BANK THE VOLUME SHE" NO. 52, AFTER THE DISASTER. of very little value, wliile *-ome of it was practically new. A considerable amount of food supplies were also received by the committee. An oyster rake and a pair of oars were contributed by one practical man; On Monday the committee on cash subscriptions made a tour of the town and met with very fair success. About $350 was *cured. Most of this was in t-iiiall bubscriptiona of from $1 to $10. One boy, Theodore Compton, sold his bantam rooster and hen for fifty cents and turned this amount over to the committee. In a number of instances sums were contributed by people of such slender means that it constituted true charity—that charity which requires selfsacrifice for its accomplishment. A box with the sign "Drop a nickel in the box for the Seabright sufferers," was set up in front of H. H. Curtis'a place on Broad street. About eight dollars have been received from this source. In most of the "Methodist1 churchesthroughout thecimnty on" Sunday collections were taken up for Eev. Marshall Owens'of Seabright, who lost his library and household effects at the fire. The rest of the churches will take.up a similar collection next Sunday. It is expected that about a thousand dollars will be realized from ihe collections. There is a good deal of dissatisfaction over the manner of distributing the sup-, plies at Seabright. A REGISTER reporter was told on Sunday that, a number of people who were not burned out^ at all were receiving supplies aud aid.from the PER YEAB,. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1891. A CONTEMPT OF COURT CASE the consequences may be very serious to the person charged, because he may be REPLYING TO MR. DOUGHTY WOKK OF THE TOWN BOARD, j- THE ATHLETICS COMING XTP. NEWS! FROM MIDDLETOWN. They Beat the Atlantic^ In a Hard* • • ' - \ i Foncht Came. . THE FEOPUB OF SEABKIGHT i F R A N K M. T A T L O E B R O U G H T seems that in every interest of fairness, HIS WIPE'S REI-ATIONS CLAIM INTERESTING ITEMS FROM BE%( the Athletic base ball - club of Ee'd considering the little time and opportu- THE FAIR HAVEN PROPERTY. B E F O R E J U D G E CONOVER. PREPARING FOE BTJUJMNG. ' YOND THE SHREWSBURY, j Bank play as good blall during the rest nity counsel have had to confer with _ J " ' ' •' ' ' • ' ' of the season as they did on Saturday, Temporary Bnlldlns" Colnc I p lie Published a Letter In Ilie Lon^ their client or.with each other to learn the Ther Say He Transferred tlie IJoardthey will, without doubt, capture the Three months In Jail for I n a n l l - l lirs-Huuie Iu His Wire Absolutely Tents for tbe IIon)clcn>-A Saloon BrancU Record Reflecting on the facts of the case, and considering, moreRaffle for a c o w — Flower* and pennant emblematic of_the champion, and lliey Want _ll«e Chancellor to In Operation —A Belief Fund of Judge aud lias been Brought to over, that this thing has been prosecuted ship of/Uonmouth county. .iTheir oppo- - Flower Pots Stolen—Improved Boat with such expedition, we think it is only Give Them Ponieulon of It. $20,O0O-Ked Bank Sindu Aid. ibe Bar to Answer for Contempt. and Xk-aln Service. 'e nents on Saiurday were the Atlantics reasonable that the court should give The answer of the brother and sisters of Frank 31. Tayior, Jr., the editor of the the defendants and his counsel a sjiort The people of Seabright who were Henry |A.nders, who was employed by and the game took place on the AtlanLong Branch Record, was served with a delay that in order, before having to Mrs. Sarah Doughty of Fair Haven to the burned out last week are beginning to tics' grounds at Atlantic Highlands. A Charles % Leonard of Leonardville, and notice last. Thursday citing him to ap- proceed at all, they may ascertain what suit brought against them by Chaili s recover from the disaster. A number large number of people were present, who was [taken to Freehold last week for pear at court to show cause! why he the rights of their client are and to de- Doughty, Mrs. Doughty's husband, has of tents have bten erected on the burned among them being about twenty-five assaulting Edward T. Roth, another should not be punished for contempt of termine what the proper course of pro- been filed with the chancellor. Mrs. district and a few temporary wooden Red Baukers.i' The Red Bank club were farm hand employed by Mr. Leonard, courf in publishing an article reflecting cedure is, and to be able to give the Doughty died suddenly of heart disease shanties have been put up. These buildso badly beaten the Saturday previous' waived indictment and pleaded guilty. on Judge J. Clarence Conover. • The ar- defendant the benefit of their judgment last November. About nineteen year.spreings are very small.- One of theyi is that they strengthened their nine by the Last Thursday he was sentenced to three ticle was published in the Record of Fri- and experience. We therefore, ask that vious she had married Charles Doughty, only about eight feet tquare, and tliia addition of one or-i two players and by months in the county jail. day, June 12th, and was headed "About the court will adjourn this proceeding she being his second wife. Mr. Doughty serves as kitchen, bath-ruum, diningLast Saturday Mrs. Collins of the changing the epd&itions of some of the ", " . " . -2 bt) Liquor Liceuses." The article consisted jstiwhere it is until some future day had no children by bis second wile but by Jumes Norniuu, " room, parlor and bedroom for four men. The iplayers and their posi- Highlands bought a cow at Chapel Hill c. Fielder, work on roads 13 l a club. his first wife he had eleven children, all William of an open letter to Judge Conover Some of the tents are of good size, 12 21 tions were as follows: "Walter Parsons, and put itj up for a raffle for the benefit George I unmller, " . " 'lW fixed by the court in order that we of whom are living and grown up. On Geo. P. Huwkius, " signed '•Democrat," and some comments " ... . .... 3 5Q catcher ; Harry Parker, pitcher ; John of the Seabright sufferers. At the raffle' being twenty by twenty feet. Others : .7tiH " " thereon. The " open letter "part of the; may be prepared to go on with whatever March' 6, 1880, Mr. Doughty conveyed to Ueorjre Zel^ler, are smaller and a few are larger. These 47 23 Hoffmire, first base; Joseph Steinberg, it was found that' Mrs. Collins and For1). 11. Bray, " , " hearing may be had uuder it." his wife the house and lot owned by article was an intimation, very broadly have been furnished with tables, chairs, Tlierewas a Ions discussion overC. \V.; second1 base; Wm. Fenton, third base; man New man of Seaside were tied, and '• There is not," said Judge Conover, him at Fair Haveu, which at that time expressed, that Judge Couover was runbeds and a few other necessary articles James Chadwick, short stop; Japhia to settlest le question Mrs. Collins gave ning the courts in the interest of the V the slightest disposition on the part of was worth about $2,000. Mr. Dough- Thompson's bill. H e had done work on! Clayton, right field; John Applegate, Newman f 17. The raffle yielded about of furniture. Most of the furniture has Abbett faction of the Democracy. It t&e court in this proceeding to deal un- ty had personal property at the time VVhari avenue tuid in other parts of tlie center field ; Joseph Burrowes, leftfield. $75 for thja Seabright relief fund. been contributed by people from the stated iu plain terms that,he had granted fairly with the defendant, or take any worth $500 to $1,000. Mrs. Doughty be town, and his bill amounted to $197. The Atlantice' battery consisted of neighboring towns. These tents and Two flower pots of ornate design were a license to every known supporter of undue advantage of him or to deny him gan to keep boarders, at wliich she was Part of tlie bill was for flagstones tor Chauncey Slayton >and Frank Johnson. stolen from Wm. Murray's cottage at small wooden buildings are scattered When the bill was read the Abbett ticket at the Loug Branch any right which he has fairly in this very successful. She made a great deal crosswalks. all over the. burned district east of the Although Parker had not pitched in two Atlantic Highlands on Saturday night. borough election, and that every person court. The proceeding is simply and of money, her profits being about $500 a Thomas Manson, who was present, stat- yeajs • he was in excellent form, and On tbe same night the lawn of Hi C. railroad. None of them has been put who opposed thfe ticket had their licenses solely to vindicate the honor of the court, year.. She refurnished the house and ed that tlie cojrimittee had asked him pitched a remarkably fine game. Par- Ferguson's adjoining property was up in the business part of the town. built two annexes to the main boarding for bids, but had given out the contract sons held him nicely;'doing some clever robbed of I a decorated china flower pot laid over or refused ; thatC. Ewinji Pat- which has been so falsely assailed." Some of the walls of the brick buildings The court ,and counsel then entered house. She also bought two small tracts before receiving his' bid. Hia bid, he catching. He threw to bases with a of considerable value. terson, who it wjas asserted had influence are still standing, nothing having, been with ihe court, had been engaged by into a discussion of the proper time for of land in Ocean county, which deeds said, was twenty cent.? a foot for cross- true aim and did good all-around playing. done toward clearing up the business There are now six boat trips daily each some of the men whose licenses were re- the adjourned hearing, and it was finally she had recorded in her ownname. Ske walks three aud u half feet wide laid, The battery was well 'supported, all the way betwjeen New York and Atlantic sites and-rebuilding the burned stores. agreed to have the caBe adjourned to insured her life for her husband's bene- while Mr. Thdinpsou's was seventeen boys, being in to win. Steinberg and fused, ami that on his application the A number of temporary stores are Highlands, one of them being a direct court's a,cLion was reconsidered and the Tuesday, July 7th, at ten o'clock in the fit for $4,000, aud at her death last Nu- ceiits a-foot for three-foot cruss walks being put up on Charles L. Walters"s trip. On Sunday there are two trips, " morning. veruber he found himself iu possession without being laid. He Claimed that Parker did the best batting for. the Red one of them direct. There are two trains property, just north of the drawbridge. poor fund. One or two families, it was licenses were granted. The writer of of money and personal property to the his bid was the lowest. Mr. Thomp- Bank club. The game was close through- daily to and from Red Bank and seven . the open lette|;wanted to know if the Mr. Taylor is a young man about thirty son claimed that it wasn't the lowest, These stores will be occupied by Sir. said, were keeping boarders on what they courts of the boifnty were being prosti- years of age. He has, had considerable value of over $9,000. and that: whether it was or»noMhe com- put, and at the end of the ninth inning trains dailjy to and from New'York, v i i Walters. Knapp & West, Irwin "<£ Nes received from the relief committee, tuted in the interests of Leon Abbett, experience in the newspaper business, - v • ' • ". ,' Mrs. Doughty left no will, and' as she mittee had -'given him the contract and the score stood 5 aud 5. Red Bank then Matawan. . bit'and-.Frank Hartin. Other tempor- while others had seot for their friends and closed with; this paragraph j: aud has had control of the Long Branch had no children all her personal properwent to bat and made the winning run, The Grand View hotel is open. In the ary buildings for business purposes will and relatives to come to Seabright while Record for the 'past four or five years. ty went to her husband, while her real the bill ou^ht to be paid. .The commis- which was scored by Chadwick. The ..'.' Silence concerning these ugly rureception loom and office there are thousioners decided to lay the matter over be put up soon, and traffic will g o on as aid was being given out. A committee He was private secretary to United Atlantics were white-washed in the last Usual. '• . of the Seabright'people now has charge mora may be construed by the public as States Blodgett for the past year or two estate wilFgo to her brother and sisters, until the iiext meeting, when Commis inning. The score by innings was as sands of dollars' worth of oil paintings, ; These relatives are Charle6 Miller and siouer Woods would lie present. Mr. including-two Character studies of old The place looks desolate in its ruins. distribution of the relief contribu- a conft-ssiou of their truth." r ...' . ID the comments on' the letter Judge after his election. He is : now in very Mrs? Jane Simmons, a widow, of New Thompson declared that unless his bill follows: men, painted by Josef Smutney, who "reThe brick walla which have fallen en- tions, and it ia thought that nothing poor health, being subject to Bever'e i. .0 0 0 0 .0 3 1 2 0 1—6 ceived the gold medal of the Vienna excumber the sidewalks. Heavy iron more will be given out except to parties Conover was called on to state whether or hemorrhages of the lungs. He has re- York city ; Mis. Elizabeth Swazey ofy wati paid he would not do another stroke Athletics Atiamics . . i . l 0 0 0 -2 0 ,0 1 1 0—s Schooley's Mountain, N. J.; and Mrs.' uot the allegations were true, and to say position. J . . . of work On the; roads. There were two girders lie here and there, twisted out of entitled, to reiief. The name of each cently returned home from a month's A game "was played at Navesink last shape and of no value except for old iron. applicant is taken, and he is compelled it promptly and emphatically. The article trip South, where he went for the benefit Annie Minton, wife of Henry Miutou of boatloads of stone in the river to be unSaxton W . Bloodgood is building a liturday between the New Amsterdarae large addition to his livery stable at At- ' Fair Haven. loaded, and unless the bill, was,paid the Tbere~are no balf-burnt limbers about, to give his residence, state by whom he stated that it was a well known fact of his health. Mr. Doughty was made administrator commissioners would have to get sojne and Indians. The former won by a score (antic Highlands in order to accommo—everyihine of wood being burned up was employed, how long he had lived that Leon Abbett had refused to re' - . - ' . , • • date Baron1 Paul Viconhof's trained sadof the estate, and lie began proceedings, one besides him to unload them, Finally of 15 to 10. , completely Some trees within the at Seabright, and give any other infor- appoint Alfred Walling as law judge because he had refused to do the governor's Tiie drawn game between the N e w dle horses], A . riding school will be S I 0 0 CLEARED. in chancery to have the property which Commissioner Francis White moved that burned district were not entirely con- mation required. dirty work, and would uot use his office he conveyed to his wife in 1SS0 trans action ou Mr. Thompson's bill be recon- Amsterdams and Athletics was referred started, about July 1st. sumed, but*-6tand with their branches In the BU-d Bank Methodist church on to Abbett'fl political advantage ; and the A Good Entertainment by St. James'* ferred back to him. He claimed that sidered. This was carried and the bill to Dr. "Wi. S. i Whitmore for decision. burned off and with their trunks black Eev. L. JB. Edwards, formerly .pastor Sunday night a collection of $31 19 was When the game between these clubs of the A t l a n t i c Highlands Methodist ' Institute. the transfer of the house and lot to his was Jjhen passed. _ ened and stripped of their bark. The taken up for the benefit of Rev. Marshal) query was made as to whether Judge mopped tlie score was even. As the church, but_now of Wenonah, N. J., ia The entertainment by the Young Men's wife wag done in puibUiuice of an agreegothic windows in the church walls Owens of Seabright, and in Grace church (Jnnover owed his appointment to a corA.communication from Charles Croft New Amsterdams refused to play the on a visit to his Atlantic Highlands Institute of St. James's church in the ment made between them to tlie eifecl' still show their shape, although some of the amount collected was $33.52. The rupt bargain. in relation to muzzling dogs was received remainder of the game Dr. Whitmore friends and ia'receiving a most cordial The article was not brought to the at- hall last Thursday night was a highly the church walls have fallen. Little Silver Methodist church took up a tention of Judge Conover until the fol- successful affair, netting about $100. gave the' ganie to the Athletics. This welcome. , .. : •• Toward the southern end of the village collection of §14 13 for his benefit. places the Navesink and Red Bank teams lowing Monday, when he wasj holding Music by. an orchestra composed of Miss t w o places were burned which were Geo. H. Stout of Atlantic Highlands The special agents of the insurance court at Freehold. He took no public Katie Hawkins, pianist, Michael Carr, on an equal. footing in the league and has accepted tbe position as agent of tbe filled with hay. It was near this point makes them close up to the leader. United Prdss, and' will act as their news .• K g that t h e fire was arrested. The fire companies to the number of fifteen or action that day, but last Thursday, when clarionetist, and James E. Keough, cor- back to him when they should stop tak of the dogs which they killed to the com- The standing of the clubs is as follows': correspond snt from the Highlands of - . could not eat its way down through t h e twenty are now pn the ground and are the court met again, the answer was as netist, opened the entertainment. A ing boarders. Won. Lost.Navesink t ) Keyport. The answer of Mrs. Doughty's brother missioners, as evidence that the dogs hay, a : great deal of which was not making arrangements to pay the losses. emphatic as the, writer of the communi- minstrel performance with Tom Murphy ' • • ..:..-. 4 2 burned.; It has been Bpread out to dry, The insurance on the burned buildings cation could wish. An affidavit was and Joseph Steele as end men and Timo- and sisters denies all the alegations had been destroyed. The dog catchers Atlantics S. T. Champion, borough commission- • Athletics .• .:.. 8 . • s and presents a strange appearance with amounts to about $200,000, and of this presented to the court by Charles H. thy Riordan as middleman was the'next of Mr. Doughty in so far as he sets were notified thai no dogs must be cap- New A uisterdama . ...... 3 • S - er, school trustee, etc., has installed himamount fully nine tenths was placed Ivins, the acting prosecutor, to the'effect part. The boys were blacked and their up a claim that the transfer of the prop tured when they were on private prop- Indians.. its surroundings of ashes. g 4 self and family into his elegant new cotby Charles D. "Warner & Co. of Red that the article tended to bring reproach jokes and songs were good and fresh. erty was not absolute and unqualified. erty, andjthat no dons must be destroyed tage on Bajy View avenue, known as the The Athletics and New Amsterdams The tin and iron ware possessed by the Bank and Long Branch in companies until after-the owner had had twenty• -. • ; Seabright households must have been represented by them. The losses aB they on the co^urt. The affidavit was filed Solos were rendered by Dr. John iW. The defendants, Mrs. Doughty'a brother lour hours' notice. Bird dogs aud other will play a game in Red Bank on Satur- Champion |house. aud a rule was issued and ordered to be Keough, Joseph Fix and Tim, Murphy. and sisters, deny that the deed to Mr«. day. ' . On Saturday night thieves broke into immense, judging from the amount that are adjusted will be paid in cash, and valuable dogs have double le'aee served on Frank M. Taylor, the editor of During the evening cornet and'clarionet Doughty frOmher husband was made to * • —.', . • • the locker lof Alfred Spier's boat-at Bre- covers the ground on the site of each none of the companies will take advanof life in order tlist the owners might vent Park. | They stole some small artiPIGEON SHOOTING. building. In some instances the ground tage of. the sixty days' time they are al- the paperi requiring him to appear at solos were exquisitely given by James carry out an agreement about keeping have an: opportunity to claim .-them. court on Saturday and show cause why Keough and Michael Carr respectively. boarders, previously made between them,' cles and damaged the boat considerably. is completely covered with them, and lowed by law. As the property was he should not be punished for contempt Mary3^ood was deservedly encored after and assert that .there was no agreement The marshals were instructed to see that Good Work Done By the Riverside Frank Butler, editor of one of the de•. they were the more noticeable from the completely destroyed, and an the prop: of court.' The order was served by J. singing the solo, " Sing, Sweet Bird." whereby the property was to be trans- the provisions of the ordinance were C<nn Club. partments lot the New York World, and - fact that scarcely anything else had erty was not insured to its full value, Erank Patterson of Red Bank on Thurs- Jig dancing by J. Can field of Long ferred back to Mr. Doughty. They say rightfully carried out, and that the dogs The flutter of pigeons' wings and the Miss Rose [Eytinge, the world-famed acwithstood the heat of the fire. - , the IOSB to the companies is complete, day afternoon. Branch was a very entertaining feature. in their answer that at the time Mr. had plenty ofi water.and were treated pop of, breech-loaders were again heard tress, are visiting the Julien cottage. The system of relief which was at and there will be no scaling down of the humanely. . Misses Mildred Hollywood and Mary Doughty married his second wife he was All the parties .were in court on SaturThere were elaborate services in the once started has prevented any actual face of the policies. It will probably be Henry C. J. Schroeder complained of on the grounds of the Riverside gun club Baptist was determined Hawkins gave a charming vocal duet. poor and iu debt, aud that hia property church at Atlantic Highlands on ; want of food or clothing among the the latter part of next week before the day. That Mr. Taylor This was followed by a funny little farce, at Fair Haven was run down arid^ut 61 Crow Hollow brook, which runs through on Friday afternoon. 