“Yes, We Can” Indian IAS Academy (iiA) TNPSC Group - 1 Mains 2015 Test Batch Sl. No Weekdays Weekends Subject 1. 13.02.2015 (Friday) 14.02.2015 (Saturday) Indian Polity -1 Indian polity and emerging political trends across the world affecting Constitution of India - Preamble to the constitution - Salient features of constitution - Union, state and territory - Citizenship - rights and duties- Fundamental rights - Directive principles of state policy Fundamental duties - Human rights charter 2. 18.02.2015 (Wednesday) 15.02.2015 (Sunday) Indian Polity -2 Union executive - Union legislature – parliament - Amendments to constitution - Schedules to constitution - State executive - State legislature – assembly – Status of Jammu & Kashmir - Local government - panchayat raj- Indian federalism - center state relations Judiciary in India - Rule of law /Due process of law - Elections Election Commission - Union and State -Official language and Schedule 3. 20.02.2015 (Friday) 21.02.2015 (Saturday) Emerging political trends across the world affecting India - 1 Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on India’s relations with neighboring countries and in the region- Security and defence related matters- Nuclear policy, issues and conflicts - The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to India and the world. 4. 25.02.2015 (Wednesday) 22.02.2015 (Sunday) Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu - 1 State government organization - structure, functions and control mechanism - District administration - Role in people’s welfare oriented programmes - Industrial map of Tamil Nadu - role of state governmentState finance -- resources, budget and financial administration - Use of IT in administration -- e-governance in the State 5. 27.02.2015 (Friday) 28.02.2015 (Saturday) Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu - 2 Natural calamities - Disaster Management Union and State -strategic planning in the State - Social welfare - Government sponsored schemes with reference to Tamil Nadu - Union government organization structure, functions and control mechanism - Government sponsored schemes with reference to Tamil Nadu 6. 04.03.2014 (Wednesday) 01.03.2015 (Sunday) Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu - 3 Union government organization - structure, functions and control mechanism- Relationship between State and Union - Industrial map of India - role of Union government - Public Services- Role of recruitment agencies in Union Government - Union finance -- resources, budget and 1| AB-101, 2nd Floor, PKC Complex, 6th Main Road, Shanthi Colony, Near KHM Hospital, Anna Nagar, Chennai–40. Phone : 044-2620 3883, Mobile : 98419 96486, 98417 66860, Email : [email protected] “Yes, We Can” Indian IAS Academy (iiA) financial administration - Use of IT in administration - e-governance in Union Government -Social welfare - government sponsored schemes by Government of India 7. 06.03.2014 (Friday) 07.03.2015 (Saturday) Socio - Economic Issues in India/ Tamil Nadu- 1 Population Explosion - Unemployment issues in India & Tamil Nadu Child Labour - Economic Issues (a) Poverty (b) Sanitation- Rural and Urban (c) Corruption in public life - Anti -Corruption measures - CVC, Lok-adalats, Ombudsman, CAG. Illiteracy –Women EmpowermentRole of the Government Women Empowerment Social injustice to womenfolk - Domestic violence, dowry menace, sexual assault 8. 11.03.2014 (Wednesday) 08.03.2015 (Sunday) Socio - Economic Issues in India/ Tamil Nadu- 2 Loss of cultural heritage due to economic development - Urbanization and its impact on the society - Impact of violence on the growth of the nation – Religious violence, Terrorism and Communal violence Regional Disparities - Problems of Minorities - Human Rights issues Right to information - Central and State Commission - Faith and conflict among legislature, executive, judiciary and media. Education – Linkage between Education and Economic Growth. Community Development Programme - Employment Guarantee Scheme - Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development - Role of N.G.O’s in Social Welfare – Government Policy on Health. 9. 13.03.2014 (Friday) 14.03.2015 (Saturday) Modern history of India and Indian culture - 1 Advent of European invasion-Expansion and consolidation of British rule - Effect of British rule on socio-economic factors -Social reforms and religious movements - India since independence - Characteristics of Indian culture - Unity in diversity - race, colour, language, custom 10. 18.03.2014 (Wednesday) 15.03.2015 (Sunday) Modern history of India and Indian culture- 2 India - a secular state -Organizations for fine arts, dance, drama, music - Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in Tamil Nadu - Political parties and populist schemes - Early uprising against British rule - 1857 Revolt - Indian National Congress - Emergence of national leaders Growth of militant movements -Different modes of agitations -Era of different Acts & Pacts - World war & final phase struggle 11. 