 - 1)-dimenright-invariant subgroupspace U, this metric a to is define It multiple element. certain constant volume practical sional element in the of volume following way. this dw, Let G be a subsetof %,whichis measurablein the Jordansense,and denoteby O the cone overthe base G consistingof all matricesY = XA,where0 < X < 1 and A 6 G. If {dY} is the volume elementin the euclidean metricdefinedon U by ds2= -(dY'dY), then V(G)-L {dY} (3) Y -> YC has the is the euclideanvolume of G. Since the lineartransformation jacobian I C 1'nit followsthat V(GC) = V(G), forall C in UQ; consequentlythe formula dcw V(G)-= definesan invariantvolume elementon QN. If 61(A) is an integrablefunction on Q, then we obtain 1(A) d (4) LI (IYy I 1iny){dY}. Put Y'Y = S = (Ski); thisis a mappingof i intothespaceP ofall positive real symmetricn-rowedmatrices. On the otherhand, the equation Y'Yj = S has forany S e P a solution Y1 e Q, and the generalsolutionis Y = 0Y1, with an arbitraryorthogonalmatrix0. We introducein P the euclidean volume element {dS } = Hk < l dskl . Let Q be a measurableset in P, and Q* the set in Q whichis mapped into Q. If h(S) is any integrablefunctionin P, then (5) h(Y'Y) dY = anJh(S) I KS I {dS}. an = n k12 k 342 CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL We denoteby D and T thediagonalmatrices[ti, , to]withpositivediagonal elementst1, , t, and thetriangular matrices(tl) withtkl 0 (1 ? 1 < k ? n), 1 (k- 1, *n), tkk tki real (1 ? k < I < n). The Jacobitransformation of quadratic formsleads to the decompositionS = D[T] = T'DT, and this definesa one-to-onemappingof P into the productspace of all D and T. Putting {dDl = dt1... dtx {dt} = ilk<, dtkl, we obtain ... , {dS} = {dD} {dT} ITtk k=1 Instead of t,* , t, we introducethe n- I ratios tk/tk+l n - 1) and the determinantqn = IIk=1 tk-= S = y Y tn (6) = qk qn ***qn-1 } 1S {d-=d1- tn k= = 2; d(t, ok qk then tn) (k = n tn n-1 dqn n {dT}Iqdqn Il k=1I (q/k/2)(n-k)1 dqk) We call qi, , qn and tk1(I ?< k < 1 ? n) the normalcoordinatesof S. It is clear that S and XS have the same normalcoordinates,withtheexceptionof qnX for all positive scalar factors X. 4. The group F of all unimodularn-rowedmatricesU has in P the discontinuousrepresentation S -* S[U]; plainly,U and - U definethe same mapping in P. A well known result of Minkowski'sreductiontheorystates that this representation possessesin P a fundamentalregionK whichis a convexpyramid withthe vertexin the point S = 0, and that the normalcoordinates,withthe exceptionof qnXare bounded in K. Now considerthe corresponding domain K* in U; this is a fundamentalregionin i forthe representation Y -> i YU of the factorgroupof F obtainedby identifying U and - U. By the additionalcondition o-(Y) > 0 we defineone half of K* as a fundamentalregionH for r itself. Finally,let F be the intersection ofU,withH; thenF obviouslyis a fundamental domain on ,1for the properunimodulargroup P1. On the cone F we have SO also qn is bounded there. Since the exponents of q, 2< qn =y , in are > it followsfrom(3), (5), (6) that the volume -1, qn (6) Vn = V(F) = f dwl is finite. Let g run over all integralvectors3 0 and define (7) p(X, A) =Dn E f(XAg), gzo 0(X,A) = XnE abs f(XAg), gto where0 < X ? 1 and A e i1. The functionf(x) has the formermeaning,viz., it is bounded, integrablein the Riemann sense and 0 everywhereoutside a boundeddomainin R; consequentlythe functionso(X,A) is integrablein U, . 