'It was the month- Sunday : to make a strong fight was seen at once night. The floral decorations ly meeting of the club, and although the burned out people. Many of tbe losses are adjusted and the work of the He slated that folks from his counsel. He had i engaged the characters being taken by James repair; that Mr. JJuughty's occupation his property. were tbe fi nest ever seen in the town; ; ' members bad not shot at live targets for wealthy summer residents of Seabright agents completed. Saguerton and Win. Murphy. Joseph who owned property along tlie brook, waB oystering and fishing, from whicl^ Thomas N. McCarter of Elizabeth and . Percy Failkeuburg is about to extend, Borne time their scoreswere good. Polat once ordered a large quantity of food On Sunday last the offertories at the George M. Robeson of Camden to defend Steele, who is a favorite with Bed Bank he scarcely made'a livelihood; that he particularly Robert.. ALlmi, Jr.. had lowing iB a Bummary of the events:' his shoe etiore and plumbing establish- ~ and other necessaries, and the temporary audiences, gave some clever character was a poor manager and his' business changed thecoureeof the brook, and had church and chapels of St. George's parhim. The latter was Secretary of the Railroad wants of the people have been well supimitations. A drama entitled "The was npt.BUfficientto support himself and made it BO zigzagy that its flow .was im- First event.'club baDdlcap at seven birds—Edward ment front .First avenue t o '. • plied. The. Ocean Grove Association ish were devoted to tbe aid of the burnt- Navy under General Grant. These two Rough Diamond1" concluded the enter- hiB wife; that he had mortgaged hia peded. The brook,ilie also declared, had M. Cooper, 6 ; Fred Beale, J. B. Bergen, E. W. avenue, Atlantic Highlands. Throckinorwn, Jacob Borden, James Cooper, Jr., men have reputations as lawyers second sent up twenty-five tents, and a number out sufferers at Seabright. Capt.A.[ Carhart arrived at Atlantic tainment. The parts were excellently been allowed to be filled up with dirt place at Fair Haven in order to pay the and Asa WBaymer, 5 each ; M. F. Cornwell and Dr. to none in the state, and a heavy fight were ateo sent up from the Btate camp Crater, 4 eacb. ID tbe sboot-oS for second prize Highlands last week in his yacht Zella was seen to be, in store. Many people takWrby Mary Wood, Annie Reilly, Mil- funeral expenses of bis first wife, and and rubbish, thus doing a great deal of Whaymer won. at Sea Girt. One of the men burned out T., from Fatchogue, vrhere he recently COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. dred Hollywood, James Quigley, John that hiB Becoud wife was compelled to damage to his property. Commissioner Second event, four birds—Cornwell, : claim that the publication of jthe comCooper purchased ler, kept a saloon. H e got possession of a Splane, John Egan, Edward Slattery, lake boarders so that she might support Cooper was appointed a committee to go and James Cooper, 4-^acb ; Beale, E. M.Jobn Cooper and munication in the Record was the first tent and he has opened his saloon there- Four Graduate! at Kir*. Perkins's John Gil , a retired merchant of N e w Timothy Riordan and Timotfiy Martin. Siver the ground with Mr. Schroeder aud Crater, 3 each ; Borden, 1, In the snoot-oS tor flrst herself coTnfortably. ; gun in the.flghti between United States i n . During the first few days after the York, and bis family, are on a visit to KiTcnlde Seminary. prtee CornwcU won, second prize being divided. see what was best to lie done. Senator Rufus Blodgett and Governor fire he did a rushing business among the Third event, nine clays— John aud E. M. Cooper, Mrs. L. Wliittingham, at Atlantic HighTheanswer then goes on t6 say that The commencement exercises of Mrs. Leon : The cirminissiouers have rented HawQrst, 8 eacb; Beale and Tbrockmorton, second, 6 lands. Abbett, in the latter's contest for visitors to the burned town, who bought M. E. Perkins's Riverside seminary were • ' •' . Mrs. Doughty first began to keep boardA SALE OF COWS. each ; Jatnes Cooper and Oscar -Hesse, 5 eacb ; Asa beer from him partly to show their sym- held in the Baptist church last Wednes- the United States senatorship[in 1593. ers about, sixteen years agOj in a small kins's blacksmith 6liop on West street at Whaymer, 4. John Moore of Brevent Park has been $40 a year, to store, their road tools in. When they saw the eminent cokinsel enpathy but chiefly because they wanted day night. Despite the stormy weather capable Fourth event, nine clays—Hesse, first, 7; Beale engaged as assistant bartender of the Prices Realized at J o h n 8. way ; that Bhe was Binart and Police Justice Sickles was instructed and E. M. Cooper, second, 6; Jobn Cooper, 5 ; James Cresson b.o£el for-one year.' the beer and couldn't get it handily any- there was a large attendance. The grad- gaged they became more than ever con- H l g b and a gqod business woman,1 and lier Ferguson's Sale. to pay the inarrhalH and to take his own Cooper, 4 ; T. Parker, 2. . vinced that such was the casej In adwhere else. boarding '. business proved (successful; The Pavoriia yacht club are arranging uates and their teacher occupied seats on dition to Mr. McCarter and Mr.I Robeson Fifth event; six clays, doubles—E. M. Cooper, The sale of thoroughbred cows on John fees out of the fines he collected. I Urst, 5: Jamea Cooper, second, 4 ; Jobn Cooper, 3 : a programme for ladies' day. ; Muny instances of pluck and heroism the platform, which was beautifully dec- Mr. Taylor had engaged Eusebius W. S. Ferguson's place at Wolf Hill in that the business increased so rapidly There was considerable discussion over 2. •' . • at the fire could be related. Many Bien, orated with palms and flowers. The Arrowsmith of Freehold, and he had also Batontown township last week was very that in 1880, when the transfer of the the obstruction which Dr. Boyd has Beale, sixth event, six clays, doubles—E. M. Cooper, in their effort to save the town, took no class motto, '• Finis Coronat OpuB," made provided a stenographer. successful. The sale had been adver- property was made, the houeej was not placed across the sidewalk on East Front mat, r<; John Cooper, second, 4; James Cooper and TWO Y E k R S I N STATE PRISON. j rtle, was arranged on the wall back heed t o their own burning buildings, but tised in THE REGISTER and hence every largo enough to accommodate all who street, near Pintard's gully. It was Beale, 2 eacb. Judge Conover and Associate Judges farmer in this part of~the county who wished to board with her; that -about stated that six feet of the obstructed i graduates. A selection on the orstrove to prevent the fire from ep *"" Frank Stantta of l i b n r r Park Gets • • that time, as the defendants to the y Miss Mamie Mount, opened the Bennett and Curtis were on the bench wanted a cow was present at the sale. Monmouth's S m a r t Pupils* further.' Particularly was this walk belonged to the public. /The reJHe»vy Sentence. ies, this being followed by a prayer when the case came up on Saturday. This made the bidding lively and chancery suit believe, Dr. Cwuover of mainder of the walk was Dr.''Boyd's The examinations held June 6th at with Pi Hall Packer,, the tel Frank Shutts of Asbury Park,_ who Red Bauk and others were pushing After opening court the affidavit WBB . J. K~ Manning, Freehold by Dr. Lockwood of the comagent. H e lived on the second spirited. The cows were fine stock and property, but. twenty years ago or so he idge Conover asked! wbtther many of them had been bought in March. llr. Doughty for moneys wl^ch he mil the otJief~property owners had made ;petitive candidates of the four free schol- was one of| the party concerned in tbe graduates were Charlo.i his building, and when it caught fife, chicken raid through the back townships* "•aylor was in court.! They brought an average of $10 apiece owed them, as were also the parties a mutual agreement to widen the road. arships in the state agricultural college,. of the county, and who were overtaken . manfully remained at the tele '" swered Mr. McCarter. », more than Mr. Ferguson paid for them, from whomjhe bought his*business Sup- Tlie road was widened and has been jis declared by the examiner to be the ae- near- Tin tori Falls by the farmers whose trying to get the Lone Branch _,_ i is he?" continued'Judge Con- and he has had tbe use of them ever plies ; and Sir. Doughty, seeiug that his kept to the width agreed upon by the iverest he ever witnessed. The four ap- chickens held been stolen, bas been senworks to put more pressure on the f?" I am not acquainted with him." since March, The total amount received wife was carrying on a successful, busi- other property owuers, but a year ago ipointments were won by J. Mulford En- tenced to two years in state prison. Qver and calling for tire engines from 1 r. Taylor rose and the court went- was $830.DO. The prices paid and tbe neBB on U%e premises, and having conii Dr. Boyd closed up the sidewalk aud iriglit, Charles E. Conover, Clarence Het- 135 chickens were stolen on this trip,' Branch and Asbury Park. There* n : " Mr. Taylor, here is the jafBdavit names of the purchasers at the sale were dence in hjer ability to take care of the made pedestrians-go down in the street. iiick and W. Ryall Burtis. Hetrick is and Shutts, with several of his companno insurance on his furniture an property ^and to run the business, he ^charging you with being the editor of as follows: could have saved the most of i t h conceived the scheme of transferring all The matter was referred to the couusel 'from Asbury Park and the other .boys ions, were Indicted a number of times.. undertaken to do so instead of tryi: oenemann and W. E. Mor- the Long Branch Record, and of|! publish- Cow, No. 1. Jacob Sbutta $63 00 his property, real <and personal, to his to- ascertain whetherOunder the agree- jive at Freehold. O f the four prizes The indictment on which he was:sening in the issue of your paper of June get more engines at the fire. Hi_>wr 67 00 wife and giving it to her. absolutely, ment, between the property owners in for the best compositions by pupils of tenced was for stealing chickens from " " 2, Shepherd Knapp... 12th, last past, an article entitled 'About 86 0U ruained at his post until tberear doog . " " 8, Frea.Beale regard to widening the road, Dr. Boyd the New Jersey public schools offered by John W.HerBert of Marlboro. Sentence Bubjects of the essays were Cl 00 which scheme he afterward carried into '" " 4, Laurls Loomifl Liquor Licenses,' with editorial comment - t h e telephone office was burned do1 ould be compelled to remove the ob- the New York World, Jfonmouth took was suspended in the other cases until pi's Opportunities," Miss Field ; 50 00 effect. " " 5, Mr. MaoDlDff and then a fierce rush of flame struction. n," Miss Alien ; "Dignity of thereon, tending to bring reproach upon two, one being awarded to young En- after tbe present sentence is served, and' '* " 6, Fred. Breauttgam.. sa oo The defendant's also Bay in their an• ' ; smoke drove him out. He wrenched " " 7, " Miss Lufburrow; - T h e End the court." Assistant Marshal- Frank Fielder Wfjhtof Freehold and the other to Miss Judge Conbver stated that sentence 56 00 Bwer that at the time the deeds :were " " 8, " »" " We would like to see the affidavit," be Work," Miss HendrickBon. . telephone desk from its fastenings 41) 00 drawn, the nature and effect of the wauted'the commissioners to give the plow, one of the pupils in the Aebury would then be suspended during good " " 9, John 8. Ferguson.. j ay was a carefully prepared interrupted Mr. Robeaon. carried it to the lawn in front' of 55 00 ** " 30, Oliver Duud Byron marshals police hats, and Marshal Nor Park school. There were six contest- behavior. Shutt's wife was in court 1 Certainlyi" continued Judge Cono- 70 00 transfer were explained to him, and he man suggested that the, comruissioiWrB ants for the free scholarships. rked originality and '• " 11, Fred. Breaiitlgain. when her husband was sentenced, and Octagon' house, where he connec 26 00 stated that lie wanted tile property di -Mr. Robeson the paper. her sobs and moans were very affecting.. - with the Long Branch wire, and co: 40 00 transferred to his wife' absolutely, with- give them a full outfit of clothes with " " \$, Edward Allaire.... ,de by this court requires One of the! reasons why such a heavy ued his efforts ia behalf of the bu: 51 00 " " 14, E. B. Blaisdell plenty of| big brass buttons. Fielder Eicause at this time why you 1 Brlndle heifer Celebrating the Fourth. sentence wcjs inflicted was that the lifttown unfil the poles burned down .. 61 34 00 60 out power to have U returned to him. stated that when people saw him along ~ punished for contempt of 1 Yearling bull.: 15 00 All the property wliich .was' conveyed broke the wires. In the'meantimi An entertainment for the benefit of ing of chickens had becomes regular in13 00 to his wife, the defendants say1,! was the street lliey couldn't' tell whether he publication of this article, 1 Bull c a K . . . . : dustry by parties living at and near' w i f e had been trying to save some 1 Heifer calf .'. . . 12 00 transferred at his own suggestion; and wafi a carman or- a policeman, and he the extension board of the A. M. E. have you to make." lurniture. She got out one or two p i 1 Red call 16 00 thought tihe commissioners'' ought to church will be heldilji Drummond's grove Asbury Park, and numerous depredadirection, land without any persuasion _^^ idant will answer by counbut the flames spread so rapidly thai gvi! liim a] hat so that folks could know bear Zion church on the Fourth of July. tions have [been committed by them. or solicitation on her.part. !. firfif?<!5urt pleases," said Mr. Mcw a s forctd to flee. Her escape by the friends in the way of presents and boulie had authority. Tho commissioners A committee of twenty or more persons Sentences of a few months in the countyFOURTH OF JULY. ' Mr. Doughty's claim, that there was decided tliat he could have • a police from different parts of the.l|6tate will jail have had no effect in stopping: the stairs w a s cut off, and she made her exit quets. The exercises" closed with a short Carter. a partnership between him ami his helmet by paying for it. •I . "The court will require the defendant from t h e second story by means of a address by Mr. Manning. have charga of the affair and the gen- thefts. to answer for himself, but we will also Great Sport at tbe Drnmmond Driving wife, is denied by the defendant, ladder• . eral manager will be Silas Holmes: A Park, Asbury Park, N. J . Parent Shlntts, Sr., Shutts, Jr., except so far as the ordinary relations of hear counsel' in the matter," replied number of speakers will be present and George "Vannote andParent A subscription was taken up among James E. Poland Four races^at the Fourth of July meet- man and wife would form such a "partStruck b y Lightning. A B i g Cherry Crop. Judge Conover. will make addresses. Various kinds of are yet to be disposed of in connection the cottage owners of Seabrightand also ! nership. They alBO deny that lie [paid " The defendant is not obliged to ing. Laat Wednesday afternoon lightning refreshment will be sold and the Excel- with this same case. This year the cherry crop is the largest in N e w York. John L. Kiker contributThree minute class trotting, purse $100. the grocery bills out of his oystering and stiuck the chimney of R^v. TV.'It. Wed- sior band: will be present to play. ed f 1.000 in addition to supplying a quan- ever known in the county. Not only answer at any time until some charge is ! ' ' 2:34 class trotting, purse $1.25. . fishing business. All the improvunents derspuon's''.house on H;irl street. The tity of food. There were several other has the crop been large, but fruit grow- made against him whjch he has had an Free for all, trotters and pacers, purse to the house and all the bills for furni- chimney, wliich is located iu the middle opportunity to answer," said Mr. McCarBitten Twenty-One Times. ers have received good prices for the bUbscriptions of a tike sum and many ture and supplies were paid by her out of the rocifj was partly shattered, and the : An Electric P l a n t Destroyed. , 50: smaller ones- Altogether about $20,000 crop. James Bray of the Phalanx picked ter. "This affidavit, if it contains any A few days ago Elmer, the six-yearRunning race, sweepstakes, three-quar- of the profits of keeping boarders. They fluid' also! split thu rafters. Several I The power bouse of the Seashore elechas beenjraised thus far, and it is proba- seventeen baskets of cherries from one allegation of a contempt, has never been ter mile heats, best two in three, f 100. admit that Mr. Doughty, as he says in pieces of slate on both Bides of the roof tric railway at Asbury Park was de- old son of Wm. JET. Pearsall of Oceanic, served upon the defendant and he has Iree, which netted him lf3L George , ble that the sum will reach $30,000, and Entries close Saturday, June 27th, ibOl. his bill, practically gave up his oystering were broktW The lightning ran along stroyed by fire last Thursday morning, was terribly bitten by a dog. The boyEvans of, Chapel Hill also had a large ncret heard it until now, nor have any possibly even more. _ "We have the best half-mile track ID and fishing business, but he did not do the zinc ou jthe peak and descended to and the valuable engines and dynamos was bitten ojn the face, the right ear, the crop. Laat Saturday prices were lower of liis,cuunsel. He is entitled to the adLast Friday night a meeting was called than at any other time this season, or vicp of counsel as to the procedure he the state. Rain' only makes it better, it because he had a partner's interest in the bedrotim, breaking the window in the building were ruined. The loss upper lip, near the left eye and on the at t h e truck house' in Red Bank to take tor a number of seasons past. Farmers will pursue in responding to this appli- and we have 40 box stalls, 12x13 lined the boarding house business, but because panes and knocking down part of the on the building and machinery will reach left arm. There are nineteen bites on ..measures for aiding the burned-out from Holmdel drove to town with cation, aud counsel therefore j have a shingle room and eight-foot bonnets. A he was Advanced in years and his oys- wall. It thpn ran down into tlie parlor, about $35,000; ,the insurance is about the face and head and two on the arm. v The dog was not rabid. The wounds "people. Chief Commissioner Henry H . wagon loads of the fruit and sold them right to an opportunity to examine and new grand stand, as well as judges' stand. tering and fishing business yielded him damayiug ijhe wall. Mrs. Taylor, Mr. $35,000. jTlie origin: of the fire is a mysCurtis was chairman of the meeting aiid by the basket at four to five cents per consider this affidavit to see, in'the first The efficient gentleman, C. A. Willis, very little profit. Mr. Doughty, accord- Wedderspoon's aunt, was in the house, tery. .The power plant will not be re- were cauterized by Doctors Whitmore John H . Cook was secretary. A despatch pound. The.ruling price has been from place, whether it charges him with any will again honor the judges' stand and ing to the defendants, often expressed but was liotjnflecled by the shock.-, tilie placed until fall, and in the meantime and Armstrong: and the boy is rapidly "was received from Seabright just as the eight to twelve cents.. A tree of white contempt; whether he can be called on to say "go " at the proper time. Our aim himself aB pleased and satisfied with the sat at the parlor window only -' about tlie cars will be altered, and horses will recovering, j ." _ --, _ meeting was opened," stating that the amber cherries on Samuel H. Smock's answer at all, and also to determine what is to treat everybodyi'ight, BO don't fail transfer of the property to his wife. three' minutt'B- before the house was furnish the motive poweK' people were in need of clothing and bed- place at Oceanport yielded 600 pounds the'proper course of procedure is on the to come and see the four great races, A Vacant Building Burned. .The answer closes with the statement struck. The damage will not exceed ding of all kinds. Committees were ap- of fruit, 'which sold for over $50. July 4th. Many fast horses entered for that at the death of Mrs. Doughty Mr. part of tho defendant," : A building owned by Wm. W. Cono- " \ pointed to solicit gifts of clothing, bedthe trotting, pacing and running. Horses ', ' A Club Shooting Match. ver near Oceanic, and formerly used'as " The cuurt supposed that MjSf ayloir called at one, started at 1:30 sharp- Doughty came into possession of cash dingT crockery, furniture and other Seeing IN Belleville?.1' | A match will be Bhot to-morrow on a blacksmith shop, was burned down and personal property to the amount of had seen the affidavit," said UufflB Conhousehold goods, the town being divided Come one, come all. last Saturday night. The fire broke out L a y i n g a, Corner-Stone. After you have seen the handsome the Midway gun club 'grounds between over $9,000, which was the larger part over. "Upon the statement tftat Mr. up in sections, so that it could be conButrabove all don't forget the date of of his wife's estate; that the improve- stock of pianos and 6rgatis now dis- the'Midway and Perth Amboy gun clubs. at 10:3Q.aQd:is;supposed to have been the The corner-etone of the Church "of the Taylor h'asinot seen it, the court will alveniently, canvassed. The committee Precious Blood, a Catholic .church-that low you tiriie now for conference and to the M M mouth county fair to be held at ments on ; the Fair Haven property played at the wnrerooms of Peek & E;ich club will have a team of ten men work of au incendiary. The Oceanic Ttaa made up as follows : fire company was soon on the ground i3in course of construction at Monmouth advise him as to his answer." Mr. Robe- our grounds the first week in September, were made by Mrs. Doughty,, and that Curtis you will believe they-carry the and each man will shoot at ten birds. and they tore the building down. .The * Xaple avenue—Bev. J. K. ManotDg. Beach, was laid on Sunday. Bishop eon, Mr. McCarter and Mr, Taylor then commencing August 31, September 1, 2, the increased value thereof resulted from largest' stock and best vai iety of any Brc*d street—Isaac H. Adleni. Michael J. O'Farrell conducted the ser- went to the back part of the court room 3, 4 and 5. $7,000 in purses. For par- her industry and thrift; that the Fair house in tlie county. Some-wonderful j If you want a good set of harness go loss is about $300: The building had.' Wallace street—M. M. D^vicUun." not been occupied for the past two years.' Haven property was the absolute prop- bargains to j oiler in new and ; secondi i M . RL-VS. James Reynolds of Red where they held a conference for a few ticulars and catalogue, address Bortleo street—Wm. T. CcrlieJ. \Vareroonis, Hed to Gowdy & Pitcher's and name your M. E. DANIELS, Secretary, erty of Mrs. Doughty; and that at her hand instruments. Mediaatei street— Ma* Wels, . Bank, James A. McFaul,' John M. Mc- minutes and then returned tO'their seats own price, and they, will make the har- The Atlantic Highlands • Directories .Jrontstrect—Henry S. White and H. M. Nevlns. N. J.-rAdv. J Lock Box 716, Asbury Park, N. J.