The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. 20 12th Ave., NW, Ardmore, OK 73401 580-223-3411 ~ NEW PATIENT INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. To be seen in the clinic, you must call by noon the business day before your appointment and confirm your appointment (i.e., call on Thursday for a Monday appointment). If you do not call to confirm your appointment, you may lose your appointment slot to someone else. Always bring all medications you are taking to your appointment. This includes over-thecounter medications. Bring the empty bottle, should you run out. All prescriptions will be written to last until your next appointment. Check your prescription while you are with your healthcare provider to ensure there are enough refills. Please do not call or ask for additional prescriptions prior to your next appointment. Sample medications are offered to GSCC patients dependent upon availability. Samples are donated to the clinic, and are not always available. For medication refills, please call your pharmacy and ask them to FAX us (580-226-6213). Do not call GSCC if you need a refill. If you have not been seen by one of our healthcare providers within a 3 month period and you desire a refill, you must schedule an appointment with GSCC before any prescription will be written. Medical treatment and/or prescriptions cannot be administered over the phone; in order to receive medical treatment or medication, you must make an appointment to be seen by one of our healthcare providers. Policies concerning lab work: You will NOT be notified about normal lab results. No information will be given over the telephone. We will not mail or fax information to you. You may pick up a copy of your labs at the office during your appointment. If lab results are abnormal, follow-up appointments will be made so that you may discuss with results with your physician. Phone calls: Please leave only ONE message. The clinic staff will return your telephone call within 24 hours. Any medical concerns will be directed to the healthcare providers and you will receive a follow-up call from our staff. Please alert us within 30 days of any change in your name, address, phone number, income, or health insurance coverage. GSCC is unable to treat chronic pain management and will be unable to prescribe narcotic medications. GSCC staff is responsible for making all referral appointments, when necessary. All calls regarding referrals must go through GSCC staff. The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. 20 12th Ave. NW, Ardmore, OK 73401 580-223-3411 ~ Applicant Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ (Please Print) Services Requested: _____ Medical (based on sliding fee schedule) _____ Dental (based on sliding fee schedule, fee must be paid when appointment is scheduled) _____ Optical (cost is $65.00 for frames & lenses, fee must be paid when appointment is scheduled) Eligible applicants must: Be uninsured (no health coverage of any kind) Be at 200% of the Federal poverty level or below Live in one of the following counties: Carter, Johnston, Love, Marshall or Murray Please include the following information with your application. Bring 1 copy of each document. Only completed applications with copies of the required documents will be processed. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Copy of Social Security card (if available) for each applicant Copy of picture identification for each applicant Proof of residency (copy of utility bill) Proof of earned income: If you are employed: o Current tax return o 1 month of recent consecutive paystubs for applicant, or if paid by cash, a letter from employer on company letterhead stating rate of pay per hour and number of hours per week worked for the past month for applicant. If you are self-employed: o Please list all gross earnings for the last 3 consecutive months and itemize all work expenses for those same months. Proof of unearned income, if applicable (must provide two of the following): Food stamps acceptance letter (must be a letter from DHS) Child Support (must be a letter from Child Support Services) Social Security Income (must be a letter from Social Security Administration) Unemployment Benefits (must be a letter from Unemployment department) Worker’s Compensation Benefits (must be a letter from Worker’s Compensation) Housing assistance letter (must be a letter from DHS, Section 8, etc.) Letter of support from family, friends, etc. (must be notarized) Proof of income from anyone living with you in the household Copy of 2 most recent, consecutive checking and/or savings account statements Medicaid denial letter (if applicable) Letter from employer stating if health insurance is offered for employee and / or family, when open Enrollment starts, and if health insurance is taken, when would coverage take effect? You must have ALL paperwork completed prior to being seen at the clinic. PATIENT AGREEMENT FOR THE GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY CLINIC, INC. The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. is a non-governmental, non-profit agency designed to provide health care to adults who have no other means of health care. To better serve you, we ask for your cooperation in following the policies listed below: If you are unable to follow these guidelines, or if you find them unacceptable, another healthcare provider may be better able to meet your needs. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: Please initial each item. _____ 1. I will inform GSCC if my address, telephone number(s), income or insurance status changes within 30 days of the occurrence. _____ 2. I will call GSCC to confirm my appointment by noon the day before my scheduled appointment. If I fail to call, my appointment may be cancelled. I will have to call to reschedule for another appointment. _____ 3. If I miss 3 appointments without notifying GSCC, I understand that I may no longer be able to receive services at GSCC. _____ 4. I authorize any healthcare professional associated with GSCC to disclose any personal health information to other healthcare professionals when medically necessary. _____ 5. I authorize the administrative staff of GSCC to disclose my registration and screening information for the purposes of obtaining charitable healthcare at another facility. _____ 6. I understand that I am solely responsible for following through with testing and treatment orders and referrals mandated by healthcare providers at GSCC. I understand that if a referral is made, I am responsible for keeping each appointment. If I miss a referral appointment, I understand that my privileges to be seen may be suspended. I understand that if I fail to follow directions or orders from the healthcare providers, my treatment may be unsuccessful. _____ 7. I understand that if I am uncooperative, verbally or physically abusive, intoxicated, or behave in a manner deemed inappropriate by the GSCC staff, I will not be eligible for current or future services at GSCC. _____ 8. I understand I am receiving medical, dental, or optical services provided by healthcare professionals through a charitable organization. By signing below, I am stating that I release all healthcare professionals from any and all civil liability relating in any way to any act or omission that results in death, damage or injury to me. _____ 9. I understand that GSCC does not prescribe any narcotic medications. I have received a full explanation of GSCC’s services, and I understand and agree to all of the above statements. I understand that I can be terminated from the clinic if I have provided wrong or misleading information, or if I fail to follow the policies listed above. I have read and understand the above information. Patient’s Name (Printed): ___________________________________________ Patient’s Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Witness’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________ GOOD SHEPHERD COMMUNITY CLINIC, INC. 20 12th Ave., NW, Ardmore, OK 73401 580-223-3411 ~ Consent for Treatment I hereby authorize The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. to use and /or disclose my health information which specifically identifies me or which can reasonably be used to identify me to carry out my medical, vision, and / or dental treatment. I understand that while my consent is voluntary, if I refuse to sign this consent, the healthcare providers of The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. may refuse to treat me. I authorize the physicians, nurse practitioners, and/or dentists to administer such treatment as they deem advisable for my diagnosis and treatment. I certify that I have been made aware of the role and services offered by the physician, nurse practitioner or dentist and I consent to care by such providers. I understand that these services are voluntary and that I have the right to refuse these services. This consent will remain in full force unless revoked in writing and will not affect any actions that were taken prior to receiving my revocation. A photocopy of this consent shall be considered valid as original. I personally assume full responsibility for the risks and consequences that may occur by reason of this care and treatment and I hereby release and relinquish any and all claims against The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. or anyone acting on its behalf for any injury or damage that I may sustain in the course of this care and treatment; this may include up to, but not limited to personal injury, property damage, direct or consequential. Patient Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Authorization to Release or Obtain / Receive Healthcare Information Individual Information (Please Print): Patient’s Name: __________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________ Previous Name (if applicable): _______________________________ Social Security #: ______________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _____________________ Telephone #: _________________________ Zip: ________________ Scope and Purpose for sharing or to obtain / receive patient information The purpose of this authorization is to allow The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. the ability to share my protected health information and/or to obtain/receive my protected health information from any of the entities listed below. Authorization to share or to obtain information I authorize The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. as set forth below, to share and/or obtain/receive my protected health information for reasons in addition to those already permitted by law. This form will remain in effect for the time period that I am a patient of The Good Shepherd Community Clinic, Inc. What information may we release? _____ All PHI (Personal Health Information) _____ Office notes _____ Lab / Diagnostic test results _____ Appointment information _____ _____ _____ _____ Billing Information Psychotherapy / Mental Health Prescription Other: _____________________________________________________ I authorize the actions, persons/organizations