343 OF NUMBERS GEOMETRY functionm(A), independentof X, so that Thereexists an integrable LEMMA: in S and thattheintegral 40(X,A) < m(A), everywhere IFm(A) dw, J converges. PROOF: Since f(x) is bounded and f(x) = 0 outsidea certainspherex'x < r2, it sufficesto prove the assertionforthe characteristicfunctionof this sphere, namely r2). f(x) = 0 (x'x f(x) = 1 (x'x < r2), Put A'A = S = D[T] and considerthe integralsolutionsg of the inequality 0 < S[g] < p2, forany givenpositivep. If gi, , gnare the coordinatesof g, then _ S[g] = D[Tg] n n Z = tk gk + k= I g1g); \2 tkl E l =k+l hence gk lies in an intervalof length2pk , and the numberof solutionsghas the value a(p, A) <]I n k= 1 (1 + 2ptk). This estimateimpliesthat, for0 < X < 1, (8) n A) K TI (X + 2rtj1) < = +(X, A) X-a(X-'r, k=1 n II k=1 (1 + 2rtk*)= say. Plainlythe functionm(A) dependsonlyupon S = A'A and r. For any A in Si, thereexistsa uniquelydeterminedintegerv = 0, 1, * , n such that tk < (l(k= 1, ... , v) and t,+1 _ 1; this means in case v = 0 that ti > 1, and in case v = n that tk <1 (k = 1, ... , n). Let F, be the set of all A in F withgiven v, and put J= I| v = 0* m(A) dw, n) + J.,X and it remainsto prove the convergenceof the then J = Jo + integralsJ,. Since S = A'A lies in the reduceddomainK, forall A in F, it followsthat the , n - 1) are bounded; hence ti is bounded in F, ratiosqk = tk/tk+l(k = 1, fork = v + 1, ,n,and (9) n-I m(A) < c Ijtjk = cI k-1 k-i (qk qn-i)' ][I7qkp2n k=1 by (8), wherec depends only on n and r. Now we change the notationand defineA = i Y I 'Y, S = Y'Y; this does not affectthe coordinatesql, ** If Y lies in the cone F,, then (6) and (9) lead to the inequality qn-1. (10) m( I Y I Y) I S I {dS} < ? n-1 {dT}qn'I dqn kT qk4 dqk, 344 CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL withak ak = = k (n 2 k(n-k k - 1 + v/2n) > 0, for 1 _ k < min(v, n - 1), and - + v/2n) - v/2 > 0, forv < k _ n -1. Formulae(4), (5), (10) implythe convergenceof J,; q.e.d. Put Lf(x) {dx} = then (11) nlimo(X,A) ff(Ax) {dx} E f(XAg) g rn lim X-0X-O R = y, ofthe integral. On the otherhand,we inferfromthe by virtueofthe definition lemmathat the integral (12) I(X) = f Xn f(XAg)dw1 p(X,A) dw, =I 0 gFF converges,that (X)= (13) # dJ f(XAg) and that, by (11), lim p(X, A) dw, = lim 4t(X)= (14) V,. 5. In this sectionwe investigatethe sum (15) x(X) = dw, Jf(g) extendedover all primitiveg, i.e., over all integralg withthe greatestcommon divisor (g9, , g,9)= 1. We completethe primitiveg to a properunimodularmatrix U = U, with the firstcolumng; then . (16) Lf(Ag) dw, ^p = ff(AU-'g) do,1 F~~U ff(I Y I FU 1'x) {dY}, wherex denotesthe firstcolumnof the variablematrixY in the cone FU. unimodularmatricesof the particularform U,= The U)' with an arbitrary(n - 1)-dimensional integralvectoru and an arbitraryproper unimodular (n - 1)-rowedmatrix C, constitutea subgroup A of it. The GEOMETRY 345 OF NUMBERS leftcosets of A, relativeto are U0A,whereg runsexactlyover all primitive IF, n-dimensionalvectors;consequentlythe union of all FU, is a fundamentaldomain F(A) for A on Q1, and (17) x(1) ] = F(A) f(I Y I x) {dY}, by (15), (16). Completingx to a matrixWxin i1 withthe firstcolumnx, we obtain the decomposition ;) Y1 = Qj Y = WwY1, (18) with a real (n - 1)-dimensionalvectory and a real non-singular(n matrix Y; plainly, I Y1I, }Y I= (19) dY} - 1)-rowed {dx}{dy}{dY. = The mapping Y -> YU, is the same as Y -* YU, y -> U y + u; this shows that anotherfundamentaldomain G forA on i1 can be definedin the followingway: Writethe generalelementY = A of Q, in the form(18), restrictY= A to the fundamentalregionF of the group IN of all properunimodular(n -1)-rowed matricesU, in the space i21of all (n -1)-rowed matricesA withI A- = 1, and , Yn- of y to the (n - 1)-dimensional unit cube restrict the coordinates yj, In view of (17), (19), we obtain , n -1). 