CONFERENCE FEES International Aus $ Indonesia IDR Full registration 500 1.700.000 Full time student registration 300 1.000.000 International Aus $ Indonesia IDR Full registration 550 1.900.000 Full time student registration 350 1.200.000 Before September 15 After September 15 th th Workshop Fees International Aus $ Indonesia IDR 50 550.000 One-day Workshops Delegate Cancellation A cancellation fee will be charged: st 100% after 31 October 2015 th 50% after 30 September 2015 ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS 21-24 November 2015 National Monument / Monas (Icon of Jakarta) Workshops Three workshops will be conducted on the first day of the conference. The workshop topics will be announced later. Conference, workshops, international publication, cultural dinner, and tour Important Dates 1 February 2015 Start of abstact submission and registration 31 July 2015 Deadline for abstract submission 15 September 2015 Conference registration fees increase by $50 21-24 November 2015 Eighth International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 28 February 2016 Deadline for full paper submission for publication in Conference Proceedings Contact List Australia Dr. David Henderson [email protected] Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6854, Australia Tel +61 8 9266 7896, Fax +61 8 9266 2503 Indonesia Professor Suyono Dr. Muktiningsih Dr. Yuli Rahmawati (Mobile +62 812 8197 6779) Science and Mathematics Faculty, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Tel +62 21 4894909, fax +62 21 4894909, Email: [email protected] National Monument (Monas) CONFERENCE THEME Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education: Cultural Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalising World VENUE Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia DATE 21 - 24 November 2015 ORGANISERS Jointly Organised by the Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University, Perth, Australia and the Mathematics and Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Jakarta ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS CONFERENCE CONVENORS Dr. Rekha Koul Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University, Australia Professor Suyono Dr. Muktiningsih Dr. Yuli Rahmawati Science and Mathematics Faculty, Univestitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia BACKGROUND Following the successful conferences in Vietnam, South Africa, Canada, Thailand, Taiwan and Oman, this conference will provide another intellectually challenging and culturally enriching experience for science, mathematics and technology teachers, teacher educators, researchers and administrators from all education levels from around the world. The most recent SMTE was hosted by the Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. The eighth SMTE will be hosted by Universitas Negeri Jakarta, at the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia CONFERENCE LANGUAGE All keynote addresses will be presented in English. Papers may be presented either in English or Bahasa Indonesia. SIGHTSEEING TOURS Visiting National Monument and National Museum in Jakarta CONFERENCE TOPICS Papers submitted to the conference may be about any of following topics but papers on others topics of science, mathematics and technology education are also welcome. Ÿ Assessment and Evaluation Ÿ Communication and Language Ÿ Distance Education Ÿ Gender Issues Ÿ Innovation Ÿ International Education Ÿ Learning Ÿ On-Line Learning Ÿ Teacher Education Ÿ Transformative Education Ÿ Cultural Context Ÿ Curriculum Issues Ÿ Environmental Studies Ÿ History, Philosophy, Epistemology Ÿ Interest and Motivation Ÿ Learner Characteristics Ÿ Learning Environments Ÿ Public Engagement of Science Ÿ Teaching Ÿ Web-Based Learning CALL FOR PAPERS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS in addition to three keynote speakers, the conference will include oral presentations, poster presentations and paper sets. The oral presentation will be of 15 to 20 minutes duration followed by a 5 minute discussion. Participants are invited to submit their th abstracts by 31 July 2015 for consideration for inclusion in the conference. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least two referees. The deadline for receiving full papers for publication in the peer reviewed th Conference Proceedings is 28 of February 2016. If you would like to contribute to the conference either as an individual or as part of group, please go to the website and upload an abstract of your proposed contribution. The abstract for each proposed presentation should be no more than 250 words. Prof. David F. Treagust Curtin University, Australia Emeritus Prof. Paul Ernest University of Exeter, United Kingdom Prof. Lilia Halim Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Publications All papers will be included in the book of abstracts and in the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be published in: 1. Special Issues of Issues in Educational Research (IIER), 2. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME), 3. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE) 4. Learning Environments Research: An International Journal (LERI), 5. Special issue in International Journal of Educational Review (IJER), 6. National Journals and Journals at FMIPA UNJ. ACCOMMODATION Booking information for the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel and other hotels nearby is available on the conference website. REGISTRATION FEE Ÿ Participants from Indonesia should register with Universitas Negeri Jakarta. BNI Cab. Rawamangun UNJ: 988.00568.93655006 an. SEMINAR SMTE FMIPA UNJ Ÿ International participants should register with Curtin University. Details on how to register are provided on the website: The registration fee includes: a CD of conference proceedings, an abstract book, conference bag, most meals, conference dinner and tour.
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