—Adv. death her ibrother and three sisters be; Cfoskey and W. P. Campbell of Long; within the railing. ness to fit the price and guarantee it a may be obtained at George H. Stout's 'wasnlufftnn street—Klcbard Case. came the absolute owners of it. The •Branch, John Fox of Snabright, Thomas " After reading the affidavit,'^said Mr. ** ' ** - HOnmonib and Pearl streets—Joseph D. Hugies letter job than you can purchase else- office, corner of First and Mount avenues, chancellor i is asked to dismiss Mr. Roach of Atlantic .Highlands, Michael T h a t ' llcCarter, "which has made its appearBinder Twine and Machine Oil. and Edgar Terhane. . | where for the same money.—Adv. \ Doughty's bill and to make him pay the or from Arthur B.,Coles's news agency The sign at the corner ift Maple avenue Springstrttt and ibe Scuffletbisn road— Sigmund Glennon of Asbury Park and William ance in court for the first lime this Buckeye mowers and-reapers, also the ' Dumpliy, assistant of the Star of the morning, and considering the nature of best of binder twine and machine oil, costs of the suit. at Clark's Atlantic Pharmacy.—Adv. ^ Signer. i " and• JMoinnoiiMi street that you read Riverside ind sallmad avenues and Sector place— Sea church, participated; in the exer- the proceedings and the consequences j Having moved from Freehold to Red i * • — It is probable testimony will .be taken about, directs you to wh^re you [get the Bold by Charles H. Morford of MiddleCornelias Mount/ cises, wliich-were of a very elaborate which may1 ensue if a conviction should Bank l a m now prepared to take boarders Before purchasing bats and furnishing ; Write street— S . J. Wilson. town. Twine and oil always kept on in the case lief ore a master in chancery best value in carriages and harness. nature. Hie contract JOT erecting the by the week, day, or meal. Good table be had of ithe. contempt of this court, Irving street— F. W. Hope. goods stop in to J . Kridel's and examine . J . W. MOVNT & teRO.—Adv. during the summer and fall; and it will \ church has not yet been awarded, the counsel for the defendant, if he is band.—Adv. a specialty. Seven years' experience. his stock and prices. No trouble to show Leroy place and Be^cb street—Enoch L_ Cowart. ^s-« - ^ — probably be next spring, and possibly Oakland street—Edjrar Ternune. but it will be a very handsome frame 6O called1,, feel constrained to ask the Mrs. S. P. Voorhees, No. 9.White street, A One-dollar Oolong Tea bought at a even longer than that, before the changoods. - J. Kridel, 6 Broad street.—Adv. Wagons Tor Sain. ' Cnetnat street and West Bed Bank—Jamea fiorI have a surrey, a village cart, two Red Bank.—Adv. man. - - -Thoe. H. Apple- structure, costing about ^10,000. It wilh court for a little time in which to con ' great bargain; can sell it at 60 cents. cellor gives a decision in the case. Even have a capacity for seating 450 persons. sider the proper course to be pursued in Call and get a free sample of it at S. S. then the case may be carried to a higber sulkeys and a set of harness for Bale, Talk la Cheap. Wes; street and Bridge- avenue this matter. I may say in support of Antonides's Butter and Tea Market, 24 court and the final decision in the cage cheap. Inquire at blacksmith shop on i Cumberson & White will do your St-iiti and H2Tt streets—Wm. CullinKton. So are the prices on <first-classcarEMnltti and Stout streets and Prospect avenue— that application, that this order was Broad street, opposite Bergen'e shoe may be delayed for two or three years. . White street: Harry Woodward.—Adv. fjlumbing in the best manner and wil] riages and harness at Gowdy & Pitcher's, '• - Do Not Forget Wm- T. Curlies. served about four o'clock on Thursday store.—Adv. make a contract to do the entire work Red Bank, N.J.—Adu. \ ——.^s-**^^— « i » . Marcus P. Sherman agreed to take We are headquarters for all kinds of afternoon. Counsel never saw even the from the street main to the house.— . Do Yon Want to Kent, a P i a n o ! . Pink Sociable. two loads of the contributions to Sea- carriages, harness and horse-furnishing order until ten o'clock las£ night and to : Gowdy & Pitcher , ' . _ ' ' ' ' Lots for Sale. The ladies of the First M. E. church, Either new or second-hand, upright or Adv. . bright, and Wm. Applegate, Robert R. goods of all descriptions, and at prices come here thismoining and to be asked Are the recipients of an order for a fourRed Bank, Will hold a pink sociable in A few good lots at Fair Haven, 50x300 square? If will pay-: you to get Mount and Sigmund Eisner each agreed to please the buyer, from the greatest to to go on in a proceeding which is some- in-hand harness to go to Lakewood this I Smoke Bailey's Combinations. -On to take one load. In addition Mr. Eisner the smallest. Gowdy & Pitcher, Red what obscure, that is, a proceeding for coming fall, for which they will get the lecture room on Monday night, June our prices. All by celebrated makers. the market sevent years this spring. feet, at $125.' Inquire at Hanoi's store, Peek & Curtis, Red Bank, N..J—*Adv. • TOlunteered Ihe use of his horse and Bank, N. J .—Adv. the punishing for which is criminal con- eight hundred dollars for making.—Adv. 29th. < Admission, five cents.—Adv. Everybody likes them and everybody Red Bank.—'Adv. tempt; as distinguished from a civil consmokes them.—Adv. wagon to gather up the contributions Just Look at It! Public wader pipes put in any house, If you are thinking of putting public Steam Boiler Tor Sale. tempt, ia one in regard to which lawwhich could not be easilj carried. l a w n mowers Repaired. water in your house get pricesj from --i. The fine gold plated coach harness that i Ladies will find that Schroeder & Co. from street! mains to wherever it ia Suitable for dredge, spile driver or yers are generally not equipped. Cases A comuiistee was then appointed to I am ready to repair and sharpen lawn wanted by Cjuriiberson & White.—Adv. Cumberson,& White for the entire workj v/ou see oh J. W. Stout's fine bay team solicit cash subscriptions from the towns : yacht, about eight-horse power, in good of that "kind are very rare. I have been mowers at »shdrt notice and low prices. have the largest stock of toilet articles people. This committee was composed order. Seen at Highland Beach boat- at the bar for over forty-five years, and Harry Woodward, White street.—Adv. from street main to wherever you wish! "was made by Gowdy & Pitcher, Bed in town.—Adv. i " Have Ton. Seen Them) Bank, N. 3.—Adv. —Adv. :• it is the first time where I have ever of W. T. Corlies, chairman;. John B. house.—Adv. _ • ' m • * . been employed in a case where the deI Best butter, 25 cents per pound; gran- - Our new color,-square crown Derby, . jjerjren, M- ^ Davidson, I. H. Adlem, Those who want water introduced oh Any one who wishes to introduce the Hone for Sale. $25 Saved. fendant is charged with a contempt the ulated sugar, H cents per pound, at F. F. a t $ l J 5 . Curtis the Hatter.—Adv. . H. St. Nevius, J. A. Throckmorton, Rev. Kind and gentle and only seven years public, water into his building can have their premises canjiave it done from Supp's.—4d«. . , You can save that on our fine hand- nature of which is designed or calculated J K. Manning and Rev. James A. Reystreet main ! to theft house by Cumber it doqe by Cumberson & White from the old. Will drive single' or double. Not The new perfume, "liotusof the Nile," made double harness. to bring the court into disrepute and renolds. : son & White.—Adv. •Best butter, 25 cents per pound ; gran- 26 cents an ounce at Schroeder & Co.'s. proach. I have.been employed where a afraid of the cars. S. S. Saguee.—Adv. street main to the house.—Adv. J. W. MOUNT & BBO.—Adv. Eigbt or ten wagon loads ot material ulated sugar, 4j cents per pound, atT. F. — Adv. • I man has been charged with violating an was collected on Saturday. Theee comGranite and marble monuments and ' Have your prescriptions compounded A New Thing injunction, but I have never been emBent Pianos. prised all sorts of goods, and included headstones/ Building stone of all kinds. at Schroeder & Co.'s old reliable phar- An unlimited supply of pianos at Allclothing, furniture of various kinds, a cradle, chairs, tables, a dozen bedsteads strom & Co.'s old-established Academy and half a. dozen lounges. There was of Music. Reasonable prices.—Adv. m • s» «lgo a very large quantity of bed clothinz. and » liberal amount of new dry Powdered hellebore for rose bushes at w Schroeder & Co.'s pharmacy.—Adv. gome of the contributions were subjected to a fine, or imprisonment. It C. W . T h o m p s o n ' s Bill—Tbe Cost of Gas Lamps—Dos:. Catchers. j All oE the commissioners except Geoi Wc-iods,' Jr., were present at Monday night's meeting, of the board. A com^ munication was received from the gas company stating that they would furjni?ih gks lamps, uot" less than twenty.iri to burn till midnight,, for §15 , iiumber, • . !e a c h - P « r year; or it they burned all night the charge would be $30 each petyear. Tiie company stated that in addiction to ithe charge for lamps the towii would have to pay the expense of the lump-lighter. Tlie following bills were paid ': Frank Fielder, taking prisoners to.Freebold . SO 10 ployed before in a case where the court In collars and cuffs at Curtis'e,—Adv. Pipes 1 Pipes! Pipes I Wholesale and i'A.' S&lz & Co. are showing Ladies' retail, and at low prices at Bailey's.—Genung& Co., Asbttry Park, N. J.—Adv. macy. Established 1870.—Adv. m • > '• ' moved of its own motion, to vindicate 1 • »» Shirt Waists iri endless varieties.—Adv. -i si» its own dignity and sanctity, a proceedBe sure and give me a call for your Go to Gowdy & Pitcher's for all kindB Barn to rent on Broad street. Apply ing offchis kind. It is a novel proceed- fireworks. S. S. SAGUE3.--Adv. Get your fireworks early at Sagues's. of harness repairing. "Wewill guarantee to Mrs. Annie O. Parker, near Newman Go to Gkrwdy & Pitcher's fori your, ing therefor, and somewhat obBcure, and —Adv. : color pads,, only 50 cents a piece.—-Adv, , Springs.—Adv. ' I t pays to advertise in Tax BxaiBTEB. both price and workmanship.—.Adv. THE RED BAM REGISTER. JOHN H . COOK. Editor and FnblUher. : OFFICE ON FBONT STREET, Hendrtcison Blocs, Adjoining the iPost Office, -. B I D BASE, N. J. : SUBSCKIPTIONPB1CE: One Tear ; Six Months Three Months.-' - Si so .13 40 News and correspondence on all subjects of local Interest v e desire. Personal notices of a purely private character and communications designed as " p u f f s " lor individualsorjQrms are not wanted. Correspondence which is not signed with toe name and a d d r e s of the writer will not be noticed. . Unless something very unexpected should intervene there will be racing at ilonmyuth Park this year. The grounds aud tracks are being put in lirst'-class order, and a large force of men are at work making the final preparations for the raciug season. It is thought that nothing ltss than a decision of the courts adverse to the association will stop the racing at Munmoutii Park tins year, and ho.decision, one way or the other, is now expected before fall. The railroads are pulling their tracks at the Park iu condition fur handling a large number Tlic South Bend Plow. of passenger.-, aud the race tiack peoulc, as well as the residents of the towu^ near • The'South Bend plow is a/useful artithe track, are looking forward to a big cle on a farm. I keep it with all the ftx'ures. Farmers should examine this season. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 34, 1891. . WHITE Boots and Shoes of Eyeiy Description, , * WILL BE INTERESTED IN THE GREAT SALE AT-j House of ten rooms on Beach Street, Red Bank, for rent. Apply to J . \V. MOUNT, Red Bank, N. J . FOR SALE. • * A. SALZ & CO'S. This is the season when white goods suffer, and that is just why we offer you an opportunity to secure unprecedented values in the most necessary of articles. ' Ponder over thiB A MOMENT, then CALL AND'EXAMINE. .. | • THOS. P . BROWN. box or wardrobe lounpe Is a perfect lounpe The people throughout this part of Wharf avenue, Red Bank.—Adv. byCole's day and a perfect bed by nlKbt, and you can put the county have contributed liberally to away as much clotblnp or otber articles as ID iDe . The proceedings in the contempt of the sufferers by the Seabright tire. In average wardrobe. You get three articles for tbe What Next? price of one. No extra charge for packing or salpcourt case, now in progress at Freehold, addition to what has already been done plnur. will be of jayerest to every resident of Harry Miner, the tbeatrteaV^maiiafrer, Why a new hussy and complete set of Mrs. Dr. Tultnaffe, wife of the celebrated preachharness for $50.00. whose summer home is at Rid Bank, er, says these lounges are very, very nice. From the Receiver's sale ofG. W. Greene & Co., Manufacturers. ;•' the county;and THE REGISTER publishes willgive a performance at Long Branch Price In Creton, $10, $12 and $14. J. W. MOUNT & BRO.—Adv. ' Raime, S22. 814. this week a very full report of the pro- next Wednesday night, in the Ocean Fiqe Cambric Corset Covers at 25c, usual price 50c. naw silk, ©00. S25. ceedings so far as they have gone. This theater. A variety entertainment will A Word to tbe Wise Is Sufficient. Silk brocatelle, $'25, $30. Night Dresses, tucked fronts and back, embroidery trimmings, 59c, usual price 75c. given, to close with a short sketch by A L B E R T COLES, is ;the first time a case of this kind has be Buy vour carriages and harness of Chemises, 25c, 48c. and 75c. • " ; the Oliver Doud Byron .company. G r a n d a n d M y r t l e A v e s . , B r o o k l y n . occurred in Moumouth county, and the Among the well known theatrical peo- Gowdy '& Pitdher, Red Bank, N. J.— ; INFANTS' SLIPS AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES. ;' general belief that there is a political ple who will take pan are Matt Sujder, Adv. Bide to the matter adds to its interest. George Boniface, Jr., Heur3 T. ChanKeep Cool ! -Keep Cool ! frau, Oliver Doud Byron, Mrs. Kate ByPeople of all parties, as well as those ron, Arthur' Byron, Mrs. Henderson, " i A. Salz & Co. are showing endless who have no political bias, will watch Mrs. Russell, Nellie McHeury, Harry and varieties of fSnsand parasols.—Adv. The real estate formerly belonging to Ellsha White, Of D w i g h t A n c h o r M u s l i n , r e - e n f o r c e d f r o n t s , 3-ply l i n e n b o s o m s a n d w r i s t b a n d s , the case carefully, and its importance John Kernell, Neil Burgess, liarry deceased, located on g i a n t g u s s e t s , a.t t h e u n h e a r d of p r i c e o f • ' , - . . Pianos to Rent, „ warrants the attention which it is receiv- Weaver, Wm. Collier, Charley Reeti, Arthur Relian, Erne Ellsuer, Frank New and second-hand, at Peek & Curtia's, ing. Weston, and others.' It is expected that Red Bank, N. J,—Adv. at least $500 and • possibly more will be —COMPRISING— ; These quotations merely give a faint idea of what we are doing. To be justly THE TBXAS ATHLETIC CLUB. 'You Can Save JVIoney realized by the entertainment. SETEBAL LOTS, appreciated the goods must be seen, as the quality and workma nship arc unsur LADIES'MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Valuable Real Estate for Sale. In hats, caps and men's furnishings at Curtis's.—Adv. PERSONAL,. Fireworks of all kindd at Sagues's.— Miss May Heilenman of Pemberton is Adv. \ in-the very best business section of the town, Is reputation we are workiing for. It is difficult to go through1 a stock the size of ours and findid^it ,in a few weeks just what we want to retain. We are constantly finding- .small lots that we wish to clear out and putting them1 on the/bargain tables. We find we" have sufficient t o continue the sale o|f Indies' fine shoes this week, Friday and Saturday, which we will do. (Former pricas $3.00 jto $4.50; now $1,50, $2,00.anil $2.50. We would like to add. just here,jthat- while'we are advertising ' broken lots, etc., we do not want you t<\ lose sight! of the fact that we have already-gotten.'in thousands of dollars' wortli of new goods-and are daily getting .more. We have an '• immense and a varied stock, of all grades* of'boqts and shoes on hand, ahd all who have been in to see' us know the prices are right. . I I i There seems to be an ijmpression, we find, that other parties are in-, terested financially in our business.. We| wish to. distinctly say that ho one save ourselves, have any interest directly or indirectly in ouFb'usiness. We are the sole owners. Respectfully, • • '•' "* I MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Broad Street, Eed Bank, N. J., Tneir First Games Held Yesterday — More Sport on tbe Fourtli. BROAD S?.,'(OppositeTeters-sj), RED BANK, N. j ; Etnd&Uomen- plo* before buying any other kind. * &KNAPP,/ A Stock F a r m Sold. ' COAT FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Two Electric LlKht Bonds (Bret issue) bearing six Mr. Brown, a noted stock-breeder, has percent interest, due 1893. Par value, S'00. bought the Chapin farm in Middletown Large and handsome Goat, thoroughly broken to "A CAROM BILLIARD TABLE. Address BOX 247, RED BANK. N. J . ' • (Successors to SIMGNJ M I L L E R ) , <;. -\ . township. The sale was made about ten harness. Also Wagon (Brewster's make) and Hardays "ago. ^ —DEALERS IN-j— , • " FOR RENT. Made, by Phelan. 5x10, beveled; light wood; .In ness complete, at a bargain. ' Qne order. ; Pleasure Hiding. SMALL STORE ON MECHANIC Applv to ' : _ j LESTER LOVETI, At S. Ketcham & Son's Central livery STREET NEAR BROADD. B . K R R L E I I , R i l m a o n R o a d . . L i t t l e S i l v e r , N . J. stable on Maple avenue can be hired tha best driving horses and easiest riding SICKLES & P A R K E R , Apply to .V carriages in town. Our rigs are perfectBed Bank. N. J 'Honest advertising pays; We are aratified at "the result: of our ly appointed throughout. jHorsea for special sales' for it proves to us that the people are confident that when sale at fair prices. S. KETCHAM & SON.— HOUSE FOR RENT. Adv. ' , we advertise a bargain, we will give just .jvyhat we promise. This is the TOWN TALK. ' . - W H I T E & KNAPP, ! DQREMUS BROS., 36 CEMTS EACH. passed. . FIRST-CLASS ] GROCERS. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT now offered at private sale. The Texas Athletic club i3 a newlyFor further Information Inquire of either organized club of noys of the western We cannot only benefit the most economical and cautious: purchaser, but also • JOHN P. WHITE. Red Banlf. part of the town. The president is Clar- visiting friends in Red Bank. astonish them; at their great savings. ' • .<r. FORMAN WHITE. Red Bant, ence Johnson, the secretary,is Frank "One feast, One House, One' LYTTLETON WHITE, Eatontown. Wm. H. Posten of Navesink was reLippincott and the treasurer i3 Thomas cently stricken with paralysis. "Wise, Jr. The first games of the club • William Goff of Plaiutiela visited bis mutual happiness"-T"ef sauces, were held yesterday in the woods near mother in Red Bank last Sunday. Granulated Sugar 4 two for relish to our meat, per pound. Shrewsbury avenue, and consisted of John Peterson, a Philadelphia news The subscriber will offer at public sale, on running, jumping, etc. Thefirstev.ent paper man, is visitiug Robert R. Mount. Tomatbketchup and. Tomato RED BANK.N. J. was a fifty-yard race between Lester Mcairs. Charles Stilwell and Mrs. Wni. Saturday, June 27th,1891, Queen and Rufus Errickson, which re- Wilson of Freehold are visiting lrieuds Chutney—Shrewsbury both. sulted in a tie. The tie will be decided in Red Bank. at 4 o'clock, on the green.£ C. HAZARD & CO. WKUFJCTURMS. HEW YORL. . by another race to be held on the Fourth W. N. DeGraw and family of NewOpposite the (ilobc HotrJ, Red Bnnk, of Jply. Thomas Ross won the running York are guests at the Prospect house WASHING AND IRONING, Oue Cedar nushton lap-streak Canoe. 15 feet IODK. high jump, the other contestants being tor the summer. By the doz«^n o r ' piece. All work done In a flrst- 30 inches beam, mahojiany decks, radix folding . No. 14r BROAD STREET,'RED BANK, N. J . ' •: \ Clarence Johnson, Frank Egbert, George center board, and appurtenances, belni? doubly Rev. James.N. Grace, who went from class manner. blurted paddle, two sets cif sails (raclni; and crulsJohnson and John McGacken. John Kleyport •• | •'; ' MRS. M. SCHANCK, to-Deiiver several mouths ago, fug). and tachlt*, uickel plated drop rudder.foot and McGackin won in a fifty-yard race with is to be married to-night to-Miss Hard}' 39: Whitest/, near Broad, Red Buob, N. J . deck steurinc Kent", etc.. etc. : DIRECT ATTENTION TO THEIR NEW: DESIGNS'IN Lester McQueen, and in. another fifty- of Denver. Also oue open, lup-streak cedar canoe with sail, WANTED. double-bladert paddle. yard dash Thomas Ross beat George Sold to highest bidder without reserve. Terms Johnson. There were three 100-yard .Miss Clara Child, daughter of Henry All persons who cook and bake .to sencOnr the i races. In one of them Thomas Ross beat J. Child of Red, who is a student* beat conkiDR stove in tbe world. Price $12, $15 aud made known on day of sale. THE FOLLOWING ARE AMONG THE MAfNY TESTIMONIALS "WE HAVE 1 • = in the State Normal school, is home on 520. Terms. 10 per cent discount cash with order ^ JACOB SUUTTS. Auctioneer. John McGackin ; in the second John Mc: or one-half with order, balance in 00 days. • RECEIVED Gackin beat Frank Egbert, Rufus Errick- her vacation. • i At FRED COLES, Walter Parsons, son of Capt. Charles .