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2013 Annual Report on Giving
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
University of Iowa Health Care
Members of University of Iowa
Children’s Hospital Council, 2012-13
Mary Ferentz, Chair, Iowa City
Nate and Samantha Kaeding, Honorary Chairs, Iowa City
Lindsay and Linda Bergdale, Coralville
Tom and Deanna Berthel, Cedar Rapids
Jane Downer, Iowa City
Cal and Christi Eldred, Mount Vernon
Anne Hargrave, Iowa City
Tim Hawkins, Iowa City
Mark and Tammy Hermanson, Bettendorf
Jim and Judy Hilgenberg, Bettendorf
Mike and Anne Marie Moran, Cedar Rapids
Brent and Peggy Ohl, Eldridge
Pam Passmore, Iowa City
Chuck and Mary Ann Peters, Cedar Rapids
Elizabeth Schmid, Dubuque
Table of Contents
A Message from UI Children’s Hospital Leadership
From Our Family to Yours
Colleges Collaborate “For the Kids”
A Passion for Nursing
Honor Rolls of Contributors
FY2013 Gift Productivity
We are deeply grateful to the many generous individuals, families, and organizations that have chosen to
join with us in making UI Children’s Hospital
yours and ours
one of the very best pediatric medical centers in the nation.
Dear Friends:
“Yours, Mine, and Ours” is the title of an old movie about a
blended family. The phrase also happens to describe the sense of
shared ownership we’ve observed among those who are fortunate
to serve and be served by University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.
As part of a public university founded to advance public health
and well being, UI Children’s Hospital—
your children’s hospital—is committed
to providing the most advanced and
comprehensive care for our youngest and
most vulnerable citizens, in Iowa and beyond.
At the same time, many of our patients and
caregivers think of this as “my children’s
hospital,” and that’s just how it should be.
Our dedication to individualized, familycentered care means we are wholly focused
on meeting the unique needs of our patients
and families, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For UI Children’s Hospital physicians,
staff, volunteers, and donors, this is our
children’s hospital—a place we are proud
to serve, and a cause in which we readily
and passionately invest our time, talents,
resources, and hope for a healthier future.
In this 2013 Annual Report on Giving to UI Children’s Hospital, you’ll
meet some members of our own blended family, and learn
about some recent milestones achieved through the power of
philanthropy. We are deeply grateful to the many generous
individuals, families, and organizations that have chosen to join
with us in making UI Children’s Hospital (yours and ours) one of
the very best pediatric medical centers in the nation.
With best wishes and sincere thanks,
Mary Ferentz, Chair
UI Children’s Hospital Council
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Raphael Hirsch, M.D.
UI Children’s Hospital
Scott M. Turner
Executive Director
UI Children’s Hospital
“T his
is your childr
— Mary Ferentz, Chair, UI Children’s Hospital
children’s hospital
2013 Annual Report on Giving
ren ’ s hospital .”
From Our Family
to Yours
From the outside, the new
UI Children’s Hospital
will shine like a beacon
of children’s health,
reflecting the family comforts
and world-class care
happening inside . . .
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Completed in spring
square feet of new construction
square feet of renovated space
stories tall
patient beds
2013 Annual Report on Giving
When completed in 2016,
the new building will
be a dramatic, 12-story
oval-shaped hospital
overlooking Kinnick
Stadium to the west
and the UI campus and
surrounding countryside to
the east.
Child-Inspired, Family-Friendly
To aid in their recovery, children require an approach to health care that focuses
on their unique needs — an approach that’s embodied in every aspect of the new
UI Children’s Hospital, where interior spaces are designed to minimize stress,
encourage hope, and promote healing.
All patient rooms will be private, with expansive windows, space for parents and
siblings, and all the comforts of home. The hospital’s public areas will be large, lively,
and engaging—places that are welcoming and reassuring to children and their families.
Family-friendly amenities include the Gerdin Children’s Theatre (see related story, pages
6–7), a healing garden, art exhibits, classrooms, library, dining areas and café, and plenty
of space for therapeutic play.
Every child needs a place
to learn, grow, and develop,
even while in the hospital.
Spaces for play and
discovery will be located
throughout our new
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
“N othing is more important than the health of a child .
W e ’ re looking forward to seeing the completion of a new ,
state - of - the - art facility dedicated to delivering the best health
care available to the children of I owa and the nation .”
— Mike Gerdin, President and CEO, Heartland Express Inc.
This family pays back
For the Gerdins, philanthropy is a tradition
that spans generations—past, present, and future.
2013 Annual Report on Giving
Grandchildren of Ann and
the late Russell Gerdin join
UI President Sally Mason,
UI Health Care leaders,
supporters, and patients of
UI Children’s Hospital at a
groundbreaking event.
and gives forward
At the June 21, 2013, groundbreaking ceremony for the new
building that will house University of Iowa Children’s Hospital,
there were shovels and smiles and a spirit of celebration. But there
was something even more powerful in the air that afternoon: the
deep satisfaction of doing for others.
“This isn’t about us,” said Ann Gerdin, whose family foundation
made a $12 million gift commitment to the new hospital facility in
October 2012. “We are truly honored to be part of a project that
will help so many children and families for years to come.”
