ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Messenger February 2015 Mother Patsy’s Peace Who taught you to love, to read, and to study the bible? My fourth grade teacher, Frances Streit was one such inspirational character in my life. She had us memorize Scripture verses and recite them as we answered role call each Sunday in class in the “Crow’s Nest” at Christ Church, Nacogdoches. Many others along the way of maturing in the church taught me and my friends. A Baptist minister and friend, Kenny Knous, taught us in his home as we met in an ecumenical group learning more about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. One assignment was to read that my colleague, Susan Martin, taught me, in conjunction with this gathering, was to read and study the Acts of the Apostles to see how that were led by the Spirit in their mission to serve the Lord. My spiritual companion and prayer warrior, Madelyn Charpentier, taught me to love, read and study the Bible in a whole different light- a new perspective. Together we taught college students at 6:30 -7:30 am for an hour for two semesters. Imagine! At the beginning of Bible study, she enthusiastically had us together hold up our Bibles and repeat after her: “This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the Word of God. I boldly confess. My minds is alert, My heart is receptive. I will never be the same. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, Every-living seed of the Word of God. I will never be the same Never, nerve, never. I will never be the same. In Jesus name, Amen.” ( Joel Osteen does this, too.) I never stop learning to love, read and study the Bible. Yes, we can do that individually. Would you like to join me and share in the learning, reading and studying of God’s Word? Where two or three are gathered, God will be in the midst of them. I am looking for 12 of you. Come and see what God has in store for us. Peace, Mother Patsy+ Diocesan News Pre-Council Meetings will be handled differently in 2015. They will no longer be held at host churches with a chili supper. Rather they will be webinars that may be viewed at individual churches by its members or viewed online at your convenience. Mother Patsy+ and our St. Matthew’s delegates will be viewing on the EDOT website the webinar that was held live from Christ Church Cathedral, Houston on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. St. Matthew’s 2015 Diocesan Council Delegates are: Kim & Justin Robinson Matthew Craig Roberta Vallantyne 166th Diocesan Council will take place Feb. 6th & 7th, 2015 in The Woodlands + + + + + Mother Patsy+ met with the Diocesan Christian Formation Team on Thursday, January 22nd in Nacogdoches. This was a time of questions and answers, sharing resources and support for St. Matthew’s. Mother Patsy’s Thank You Christmas Eve we read from the Second Chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke of “…shepherds keeping watch over their flock…” and “…the angel (had with him) a multitude of the heavenly host…” It comes to mind and heart that as you sign your gift card to me each Christmas, either with “Your flock” or “Angels of St. Matthew’s” that you are so dear to my heart. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Mother Patsy+ Page 1 OUR CURRENT VESTRY Mrs. Kim Robinson, Sr. Warden Mr. James Ross, Jr. Warden Mrs. Glenna Broadaway Mrs. Alexa Duke Mrs. Michelle King Mrs. Alyssa Thornley Anyone who desires to share suggestions or concerns for ministry at St. Matthew’s, please speak to our Priest-In-Charge, Mother Patsy+ or to our Senior Warden, Kim Robinson. Angel Choir is Making a Joyful Song! Our Angel Choir is meeting every Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Camilla Foppes music studio at 213 Hubbard Dr. The Angel Choir is directed by Camilla Foppes, Organist & Music Coordinator, and Josh King, Youth Minister. Linda Craig serves as the choir mom. The children will receive vocal & music training. They will offer their musical gifts monthly at Sunday services. Mother Patsy will be in the office the following days in February; 4th, 17th, 18th, & 24th Sundays; 1st, 15th, 22nd Impromptu visits and appointments are welcomed. Children’s Stewardship Project: We are collecting aluminum cans in the black “marked” trash can located outside the Parish Hall. Proceeds from the sale of the cans will go towards our children’s SS ministry project. Please be mindful & Generous! Contact Linda Craig if you have any questions or for more details. Please feel free & know that you may present prayer requests to any DOK member either at church, by phone or by email. We have been blessed by some of our parishioners’ friends with numerous hand made with love prayer shawls. Please contact