if only this had been available to me…

Yo u r
c o m m u n i ty
n e w s l e tt e r
f o r
m e n ta l
w e l l b e i n g
Summer 2010
A publication of Arapahoe/Douglas
Mental Health Network
If only this had been
available to me…
IN this issue
The good news:
In a ground-breaking
collaboration, community
agencies and members
joined forces to create
the 18th Judicial District
Mental Health Court.
As a result:
• Treatment and
rehabilitation for
adult offenders with
mental illness will be
more appropriate
and effective.
by Chris Orloski
About the author:
Suffering from
untreated schizoaffective disorder,
Chris spent 18
months homeless
in Washington
D.C., Boston and
Tampa, where his
delusional beliefs
• Public safety will be
enhanced by treating
the mental illness and
substance abuse that
may contribute to
criminal activity.
led him to numerous
•Scarce tax dollars
will be better spent.
he reflects on how
encounters with
the police. Now a
peer mentor at the
18th Judicial District
Mental Health Court,
a court like this
could have made a
difference in his life.
There is a new type of court in town,
one that will dramatically influence
the treatment of people with mental
illness. According to the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, mental health courts began
to appear around 2000, and now number
more than 150 in the United States.
On Friday, April 9, 2010, I had the privilege
of seeing Colorado’s first district-wide
mental health court — one that accepts
non-sex offender and non-violent felony
cases — in action. Based in Arapahoe
County in the 18th Judicial District, our
Mental Health Court diverts certain
people with mental illness from the
jails and prisons to mental health
treatment programs.
As I witnessed that day, the Mental Health
Court is a problem-solving court. The
Honorable Chief Judge William Sylvester
presided over this particular hearing,
and his enthusiasm, wisdom and humor
were contagious. I found myself nodding
my head in agreement, over and over.
And when it was time for applause (ever
continued on page 2
About Offenders With Mental Illness
One quarter of Colorado inmates have moderately severe
to severe mental illness.*
Individuals with mental illness are 64% more likely to be
arrested for a particular crime, compared to individuals
without mental illness who commit the same crime.**
Colorado offenders with severe mental illness have a higher
recidivism rate (58%) than those without mental illness (47%).*
* Schnell , MJ and Leipold, M.O. (2006). Offenders with Mental Illness in Colorado.
Colorado Department of Corrections, Colorado Springs, CO
** Olsen, J. (2001) Incarceration, homelessness and health.
National Health Care for the Homeless. Nashville, TN
If only... continued from page 1
Mindful Living is published three times
a year by Arapahoe/Douglas Mental
Health Network (ADMHN).
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This is your newsletter!
We welcome your comments, questions
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Magistrate Laura Findorff, and sometimes the Honorary William
Write us at:
Sylvester, chief judge of the 18th Judicial District, presides over the
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
Community Relations
155 Inverness Drive West, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80112
If you no longer wish to receive our
communications, you may unsubscribe
at any time by e-mail (mindfulliving@
admhn.org), by phone (303 779 9626), or
online at admhn.org.
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
offers comprehensive mental health services
for adults, seniors, families and children.
• Counseling — Individual, Group, Family
• Psychiatry — Medications
• Case Management
• Substance Abuse Treatment
• Acute Treatment Unit — Adults
• Intensive In-home Therapy
• Supported & Residential Housing — Adults
• Vocational & Social Rehabilitation—
• Victim Services
• Criminal Justice Services
• Day Treatment Therapeutic School
• School-based Services
• Pharmacy
• Education and Wellness Programs
• Speakers Bureau
Information & Initial Appointment
303 730 8858
Emergency & Crisis Intervention
303 730 3303
Board of Directors
Thomas J Flanagan, Jr, President
Lt. Attila C Denes, Vice President
John Phillips, Secretary/Treasurer
‘Nita Brown
Mario A Harding, MHA, FACHE
Todd M Helvig, PsyD
Robert L Ireland
Kelli Kane, LCSW
Oksana Navratil
Patricia Opper, LCSW
José Reyes, LPC, EDD
Capt. Vincent E Sauter
Richard F Spiegle, PsyD
Carla A Vellos
Melanie Worley
Appointed Directors
Susan Beckman,
Arapahoe County Commissioner
Barbara Drake, Douglas County
Human Services Director
Community Board Member
Tom Burger
Mental Health Court hearings.
heard applause in a courtroom?), I was clapping as loudly as
everyone else. There was much to celebrate.
