Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories

Creating a Historypin Channel
for your All Our Stories project
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
This guide will take you through how to create a Historypin Channel for
your All Our Stories project and upload your digital records to the HLF All
Our Stories page.
A Channel is your account space on Historypin which you can customise
with details about your project. Your Channel and your digital records will
then be part of the HLF All our Stories Project Area.
Your digital record is the story of your project, what you undertook and what
you achieved. We have attached a copy of HLF’s guide to creating your digital
record for reference.
If you already have a Historypin Channel and would like us to talk you through
the process of identifying your All Our Stories specific materials, or if you
have any general questions or need help, see the FAQs section at the end
of this guide. Or please contact our Historypin Project Officer, Alex Smith
on [email protected].
We recognise that many of you will have put a lot of time and effort into the
creation of your digital records in their current format. We are not asking you
to replace or recreate your record with your Historypin Channel; we simply
want to build a picture of all of the fantastic activity that has been happening
as part of the All Our Stories programme. Having a Historypin Channel will allow
you to link to any existing materials you may have created, eg. blogs and
websites, whilst featuring on a map, alongside all of the other great projects.
Before you start
You will need a Google, Facebook or Twitter account to create a Historypin
Channel. If you don’t already have one of these, visit one of these websites
to create one:
Why do I need to create a Google, Facebook or Twitter account?
We enable Historypin users to login with Google, Facebook or Twitter because
these are the three most popular, secure methods of account authorisation.
Many of our users will have at least one of these, and therefore don’t have
to set up another set of account details just for Historypin.
Will my Historypin activity automatically appear on Google,
Facebook or Twitter?
No. We only use these services to allow you to login. No activity will automatically
appear on Google, Facebook or Twitter – you have to choose to post your
Historypin content onto them. Similarly, if you have a Twitter, Facebook or
Google page, you have to manually add this to your Historypin Channel as
a link – it will not be displayed automatically.
Will Google, Facebook or Twitter have any rights over the
material I upload?
No. Material you upload will only appear on and is covered
by our Terms and Conditions. Other users can share your material on social
media, but those services do not have any rights over that material.
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
1 G
o to the All Our Stories
page, www.historypin.
2 Click ‘Register’
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Log in and create a Channel
3 C
hoose which service
(Google, Facebook or
Twitter) you would like to
use to create and login
to your Historypin
4 Y
ou will be asked to
enter the username and
password for that
service, and agree that
Historypin can access
that account.
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
5 O
nce you have entered
your details, you will be
taken to your new
Historypin Channel
Please note: The examples
listed in the ‘Get some
inspiration’ section
represent all Historypin
users and are not All Our
Stories Projects. So don’t
worry if they look slightly
different to yours.
Customise your Channel
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Customise your Channel
1 Click ‘Get Started’
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Add details about your All Our Stories project
2 Channel name
Enter your Project title.
This does not have to be
your full HLF project title,
but can be a shortened,
colloquial name that
captures your project’s
purpose. A title in a
shorter format will also
display better on the
front page of your
Channel. The maximum
length is 60 characters.
For example, ‘Bromley
Youth Choir explores the
history of choral music in
the local community’
could be shortened to
something like ‘A History
of Choral Music in
3 C
hannel Type
Do not change this
as this identifies your
Channel as being an
All Our Stories one.
4 A
This text will appear on
the front page of your
Channel, so please
provide a clear, succinct
description that would
give those viewing your
Channel a brief
understanding of what
your project was about
and what was achieved.
5 E
xternal Site link
If you have an existing
website, add the link
6 Twitter Username
If you have a Twitter
account, you can add
this here. Please add your
Twitter name with the @
symbol eg. @Historypin.
7 F
acebook Site link
If you have an existing
Facebook page, add the
link here.
8 G
oogle + Page
If you have an existing
Google + page, add the
link here.
9 B
log link
If you have an existing
blog, add the link here.
10Click ‘Save and edit
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Edit your Channel design
1 Y
ou can now edit what
your Channel looks like.