a DOK member, if you know of someone that would benefit from the DOK prayer shawl ministry. DOK MEMBERS: Reverend Mother Patsy+, Charlene Brewster, Glenna Broadaway, Jan Brown, Marty Brown, Mary Jo Colombo, Camilla Foppes, Carol Roberts & Roberta Vallantyne. DAUGHTERS AT LARGE: Deborah Moore, Dorothy Moore & Patty Ryan On Thursday, Jan. 22nd, Mother Patsy+ & Linda Craig attended the HIM board mtg., Rusk County Friends Helping Friends (Roberta), and Salvation Army luncheon held at First United Methodist Church. Closing reports for 2014 were presented and officers for 2015 elected. THE PANTRY AT HENDERSON INTERCHURCH MINISTRY IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF MANY ITEMS TO RESTOCK THEIR FOOD CUPBOARD IN ORDER TO ASSIST NEEDY FAMILIES IN OUR COMMUNITY. THERE ARE LISTS OF THE REQUESTED ITEMS AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX & IN THE PARISH HALL. PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING THIS LOCAL MINISTRY. Dec. Giving Henderson Interchurch Ministry $85.50 Episcopal Convocational Relief $142.00 Jan. 2015 Feb. Rusk County Library March Boys & Girls Club, Rusk Co. April American Cancer Society Good Friday Offering Mite Boxes May Rusk Co. Diabetes Assoc. UTO Spring Ingathering Whitsunday June Salvation Army of Henderson July Friends Helping Friends August Christian Women’s Job Corp Sept. Meals on Wheels Oct. Rusk Co. Animal Outreach Red Mass Nov. UTO Fall Ingathering Emeritus Memory Care Dec. Henderson Interchurch Ministry Page 2 How I Became an Episcopalian I was born in Joplin MO and raised for the most part in Southwest Missouri. I am the oldest child and only daughter. I grew up with two brothers on a farm and graduated from a small high school. I attended college in Joplin MO and Cheyenne WY attaining a degree in Early Childhood Education. I also have a Water and Wastewater technical degree from Crowder College in Neosho, MO. Tom and I have been married for 37 years and have triplets daughters. Growing up in Missouri, my faith background began in a rural Methodist Church, Salem, with a small congregation and a variety of faiths in attendance. We had “preachin” every other Sunday and Sunday school each week. I had two great ladies (Sunday school teachers) who gave us Bible stories, taught us Bible verses, and influenced us with their kindness and love of the Church. Tom and I were married in the church he grew up in, the Sarcoxie Presbyterian. Our girls started at Salem and after our move to Cheyenne, we attended the First Methodist Church. It is a huge, historic church with many events and three services on Sundays. The girls were baptized and confirmed, but I never really felt a part of the church like I did at Salem. I helped teach Sunday school and girls were in youth group. But when we started traveling on many weekends with Job’s Daughters events and visiting other churches, we discovered St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in the east part of Cheyenne. We visited several times and finally decided this was a place of welcome, solitude, and foundation. We loved the structure of the service and the outreach ministry this little church accomplished. We were always welcome and missed when absent. It was expected for Tom and me to look for an Episcopal Church with the Texas move. We were glad to see one in Henderson and to be so welcomed gave us comfort in all the new surroundings. The Moores were the first people we met along with the Burkes. It was almost October, so we were given Patch tee shirts and asked to sell pumpkins right away. After being exposed to several beliefs in my life and teaching in a Catholic School, becoming an Episcopalian was natural to me. I am glad to be a part of a charitable and committed congregation in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Peace, Glenna Broadaway Thank you, Glenna Broadaway for sharing your story. You can be next to tell your story! Call Martha Paul Bennett at 903-657-3909 for an interview. Prayers, Love & Sympathy to the Family and Friends of Robert Hall. Robert was the son of the late Marie & Ray Hall and to the Lisa & John Melvin family in the death of Lisa’s brother in-law, Ralph Temples Our Becky Hewes Compassionate Fund is used for food & needs to minister to parishioners and their families that are welcoming home a baby, recovering from a hospital stay, or grieving the loss of a loved one. Linda Craig oversees the use of these funds. If you would like to donate, please be sure to write the name of the fund in the memo. Congratulations to grandmother, Michaelle Green and to parents, Rebecca & Jon on the birth of Laurel Michaelle. Laurel was born on January 6, 2015 weighing in at 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 