The participants in the Mental Health Court program
were demonstrating their achievements on their paths to
recovery. One participant had remained sober for 150 days.
There was much applause for this achievement.
Another individual had acted responsibly when he was
intentionally kicked in the knee. There was applause for
his demeanor and willingness to remain calm, considering
that he would have previously considered the kick sufficient
cause to strike back. When it was the attacker’s turn before
the judge, Judge Sylvester skillfully used the event to teach
a lesson. The judge assigned that participant homework:
to list two appropriate ways to respond to someone
when angry.
The judge asked relevant questions of each participant
­—questions about hygiene, showers, laundry, diet and
weight. His focus and attentiveness were amazing. The
judge also addressed compliance with treatment plans
and court instructions: UAs (urine analysis), curfews and
medication. When a court participant expressed difficulty
with anger and the possibility that her medications were
not working properly, the judge assigned homework: to
attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and to write a
description of how bipolar disorder affects her moods.
The judge’s constant smile suggested he was enjoying his
role of helping people along a path toward recovery. Throw
out that stereotype of stern justice. I thought, “This judge
is great! I wish I had access to this type of court when I
needed help. This is fantastic!”
It was very inspiring to see family members of the
participants in the court room. Family members were
permitted to speak, give their opinions and make requests.
One family wanted their son home for the weekend so
that he could help his father with auto body work. Another
participant, a bit further along in the program, described his
renewed relationship with his sister; this too drew a round
of applause. It truly is a cause for celebration when family
connections are reestablished.
continued on page 9
Printed on Recycled Paper
© Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network, 2010
A Milestone for Our Community
December 4th, 2009 was an important milestone. In a quiet courtroom on the third floor of
Colorado’s 18th Judicial District, the first session of the Mental Health Court was convened.
The proceedings might have surprised the casual
observer. At one point, a defendant, having read a
statement to the courtroom about his goals and
aspirations, received an encouraging nod from the
district attorney. At the end of the hearing, the
defendant was invited to approach the bench to shake
the magistrate’s hand. For this defendant, it was the
beginning of a long personal commitment to recovery
through the new Mental Health Court program. For
those in the courtroom who had worked hard to bring
the Mental Health Court to fruition in our community,
the hearing was the culmination of two years of
collaboration and hard work.
On December 4, 2009, our staff and others
proudly watched the first session of the
18th Judicial District Mental Health Court.
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
took a leading role in the planning for this
In the Past…
important cross-agency project.
For years, the number of people with mental illness in
our jails and prisons has continued to grow. Staff members at county detention centers and the
Colorado Department of Corrections have been challenged both financially and emotionally
by this population. Professionals in the courts, mental health field and law enforcement have
watched individuals with mental illness cycle from jail to the streets—and back again to jail.
Some offenders’ families have suffered the loss of loved ones, due to the somewhat ineffective
and cumbersome system.
By 2007, support for change for those with mental illness in the court system was growing.
At the local level, the Metro Area County Commissioners charged a special task force with
investigating the gaps in the mental health/criminal justice continuum. And at the state level,
commissions appointed by the governor had been studying the issue. The Colorado Judicial
Department created the Colorado Problem Solving Courts Program. Nationwide, a growing field
of therapeutic jurisprudence and problem-solving courts had arisen.
continued on page 4
The Treatment Advocacy Center reports that, in Colorado, for every mentally ill person
who is being treated in a hospital, there are four more who are in jail or prison.
From Traditional
Court to Mental
Health Court…
What is the
Why was the Mental
Health Court established?
How are things different
Traditional Court
Mental Health Court
New Court’s Benefits
Serves all offenders.
Serves only offenders
with mental Illness,
who usually have
co-occurring substance
abuse issues.
•Focuses on
offenders’ specific
Follows an
adversarial model,
sentencing offenders
to do time.
Addresses the root
causes of the criminal
activity through
•Offers more
effective treatment.
Incarcerates people
repeatedly, with little
or no mental health
Addresses mental
illness, substance abuse
and criminal thinking in
a two-year program.
•Helps break the
cycle of recidivism.
now for participating
offenders with mental
illness, their loved ones
and the community?
•Provides better use
of taxpayer funds.
community safety.
a milestone... continued from page 3
Collaborating for a Solution
Inspired by research as well as the findings of the Justice
Center Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project
and its demonstration mental health courts, a small
group of people in our community stepped forward to
find solutions for the 18th Judicial District, which includes
Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties.