The Gerdin Family Foundation gift is the largest to date for
UI Children’s Hospital’s $50 million building campaign. To
recognize their generosity, the lobby and children’s theater in the
new hospital will be named for the Gerdin family.
“Nothing is more important than the health of a child,” said
Mike Gerdin, president and chief executive officer of North
Liberty-based Heartland Express Inc. “We’re looking forward to
seeing the completion of this new, state-of-the-art facility dedicated
to delivering the best health care available to the children of Iowa
and the nation.”
The Gerdins’ desire to assist those in need was echoed by
UI Health Care leadership. “To children and families across the
state of Iowa and beyond, I want to say: This is your children’s
hospital,” stated Jean Robillard, M.D., UI Vice President for
Medical Affairs. “This is where you can be assured that your
child will receive exceptional, world-class care in family-centered
surroundings, with ready access to the latest breakthroughs in
pediatric medicine.”
The Gerdin family has been among the University of Iowa’s
most generous contributors for three decades. The late Russ
Gerdin was the founder and chief executive officer of the North
Liberty-based trucking company, Heartland Express, Inc. At the
UI, he and Ann have given to numerous projects in Athletics and
UI Health Care. The Gerdins also supported the Russell and
Ann Gerdin American Cancer Society Hope Lodge in Iowa City
and provided millions of dollars toward educational pursuits of
Heartland employees and their children--just a few examples of the
family’s philanthropic leadership.
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Building Generosity
As part of Iowa First: Our Campaign for
Breakthrough Medicine, University of Iowa
Health Care and the UI Foundation seek to
raise $50 million toward the cost of building
our new children’s hospital. As of August 15,
nearly $27 million has been raised toward
that goal.
We gratefully recognize the donors who have
made leadership commitments of at least
$1 million to the UI Children’s Hospital
Building Fund through the UI Foundation.
Janice and Bruce Ellig
Gerdin Family Foundation
Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.
Iowa Ladies’ Football Academy
Iowa State University Dance Marathon
University of Iowa Dance Marathon
Walmart and Sam’s Club Associates
children’s hospital
Colleges Collaborate “For the
Powered by
Mexican Grill
has been
to the dance
program for the
past seven years.
In that time:
Pancheros has
donated more
than 13,000
burritos, worth
in excess of
Stacked end
to end, those
burritos would
stand as high
as seven
Empire State
Iowa and Illinois are home to scores
Furthermore, three participating
of colleges and universities whose teams
colleges—Iowa State University, UNI,
fiercely compete on the athletics field—
and Loras—recently made significant
and enthusiastically collaborate on the
commitments to the hospital’s new
dance floor. In the 2013 fiscal year, dance
building campaign, as UI Dance
marathon programs at 10 regional colleges
Marathon did in 2012.
and universities raised a total of $2.3 million For Alyssa Turcsak, now a UNI senior,
to support UI Children’s Hospital through
dance marathon is a personal passion
Children’s Miracle Network (CMN).
and a professional aspiration. Alyssa
“It’s an amazing collective effort, unlike
was diagnosed at age five with acute
anything else in the country,” says Sarah
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and
Brumwell, associate director for Children’s
underwent two years of chemotherapy,
Miracle Network at the UI Foundation.
alternating treatments between her
“Not only are we the sole CMN-affiliated
hometown hospital in Davenport and UI
hospital to be supported by dance
Children’s Hospital. Her family began
marathon programs at multiple schools, but attending the UI Dance Marathon “big
the level of engagement and participation
event” in Iowa City shortly after Alyssa’s
on each campus is truly exceptional.”
diagnosis, “and we just loved it,” she recalls.
“On a year-to-year basis, funds raised
“For my siblings and me, dance marathon
by most of our partner schools are used to
was like Christmas—we looked forward
support areas of greatest need throughout
to it all year. It was so much fun, and our
UI Children’s Hospital,” Sarah explains. “UI family was surrounded by so much love.”
Dance Marathon is the exception; proceeds
Last year, Alyssa served as Morale
from its annual fundraising programs are
Director for UNI’s first dance marathon
directed to pediatric cancer and provide
and is Fundraising Director this year. After
needed support to families and pediatric
graduation, she’d like to pursue a career
patients being treated in our hematology
with Children’s Miracle Network. “As a
and oncology program.” Additionally, the
cancer survivor, I feel so blessed,” she says.
funding supports research activities and
“I just want to keep giving back.”
clinical resources essential to maintaining a
world-class, pediatric cancer service.
just want to keep giving back .”
— Alyssa Turcsak, UNI Dance Marathon Morale Director, and cancer survivor
2013 Annual Report on Giving
Collectively, 5,016
college students
in participating
colleges and
universities danced
a total of 105 hours
“For the Kids” and
their families at
UI Children’s Hospital
in FY2013.
Colleges and
universities whose
dance marathon
programs support UI
Children’s Hospital:
• Augustana College,
Rock Island
• Cedar Rapids
Coe College,
Kirkwood College,
Mount Mercy University
UI Dance Marathon, already the second
largest in the nation, raised more than
$1.5 million
during its 24-hour “big event” in
February 2013.