18 1/2” long. Congratulations to grandmother, Marty Brown and to parents, Anita & Chris on the birth of Amelia. Amelia was born January 7, 2015 weighing in at 7lbs. 4 oz. and 20 1/2’ long. We share the joy with these two families and are thankful for the life of these sweet babies. Page 3 SERVE Please be sure to SAVE this page & mark the date(s) you are scheduled to serve on your calendar. Thank you for SECURING a replacement when you are unable to serve during your scheduled time. If possible let the church office know of the changes. On the Sunday you are scheduled to serve, please ARRIVE early enough so that you are vested, candles lit, and in the Narthex no later than 9:45am. THANK YOU so much for your service/ministry to St. Matthew’s and to our Lord! Feb. 1st—4th Sunday after the Epiphany Feb. 8th—5th Sunday after the Epiphany Acolyte: Skylar Terrell Chalice: Tracy Allen Altar Guild: Marty Brown & Alyssa Thornley Lector: Alexa Duke Oblationers/Greeters: Kim & Justin Robinson Vestry Person: Alexa Duke Coffee Hostess: OPEN Altar Flowers: OPEN Acolyte: Skylar Terrell Chalice: Tom Brown Altar Guild: Roberta Vallantyne & Glenna Broadaway Feb. 15th—Last Sunday after the Epiphany Feb. 18th—Ash Wednesday Acolyte: Skylar Terrell & Sophia Robinson Chalice: Justin Robinson Altar Guild: Deborah Kangerga & Carol Roberts Lectors: Tracy Allen & Skylar Terrell Oblationers/Greeters: Michelle & Josh King Vestry Person: Kim Robinson Coffee Hostess: OPEN Altar Flowers: OPEN Acolyte: Skylar Terrell Chalice: Jim Kangerga Altar Guild: Deborah Kangerga & Carol Roberts Lector: David Craig Oblationers/Greeters: Roberta Vallantyne & Glenna Broadaway Vestry Person: Glenna Broadaway Feb. 22nd—1st Sunday in Lent March 1st—2nd Sunday in Lent Acolyte: Skylar Terrell Chalice: Alexa Duke Altar Guild: Marty Brown & Alyssa Thornley Lector: Matthew Craig Oblationers/Greeters: Alyssa & Johnny Thornley Vestry Person: Alyssa Coffee Hostess: OPEN Acolyte: Skylar Terrell Chalice: James Ross Altar Guild: Roberta Vallantyne & Glenna Broadaway Lector: Justin Robinson Oblationers/Greeters: Kim & Justin Robinson Vestry Person: James Ross Coffee Hostess: OPEN Lector: Tom Brown Oblationers/Greeters: Linda & David Craig Vestry Person: Michelle King Coffee Hostess: OPEN Altar Flowers: Michelle, Aaden, Noah & Sutton King Page 4 Sunday Schedule: 9:50-10:30am SS for children 10am Holy Eucharist 11am Coffee Fellowship February 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 8 9 15 16 The Rev. Suzanne Tubbs DOK Presidents’ Day Tue 7:30pm AA Wed 3 10 7:30pm AA 17 6:30pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Messenger deadline 22 23 10:30am Clericus, 24 Thu Fri Sat 4 5 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 4:30pm Angel Choir 4:30pm Angel Choir 4:30pm Angel Choir, 7pm HE & Imposition of Ashes 4:30pm Angel Choir 6:30pm Vestry Diocesan Council 6 EDOT DOK Spring Assembly, Christ Church, Tyler Diocesan Council EDOT DOK Spring Assembly, Christ Church, Tyler 27 7:30pm AA Please note that Mother Patsy+ will be @ Camp Allen the 8th—13th for the “Daring Way” Conf. 7 Feb. 18th “Ashes to Go” downtown Henderson TBA Page 5 28 Music Coordinator 2014 Report In 2014 we started the Angel Choir with the Sunday School Coordinator and Youth Minister. We meet weekly and have an attendance of 6—8 children. At choir we learn basic vocal techniques, basic music theory, Bible stories with coordinating activities, memorize a scripture and the Lord’s Prayer. Linda Craig, Alyssa Thornley, Josh King and I work together with all activities. Many thanks to these lovely people who make this possible. (Ask an Angel Choir member about ‘Mozart Says’) Mother Patsy and I meet formally once a month (and also as needed) to work on music and worship for the months ahead. It is my mission to provide music that will help each person worship in our Sunday services. Music is a gift God has given us and it is a joy to work in this realm. May god bless us as we seek His will and leadership. Love Ya, Camilla Foppes Camilla’s Music Notes On February 8th, we will sing the hymn “Immortal, invisible, God only wise,” which is based on 1 Timothy 1:17: “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever.” This powerful hymn was written by the Scotch Presbyterian, Walter Chambers Smith, who was born in Aberdeen in 1824. Ordained in the Free Church of Scotland, he pastured churches in several places. In 1876, he published a collection of hymns which included this hymn of praise. In it many attributes of God are named such as: wise, blessed, glorious, Almighty and victorious. Verse 4 is my favorite. “All praise we would render: O help us to see ‘tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee.” Love ya, Camilla Foppes