A steering committee was
formed, comprised of the chief
judge of the 18th Judicial
District, the district attorney,
the chief operating officer of
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental
Health Network, and the public
defender. With a grant from the
U.S. Department of Justice, the
committee hired former public
defender Gina Shimeall, who
Gina Shimeall, Mental
brought together more than
Health Court Coordinator,
60 agencies and individuals
18th Judicial District,
during a period of 18 months
to plan the Mental Health Court
program. The broad community representation and active
collaboration of all agencies that work with mentally ill
offenders brought strength to the planning process.
As a problem-solving court, the Mental Health Court
departs from the typical court format, where two
opposing sides seek different outcomes. Instead, all
parties are focused on the single goal of successfully
reintegrating the individual into the community, and
breaking the cycle of recidivism.
Putting Research into Practice
Who are the Mental Health
Court participants?
The court participants often come
from desperate situations, with
histories of trauma and abuse, as well
as mental illness. There has never
before been any funding for mental
health treatment for such individuals
involved in the criminal justice system.
According to Mental Health Court
Coordinator Gina Shimeall, “the
underlying cause of these offenders’
criminal behavior is severe mental
illness. They have poor coping
mechanisms. Their ability to think and
solve problems is affected by both
mental illness and self-medication
with street drugs.” Often lacking
positive role models, mentally ill
individuals often fall back on criminal
thinking patterns that have served as
Research shows that there are two signature elements of
survival skills for them in the past.
a mental health court. One is cross-agency collaboration
and coordination. The other is use of a single, multidisciplinary treatment team that reports to the court, providing all case management and
treatment. The 18th Judicial District Mental Health Court incorporates these two elements.
The court is only open to defendants with severe mental illness who have a pending nonviolent
and non-sex felony charge or felony probation violation. A history of such a charge will also
disqualify them from program participation. Individuals with past or current misdemeanor charges
may be eligible. Participation is voluntary. Applications are thoroughly reviewed by the District
Attorney’s office, defense attorneys, probation, the Mental Health Court coordinator and Court
magistrate, and treatment providers.
continued on page 6
Referrals to the Mental Health Court
If you know someone in our counties who might benefit from the Mental
Health Court program, please contact:
Gina Shimeall, 18th Judicial District Mental Health Court Coordinator
7305 South Potomac, Room 140 (Judicial Services Office)
Centennial, CO 80112
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 303 738 8043
Criminal Justice Services
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network provides a full range of mental health and substance
abuse treatment services throughout the criminal justice system, helping offenders with mental
health issues to successfully return to the community as law-abiding citizens. The goal is to break
the cycle of recidivism, resulting in a safer community for everyone and a better quality of life for
offenders and their loved ones.
In our programs listed below, individuals have access
to therapy, psychiatrists and medication management,
as well as to case managers who help with practical
issues such as obtaining housing, benefits, job training
and rehabilitation.
Crisis Intervention Services
What is Arapahoe/Douglas
Mental Health Network’s role
in the Mental Health Court?
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health
Network provides community-based
CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) police officers are trained
to recognize symptoms of mental illness in individuals
they encounter in the community. These officers refer
such individuals to our CIT intervention team so that case
managers can help them find the assistance they need,
such as substance abuse and mental health treatment,
as well as other services.
mental health and substance abuse
Probation, Community Corrections and
Parole Re-entry Services
case management, mental health
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network provides
services to adolescents and adults with mental illness
to prepare them for a successful transition back into
the community. Such individuals come from psychiatric
hospitals, acute treatment units, jails, mental health
holds, and community correction facilities such as
Arapahoe County Residential Center (ACRC) for women
and Addiction Research Treatment Services (ARTS).
We also have a criminal justice clinical specialist who
identifies and closes service gaps for offenders who
re-enter the community.
Juvenile Justice Services
We work with school districts and community
agencies to decrease the likelihood of youth
encounters with law enforcement. Additionally,
we have on-site staff at the Juvenile Assessment
Center and the Marvin W. Foote Youth Services Center.
A psychiatrist also serves at the latter site.
treatment—with oversight by the
court—in collaboration with staff from
the 18th Judicial District Probation
The Mental Health Court treatment
team provides time-intensive
and substance abuse treatment,
medication compliance monitoring,
individual counseling, group therapy
and support with daily life skills.
