Summertime USER GUIDE [email protected] TYLERNORRIS.ME Thank You Thanks for purchasing the Summertime Wordpress theme. If at anytime you have questions during or after setup, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Table of Contents Installation 3 Demo Content 4 Theme Options 5 Permalinks 10 Creating the First Page 12 Adding Pages to the Menu 16 Creating a Slider 17 Assigning Sliders to Pages 19 Setting Up Included Template Pages 20 Setting Up Widgets 22 Creating Custom Sidebars 24 Creating Gallery Items 25 Creating Blog Posts 27 Shortcodes 29 Support 35 SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 2 of 35 Installation First things first. We built this theme for Wordpress version 3 and above. If you are still running Wordpress 2.x, you’ll need to upgrade before installing our theme. Visit to learn more about upgrading. Download Wordpress To being, if you have not yet installed Wordpress, go and download the latest version from You’ll then need to upload the ‘wordpress’ folder to your web hosting account, via FTP. Once uploaded, you’ll edit the ‘config.php’ file and add the Security Keys (learn more here: Next you’ll visit your website, giving it a name, adding a username and password for access, and supplying an email address. When setting up a User Name, we recommend NOT using ‘admin’, but choosing something different, like ‘mtadmin’, in our case. This is for security reasons and helps prevent unauthorized access to your Wordpress site. Installing the Theme Now your initial Wordpress site should be setup and you should already be logged in. If not, visit (be sure and replace the domain with your domain). You’ll be presented with a login screen. Login using the credentials you set above. Once logged in, navigate to Appearance then Themes. Then at the top of the page, select Install Themes then Upload. From there you’ll be able to upload the ‘’ file that was included with your theme. You may also upload the the contents of the ‘summertime’ folder from the ‘’ file to the Wordpress ‘/wp-content/ themes/’ folder, via FTP. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 3 of 35 Demo Content If you are creating your first website, or this is your first Wordpress website, we suggest loading the demo content from the demo site (, to get you started. This will show you how we’ve setup those pages, blog posts, galleries, and sliders. However if you’d like to start from scratch, skip this section and move on to Theme Options. Two Files There are two files that were included with this theme (in the ‘Demo Content’ folder), that contain the demo content and settings. The first file, called ‘summertime.xml’, contains all of the Pages, Blog Posts, Gallery Items, Sliders, etc. The second file, ‘summertime-settings.txt’ contains all of the settings for the theme options. As a side note, unfortunately Wordpress does not support saving Widgets and their content. So you will need to build and place those yourself. You can learn about that in Setting Up Widgets. Loading the Content To load the Wordpress content, log in to your Wordpress website. Next, go to Tools then Import. Next select Wordpress at the bottom of the list of options. You will most likely be prompted to install the Importer. Select the Install Now, red button and once the plugin has been installed, select Activate Plugin & Run Importer. Now you’ll choose the ‘summertime.xml’ file and then select the Upload file and import button. You’ll then need to assign an author to the demo content. You can either create a new user or assign posts to an existing user. Next be sure and check Download and import file attachments. And finally, click the Submit button. Please give this process time, as there is a lot of demo content that must be downloaded to your theme. Loading the Settings To load the Theme Options Settings, go to Appearance then Theme Options. Then on the bottom left, select Import/Export. Next click on the Import from file button and paste in the contents of the ‘summertime-settings.txt’ file that came with the theme. And make note that this will overwrite any existing options, but since it’s a fresh install, you shouldn’t have any options set yet. Finally, select the blue Import button and wait for it to finish. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 4 of 35 Assigning the Menu Finally, we’ll need to assign the menu to the theme’s Primary Navigation Menu. Go to Appearance then Menus. Then under Theme Locations, for the Primary Navigation Menu, select Main Menu from the drop down list. Setting the Homepage as THE Homepage Finally, you’ll need to tell Wordpress what page is THE homepage from the demo content. Eventually you’ll have numerous pages throughout your site and Wordpress needs to know which one is your homepage. Navigate to Settings, then Reading. To the right of Front page displays, select the radio button A static page (select below). Then select Home for Front page. We’ll leave Posts page alone because the demo content is using it’s own blog page. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 5 of 35 Theme Options Whether you’re setting up the Theme Options from scratch or have imported the settings from the demo site, let’s review the different options. As a side note, none of these fields are required. They’re just there to help you customize the site, if desired. To view the Theme Options, go to Appearance then Theme Options. General These are the generic options for your site that you’ll setup first. Website Logo. Upload the logo that will be displayed on the header of the theme. You will want this file to be a transparent PNG, for the best results. Make note that the size of logo used on the demo site was 272 x 75 pixels. While the header will adjust properly for a taller logo, you’ll want to keep it’s size wider than taller, so as to cover less of the full-width slider images. Of course once uploaded, you can always remove it and upload another. Favicon. This small image