Loras College’s dance marathon program
was recognized in 2012 as being the
dance marathon fundraiser
in the nation.
• Central College, Pella
• Iowa State University,
• Loras College,
• Luther College,
• St. Ambrose
University, Davenport
• University of Northern
Iowa, Cedar Falls
• University of Iowa,
Iowa City
The University of Northern Iowa’s
inaugural dance marathon set a
record for
dollars raised
by a first-time dance marathon
• Wartburg College,
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
children’s hospital
A Passion for Nursing
Jody Kurtt, R.N., director of nursing
working with children,” Sharon recalls,
and patient care services at UI Children’s
“and when she graduated from the UI
Hospital, smiles when she remembers Kris
College of Nursing, that’s what she pursued.
Kottman. “There are still many people at
Kris worked as a pediatric staff nurse and
the hospital today who worked with Kris,
an assistant manager at UI Children’s
and when you mention her name, they
Hospital, and eventually specialized in
just light up. She had a wonderful sense of
pediatric nephrology. I thought she might
humor, and she brought lots of joy to her
find it difficult to work with children who
patients and colleagues,” Jody recalls.
were so ill, but she was passionate about her
Kris, a UI Children’s Hospital nurse
patients, and everyone just loved working
who died of leukemia in 2002 at the
with her.”
age of 36, brought lots of joy to Sharon
When Kris died, Sharon and the
Johnson as well.
Kottman family worked with UI
Before retiring in 2001, Sharon worked
Children’s Hospital and the UI Foundation
for 24 years at UI Iowa Hospitals and
to direct memorial gifts to support nursing
Clinics as a staff nurse and nurse manager. education. Then, says Sharon, when it
But nursing wasn’t the only focus of her
was time for her to finalize her estate
life. Although she never married or had
plans, “I decided to establish the Kristen
children of her own, Sharon was part
L. Kottman Memorial Endowment Fund,
of a large extended family of relatives
which will exist in perpetuity. Kris was
and friends—including the Kottman
so devoted to her educational endeavors,
family of Iowa City. “We had a cabin on
and I hope this fund will inspire others to
the Mississippi, and our families sort of
follow their dreams.”
integrated and adopted one another,” she
According to Jody Kurtt, that’s exactly
says. “We spent the bulk of our vacation
what the fund will do. “Sharon’s very
time together, and it was just a delight.”
generous gift is a wonderful memorial to
Sharon became particularly close to the
Kris’s dedication,” says Jody, “and it will
Kottman children, including Kris, who
enable us to continue to pursue excellence
followed Sharon into a nursing career. “It
in nursing practice and patient care by
was during Kris’s first nursing school
supporting professional development and
rotation in pediatrics that she came to love
special opportunities for our nursing staff.”
2013 Annual Report on Giving
“S haron ’ s
very generous gift is a wonderful memorial to
K ris ’ s
dedication , and it will enable us to continue to pursue excellence
in nursing practice and patient care by supporting professional
development and special opportunities for our nursing staff .”
— Jody Kurtt, R.N., Director of Nursing and Patient Care Services
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
U niversity
I owa C hildren ’ s H ospital
would like
to thank the caring individuals and organizations
who offered their generous support this year .
Honor Rolls of Contributors
We gratefully recognize those contributors who made gifts totaling $1,000 or
more to University of Iowa Children’s Hospital through the University of Iowa
Foundation between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013.
The 1848 Foundation
Mrs. Joyce I. Abbott
Mr. Phillip G. Abbott
Advanced Drainage Systems Inc.
Aiming For A Cure Foundation
Fernando Aleu, M.D.
Mr. Charles D. Allen
Mrs. Ruth M. Allen
Mr. John A. Althoff
Mrs. Mary Beth Althoff
Mr. Gerald V. Ambrosy
Mr. Marc Anderson
Sara Harris Anderson, D.D.S.
Mrs. Loretta A. Angerer
Mrs. Kathy A. Anthony
Mr. Ken J. Anthony
Mr. Joseph Bainbridge
Mrs. Kathryn A. Bainbridge
Mrs. Colleen M. Bakker
Mr. Kevin L. Bakker
Mr. Bradley J. Baldwin
Ms. Sheila J.F. Baldwin
Mrs. Evelyn Barkema
Mr. Foster Barkema
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Mrs. Amy L. Becker
Mr. David O. Becker
Ms. Carol A. Behnken
Mr. Richard L. Behnken
Mrs. Linda S. Bergdale
Mr. Lindsay J. Bergdale
William Blair & Company
Mr. Donald L. Bormann
Mrs. Harolyn C. Bormann
Boston Scientific Corporation
Mrs. Judith C. Boyd
Mr. Robert F. Boyd
Ms. Mary Ann Bramhall-Lambert
Mr. Jeff A. Braverman
Ms. Sara A. Dunn Braverman
Mr. James Brindle
Mrs. Kathy L. Brindle
Mrs. Ellen K. Buchanan
Mr. John W. Buchanan
Mrs. Becky Burns
Mr. Patrick W. Burns
Mr. John Calacci
Mrs. Rebecca Calacci
Mr. Daniel V. Calkins
Mrs. Korin K. Calkins
The Robert Campeau Family
Foundation (U.S.)