•son and Lester" McQueen; and in the I 520 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. RED BANK, Sepi. lsih.i . | EATONTOWN, Sept. 6th, 1890.; third Frank Egbert beat John McGackin. B. Tarsons, relumed home from Colgate I am triad to testify In favor of tbe Steam Heater j ' Tbeleater which you pat In my bouse Is a parwhich you put in my house as superior to any tried | feet success, MRS. C. BOYLE. In the running high jump Thomas Ross university, New York, last Friday, to HORSE FOR SALE. or Inquired into. C..M. PATTERSON., j beat Clarence Johnson, Frank Egbert, spend his vacation. EATONTOWN, Sept. l i t , 1880. A bay horae, weighs 1.100 pounds, good . Farmers havingproduce to sell Fred Frick, Yauness Watts and BenThe 3eateryou put In for tpe has given perfect George Johnson and John McGackin; RED BANK, Sept. 4tb. I The Steam Heater you put In for me In the fall of, satlsfa :tlon and is economical In fuel. and in the standing high jump Will Me- jamin Ford are among the Red Bank driver in d<xsrt>Ie or single harness, feare will" be paid market prices for their W. R. STEYKHS. '8'J htw Riven entire satisfaction. Dennott was victorious . over Thomas athletes who are entered in the games to nothing, for sale. AND : RKY. J. K . ALLEN. > EATONTOWH, Sept. 10th. Boss, Frank Egbert, John McGackin, be held at Rahway on July 4th. \V. J. JOHNSON, Apply to vegetables and fruit at Tbe.steam Heater you placed in house laia RED BANK. Sept. 21st. 1800. Mrs. E. Hooper, proprietor of the Lester McQueen and Rufus Errickson. Pine Brook, N. J, JETER WALDROK.' The Steam Heater which you put In for tbe Grace perfect success. There was also some trapeze acting, in Windsor hotel at Atlantic Highlands, M. E. Church heats the building perfectly In the MIDDLETOWX, Sept. 7th, 1890.' COMBS & LAFETRA'S which the judges declared George John- has recovered from her recent illness TWO GOOD HORSES FOR SALE, coldest weather.. K.R. MOUNT. The. leater which you put In my house Is perfect I can cheerfully recommend It. - • • . Bop the winner. There was ground turn- and is now able to be out again. ' . RED BANK, Sept. ad. -'-, Suitable for any business. Also a MARY L. IIENDIUCKSON. . I can cheerfully, recommend the Heater which j -fating by Rufus ErrickBon, George John- The wedding of Miss Catharine Crawyou put in my house to any one'wishlng a perfect Capt J. A. Worthley and Capt. J. 8. Throckmorson and Lester McQueen, in which ford and Horace G. Fields of Wellsboro, PHAETON, DOG CART AND SULKEY: beater. ' . ,B.8. PAYNE. I tou alsb highly recommend the Heaters. George Johnson, took the lead. The Pa., will take place to-morrow at the Apply to judges were Ed Schenck, John Rliati- bride's home at Crawford's Corner. FRONT ST.i RED BANK, N. J . TV. C. X O W E N , CUMBERSON &WHITE, \RED BANK, N. J. gan, A gran Brown and Ira Voorhees-' • Rev. J. W. Jefiress has tendered his Locust Point, N. J. The starter was Wm. Manson. resignation as pastor of the Long Branch .New Amsterdam Hotel, A CHOICE SELECTION Baptist church. The resignation was The dnb has twelve members. There made on account of Mr. Jeffress's health. will be games at the same place on the O. W. Deck, principal of the Fair Fourth of July. Haven school, will enjoy his vacation The Red Bank Dog Pound ia located at his home in Reading, Pa. He has Opera House Block, Re<l Bank, N. J., A Surprise F o r t y . been reengaged as principal of the in a black barn on Central Avenue, i — DEALER IN— school. Miss Carrie Degenring, youngest daughRev. S. W. Knipe, pastor of the Pres- above Beach Street. ter of Mr. arid Mrs. Jacob Degenring, Owners of itn Fine Groceries, Provisions, &c.', was given a surprise on her sixteenth byterian church of Oceanic, is at Delaremoved to the large store three doors above, birthday last- Thursday night. .Theware Water Gap, Pa., on a visit to for-, pounded dogs niay secure their pets by has where be will O p e n o n S a t u r d a y Avltli a guests met at Miss Degenring's home mer parishioners. Mr. Knipe is exlarger and more complete stock. and then, proceeded to the house of her pected home on Friday. application at the above place upon p Salmon, 12 cents per can. sisUr, Mrs. Leon de la Eeussille, on Ricnard I.. Brownell of Trenton was -.ANDBroad street. The evening was delight- theguest of T. Edwin" Griggs of Red ment of the dog - catcher's fee of one. .75 cent Tea for 50 cents. We Rive no prizes wltn our t«a. _ fully spent in dancing, games, etc., and Bank, yesterday. Mr. Brownell is an FIRST AVENUE,ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N, J. dollar. Best Butter from 20 cents to 25 cents. refreshments were served at the proper irorrand 'steel worker and cast the first time. Migg Degenring received a num- Wadsworth,, Dahlgren and Parrottguus ber of handsome presents. Among those used in the United States forts. He LONG BRANCH, N. M. MIL,I. STREET, present were Mr. and Mrs. Leon de la waB at one time in the United Slates Eeussille, Mr.-and Mrs. Wm. H. Apple- navy and while in the service sailed :o: . • ! •" gate, Mr. and Mrs. Elverton Doughty, around the globe. : \ Katie Degenring. Maggie Gunther of Prices for cleaning Ingrains, 4 cents per yard; for Brussels New York, Mrs. Boss of Newark, Lillie OBIlTJARY. Haviland, Bertha Reynolds, Nellie Aul, and all others, 5 cents per yard?. • ' . . Sara Steinberg. -Emma Chadwick, Ena Mrs. Phebe F. Snedecor. Halchow, Cora Sutphen, Hattie AppleI WILL HAVE A Taking up, 1, cent per yard extra*.! • ; Kate, Addie Keid, Fred Cullington, Wm. Mrs. Phebe F. Snedecor, wife of LamHewel, Mart Haviland, Gus Layton, bert Snedecor, died at her home at -Fair Refitting and Relaying'a.specialty. John Elston, John F. Pope. Wm. Baden, Haven last Wednesday, aged 63 years. Geo. Keough, Oscar Hesse, Joseph Smith, Her death was caused by consumption, Relaying HotelJ LodgeEstimates given for Cl Samuel Matthews, James Ludlow, and with which she had been sick? a long S. Coggins of Newburyport, Mass. time. She leaves, besides her husband, Rooin or Church CarpetsJ two daughters, one of whom, is-the wife Cartage 'free from Red • of Champion Scott. The other is un- Persons from out of town who are. in the habit of making their purThe Fourth of July Kegattamarried. Mrs. Snedecor's funeral was chases in Red Bank on those days .will,-thus be able to are unsurpassed by none.,, The ntiTnipl regatta of the- North held from the Fair Haven Methodist obtain some • ' | Shrewsbury yacht club will be held on church on Monday. Rev. Jacob Leup ade over equal. to*neW at tbe Fourth of July afternoon. The race pie officiated, beiug assisted by Rev. J . —FOR— will be started at one o'clock. There H. Clarke. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery. ; will be four classes, as follows: iVhile Monday and- Saturday .will be- Bargain Days, etfery purchaser i AUCTION. Pine Teas, Coffee s and Spicesi A. SALZ & c o . , • Cor: Broad and Mechanic Sis., N. H. Roberts & Co. Finest Blue Pail Greamery Butted, 25c. Heating by Steam, Hoi Water and FARMERS, Ginghams, j Outings, Manchester Prints, Swiss Zephyrs EMBROIDERED WHITE GOODS, Fruit and Vegetable Stand, The Dog Pound. GROCER, &CG., Scrim, Silkolines, Cretonnes, &c. N. H. ROBERTS & CO., j CARPET.CLEANING RENOVATING! WORKS, ER CLOTHING, Bargains in Shoes! On Saturday and Monday of Each Week JVC • ' ' • t • **• • • I': FLANNEL SHIRTS, ; Special Sale of Shoes! STRAW RARE BARGAINS IN SHOES. Itnteiajs—Cabin yachts. Second clus—Open jib and Trmlnsatt yachts, all Tnlrd rlim Otboata over 21 feet loDg. roartb elass—Catboats Sireec long and under. Idoau Laird. ,: r • -at my store will receive full value for his money every day Moses' Liird, an old citizen of Monin the week, and as I keep all widths and all sizes of mouth county and for many years proshoes, I am able to give every customer a prietor of the United States hotel at Honey prizes will be offered and an Long Branch, died at the residence of his perfect-fitting, easy, comfortable shoe entrance fee of $3 will be charged. All son at a reasonable price. Brighton, Staten Island, on Tuesapplications for entrance will be subject day at of last week^ aged 70 years. to the regatta committee, which con- Mr. morning Laird leaves three sons and one Bists of S. T. HendricksortiJr., Clinton daughter, wife having died some E. James, Wm. N. Worthldfe^'orman K. years ago. his He was well known throughSmith, E. V. "WUIia and E . 6 : Fraser. out the county and state. He was a brother of John A. Laird of West Free- Front St., foot of Broad, Adjoining Hesse's Ice Cream Parlor, Red Bank, A Sermon on t i e Seabrigrit Fire. hold, and also of Dr. Robert Laird of Eev. J . K. Manning preached about Manasquan. the Seabright fire Sunday morning, takIflrs. Esther JJlcPeak. ing as his text " Who .kindled that fire?" Mrs. Esther McPeak died at the resiAfter referring to the suffering and dence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. BruSe wretchedness caused by the Seabright If the cigar you are smoking draws hard ? fire, he said there were other fires that of Oceanic, on Friday, at the age of 85 were constantly being kindled, among years. f T h e funeral was held in the Episcopal church at Middletownou MonIf your-tobacco burns you ? them being intemperance, gambling and slandering. Just as in days of old day afternoon, Rev. J. C. Hall o.f Fair Haven conducting the services. The inIf your pipe burns out after,a week's use ? ' men were held responsible for damage which might come from the careless terment was made in the church gravekindling of fires, so now men were kind- yard. If your cigar burns poor ? ling other fires that were not so easily Taylor Patterson died at Long Branch quenched, and the responsibility should on Monday morning of laBt week of conIt most likely signifies that you have been imposed on. be the same. At the close of the sermon sumption, aged 58 years. He leaves a . a solo, was sung by Miss Hicks. widow and one son. The funeral was ME1J, BOYS AND ,GHILDRE;N, DAVIDSON'S N. J. Children's Ihay a t Oceanic. Children's day was celebrated in the Orauge County Butter. ( ' Methodist church of Oceanic last Sunday Fancy gilt-edge only 22c. per pound; eight. There were recitations by children of- tbe Sunday-school and singing think of it. Our Philadelphia butter, the by the church choir. A creditable col- JBuena Vista creamery, 25c. per pound. Now take your choice and look happy. lection was taken up.for i i Other butter 15c, 18c. and 20c. S. S. A dance on Friday, June 26th, at Mrs. Antonides, butter and tea market, 24 Samuel HendricksoD, Jr.'e, in continua- Broad street, opposite Bergen's shoe _. ; tion of the bazar held for the benefit of store.—Adv. Trinity church. Tickets, including reAt Schroeder &Co.'s old reliable pharfreshments, 75 cents for two persons.— macy you will iind tooth brushes, bath Adv. • brushes, nailbrushes, hairbrushes, finger Summer Lap Bobei brushes, cloth brushes, velvet brushes in abundance at Gowdy & Pitcher's, and blacking brushes at prices that will suit you.—Adv. Eed Bank, N. J.—Adv. ^^••'^—-^—i A barouche for six persons for sale Straw Hats. All tbe new sty lee and braids at Curtis's. cheap. Apply to Charles H. Hurley, Shrewsbury, N. J.—Adv. .; —,Ado. ALWAYS THE BEST FpR THEi PRICE. ioo 39 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N.\J. HOPPING & NOBLE, —GO TO— THE LEADERS IN DIFFERENT STYLES! TO SELECT. FROM. The better grades we build; the cheaper grades we buy, and we are prepared to give you better value for less money than can be got elsewhere in the Htate. : Business wagons at less than you can get a cheap factory wagon for. Buggies, $47.00 up. Spindles, $50.00 up. JEoad Cartp, $10.00. v Buggy Harness, $3.35; Buggy Harness, $5175; warranted. ' .' Farm Harness, H-inch trace, $24.0.0. j • ; Carriage^ and Harness of any Btyle built to order if we can't please you from pur stock. . . j • •». . r ' . • ' > • Repairing promptly attended to. ., ' I ~ . , Remember bur motto when in want ofja carriage or harness, always the best for the price. .: ; 1 J, W. MOUNT & BRO., ! HEREAFTER AND GET HONEST GOODS FOR YOUR 'HONEST MONEY. BROAD ANI) FftONT STREETS, RED BANK, N.• J. 2 Cor. Maple Avenue and White Street, Red Bank, N. J. —AND— J. CULLINGTON & SON,! Why not have good clothes, com- fortable clothes, clothes that will . foultrg Wm letting: ant Hale Gil loap; FRONT> ST.," 6PP. .MAPLE AVE., EED BANK, N. J. I —MANUFACTURERS OF— fit you B8T A BIiISBED IS84. MONMOUTfl COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE AGENCI, ons nicely, and that will be pleasant to wear C. D. Warner & Co.,Red Bank, SN.J; duririg the coming summer? The following Old and Time-Tried Companies Represented.: FRONT STREET, RED BANK,! N. J. You can 'get clothes like this, at no more . j cost than you are now paying, by buying of CORLIES THE CLOf HIER, Broad Street, —DEALER I N - r ;... P L A S T E R . F L Y I N G S : No. 8 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J.. I Two-thirds of. your life is spent in your «$>• J. TRAFFORD ALLEN, Hatsjaps and Men's FurnishingGootis. LUMBER and BUILDEJRS' HARDWARE, 3 clothes. " &BRo ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, held at hia late residence on Wednesday wagon with merchandise on the wharf of that place. The merchandise was for \ P r o t e c t i o n from t n e G r a p e Rot. View hotel. There were more D. Aug. Yanderveer of Manalapan is the Grand than would go on ^the wagon and putting paper bags around the bunches goods put part of them on hia stage. As he of his grapes to protect them from the he was driving off the wharf he was intergrape rot. He wUl use 35,000 bags in hia cepted 3Iarahal Joseph W. Gardiner, •vineyard of Niagara grapes, and will also who toldbyhim was violating a borough use a large quantity on his other varie- ordinance andhe that he must go with him ties. ' to the chief commissioner's ofjice. Mr. Bloodgood refused to go and Gardiuer , The New E r a M o n u m e n t attempted to take the lines. Bloodgood The New Era Monument association then threw him from the stage. Thorirds held a meeting in the Eintracht club Gafley, the assistant marshal, came up, rooms on Sunday. The cash received and calling on two or three citizens for up to date is $170". This includes a sub- aid, Mr. Bloodgood was overpowered scription of $25 from Herman Vogel of and chain nippers were piit on his wrist. Chicago, a survivor of the wreck of the He was then taken to the chief, commisNew Era. sioner's office, where he was released on his own recognizance for a hearing. and" put up at : short notice. I860. What Does It Signify m i» PECIALTY. AWNIN All kinds of Avrain -AT— W. S. HILL, and the interment was made at FreeXa Accident on t n e R o a d . hold, tne birthplace of the deceased. Freeholder Geo. B. Snyderwas driving Peter Layton of Hamilton died on home from the Seabright fire on Tuesday Monday of last week, aged 22 years, the night of last week when his carriage was last of his HiB brother, father, run into. One of the wheels of Mr. two aunts, family. mother and lastly Peter Snyder's buggy was broken, and his son, all died of his consumption in a period of Edward A., aged twelve .years, was about tenyears—*ixdeaths in one house. thrown oat into the road. The boy was Harry, the six months-old son of James " not injured. McLain of Long. Branch, died last Wednesday morning of convulsions, folA P i n k Sociable. lowing an attack of the measles. The ladies' aid society of the Red Mrs. Bridget Concanaon, the proprieBank Methodist church will give a pink tor of the hotel near Matawan station, sociable in the lecture, room next Mon- died last Friday morning, aged 70 years. day night. The women who will wait on the people will wear pink dresses and A F r a c a s a t Atlantic pink aprons and the room will be decorated in pink. Last night S..T. Bloodgood loaded a in all its Branches. ;' • This is a smoking tobacco of excellent quality, |and those who smoke a pipe will find, it ;just what they have long been [looking for. ' ;' HANOVER ; . .....J . . . . . N e w York CONTINENTAL..........:. J N e w York HAMBURG-BREMEN : . . :..J.. . . . . . . . . . . . H a n a b u r e Germany ROYAL...... .....;. .1..:.. ........7..Liverpool LONDON A N D L A N C A S H I R E . . : . . j . .Liv*rpobl LIVERPOOL, LONDON A N D G L O B E . . . . . . .• .London QUEEN I..... ..;.........,.... .London F I R E ASSOCIATION. . . . . . : i . : . . . .V .Philadelphia ORIENT ...-.' ...-.[• I. .".Hartford MERCHANTS...,:-.................... . . . e .......Newark It is NATIONAL :......:......,..../. \.,.... .,. . . .....Hartford " And other leading Co.'s, (including Life and Accident): O a r P o l i c i e s a l s o c o v e r D t m a t * by I i l G H T N I N G , w h e t h e r F i r e e m o e i o r n o t . a mixture manufactured of Havana and domestic tobacco, and is sold Bates as low as companies wltu large experience can prudently and safely make—(the hazard deter-' mining the rate.) Cheap rates are a sure index of the poorest Insurance. With large practloe and ex.: .• ' •I j ; tended knowledge of companies and material facts appertaining to Insurance we confidently a»k a oonin quarter-pound boxes at io cents per box. UDuanoe ot the patronage ao generously bertowed In tbe out. : Red Bank, N. J. SILVER NEWS. IN AND OUT OP TOWN. RIVER NEWS. .SINGER SEWING MACHINES. These machines have been improved and they are Sb»rt and IntereMIng Items from Shipping F o w l s to Illinois—Thrown Crabbiuir and FUhinsr — A Race lor now the best in the market. Thfey run light and are almost noiseless. They have self-settiDg needle All Over the Coniity. Glory—The Neptune Club. from a Carriage. and selt-threadinR shuttle. You can get them for Dr. I. XJOD£ of Freehold lost a young W. W. Shampanore shipped a breedThe river these davs is-! alive with cash or on easy payments. Old machines or all : horse last week. ing- pen of Dine Black Minorcai fowls yachts, slfain and !,);•].lh;i liuticlies and kinds taken in exchange. ON, needles and attachThe West Long Branch Methodist on Monday to a resident of -Illinois. rqwboats. The fishihg season has hardly ments Tor all sewing machines constantly on band. All mate ot machloes repaired. church cleared ^40 by its recent festival. These fowls .will'be the foundation of commenced yet. 'Aft>WRmallhaHs have GEORGE WOODS, J R . , Acent. Ten thousand pounds of cl»-rries were what is intended to be the largest egg been caught down the river, hut small Monmouth street, near Broad, Red Bank, N. J. canned last week at the Mauasquan fac- farm iu the states, it being the purchas- fish like snappers and porgies have not tory. " er's intention to keep-one thousand lay- be^un to run. Immense quantities of Presiding Elder James Moore will ing heas. believing them to be more ith hard and soft shell crabs are'being preach in Grace church next Sunday profitable than his present business of aught, hard crabs being especially plc?nfarming. * night. . . :iful. The hard-shells are! unusually GeorgW 3Iison of Keyport had hia Joseph L. Anderson and daughter argeand fat and are f aid to be abundant thumb disjointed while playing ball last Lida of Eatontown were thrown from >ear the railroad bridge an(l Robbins's wet-k. their carriage at the depot on Mynday 'oint. Soft crabs are running larger 14 West Front St., Red Bank, Lewis R. "Williams of Long Branch morning by their horse turning suddenly. nd the grabbers are having goc>a luck, had his eye badly burned at the lire at Bolh were uninjured, but were badly outlay and yesterday-mornings softwill Inaugurate their Guaranteed to Keep Saabrighf. pattered with mud. lells uf a good ' size were caught. The F. Lamson Suribner, botanist to the James VanBrackle won theclubbadge rabs are comparatively cheap, some of in any Climate. gricultural experiment station of at last "Wednesday's match of the Midhe largest riot bringing more than (iO or E x v i l l e , Tenn., lias engaged rooms way gun clnb. 5 centts a dVzen. SHREWSBURY T0MAThe carryall sold by John "W. Mrmnt or his family at Henry Parker's for TOKETCHUP is an article The Nepiuue club of thej Highlands he months of July and August. Mr. of standard excellence, with & Brother at auction last Saturday fill formally open their club house for a flavor certain to please cribner is one of the foremost author- he.season on July" 1st. Last Friday a —AT— brought s6i) 50.. ' tne palate of tbe most rasfes on fungus diseases in America. • • umberof the members came down and The time is at hand trlien farmers Harry Lavance has contracted to build tldtous bon. vivant, and Joseph "White, the genial young clerk who will be indeed of aj Mowing Mawbtcb connoisseurs everythe addition in the Mauasquan schooln Saturday they; sailed to Red Bank on where pronounce Incomparn Truex's grocery in Bed Bank, was 2(J ht-ir yacht Gypsy. In the party were and will continue from day to day until their enchine Binder,Wheel Rake pr Tedder, are house far ^4.oU5. ably one. Color, taste, . tire stock of ears old last week, and on'Sunday he inquiring for the best niachines. In ilillani Leed of . Asbury Park cap-omrnodore George W. Chase, A. L. " aroma are faultless. presenting the claims of the \Valter A. It is admirable with hot tured a four-pound pickerel in Deal lake ras given a birthday dinner and other II, J\J»- Morgan. George Deyo. Ben-, Trimmed and L ntrimined Hats and ntertainment at his home, which was and cold meats, oyster Wood Machines to my friends and pata week or so ago. iimin Chase and Stephen Roof. Tlie3r stews, nsb, and gives a much enjoyed by those present. rons I feel that I am offering machines i est Front fitrect, Seventy-five pounds of white lead Itned at the Globe hotel and isailed back Bonnets, Flowers,'Trimmings, &c, superior flavor to gravies, Rev. Mr. Greenbank of lOceanport. o the Highlands during^ the afternoon. that will in every way prove satisfac•were stolen from \V. U. Batter of Long deviled kidneys, or any delonducted services in the 1 Methodist Samuel Sabath* of Red Batik, who is a tory. [ icate preparation of meat. is disposed of. Branch last week. With chops, veal cutlets, hurch Sunday morning. Mr. Green- ueinber of the club, returned with them IDT. J - The Walter A. Wood Enclosed Gear Charles Frey caught a bass weighing and baked beans It lsslmply N. B.—We have an Immense variety of popular lank was formerly pastor of'the church, Mower is now in use ov|er the entire ind spent Sunday at the club house. delicious, and It is a great four pounds in Hartshorne'a pond at Vassar Sailor Hats. ,nd received a hearty reception from all addition to macaroni or Dot world. Freehold last week. •A-race for glory sini])!v wil( take place buttered toast. iis old parishoners. Miss Belle E. Miller of Belmar has n a few days betiveen Wm. |Hockiuan's been retained as teacher of the Wayside Rev. Mr. McAllister is having his cot- racht Amy and Dr. Marsden's j'acht. We have used the SHREWSBURY TOMAIOKKTCHCP pnMic school at Deal. on oar tables since Its "first Introduction, to t i e exage near the depot repainted. It has ?he time and course are y^t to be detent of about two hundred dozen bottles per year, A Keyport clammer named Philip tely been improved by an addition. ided. The Belle will be sailed by John and regard It as tbe finest condiment of Its kind. Hardy was overcome by the heat while A large stage load of Little Silver peo iVarden, her builder and former owner, ever brought to our notice. out on the bay last week. . • W. D. GARRISON, ile visited the ruins at Seabright Mon- rhile Hockman will hold the tiller on Manaoer Grand Union .Hotel. On the night of the fire at Seabright ay afternoon. s All of our old stock is gone. iie Amy. two attempts were made to start incenDr.. John Thomas and wife of'PhilaCapt. Jack White will not move his Manufactured and for Sale by diary fires at Long Branch. J. 8. THROCKMORTON!