Case managers help the individual
with benefits and referrals to
community services and resources,
such as housing, clothing, food, and
social and vocational rehabilitation.
One of the goals of treatment is to
reverse criminal-thinking patterns.
The ultimate goal is to successfully
reintegrate the individual into the
community and break the cycle
of recidivism.
To learn more about the 18th
Judicial District Mental Health Court
and the criminal justice treatment
services available through Arapahoe/
Douglas Mental Health Network, visit
Mental Health Court Treatment Services
admhn.org, select Services on the
Our multidisciplinary team works with court personnel
to provide case management, medication, therapy,
substance abuse treatment and support to people who
are participating in the 18th Judicial District Mental
Health Court.
left navigation bar and then click on
Criminal Justice Services.
All criminal justice programs at Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
focus on three elements — treating the mental illness, treating any corresponding
substance abuse, and changing the criminal-thinking patterns of the individual.
a milestone... continued from page 4
“Arapahoe County’s Mental Health Court resulted from a converging recognition of significant
needs in our community by many agencies and individuals,” according to Joan DiMaria,
chief operating officer of Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network. “Their commitment
to the concept, and their willingness to transform theory into carefully detailed policies and
procedures, demonstrates the importance of the Mental Health Court to the community.”
For Participants, This is Hard Work!
Accepted applicants are sentenced to the
Mental Health Court for intensive communitybased treatment. An individual treatment
and supervision plan is approved by the court
for each participant, who must agree to all
court terms and conditions. A participant
must graduate through phases of the program
that dictate the frequency of court hearings,
drug testing, treatment group contacts
and other conditions. Non-compliance can
result in sanctions such as a weekend in jail.
Repeated violations can lead to re-sentencing
to the traditional court. The length of time to
graduation from the Mental Health Court is
estimated at two years.
The Mental Health Court treatment team
—comprised of a therapist, case managers,
nurse and a psychiatrist—provides timeintensive case management and mental
health and substance abuse treatment. This
includes medications, compliance monitoring,
individual counseling, group therapy and
training in daily life skills.
According to Scott Thoemke, executive director
of Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network,
“The goal of this program is three-pronged:
to treat the mental illness, to treat the often
co-occurring substance abuse, and to reverse
criminal thinking patterns.” Arapahoe/Douglas
Mental Health Network provides communitybased mental health and substance abuse
continued on page 7
Thank you to all the agencies that are sharing their resources and volunteering
their time to make the Mental Health Court a reality.
•18th Judicial District Probation
•District Attorney’s office
•Public Defender’s offices
•Pre-Trial Services
•Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
•18th Judicial District Probation
•Arapahoe County Community Resources
•Arapahoe and Douglas counties’ sheriffs
•Arapahoe & Douglas county’s detention
•Arapahoe County Criminal Justice Planners
•Family Tree, Colorado Coalition for the
Homeless, Homeless Prevention and Rapid
Rehousing Program
•NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties
•Arapahoe & Douglas county commissioners
•Metro Community Providers Network
•Colorado Department of Local Affairs
•Aurora Mental Health Center
•Behavioral HealthCare, Inc.
•Operation Frontline: Healthy Choices Colorado
•Many members of private defense bars
Grant Acknowledgement
•Caring for Colorado Foundation
•Colorado Justice Assistance Grants Program
•Colorado Problem Solving Courts Program
a milestone... continued from page 6
treatment in collaboration with staff from the
18th Judicial District Probation department.
“Many court participants don’t have a
safe, stable place to live, so we provide
temporary supervised housing at our Santa
Fe House facility,” says COO Joan DiMaria of
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network.
“We are working on other housing options.
Currently we are using federal Neighborhood
Stabilization funding to refurbish a 12-unit
apartment building. Plus, we continue to look
at more projects down the road.”
Participants receive assistance to apply for
benefits and find other community services
and resources, such as more permanent
housing, clothing, food, and social and
vocational rehabilitation.
The Mental Health Court is still in its infancy,
but we have already seen evidence of its
impact. The parents of one participant told
us, “We thought we had lost him to the
street. We never thought we would have our
son back. Now we see hope.”
The 18th Judicial District Mental Health Court
is still a work in progress. With the dedication
and hard work of all of the participating
agencies and individuals, it is likely to become
a model program in Colorado.