Mrs. Laura B. Chapman
Michael P. Chapman, M.D.
Chili’s Meals That Heal
Prof. Chunghi Choo
Mrs. Judith Ann Cilek
Mr. Michael J. Cilek
Mr. Harry Cockrell
Mrs. Linda Cockrell
Mrs. Jana E. Cohen
Dr. Jordan L. Cohen
Mrs. Marcia A. Congdon
Ralph H. Congdon, M.D.
Mr. Andrew M. Craig
Mrs. Karrie J. Craig
Cruis’n for the Kids
Culver’s of Coralville
Mr. David E. Custer
J. B. Dahm Foundation
Day Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Mr. John L. Derby
Mrs. Kelly J. Derby
Mr. David Diffley
Mrs. Lisa Diffley
Doctors in Concert
Mrs. Jane G. Downer
Mr. Robert N. Downer
Dream Makers
Dubuque Racing Association Ltd.
Mystique Casino
Tim Dwight Foundation
Mrs. Allyson J. Egbert
Mr. Martin W. Egbert
Mr. Rick L. Eller
Ms. Shari A. Eller
Mr. Bruce R. Ellig
Mrs. Janice Ellig
Terry Ely
Mr. James M. Entwistle, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia A. Ernst
W. Jeffrey Ernst, D.D.S.
Mrs. Susan L. Fairman
Mr. William Fairman
Fauser Energy Resources
Mr. Kirk J. Ferentz
Mrs. Mary C. Ferentz
Dr. R. Richard Flickinger, Jr.
Mrs. Susan W. Flickinger
Mr. Brian J. Flynn
Ms. Cara L. Flynn
Mr. Michael D. Frantz
Mrs. Susan F. Frantz
Mr. Douglas P. Freeman
Mrs. Pamela J. Freeman
Galesburg Toyota
Ms. Julie A. Gatens
Mr. Michael T. Gatens
Geneseo Enduro
The Gerdin Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Catherine E. Giese
Mr. James J. Giese
M. C. Ginsberg Objects of Art
Mrs. Heather Golin
Mr. Gary H. Gottschalk
Mrs. Gina B. Gottschalk
Daryl K. Granner, M.D.
Mrs. Nancy J. Granner
Mrs. Julia M. Hahn
Mr. Mike Hahn
Vesta C. Hansen Estate
Mr. Walter E. Hansen
Happy’s Place
Mrs. Anne Hargrave
Mr. Joseph H. Harper
Mrs. Sally Jo Harper
Lauri Harsh D.O.
Mr. Timothy R. Hawkins
Mrs. Janet Taylor Healy
Mrs. Dorothy E. Helgerson
Mr. John W. Helgerson
Mrs. Daphne Hennings
Mr. Wade Hennings
Mark E. Hermanson, M.D.
Mrs. Tamara S. Hermanson
Mr. Larry T. Herrig, C.L.U., Ch.F.C.
Mrs. Laura M. Herrig
Mr. James J. Hilgenberg
Ms. Judy M. Hilgenberg
Mrs. Pamela V. Hopper
Terry L. Hopper, D.D.S., M.S.
Ms. Mary Humes
Mr. Mike Humes
Iowa Developmental Disabilities
Iowa Football Club
Iowa Ladies Football Academy
Iowa State University Dance
Mr. Piers Jackson
Jeanne Jaggard, M.D.
Jet Gas Corporation
Mr. Bobby Jett
Mrs. Kay Johnson
Mr. Larry R. Johnson
Mr. Norman H. Johnson
Mrs. Phylis C. Johnson
Mr. Dale L. Jones
Mrs. Mary E. Jones
Mr. Deepak Joshi
Dr. Janki D. Joshi
Ms. Deborah Judy
Mr. Mark E. Judy
Kevin S. Keith
Mary Jo Keith
Mr. J. P. Kellogg
Mrs. Patricia Kellogg
Mr. James P. Kemp
Mrs. Kathy J. Kemp
Mr. Jeff Kincart
Ms. Karen Kincart
Mrs. Jeanette Laughlin Kinsey
Mr. Kenneth K. Kinsey
Mr. Ronald J. Kirchhoff
Richard Kishiue, M.D.
Fairfield Kiwanis Club
Old Capitol Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis A.M.ers Builders Club
Mrs. Charlotte A. K. Koenigsaecker
Mr. George J. E. Koenigsaecker III
Kohl’s Department Stores
Ms. Diane C. Koster
Mrs. Helen F. Krapp
Mr. Kenneth J. Krapp
Mrs. Annette M. Kress
Mr. Kenneth W. Kress
James D. Kunzman, M.D.