0 < yY ? 1 (k = 1, X(1) = f(f f( 'x) {dx}) {dY} = y I J Ij{df}. If y is any positivescalar factor,then fin {dY} ,uF = ,U(n-12)2 Jd~~~j F {dY (n 1) _ = and partial integrationleads to the formula ftYt {dY} = (n - u 1) du F This provesthat (20) x(1) = n-i Replacing f(x) by f(Xx), we inferthat (21) (X) =X-n(1) V - -1V 346 CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL 6. If g runs over all primitivevectorsand 1 over all naturalnumbers,then ig runsexactlyover all integralvectors5 0. Therefore,by (13), (20), (21), 00 4/(X)= (22) XA X(1X)= x(l)r(n); this showsthat ,6(X)is independentof X. From (14), (20), (22) we deduce the, recursionformula (23) nVn = (n - )Vn-l (n). Since V1 = 1, it followsthat n Vn (24) n H (k). k=2 Minkowski'sformulaforthe volumeofthe domainofall reducedpositiveS with S I < 1 is a simpleconsequenceof (5) and (24). On the otherhand, by (12), (14), +(1)= fEf(Ag) Definingdc = dwi = yV. V-' dwi, we have fdw=1, f(x) {dxj, f|f(Ag)d= and this is the assertionof the theorem. From (15), (20) and (23) we deduce the additionalresultthat (25) t(n) f 'f(Ag) dw= ff(x){dxj. Now let B be a stardomainin R, i.e., a pointset whichis measurablein the Jordan sense and whichcontainswith any point x the whole segmentXx,0 < X < 1. Suppose that foreach A in UNthe domainA-1Bcontainsan integralpointg $ 0; then it containsalso a primitiveg. If f(x) denotesthe characteristicfunction of the set B, then we obtain >,'f(Ag)= U A' 1 > 1 ge A-1B and ff(x) fdxj ? t(n), in virtueof (25); this is Minkowski'sassertionconcerningstar domains. Our theoremmay be generalizedin various directions: 1) We may drop the restrictionthat the integrablefunctionf(x) vanishes everywhereoutsidea bounded domainand replaceit, e.g., by the weakerconditionthat (x'x)8f(x)is boundedin R, forsome fixeds > n/2. GEOMETRY 347 OF NUMBERS 2) Instead of the functionf(x) of a singlevectorwe may introducean inte, Xm)of m vectors,with 1 < m < n-1. The corregrablefunctionf(xl, spondinggeneralizationof (2) is the formula v 'F E ,~gmf(Agi, , Agm)dw= ff(xl, , xm){dxi} - {dxm}, wherethe summationis carriedover all systemsoflinearlyindependentintegral vectorsg9, * , go . 3) We may considercertainother discretesubgroupsof topologicalgroups, instead of U, and rl, e.g., the real symplecticgroupand the modulargroup of degreen. In my researcheson symplecticgeometry,I have already applied the methodofthe presentpaper to the determination ofthe volumeofthe fundamental domain of the modulargroup of degreen. Anotherand more general example is providedby the group of units of the simpleorderJL, n > 1, consistingofall n-rowedmatricesA = (akl), wheretheelementsaki(k, 1 = 1, - *, n) belongto a givenorderJ1in a divisionalgebrawhichis of finiterankin the field of rationalnumbers;thiscomprisesin particularthe groupofn-rowedunimodular matricesin an arbitraryalgebraic numberfield. THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY.
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