20.03.2014 (Friday) 21.03.2015 (Saturday) Geography of India-1 Earth and universe - Solar system - Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere - Monsoon, rainfall, weather and climate - Water resources rivers in India - Soil, minerals & natural resources 12. 25.03.2014 (Wednesday) 22.03.2015 (Sunday) Geography of India-2 Natural vegetation - Forest & wildlife - Agricultural pattern, livestock & fisheries - Transport &communication - Centers of trade, commerce & art - Social geography - population - density and distribution Bottom topography of Indian ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Climate change - impact and consequences - mitigation measures Pollution Control. 13. 27. 03.2015 28.03.2015 (Friday) (Saturday) General Science (Physics) - 1 Nature of universe - General scientific laws - Scientific instruments Inventions and discoveries - National scientific laboratories - Science 2| AB-101, 2nd Floor, PKC Complex, 6th Main Road, Shanthi Colony, Near KHM Hospital, Anna Nagar, Chennai–40. Phone : 044-2620 3883, Mobile : 98419 96486, 98417 66860, Email : [email protected] “Yes, We Can” Indian IAS Academy (iiA) glossary - Physical quantities, standards and units - Mechanics and properties of matter - Force, motion and energy - Heat, light and sound - Magnetism, electricity and electronics 14. 01.04.2015 (Wednesday) 29.03.2015 (Sunday) General Science (Chemistry) – 2 Atomic and nuclear physics - Astronomy and space science - Elements and compounds - Acids, bases and salts - Oxidation and reduction Carbon, nitrogen and their compounds - Natural disasters - safeguard measures - Chemistry of ores and metals - Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides - Biochemistry and biotechnology - Polymers and plastics – Electrochemistry - Main concepts of life science - 15. 03.04.2015 (Friday) 04.04.2015 (Saturday) General Science (Biology) - 3 The cell -basic unit of life - Classification of living organism - Nutrition and dietetics - Respiration -Excretion of metabolic waste - Bio – communication - Blood and blood circulation - Endocrine systemReproductive system- Animals, plants and human life 16. 08.04.2015 (Wednesday) 05.04.2015 (Sunday) Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India and Tamil Nadu – 1 Govt. policy /organizations on Science and Technology - Role, achievement & impact of Science and Technology Energy - self sufficiency - oil exploration - Defence Research Organization - Ocean research and development - Genetics - the science of heredity Environment, ecology, health and hygiene, Bio- diversity and its conservation - Human diseases, prevention and remedies – Communicable diseases and non - communicable diseases - Alcoholism and Drug abuse - Computer science and advancement - Genetic Engineering - Remote sensing and benefits 17. 10.04.2015 (Friday) 11.04.2015 (Saturday) General Mental Ability – 1 Conversion of information to data - Collection, compilation and presentation of data - Tables, graphs, diagrams – Parametric representation of data - Analytical interpretation of data - Percentage Highest Common Factor (HCF) - Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) Ratio and Proportion 18. 15.04.2015 (Wednesday) 12.04.2015 (Sunday) General Mental Ability – 2 Simple interest - Compound interest - Area - Volume- Time and WorkProbability - Information technology - Basic terms, CommunicationsApplication of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Decision making and problem solving - Basics in Computers / Computer terminology. 19. 17.04.2015 (Friday) 18.04.2015 (Saturday) Language (Either Tamil or Tamil) 20. 22.04.2015 (Wednesday) 19.04.2015 (Sunday) Current events of national and international importance 21. 24.04.2015 (Friday) 25.04.2015 (Saturday) Current Economic Trends- 1 Indian economy - Nature of Indian economy 3| AB-101, 2nd Floor, PKC Complex, 6th Main Road, Shanthi Colony, Near KHM Hospital, Anna Nagar, Chennai–40. Phone : 044-2620 3883, Mobile : 98419 96486, 98417 66860, Email : [email protected] “Yes, We Can” Indian IAS Academy (iiA) 22. 29.04.2015 (Wednesday) 26.04.2015 (Sunday) Current Economic Trends - 2 1. Impact of global economy on India 2. Indian Economic Outlook. 23. 30.04.2015 (Wednesday) 01.05.2015 (Friday) Full Test – Paper I 24. 25. 01.05.2015 (Friday) 02.05.2015 (Saturday) 02.05.2015 (Saturday) 03.05.2015 (Sunday) 1. Modern history of India and Indian culture 2. General Mental Ability 3. Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India and Tamil Nadu Full Test – Paper II 1. Indian polity and emerging political trends across the world affecting India and Geography of India. 2. Tamil Society, its culture and heritage / English language skills 3. Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu Full Test – Paper III 1. Current events of national and international importance 2. Current Economic Trends: Indian Economy and Impact of Global Economy on India 3. Socio Economic problems of India and Tamil Nadu. All the best for Great Success 4| AB-101, 2nd Floor, PKC Complex, 6th Main Road, Shanthi Colony, Near KHM Hospital, Anna Nagar, Chennai–40. Phone : 044-2620 3883, Mobile : 98419 96486, 98417 66860, Email : [email protected]
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