Ms. Jody L. Kurtt
Mr. Thomas L. Lambert
Mr. David C. Larson
Mrs. Linda C. Larson
Ms. Kristin K. Lee
Ms. Lynette J. Lee
Dr. Polly A. Lepic
Mr. Thomas D. Lepic
Mrs. Anne M. Link
Little Black Dress Fundraiser
Loras College Dance Marathon
Mr. C. Thayne Lowman
Mrs. Karen E. Lowman
MCK Auctions, Inc.
Ms. Tammy K. Maneely
Ms. Amanda L. Marks
Mr. Jonathan D. Marks
Ms. Kim M. Martens
2013 Annual Report on Giving
Mr. Steve J. Martens
Mrs. Julie M. McClain
Mr. Randy J. McClain
Dr. Darlene E. McCord
James B. McCord, Ph.D.
F. Ross McFadden, M.D.
Dr. Norma McGuire-Schiller
Mr. John P. McKillip
Mrs. Kathleen A. McKillip
Mr. Alan Meadows
Mrs. Cynthia M. Meadows
Medtronic, Inc.
Dr. John Leo Mergen
Mrs. Tami Mergen
Don J. Merryman, M.D.
Mr. Travis Metcalf
Mrs. Christine A. Miller
Mr. Kenneth V. Miller
Millhiser Smith Foundation
Mr. Gary G. Mincer
Mrs. Kay A. Mincer
Marc B. Moen
Mrs. Anne Marie Moran
Mr. Michael C. Moran
Miss Ann Morris
Mount Mercy University
Kevin M. Mullen, M.D.
Mrs. Trisha A. Mullen
Ms. Coleen Mullin
Mr. Darrell Mullin
Mrs. Paulina Treiger Muzzin
Mr. Robert D. Muzzin
Mr. Jamison P. Noel
Kelly Noon
Arthur J. Nowak
Ginger Nowak
Oaktree Financial Advisors, Inc.
Mrs. Joanne V. O’Keefe
Mr. Kenneth T. O’Keefe
Mrs. Bertha S. Olin
Dr. William H. Olin, Sr., M.S., D.D.S.
Majdi A. Omar, M.D.
Mrs. Nihaya Omar
Mrs. Carolyn Ontiveros
Mr. Gregg A. Ontiveros
Mr. Blaine W. Opheim
Ms. Tia M. Perez Opheim
ORA Orthopedics, P.C.
Mrs. Cathy A. Pacha
Mr. Larry L. Pacha
Mrs. Deb Paris
Mr. Tom J. Paris
Ms. Gwen M. Parker
Mr. Neil T. Parker
Ms. Pamela S. Passmore
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Pranav P. Patel, M.D.
Mrs. Sima P. Patel
Mrs. Aymee M. Patton
John J. Patton, M.D.
Dr. Kelli J. Paulson
Ms. Marjorie M. Perkins
Mr. Charles M. Peters
Mrs. Mary Ann Peters
Pfizer Inc
Mr. Tony Pfohl
Cade Pleggenkuhle Scholarship
Tasha Polizzi Design Studio
Mr. Bill Polka
Mrs. Brendie Polka
Ms. Shannon M. Quagliano
Timothy J. Quagliano, D.P.M.
Quality Associates
Mrs. Janis B. Quinby
Mr. William H. Quinby
Mr. Thomas Ramstack
Dr. Charles Read
Mr. Doug Reimer
Mrs. Kathy Reimer
Mrs. Julie T. Reiss
Mr. Mark T. Reiss
Ms. Colleen A. Rhodes
Mr. James S. Rhomberg
Mrs. Nancy E. Rhomberg
Ride for the Kids
Ms. Merriam J. Rink
Peter C. Rink, D.O.
Mr. Gary A. Roberson
Mrs. Kay E. Roberson
Jean E. Robillard, M.D.
Mrs. Renée Robillard
Ms. Kerin K. Robinson
Mr. Steve Robinson
Roderick Engineering
Services LLC
Mr. Brad P. Roehr
Mrs. Cynthia M. Roehr
Mrs. Amber Rogers
Mr. Dave Rogers
Mrs. Karen K. Rohlf
Paul L. Rohlf, M.D.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Mr. John R. Rossie
Mrs. Mavis J. Rossie
Mr. Donald L. Ruggles
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Ruggles
Rumours Salon
Mr. Jeffrey P. Ruppel
Mrs. Lisa A. Ruppel
Carl Rushek
Karla Rushek
Mr. Daniel R. Sabin
Siv Brit Saetre, M.D.
St. Florian Fire & Burn Foundation
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Saints Avenue Custom Homes
Joe Schauenberg
Mrs. Kelley Schauenberg
Matthew J. Schiller, M.D.
Ms. Elizabeth C. Schmid
Mr. John J. Schmid
Ms. Mantea K. Schmid
Mrs. Mary S. Schmid
Mr. Michael J. Schmid
Mr. Kevin R. Schmitt
Ms. Valorie Schmitt
Ms. Natalie A. Baum Schramm
Scott Schramm
Mr. Eldon L. Schroder
Seydel Construction, Inc.
Mr. Barton D. Showalter
Mrs. Debra K. Showalter
Cherie Lynn Vinz Shreck
Robert R. Shreck, M.D.