*" lelphia are in their pleasant cottage for rk to the old location this year, but will The special sale a few weeks ago E. L. COW ART, John H. VanSchoick of Perrineville he summer. President. nake his headquarters near Throckmor- and the balance sent out of town Cashier. is laid np with several broken ribs, occaThe public school closed for vacation on's dock, where the ark was harbored sioned bv a fall from a fence. The Tubular Steel Mower is a new n Friday last with appropriate services. luring the winter. to be disposed of has left us with Hay wood Perry had a finger broken machine'sold for the first tinielast year : DE, Marsdeu's yacht Belle is being -THIIEand another mashed while pushing care but so much were the farmers pleased iverhauled by Charles P. .Irwjin. When HOUVLDEL NEWS. at Lorillard's brick works last week. with its cutting power and clean, close Retail and wholesale dealer In his "job is finished Irwiu willigo to. work ' Lawrence Gaffey, one of the stage TDe FourtlJ or July to be Celebrated work that the stock soon ran out and n Dr. Field's yacht. ' drivers of Atlantic Highlands, lost a the. company could not supply the deHenry Carroll has bought the FlorIn the Village. '• valuable horse yesterday by overheating. mand. ' All the patriotism in the country is Jnce from Wm. . C. Towen of Locust j price of Shoes this spring is Daniel Jones of Freehold, who has lot contained in the manly bosoms of oint. The yacht is being overhauled already lost two valuable horses this he citizens of Tinton Falls by any >y Ed. Willis. . considerably lower tlian'a year; and bottler ofyear, has another very ill with pnennio means. And to prove this the people of The. Genii, Edmund W, Throckmornia. Holmdel are going., to have a regular on's racer, was put in the water last and we have a . At the festival at Tinton Falls last ' i i -. • . • ld-fashioned Fourth of July celebration veek. week for the benefit of the church $37 with muric and speeches and lots of fireSamuel W.'Morford's catamaran has was cleared. Those present had a very works. The ball has been set in motion een rigged-with a new suit of sails. : '•* FRONT STREET, RED BANK. pleasant time. >y Merchant John W. Hance. He has Edgar.Terhuue Iaupched hjg new-yacht Dennis J. Cogan of Eatontown is . ' '\ lready collected fifty dollars toward o day. . . . . STEBLING EXCHANGE bought and sold. I keep the finest wines and liquors In the market, again occupying the position as opera- paying the expenses of tnejcelebration, * m• m 2 PASSAGE TICKETS for sale on all points In and "solicit the patronajre of families, boardingtor and general assistant in the Elberon and he expects to have at least one .hunat reduced prices. The Walter A, Wood Wheel Rake is VanDoren—Hoxie. houses, hotels. and the trade generally. railroad station. dred dollars by the time the Fourth rolls one of the easiest worked rakes made ; Europe. Agents for tbe following lines: Miss Huldah VanDoren, daughter of 1 Gents', iladies', Boys', Misses' On Saturday night-Win. Durham will round. The clergymen of the village John C. VanDoren of Manalapan, was any boy or girl who can drive can use the Ionian, Anchor, Red Star and North UJ. sell a canoe, with racing sails and cruisl probably do" the speech-making aud married on Thursday at thu bride's home and Children's rake ; wood.or steel wheels. The rake is Tan and Russet ing rig, at auction on the green in front German Lloyd. he young people will furnish the music. either s feet, 10 feet or 13 feet wide, as :i Bisuiark Hoxie, grandson of Michael l of the globe hotel. •. . The Junior Christian Endeavor society Hendrickson of Manalapan. The house Shoes in all styles a t new prices. 1 may be preferred. f the Reformed church will hold an en- ,was handsomely decorated' with everJoseph FUher, an employee of the ertainment, in the chapel on Friday Lorillard brick works at Keyport, was The largest assortment of Ladies' A G E N T ' K O n A l LAUXDUY. greens and flowers. In the wide oldD I R E C T O R S ".'•'. Goods ight. There will be siDging and recita- ashioned.hall was an arch prettily enbeaten and robbed by Keyport toughB f ' Orders by mall ortelegrapb promptly attended to. ions by members of the society, and :wined with sweet honeysuckle, and un- Oxford Ties in Monmouth county one night last week. JAS. STTHROCKliORTdN. : CHAS. B. PARSONS, ; Call and see] me when vyou are In need of anjLambert Wardell built a handsome after the literary exercises ice cream and er a horseshoe of roses the bride "and can be found at our store. 'b ing In my line. " , ' EDWIN FIELD, M. D., W M . S . SNEDKN, ake will be on sale. fence around the property of tne West room stood while the ceremony was GEO. 0. WATERMAN, THOS. DAVIS, JR., : Long Branch Methodist church at his eing pt-rformed by Rev. Frank Decker, Rev. W. W. Case and Miss Anna Case own expense and gave it to the church. PRACTICAL ALBERT B. LARRABEE. attended the commencement exercises 'he bride was dressed in white -Swiss, George Smith, who stole a set of har- t Peddie Institute, Hightstown. rimmed with Valenciennes laqfi and FRONT STREET, - RED BANK, N. J ness valued at $12-3 from Joseph Oaborn Charles. Jones has returned home from ;arried white roses. The bride and groom at Spring lake four years ago, wasTrenton, where he has been a student in re making an extended tour to Catskill 21 BROAD STREET, caught recently and placed in the county a business college. mountains and otlier points. The best jail. The Walter A. Wood Single Apron RED BANK, N. J. Mrs. Eugene Townley of Morristown man at the ceremony was Arthur Hen- RED BANK, NEW'JERSEY. - Stephen "W". Eeed will sell on the is the guest of Mr. and Mrs: J . Alex Guy. drickson and the maid of honor was Miss Binder is a first-class machine, and will do the work for wliich it te intended. : . green, at chattel mortgage sale, on Sat'. Win. C. Ely returned home to-day Irene Wheeler. All of the-above maphines are fully nrday. the furniture owned by John H. HaviDK taken charge of my. Moulding and Pinning' rom a business trip to St. Louis, Mo. BUGGIES] EOCKAWAYS, DEPOT I sell also tli'e Advance,' Rhoads, on which he has a chattel mortMill again, I am prepared to do Stair Building and •warranted.. frhe B i c y c l e P a r a d e . Bullard and Mudgett Hay Tedders, also ' ' ' WAGONS, CAREYALLS AND Binder, Twine. , REV; S. R . CtTNWINGfiAM. Jacob !Nanz has been arrested on coms i meeting of. those interested in the FARM WAGONS I will be pleased to show any of the plaint of the Long Branch board of edroposed bicycLe parade in Red Bank above machines to farmers, whether ncation for selling beer to'school boys. Ordained aa Pastor of the Reformed was helcl in Henrj J. Child's office last ; always on band. Cbnrcb or Colt'* Neck. they intend purchasing or not. Circu-, One bov recently became so intoxicated night. [There was ia sm;ill attendance. lars mailed on application. An enclosed that he" had to be taken home. . Rev. Samuel R. Cunningham was Vannesg Watts was chosen chairman. PalntlnR,trimmlng and repairing In all Its branches done byflrst-daasmechanics. , gear Sweep- Rake Reaper is made for The commencement exercises of Peddie rdained and installed as pastor of the Edmund W. Throckmorton; John L. those who prefer it to the ordinaryinstitute, Hightstown, were held today. Reformed church of Colt's Neck yester- Hubbard, Fred Frick, George'F. Spinbinder. • L i s t o f W a g o n s a n d 'CarrliUEes a t ' There was a. large gathering and twenty- day. A meeting of the classis was held ning and Benjamin Ford were'appointed Present o n H a n d i ' four students graduated. Eev. .Hr. in the church in theo morning and the a committee to make all arrangements tbe well-lcqowD Stallion, will stand for tne Season Faunce delivered the address before the installation services "were held at. two for the parade and to decide on a date. of 1891 at the farm of 6 new leather top Buggies,' 2 new Eockaways, 2 Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, alumni last night. John H. Mount and >'clock in the afternoon. Quite a large Near Throckmorton's Lumber Yard, Depot Wagons, 1 Surry Wagon, 1 Extension Top hia sister Mamie of Bed Bank, who are :ongregation was present, made up'of Phston (one or .two-horse), 4 new One-Horse/ CarTbrockmorton's Bridge. Mines, all kinds of Wheels, both 1 graduates of tbe institute, attended the he people of the village and the farmers RED BANK, W.'j. ? ryalls, ! small Poay Wagons, 1 Tillage Cart, 1 The freeholders have advertised for LEONAROVILLE, N. J . alumni dinner. hroughout Atlantic township. The serBasket Phseton, 4 new Farm Wagons, 0 secondvices were'-opened with the singing of a ids from bridge builders toj build the large and small, Torpedoes, Jap'a1'B3K.3!>a;S = $ 2 5 : t / O T-I-I CTIT - T S C hand Buggies, S second-hand Farm Wagons and hymn, bv the choir, followed with a iron bridge over Throckmortbn's gully. Persons parting with their mares will be held reThe bridf e will be 150 feet long aud 30 Tne Concert a t Little S i l v e r . nese Torpcdoes t Chinese Lanterns prayer by Rev. J. N. Birtoff of Freehold. sponsible tor tbe service money. Service money others not mentioned. feet-wide!, with an eight-foot sidewalk Parties In need of wagons and carriages will do payable April 1st, 1892. . . . The parlor concert given last Saturday The sermon was delivered by the Rev. on the nqrth side. The bidders will furMILTON Is a pufe bred, very large Stallion, of well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. of all kinds, Flags, etc. night at the house of John Lippin- T. W. J. Wylie of Philadelphia. It was the famous Percberon stoclCIO bands and one Inch j nish thecr.own plans and specifications, P.O. Address I t . B . O A S I P B E L L , doctrinal discourse in which Preabycptt.of Little Silver was a decided sucblRb, aud wefKbs 1,635 pounds. He was foaled April and the bids will be opened at the Globe A full line of Caps and Pistols. Little Silver, N. J . 10.1885, at tbePercheron Stock Farms In France, cess both in the quality of entertain- erianism was lauded to the skies. At hotel on Wednesday afternoon, July .and was Imported by Powell Brothers, of the Shadehe close of the sermon a hymn was m e n t and financially. The ladies of 'RED BANK, N. J . , land Stock Farm. SprlnRboro, Pa. He Is registered 5th. , ; • ' • In fact, every thing for the H. W. PERKINS, St. John's chapel deserve credit for the ung, and then Rev. Dr. Charles D.In tbe Percberoa Stud Book of France aa No. 11,057. ; m» m j Has been appointed M a n a g e r (or K e d B a n k and Is also registered ID the Percberon Stud Book excellent programme they presented. Buck of Middletown gave the'charge to f ; ' P' the ofAmerica as No. 7,295. His sire was Favor; he pastor. Dr. Buck is a tall, spare, The attendance was good and the audiNavesink Lodge Election. (10,027), by vermouth (5,420), by Coco. Bis Oam ence was a select and, appreciative one. elderly man with a smooth-shaven face. Obarmante (11.U5C), by Coco. The third degree was conferred on. five Miss Lura Smith of Little Silver played As he stood in the pulpit, his pale, intel. Hares will be limited to forty-five'. candidates at the meeting of! Navesink Monmouth St., near Railroad . WM. T. SHEBMAN, two piano solos with much power and lectual face lit up with the earnestness .lodge of Odd Fellows on Monday night. Leonardville, Middletown Townahtp, N. J. NEWARK. BRANCH, f his words, and he looked like the perspirit. The vocalists were Mrs. Stevene HED BANK, N, J . The semiannual election ofi the lodge of Eatontown, Mrs. H. Parker of Little sonification of the Puritan fathers. Dr. P. O. Box 492, — , And Is prepared to supply oil In any quantity from will be held next Monday night. Charles Silver, Robert Parker of Shrews- Buck charged the young pastor to hold " . one barrel up. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE, ~ Throckmorton will be elected noble bury, B. Wolcott of Red Bank and ast to orthodoxy and to preach a whole R E D BANK, N . J. • PUBE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND grand without opposition. There are Charles E . Doddridee of Brooklyn. bible. The charge to the church was Hve candidates for the ^position of vice VETERINARY SURjGEON. .CHEMICALS; The quartette, "Come "Where the Lilies jiven by Rev. DF. E. C. Scudder' of grand. * Bloom," the duet, " Soft Fell the Dews Asbury Park. Dr. Scudder's charge was "! LITTLE SILVEB, N. J. practical one. It was illumined by of the Summer Ni^ht" and the solo by AL80 TOILET AKTICLE8, CHAMOI8 SKINS, j Telephone Call, isa. ' • Close o f St. James's School. Robert Parker, "Down by the River Sashes of wit and brightened by touches FANCY SOAPS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, COMBS, Sidev" were especially fine, and were re- of humor. The services were brought St. James'8 school, Red Bank, will PIBFUMEBT, ETC., ETC ' / ; OIL DELIVERED. A 29 BROAD STREET, ING'S COLIC D R E N C H , ceived with deserved applause by the o a'close with the singing of an anthem lose for the term this week, and the (3154), ' : TiOrders by mall will receive prompt attention. audience.. Mr. Carr of Shrewsbury gave by the choir and the pronouncing of the regular closing exercises will be held A S0BB CUBE IF TAKEN IN TIME. P b T s l d a n t ' Prescription* a Specialty. A'ddress . I ' two clarionet solos with his accustomed benediction by Mr. Cunningham. next Monday night. The only graduate Will make tbe season ot'1891 at : JTAMBS PiORSIAN, Store accessible at all hours. ability, and Messrs. Fisher and Pepper this year is Mary Reilly," who will give a R e d D a n k , If. J . The new pastor of the church was valedictory address.; ,A~cfioi<ie literary twice favored the audience with a banjo The KIDK of all Llnimentnfor tbe removal of callous duet. They are skillful players, but on born in Belfast. Ireland, and is thirty and musical programme has ! Been preof long standing. Also, sprains, curbs, l f this occasion labored under the disad- years of age. He came to this country pared for the occasion. spavins, ringbone, 4c. vantage of damp banjos. Mrs. Jennings five years ago with letters of introduct—THE FINESTpreformed In the most approved method of Shrewsbury gave two recitations or ion to the most eminent church people MONMOUTH CO.,' NEW JERSEY. Castrating without tbe use of clampaor cords, which Is ' Bonds Accepted.! ' character sketches which were most ex- of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of ••' " . much more humane"and safe. the New Brunswick Theological semicellent and exceedingly amusing. At last Saturday's meeting of the SOitRKNTO Is by Woodford Mafhhrlno. 345. dam nary, and the Colt's jJeck church is'his •ownship committee the. bonjds of WilBfllmfra, by 1 littler, .'100 ; 2tl dam Belle, Mainbrlno / IN RED BANK, It remained for Mr. Doddridge. how- first charge. Mr. Cunningham has. a iam-Henry'Smith and James; P. Bruce ChM 11 (the d:im of Me 'urdy's Hauibletonlan, and -BHlriiont, the sire t^f Nutwood, -:lS->4^ Wedffewood, ever, to put the audience into convul- pale, s m o o t h face and looks Hke a s t u were accepted. The bonds were $ri()0 in Is on Front street, opposite Broad, In Stout's Block 2:111, and Cora Beltnont. 2:2-1)4); 3d dam by^Brown'B sions of laughter, and this he did effect- dent. H e is married and is t h e father each'case. Mr. Smith's bondsman was .lii'Ulqunder, he by Imported Belltouoder out of ually by his inimitable funny songs. of t w o children, both girls. " " by Mambrlno. Snlt or a Single' Garment, at the Francis A. Littleand Mr. Bruce's bonds:; The.public will find that the high For a First-Glasslowest price, go to which were accompanied by gesture and $50, witli Usual Kelnrn * *-<>— man was James Enright, Jr. : grimace completely irresistible. Bat his Prlvelese. . : , Do you want a mowing machine that A B u s y P o l i c e Justice. grade of goods is still kept ,up, whistling solos were wonderful. He Mares boarded, at owner's risK, at SI2 per month. will cut all kinds of grass, .old stubble, Justice James H. Sicldes has had T n e B e i t JKJercn^int T a i l o r I n T o w n , A Book Account of $8,000reaches the highest notes with seemingly weeds, briers or brush ? Their try the For further particulars address farm, or busy time of it during {.he paBt week. which in years .past has added so the utmost ease, and at all' times his : new and latest improved The book accounts of the late Simon J . S . F E R G U S O N , A'full line of Mason, Lightnings First-classfitand good workmanship guaranteed. whistling was flute-like and sweet. A Most of the cases that game under bis Miller have been ligured up and it bus 103 West 53d St., New Xork City. much to thq popularity of that old, charming feature of the occasion was notice were those of peijsons who we're been found that he carried oyer .$8,000 and Woodbury Fruit Jars at bot• ; i «rrested under tbe town ordinance for little Louise Lippincott who. in fancy Cleaning a n d Repairing a t • >n his books. Some of tbe accounts are tom prices. costume, and with a basket of flowers on disorderly conduct. Moderate Prices. uncolleetable, hut it >is thought, that and well-known establishment, the her arm, recited the " Flower Girl " in a Last Wednesday Frank Fielder arrest most of them will be paid by the persons delightfully easy manner and who ed Charles Clark of Colt's Neck for being from whom they a»e,due. THE NEW COAL AND WOOD YARD | The Whiteley machines are warranted quickly won all hearts by her pretty drunk on the public thoroughfares. He 13 the place to buy the best coal at the lowest price. to be the best workers, the longest life, PRESERVED MEATS, appearance. I deal In nothlns but tbe rery best of L e h l s b „ was locked up about an hour, when lightest draft and most comfortable of all. Coal*. I am selling a large quantity of this coal A F i r e a t Englishtown: Augustus Sickles of Colt's Neck came to — IIKALKR IS— After the concert refreshments were by the Gar Load as well as at R e t a i l . If you will A full line of Potted, Boned anjl Machines ou exhibition and for sale by try my coal I am sure you will never buy any other. served and mirth and jollity prevailed his assistance and paid $2.50 to have him A house at English to w.n owned by r have also taken the agency for S t y r o n ' * • until a late hour. Other entertainments released. Frederick R. Wilson and, occupied by Deviled meats arid poultry, such a% P a t e n t F e n c e . This fence Is the cheapest and Samuel Holmes of Red Bank was dis- Jacob McBridu wag burnptl • a few days ham, tongue, chicken, turkey, etc. will be given throughout the summer, strongest fence on the market aud will last a life, _ CHAS. G. DENNIS, Proprietor, Opposite Railroad Depot, S h r e w s b u r y , N . 3. the object being to raise a suEBcient sum orderly in the vicinity of Zion churcl ago. Ouly'a .snialL part of (he housetime. Palings are 4 feet high. It costs S4.2S per 100 feet. It la very easily taken down and put up, to make contemplated improvements in last Sunday. A complaint was enterec hold goods were saved. There wan no and Is Just tbe kind of a fence the farmers want. It fr-t. Johns chapel. Nearly fifty dollarsagainst him and he was arrested yester insurance on the fnrnilure. iThe house RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. makes a nice poultry fence. day by James Walsh. A fine of $7.5C was insured tor $2 SUO. were cleared by the entertainment. ; 50 Sewing Machines for Rent by the week or BUTTER. • ^ was imposed, Holmes furnishing security month. These machines-are new and' I will rent . ^^-*-^ 1 them very low. Don't buy. for you can rent a mafor its payment chine cheaper of me than what you can buy one for. A Growing Union. We have exclusive sale for this A Handsome House. Princess Plow, Joseph Ferry of Headden's Corner and 1 also repair all-makes. AH orders sent tome by • i NOTARY PUBLIC. . TJ. T. K. Plow, The carpenters' union of Red Bank section of the celebrated " Big Elk " "Wm. H. Pearsall of Oceanic has the Emory Errickson of Red Bank were armail will be promptly attended to. Disk and Drag Harrows, , contract to build a $20,000 cottage fo: arraigned this morning after having and vicinity now has a meiiibt-riship of brand of roll butter. G. W.' W O O D W A R D , I S A A C I . COCK, Pension Claiin'Attorney, McSherry Grain Drill, Fifteen new meinbiTu ar'e to be inRobert L. Maitland on the Ridge road spent a night in the lock-up. Both were 110. Office cor. Front and West 8ts.. RED BANK. N. J. i . . . . . . . 25 cents 'Wheel Hay Rakes. • ' : Farmingdale, N. J . itiated , at the regular meeting, of the Best butter between the properties of Dr. Parmley arrested last night by Daniel Burnett fo Hay Tedders, and Edward D. Adams. The house will disorderly conduct, and each was finei union in Spinning & Patterson's hall to- Good butter. 20 cents Rakes and Land Rollers, 1 be built in the modern style of architec $5: Ferry paid $2 50 on account aud morrow night. MOCLASKEY, ture. The foundation is now partly promised to pay the balance on. the Buckeye Mower and Binder, built. About forty men are employed Fourth of July. Errickson was released A Decision R e s e r v e d . And a general line of Haying Tools. on the work, which is expected to be upon his promise to bettle by to-morrow SUGAR. The appeal case of Dr. Thomas A. GurTib roofs coated and warranted tight for fire' completed in six months. morning. years. Also; leaky chimneys made tight. Wort tis against Francis Herbert of Eatontown Mrs. Margaret Stryker pi Mechani attended to promptly, at reasonable rates. .The best granulated sugar only In Fertilizers I sell ^ • ^ caiute up at Freehold on Monilay. The street complained last night that Mrs, case'has I*. L e o n a r d Street, . already been-, described in THE )4 cents per pound. A Sermon to t h e Mechanics. WILLIAMS & CLARK'S BRANDS Maggie Longstreet had called her ba REGISTER. Judge Couover reserved hie I' . West Red Bank. N. J. . About one hundred members of- On names. The case, was heard this noon decision. ! ward council, Junior Order of United and the justice discharged the defendan j American Mechanics, attended service with a reprimand. Root Beer in five miuutes : [QOOI, deliat Grace church" on Sunday night. Th This afternoon Grover Reeves had John FLOUR. Prepared especially for- all kinds of crops. cious and refreshing. Knapp's Root pastor, Rev. Wilmer F. Herr, preache< | arrested for using vile languafr Beer Extract makes it. ! about American institutions. He ex Frost BABE, CURIOUS, CURRENT, I N STOCK. We sell the best flour in the towards him. . Frost was fined $5. H horted his audience to look well to' th made a couriter complaint againsi Ea»y Terms made on Oolli Machinery ALMOST CIVEN AWAY! the world, namely: " Pride of Go to Bailey's for your three for a protection of the bible, which he said was Reeves, who was fined the same amount, and Fertilizers. Libraries Supplied Cheaper than at any Booh quarter Havanas. Best in town,—Adv. World." the basis of all law and order. I Store in the WorZd. - . r Victor Slyer waa arrested yesterdaj Machinery and Fertilizers always on S LIBRARIES AND BOOKS BOUGHT. by James Walsh on complaint of his JOHN N . S I C K L E S , Vour Selection ; KIBTHS. I MAMMOTH'CATALOGUE FREE. wife Kebecca, who claimed that he T n e R I c l i a r d a o n & B o y n t o n Furnaces, Big lot of hay rakes and tedders assaulted her. The case was heard thil ' HOLMES.—At Holimlel, ou Thursday, June I81h, Oceanport, N. J. Mrs. John SJ Hulmes, of u son. ; Heaters and Ranges are the best manufactured. Adriance reapers and binders and Adri- morning. Victor denied, the accusation i 1' Cbamber* Steeet, We .have the exclusive sale of these goods in-this 3d door West of City Hail Park. ance mowers for sale at VanSchoick's.fac He was held in $50 bail to appear befor New T o r t , DHATHS. T H E WM. II. MOON CO., neighborhood. They cost no more than the goods and other special• torv. Monmouth street, near Maple ave the grand jury, Dr. F. T. Chad wick be ties for CHAMBERS.—At Freehold, on Monday, June Gentlemen, MOERISVILLE, PA., 11 of other manufacturers, while their efficiency Is J5tli, El.iz'a A., wife of Kev. A. G. Chambers. nue; low prices. ROBERT VAJSSCHOICK. coming his bondsmaii. ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Address much greater. (one mile (rom Trenton, N. J.,) KING.—At MaruLsquan, un SundayJ June Hth. —Adv. : W . l i . UOUUL.AJ5, Brocklon, Mass. bold by Maud, daughter of Kauny and Mark Kintf, aged 3 A Sermon b y R e v . Dr. H a s t i n g s years, 11 mumhs and ^0 days. j Trv-our Blue Eibbon single harness, and put In j SOLD B"2" Rev. Thomas Hastings preached LANE.— A;t Freeii'ild, on Wednesday, June 17th, all our own make, genuine rubber, onlv Street, . Med Sank, JT. J. SUrhfli Laue. aged 83 yejirM. : * AND ROAD HOUSE, the Presbyterian church at Oceani< FIRST-CLASS ORDER, ^23.00. This is the best harness in th AJf IMMENSE STOCK,OF 5 ^McPEAK.j-At Oceanic, on Frldayi Juno lOtb, market for the price. First class stock last " Sunday morning. The large con Mrs. Kstner jsicPeak, aged SO years, j LOCUST POINT, NEW JERSEY. BY Deciduous and Evergreen Trees. % WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. gregation present included many of th 1 and the mechanism is unexcelled. . FOR SALE. PATTEKS'ON.—At Freehold, on Sunday, June Situated on the North Shrewsbury river, near trie : Hardy Flowering, Shrubs and Vines. The friends of ' S q u i r e T. F . S n l f f e n will wealthy city people who have their sum Gowdy & Pitcher, Bed Bank, K. J.— 14th, Rquertj, son ot U. W. Patterson, aKtd 8 months. New Bridge. nnd aim at his old business In Walsh's bulldmer homes at Oceanic and Seabrigbt A full assortment of G r e e n h o u s e a u i l B e d - Ing . Adv. PATTEHSON.—At Long Branch, on Monday, Open the Year Bound; The only Road House Seven-room cottage on Beach streets-near Broad. on m e c h a n i c S t r e e t , R e d B a n k , ~ Dr. Hastings's discourse was bright an i?i (he township. : Lot 50x105. Good water, plenty of fruit, large dlnsr P l a n t s . IV. J . , where be does all kinds of TVagen June 15'.h, Taylor Patterson, a^ed U8 yeari. lawn. Porfull Information, address . Contracts taken for. Planting Flower Beds, Fllllngr W o r k , New Farm Wagons, Harrows, Carts SNEDECOK.—At Fair Haven, OD ! Wednesday, Schroeder & Co. have opened thei: edifving,- the text being taken from This hotel has been magnificently furnished and Vases, Tuba and Boxes. • Wheelbarrows, .&c, made to order, and Jobbing of . ^ XHOS. DAVIS, J R . , June lTth, Mrs. Pbebe E. Snedecor. aged 63 years remodeled, new summer stock of sponges ; larges Exodus xxxiv, 29: " Moses wist not tha aud la now open for tne accommodation all kinds neatly and promptly done. Represented by • and 9 months. : F r o n t Street. of the public; has mosteicellent facilities for yacht- OrW.N. ORAT, Btock in town ; call in and select one.— the skin of his face shone while hi - JAItlES W A L S H , Proprietor. ' JOHN O'HAGAN, ing, boating, Bshlne and crabbing, and Is undoubttalked with him." Box IkO, Red Bank. N. J. Adv. • edly one of theTiealthlest summer resorts In the - Special attention glyen to the Little SUver. N. J. United States. T. S. CON ROW'S CABINET Neck Dress. Repairing of Lawn Blowers. RICHARD HARRISON, A B a s e B a l l Challenge. ASBUUV PA U K , N. J . , A. most desirable place to spend a vacation. "• Look at_oar_25-cent line of 6carfs an An unsurpassed table and a well-appointed bar Skates ground, repaired and put In Drst-elaB orDKALEKS IX GR.A.VITK AND MAEBLS "The Freehold base ball team chafleng —strap bows. -The latest novelties. H. H any amateur ciub in the county"to plaj of wines, liquors and cigars. Table d'Hote dinners der while ydu wait. , WHARF AVENUE, RED BANK, N. J. and a la Carte restaurant. Curtis.—Adv. Front St., next to Culllngton'a Cigar Store, with them. The first game will bt MEALS. AND LUNCHEONS, ' AT THE • • STATIONERY. > • RED BAA'Ji, JT.-J. played on the Freehold grounds and Looki $50,000 TO LOAN Blue a n d B r o w n Stone for B u i l d i n g Properly cooked and nicely served at all hours of A full atock of fashionable Roods for the P A L I . All kinds of Writing Papers, Papetertes, Account return game will be played on tl Factory harness almost given away i JPorpoaes. j tne day and night. and W I N T E t t trade. Dress, Business and WalkBooks, and I Stationery of all kinds, at JOHN H. ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. 1 17 Union Square, N. Y . ' , COOK'S, Front street, adjoining the Post Office, Gowdy& Pitcher's, Bed Bank, K. J.— grounds of the club accepting the chal Oyster* In All Style*. Lager B e e r , Ing Suits made up In Qrsl-class style and at modCUBBING AND FLAGGING. lenge. - e w e prices. fn««niny and repairing. Bed Bank,. N. 1. ; B. a OOWABT, Freehold, N. J. on <3t 1 doz. Cablneu, 81*" Ale*, Wine* mild B e g a n . *-> Work Executed In AMParU of Slate, WAIiTER A. WOOD MILLINERY MOWINB AND HARVESTING MACHINES FANCY?" GOODS. ~~j "WEIS'S, The Popular Milliners, Largest Stock, W'HJE-Ei. COLUMBIAS. HIGHEST "SHREWSBURY" GRADE ONLY. KES. Will not Mould or Lose its Flavor. Latest Styles, 32d SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Lowest Prices; Many Saturday, June 27th, 1891,. '•' Mrs. Jl:M. DUNN'S, Boots and Shoes. Ms! and Improvements for 1891VT V CATALOGUES ;SENT FREE ON APPLICATION.- ;: WM. A, COLE, •.. • Furnishings. RED BANK, N. J. E. C. HAZARD I CO., NEW YORK. HE1IjIKY C A R R O L L , All Clean New Goods'. Navesink National Bank, Wines, ties and Liquors, George Ehret's Lager Beer, RED BANK, N. J., FULL NEW. LINE-.OF SUMMER GOODS j 1 • • • • . The Best of Goods at theiowest Market. Prices; x GEQ. T. HOOK, HE.NKY CAKKOli, J. B. BERGEN, STAIR BUILDER Seabright and Little Silver CARRIAGE FACTORY Fourth of All Kinds of Mill Work. GOODS GEORGE T. HOOK, Mill on Front Street, Climax Potato i Sprinkler. WM. T; SHERMAN, KEROSENE OIL Buckeye Riding Cultivator. JA MES' NORMAN, Keystone Hay-Loader. Glorious Fourth. Standard Oil Co., WM. Monmouth Pharmacy, A. WALLING, IB. :E\ S.S.SAGUES, Dealers Supplied at_J Lowest . * Market Prices. WOLF H/LLSTOCK\F ARM SORRENTO, RED BANK, N. J. Wolf Hill Stock; Farm. JOHN W BRAUN, OCEANPORT, READ. BROAD STREET. Custom Tailoring Establishment FRUIT JARS. WHITELEY "Tricycle". Mower. JOHN N. SICKLES, OCEANPORT, N. J., "C.i H. HURLEY, P West End HoteL Farm Machinery ENSIONS J! FERTILIZERS. PROMPTLY PROSECUTED. GET THE BEST. Fqlt and Gravel Roofer. MILLION STEARNS' BRANDS' SICKLES & PARKER Wo L. DOUGLAS LEGGA1 BROTHERS., RED BANK, N. J. Bicycles Repaired NUESEEYMEN & FLOBilSI Towen's "New Amsterdam" Hotel HENRY GRAF, Front St., Red Bank, N. J. MARK L. MOUNT, West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. G-E3STTJKTGI- <& C O . , First-class MerchantTailor MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES. 1 [Photographs, $ 3 per Dozen Rockwood Gallery Our Kind. not in our softened, stricken hearts—to. on the first Monday of Ma?; the; aaspssors flrst a p - iu whiebsaid lands are situated, to remain of recF. DONOHUE. YORK AND LONG BRANCH resist the pitiful pleading, and the j pointed shall be appointed to hold nfllee respective-.. o r i therein; and thereupon, and on payment or XV I' KAILROAD. " IT fur|one, two. three and four year^ and until the tender of p a t i e n t of the amount so awarded to t h e Stations in New T o r t : Central K. R. ol New Jarbereaved mother -herself led her to the I uppuinimHni <>; n Micrcssor: all subsequent appoini- party or parties entitled thereto, as owners, tenants sey, fot.t of Liberty Street; Pennsylvania B . R. death chamber. I couM hear Tier wail I Hient.s !.iiali he for a term of lour years aud until the. or other lejral occupants, the city is hereby empow':• S U M M E R M E R I N O , tO"t'o(; Cortlandt Strret aDd DesbrossRs Street. ing out her grief over the white, stilly j,apisilntment or a Mii-ivw.or: vacancies shall be tilled ered to enter upon and! take possession uf. the said i C^oniiuepcinc Juue ili«t, 1H91. and alt title thereto,'for the purpose of (Successors to P. Hi UENDUICKSON), v ^>y the Irnwrnor. subject to the approval of the sen- land; TRAINS FOH RED BANK. Gauze ami Tiilifoeil Tests, Gloves, figure, pouring kisses ami caresses ovei" i -;ltc; tjhe said as-t-ssors c tizens of this stale, which the sam* is taken, sball upon such pay:neiit Leive New Yort via O n l m l U. I!, of N. J.. 4 80, _ ; llilrtjous, "&c. the. pale face, and sobbing out all her jami shall not. iluriiiii th>*ir lenn of ofiire. be Imer- or tender pass from the said owners aud parties in\ — n'KALKRSIN — 5:10,815.11 158.m.; 1 30, 2 IF.. 3 30*.4 00,4 30*. love and penitence. Side by side with rsledju any railroad or canal company; eacD as- terested po the said city, and In case of a dispute jinghanis, Challii'S, Outings. Sateens, ' ft*), 6 no p.m. Sundays, "J 15. II 80 a.m.; 4 00 sessor- shall, hefore emetine upon his uinii-s. Ule between any owners or other parties interested to n m. Vl.i P . K. It.. 3 30, 7 10, 0 10 a.m.; 1800 the widowed mother, she followed the with tile sej-reWiry of state an oath taken before a their and other Hummer Drees Fabrics. respective riirhts or Hhares-in ami to tho-siini »i.: -2 3t\ :i io*, 3 40», 4*, 5 10, " 00p.m. Sunhearse and suw the eoiiin lowered into ju*ti<-.- of the s\lpreme court tbut be wili faithfully so assessed or ascertained und»-r ;ihis net, then the . d«>V.» 15. »45 a.m.; 5 15 p.m. . . ' discharge the duties of his otllcp. and that he is not said c\ty is hereby authorized l o pay t»»* sum Embroidered Flounci'ngs, White the. grave. Then we caught the little " . -ijVnii liram-li. -iSO, 7 06; 7 15. 7.35,7 55, 8 00, PATTEESON'S GHOST.. intetested In*jiiiy railroad or; they assessed for the said land to thp clerk uf tlie county Plaids a n d S t r i p e s . «:i.->. s .vi. '.I ;M, 1110 a m.; 12 Si, 1 30, *i 30. S 05 fainting figure, and took her again to shut 1 r^ct-ive an annual salary tif twenty-live huu- 'in which said lands are situated. U%be paid out nnd 4 :«>. 4.41. S .Ml. 7 30. 9-JSp.m. n o Sundays, S3KA.L.L STORE, FULfy STOCK. LOW the carriage.' ^She was so evidently ill tlted doiiats; tl:rt-e inetubt-rs i shall constitute a distributed between or UIIJUIIK the parti«*s entitled 7.').'. V .il.a.ui.; 4 40, 5 50. 8 -JO, 9 25 p.m. He was called Pat Truitt, but his name and unv otiu-ml aet shall be valid which to the same by the nrrier of the circuit cmirt of said ; PRICES, POLITE ATTENTION. that Mrs. Blackiston consented to stop. quorum, " i'i-c;in lirovp. 0 10. li'50,-7 00. 7.IS. 7 40, 7 45V has the sanction iof three members; they may 'U]- fouoty upon the applieatinu uf any one or more of "was not Patrick, but Patterson. He was JJcif Hank, X. ,T. . 7T.7.•« 30. 8 ir.,',) io. 10 50 a.m.; K 15, 1 30, 2 10, 43 Iiroail Strcr.t, with her at our house, beiuy;neurcr the fpli'V a secretary,iwlio >hall re'-Wve an annual'comhem. on. due notice Do tue. otber.s; und the said tall and strong, -with an honest, frank !! 4:., 4 hi, 4 i">, 5 DO, 7 14, 9 05 p.m: cemetery than her own, and so it fell pensation H.*. thr^'-ani of assessors may determine, Ustice shall upon the application nf either party, or All varieties ot ground feed, meal, etc.. coustantface, a voice full of cheerful, hearty life, T«A1NS LEAVE KEl) BANK. not to exuoil- twenty-five huridred dollars; they on reasonable notice to the others, t»x mid allow out, that as the clock struck twelve, we 'or New York. Newark and Elizabeth. &43, 7 19, ,y on haud and sold at lowest market prices. :-h;ill keep a ree-ird oj their proceedings and shall such costs, fees and expenses to the e<tmmissinn,Hrs and a laugh that made the windows ratthree women were grouped about a •7 -a. T-iH, Sll.-i*. Si 111*. S S - . !P'O3, 9 IS, 9 43, annyally report L-I the lrjjishuure. tle ; and ne was in love with Maggie and other persons performing any les.Ml duty In the 11 m a.m.; l i IS," 1 4:3, i 15, 3 15*, 4 45, 4 55, lounge upon which Maggie lay,, exhaust'• : And Vie it, enacted. Thai this act shall take premises as he htmll think equitable mid right, Blackiston. li 0.1. r 4S, 9 :is p.m.' Sundays, 8 03, 9 43 a. m.: which shall be paid by the said city; and if any of efleci t Immediately/ ed with weeping. .-i l T h e subscriber, assignee iff J . Edwaj-d Denise, 4'55, li 00, 8 33. 9 38 p.m. He was a fanner, and lived upon one all of tlie said owners, or other parties Interested, Appruvtd March IT, 1S91. will oiler for sule at public iitlcliun. > 'Lung Brancb, ocean Grove, Sea flirt. MaiaSuddenly, a= we sat very still and hall be absent from this state or utidt-rany lefiral ON THURSDAY. JULY UHI.1S91, of the finest farms in Dutches? county, Kqilan and Pnlnt Pleasant. 5 13. 6 30. R-47, 9 50, sorrowful. Maggie started up with a neapa.<!ity that disqualifies them, frum receiving at 2 o'ckH-K in tlie :ift«ruoori, ut Ibe ouk-e of saidCHAPTKH XCIX.W 38. a . m . ! 1S-3W, 1 30,3 (W. S :w, 3 KJ, 4 -J5,4^85, a homestead and grounds that have been egM p%5inentof the money awarded him, her or assignee, iu Oceanic. New Jersey. Ibe following piercing shriek, and pointed to the win-- All act to aultiorizt! tlif elHctinu of a city, treasurer B-A">, 0 .•», 5 3Ti, r. 43. 6.40, (MS, 7 3O, 8 over a hundred years in the possession them, then it shall be the duty of the city to pay VALUAHLE PEAL ESTATE." in cities uf tut* £(•<•<iiid rluss for a lonperUfiin ihun the amount awarded, to such; person or persons io Sundays u-.\fcpt (Ict-iin (ir'ove), 9 52, 10 4 1 , ' dow. of the Truitt family. Some six years l\vn yeans. ' 31 '^) a.m.: r,1 rir.-ri -jr. .'li 40 p.m. ix : All thattnictor parcel ol land aud premises ' • Look ! It is Patterson's ghost ! " ' she the clerk of the county In which such lands are sitago we celebrated the twenty-fifth birth1. He it euact«*<i by icrelnafier particularly described, situate, lylnc e Petmte acd General uated; and! It shall he the duty-of the said clerk to KOIi KUKEHUI.n VIA .SiATAWAN. A T S85.OO, 'hoseiwbo contemplate purchasing a Piano or an A^embly of Uie State of Nt-w Jersey, That Tecelve the same Ui be paid to the parties entitled day of Pat, and it was upon the occasion cried, and fainted again. nd bfioR In the township or Slirewsburs', In- the Ceave lied Hank. 8 » , n IB, 11 30 a.m.; 1 43, 4 45,' Organ should not fall to visit the wareroom of "We turned startled "looks to the wini Hits sum* in whieh thereto by the order of the judffe of the circuit 4 .">">. ii Oi p.m. Sundays !) 43 a.m. 30UIHy ol Sloniuouth aud Stale ol New Jersey,* V treasurer is now e!erfedjf.»r Hie term of two court of the sail county, upon. his. uer or Mi^lr-ap! ' FOR RRD BANK VIA MATAWAN. AT OCEANIC, dow to see, in the clear moonlight, thtfVity . ,; AV. I f . D V R N E L L , yeiV-.the suid'Ulv treasurer jsball hereafter be plication for the same, find every and till of such beginning at a" point In the easterly side of Third Leave; I'ri'eliold,. 7 15. 810. 1115 a.m.; 2 05, 4 30, standing erect before the window, the eleered juid bold ulll'-e (or the term of tlve years.. 6-'5 p.m. Sundays 4 35 p.m. street, distant live hundred and seventeen feet, payments to th« clerk, a to the city, sh-^l he tall figure • of Patterson Truitt, in his ~. Ami be it euavted, "1 Int all IICTH and/'liarterpro- equivalent to-payment to the parties entitled therewoiuohes; southerly from the southeasterly corner wFor. f urtner particulars see time tables at station ; "who was trying to find oil wells in if Third street and ocean avenue, running thence RDFUS BLODGETT, H. P. BALDWIN, long wliite shroud. While we sat vi>ions inconsistent liereuitti be kad iln-y are betvliy to and shall operate c> transfer the title to said Dutchess county, and was boarding with repe:tlt'd, and that this act shall t^ke effect immedi- laud to said city as If made directly to the said ;i) easterly aud at right auRli-s with Third street, ; . Supt. G . P . A. C. R . B . of N. J . breathless; expecting, to see him vanish, ately, j one hundred and sixty leet to a corner: thence ['-i) parties; provided, ulways, that should lliecfty, or : • • 4-R. WOOD, G . P . A. P . E . R. Mrs. Grey, who brought him to the s he slowly moved toward the door, and Approved March l r , ISDI. | at rltfht angles with life tlrst line aud northerly the owner or owners, feel aggrieved by the report •Denotes express trains.?' party as escort for her three red-haired thirty-three feel, four rnjmts to a corner; thence (3) and award 'of the said cmimissiimers, lie, she or Where can be found constantly on hand In the on the still air rose a feeble voice : girls. westerly aud parallel with the first Hue, oue huu- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMtney may appeal from the said appraiseuiHiit and CHAPTER Cl - largest wareroom in the county, the . "' Mother, let me in ! ' drfittand-sUty-elstJt feel to the east side ol said award iu respect to her, his or their interest therein Haggle Blackiston was belle of the 1 ! • PANY. i " Great Heaven keep my reason !'" she An ai-t empnwerinc 'water r**gts«mrs' to uppofnt ro th next circuit court In thy cuunty wfier- In the Third street; tueuce (4) along tlie east side of .said ! On and after June 20th, 1891,. their own assistant »nd assisifints In cities where ball, bewitchingly pretty in a dainty Third street south, thiity-three feet four- inches to lp l f said i:mis are situated. gasped ; but Mrs. Blackiston opened the ! TRAINS WILL LEAVE REDBANK tlie water it^gisirar is now.elected y 'e people.. blue dress that fitted her plump little fig he place of beginning. House )iud stable'on prtiinFor New York. Newark and Elizabeth; 7 19. 8 10 1. He it en.icti'd by tlie Senate and (Jeneral d'oor.•_'.> It L'tiartHiJ, That every iijippal from the .ses; house contains hut aud cold water, aud is ' ure to perfection, her brown curls caught auii 0 18, 9; 1 43, 315, 4 5S. 8 93 and 9 S8,» I• . and at the ppratswntmt and award of the commissioners shall In walked the ghost feebly, and stag- Assembly of tn-* State of New Jersey. That icated tbrougliout by furnace. > p.m. On Sundays. 9 43 a.m.: G 0(5, 9 38 p.m. it shall iitiii may t<* luwlti) f<»r tiny water registrar be made in the form <>r a petiilmi to the said court, up and snooded by the brightest of azure Terms made kuowu at time and place of sale. gering like a drunken initn. " Rah way, 7 19 and 0 43 a.m.; 1 43, 4 55, 603, in any city of this stale thut Is j nowclected by the FEltT. LOWEST 1>RI<?ES l!OJl CASH, •uid nntlce then/uf shall be given t"> Um other parribbons, and her brown, eyes full of JAMEa ENUlliHT, JR., 0 3Sip.ui in Sundays, 9-43a.m,; 6.06, 9S8p.m. " Mother," he said agafn, " I am not people To appoitll the iissl.-liillt [or iisstsuinis to Httl lies within fifteen davs after the Illitig of the com^. ~ ' Assignee. sparkle and vivacity. From the glossi" WiK>dbrtd)re. 9 .w a.iu.; 1 43, (i 03, 9 38 p.m. On Mini inhis lawful duties that annow provided for missioners* report and award, which pro<vpdfnp AND ON .INSTA-fckMBN*S= ~ dead. The medical students from the TO CREDITORS. Sundays, « 43 a.m.; li 06; 0 38 p.m. ' . hy law. I est of her rich curls to the tip of her shall vest in the circuit court full authority, power College dug me up to-night, and are " P e r t h Amboy, 0 18,943 a.m.; 1 48, 6 C8 p . m . ^. And hn it enacted. That all acls'und parts of and jurisdiction to heur aud dj-tenuiu*! the questiqn Amonir whl<-h are the 'Hardtnan^ Sterling'and - pretty little slippers, she was as bright 1 O:i Sundays, 9 43 a.m.: and 6 00 p.m. 1 ~ ^ running home-at this minute, frightened •icl>, iuttli getierahimi sptciul, ujcDiislsient wiib t\w of the value of the land and the damages sustained, Caroline C. Smith and S. Levice Ayres, children ' kiSon. I ' as a picture, and as fascinating a country " South Amboy, 9 18,0 43 a;m.; and 143.603, Post Office Building, Red Bank. N. J. >I Pormuu Ayres, deceased, appoinled by the heirs nearly out of their lives. 1 am no ghost, provisions of this act, be tnid the Haine itre hereby if any. and thPreup'-n the said court shMl dlnpctji 9:« p.m. On Sundays, 9 43 a.m.: ti Of, 9 38 p.m. i epcaleii-. ' ; belle as could be wished for to.attract to settle the estate, hereby give notice .to the credproper Issue to he framed between Hie partipk for fano.s (o licnt. Tunino arid Iif.pairiiitr. mother." " Matawan, 7 19, S 18t 943a.m.; 143. 3 15,4 66, :j. Ami be it enacted, T h a t j t h b actsbull take the Trial of the said question and order a jury of itors of-said deceased "to bnug iu their debts, deadmiring eyes. C <|3, .9 3 j p.m. On Sundays, 9 43 a.m.; 6 06,9 38 There was a fluttering movement mands and claims against the estate of said decedtwelve men io be strm-k for the trial of t b t ^ a m e One pair were at her service at once, p.m. •. • • . "eof, under oath or'atllrtnatiun. withlii nine mouths Approved Maicli 17, lS'Jl. | ^ and a view of the premises to be hud byMhem; land on the lounge.a little iigure shot past us, " Mlddletown, 9 43 a.m.; and 1 43. 6 f 3 p. m. On IroliWhe TENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1891, ur tliey will the said Issue shall be tried upon tl:n like notice and the city beau struck his colors half and Maggie was sobbing out her joy in • Sundays, 9 43 a.m.: aud 6 06 p.m. ' , be forever-viarred of any ucti.m tlierefor against 'inil in the like manner as uiher fs^ues^ of fjict in " CHAPTKIi q . ; an hour after he entered the room, and ** Philatielplrfsrand Trenton (connecting a t R a b Patterson's arms. . them. ^-^. 'UAUOI.INE 0. SMl'L'U, A suppleiuent to tin ;ict entitled "An art to estab- said court are tried; and it shall he'tlm duty of thi» paid admiring homage to the sparkling wAj), 7 19 a.m.; .knd 6 03 p. m. Oc Sundays, ' S. LEVICE AYUES. When we were all quit" te<l.:m<l Pat wsi-; lish u ssslein t l jtiiliiic iu^lrViction" Iftevisli-n"). said j-iry to assess the viihif <>f the lurid in question 9 43 a.m.; 0 00 p'.m. little beauty. I t was not very strange api-rovt'd MUM'II UvMiiy-sevtjnth, itnt: Ltn»usiimi find the damages .susiaiiied If »any: and the partv seated in the deep arm-chair wrapped in N RULE TO BAR CRED11ORS. • formerly of HiRhtstown, " Lobe Branch, Point Pleasant and Intermedia'*1 that the simple country girl should be ateiglir limulretl a n i p- veniy-foiir or pnriles app«*al(nir shall recover costs ff be, she. H EX ECUTO It'S NOTICE. -stations, 5 13, 8 47, 10 38a.m.; 1 30. 8 52, 4 85, blankets and sipping hot wine, lie told ' And dealers In I. lit- it en: cted by the St'tr-le iiU<1 (JfiiiTal- or they sh;iJl succeeiJ at the trial on appeal In clnng. tracted by the gallant attentions, the Charles M. Morris, executor of Mary Holmes, de•5 4% «40, K30 p.m. O.Sundays, 9 52. II 20 us : Assi'ijibly of lilt' State of New Jersey, Tliat Inr the v.iluation *>r assessment of the laud in ( ; anil GO p.m. (Do not stop ai Aabury ceasi'd, by order of the surrogate of' ihe county of courtly bows and l"smiles of the newM-vtixn ur,e ut !bv iicU » whivli Uiis us u ^uppl-du-ia and_thp di»niutfi*s in his. h^r. Ib^lr or its fjivor, " I knew all that was passing when 1 Pa|rkon Suudays.) Moumuulh, hereby gives notice to the creiiiturs of i> aiifiiLied to read :t^ loiiou>: | anil shall pay ensts if lie. she.:it «T tln-y sh^ll ffiil <m conier, but -I did want to bos her ears lay in that deep trance sleep. I heard the said deceased t<i bring in their debts, deiuauds " Tqms River, Bay Head Inl< t and Intermedlatfl shall p prnvent thf city from tnk1 lie it eii;ii'[eiii hy the Si-nale and (i.