We now turn to the community to augment
grant funding and provide the resources to
supply housing, transportation and clothing,
as well as meet other critical basic needs.
This project was supported by Grant No. 2009-SU-B9-0020 and Grant No. 2009-DJ-BX-0002, awarded by the
Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs,
which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are
those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
We’re going green.
Sign up or update your
information at admhn.org.
Our goal is to transition to e-mail to save our resources
and the environment. We can only do it with your help.
Please visit admhn.org to update your information and
provide us with your e-mail address. Your information
will never be shared.
During this transition, you’ll continue to receive
information on events and classes, plus great mental
health tips to live well, both by mail and e-mail!
To sign up or update your information:
Go to admhn.org.
Click on “Join Our Mailing List.”
Need assistance? Call 303 779 9676.
If you no longer wish to receive our communications, you may unsubscribe
at any time online at admhn.org or by calling 303 779 9676.
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network
Community Education
We offer free and low-cost educational programs. Find the latest list of offerings at admhn.org.
Please note that registration is required for most classes. Sign up today!
Within Our Reach — A
Relationship Communication
Workshop for Married,
Pre-marital and Singles!
Explore your relationship and
learn new communication skills
that will greatly increase your chances for a
fulfilling marriage. This secular workshop is a
part of the Colorado Healthy Marriage Project,
a statewide partnership.
Becoming a Love and Logic Parent®
Learn to stop the bickering, tantrums and
meltdowns! This proven series provides
parents with easy-to-learn tools to solve
parenting problems and raise responsible,
confident children. Discover practical
tips that you can use right away. Bring
your spouse, partner, childcare provider
and friends!
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child
Learn how to help your child to keep his/
her strong personality while encouraging
appropriate behavior at home, at school and
in the community. This class is offered in
English and Spanish.
Mental Health
First Aid Training
This 12-hour training program will
teach you to recognize when someone
is in emotional crisis or is developing a
mental health problem, and will give
you a five-step action plan and skills
to use until help arrives or the crisis is
resolved. The course is taught by trainers
credentialed by The National Council for
Community Behavioral Healthcare.
What is Mental Health First Aid ?
It is the initial help given to a person showing
symptoms of mental illness or in a mental health
crisis (such as severe depression, psychosis,
panic attack, and suicidal thoughts and
behaviors) until appropriate professional or
other help, including peer and family support,
can be engaged.
Take a class!
Many free and low-cost educational programs are
offered by Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network.
Find the latest educational offerings at
admhn.org. Sign up today!
If only... continued from page 2
Also in the courtroom were members of the
Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network’s
treatment team, who approved requests
for passes from the judge to see family and
to go on outings. One participant asked for
permission to buy a cell phone, but was told
to wait until graduating from phase I to phase
II of the Mental Health Court program, which
permits more freedom, responsibility and
So, what does having a mental health court
mean for mental health consumers? First,
mental health courts are having a huge,
positive impact on decreasing the stigma
of mental illness. Second, discrimination
based on mental disability is beginning to be
eliminated from the criminal justice system.
Third, instead of languishing in jail cells, some
people with mental illness are being placed
in treatment programs and are recovering.
Fourth, nuisance crimes are being treated as
they should be—the unfortunate result of
untreated mental illness.
After witnessing the court in action today, I
am convinced that our justice system is on
the right track. Judges and mental health
professionals are working together to solve
mental health problems and to help people
recover instead of nursing along a broken
criminal justice system.
I have witnessed the jail and prison systems
firsthand, and although some readers may
not agree, I believe that prisons are simply
incubators for criminal thought and criminal
activity. This Mental Health Court is a breath
of fresh air and a welcome change. We should
embrace our Mental Health Court and be
thankful that it has arrived.
Save the date!
6th Annual
Raising Spirits
Wine Tasting & Auction
Dozens of domestic and
imported wines
Sumptuous hors d’oeuvres
Unique auction items
Live jazz
Early registration
303 779 9676
Your Support Matters
In these challenging times, your support is needed more than ever to ensure that critically needed
mental health care is available to those in need in our community. Donations — to our programs,
in honor of loved ones, and in support of our events — are deeply appreciated. To donate, contact
the Development Office at 303 793 9601.
Less than one-third of adults and half of all children with a diagnosable mental disorder
receive needed mental health services in any given year. Please help us to provide mental
health care in our community.
Thank you from all of us at Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network.