Sisters of the Presentation
Dr. Fred G. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Lurene R. Smith
Mr. A. J. Spiegel
Mr. Donald L. Stalkfleet
Mrs. Michelle Stalkfleet
Mr. Jerre L. Stead
Mrs. Mary Joy Stead
Mrs. Catherine G. Susser
Mr. Sam L. Susser
Mrs. Annette S. Tank
Mr. James R. Tank
Mr. Kenneth J. Tank
Mrs. Linda K. Tank
Thirsty Whales
Mrs. Amy R. Thompson
Mr. Andrew R. Thompson
Mrs. Linda A. Thompson
Mr. Van C. Thompson
Timothy A. Thomsen, M.D.
Mrs. Su N. Timmerman
Mr. Walt F. Timmerman
Mr. Herbert L. Townsend
Mrs. Nancy M. Townsend
Mrs. Jean J. Trey
True Style
Mr. Scott M. Turner
Mrs. Toby K. Turner
University of Iowa Children’s
Hospital Open
University of Iowa Dance Marathon
University of Northern Iowa Dance
Valley Distribution Corp.
Van Meter Inc.
Mr. Doug Van Sloten
Ms. Kendra Van Sloten
Mr. Carl O. Volland
Mrs. Cheryl L. Volland
Mrs. Diana M. Vollbeer
Mr. Jerry L. Vollbeer
Von Maur
WACO Community School
Walmart Foundation
Mrs. Amanda L. Warner
Mr. Christopher Warner
Mrs. Tara Warner
Mr. William W. Warner, Jr.
Mrs. Sheri J. Warrick
Mr. Timothy R. Warrick
Waverly-Shell Rock DECA Chapter
Mr. Jeff Weber
Mrs. Jodi Weber
Mr. Anthony R. Weiler
Ms. Phyllis K. Weiler
Mr. Jan C. Wenger
Mary C. Wenger
Wenzel Towing
Mr. Stephen L. West
Mrs. Victoria J. West
Mr. Kevin J. White
Mrs. Molly A. Osterhaus Whitmore
Mr. Robert W. Whitmore
Mr. Frederick J. Whyte
Mrs. Karen S. Whyte
Marianne Wilkening
Roger A. Williamson, M.D.
Mr. Craig N. Willis
Mrs. Nancy B. Willis
Mrs. Dorothy D. Winkey
Mrs. Angela Wirth
Mr. Jason E. Wirth
Mr. Brian D. Wood
Kelly E. Wood, M.D.
Mrs. Shelly Wood
Mr. William Wood
Mrs. Charlice L. Woodward
Mr. Thomas N. Woodward
World Class Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Edna M. Yoder
Zephyr Printing & Design
We gratefully recognize those contributors who made gifts totaling $1,000 or more
to University of Iowa Children’s Hospital through Children’s Miracle Network
between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013.
Mr. Bill Polka
Mrs. Brindie Polka
Princeton Support Center
Mr. Steve Prohaska
Mrs. Gina Prohaska
1st Gateway Credit Union
Ace Hardware Foundation
ADP Foundation
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Affinity Credit Union
American Legion and American
Legion Auxiliary of Iowa
Mr. Steven C. Anderson
Ascentra Credit Union
Augustana College Dance
Ms. Brenda Bensema
Bagolitas By Janice
Barbara L. Bell Trust
Best Buy, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Best Buy, Coralville, Iowa
Best Buy, Davenport, Iowa
Best Buy, Dubuque, Iowa
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Bettendorf Community School
Books Are Fun/ Imagine Nation
Book, Ltd.
Dairy Queen, Sixth Street,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Illowa Bi-State Combined Federal
RE/MAX Home Group,
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Wilson Avenue,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Iowa State University Dance
RE/MAX Home Group,
Waterloo, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Coralville, Iowa
Ms. Rachel E. Ivory
Dairy Queen, Davenport, Iowa
Mr. Bud Johnson
RE/MAX Innovations,
Indianola, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Army Post Road,
Des Moines, Iowa
Mrs. Georgia Johnson
Dairy Queen, Gateway Drive,
Dubuque, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Pennsylvania Avenue,
Dubuque, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Dyersville, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Geneseo, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Hiawatha, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Indianola, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Manchester, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Marshalltown, Iowa
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority,
University of Iowa
Kirk Ferentz Kick-Off Luncheon
RE/MAX Opportunities, Inc.,
Ankeny, Iowa
RE/MAX Real Estate Group,
Des Moines, Iowa
Kramer Ace Hardware
RE/MAX Real Estate Specialists,
Inc., West Burlington, Iowa
Mr. Allen J. Kriegel
Mr. Ted Recker
Linn Area Credit Union
Mrs. Meg Recker
Lone Star Steakhouse,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Mr. Gary A. Roberson
Lone Star Steakhouse,
West Des Moines, Iowa
Mrs. Lisa Ruppel
Mr. Jeffrey P. Ruppel
Sam’s Club, Dubuque, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Morrison, Ill.
Lone Star Steakhouse,
Waterloo, Iowa
Dairy Queen, North Liberty, Iowa
Loras College Dance Marathon
Sam’s Club, Rochester, Iowa
Mr. Kevin Digmann
Love’s Travel Stops & Country
Stores, Albert Lea, Minn.