-nenil t<i do; imi no jippfjd when she turned the cold shoulder upon pp and claims against the estate of said decedeut, uu' stations, week, days, 5 13,8.47,10 88 a.m.; and mother weeping for her son, and Aunt lli iV report iSM*tr!ijly <tf the"- Suit- of New Jer>!-y. Tha' i the land upon tllinir th h e c-immi^siiitii-Vs' der oath or atllnuution, witbiu nine mouths from Pat. . 3.1:!.~4 £5. (S40 nm. Fannie's choking words of ^comfort. 1 ttie irt-'iieral superv4r-Toh jiuil control of putilic I i - and a w a r d a n d jj n yy m e n, t , or Tender to t h ?p parties <>f : the KLEVENTII DAY Ot" JUNE.l.'Ol, orthej;will be , TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, an hhereinbefore, provided, h f i b f i d dutwt t a The first rebuff only caused Pat to knew when 1 was dressed for the grave >irtn-tioii in tl;e 't-Uitf !'f New Jeisi-y slmlj tn- vsti-d the amcniiit thnreof furevt-r bailed of any action thervfor aguinst the Broad street, (via Rahway), !ii a .-.Kite hoard of education, w Ijich sn.ill consist of party accepting fnun the rity the amount uf the ENGINES,- BOILERS. -SHAFTINGS',". PULLETS, said executor. • open his honest blue eyes in amazement, and lifted in my coirln. I heard -Mag CHAKLES M. MORRIS. For Red Bank, 6 5o a.m. and 4 00 p.m. On Snn•lie triiMees ofylie M'IUJWI fiinujautl eijilit nieintiers ward uf the. romiijlssjuiiers in his favor Mtxl| not diJys 3 30p:m. " • AND ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS. •' '. it seemed so impossible that Maggie cie's grief, and it seemed then as if my «tn> >hall be. ;ip|)i<i;ited tiy t!i**' governor, out* from thereby waive his appea ! ; that ui»"n the verdict «f N^RULE TO-J5AR CREDI i'OKS. T TRAIN8 LEAVE NEW YORK, . l district, liy a u d with tf.e. advice each c the jury Ilxinjr the value of the lnndand damutres could mean to slight him. Maggie! "Why, breaking heart must burst the icy bonds AUMINISTR^T'Olt'S NOTICE. : P l o w s , R l E i t " ' F u r r o w e r s , P6« ( .-pesbrbsses and Cortlandt street ferries, i>t thi' .senate; i) 'l morn- four of hit court shuli *T:t4*r Judtrinent for ih<» amou'it Jt.uiiihttn Ueatltlen, administrator of John M. 3 30, "fill, 3 10 a.m.: 2 30, 3 10 and 5 10 p.m. -On: - he had carried her about in her long that held me. But when I heard ihe .ihd co t a i o Vln^crm, AM|>arasu« p l o w s , i e Contracts tnken for Papering and Decorating l!;e nieiiibers so iippoinifd >ti;ill >ti;ill lie i<f th" same, pol thereof, wlrh <>r wirtioiit iMtep-st and costs, accordHeaaden,^deceased, by order of tlie Surrogate ol Suindays, 8 15, 9 45 a.m.,*and 5 15 p.m.. clothes, when he was a sturdy, six-year- clods fall upon the coffin lid. I only ntirul paity; Ltn'ir te in >t f'lll'-e shall coiiiineiii'e on t<> the provisions of this act and the principle nf rooms uud entire houst?a. All classes of macnloe repairing done promptly the couuty of Moiimoutli, hereby gives notice to tbe- CHASJ E. PUGH, 1 J. E. WOOD, • old urchin, and had been her loving ad- prayed that death might come soon, and the ili>i day of April, one ih<*u^md elebt liundrtni law applicable to ih* irial of similar issues in other ereditora of the said deceased to bring lu tlieir ind Ht low prlc^w. General Manager. Gen. Passenger Afren. , >'n«l the judgment so entere<i shall be the simi iiineiy-uiif, and tiiey shall tioM ulllrefor the HlKbest eiisb price paid (or old Iron delivered at debu, demands and claims aguinst the estate of mirer ever since. But a second time he I be spared the agony_of waking in my Nrin cf live years Mi«i uutil tht*l|- succes^irn ure up which the uu-ner ur owners anil other partlej) he foundry said decedent, under uath*or aulrmaliOD, within - came to heryas she was standing near horrible prison-. -When the colUn lid was esir-d are entitled to have [rum the city lor trie nine months Iiom the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OK -,'. And be-it eliiicteii. That tin* board <pf truttee> said lurid and duniHire.s, and n n y be enforced in me, resting from a dance. raised again to-night, the first ijusli of air MAY, 1891, or tuey will be forever barred of any thestute uiirinitl *vlnM>\ i> lui-iehy titNiit.-ltt-il; allnuinner and fifrm similar to other eases in which aclluu therefor against the said administrator. • "Will you dance the next quadrille stirred again the blood in my veins, and 0 Is pronounced in said court; and when the dui:es and olll<-esof Mich honird sliall heiciujifter j l JONATHAN HEADUEN."with me?"" he asked.. I shouted aloud and stood up. I wish"' be excrci^t-u and [leiTonneU bv'iln; stale iM-.trd of the: commissioners' award is paid by the ciLy ^ : Hiyhlaiidti, jjigliland Betieli, N RULE TO BAK CREDITORS. " I am engaged to Mr. Seymour," she —and here Pat broke into his old congen- etliic-iituin provided lor In tlie Hi si seetiun uf this court as [serehiU'fure. provided, wvni an apical is act. "" • taken and jinftritier.t td ufterwartis pronotnu'ed on • ADMlMSTR.tTUIX'S NOTICE. * Oceanic, Loctist Point, answered, toying with the ribbons on her ial laugh—"1 wish you could have seen 4. AIM! be it enacted. That ibis act shall take the verdict, it sb-'H be the duty of th" court to or- K It does and It is an old shingle Toof, whyiiot ~ Rachel Lufburrow, admiuistruirlx of Edward T. "wrists. " ' my preservers run*- I did not stay to effect immediately. der the mnney so paid into court applied to the payBrown's Dock, Fair • *\ With Scrapers and Stone Boxes. Lirlburrow, deceased, by order of the Surrogate of ment of the said Judgment and -the surulus. If any, Approved Murcti 17, 1S!H. " B u t you have not danced with me call them back, but came here at once, thb county of Monnioutti, hereby gives notice lu the Haven and ' , repaid to the city. creditors ol the »a1d deceased tu bring in their once this evening, Maggie." to mother, and to"—here he held, out his :i. A rid be- it enacted. That this act shall take efdebts, demands aud claims agaiust the estat« of According to Size. - j '.' Miss Margaret Blackiston is my thin hand—"Miss Jiargaret Blackiston." Thut I«, put a slate roof on right over tne shingles. fect Immediately. said decedent, under oath .or atllrmation, within An act concerning tlie n:uM:igemt'nt of the lunatic The "very best Harrow.and Cultivator ever jde- nine mouths from ti.e TWENTV-NINTH DAY OF Approved March IT, lrt'U. - . name," she said grandly, and walked '•Pon't.'Pat,' she pleaded. * . asylums of tin* state. t can be done, and your roof will be perfectly vised. Di.sks can be set nt any angle, cutting, MAY, 1891, or they will be forever barred of any ,Tie'Strong and Commodious Steamboat, 1.- He it enacted11 by tbt; tVuutt: and (ient-ral away. " I won't, if you will drop your name pulverizing and, turning up the noli. Covers grain, action therefor against the said a d i i l t t r l j c : water:tight. The slate root will practically last potatoes, peas, Assenibly of tin; State of • New Jersey, Tbut Pat gave a long, low whistle as he next month and take mine instead.'' etc., turns In manure, apmtes !the tlje general, uiunageirieut of t»oth ihe state lunatic .'•: RACHEL Also G r a i n D r i l l s lorever, and II will l>e cheaper than to put on a new soil, and Is of light draft. "watched her; then meeting my eyes, he ." Xonsense, Pat,'" said his mother; svluiji ai Trenton, and of the state asylum for the and L a w n I t l o w e r i i . N RULE TO.BAR CREDITORS. * " insane at Murrfntowii. shull hereafter be vested lu shrugged Tiis shoulders and •turned to " you won't be about in a month.'" shingle roof. When you want to talk slate roof, • JADMINISTRATUIX'S NOTICE. • ' • a single Mate board nf uianagvr.-i. an-1 who Mbull be other guests. I could see that the blow WALTER M. VAN SCHQICK, Agent, Christena Miller, admiuistratrix uf Simon Miller But he was. Love proved a powerful iii.steati of and have and all the-powerrf uud Capt. J . P . CHAD WICK, call on or write to decease^, by order of the Surrogate of the couuty of - stamg him deeply, but he -was tiot a man tonic for both invalids, and we had a unties and privilege* of-the board nt managers ot RED BANK, N. J . . .' ; Monmouth, hereby gives notice to the creditors of Will ian, between New York (foot of PranHln the state lunatic Hxyluin at Trenton und of the to parade ¥»« sore heart, an<l bravely merry wedding just one month after the the said deceased to bring in their debts, demands tiuard of manactrfs o"f [he slate asylum for tbe inStreet, New Pier 24), and Red Bank, Machines can be see at Robert VanScholck's shop. and claims against the estate of said decedeut, under filled his part of host. Not once, how- appearance of Patterson's ghost. >ant* at Murrirttown;;iiuch rotate hoard of muniigers \ •a sfollows: .. ' ! ' oalb or alUrmatlnu, wlthiu nine months from the ever, did he go near Maggie after the inatiall consist of .seven persons, whu ^hall hold olllce EIGHTEENTH DAY W MAY. 1891, or they will Inr the period id Uve year.-; they shall bn appointed Bulling rebuff. ' • be forever baired of any action therefor against the LAWS OF NEW JERSEY. hy tbe governor, by and with the advice and conWhen everybody else had gone, Mrs. said administratrix." OUltlSTENA MILLER. sent of the senate. '-J LBY AUTUOBITY'l Truitt and I drew our chairs to the L'.-and be it enacted, that the board of managers ~N~RULE~TO BAR CREDITORS. kitchen fire for a little gossip before we ~ ~' CHAPTER XCV. ** of tbe state lunatic asylnin at Trenion and the board —AND— EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. retired. As we were, chatting, Pat came A Further Supplement lo an act entitled "An act «f managers ot ihe-stale asylum U>r tbe insane at Michael J. O'Farrell, executor of Hey. Michael E. Viorrtetuu-n, as heretof. n* constuuted and provided relative to the sules uf lund uuUer a. public statute in and sat down beside me. Kane, deceased, by (>fder of the Surrogate of the fur, an* Iii-reby abol^hed; the >Uiu* bour'd.of iiiauuor by virtue or any judicial proceedings" [Reviscounty of Moumouttrrbereby gives notice to the "Tired, P a t ? " I said. ion], approved March twenty-seventn, uuo Hious- ^ers created by this act bluill have nil the powers creditors of the said deceased to bring in their debts ami perform all tbe duties bereiofure possessed "Not very tired. Aunt Fannie, what ana eight hundred *tud stveiity-four. demands and claims against the estate of said deiinil performed by the boards of managers so abolt HAVE TAKEN THE A(iESCY FOR THE CEL1. Be it enacted by the Senate und General cedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine do you know about Mr. Seymour V " : ; Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That ished. " JOHN MORFORD, SALESMAN. months-Jrom the 30TH DAY OF APRIL, 1891, or EBRATED —ONE OF THE— . "Nothing. He is looking for oil wells, In all counties in this state wherein a t the couuty :j. And be Jt4*pac:ti-d,Tbat it shall be tbe tlutv hf theyjrill bel forever; barred of any action therefor EDGAR BROWER, MESSKNGKB. ' he sayB, and drives about the country in seat ibereof there is now published iu the Ueruiau tiie Huid board *>t iuau;igers to visit t-uch county ugaluut the said executor. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ' lun'ittic asylum in the state at -least once In eaVh a stylish buggy, with a high stepping laneuafre a paper, which has rntn or muy be d ^ j ^ - year, MICHAEL J. O'FAEttELL, ami to inspect such institutions and tlieir i cated by law to publish the laws ot this state, it Car< s may be had of E. C. Hazard A Co., whole Trenton, N. J. ' horse. likewise, he wears store clothes, dhall be the duty oT ihe officer havlnp charge of the management, and to nuke iu Uieir annual report — AND— sale G ocers. Cor. Hudson-and North Moore Streets, -iich rt'coinnmndalioii as they shall deem necessary a gold watch, and a shiny silk hat, every sale- of real estate to select and publish all adverSTATE OF PEARSON HENDKICK- New York; M. Sutpben, Ablngton Fish and Oyster tisements of sales and adjournments the eof in one concerliinir sticb local In.-titutioiis. ;-0F— . , SON, DECEASED. Marki-ii, 29 Eighth Avenue, Cor. Jane Street; Jobn day in the week." 4. And be il enacted. That tbis act shall take efsuch paper. Notice Is bereby Riven, tbat the accounts of the F. James, Real Estate Broker and A uctloneer, 189 " I know all that. You don't know subscribers; executors of euid^fieueased, will be uu- Monuigue Street. Brooklyn ;' The Edwards Express, 2. And be"lt enacted,?'That the same Tees shall be fect 'immediately. The Bowdtah canoes aad rowbbals are the lineal •who he is, or -what he is?" Approved March 17.1831. dlted and stated by the Surrogate, and reported to 168 Franklin Street, New York; Callahaa t Kemp, allowed ..Dd paid for th« publication under this url boats that can be built. They are made of uarrow the Orphans1 Court of the couuty of Monmouth, on 41' Vesey Street; New York; REGISTER Printing "No. He converses well, seems to as io other cases, and this 'act shall hn deemed a boards of Dismal Swamp cedar, with a compressed THURSDAY, JULY SIXTEENTH, 1891. Office, SaRiies's News Depot and Andrew Purtell'B public act, and shall take, effect Immediately. C H A P T E R r i i r . " have traveled, and is5an.:adept in the art Hotel. Red Bunk! N. J . , : WILLIAM HENDKICKSON, Approved March Jb, lt&l. A separate apartment for the .ladles, andgentleA Supi'l**mHnt to an act entitle}! ** An act to au- tongue of the same naterlal between each Htreak of paying compliments." ABTUL'U WILSON. . N B.^-All freight intended for this boat must he 'tlmnze the fiimation of tattroad (rorporatluus and with no butt, Jtslnts. This mukea them per"•Don't you. -worry, Pat," bis mother liien accompanied by ladies. _ ' on tha wharf a sufficient length of! time to handle, CHAPTER XCVI. anil n*Ku!uu* tin- siime," api>royt.-U April second, fectly water-tight. They have nickel-plated trlmN RULE TO BAK UltEDITORS. . assbe will positively leave promptly on her adverhere broke in sharply. " Maggie always An act to authorize the imjcovetnett of roads, one thousand eiirtit h und red anil »»;veuiy-thre»*. ' EXECUTOU8' NOTICE, Ladles in totvn shopping or In attendance at tised tlitne. . • ' • uk's, are bright. wtKid with mahogany trim, can For Price*, Look .on-the Second Pace streets and Uf£bwa>s*, in towns, boroughs, vilJ. lie it enaciud hy ttie Senate and (ieueral jjeunls H. Atwaterand William P. corlles, execuwas a born couquette. She would flirt •nils' boat's time-table is advertised in T H E B I D the dentist's, can secure a comfortable luncQ! or tora of George Vf. Truex, deceased, by order of the laces and municipalities'povenied by boards t>t As.-em'tily "I t|j«? - State of Nj-w JfTM-y. That be use.d L'iLlie.r fur salliug or rowing, aud are the of the Paper. BANK NKGISTKR, New Jersey Standard, also In with tharcows, if there was nothing else commissioners or lujpiovt-nieut commissions, and t!ie f'lirieeuib M'Ctfuti ofUm act l o which ihisict is surrogate ol the county ot Monmoutb, hereby give Counting Hnuxc Monitor, Mackey's Steafnbnat meal with pleasant surroundings. .j handy; Wither heart is in the right place." to provide lor ihe i>sutu£ ol bonds Inribe'pay- a siippieiiitrlll, its tlie siihl foiltitet-t.tli sectiull is strongest built and," Uglilest boiits In the world. notice to tbe creditors of the said deceased tobrlng Guide and New 1' irh lVorld. . They cost from $50 up. ment of the eai«erses thereof. aineinJed by the supplement thereto approved April In their debts, demands and claims against tbe es"*' She may think the right place is in Theatre and yachting parties accommodated. \ Stacks will connect a t Locust Point for the New' 1. Be it enacted by the Seu&ie and General tate of said deceased, uuder until ur uOlrmatlou, Amsterdam Hotel with the Albertlna on weekdays Mr. Seymour's keeping," Pat said gloom- Assembly of the Suite, of New Jtrs**jv That f.vent.v-ett'hth. one thousand eight hundred and The St. Lawrence skills are ma'de for use in every eitfhty-M'ven, IM> and tin; same is hereby amended within nine mouths from the FIFTEENTH DAY OF and St a.Bird on Sundays. —WE SELL THE— A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF "; ' it shall be lawful for the governing budy of afey !>•> ith to lead nti follows: kind of weather. They are built lup-streak, with JDNE, 1891, or they will be forever barred of any e town, borough , w villape. <«r ol any muuk-ipa.lity action therefor against tlie said executors. II. AuJ heileUMclfd. Thut il hhull be the duty red elm ribs four inr-Ji.-s apart, and are made either • •I governed by a board of commissioners or improve' BENMS U. ATWATER, 01 aoy rtjinpaiiy iur.orponited under this act, or A moment later he impatiently brushed ment commission wilhlu th!s state, whenever aucompany owning, leasing or coutrolllng aiiy with plain or nickel trimmings. They cost from WILLIAM P. COItLtFS. up the thick clustering curls from his thorized by a majority of the votes cast at an elfc- any riL'bt.of way for u. I all road wiiblii this "state, which $30 Up. tiuu held for thepurpose as herein provided, to ex bas b«en graded in whole or in part, r u t upon high forehead, and said: JOHN S. APPLEGATE. FRED W. HOPE, ret Shrewsbury an<l Jjong Branch/. pend bucb sum as may be a u t h o r e d by such vote; These boaLs are the best that can l w * bought for wtitvh ]ijzht ol WHY the track ur tracks lmv« not " I t is very late. *--Good-night. Don't not exceeding sixty thousand dollars for tbe purof the best quality and been coiu[ileU*ly laid, to c»nsLruiJ"t autl keep m re^V PPLEGATE & HOPE, Highlands, Highland, Beach, a t here gossiping all night," and so left pose of paying the costs and expenses of improving piiir good and >utMcirnt brl'lg**» jand passiige over, personal use or (or hiring out. They can, be fur- Which.has taken six medals for being superior to nished singly or by the carload at any pleasure rethe roads, streets and hiKhwayswithiusuchniunici- uridtT &in\ across thu said railroad or right of way • AT T H E LOWEST PRICES, Oceanic, Locust P/tint, \ all others. paliLy, eltber in wbule or iu part, in suuh. rnauter when* any.public or other roatj| street or avi-nut*,, rt along the shore. " Is Maggie Blackiston blind, that she as they may d^t-iu advisable, and to 1S>UM Uuids now ur hereafter laid shall c r o ^ the Maine, no ttiat I have u number on exhibition and for sale at —AT— " > i cannot see how handsome Pat is V" said therefore, in the corporate name of such muaicipali- piihMc travel on the said road shall uot be impeded RED BANK, Mrs. Truitt; "he is worth a dozen city ty, in the manner hereinafter provided. Lliereby: aud R is further provided, thut such Afilem A Cole's store on Broad-street. bridged and passages 'shiiil IH; of sxivh width aud Catalogues sent on application. MONMOPTH CODNTY. NEW JERSEY. chaps. She's a dear little girl, and will -2. And be it enacted. That whenever In ihejudtf cliararter as shall be" suitable to the locality In make a good farmer's wife, but she will meut of the governing body of such town, borough, which tiie same are situated; arid also-wliert; tbe Tillage or other municipality, it shalr be (itemed ILLIAM PINTARD, maVp a fatal mistake if she tries to be a ndvi>able to make any expenditure auiborized by siiirl road shall intersect HHV fa mi orlandaof any iuOld Established Stand, on RED BANK, N\ J . MO^MOTITH ST., RED BANK, N. J . The New and Elegant Steambost, city lady." this acl aud'to issue bonds therefor, tha saul imv-. •Jiviiiual, to provide and Keep (u repair suitable COUNSELLOR AT LAW, and convetiienl wa^on ways over, under arid across I quite agreed with my cousin. Pretty, ernn>e body may order an election tu determine tin* said railroad, and shall jilr>o construct and Over Button's Stove Store. RED BANE, N. J whether bonds shall be issued to procure money for bewitching Maggie would certainly the payment of the cu^t. and expecs'-u uf Urn pro- iiiiifnUfn suital)N: and proper cuult* tfunrds »t nil HKNKT M. NKVIUS, EDMUSD WILSON, Opposite the Flrat National Bank. never be a t home in f ashinable circles. p sed improvement, andshall designate ib« tune and road <To-sint>; prcjvidetl, always, that in uny such tHilro.iiI shall cro.«%s any streets or hlirbways in Counselor pi Law. Attorney at Law. - Yet it seemed as if Horatio Seymour place for nolding sai;h electiou and appoint jud^*"* any city It shall be either above ijif below the yrade EVIUS & WILSON, and inspectors thereof, which election may bt* al did not view matters with our eyes. the Ume and place fixed by law for the ejection ol iut*rc"f, at surli distance aw shall nui inUTfeit* with LAW OFFICES,. Wllf run between New York (foot of Franklin —THE LEA DIMS — ' Every day his attentions became juore municipal officers, or may b« a sptiiul election tli«- fit-e and uninterrupted nsu ft viu-.U HirL-eLs or RED BANK, N. J . St eet. Pier 24), aBd Red Bank, as follows: highwu>v, pruvidt-d. (urlhet* that tlie coinmon marked. He drove Maggie out in his called lor Ihe purpose; ifruvided tbat wben a special cnuncf] of any city may grant penrilsslori to said election shall have l*tn ordered under the provis["AMES S T E E N , stylish buggy; he met her when she ions of thia act. six calendar months shall elapse be- fonip.tny to crow SIK:IJ stteets- or highways al Adjoining Steamboat Wharf. graiie if they sh 11 de«in it to be ihe best laleres-t of —AND— walked; he trod daintily in his shiny fore auy order for another *m.'h ttpecial election ntiitl COUNSELLOR AT LAW. city; itud lurther provided,! tlmt in the event Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds foi . boots into the barn-.ya«l to watch her, snail t>e~i.-^ue«i: the J>ollb sball be opt*u Al Jesuit fn-in lli-il "tn'h- cKiujiiiuy fttiall not. vvilliui a reiisntiiihle New York. EATOHTOWN, N. J . R ID B-A.3STK:, 1ST. J". .: two o'clock until W-WQ o'clock in \hn ntwrtumn: tiint; after nouncation from ihtMSntiinitu couricil of "at milViTig t i m e ; he drank .tea about notice ol said election and of Ihe IIIUMUM OMMIM1» 'In* iity or nmiinilLt'e of Urn t^wnshtp lu which ACOB SHUTTS, seven times a week at Mrs. Blackiston's, proii.!