This is optional – if you
don’t want to customise
your Channel, click ‘Save
and Finish’
2 P
ick a colour scheme
Click on a colour to
choose it as your colour
3 A
dd a logo Click ‘Choose
File’ to select an image as
your logo
4 A
dd a banner Click
‘Choose File’ to select an
image as your banner
5 A
dd a background Click
‘Choose File’ to select an
image as your background
6 Logo
7 Banner
8 Background
9 Colour scheme
10When you are happy,
click ‘Save and Finish’.
11If you are not happy with
the final design, or would
like to change it at any
time, you can edit the
design by logging in and
clicking ‘Channel and
Account Settings’
Upload your digital records
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Upload your digital records
1 G
o to the All Our Stories
page www.historypin.
2 C
lick ‘Upload your digital
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
3 If prompted, login with
your account details
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Choose what to add
1 C
lick to here upload
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Uploading photos
1 C
lick ‘Add File’ or
alternatively simply drag
files into this box
2 Y
ou can select and upload
several files at once
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Uploading photos
1 W
hen you see a green
tick, your photo has
2 C
lick ‘Pin to map’ to add
information to your photo
3 C
lick ‘Pin later‘ to simply
save photos to your
Channel. You can return
to them later to add
information and pin
them on the map. (Only
items pinned to the map
will appear on the main
4 Click to add more photos
5 Click to delete this photo
6 Click to delete all the
photos you have added
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Adding information
1 Add title
2 A
dd a description of
your item. This can
include links, e.g. to
a blog post or website
which has more
information about the
photo or activity
3 A
dd some keywords which
describe it, e.g. ‘car’, ‘party’,
‘sport’ so it’s easier for
other people to search
for or find
4 F
rom the licence drop
down, choose Creative
Commons Atribution
- Non Commercial
(CC-BY-NC). Add
information about who
created the content and
you can add a link if it is
stored elsewhere
5 If you would like to link
to another website that
has more information
(e.g. a blog) you can add
the link here
6 A
dd a date, or tick the
box ‘I’m not sure’ and
you will be asked to
give an estimate
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Adding information
7 E
nter the address of your
piece of content. Be as
specific as possible. Click
‘Find on the map’. Drag
the thumbnail on the map
until its in the right place.
If your photo does not
depict a place, choose one
that makes sense. E.g. If it
shows a workshop, pin it to
the community centre
where it happened.
If it shows people involved
in the project but you dont
know the location, pin it to
where most activities took
place, or the location your
project was based, e.g.
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Adding information
8 Y
ou can use the zoom
and move tools to move
the map
9 If your photo is taken from
the street, tick here to
overlay your photo over
modern Street View.
Another tab will appear
next to Map saying Street
10Check box to agree to
our Terms and Conditions
and Privacy Policy
11If your photo can’t be
overlaid on Street View
click ‘Save and Continue’
when you are happy with
the location
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Overlaying on Street View
1 If your photo is taken
from the street, tick here
to overlay your photo
over modern Street View.
Another tab will appear
next to Map saying Street
View. Click on this to
overlay your photo
2 G
rab and drag the photo
to position it
3 G
rab and drag the
corners of the photo to
make it bigger or smaller
4 G
rab and drag the
background to navigate
around Street View
5 C
lick on the white arrows
to move along the street
6 C
lick on the arrows to turn
around and look up and
down. Click on the + and
– to zoom in and out
7 C
lick ‘Map’ to return to
the map and reposition
the pin
8 C
lick here to make your
photo bigger or smaller.
Keep an eye on scale
– avoid making people
as big as houses
9 T
o remove bits of the
photo you don’t need.
Click ‘Trim’, then grab
and drag the frame edges
to hide unwanted parts
10Slide the fader to show/
hide the photo. This helps
you to match the photo
with the background
11Click ‘Reset’ to undo all
movement and edits and
return your photo to its
original size and position
12Watch the video clip for
more pointers
13When your position is
perfect, click ‘Record
14Check box to agree our
Terms and Conditions
and Privacy Policy
15When you have finished
adding all details click
‘Save and Continue’
16Click ‘Cancel’ to abort
pinning. The item will
appear as Unpinned
on your Channel. No
information will be seen
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Pinning video or audio
1 F
irst, upload the file on
YouTube or Vimeo
2 U
nder the video, click
3 Check the ‘Long link’ box
4 Copy this link
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
Pinning video or audio
1 Click here to upload video
2 Click here to upload audio
3 P
aste the long link from
your YouTube video into
the box
4 Click ‘Save and Continue’
* Add information,date
and location details as
you do a photo
* An audio file cannot be
be overlaid on Street View
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
All done
* After you have added
content you will arrive on
this page
1 Add more content
2 G
o to your Channel to
see what you have just
3 S
hare what you have just
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
View your content
1 W
hen you are done, you
will see your uploaded
material on the activity
feed, Map and Gallery.