Individual Donors
Anonymous (9)
Drs Gail and Darrell Adams
Jeffrey Allen
Susan Bell
Lois Lyon Bellis
Barbara Benton
Janelle Bergquist
Susan Black, MD
David Bolocofsky
Paula Bovo
David and Rebecca Briggs
Anita Brown
Candace Burch
Thomas and Mary Cay Burger
Carol J Campbell
Jill Christensen
Dave Cichon
Pauline D Daghlian
Cory and Attila Denes
Vic and Jan Derks
Joan and Vince DiMaria
Catherine A Dold
Laurie and Steve Elliott
Michael and Beth Ellis
Emily Fine
Thomas J Flanagan, Jr
Patricia F Frederico
Marilyn and Ken Gaipa
Lisa Gawenus
Meryl and Mark Glickman
Janet and Marc Goalstone
Peggy Gordon
Brenda and Brad Greicar
Mario Harding
Warren and Donna Harrison
Patti and Kevin Hein
Julie Hoffman
Richard Horrocks
Robert and Kris Ireland
Mike and Gail Jackson
Chuck and Marcie Jordan
Kelli Kane
Steven and Debra Kennedy
Mr and Mrs David Kipper
Linda Knight and Robert Tobias
Ann Kusic
Judy Langley
Amanda Baston and Joanna
Johanna Levene
Mary Lilley
Alan Megibow
Carol Miller
WL and Paul Miller
Sandra K Mills
Carolyn Moershel
Dorothea J Moore
Eric Moore
Bob and Adeline Murphy
Oksana Navratil
Carolyn and Kevin O’Brien
Patricia Opper
Nancy O’Shields
Christina Peragine MD
Gail and Jeff Ploen
Jean Ray
Ruth M Ryan
Barbara Sanchez
Jean Selders, PhD
Gina Shimeall
Donna Mae Spring
Paul Staley
James E Strain MD
Lecia Taylor
Scott Thoemke
Kevin Ann and Mark Tieman
Lisa and Mike Traudt
Russell VanNostrand
Elizabeth and Brian VanVechten
Carla and John Vellos
Kathleen and Michael Vervalin
Stephen and Judye Wahlberg
Maureen Waller
Rick Watson
James and Christine Woods
Frances Woolery-Jones
Memorial Gifts
Aurora Mental Health Center, in
memory of Robert Thoemke
Carolyn Dacres, in memory of
George Dacres
John M Daly, in memory of
Shelley A Daly
Meryl and Mark Glickman,
in memory of Robert Thoemke
and Elizabeth Wilson
Julie Holtz, in memory of
Elizabeth Wilson
Julie Holtz, in memory of
Shirley Holtz
Carolyn Moershel, in memory of
Robert Thoemke and
Elizabeth Wilson
Martha E Peck, in honor of
David Barney Jones
Melissa G Royle, in honor of
Stephen Henderson
Gina Shimeall, in memory of
Elizabeth Wilson and Janet Huck
Gina Shimeall, in memory of
Robert Thoemke
Gina Shimeall, in memory of
Frances Braun
Corporate and Organization
Brownstein Hyatt Farber
Schreck, LLP
First Data Foundation
Innovest Portfolio Solutions LLC
Kaiser Permanente
Key Foundation
NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties
Pro/File Systems Inc
The Parks Group LTD
Thresholds, PC
WalMart Super Center
Arapahoe County
Caring for Colorado Foundation
City of Littleton
City of Lone Tree
Colorado Justice Assistance Grant
Colorado Division of Behavioral
Colorado Problem Solving Courts
Douglas County
PAJWell Foundation
Town of Castle Rock
VALE Board, 18th Judicial District
Raising Spirits Sponsors
Aurora Mental Health Center
Behavioral HealthCare Inc
Citywide Banks
City of Glendale
Intermountain Rural Electric
Kaiser Permanente
Nikolas Golosow MD
Signal Behavioral Health Network
9th Annual Mental Health
Luncheon Sponsors
Arapahoe County
Arapahoe House
Aurora Mental Health Center
Behavioral HealthCare Inc
Cherry Creek Schools
City of Glendale
Citywide Banks
Community Reach Center
Douglas County
Haven Behavioral Senior Care
Highlands Behavioral Health
Intermountain Rural Electric
Kaiser Permanente
Lockton Companies, LLC
NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties
Nikolas Golosow MD
Rocky Mountain Institute for
Alcohol & Drug Education
Signal Behavioral Health Network
In Kind Donors
Darci Archer
Paula Bainbridge
Frankie Ballard
Rosalina Diecidue
Michael and Beth Ellis
Brian Glater
Laurie Harbert
Peggy Hendrick
Linda Metcalf
WL and Paul Miller
Charles Patti
Deanne Sandler
Nathan Siegal
Lisa and Mike Traudt
Paul Valdez
Sean Willard
Lockheed Martin Space System
Auction Item Donors
5280 Sport & Fitness
Arapahoe Floral
Baker’s Way
Brio Tuscan Grille
Brown Palace Hotel
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Colorado Women’s Roller Derby/
Denver Roller Dolls
Commercial Cleaning Systems
Complete Chimney Cleaning
Davidsons Liquor
Douglas County Sheriff’s Office
Einstein Bros Bagels
Glenwood Hot Springs
Jim Barbour Photography
JW Marriott at Cherry Creek
Lockton Companies, LLC
Lone Tree Police Department