Sam’s Club, Ames, Iowa
Love’s Travel Stops & Country
Stores, Newton, Iowa
Sam’s Club, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Scheels, Coralville, Iowa
Mrs. Cindy Digmann
Drake University Dance Marathon
BP/Marriott Golf Tournament
Dubuque Hempstead High School
Bruegger’s Enterprises
Eastern Iowa Airport
Love’s Travel Stops & Country
Stores, Clive, Iowa
Dr. Maria Cashman
Family Community Credit Union
Ms. Ciera Lundgren
CarePro Health Services
Financial Plus Credit Union
Mac’s Circle K, Clinton, Iowa
Cedar Falls Community Credit
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Mac’s Circle K, Rock Island, Ill.
Golden Corral, Davenport, Iowa
Mac’s Circle K, Galesburg, Ill.
Cedar Rapids Dance Marathon
Mr. Pedro Gonzalez
Marriott, Des Moines, Iowa
Central College Dance Marathon
Mrs. Selene Gonzalez
Mr. William A. “Andy” Meardon
Mr. Joseph A. Cetanyan
Mr. Neal Megchelsen
Collins Community Credit Union
Greater Cedar Rapids Community
CO-OP Financial Services
Greater Iowa Credit Union
Miss America Organization
Coral Ridge Mall
H. J. Heinz Company Foundation
Corporate Farmer, Inc.
Mr. Timothy D. Halvorson
Costco, West Des Moines, Iowa
Mrs. Sally Halvorson
Dairy Queen, West Des Moines,
Hawkeye Foodservice
Dairy Queen, Waukee, Iowa
MidWestOne Bank
Mr. Ben Mozena
Mrs. Emily Mozena
Sam’s Club, Des Moines, Iowa
Sam’s Club, Davenport, Iowa
Sam’s Club, Waterloo, Iowa
Seydel Construction, Inc.
Mr. Michael J. Schmid
Mrs. Elizabeth Schmid
Shelby Woods Memorial Fund
South Hardin County Kiwanis Club
Mr. Don Stalkfeet
Ms. Michelle Stalkfleet
Starbucks, Dubuque, Iowa
Toyota Financial Services,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
United Way of Central Iowa
Muscatine Charities, Inc.
University of Iowa Community
Credit Union
North Linn High School
University of Iowa Dance Marathon
HC Duke and Son, Inc.
O’Donnell Ace Hardware,
Clinton, Iowa
University of Iowa Hospitals and
Dairy Queen, Silvis, Iowa
IHOP, Des Moines, Iowa
Mr. Larry D. Olson
Dairy Queen, Ames, Iowa
IHOP, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Mr. Bryan D. O’Rourke
University of Northern Iowa Dance
Dairy Queen, Bettendorf, Iowa
IHOP, Coralville, Iowa
Mr. Gene L. Payne
Valley Bank, Davenport, Iowa
Dairy Queen, Johnson Avenue,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
IHOP, Ankeny, Iowa
Pella Noon Kiwanis Club
Van Meter Industrial, Inc.
IHOP, Urbandale, Iowa
Pleasant Valley High School
Veridian Credit Union
Hawkeye Sports Properties
2013 Annual Report on Giving
“B y
saving our
D exter ,
in a sense you
Mr. Robert Voss
Mrs. Susan Voss
Walmart, Ames, Iowa
Walmart, Iowa City, Iowa
Walmart, Boone, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
55th Street NW,
Rochester, Minn.
Walmart Supercenter,
Dubuque, Iowa
Wartburg College Dance Marathon
Mr. Timothy Warrick
Mrs. Sheri Warrick
Mr. Joseph E. Weiland
Walmart Supercenter, Moline, Ill.
Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Wells Fargo Community Support
Walmart, Geneseo, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
39th Avenue,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
West Bank, Iowa City, Iowa
Walmart, Iowa Falls, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Altoona, Iowa
Mrs. Janan R. Winn
Walmart, Macon, Mo.
Walmart Supercenter,
25th Street SE, Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. Ann Marie Ziskovsky
Walmart, Centerville, Iowa
Walmart, Fairfield, Iowa
Walmart, Manchester, Iowa
Walmart, Rock Falls, Ill.
Walmart, Tipton, Iowa
Walmart, Washington, Iowa
Walmart, Aledo, Ill.
Walmart Supercenter,
West Burlington, Iowa
Walmart Distribution Center,
Sterling, Ill.
Walmart Distribution Center,
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Ames, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Austin, Minn.
Walmart Supercenter, Silvis, Ill.
Walmart Supercenter,
Osceola, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Maquoketa, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Marion, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
West Des Moines, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, West
Kimberly Road, Davenport, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Pella, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Galesburg, Ill.
Walmart Supercenter, Carroll, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Blairs Ferry
Road, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Waverly, Iowa
saved our
family .
W here
there would
have been only
heartbreak ,
Walmart Supercenter,
Coralville, Iowa
you gave us
Walmart Supercenter, Clinton, Iowa
hope .