is displayed in the browser’s URL address bar. It will need to be a ‘.ico’ file to work correctly. Google Analytics Code. If you like to track visits to your site using Google Analytics, paste your code here. Styling and Layout These are simply styling and layout options. More advanced styling comes in the next panel. Header, Navigation and Content Font. Two standard fonts along with 15 Google Web Fonts are built into the theme. If you’d rather use a custom Google Web Font, do so by entering the font name and weight into the Custom fields. An example of a custom font would be ‘Open+Sans:400’ -- both the font name and one font weight are required. Primary Site Color. This is the primary color of the site. When selected it sets numerous element’s colors on the site. We recommend choosing darker colors to work best. Highlight Site Color. This is the color of just a few highlighted elements on the site, including the link color. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 6 of 35 Advanced Styling Here you can dig into more of the advanced styling options for the site. Top Body On. The Top Body is the section located just below the navigation and sliders, and right above the content. If selected per page, the page Titles and Breadcrumbs display in this section. You also have the option of placing content in it as well. Navigation Spacing. This adjusts the spacing between items in your navigation menu. Have only a couple items? Make them farther apart. Have a lot of items and don’t want them to wrap to a second line? Make them closer together. Font Sizes. Adjust the size of individual fonts on the site. Header, Top Body and Footer Patterns. You’ll notice that there are subtle patterns over each of these sections. If you’d like a different pattern, you may upload your own. However make sure it’s repeatable and is transparent so as to not overwhelm your visitors. Text Colors. Adjust the color of individual text elements on the site. Body DIV Background Colors. The Top Body and Content Body backgrounds are automatically set when selecting the Primary Color under Styling and Layout. Here you can alter those colors and set your own if desired. Header Opacity. You’ll notice that the header has a slight transparency to it, allowing you to see the images beneath. You can increase or decrease that opacity here. Custom CSS. If you would like to make changes to the actual CSS on the site, simply add your own CSS to this field. That way if you update your theme in the future, you won’t loose any changes you may have made to the actual files. There is no need for an opening and closing ‘style’ tag, just begin typing in your elements such as: .the-element { font-size: 16px; color: #ffffff } SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 7 of 35 Footer Here you can make a couple changes to the footer. Footer Widget Columns. This determines how many columns are in the footer. Later we’ll show you how to add widgets to those columns. If you’d rather not have any columns in the footer, simply turn them Off. Footer Copyright Section. This is the content that’s at the very bottom of the site. Blog Settings Here you can make changes to how your blog works. Blog Sidebar Location. By default, the blog has a sidebar that Widgets can be loaded into. Choose which side of the page you would like the sidebar located on. Display Blog Excerpt. Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. If no summary is provided, it will display a summary taken from your post. If turned off, it will display the entire post on your main blog page. Blog Excerpt Text. If excerpts are on, type in the text you’d like for the link that takes your visitor to the full post. By default, it is ‘Read More’. Social Buttons. Choose which social sharing buttons you would like displayed under each individual blog post. These are great for helping others share your content. Post Comments. Choose whether or not you would like visitors posting comments on your blog posts. Utility These options are fairly straightforward. You can change your 404 page title and message that visitors see. And the message that’s displayed when no search results are found. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 8 of 35 Contact Form Here you can make changes to the Contact Page template that we’ll setup later. Email Address. This is the email address you would like form submissions sent to. Display Google Map. This creates a Google Map at the top of the Contact page. Just paste in a Google Map link. Contact Page Sidebar Location. By default, the contact page has a sidebar that Widgets can be loaded into. Choose which side of the page you would like the sidebar located on. Form Fields. Choose which form fields you would like to display on the contact page. Required Form Fields. Choose which fields you would like required when filling out the contact form. Slider Options There are two different slider styles that you can select on each Page. The Wide slider should have a Featured Image size no smaller than 1500 x 615. The Normal slider should have a Featured Image size no smaller than 940 x 350. You'll select the slider style on each Page when selecting a slider to display. Other slider options are available this options page. Slide Transition Effect. Choose how your slides transition. Either fading in and out, or sliding. Slide Direction. If you’ve chosen Sliding above, you can then choose which direction the images slide. Slide Transition Speed. Choose the speed in which you slides transition between each other. Remember, this number is in milliseconds, so 1,000 would equal 1 second. Pause Slider on Mouse Hover. This pauses the slide when a visitor hovers their mouse over that slide. It’s recommend that you keep this set to Yes. Slide Display Time. This is how long your slides display for, before moving to the next. Remember, this number is in milliseconds, so 8,000 would equal 8 seconds. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 9 of 35 Social Media Accounts These are all of the social media accounts built into the theme. When activated, they display as small icons at the top and bottom of the site. Display Social Media Icons. Choose whether or not you wish to display the icons. Social Media Accounts. Enter your individual social media accounts. Of course, none are required, so enter as little or as many as desired. Your Email Address. This activates an icon that is grouped with the social media icons. It gives people a direct link to your email address. SEO Options These are two simple search engine optimization options. Site Description. Enter a short description that search engines will display on their search result pages. Site Keywords. Enter comma-separated keywords that help describe your site. Import/Export This gives you the ability to back up your Theme Option settings. So in the future, if you site has problems or you accidentally change some settings, you can revert back to your original settings. This is not to be confused with a Wordpress export -- that’s located under Tools. Import Options. Upload a file backup file to restore your options. Remember, this will overwrite any existing options. Export Options. Here you can copy/download your themes current option settings. Keep this file safe as you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 10 of 35 Permalinks Permalinks are how Wordpress builds page links on your site. By default, your Pages and Posts will have a link like this: ‘’ -- it’s referring to the Page or Post ID instead of a friendly name. Wordpress has multiple permalink structures built in however we recommend a custom structure. Set a Custom Permalink Structure When logged in, go to Settings then Permalinks. Here you’ll see the Common Settings and at the bottom, a radio button that says Custom Structure. Select it and enter: /%postname% This is the best for search engines and the friendliest for your visitors. This will structure your links like: ‘’. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 11 of 35 Creating the First Page Let’s create the first page on the site, the homepage. Begin by selecting Pages from the menu on the left. Next you’ll see a Sample Page listed, click Trash to move it to the trash. Then select Add New at the top and we’ll begin creating the homepage. The Fields Title. The title field is just that, it’s the title of your page and may be visible to your visitors depending on what settings you choose below. For this title, call it ‘Home’. WYSIWYG. This stands for ‘What you see is what you get’. It’s an editor that’s similar to Microsoft Word. It allows you to do simple formatting to help make your pages look better. To give you additional formatting options, lets show the ‘Kitchen Sink’ by selecting the button illustrated on the right. This gives you additional options that may come in handy in the future. You’ll also notice two tabs on the right of the WYSIWYG, Visual and HTML. Visual is what you are looking at now, it’s a visual representation of code that’s being created in the background as you work. However if you’d like to see and edit that code, select the HTML tab. Go ahead and add some content in the WYSIWYG for your homepage. Shortcodes. The green plus button gives you access to more advanced elements that you can drop into your page or post. Instead of having to write complicated code, you just drop in your information and it builds the code for you. You can learn more about each shortcode, later in this guide, on Page 29. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 12 of 35 Top Body. The Top Body callout section is located just below the header and slider and just above the content. The Title and Breadcrumbs also use this space, if selected to, below. For now you can simply leave it blank or add some information. Top Body Options. Now you can choose if you’d like the Page Title and/or the Breadcrumbs to be displayed in the Top Body section. Slideshow Options. Here you can choose whether or not to display a slideshow, the slider style (Wide or Normal) and which slider to display if you’ve chosen to display on one this page. If you’re following this guide, there won’t be any slideshows available yet because we’ve not created any. Later in the guide, we’ll walk through creating a slideshow, on Page 17. Sidebar. If you choose a template that has a sidebar (which we’ll cover in the next step), then you can choose a sidebar to display on the page. As of now, there will only be default sidebars listed, but later we’ll show you how to add custom sidebars, on Page 24. The Page Attributes Located on the right side of the page. Parent. Since we’re setting up the homepage, you’ll leave this set to (no parent). However on future pages, if you’d like a page nested under another, you’ll select that page here. This is primarily useful when using the Breadcrumb Navigation in the Top Body. Template. Here you’ll select which template you’d like to use for the page. Since this is the homepage, you’ll probably want the Default Template because of it’s full width. None the less, let’s review what each one does: Default Template. This is a full width template, with no sidebar. Blog, Contact and Gallery. We’ll use these templates on their respective pages later in this guide, on Page 20. Left Sidebar Page. This template has a sidebar on the left side of the page. Right Sidebar Page. This template has a sidebar on the right side of the page. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 13 of 35 Featured Image Also located on the right side of the page, under Page Attributes. Set Featured Image. If Display Slideshow is set to No, then you have the option of displaying a large image in it’s place, at the top of the page. Begin by selecting Set featured image. Now depending on your computer, you’ll either be able to drag an image to the window, or you’ll need to select the Select Files button. A note about file dimensions: You’ll want this image to be at least 1,500 pixels wide by 615 pixels tall. You’ll also notice the tabs at the top, you can load an image From URL or select one that you’ve already uploaded in the Media Library. Once you’ve chosen an image to upload, the process will being. Depending on your connection speed, this may take some time. Once the image has been uploaded, you’ll scroll down and select Use as featured image. This will place the image in the Featured Image section, on the page. You’ll then close out of the popup window, by clicking the small X in the upper-righthand corner. Publish Also located on the right side of the page, above Page Attributes. Save Draft. Here you can save a draft of your page by selecting the Save Draft button. This is useful if you’re not finished with your page yet or aren’t ready to publish it. Preview. Here you can preview your page by selecting the Preview button. This is an easy way to see if your formatting is correct. Status. Normally the Status is set to Draft prior to publishing, however if already published, you can change it back to Draft to hide it from the site again. You can also set it to Pending Review if the page needs reviewed. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 14 of 35 Publish Continued from the previous page. Visibility. This determines who can see the page or post. Most will keep this set to Public, however you may also choose Private or Password Protected and require a password for viewing. Publish. Normally you’ll keep this set on immediately, however you can set a date in the past or if you set a date in the future, it will automatically publish on that date, in the future. Most to Trash. If you would rather move the post to the trash, you may do so. Publish. When you’re happy with your page or post, click Publish to make it go live. Since we’re setting up your first page and it’s the homepage, go ahead and Publish it, so we can move on to the next step. A Note about the Trash When moving a post to the Trash, this doesn’t completely delete the post, it simply moves it to a Recycle Bin, if you’re used to Windows, or the Trash, if used to a Mac. That way, you can always recover a file if accidentally deleted. The Trash is located on Posts, Pages, Gallery Items, Sliders and Comments. Setting the Homepage as THE Homepage Finally, you’ll need to tell Wordpress what page is THE homepage on your website. Eventually you’ll have numerous pages throughout your site and Wordpress needs to know which one is your homepage. Navigate to Settings, then Reading. To the right of Front page displays, select the radio button A static page (select below). Then select your newly created homepage for Front page. We’ll leave Posts page alone at this point because we’ll be setting up our own blog page with the Blog template, later in this guide. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 15 of 35 Adding Pages to the Menu Now let’s add the newly created Homepage to the theme’s menu. Begin by going to Appearance then Menus. Setting Up Your Menu First we need to create a menu that the theme can use. Start by creating a new menu, called ‘Main Menu’. This is where you’ll add the new homepage you just created. Scroll down to Pages on the left. You’ll see the homepage you just created in this list, in fact it will probably be the only page in there at the moment. Go ahead and checkmark that page, then select the Add to Menu button. You’ll notice that it added that page to your menu on the right. Later on when you have more pages, you’ll find that you can drag those pages around in your navigation, altering the order in which their displayed. You can also drag pages underneath other pages to create sub menus. Now that your homepage is in the menu, be sure the click the blue Save Menu button. Finally, in the Theme Locations box on the left, select Main Menu (or the name of the menu you just created) from the drop down menu under Primary Navigation Menu. Then click the blue Save button. This adds your menu to the navigation area that’s built into the theme on the header. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 16 of 35 Create a Slider Now let’s create a slider to add to your home page. Start by selecting Sliders in the Menu, then select Add New Slide. The Fields Title. This is the title of the slide. Later on we’ll choose whether or not you’d like this automatically displayed on the slide. WYSIWYG. Similar to the page we setup earlier, you can use this like Microsoft Word. However this time you’ll want to think about what content you’re placing. This content will be over the slide, so err on the side of less content. And remember, any formatting you apply will show up, so for instance, if you set the text color, it will be that color on the slide. If you choose the Normal slider on the page you place this slider on later, the content will automatically be displayed at the bottom of the slide. However if you choose a Wide slider you’ll be able to determine where the content is placed, in the alignment fields below. We’ll discuss placing the slider on a page, in the next section. If you don’t want any content over your slide, then just leave this field blank. Slide Link. You can make your entire slide a link by supplying a link in this field. Open Link In. If you supplied a link in the field above, choose whether you’d like it to open in the same browser window or open a new browser window. Slide Title Color. If you choose to display the slide title below, you can set it’s color here. Slide Content Color. Here you can set the color of the content that’s in the slide. For example, if you have a darker image, you may want a lighter text color, for the text that’s over the image. Slide Background Color. The slider does not require an image, if you’d just rather display content. Here you can set the background color of the slide if you are only displaying content. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 17 of 35 Content Horizontal and Vertical Alignment. If using a wide slider (which you select on each new Page created), you can choose where you would like the content displayed on the slide. Show Title. If set to Yes, this will show the title, over the slide, that you typed in at the top of this page. The Slide Title Color that we discussed earlier will set the title’s color. Slide Categories This is how you create sets of sliders. For instance, you may want 3 slides for your Homepage and 4 different slides for your About page. Let’s make a slide category for our Homepage. Select + Add New Slide Category, enter ‘Home’ then select the Add New Slide Category button. This will create the category, and automatically check the new category, assigning the slide you’re creating to the Home category. Later when we select a slider to display on the homepage, you’ll select this Home slider from the drop down. Featured Image This is the image that you’ll use in the slide. Again, images are optional if you only want to display the content you entered in the WYSIWYG. However if you are uploading an image, decide whether you’d like this to be a Wide slider image or Normal sider image. If Wide, make sure the image is at least 1,500 pixels wide by 615 pixels tall. If Normal, make sure the image size is at least 940 x 350. If you need instructions on how to upload images, please refer to Page 14. Publish Finally, once you have everything set, you can publish the slide. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 18 of 35 Assigning Sliders to Pages Now let’s add the your newly created ‘Home’ slider (the Category you created) to the Homepage. Begin by selecting Pages from the Menu, then selecting Edit under the Homepage. Assigning the Slide Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the Slideshow Options. From there, select Yes under Display Slideshow. Then choose which Slider Style you want, we suggest Wide. Finally, select your newly created slider from the Select a Slider to Display menu. Then select the blue Update button at the top, right of the page, under Publish. Check the Site If you’ve been following the guide, now would be a good time to check the site and see your progress. To visit your site, hover your mouse over the name of your site, in the upper-lefthand corner, then select Visit Site. You should have Permalinks setup, a Homepage created, a slider on the homepage, and a link to your Homepage in the menu, centered at the top. Problems or Questions thus Far? Remember if you have any questions throughout the setup of this theme, please contact us on our dedicated support site at SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 19 of 35 Setting Up Included Template Pages Now let’s setup a few more template pages that content automatically filters into. These will be the Blog Page, Gallery Page and Contact Page. By this point you should be becoming familiar with the process of content creation in Wordpress, so we’ll cover these sections in a little less detail. Please refer back to Creating The First Page, for a greater overview of each element again. Blog Page Begin by selecting Pages, then Add New. We’ll usually leave everything in this page blank, except for the Title and Template. First give the page a Title, probably ‘Blog’. Next under Page Attributes, select Blog in the Template drop down. Now you do have the option of adding content in the Top Body section, assigning a slider, or setting a Featured Image if desired. A note about the Sidebar: you will not need to choose a sidebar for this page. The Blog template already has a sidebar built into the template. And remember, you can set the position of the sidebar in the Blog Theme Options. We’ll populate the sidebars later in this guide, on Page 22. Once done, select the blue Publish button. Gallery Page Begin by selecting Pages, then Add New. Again we’ll leave everything blank in this page, unless you’d like content in the Top Body section, a slider or a Featured Image. Be sure and select Gallery from the Template drop down. A note about the Sidebar: The Gallery page does not use a sidebar, it’s a full width page. Once done, select the blue Publish button. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 20 of 35 Contact Page Begin by selecting Pages, then Add New. Here you can add content to the WYSIWYG that will display at the top of the Contact page. But we’ll leave everything blank in this page, unless you’d like content in the Top Body section, or a slider. We suggest not setting a Featured Image on this page, instead you can display a Google Map by adding a Google Map link, in the Contact Page Theme Options. Be sure and select Contact from the Template drop down. A note about the Sidebar: you will not need to choose a sidebar for this page. The Contact template already has a sidebar built into the template. And remember, you can set the position of the sidebar in the Contact Theme Options. We’ll populate the sidebars later in this guide, on Page 22. Once done, select the blue Publish button. Adding these new pages to the Menu Now let’s go and add these newly created pages to the Menu. Navigate to Appearance then Menus. Scroll down to Pages on the left. You’ll see the three new pages you just created in this list. Go ahead and checkmark those pages, then select the Add to Menu button. You’ll notice that it added those pages to your menu on the right. You can then drag those pages into the order in which you’d like them displayed in the menu. Check the Site Let’s go and check the site again. You should now have your three new pages in the navigation, each linking properly to their respective templates. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 21 of 35 Setting Up Widgets Now let’s add widgets to the footer and other default sidebars. Begin by navigating to Appearance and then Widgets. Custom Widgets This theme includes six custom, builtin widgets, each prefixed with the word ‘Custom’. Custom: Recent Posts. This goes beyond the default Recent Posts widget that comes with Wordpress and displays the date and adds some additional formatting that matches the theme. Custom: Contact Info. This is a simple widget that displays your contact information and days/hours of operation. Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest, and Dribbble. These widgets display small images from these services that visitors can click on to either see larger images (Instagram) or be taken to the image’s page to view the image and see more information. Builtin Sidebars This theme also includes default sidebars, that are ready for widgets. Any widgets added to the Blog Widgets sidebar will display on the Blog page. Likewise, any widgets added to the Contact Page Widgets sidebar will display on the Contact page. By default there will be three Footer Widget Columns to populate with widgets. You can add or subtract columns in the Footer Theme Options. Adding Widgets Let’s add a widget to the Blog Widgets sidebar. If it’s not already expanded, expand that sidebar by clicking on the small grey arrow, to the right of the ‘Blog Widgets’ title. Next drag a widget into that sidebar from the selection of widgets on the left. When added, that widget should expand, allowing you to fill in the information that it requires. Once filled in select the blue Save button. Now that widget will be displayed on your Blog’s sidebar. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 22 of 35 Moving Widgets Once you’ve added a few more widgets to a sidebar, you may want to reorder their position. To do so, simply grab the widget and move it to your desired position. You can also move widgets to other sidebars using this same technique. Editing and Deleting Widgets If you’d like to edit or delete an existing widget, first expand the widget by selecting the small grey arrow, right of it’s name. Then to edit, simply make the changes and then click the blue Save button. To delete, click the Delete link. However, instead of deleting a widget, we suggest just dragging it to the Inactive Widgets section at the bottom of the page, on the left. Here you can save your widget and it’s settings for later use. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 23 of 35 Creating Custom Sidebars Now let’s setup custom sidebars. Your theme has the ability to have an unlimited amount of sidebars. For instance, perhaps you’d like a specific sidebar for your About page, and would also like a specific sidebar for your Products page. With custom sidebars, this is possible. Create a Custom Sidebar To begin, navigate to Appearance then Sidebars. Then to create a new sidebar, click on the blue Create New Sidebar button. Give this sidebar a name, then select the OK button. It will now show your new sidebar in the list. To delete, simple click the Delete Sidebar link, but remember it will delete all of the widgets from that sidebar, if deleted. Add Widgets to the Newly Created Sidebar Now navigate back to Appearance then Widgets. You’ll notice that your new sidebar is listed as a sidebar on the righthand side of the page, ready to add widgets to. Displaying the Sidebar Now you can go back to the page you’d like to display the sidebar on (select Pages in the Menu, then Edit your page), and at the bottom of that page, under the Sidebar section, select the new sidebar you just created. However make sure you’re either using the Left or Right Sidebar Page template, on that page. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 24 of 35 Creating Gallery Items Now let’s add some images to your gallery. If you’re following this guide, you’ve already setup a Gallery page and assigned the Gallery template to that page. If you’ve not done that yet, please follow the directions on Page 20. To begin, navigate to Gallery Items then select Add New Gallery Item. The Fields Title. This is the title of the image you’re adding to the gallery. It will be displayed when visitors rollover the item in the gallery. Description. This the description for the gallery item. It will also be displayed when visitors rollover the item. Link. If you’d like your gallery item to have a link, enter it here. A small link icon will show up over the gallery item. Open Link In. If you supplied a link in the field above, choose whether you’d like it to open in the same browser window or open a new browser window. Video Link. If you have a video that you would like associated with your gallery item, enter the video’s link in this box. Some examples of video links: Vimeo:, YouTube:, Metacafe: Dailymotion: If a video link is supplied, a video will open in the lightbox when clicked instead of the photo that you’ll upload as the Featured Image. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 25 of 35 Gallery Categories You can separate gallery items into Categories. To create a new category, select +Add New Gallery Category. The different categories will be displayed along the top of the Gallery page, giving visitors an easier way to sort through your gallery items. Featured Image A Featured Image is required because this is the image that will be used for your gallery item. The minimum image size is 235 x 235 pixels. If you’ve provided a video link, this image will only be used for the thumbnail in the Gallery. Otherwise, when visitor’s click on the magnifying glass icon, it will open your image in a lightbox, as a larger version. If you need instructions on how to upload images, please refer to page 14. Publish Finally, once you have everything set, you can publish the gallery item. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 26 of 35 Creating Blog Posts If you’ve been following this guide, we’ve reached the final step in initially getting your site up and running. To add your first Blog Post, begin by selecting Posts from the menu on the left. Next you’ll see a Sample Post listed, click Trash to move it to the trash. Then select Add New at the top and we’ll create a post. The fields when creating a Blog Post are very similar to the fields used for creating pages, that we discussed on Page 12. The Fields Title. The title field is just that, it’s the title of your blog post and will be visible to your visitors. WYSIWYG. You’ll be pretty familiar with this field, at this point in the guide. Go ahead and fill in the content for your blog post. Format Next select a Format for the Post. Formats allow you to either have a Standard blog post or a Video blog post. Video blog posts replace the photo that represents the blog post, with a video. To use a video, first select Video under Format, then you’ll add a Video shortcode as the first item on the page. The theme will automatically use that video as the video for the post. To add a video shortcode, select the Green Plus button on the WYSIWYG. Then select either Vimeo Video or YouTube Video. Then you’ll input the video’s ID, usually found in the embed URL. And finally you’ll select the blue Insert Shortcode button, to insert it into your post. Now the shortcode should be the first item in your post, in the WYSIWYG, and look something like this: [youtube videoid="9dgSa4wmMzk"] If you don’t want to use a video in this blog post, then simply leave Format set to Standard. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 27 of 35 Categories You can separate blog posts into different Categories. To create a new category, select +Add New Gallery Category. The different categories will help break up your content and will appeal to visitors who may be interested in just one category of blog posts you write. Tags Tags are completely optional but can help in searching for blog posts on your site. Featured Image This is the image that will be displayed at the top of your blog post. Again, if you choose Video as a Format above, then the video will be displayed instead of an image. Make sure that your image sizes are at least 650 x 487 pixels. Images are not required, however they help attract visitors to your blog posts. Excerpts By default, Wordpress hides this field because not all Wordpress themes support it, however this one does. Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. So instead of the first few words being pulled automatically from your blog post, you can write a custom summary that is displayed instead. But remember, you need to have Excerpts turned on (Page 8) in the Theme Options, for them to appear (however, they are turned on by default). To display the Excerpts field, so you can add content to it, scroll to the very top of your page and select Screen Options on the right. Then under Show on screen, check Excerpt. Now if you scroll back down the page, you’ll see the Excerpt field. Publish Finally, once you have everything set, you can publish the blog post. Just Getting Started! By this point, if you’ve been following the guide, you should have a good start to your website, however you’re just getting started! Please review each section as necessary when adding more Pages, Sliders, Gallery Items and Posts. And continue reading if you want to learn more about shortcodes. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 28 of 35 Shortcodes As we mentioned before, the green plus button on the WYSIWYG gives you access to more advanced elements that you can drop into your page or post. Instead of having to write complicated code, you just drop in your information and it builds the code for you. You can view examples of each of these shortcodes online, on our demo site at: Inserting a Shortcode Inserting shortcodes is simple, just click on the Green Plus button, on any WYSIWYG, choose your shortcode, fill out the fields and then click the blue Insert Shortcode button. Depending on the shortcode, it will look something like this: [button url="" style="default" target="_self"] Button Text [/button] size="small" type="round" That’s a button shortcode. The [button... indicated the beginning of a shortcode, while the [/button] indicated the end. You can easily see each field located in the shortcode, and you can edit these fields within the shortcode code, later if desired. You can also manually type in the shortcodes, copy and paste them, and move them around. Shortcodes can seem complicated at first, but once you start using them, you’ll find that they’re pretty easy understand. Now let’s give a quick review of each shortcode below. Alerts [alert][/alert] Alerts are great for getting visitor’s attention. Once they’ve read the alert, they can dismiss it by clicking on it. Alert Color. There are five different alert colors: White, Grey, Red, Yellow and Green. Alert Text. This is the content that’s in the alert. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 29 of 35 Blog Post Scroller [blogposts] This is a great way to display the first few lines of your latest blog posts. It automatically scrolls through them with a link to each post. Title. The title that will be displayed above the scroller. Content or Excerpt. Display content from the actual post or content from the excerpt. Number of Blog Posts. How many posts would you like it to scroll through? Category. Type in a specific category you would like the post’s pulled from. This is optional. Word Limit. The amount of words from each post displayed. Buttons [button][/button] Instead of a simple, underlined link, add a button to get visitor’s attention. Button URL. This is the page the button will direct users to. Button Color. There are nine different button colors to choose from. Button Size. Create a small, medium or large button. Button Type. Create a round or square button. Button Target. When clicked, select whether you want the link to open in the current browser window or a new browser window. Button Content. This is the actual text that will be on the button. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 30 of 35 Columns [column][/column], [column_last][/column_last] Columns are a great way to break up content into sections. Begin by choosing a Column Type. This is the size of the column. One third of the page, two thirds, one half, one fourth, or three fourths of the page. Next enter the Column Content you’d like in this column. Later on, you can come back and enter more content using the WYSIWYG. Next, click the Add Column button at the top to add an additional column. Here you have to think about a little math to make sure you’re column’s don’t wrap to the next line. For example, if you choose One Third for the first column, then you’d want to choose Two Thirds Last for the second column, because one third, plus two thirds, makes three thirds, or a whole. You’ll choose Last when it’s the last column in your set, making your columns equal a whole. Another example, if you choose One Fourth for your first column, you’ll want to choose either One Fourth for another column, One Fourth and One Half Last (making a whole) or just Three Fourths Last (making a whole). Once you insert your completed column shortcode, it will look something like the example below. This is a One Fourth, One Fourth, One Half Last example. [one_fourth] First, One Fourth Content. [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] Second, One Fourth Content. [/one_fourth] [one_half_last] Final, One Half Last Content. [/ one_half_last] Which will look like this on the rendered page (borders were added to illustrate the columns): First, One Fourth Content. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE Second, One Fourth Content. Final, One Half Last Content. PAGE 31 of 35 Featured Content Block [featuredcontent][/featuredcontent] This was used on the homepage of the demo site at The block’s contain a Round Image, Title, Content and a Button. Image URL. The URL of the image you’d like to use as a Round Image. Title. The title that will be displayed below the Round Image. Content. The content that is displayed below the Title. Button URL. This is the page the button will direct users to. Button Color. There are nine different button colors to choose from. Button Size. Create a small, medium or large button. Button Type. Create a round or square button. Button Content. This is the actual text that will be on the button. Gallery Preview [galpreview] Use this shortcode to pull small images from your gallery. Title. This is the title that is displayed above the images. Number of Images. The amount of images it displays. Google Map [googlemap] Use this shortcode to easily add a Google Map to any page or post. Maps URL. This is the URL to the map. Get this URL from, by clicking on the Link button. Map Style. Choose normal, satellite or hybrid. Map Zoom Level. The zoom level at which the map is displayed. Type in 1 (far) to 18 (near). Maps Height. The height of the map in pixels. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 32 of 35 Horizontal Dividers [divider] Use these to help divide your content. Divider Style. There are six different divider styles to choose from. Round Image [roundimage] Display an image as a round image. Note, this does not use TimThumb for dynamic resizing, rather a custom function built into the theme. Image URL. The URL of the image you’d like to use as a Round Image. Image Alignment. Align the image left, center, or right, in your content. Image Size in Pixels. Enter the size of your Round Image in pixels. We suggest going no smaller than 200 pixels, due to the CSS having problems keeping the image round. Tabs [tabs][tab][/tab][/tabs] Tab groups are a great way to organize content into one area, allowing your visitor to select which tab of content they’d like to read. Tab Title. The title of this specific tab. Tab Content. Type in the content you’d like in this tab. As with columns, you’ll be able to later add additional content in the WYSIWYG. Add Tab Button. At the top of the page, this button will add another Tab to this group of tabs. For example, perhaps you’d like to have a set of tabs for different genres of music. You would click Add Tab for each genre type, giving each an appropriate title and content. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 33 of 35 Testimonial Scroller [testimonial_set][testimonial][/testimonial][/testimonial_set] Show off the great things your clients are saying about your company. Title. This is the title for the scroller. Similar to the Blog Post Scroller, this title will be displayed above the testimonies, scrolling through below it. Add Another Testimonial to the Set Button. This creates another testimonial set, with it’s own Client’s Name and Testimonial Content. You can add as many testimonies as you like. Client’s Name. This is the name of the client who’s given the testimony. Testimonial Content. This is the actual testimony. Toggle [toggle][/toggle] Toggle’s use clickable Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons to show and hide content to your visitors. Toggle Content Title. The title that will be clickable by your visitors to either show or hide the content in the toggle. Toggle Content. The content of this toggle. Toggle State. Would you like the toggle initially opened or closed on the page. Vimeo [vimeo][/vimeo] Embed Vimeo videos directly into your content. Vimeo Video ID. The ID of the video you’d like to embed, usually found in the embed URL of the video. Additional Attributes. Any additional attributes you’d like to include with the video. YouTube [youtube][/youtube] Embed YouTube videos directly into your content. YouTube Video ID. The ID of the video you’d like to embed, usually found in the embed URL of the video. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 34 of 35 Support I hope this guide has helped you learn how to administer your new site using my theme. If you have any questions or have found a bug or problem with this theme, please contact me directly at [email protected]. And again, thank you for purchasing the Summertime Wordpress theme. SUMMERTIME USER GUIDE PAGE 35 of 35
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