The Beacon Sunday 16th November 2014 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost Anglican Parish of Rockingham-Safety Bay Personally I find today’s parable one of exceptional challenge. It doesn’t scare me but it does cause me to take stock of my discipleship. Uppermost in my mind is the extraordinary privilege of being called to be a follower of Christ and a member of God’s Kingdom. As I allow these truths to sink in I find that my inclination to laziness and self-serving are transformed into an excitement at being able to use the gifts He has been pleased to entrust to me. Can there be any greater purpose in life and reason to get up each day with a sense of purpose and expectancy? With warmest greetings in Christ, Dear Friends, A warm welcome to you today. Peter. The gospel readings for last Sunday, today and next week are from Matthew 25 and in each reading our Lord reminds us that we are wise to be ready for His glorious return. In many ways the passages are confronting with the awful consequences of our failure to be ready (12), to be faithful in living our lives for Him (30) and engaged in unpretentious, spontaneous service of our brothers and sisters in Christ and for Christ (45-46). If the consequences of laziness and indifference to Christ and His people are confronting, the encouragement to faithfulness abound. These include the welcome to the wedding banquet for all wise enough to be trusting in Christ (10). The privilege of serving our Master with gifts entrusted to us is reason for great joy and the welcome words “well done good and faithful servant” along with assurance that there is even more He will entrust us with, ennobling (2123). It is faithfulness with what we have been given that counts as members of God’s Kingdom. The man who failed to do anything with that entrusted to him was cast out precisely because he failed to do anything for the Master. It amounted to breach of confidence in His Master’s purposes, call and promised strength. Collect Almighty God, whose sovereign purpose none can make void: give us faith to be steadfast amid the tumults of this world, knowing that your kingdom shall come and your will be done, to your eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Bible Readings (all page numbers refer to the church Bibles). Today : Judges 4 : 1 – 10 (p.191); 1 Thessalonians 5 : 1 – 11 (p.960); Psalm 123 Matthew 25 : 14 – 30 (p.807) Next Sunday (23/11) : Ezekiel 34 : 11 – 24 (p.702); Psalm 100 Ephesians 1 : 15 – 23 (p.949); Matthew 25 : 31 – 46 (p.807) Hymns Australian Hymn Book 115, 133, 451, 258 7. Friday fellowship group meets at 9.30 a.m. at St. Nicholas’ and is studying Mark’s gospel. NOTICES 1. NEW PARISH DIRECTORY The new Parish Directories are available today. Every effort has been made to include you and to do so accurately. Please accept my apologies if we have missed you or made a mistake. Please advise us as we will issue a regular update for new members. Please see the person on duty to receive your directory and have your name recorded since we don’t want to leave them lying around. I commend the opportunity the directory gives us to pray for each other regularly and to follow one another up. 8. Thursday 20th November ministry meeting 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. 9. Tonight at 5 p.m. We delve deeper into the gospel reading (Matthew 25 : 14 – 30) contrasting the words “well done” and “you wicked and lazy slave” and contemplating the great spiritual law “to those who have more will be given”. 10. Mothers’ Union meets on Wednesday 19th November at 1.30 p.m. 2. BARNABAS FUND MAGAZINES These informative magazines have just arrived with apologies to those who use the daily prayer notes for their lateness. Though some of the reports are disturbing they provide a realistic means of helping us stand with our persecuted sisters and brothers around the world in prayer and financial support (of special relevance given today’s and next week’s gospel readings). 3. SERMON PASSAGES UP TO CHRISTMAS 16th Nov. Matthew 25 : 14 – 30 7th Dec. 2 Peter 3 : 8 - 18 23rd Nov. Matthew 25 : 31 – 46 14th Dec. 1 Thess. 5 : 12 - 18 30th Nov. John 1 : 35 – 42 21st Dec. Luke 1 : 26 – 38 The small groups will be studying these passages on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. 3.30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 10.15 a.m.- 11.45 a.m. All are welcome as we prepare for Christmas during Advent. 4. Sunday 30th November 2014 will see us celebrating St. Andrew’s Day with a combined 8 a.m. service and at our 10 a.m. service (both at St. Nicholas’). SUNDAY SERVICES St Nicholas’: 8 am and 10 am 5 pm Sunday@5 St George’s: 8 am WEEKDAY SERVICES St Nicholas’ Holy Communion every Wednesday at 9 am St Nicholas’ Morning Prayer Thursday at 8 am St George’s Evening Prayer Wednesday and Thursday at 5 pm RECTOR: The Right Reverend Peter Brain Tel: 9439 3793 (home) Mob. 0414895791 Email: [email protected] 48 Abingdon Crescent, Wellard 6170 The Rector’s day off is Monday. WARDENS: Ted Ansell Paul van Bilsen 5. Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 22nd November 8 a.m. at St.Nicholas’. 6. Parish Dinner Thursday 27th November 6 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. Opportunity to sing carols together. PARISH DIRECTORY Tel: 9527 8995 Tel; 9592 5527 $12.50 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CO-ORDINATOR Christine Brain Tel: 9439 3793 Email: [email protected]
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