Mathias Lock & Key
May Enterprises & Co Inc
Mercer Health & Benefits
National Western Stock Show
New Belgium Brewing Company
Newsradio 850 KOA
Opus Restaurant
Panache Catering
Print Partners
Reinke Bros, Inc
Schindler Elevator
Scottish Stained Glass
Skate City Littleton
South Metro Fire Rescue
South Suburban Parks and
South Suburban Parks and
Super Suppers
The Egg & I Restaurant
The Parks Group Ltd
The Pooch Mobile
Town Hall Arts Center
United Airlines Flight Center
The above lists reflect gifts received from July 16, 2009 to June 1, 2010. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
of our donor list. If any error or omission has inadvertently occurred, please contact us at 303 793 9601.
New Online Guide to Local Criminal Justice System
The local affiliate of The National
Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) —
NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties
— provides education, support and
advocacy for people with mental illness,
as well as for their friends and family.
To learn more, visit namiadco.org
or call 303 991 7688.
NAMI’s new online Guide to Mental Illness and the Criminal
Justice System in Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, CO is a nontechnical guide with information to help a loved one with
mental illness to navigate our local criminal justice system.
Family-to-Family Education Program
This free 12-week course is for families of individuals with
severe mental illness, and is open to families of mental health
court participants. The course curriculum, led by trained family
members, focuses on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical
depression, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder.
The content includes information about clinical treatment of
mental illness and provides the knowledge and skills that family
members need to cope more effectively—and to connect with
others facing similar challenges.
Arapahoe Mental Health Center
155 Inverness Drive West, Suite 200
Englewood, CO 80112
To our friends and neighbors,
In this issue, you will read about the new Mental Health Court in the 18th Judicial District, and
the unique community collaboration between criminal justice, mental health and judicial agencies
that made it all possible.
This ground-breaking new court program is consistent with state and community priorities
to reduce jail recidivism while maintaining public safety. Plus, this program is a more humane
way of managing offenders with mental illness — a previously under-treated and somewhat
ignored population.
We’re very proud to have been instrumental in the planning and implementation of the court,
working with Chief Judge William Sylvester, District Attorney Carol Chambers, Public Defender
James O’Connor, and Mental Health Court Coordinator Gina Shimeall, along with many others.
This includes key staff from Arapahoe County Pre Trial Services and Judicial Planning, the 18th
Judicial District Probation, the sheriffs departments of Arapahoe and Douglas counties, area police
departments, NAMI Arapahoe/Douglas Counties, and several defense attorneys.
Funding for the court and associated mental health treatment for court participants represents
community collaboration as well. Thanks go to the Colorado Justice Assistance Grant Program,
Caring for Colorado Foundation, and the Colorado Judicial Problem Solving Courts Program for
their generous grants. Arapahoe County was a facilitator of a Justice Assistance Grant and provided
additional support through the county’s Community Development Department.
Now that the court has become a reality, Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network’s Mental
Health Court treatment services team is in full gear. It is our firm belief that the court and our
treatment services will have long-term, beneficial effects on the lives of individuals and families,
as well as our entire community, enhancing both our justice system and public safety.
Scott Thoemke, MS Ed, CACIII
Executive Director and CEO
To learn more about the Mental Health Court, why it was formed and trends
in the treatment of offenders, as well as our treatment services, visit admhn.org.
Select Services and click on Criminal Justice Services.