Birthdays Kim Robinson 2nd Glenna Broadway 8th Josh King 8th Linda & Isabella Craig 11th Anniversaries *No anniversaries on file for February* If we missed a birthday or anniversary, please notify the parish office so we may update our records. Charles Duesterhoft 11th Michelle King 14th Marty Brown 15th Tom Roberts 20th Robert Walling 21st Carl Huckabay 23rd Deborah Kangerga 24th Page 6 PRAY OUR ST. MATTHEW’S FAMILY: Charlene & David Brewster, Sheryl Brightwell, Tom Broadaway, Linda Craig, Elizabeth Dismukes, Camilla Foppes, June Fuller, Carl Huckabay, Charlie Richardson, Heath Roberts, Sheryl Sears, Lynda Trent, Roberta Vallantyne, Ann Woods THE FRIENDS & LOVED ONES OF OUR ST. MATTHEW’S FAMILY: Livy (Alexa’s aunt) - Phillip, Cline, Courtney (Mother Patsy+) - Amanda (the King’s) - Bayleigh - Christy Jo (Brewster’s daughter) - Erin Evans Akey (Lisa Melvin) - Rose Anderson (Dr. Walling) - Marnie Barno - Kenneth Ballard - Freddie Bates - Joanie Bates - Maureen Bidwell (David Craig) - Freddie Bouillion (David Craig) - David Brown (Mary Jo) - Richard Cain (David Craig) - Lori Carnes (Sheryl Brightwell) Jane Clark (Camilla) - Ray Cook (Mary Jo Colombo’s cousin) - AJ Daniels (Lin Dickerson’s grandbaby) - Kalynn Davis ( Beth Turner’s niece) - Diane & Jane Dill (David Craig) - the Durbin family (Mary Jo) Diana Fordham (Lisa Melvin) - Steve Fordham (Ruth Fordham) - Burke Green - Bob Goot (Michaelle Green) - Pat High (Mother Patsy+) - Pam Holley (Roberta) - Johnny Jackson (David Craig) - Helen James (Mary Jo Colombo) - Virginia Johnson (David Craig) - Brynn Lewis (Michaelle Green) - the Lewis family (Camilla) – Debbie Martin - Betty Moore (Glenna Broadaway’s mom) - Sherian Nations (Linda Craig) - Sara Nurenberg (David & Linda Craig’s grand daughter) - Bertha Otis (Alexa) - Jane Partin (Tom Brown) - Ashley Payne (Michelle King) - Tom Reed (Mary Jo’s son) - Mike Renfroe (Alexa Duke’s uncle) - Mary Robinson - Tom Rudd - Susan & Ben Shiriak (Sheryl Sears’ sister & brother inlaw) - Joe & Thelma Sorrells (Roberta) - Mary Street (Camilla) - Jean Tate (Camilla) - Jimmy Trimble (David Craig) - Rodney Vallantyne (Roberta) - Nita Wheeler ( Alexa) - Alex White (Camilla’s grandson) - David White (Camilla) - Joshua White (Camilla) **To add a name to the prayer list, please call the Parish office at 903-657-3154. Please note that prayers are offered for a period of 1 month for those on the list. After that, the name will automatically be removed unless the office is notified that prayers are requested for an extended period of time Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Joshua Alexander—Navy, USS Roosevelt Donald Birchard—stateside Christopher Crowe Matthew Harris—Middle East Daniel Parker—Middle East C.J. Reynolds Jim Silva Michael Whitehead—stateside Sean Armstrong—Air Force, Iraq Bryan Burk—stateside, Hawaii Eric Crump—stateside Roy Hensley—stateside Adam Powell—USS George Washington, Japan Jayson Sears—Iraq John Tieken, Jr.—California Please contact Camilla Foppes, 903-655-8492, with any current information. Page 7 ST. MATTHEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 214 College St. Henderson, TX 75654 Phone (903)657-3154 Fax (903)657-6291 [email protected] ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED The Rev. Patsy G. Barham, Priest-In-Charge Home (936)564-2431 ~ cell (936)554-6034 [email protected] OUTREACH MINISTRY NEEDS: Reading is the best activity for all ages! Whether it is your Bible, a mystery novel, daily newspaper, love story, or child’s fairytale; what enjoyment comes to you. The Rusk County Library, our February open plate beneficiary, will satisfy all your needs. Your support for this community facility that began here in Henderson in 1937 brings many options to the entire county with their several branches. Services include a preschooler’s story time, a genealogy share-group, adult journaling, yarn works for knitters and crochet, TAG (teen advisory group), family game time, and seasonal events. An e-library is available, too. Check out this free resource and see your donation at work. Thank you for the donations to the Episcopal Convocational Relief Fund in January. This agency is the ultimate in worldwide outreach ministry. Peace, Glenna Broadaway, Outreach Ministry Someone to take on the task of framing the Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s certificate. Someone to take on the task of framing Barbara Henderson’s Altar Guild pin. Someone to take on the task of creating a St. Matthew’s quilt square to be added to the large quilt displayed at Camp Allen. If you are willing to assist with one or more of these needs in our parish please speak to Mother Patsy+ . Page 8
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