NORTH WEST TRAMPOLINE GYMNASTICS NATIONAL OPEN EVENT COMPETITION INFORMATION 2015 INTRODUCTION Dear Clubs As Chair of the North West Trampoline Gymnastics Technical Committee I am pleased to send you an invitation to our forthcoming ‘National Pre Season Open’. We have put this competition on as a stepping-stone to the NDP and FIG National Spring Series Events. Over the past 2 years the NW Trampoline Gymnastics Committee has been held up as an example of good practice by BG. We endeavour to host an event that mirrors our efficient & professional regional grading series & welcome you to join us at a time of the year that will allow your national level athletes shake off any ‘competition cobwebs’ prior to the 1st spring series event 4 weeks after in Coventry. We have split the competition in to two sections ‘Elite’ and ‘Development’. Elite is aimed at those competing at FIG and NDP 8, with the ‘Development’ competition focused on NDP 1-7. We are also staging the very first mixed &/or same gender synchronised competition, which we are confident will be both an exciting and competitive event. DMT will be run as an open event, no criteria or minimums giving competitors the opportunity to come along and compete any new skills they may have developed over the closed season. I and the other members of the NWTGTC look forward to welcoming you all to our Regional venue in March and hope that you have a great event and a solid spring series. Yours in Sport Stephen Wood North West Chair COMPETITION ENTRY NOTES DATE 15th March 2015: North West National Open Event Elite Competition North West National Open Event Development Competition North West National Open Event DMT Competition North West National Open Event Synchronised Competition (You are not permitted to enter the ‘Elite competition and the ‘Development’ competition) VENUE Robin Park Arena Loire Lane Wigan WN5 0UH ENTRIES Entries for all events should be made by completing the appropriate entry form and return to ([email protected]/BG Online system) All clubs and competitors must be current BG members and be at least 9 years old in the year of competition. The closing date is 23:59 on Friday 20th February. ENTRY FEES First discipline: £15.00 Second discipline: £10.00 Synchronised Event: £7.50 per person (£15.00 for a pair) SPECTATOR FEES There will be a spectator fee of £5 per adult / children age 4-17 £2.50 / OAP’s & U3’s go free on the day of competition, with a programme issued as part of this entry fee, (Programmes are given out as a first come first served basis, no discount will be provided at anytime for the entry fee). DRESS CODE Females: Please note the permitted dress code/rules for competition – (FIG and BG rules) Leotard or unitard with or without sleeves (Must be skin tight) Long tights may be worn but must be skin tight and the same colour as main body of the leotard Any other ‘dress’ which is not skin tight is not allowed For reasons of safety, covering the face or head is not allowed Trampoline shoes and/or white foot covering must be worn Males: Sleeveless or short sleeved singlet Gymnastic trousers or gymnastic shorts Trampoline shoes and /or of the same colour as the trousers or white OTHER INFORMATION All visible physio taping must be skin coloured All jewellery must be removed. If unable to remove earrings and wedding bands these must be taped with skin coloured tape Officials must be dressed in accordance with the officials notes Competitors must wear competition kit for presentations Only flat shoes may be worn on the Gym Nova matting GENERAL INFORMATION Spectators are not permitted on the competition floor Eating is not permitted on the competition floor Coaches, competitors and their spotter are only permitted on the competition floor during their competition flight Competitors and spotters should remain in the corrals until they are released to compete No items of clothing or drinks should be left on the competition floor during the competition, you must remove it back to your corrals after the warm ups. Results will be displayed on screens around the hall and will also be posted as hard copies on designated walls. DIFFICULTY LIMITS: There will be no difficulty limits on any DMT passes or any trampoline routine in any group. TEAMS: Awards will be given to the top 3 teams for both individual trampoline and DMT, in the following categories: Senior Team = 17-18 & Senior Junior Team = 13-14 & 15-16 Youth Team = 9-10 & 11-12 Team managers / head coaches to nominate 4 gymnasts within each category. Best 3 WAGC routines & best 3 voluntary routines to count. No DD added on any sets. Teams can be nominated either all from 1 club OR 1 team per category can be made up from a maximum of 2 clubs. N.B. Where a club enters a mixed team they cannot also enter a full club team in the same category. N.B. Clubs entering compete teams can enter as many as they like. Team Final: We hope to run a team final, this will be dependant on numbers entered (i.e. length of the day). If it is possible to stage a Team Final it will be on the following basis: Senior Team = 3 up 3 to count Junior Team = 3 up 3 to count Youth Team = 4 up 3 to count AWARDS: Medals or similar will be awarded to 1st 2nd and 3rd INDIVIDUAL TRAMPOLINE ELITE COMPETITION ABILITY LEVEL Elite competition is aimed at those who are competing at the NDP 8 and FIG levels. NO MINIMUM or MAXIMUM tariff restrictions will be applied on the voluntary routine. AGE GROUPS: Boys: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, Senior Girls: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18, Senior ROUTINES: Age Groups: 1st Routine: Compulsory (as per your age group and competition level routine s) 2nd Routine: WAG (as per your age group and competition level routine s) 3rd Routine: Voluntary (No tariff limits are applied) Senior: 1st Routine: FIG A set (2 skills awarded DD – NOT COUNTED FOR TEAM) 2nd Routine: Voluntary 3rd Routine: Voluntary INDIVIDUAL TRAMPOLINE DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION ABILITY LEVEL Development competition is aimed at those who are competing at the NDP 1 to 7 levels. The following levels will be grouped together as follows: Ability level NDP 6 & 7 Ability levels NDP 4 & 5 Ability Level NDP 1 to 3 AGE GROUPS PER ABILITY GROUP: ABILITY LEVEL 6 & 7: Boys: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17+ Girls: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17+ ABILITY LEVEL 4 & 5: Mixed gender groups: Under 11’s Under 15’s, Over 15+ ABILITY LEVEL 1 TO 3: Mixed gender group: Under 11’s Under 15’s, Over 15+ ROUTINES: ABILITY LEVEL 6 & 7 1st Routine: Compulsory (as per your age group and competition level routine s) 2nd Routine: Voluntary (No tariff limits are applied) ABILITY LEVEL 1 TO 3, 4 & 5 1st Routine: Compulsory (as per your age group and competition level routine s) 2nd Routine: Compulsory (as per your age group and competition level routine s) DMT COMPETITION ABILITY LEVEL This competition will have two ability levels, FIG and Development, (approximate level of competition ability NDP 7 & 8). There will be no tariff limits or minimums. . AGE GROUPS PER ABILITY GROUP: ABILITY FIG LEVEL: Men: Senior Ladies: Senior ABILITY DEVELOPMENT LEVEL: Men: U11, U15, U17, 19+ ABILITY DEVELOPMENT LEVEL: Ladies: U11, U15, U17, 19+ ROUTINES: ABILITY LEVEL FIG Pass 1 & 2: Open tariff no restrictions or minimum standards. Standard BG rules apply in relation to passes and the repetition of skills. Pass 3 & 4: Open tariff no restrictions or minimum standards. Standard BG rules apply in relation to passes and the repetition of skills. ABILITY LEVEL DEVELOPMENT Pass 1 & 2: Open tariff no restrictions or minimum standards. Standard BG rules apply in relation to passes and the repetition of skills. Pass 3 & 4: Open tariff no restrictions or minimum standards. Standard BG rules apply in relation to passes and the repetition of skills. SYNCRONISED TRAMPOLINE COMPETITION ABILITY LEVEL: Ability level is open, there is just one group in each age group, these are mixed groups and can be mixed gender pairings or same gender pairings. AGE GROUPS: ABILITY OPEN LEVEL: U11’s, U15’s and O15’s ROUTINES: AGE GROUP U11’S 1ST ROUTINE: Compulsory, (FIG 9-10yrs) 2ND ROUTINE: Voluntary No tariff limit or minimums. AGE GROUP U15’S 1ST ROUTINE: Compulsory, (FIG 11-12yrs) 2ND ROUTINE: Voluntary No tariff limit or minimums. AGE GROUPS O15’S 1ST ROUTINE: Compulsory, (FIG 13-14yrs) 2ND ROUTINE: Voluntary No tariff limit or minimums. DD DD Total NDP: Dismount Group: DD Name: Spotter No: DD Panel: Mount Preliminary Passes Club: Pass 1: Pass 2: Pass 3: Qualification:_________________________ Final Passes Name of Coach:_____________________________________________________ BG Number:__________________________ Pass 4: Signature:__________________________________________________________ Name: No: Flight: Club: Panel: Compulsory Routine S * WAG (Elite Only) Adjustment Diff Routine 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 S Adjustment Total: FIG A & FIG 19+ competitors must * the moves they wish to gain difficulty for in their compulsory routine. Failure to * the moves will result in no difficulty being awarded. Elite and Development Age groups must * all the required elements in their WAG routine. Failure to do so will result in a 1.0point deduction from every judge for every incorrect or missing *. Routines must be completed in FIG terminology. All skills in the Voluntary must have the difficulty score for each skill completed including the total score, in accordance with rule 7.1 of the BG and International Code of points. Diff Total: Voluntary Routine S Adjustment Diff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Please Note It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that the routines are correct with correctly defined shapes. Failure to do so may result in the routine being terminated early. 8 9 10 Total: Name of Coach Responsible:________________________________________ BG Number:____________ Signature:________________________________________________________ Qualification:___________
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