>t-d v be issu-d. which amount >ball umt-x- sijrli hriiJiresiiinJ pa-ssagt^ ure l(>jue coitstructe'l or . Wholesale and Retail Dealer In AUCTIONEER. and made that well-to-do farmer feel c**eJMxiy"thou«in<l dtillarK, shall be yiven by ad- n-piiiieij, proceed tu nousiruct <>r n'pair the same 8peclal attention given to sales of farm stock, quite poverty-stricken when he detailed verti>*-n,ent-, *.ft up in ut least live, putilii- plact-s in as rt-ijinred i»y tnl-s act, the >ald (ioimnoii council or farm implements and otner personal property. said municipality for at least ten du>> previous io coinmittew may. in Hie namt of surli city or townWe are prepared io offer tn the public all the the accounts of the individuals he had said election iiud publi-lieU once a w c t U>T . l w , ship, institute pr-Jt-eediu^w in tbe .court of chan. P. O. Address, SHREWSBURY, N. J. made millionaires by the discovery of succe^ive weeks fin three newspapers circulating 'cery ijg linst such company to compel tbespecjtlc S. SNYDER, therein; on the ballots U M * d a t such eicc'Mu shall [lerfoirnauce of the di.tieH imposed unou*MUch c,,moil upon their farms. * * • Established 1873. • be printed or wiitteu "f*ir the-l>sue of boLdr«"<ir puuy by this section of th s act; and In case a deREAL ESTATE. UEKEIlAL INSURANCE i LOAN Mrs. Blackiston muttered something sjraiu.Ht tbe issue of bonds," and said election otlli-ers cree sna\i he made against- hiicli company in said —AT— Commissioner 0! Deeds and Surveyor. Also Insurabout humbugs whenever these stories sh-dl return t*> tb« jiwvwiiinc txxiy of saM muiiici- proceed.ilgs, corrjruiinding It. io speciUcally [Mrrfonn ance Brukerfor New York und Vicinity. ills' aiid evening:. •were repeated for her benefit, and did palliy a true aud correct statement in writing u n - isu-'h duties within a reasonalile Uuiu, tu bv therein MinDLKTovrK, N. J . der their hands of ttie result of such election. tlxed, atid Much company shall n'fghM-t or rofu*; io ON THE MARKET. not scruple to tell Maggie she was a little liutiea ^uijin such period 3. And be it enacted. That if at sm-ij He<*t!on a j-pecitlrally \» rfunn such T^R. G. F. MARSDEN, G. CRAWFORD, Messenger. idiot if she threw Pat over for this per- majority ol all the ballots cast sball by "fur the is- ol time, iht; t*ban*j.eli'ir, up^ni pniuf of sui'li iifgltM'V Also a choice line, of fumed,dainty gentleman. But with her sue uf-iKJuds," it shall then be lawful for tbegowrn- or refusal, may in bis di^Tetl^u Issue the stale N. Bl— All freight Inttinded for this boat must l e H0M<B0PATHIC ing body of such municipality tu proceed with the w r t of injuuctinii to restrain said company ftohi on the wharf a sufficient lengih of time to handle, father on her side the willful little Improvement, of said road-:, stieets anil highway.'), the'»*jcerei>« of jmy franchise orj tbM tnibsHCtlon of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,' as she will positively leavei promptly on her adverbeauty flirted with her new adorer to said work to bt* done by cuntra'-t. and to ii;cur<in any business in tins stale until s-tid company shall FRONT STREET, _ _ _ _ RED BANK, N. J tised tlttie. - >. ' . v. .1 huyt* clayed. lt\?. comuiurid of aaiil decree, mid expense therefore tiDt exceeding th e amount nirtiStockbridge, H. J. Baker's, aDd Chitteri p her heart's content, never heeding Pat's This boat's-Ume-table is advertised In Tint EKI> R. A. A; ARMSTRONG, tioneij in tbe notice of Mich election, ;ind t" is^ue *h;\ JI have paid'tlm (^)*ta of Miiid proceed ing«, lnden's Phosphates-^three best brands BANK BA RERISTKR. New Jerse'u Standard, Atlantic grave, pale face. registered o.- coupon bonds of such municipality Inv cluainga rettsuiiablt* allowance !to I he counsel for PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f—fi "'"'•'"I i * . Independent, New York ITorJd. for Monmouth; County soil. Hatters had gone on in this unsatisfac- the purpose of providing Tuuds to pay tbe costs and such i-iLy or UiwtinMi[>, to be llxi-d, hy ttie clianc^-llor; FAIR HAVEN, N.-J. Ciiunt C n t i •*• Monitor, Madtey'e Guide and ti " • -M Can be called to Red Bank or Oceanic directl tory fashion for nearly two months expenses nf sui;h iiiiprovements, sucn botuJs u» be and further p ovided, thai said council or cntninltS Sftiypi issued from time to tiuie-iis occasion may require, tee, in ihf, event of Um failure of such company try from office by telegraph. . ' 'iff Gazette. when a fever broke out i n ' t h e village PERUVIAN GUANO AND CANADA but not L<t excee 1 in thea^pretfatt* theunmunt men- emjstruer, or repair such t>:ldge> oc passages within a two miles below us, and soon made its tioned in th? rw.iieeol MJch election; the hmids n.ay rt'ciKonitlile time after noUlTrujipri aa aforesaid, AS. MCCAFFREY, D. V. S. UNLEACHED WOOD'ASHES BY nifiy. If they shall dwin It aOvlsalilu so to do, proVETERINARY Stf«GEON. appearance in some of the farm-houses be made payable at times to' be therein .-perilled, reed iheuiselveM to construct or repair such bridges THE TON? OK CAR-LOAD. .Graduate of American Vetetttxujx College, N. Y. in our more immediate neighborhood. not njnn* than twenty years after tailing Hie .vuim, or pa«.-ages, ai.d when the cost| thereof atmll have Tbe larffe and commodious pteamer, ' and j-hall be so issued that an equal ixirti'in of ihv Residence, Irving titree^, between Broad • Street heen a.-ecrtaine<l ihe >aiye maybe collected of and The malady assumed so much of an same shall be made payable in '-euch y^-ir Irom am FRONT STREET, RED DANK, N. J. Land Plaster |ind Pure Paris, Green, AH nf which are beUut sold at and Maple Avenue. Red Bant, N. J . said cotnimuyiiy said common council or townepidemic form, and was so malignant, alter live years Irom the d;tte ol s;i\ti bond*, *»• iuai from ship ruimnilLeH by au action at law in any court, of JAMES WALSH, Stone and. SU«11 L i m e I n a n y q u a n - that a terror crept over us all, and be made, payable at earlier periods, as maybe, de- roiiipelfUL juriwllctiou; provided, further, that the termined by the governing body issuing the same,, t i t y . New Y o r k IUannreg by those in health could scarcely find time and shall be disposed of in such- Uianner as the goV- • permission of the cornmon oiuncil of any city CAPT. BENJAMIN GRIGGS, STEAM SAW AND MOLDING MILL herHinbeiorerelerrtil to shall iiim be uVce snry for ft Boat o r Car-Loud. to nurse the sick, console the dying, and erning body of such municipality may determine, the*pbri»use of e n d i n g any street or highway a t Manufacturer of Sash and Blinds will run between Port MeiiniouUi and NewYoik but In no case shall any *»ucU bonds be issued or bury the dead. grade, unless said street or blgbwav at the point MECHANIC STREET. ' RED BANK, N. Oeneral Prelehttng promptly attended to. sold at less than the par value thereof, or shall any .(foot of.Vesey street) as follows: •. At the first sound- of danger, municipality issuH bonds uuder this act so that the w'here «aid railroad shall cross or a t some.point bethe crot-wlug of said railroad and thu nearest "Leave Port Monmoxtth. Leave New York. . ' Horatio Seymour suddenly vanished. amount of such bonds outstanding at any one time tween 1 t e n u o u s of said street ur highway stinll be, tti actual X REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Monday, 1st 3'0C p a . Monday, 1st. . I I O O A J I . Mis. Blackiston, Mrs. Truitt and I had sball exceed io tbe- aggregate sixty thousand dol- use by and lor pedestrians and tea.ins at Lht; time of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Tuesrtay.'ad; .12.00 H» Tuesd-.if, id... 4 00' ' ~ " lars. the acquirement of the right :o|(Way of said raillittle time to watch the young folks, but Hendrlckson Block, R E D BANK, N. Wed"sdajr Sd.i.lOOp.*. Wi-il'sdjiy, 3d...f)00 Cutting. Cleaning and Repairing 4..And be It enacted. That it snal] he the duLy'nf road across Mich street or highway. Collection of Bills a specialty. Thuradav, 4th:.aoo s* I did see that Pat preserved a dignified Thursdiv. 4th..ft Mi 1 1 th« yoverning body of such municipality io cauwr-to 'Promptly Done. Friday.5th.....280' " Friday, 15th (130 | | reserve, and I respected him the more be.raised by taxation, in each ytar. the moneys r \ R . R. F. BORDEN, Saturday, tith...3 00 " for not throwing his heart again under nt-<-e>.s;iry to pay the amount «f inu-re^t of sucti li. And be it enurtiil, -That iill acts or purls of Monday, 8th.... 0DOA.H. AND DKAI-ER IN 5 MoBdaS, 8th..'!!70(1 " bonds, and also ibe ins'allment of prfncipiil falluitf ad* incunsifHteiit with ttie provisions of this act be SURGEON DENTIST ' "Miss Maggie's feet. Tuesdav, 9ih....6 3O " . Tuesday; !Hh....7(H " due tiie sirt>s*-<iuem year, which numi-ya >liiill be UM- and in*- same urn hereny repealiio. Wod'sday, 10th.7 0» " SIIHEM'SIIUIIV AVENUE, MUSir HALL BUrLmNG. BED BANE. N. „ During the worst of the malady Pat se?>sed and collected iu the same marjuer as other H.JAu\i be it enacted. That lliis act shall take efThursday. Ilth.8 00 " ThurM]4.v,'lIlh.8 0 O " ' • Particular Attention given to the administration o Truitt was foremost in the ranks of male taxes ure assessed and collected, for .he use of MIC.1I fecLuuiiiiediately. i Friday, J2th....9OO " • Fri8av.il2ili 1 ...80O •' Anissthettcs. uiuuiey*ality. RED BANK. N. J. Saturday, 13ihlO00 " Approved March 17,-lSHI. nurses and assistants, and great strong Saturday. 13tb..900 " • 5. Ami be it enacted, Tbiit HIH word "municipaliRS..THF.OCKMORTON;& V A N DORN. Monday, 15th.. 10Oi) " Mondayi, 15iri.. .2 00 " farmer as he was, w"e heard on all sides ty," whenever usetl in lli-s act, shiill i>«- c*nihlru**'i Tueaday, lGlh.10 30 " v CHAl'TKIL CIV. Tuesday, ltith. .a 30 *k of his gentle, womanly care of his old to niean any town, borough, villHgu or any inuiiii-iWed'Eaay,17th.llO0 " " DENTAL SURGEONS. Wed'sdily, lTlh.3 00 " An Act ti» empoiver fitiu.s t < > ui^ufre land for public Th'Fday. 18tu,.ia(0 M. friends stricken down by illness and pal c«<rporatioQ or locality Kovt-rra-d by a iwuird of u^e hy rondrnnmiion. Thursdilv, l-tll.,4 (K> " OFKICEW : cgirimi.-<r*ioners or by an improvement cotni!ils.«io'i. Friday, 19tn....lO0p.». Friday, l'Jlli... 8 00 " 1. Il** it (Miurtfd l>y tlHi Httiiatti and (ifneral No. 5, Broad St., Broadway, Adj. Library Hall, death. G. And be It enacted, That tbis act sUall take ef- Assembly Saturday. i»tb.2 8» " of tii** Slate of I New Jersey, TIiul Red Bant, J?. J. Long Branch, N. J Saturday, ^0tu..6 0O '* Monday, 22d: . .5 30 A.M. The day came at last when the plague fect immediately. when Ihe pr<jpnr board or other proper niunli'ijKil Mundayiaid 7 00 " HOMAS DAVIS,JR.. Tuesday, Zid.. .6 00 " approved March 16, 1891. autliority of anv city of thisj stale slmll Oeein It Tuesday,'iSd...700 " •was stayed, when for a. long week there , INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Wed"si1ily, 21th.7 00 " Wed'sday, 24tn.7O0 " ppiier to acrjufre certain land, whether situate had been no new case, no death. Mrs. Thursday. !i5th.8 00 " CEIAPTER XLVII. FRONT ST. BED BANK. N. J. (P. 0 . BOX, 21.] Tbursdray. aoth.SOO. " within or without aafil «r!iy. fi)r any lawful u»e or Friday, 26th....900 " nsurance placed in the best Companies on mosi Truitt and I were sitting over the kitch- A supplement to an act'entitled "A bill providing pun' ( 'se, and the said city or Us-agents cannot agree Friday, kiuih. 00 l " Saturday, 27th.10 00 " reasonable terms. tur the founding of a suite iuwUiuUun wilh the owner or owners oil such land as to the S:iturdii \ -27lb. .8 00 * en fire, talking gravely of the scenes and Monday, 29th..1000 " for tbe instruction and maintenance < ' f prii-H ami terms of the purchase thereof, or when i ALL COLORS. Monday!29;!!...;>on " trials of the past few weeks, when the D. CHANDLER. Tuesday, 30tu..U 00 " iodigent deal mutes, ro be kuowu as tbe .-tate in- bv legiil incapacity or absence of such owner «ir Tuesday, .SOtll, .'3 30 " door suddenly opened, and Pat reeled in, stitution for ihe drat and dumb," approved Mann owners no agreement can be made for the purchayii ARCHITECT. .sfate Lintels, Hearbh Stones, Slate Step 89 Murray and 2<>0 Greenwich Sts., Piwltl'-elyno frtiifrht received on Sunday. UED BANK, NKW JERSEY. , thirty -flrst, one thousand eteht hundred and thereof, a description In writiiui: of the land s < » de•white as death; and fainted at our feet. All bai'k freight must be paid before delivery. . Office In Spinning A Patterson's Building. eighty-two. stfed, wUh the naim* or nu'.neH ot Ine uc.cuiva.uls, il ' " and Slate Flagging, Nine days of suffering, of delirous Tills I. mi's time-t^ble Is advertised In THE RKDl. Be it enacted by the Senati* and (Jeneml any theie **e, ami ot the owneror owners and other t EO. H. STOUT, raving, of burning fever, and then our Assembly MANK R O I S T E R ; alsoini?wJh'iiocr'8and3fa«fc4i;'« iSTCALL AND SEE THEM.^gJ Cor. Bridge Ave. and ITlbnmoutll St. NEW YORK CITY. of t h e State of Neiy Jersey, That parties interested, if known, iitm thUr residences, • Mrnwlniiit Guides. . r NOTARY, PUBLIC. brave handsome boy lay before us cold be<-tif;n two oi the act to whir-h this Is a supplemeut if tlje s;iiiie can by aMfurluiued hy the yjiidcltyor Time-table* may be obtained a t M. O'Brien & RED BANK,. Nt J. Cor. First and Mount _4VPEIIOS, Its jjgent?!. sliull \*r presenUMj ;ro one of the Justices ' and still, a sheet over his face, and no be amended to read as follows: San'.*, a t ) Washington street, and J . C. Clark's, 840 of tue Mipmue niurt of thl.s j state, wlio thereupon A laree stock of plain and ornamental mantels al ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. N . J •J. And ha It emu-ted, Tbiil *aid iuMitutlon shall breath in the shrunken nostrils, or on and :i-^ IViiMhinffton street. New York. ' * moderate prices. These mantels can be-seen'pufcu TSAAC I. COLE, be under tbe cotiirol and Hian^gerueQt of the state shall c.ituse Mu-li city to give ! nulii-u thereof tut he the pale lips. - • Freigliters must IIH ou time punctually, as t h e In my warehouse, so that Intending purchasers cai •X. BED BANK. N. J btKinl (if education; such board .Miall have all the persons inlcrested, if known In this state, or if un- BROAD STREET. PENSION CLAIM ATTORNEY. " We make a specialty or handling Monmoutheoun leave on tune as given In this table. known or cannot he foiirnl, Or if out of this stale, gain an idea of how they will look in their houses. powers and p*Tft it in :ill tlin iiuti* ^ r.f rtm boanl of ! • =. NOTARY PUBLIC; . . Two davs of mourning passed heavily Single lek'ets, 30 Cts. " Return Tickets, 50 Cts. . All Kinds of slate goods and slate work. Slate ty crops, and use our best efforts to pet the hlgheai tru-tt-e.s created i.y the act to which this is a supple- to make publication thereof a* he shall direct for away, and we dressed the stalwart figure ment, whjch board oftiu>!ecs is hert-by aboli^heij. any peritaiint less than Leu Uays; and to assign a Rooflnpr tn Colors and Figure! Work a Specialty. All NAY-Y anil Regular ARMY Claims Died by m will be promptly vrosecuted. . : prices for those who ship their produce to .us. W < particular time and place fur tlie appointment All work guaranteed. I have! a patent composii . H enavtetl. Thut ^ciiwRHirw i-r the ; in the long white grave-clothes, and • FARMIN(iDALE,.N. J . of c nniii.ssionerH as nereiiiaf r>r provided; at which tion for fixing leaky chimneys.: Tar paper for sale. ••i pfve special attention to the sale of Asparagus. k placed him in the narrow coffin "for his i act to which thi-* is a supplement is hereby repealed. tiine, upon satisfactory evidence to him of the serv; • -i. And be it enacted,'1 bat tbis act htiall Luke «fM. H. SEELEY, • ice or publication of such notice he shall appoint T H O M A S W A R W I C K , ->" last, deep sleep. j feet Immediately. NOTARY PUBLIC;. Port Monmoiitb. N . J untler his hiiud three impiirtikl and Judicious free~Tbe funeral party were all assembled j Approved March 17, lS'Jl. . Corner Bridge Avenue and Momnouth street, boliiers, residents in lue eOuuty-iu which such SID REWAKD. i n the little j>axlor, and Mrs. Truitt and have removed their lands are .situated, to exuinlue and the BEn BANK. N. J. CHAPTER XCVIII. The Township Committee of Shreflrsbury Town said land and to assess the damages upon such noI were in a little room next the one SUCCESSOR TO ship offers the above reward .fo,r Information lead A supplement to an act entitled "An act to revise tice to be^iven to the persons interested as shall be F O R S A L E . • •where Pat lay cold and still, when the ing to the conviction of anyone defaclnjror destroy and amend *An Jict ftir-the taxation of railroad uliecteti b*ythe Justice uiakihg such appoiuMrieut, little figure of Maggie Blackiston came and canal property.'" approved April tenth, one noLjess thau ieti days; and (it. shall be the duty of WORTHLEY & MULLINEH, , Grocery Wagon, Horse and Harness, Ing.the finger boards In Shrewsbury.Township. . W. TABOR PARKER. thousand etRht Uutidrtni uud eljjhiy-four, ap- ilifc said coujinissltiners" (liaylng Urst taken aud With an experience of mire than fifin softly. She wore a heavy black all complete and*in good condition. - WILLIAM BOARDMAS,' proved March twenty-seven tu, one thousand subscribed an oath or alllrrniktion before some per- from the corner of Front and Pearl streets tc DEALER IN teen ytjars at tlie business I alp prepared . dress, and her face was white and wan, CHARLE? B. PARSONS, Balley'a bulidlnj?, op tight hundred und eighty-eight. • ' a»m duly authoriwii'to adiniuister the same), faith"^Tfor terms applr |to j with red swollen eves. Township Committee. to und rtake contracts' of any size. -Bjr 1. JJ* it enacted ny the Senate and General fully and impartially to e>iamlue the matter In t . E . BROWN, means if a mechanical arrangement of " I don't, deserve to see him," she Assembly of the State of New Jer>ey, That j question, and to m a t e a true report and appraise: section two of tlie act to which this la a supplement ment a;}aforesaid in writing (according to tbe best . . Little Silver, N.J. my own invention," known ! as patent" sobbed. " I don't deserve to have you ! be amended in read as follows: I of tht*lf skill and understanding, to meet a t tbe f Bides, l a m enabled to move the largest speak to me ; but you will forgive me, R E D B A N K , N . J. x . And be it emu-ted. Thai all property of anyI time aiyi place appointed and to proceed to view and heaviest buildings with! very little Mrs. Truitt ? I loved him so dearly ! I railroad and of cuy canal company used for railroad I aud examine Uies-utd land, aiid to make a Just aud Wanted to buy for the coming season Tomatoes All kinds of Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, The Board of Township Committee of Sbrewsbu: 'cracking and break-ing of.the-riralls. Eatihad the fever too, or I should have been or cnnal'purposes sball be assessed by a state board i equitable appraisement and | assessment as aforeof assessors, which shall consist of four intrnber.s ^ said, toi t«*paid by the city: which report shall be Crabs, etc., op hand In tnelr season. township will hold regular meetings at Commis- and Asparagus;,also Peaches, Pears and Apples. over before. They never told me until and shall be appointed by the governor, ' madrt uhder the hands of tlieiald cominisslouerH, or L e h i g h a n d W i l l r e s b a r r e .Coal w e l l sioners' Hall, on Mechanic streetj Reft Bank, N. J., Will Rive $8 per ton for red-ripe, sound tomatoes, matos of thecoat of raising apd taoving 1 to-day that he was dead. Oh, P a t ! P a t ! by and with buildin|gs will, be cheerfully jfurnwhed. :he advice and const:at of any two of them, und witbin Jlfteendays thereafter; on>Jthe flrst and third Saturdays of each month, to be delivered at my-factory, CHARLES EVXRDELL, ' Screened a n d Clean. . ; dead, and never can say you forgive I tlie >enate; no person sball be quulitled or together witb the deocriptiou of tbe land, and the CARD ENGRAVER, BROAD STREET, RED BANE, N. J . from 4:00 to 5:00 P. H. i i , i authorized u> act as a member of wild board appointinent and oaths or 'alUrmatlons aforesasd" J O H N I T . 8TOUT, MATTHEWS, ir.+.,:. Oat, Hlcsory and pine W o o d oy tne Load or Barrel. A . C. H A R R I S O N , unless his appointment shall bare been confirmed tiUali be Qied In the clerk's office of tbe county with- Medals, Badges, Seals and Presses and Plates ol me!" Foot ot Broad St., Bed Bank, N. J . B M . B a n k , If. J , . LOWEST MARKET PRICES. < STBTJ Deecriptton Hade aiul Eotravud. I t was not in human nature—certainly 1 by the senate; their term of cilice shall commence ' ' TowniUp Clerk. lilies'-and'Children's Hosiery She knows no Lattri. she knows no Greet, Bat me purest American she can speak; " "SOB knows the uses or her and she And the proper places of I and me. sue doesn't U3e big words to tell A story, although «he can use them well:. • In short, she's a Rlrl without pretense. with an ample supply of common sense. And Td rather haTe her any day Than the girj who can parley TOO frongsay. HAWKINS &D0N0HUE, HAY? STRAW, FLOUR, FEED AKD GRAIN. |N. J. WILiSON, BROAD ST., MED BAXK, N. J. W. H. DURN.ELL, Pianos and Organs. . of the country ball given by Mrs. Truitt, Pafs mother, that Maggie Blackiston first met Horatio Seymour, a land agent CASTLE HALL BUILDINGi BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N. J . , Largest Stock of the ^Best Makers THE GIANT, ASSIGNEE'S SALE. • " Still leads aHlompeiitors. Send for catalogues. J. L. HUBBARD/Agent, A: C. Harrison & Son, JDECORATORS WALL PAPER, &c, T. EDWIN GKIGGS, Brass and Iron"Foundry, Machine and Agricultural Works,'. M Bank, N. -J., near Railroad Depot. ' Over Cbj_ulwick's Drug Store, O «& O BROAD STREET, RED BANK. Your Roof? •, Doesjt Leak ? JULY, 1891/ CONTINENTAL ; Shrewsbury and' Long Branch, DISK CULTIVATOR, O "JOYER IT WITH SLATE, PRICE, $25.00 AND UPWARDS, O JOHN DUGAN, . Canoes, Rowboats, Skiffs Practical STEAM LAUNCHES. Bowdish Canoes and Rowboats, Slate Roofer, k BANK, N.-.J. CARQTJINEZ, CHAS. L. COOK, FIRST-CLASS O Will leave New York,'foot of F.'anklin street,- daily at 9:00 A.M. (Sundays included.) „.-.• Will leave Red Bank daily a t 3^00 P. it. (Sundays included.) RESTAURANT FINEST BRANDS Seeond Floor of to Borden Building, St. Lawrence Skiffs. California Canned Fruits. E Broad Street, Red Bank, N. ji O . ay- Paris Sugar Corn Foreign and Domestic Fruit's, us. _ JULY, 1891. COUNSELLORS AT LAW, F. F. SUPP, LOUIS PRATE'S WIKOFF'S BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J., WM. A. COLE, McCOLGAN-4 ATKINSON i-Town Grocers. LlEADING BRANDS Emulsion of Cod LiverOil Thos. P. Brown, Magnum Bonum J OUGH SYRUP, GOAL, WOOD andFERTILIZERS K 3 BROAD STREET, TEAS, COFFEES, RED JOHN C. ATJI,, FLOUR, FEED/ETC., Fashionable Merchant Tailor, THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Suits and Single Garment* Made Up In tlie Latest Styles and a t Orders - Solicited and Promptly Short Notice. Delivered. LADIES. I handle the Best Grades of Hard Medium and Free Jturniiiyr Coal. Also, the Best tJuaHty of' Blacksmiths' Coal. BANK, N. J. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, McCOLGAN "& ATKINSON, J ' ' •< ' ^ _ _ _ _ ' '• • ' , Smx-k's Stag-e ofEatontorm will connect with Steanier Albertina morn- JUNE, 1891. WM. V. AVILSON, THOS. WARWICK, T Q . F. WHITE, Wilson &RielidalB D PRODUCE Merchants, SLATK T MANTELS, R. w GEO. J. MULLINER Coal and Wood LITTLE SILVER, N. J. AMBjROSE MATTHEWS, J r ; , Hd US^MOVER. FISH' MARKET Wharf Avenue,-Opposite Union Hotel Wil leave Eed Batik, daily, at 6: to A. Sr. (Sundays excepWd.) Wil leave New York, foot of Franklin street, daily at 3:30 «. Saturdays, 2 P.M. (Sun-' ys and July 4tli excepted.) D Children's RIiie.FIntinel Suits. i c , , l c BROS. Capt C. E. THR0CKM0RT0N, Slate & Tin Roofer, A Splendid Summer Dress in Outing Flannel for|1.25. Commission HAVLLAND w N I. 0. liKofFs f harmacg, Broivn's Dock, Fair Haven and TOMATOES WANTED. Township Committee Meetings.
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