listed below to share, obtain, or receive my protected health information: *All Referral Physicians *Healthcare Providers *Medical referral of patient to another healthcare facility *Mental Health Services of Southern Oklahoma *Mental Health Facility *Mental Health Counseling Services *Dental Facility / Providers Patient signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Date: ________________ HEALTH HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE All questions contained in this questionnaire are strictly confidential and will become part of your medical record. Name M (Last, First, M.I.): F DOB: Social Security Number: Street Address: PO Box (mailing only): City, State, Zip : Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Language: Housing: Need Interpreter? OWN RENT COMMUNITY SHELTER YES STAYING WITH FAMILY / FRIENDS NO HOMELESS Number of persons living in the household: _____________ Lived in Carter, Johnston, Love, Marshall or Murray County for: Marital status: Single Partnered Previous or referring doctor: Married ________YRS __________Months Separated Divorced Widowed Date of last physical exam: Date of last eye exam: Surgeries Year Reason Hospital Other hospitalizations Year Reason Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Hospital Yes No List your prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs, such as vitamins and inhalers Name the Drug Strength Frequency Taken Allergies to medications Name the Drug Reaction You Had HEALTH HABITS AND PERSONAL SAFETY ALL QUESTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE ARE OPTIONAL AND WILL BE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Exercise Sedentary (No exercise) Mild exercise (i.e., climb stairs, walk 3 blocks, golf) Occasional vigorous exercise (i.e., work or recreation, less than 4x/week for 30 min.) Regular vigorous exercise (i.e., work or recreation 4x/week for 30 minutes) Diet Are you dieting? Yes No If yes, are you on a physician prescribed medical diet? Yes No Yes No Are you concerned about the amount you drink? Yes No Have you considered stopping? Yes No Have you ever experienced blackouts? Yes No Are you prone to “binge” drinking? Yes No Do you drive after drinking? Yes No Do you use tobacco? Yes No # of meals you eat in an average day? Caffeine Rank salt intake Hi Med Low Rank fat intake Hi Med Low None Coffee Tea Cola # of cups/cans per day? Alcohol Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what kind? How many drinks per week? Tobacco Cigarettes – pks./day # of years Drugs Chew - #/day Pipe - #/day Cigars - #/day Or year quit Do you currently use recreational or street drugs? Yes No Sex Have you ever given yourself street drugs with a needle? Yes No Are you sexually active? Yes No If yes, are you trying for a pregnancy? Yes No Yes No Illness related to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), such as AIDS, has become a major public health problem. Risk factors for this illness include intravenous drug use and unprotected sexual intercourse. Would you Yes like to speak with your provider about your risk of this illness? No If not trying for a pregnancy list contraceptive or barrier method used: Any discomfort with intercourse? FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY AGE SIGNIFICANT HEALTH PROBLEMS AGE Children Father Mother Sibling M F M F M F M F M F M F SIGNIFICANT HEALTH PROBLEMS M F M F M F M F Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Paternal Grandfather Paternal MENTAL HEALTH Is stress a major problem for you? Yes No Do you feel depressed? Yes No Do you panic when stressed? Yes No Do you have problems with eating or your appetite? Yes No Do you cry frequently? Yes No Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes No Have you ever seriously thought about hurting yourself? Yes No Do you have trouble sleeping? Yes No Have you ever been to a counselor? Yes No WOMEN ONLY Age at onset of menstruation: Date of last menstruation: Period every _____ days Heavy periods, irregularity, spotting, pain, or discharge? Yes No Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? Yes No Have you had a D&C, hysterectomy, or Cesarean? Yes No Any urinary tract, bladder, or kidney infections within the last year? Yes No Any blood in your urine? Yes No Any problems with control of urination? Yes No Any hot flashes or sweating at night? Yes No Do you have menstrual tension, pain, bloating, irritability, or other symptoms at or around time of period? Yes No Experienced any recent breast tenderness, lumps, or nipple discharge? Yes No Yes No Do you feel pain or burning with urination? Yes No Any blood in your urine? Yes No Do you feel burning discharge from penis? Yes No Has the force of your urination decreased? Yes No Have you had any kidney, bladder, or prostate infections within the last 12 months? Yes No Do you have any problems emptying your bladder completely? Yes No Any difficulty with erection or ejaculation? Yes No Any testicle pain or swelling? Yes No Date of last prostate and rectal exam? Yes No Number of pregnancies _____ Number of live births _____ Date of last pap and rectal exam? MEN ONLY Do you usually get up to urinate during the night? If yes, # of times _____ OTHER PROBLEMS Check if you have, or have had, any symptoms in the following areas to a significant degree and briefly explain. Skin Chest/Heart Recent changes in: Head/Neck Back Weight Ears Intestinal Energy level Nose Bladder Ability to sleep Throat Bowel Other pain/discomfort: Lungs Circulation
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