Walmart Supercenter, Galena, Ill.
B ehind
Walmart Supercenter,
Muscatine, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Marshalltown, Iowa
doors , you
Walmart Supercenter, Kewanee, Ill.
Walmart Supercenter, Princeton, Ill.
showed us what
Walmart Supercenter, Grinnell, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Newton, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Mason City, Iowa
efforts ,
inventiveness ,
Walmart Supercenter,
Prairie du Chien, Wis.
and sacrifices
Walmart Supercenter,
Fort Dodge, Iowa
people are
Walmart Supercenter, Sterling, Ill.
Walmart Supercenter, Ankeny, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Decorah, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Albert Lea, Minn.
Walmart Supercenter,
Anamosa, Iowa
capable of when
driven by the
compassion to
save a life .
T hat
Walmart Supercenter, Grimes, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Elmore
Avenue, Davenport, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Ottumwa, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Independence, Iowa
lesson will stay
Walmart Supercenter,
Creston, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter, Kirksville, Mo.
with us always .”
Walmart Supercenter,
Indianola, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Des Moines, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Windsor Heights, Iowa
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Walmart Supercenter,
Knoxville, Iowa
Walmart Supercenter,
Oskaloosa, Iowa
—Tundi Brady
Walmart Supercenter,
Waterloo, Iowa
Walmart Transportation Center,
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
“O ur
family was surrounded by so much love .”
—Alyssa Tarcsak, UNI Dance Marathon, For mer University of Iowa Children’s Hospital Patient
We are thankful for those individuals whose foresight
and vision have provided support for the future of
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital by committing
to a deferred gift. These donors have named the
UI Foundation as a beneficiary of a bequest in their
will or trust directed to UI Children’s Hospital or
UI Department of Pediatrics, and have shared with us
the details of their plans as of June 30, 2013.
Anonymous (25)
Mr. David A. Hoak
Mr. John B. Bay
Mrs. Elizabeth V. Hoak
Ms. Patti L. Bay
Mr. Gary D. Hughes
Mrs. Elisabeth Bellis
Mr. Francis E. Jeffries
Mr. E. J. Buresh
Mrs. Muriel J. Jeffries
Mrs. Joanne Buresh
Ms. Sharon J. Johnson
Wendy Buresh, M.D.
Marilyn S. Kwolek, M.D.
Mr. Jay Clark
Ms. Marjorie M. Perkins
Mrs. Shirley Clark
Mrs. Betty Pearl Simon (deceased)
Mr. Derek Cockrell
Dr. J. Richard Simon
Mrs. Paula M. Cockrell
Mrs. Hélène Jolas Soper
Mrs. Jane G. Downer
Ms. Lynne M. Stamus
Mr. Robert N. Downer
Mrs. Carmen N. Thompson
Mr. Gordon R. Epping, C.P.A.
Robert G. Thompson, M.D.
Dr. Richard L. Ferguson
Mr. Herbert L. Townsend
Linda Angell Finch, M.D.
Mrs. Nancy M. Townsend
Mrs. Bonnie J. Geer
Mr. Anthony R. Weiler
Mr. Dennis F. Geer
Ms. Phyllis K. Weiler
Mrs. Deborah Z. Gitchell
Mr. James W. Wilson
Mr. Joseph H. Harper
Mrs. Marilyn J. Wilson
Mrs. Sally Jo Harper
2013 Annual Report on Giving
Your Generosity Makes the Difference: FY2013 Gift Productivity
Thanks to the generosity of nearly
6,800 individuals and organizations,
UI Children’s Hospital experienced its
second-best fundraising year in history
during fiscal year 2013 (July 1, 2012 –
June 30, 2013). Total gift productivity,
including outright and deferred gift
commitments, totaled an impressive
$25.2 million.
In addition to the support to build our
new children’s hospital, gift funds were
directed to a variety of pressing needs
throughout the hospital, including vital
patient services such as our Child
Life Program, breakthrough research
in pediatric medicine, and support for
our outstanding physicians and other
professional staff.
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital Total Gift Productivity
University of Iowa Foundation (UIF) Gifts Received:
Gifts in Kind
Estate Gifts
$ 2,090,079
Total UIF Outright Gifts
Deferred Gifts:
Planned Gifts
$ 3,052,000
Total Deferred Gifts
$ 18,654,608
Total UIF Productivity
$ 23,899,931
Your gifts support excellence in our
children’s hospital. Thank you!
The University of Iowa (UI) Gifts Received:
Outright Gifts
Grants (private)
$ 1,312,437
Total UI Gifts
Number of
Number of Gifts:
Total Productivity
Gift Funds Expended by Purpose, FY2013
$ 25,216,428
Source of Gifts, FY2013
Program 46%
Foundations 52%
Research 23%
Individuals 30%
Faculty 23%
Corporations 7%
Student 5%
Other organizations 11%
Capital/equipment 3%
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
With YOUR support, OUR children’s hospital
remains among the nation’s best.
UI Children’s Hospital Development
The University of Iowa Foundation
P.O. Box 4550
Iowa City, IA 52244-4550
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage
UI Foundation