2011 Achievement’s Election of New Executive for 3 years Completion and certification of Association Constitution Zoned Perth into 2 sections: NOR Perth and SOR Perth with Coordinators WA Country Regions representatives identified Zone’s hosting events Student Representative elected by student body to Executive Committee Developing Cross Cultural package in partnership with HR professional th Hosted 2011 36 Independence Celebration Hosted first Independence Ball Had an audience with PM of PNG Mr Peter O’Neil during CHOGM in Perth and presented 7 point petition. . PNGWA WANTOK ASSOCIATION PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA CULTURE TRADITIONS Perth Western Australia President’s Mob: 0407982097 E:[email protected] COMMUNITY HARMONY SUPPORT BACKGROUND CONNECTING AND SUPPO RTING PNG FAMILIES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA PNGWA Wantok Association is a community-based organisation that is committed to strengthening individual, family and community life. Our activities are inspired by a vision of fair, thriving, sustainable PNG community that embrace diversity, promote PNG culture and traditions, and in which all people feel a sense of belonging. PNG W A CO M M UNIT Y LO CALITI ES W ITHI N W EST ERN A UST RALI A • PERTH - SOR • PERTH -NOR • PEEL REGION • MIDWEST REGION • GOLDFIELDS REGION • PILBARA REGION • GASCYONE REGION. • SOUTH WEST REGION • GREAT SOUTHERN PNGWA Wantok Association has been in existence for over 25 years. In the beginning, the Association was run and its activities coordinated by tertiary students who moved to Western Australia from Papua New Guinea for further studies. The number of Papua New Guineans and Australian Papua New Guinean’s living in Perth in general and in country Western Australia in particular has increased as a result of Australia’s skill shortage and natural population growth. Despite ethnic, religious and other differences, Papua New Guineans and Australian Papua New Guineans share common values, aspirations and interests and they need a body that represents, promotes and espouses these common interests, values and aspirations. Papua New Guineans and Papua New Guineans have significant contributions to make towards maintaining and further advancing Australia’s economic, social and political well-being. It has only been in the last 5 years that the Association has formalised itself, in relation to completing its constitution, developing a unique logo and electing Executives due largely to the PNG Community growing and expanding to all parts of Western Australia. The expansion of the community is largely as a consequence of the mining and resource boom, as well as the realsiation of the unique skill-set and knowledge held by both professionals and trade professionals from Papua New Guinea. GOALS AND PURPOSE PROMOTIONS OF VALUES, CULTURE, TRADTIONS AND SENES OF COMMUNITY The PNGWA Wantok Association is the representative body of the PNG community in Perth and Western Australia works of the following goals and objectives: 1. To gather and assist Papua New Guineans living in Perth, WA through developing and maintaining contact between student families, workers families, residents, temporary visitors and ex-PNG residents. 2. To provide a social focus for Papua New Guineans and their dependents in WA and other non-Papua New Guineans members as well as affiliated members of the Association. 3. Raise funds for the purpose and benefit of the Association and its members, through/by: o Organising of social fundraising functions, o General support and relief for Papua New Guinea charity/non-government foundations or organisation o Advocate for Welfare Services Awareness 4. To be an organisation that has no political, religious or ethnic affiliations. 5. To Promote PNG culture and be the body that facilities the celebration of PNG Independence Day and partake in other multicultural events within WA. 6. Be active and responsible ambassadors for Papua New Guinea. COUNCIL OF ELDERS The Executives realised that another body need to be established to act in an advisory nature and also deal with delicate issues that may arise within the community. This unique body, known as the Special Committee (Council of Elders) is essentially a sub-committee of the Association, made up of current Association members who have been identified as elders, leaders and respected individuals within the PNG community in Perth. The Special Committee role and responsibilities include assuming the powers of the Executive only in the event that half or more of the elected Executives including the President become vacant to call for elections and to conduct elections at the end of each term.
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