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
What if my digital records are not image based?
What should I upload?
Only images and videos can be pinned on Historypin. If you have records which
do not match this, you can:
You should upload images, video and audio clips which capture the story
of your project. These multi-media assets can be pinned to the Histroypin
map to the location and date they were taken.
Photographic images can be pinned directly to the Historypin map. These
images can be of any location – outdoors or indoors.
Some of these images, if they are taken outdoors, at street level and at
certain angles, will be able to be layered onto Street View (this is a bonus,
not a requirement).
• P
in a related image and in the description add a link to a digital record
held on another site
• Add links in your Channel which can link to non-image records
Can I upload text without an image?
No, you cannot upload just text. If you wish to upload text content, we
recommend that you upload a related image and add the text to the
‘description’ box.
Audio and video content need to be added to YouTube or Vimeo first. Then
they can be pinned on Historypin. These should be pinned to the location
and date where they were recorded.
Can I upload PDF files?
Can I upload heritage materials we have collected?
No. Historypin only supports image and video files. If you have a PDF, upload
it to another site (eg. a blog), pin a relevant image on Historypin and link to
the other website from it.
Yes, you can. However, you should visit and upload through
the main site, not All material will appear
on your Channel, but only images of your digital project story will appear on
the All Our Stories site.
Can I link to other sites (eg. our blog)?
What if my digital records do not relate to a specific place?
To appear on Historypin, images and videos must be pinned to a location and
date. If they do not naturally match a location, try and identify somewhere that
has a meaningful connection eg. the community centre where you held events,
the birthplace of the person you have been running a project on.
Can content still be pinned if I don’t know the date?
Yes it can. We’ll ask you to make an estimate to within 30 years.
Yes. When you pin an image, in the ‘description’ box you can add a link to an
external website, like a blog post. So if you have a photo of an event, and want
people to read more about it on the blog post you wrote, upload the photo
and add a link to the blog post.
What format does my audio need to be in?
All audio needs to be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. Historypin does not
support Audioboo or Soundcloud.
What format does my video need to be in?
All video needs to be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo.
Creating a Historypin Channel for your All Our Stories project
How do I edit a piece of content that I have pinned?
Once you have pinned a piece of content to Historypin, you can edit everything
about it – the title, date, location, Street View overlay and story. To edit a
piece of content:
• Log into your Channel
• On List View, hover on a photo
• Click ‘Edit’
• When you have finished editing your content, click ‘Save Changes’
How do I delete a piece of content that I have pinned?
Once you have pinned a piece of content to Historypin, you can edit everything
about it – the title, date, location, Street View overlay and story. To edit a
piece of content:
• Log into your Channel
• On List View, hover on a photo
• Click ‘Delete’
If there is content already there, can I pin more on that spot?
Absolutely. There is no limit to the amount of content that can be pinned on
one location or on one date.
What browser do I need to use Historypin?
You will need at least Explorer 8 or the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or
Safari. If you are having problems accessing and using the site, please try
updating your browser.
Internet Explorer:
Can I allow multiple people to login and upload to my
Historypin Channel?
The only way to allow more than one person to access your HIstorypin Channel
to upload content and make edits is to share the login details with them (eg.
the Google email address and password, or Twitter username and password).
Can I change the login details for my Channel?
Yes. Please email [email protected] with a link to your Channel
and explain the change you would like made.
My video is not showing on YouTube / Historypin
YouTube can take a while to process a video upload. Please leave it for an hour
before connecting it with Historypin.
My digital records are not showing up on the All Our
Stories project
You must upload your material via the All Our Stories project. Please upload
via this (not via or
your Channel).