1. ---------------------------------The Children’s Society’s Greenwich Intergenerational Project The story of The Children’s Society’s Greenwich Intergenerational Project How it came about, how it was set up, what was achieved and what the future might hold. ‘Proves that young and old can get on together. There’s no kind of them and us.’ older person, Horn Park STORY Introduction The Children’s Society, founded in 1881, is a leading national charity and service provider. Our direct action, delivering solutions and results through a network of projects, supports those children who face danger, discrimination and disadvantage. We turn around the lives of 50,000 children and their families every year. Our pioneering research and influential campaigning protects the rights of all children. Our work is based on the belief that children and young people have the right to be heard on decisions affecting their lives. The Children’s Society’s Greenwich Intergenerational Project is a three year Big Lottery funded project focusing on reducing conflict and building positive links across the generations. Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Where did the idea come from? Starting out Getting local communities involved Bringing together Reducing conflict Summing up Looking ahead Acknowledgements Useful resources and information This toolkit brings together some of the best practice from the project. It is aimed at practitioners and managers interested in intergenerational practice across the community. The Intergenerational school project is aimed at professionals working in school settings. The conflict, communication and community programme is relevant to professionals working with young people at risk of offending. The section on activities for community settings is aimed at people working in youth clubs, residential homes and other groups in the community. ‘They don’t really like us.’ young person ‘Sometimes they think we cause trouble and they call the police but you’re not doing nothing.’ ‘Certain residents wanted them [young people] carted home for nothing.’ STORY 1 Where did the idea come from? police young person In 2006, Children and Neighbourhoods in London (a project of The Children’s Society) conducted a local consultation exercise in the London Borough of Greenwich around anti-social behaviour (ASB). The consultation revealed that children and young people feel they are perceived negatively in their communities. The consultation also revealed that the new ASB legislation had raised expectations among the general public. For instance, they had high expectations of Police powers to deal with low-level behaviours and to disperse groups of young people perceived to be behaving anti-socially. The consultation report suggested the importance of embracing the positive contribution that young people can make within communities and to encourage better communication across the generations. We used this consultation to submit a bid to the Big Lottery Fund and were successful in securing funding for three years to deliver an intergenerational project in the Glyndon and Horn Park areas of Greenwich. The aim was to address tensions between children and young people aged 10–18 years old and older residents aged 50-plus. 2 Starting out Outreach: During the first few months of the project, we visited a range of groups in both Horn Park and Glyndon, including: Youth and Play services, Age Concern projects, residents groups, and community groups and centres. We also joined a forum in the Horn Park area to explain our work to the community and also to ensure that we understood what was going on in the community. Questionnaire: The participants from Horn Park and Glyndon completed questionnaires based on their feelings and perceptions of the other generation. This is being used as part of our external evaluation of the project to assess whether the activities make any difference. Steering Group: We developed a steering group to help guide the project. Members of the steering group were invited from organisations such as: Greenwich Neighbourhood Renewal, Youth Offending Team, Safer Neighbourhoods Team, Youth Services, Age Concern, Horn Park primary school and Greenwich Neighbourhoods Services. 3 STORY 3 Getting the local communities involved ‘It was fun learning about the olden days.’ young person ‘I was surprised they were interested enough to listen to us.’ ‘We were first nervous and scared, but when we interviewd our first person we felt a bit confident...’ ‘When I grew up you could all go out and play, everyone could go out, you could roam round and it was really safe...’ older person younger person older person Consultation: We held sessions with groups of children and young people to prepare them for the meeting with older people. Settings included a primary school, an adventure playground, a residential home and an over-60s club. Activities included role-play, in which the young people acted the part of an older person. They also explored differences between older people and children, including ways of communication. This included looking at the meanings of words and how various cultures and age groups often interpret different meanings for the same word, which can lead to misunderstandings. For example, ‘later’ for a young person is ‘bye’ or ‘goodbye’ for an older person and ‘sick’ for a young person is ‘great’ for an older person 4 The younger generation developed a list of questions to ask the older people. For example, ‘Tell me your happiest childhood memory’, ‘When did you leave school and at what age did you start work?’ They took voice recorders to the local community centre and interviewed members of an over-60s club. Reminiscence: Sessions for 50-plus yearolds were provided at different venues (including Horn Park Primary School, a local residents group and Chatterbox at the Trinity Centre, Glyndon). The aim was to give older people time to share memories of their youth and have their life experiences valued. Stories were triggered through handling period artefacts, documents and photographs. The process of sharing these memories of growing up led the group to reflect on and discuss the experiences of children and young people today. The young people found these sessions interesting and learnt about childhood in the 1940s and 50s. They discovered that the older people had often started work at 14 years old and most had memories of living through World War II. The interviews evoked information and memories that linked with the children’s school curriculum. The sessions with older people gave us a chance to listen to their opinions and views. It was also an opportunity to discuss what they believe children and young people experience in their communities today. The team also developed relationships with the older people, helping to create a firm base for the ongoing work with children and young people. ‘I didn’t really want to come here and meet groups of noisy kids.’ older person STORY 4 Bringing together ‘I played bingo with my elderly buddy. The tea party was a huge success.’ ‘It’s nice having the young ones around – I was young once you know.’ older person younger person 4.1 Joint activities We brought older and younger people together to explore their commonalities and share creative tasks. A series of workshops and an outing were planned with younger and older people. Some of the workshops are outlined below. Arts project with Emergency Exit Arts: Both groups designed work to illustrate perceptions of what makes up their community. Together they drew and cut stencils, which were used to imprint the group design onto canvas. Both young and old were happy with the colourful and imaginative banners produced. Crochet workshop: The young people from Glyndon Adventure Playground suggested a workshop on learning how to crochet. The older residents at Windrush House were unsure if they could remember the skill. We took 1950s knitting and crochet patterns to the workshop to trigger memories. Samples of coasters and antimacassars (borrowed from Age Exchange Reminiscence Centre) were handled and their use explained. With encouragement, four of the older people demonstrated crochet work, weaving the wool with special hooks into a series of intricate knots. Young people crocheted a few centimetres – their concentration was strong, but the task was challenging. One young person wanted to make a rug for his unborn niece or nephew and we learnt the following year that he had crocheted his nephew’s baby blanket. 5 STORY 4.2 Trips 4.3 Community event It was difficult to agree a visit that satisfied the contrasting needs of our group, but with compromise, the younger and older people in Glyndon had a good day at the seaside. Both groups found leaving South East London and travelling to the coast an adventure. We held a quiz in the coach to help us learn more about each other. We drove alongside Brighton esplanade and ate fish and chips overlooking the beach. Some of the group shared memories of growing up in the Caribbean and Sierra Leone. The trip was rounded off with a visit to the arcades. A total of 66 older and younger people attended two community events – one in Glyndon, one in Horn Park. The initiative was ‘Have your Say’, where issues around community safety and cohesion were discussed. The young group from Horn Park went on a theatre trip to London’s Apollo Theatre along with older people from the over60s club Pop-In. Despite problems getting up steps at the Apollo, the show, Wicked, proved to be a good choice. There was something for both young and old, including dance, music, singing and acting. The change of location from the Horn Park area to the West End bonded the two generations and the positive shared experience sparked social connections. ‘I am glad I was asked.’ older person Both generations prepared for these events by participating in skills workshops that led to filmed interviews. These interviews (some of which are on the accompanying DVD with this Toolkit) were used to stimulate discussion during the events. Children from the school helped to organise the event, and local young people -engaged with the project through art workshops- attended. Older people contacted through the Community Centre, seniors’ groups and residents’ meetings were also invited to help define the event and come along. ‘Have your Say’ also provided information from 10 local sources of support in Greenwich, creative skills workshops (including bike maintenance, intergenerational dance and safety in the community) and an opportunity for the generations to socialise. ‘It was great, especially Nintendo Wii.’ young person ‘It was a good day meeting a cross section of people and maybe could be done twice a year in the future.’ parent 6 ‘We were all young once. And I’m no angel, I can tell you that. But I never got into trouble, I wasn’t allowed was I?’ older person, Glyndon STORY 5 Reducing conflict ‘I now have more knowledge of what goes on around here, I am more confident to solve conflicts.’ young person Conflict and community programme: : In Glyndon, we worked with eight challenging young people at a primary school. In Horn Park we provided a programme for a dozen Year 6 students. Both programmes aimed to raise issues around conflict in the community and explore models for dealing with conflicts. Older people joined for some parts of the programme. Activities included: team problemsolving tasks; communication games; stereotypical images and ‘seeing the whole picture’ role-plays. Role-plays included identifying and dealing with different perceptions; anti-social behaviour and who does it; and identifying blocks to communication. Conflict and community workshops: We then worked with 80 young people in three schools delivering one-off conflict resolution workshops. We based our work on best practice from the previous year’s work. An older person assisted, working alongside the young people. Conflict, communication and community programme with young people at risk of offending: We worked with a total of 23 young people aged 10–17 in Greenwich. This programme supports individuals to challenge and deal with conflict in the community. The programme was developed and designed using best practice materials from the past two years of the intergenerational project. Young people identified conflicts and antisocial behaviour within their community and looked at positive ways of resolving these. An integral part of the programme was the opportunity to express their feelings and views through artwork. After the four sessions, the young people were asked how satisfied they were with the project overall. The result was 94% being very satisfied. At the end of the programme, each young person completed a one-to-one evaluation, including a promise to themselves in relation to dealing with conflict. Examples of activities include: identifying conflicts that arise in communities; filmed interviews discussing intergenerational conflicts to elicit opinions; role-play to try to resolve conflicts; and a game, Wink for Freedom, to encourage reflection on how individuals respond to conflict. 7 STORY ‘I am going to deal with conflict by ignoring and avoiding it.’ young person ‘When communicating with others I will do my best to be friendly and think about my words and the way that I use them.’ ‘I will do my best to behave in my community by going up to the park and not hanging around on street corners.’ young person ‘Fear is caused by the papers…they dress it up.’ young person Conflict, communication and community work with older people: We provided one-off workshops on community safety and intergenerational conflict to a total of 26 older people from three groups – a day centre, a residential home and an evening club – all in the Glyndon area. In Horn Park, we worked with elders in the primary school, using World War II memories as a catalyst for looking at conflicts. This school is keen to sustain and further relationships between young and old in the community. 8 older person ‘Community safety officers can take the pressure off the relationship between Police and young people.’ older person This toolkit of best practice incorporates work from all three years of the project; it was developed and produced while final-year activities and evaluation were still ongoing. Its use beyond the lifetime of the project will ensure sustainability of outcomes. Throughout the three year project we worked towards the following objectives: l Young people gain new skills, and have the opportunity to undertake accredited training through the Youth Achievement Awards l Young people and older people will have a better understanding of the impact of social disorder on different generations, and have positive strategies for minimising these conflicts l Young and older people will have increased confidence in the effectiveness of community-based approaches to dealing with intergenerational conflict, and will therefore feel safer in their communities l The Children’s Society develops intergenerational conflict resolution good practice models for dissemination What follows below are some findings from year two evaluation reports: STORY 6 Summing up l Younger people learned that the estates used to be much friendlier places to live, and this may explain some of the elders’ attitudes l Older people realised that some younger people share many of their own concerns about community safety, and not all of them hang around causing trouble all the time l Older people and teachers noted the improvements in many children’s attitudes and behaviour over the course of the project l Teachers also noted a growth in interpersonal skills, confidence and maturity among participants l All participants enjoyed the projects, recognised its value, and wanted it to continue l The project received strong support from teaching staff, as it complements parts of the Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum, and head teachers have recommended it to colleagues at other schools The project has been externally evaluated by CSC Regeneration & Research Consultants throughout its lifespan. Evaluation reports for all three years are available on request. 9 STORY 7 Looking ahead ‘When I was young it was teddy boys and mods & rockers. They had knives. I think they called them flick knives.’ older person ‘Now I understand older people more. I'm more considerate towards them – they're not different, they've the same issues as us.’ young person Based on our achievements and positive feedback from beneficiaries and partners we are looking to develop our programme of Intergenerational activities further and roll out across Greenwich and beyond. Positive feedback from Youth Offending Team staff indicates that other Londonbased teams would benefit from this service. Older people and younger people who worked on the schools and community part of the project have expressed a desire for the work to develop and continue. Ideas on how to take our intergenerational project work further include the following: Older people’s expertise resource: To allow older people to share their experiences with children in schools and community settings. Children would benefit from older people’s support with reading programmes and citizenship activities as well as from learning history through first-hand memories. By working together, perceptions of the difference between generations will lessen and help prevent the escalation of intergenerational conflict. Additional benefits would include enhancing the community’s cultural and historical knowledge, and creating a stronger understanding between different groups in the same community. 10 Conflict and community programme: This programme can be taken forward by developing young people’s skills in designing and leading workshops with other young people and older people on safety and conflict in their communities; we would also like to develop older people’s mediation skills, which could lead to them mediating on low level conflicts within their communities. Glyndon Bert Holder Bill Montague Chatterbox lunch club Children and young people from Glyndon Adventure Chinwag members Chris Cowen Greenlawns residents Joan Bird Mercy Blore Mrs Joyce Cromarty Pauline Shotton Ramgarhia Youth Club Simon Elliot Surjit Nazram Trinity Youth Club Trish Mulholland Waterside School young people Windrush House residents Horn Park Alan Clifford Bernard Plastow Children from Horn Park primary school Cyril Tomlin David Roll Ellanora Clarke Gaveston and Simnel residents group Horn Park Community Centre John Sowe Karl Bolingbroke Martin Sheldon Members of Pop-In Mrs Ivy Thomas Mrs Peggy Evennet Residents at Conifers Day Centre Rhoda Bobade The Forum Tim Donaldson Young people with Greenwich Youth Inclusion and Support Panel Artists and organisations Age Exchange Reminiscence Centre Emergency Exit Arts Greenwich Dance Agency Simon Purins www.positivearts.co.uk Steering group for Greenwich Intergenerational Project STORY 7 Acknowledgements Age Concern Greenwich – Jacky Grant Community Safety and Integrated Enforcement Unit – Annette Hines CSC Regeneration & Research Consultancy – David Axford Gavin Gaskain Glyndon Safer Neighbourhood Police Team Greenwich Anti Social Behaviour Team Greenwich Borough Partnership and Neighbourhoods Policing Team Greenwich Dance Agency – Shabari Rao Greenwich Neighbourhood Pride – Tayi Artry Greenwich Neighbourhood Renewal – Uke Agwu Greenwich Neighbourhoods Services – Michael Hammonds, Lee Christie Greenwich Youth Inclusion and Support Panel Greenwich Youth Inclusion Project – Trevor Brown Greenwich Youth Services – Lucy Mattick London and Quadrant Housing Trust Middle Park Safer Neighbourhoods Team Vista Field Children’s Centre – Beverley Benstein The Children’s Society’s project team Caroline Baker Fiona Side – programme manager Naomi Salawu Petra Hilgers Rebecca Marshall Veronika Neyer – programme manager from September 2008 Victoria Bamber Supported by Amelia Aiken Anna Jones Kate Reed Yvonne Campbell 11 STORY 8 Useful resources and information Intergenerational practice and projects Age Concern: Intergenerational project in Kingston-upon-Thames www.ageconcernkingston.org/ whatwedo_projects_intergenerational.htm Age Concern: England Active Age unit: Activities include intergenerational work for older people www.ageconcern.org.uk/ageconcern/ staying_active.asp Age Exchange Reminiscence Centre, Blackheath, London: Training and resources for reminiscence and intergenerational work, plus a café with exhibitions and artefacts www.age-exchange.org.uk Camden Council: Case studies of intergenerational work in Camden, London www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/content/ council-and-democracy/having-yoursay/older-voices/intergenerationalwork.en;jsessionid=6CC00C1979D7F2DA3 43EBE5C5C49846F.node2 Beth Johnson Foundation: Supports older people through policy, research and practice. www.bjf.org.uk Centre for Intergenerational Practice: Supports and promotes the potential of intergenerational projects to address social issues www.centreforip.org.uk General information and resources about intergenerational work, topic pages and links to other relevant intergenerational websites www.dwp.gov.uk/opportunity_age/ fulloflife/resources.asp Got a Teenager: A jargon-buster to translate the language teenagers use www.gotateenager.org.uk Moving history: Film clips from public sector archives www.movinghistory.ac.uk The Freechild Project (USA): Intergenerational project working with other organisations to help them develop educational programmes and resources that foster positive intergenerational communication www.freechild.org/intrgnrtnl-chng.htm The National Archives Learning Curve: Online resource for learning about and teaching history www.learningcurve.gov.uk Groundwork: Up To No Good intergenerational project in North London www.groundwork-nl.org.uk/uptonogood Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice http://cci.scot.nhs.uk/Topics/People/ Equality/18501/Experience/ centerIntergenerational National Youth Agency: Five case studies on building intergenerational relationships www.nya.org.uk/shared_asp_files/ GFSR.asp?NodeID=110951 12 Intergenerational work – useful information and support Charity Registration No. 221124 | Photographs © The Children’s Society | 7434/01/09 Public information archives www.nationalarchives.gov.uk
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