A mighty fortress is our God - Saint Peter`s Episcopal Church

Unless otherwise noted, the service is found in the red Book of Common Prayer (BCP).
Processional Hymn 688 “A mighty fortress is our God”
Opening Acclamation
BCP 355
Gloria in excelsis
Collect of the Day
BCP 216
Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the
liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son
our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Lessons (seated)
Isaiah 40:21-31
Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told
you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations
of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its
inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a
curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in; who brings princes to
naught, and makes the rulers of the earth as nothing. Scarcely are they
planted, scarcely sown, scarcely has their stem taken root in the earth,
when he blows upon them, and they wither, and the tempest carries them
off like stubble. To whom then will you compare me, or who is my equal?
says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created
these? He who brings out their host and numbers them, calling them all
by name; because he is great in strength, mighty in power, not one is
missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, "My way is
hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God"? Have
you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his
understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and
strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the
young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the LORD shall renew
their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run
and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Psalm 147:1-12, 21c (sung)
1 Hallelujah! How good it is to sing praises to our God! *
how pleasant it is to honor him with praise!
2 The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem; *
he gathers the exiles of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted *
and binds up their wounds.
4 He counts the number of the stars *
and calls them all by their names.
5 Great is our LORD and mighty in power; *
there is no limit to his wisdom.
6 The LORD lifts up the lowly, *
but casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; *
make music to our God upon the harp.
8 He covers the heavens with clouds *
and prepares rain for the earth;
He makes grass to grow upon the mountains *
and green plants to serve mankind.
10 He provides food for flocks and herds *
and for the young ravens when they cry.
11 He is not impressed by the might of a horse; *
he has no pleasure in the strength of a man;
12 But the LORD has pleasure in those who fear him, *
in those who await his gracious favor.
21c Hallelujah!
1st Corinthians 9:16-23
If I proclaim the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for
an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel!
For if I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will,
I am entrusted with a commission. What then is my reward? Just this: that
in my proclamation I may make the gospel free of charge, so as not to
make full use of my rights in the gospel. For though I am free with
respect to all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more
of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those
under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not
under the law) so that I might win those under the law. To those outside
the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God's
law but am under Christ's law) so that I might win those outside the law.
To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become
all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. I do it all for
the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings.
Gradual Hymn 529 “In Christ there is no East or West”
(Children join the Procession to Children’s Chapel.)
The Gospel (standing)
Mark 1:29-39
Jesus left the synagogue at Capernaum, and entered the house of
Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon's mother-in-law
was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. He came and
took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she
began to serve them. That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all
who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was
gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various
diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons
to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was still very
dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And
Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they
said to him, "Everyone is searching for you." He answered, "Let us go on
to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also;
for that is what I came out to do." And he went throughout Galilee,
proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.
The Sermon
The Reverend Kevin Johnson
Nicene Creed
BCP 358
Prayers of the People Form III
BCP 387
BCP 360
The Peace
(Prayer request cards may be filled out and dropped in the collection plate.)
The Offertory
Presentation Hymn 711 vs. 1
“Seek Ye First”
The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer A
BCP 361
Sanctus and Benedictus
The Lord’s Prayer
BCP 364
The Breaking of the Bread
Communion of the People
Communion Hymn
Let us break bread together on our knees,
let us break bread together on our knees.
When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun,
O Lord, have mercy on me.
Let us drink wine together on our knees,
let us drink wine together on our knees.
When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun,
O Lord, have mercy on me.
Let us praise God together on our knees,
let us praise God together on our knees.
When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun,
O Lord, have mercy on me.
The Prayer of Thanksgiving & Blessing
BCP 366
Procession into the World Hymn 135 “Songs of thankfulness and praise”
Dismissal, with Alleluias
The loose and undesignated offering goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.
Today’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of
Erin & Dave Tayloe by the family.
February 8: John Tate
February 9: Ray Heath
February 10: Bill Cummings
February 12: John Thompson
Tuesday, February 10
Men’s Cursillo Reunion Group at 7:00 a.m. at Bojangles
Habitat Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Woolard Meeting Room
Wednesday, February 11
Holy Communion at 7:00 a.m. in the Chapel
Brotherhood of St. Andrew at 7:30 a.m. in Woolard Meeting Room
Holy Communion with Intercessory Prayer at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel
Lunch Bible Study with Fr. Kevin at noon in the Woolard Meeting Room
Sr. Choir at 6:30 p.m. in Music Suite
Thursday, February 12
Men’s Bible Study at 12:30 p.m. in the Woolard Meeting Room
Attention Altar Guild members!
We will have our annual meeting today after the 10:15 AM service in the church.
Please try to be there to add your input. Also, our night to be responsible for the
Lenten Dinner is March 11th. We will need as much help as possible. Thanks!
Barbara Grimes
Interesting Fact: The world's biggest pancake was cooked in Rochdale,
England in 1994, it was an amazing 15 meters in diameter, weighed three tons
and had an estimated two million calories.
Our pancakes will be not quite 15 meters in diameter, but still full of
deliciousness. All are invited. Bring your friends. 6 p.m. in All Saints’ Hall
GED Teachers’ Meeting
There will be a GED Teachers’ Meeting at 12:30 pm on Monday, February 9th at
the Mecca Grill, 129 N. Market Street. Please join us.
Thank you, Deacon Katherine
Lent is almost here!
Save the dates now for our traditional covered dish suppers and program. The
first night is February 25th and the time is 6:00 p.m. We ask that you bring a
dish large enough to serve your family plus a couple of extras. The fellowship is
always wonderful and the programs are informative and inspiring. The groups
who are assigned to set up and clean up are:
February 25 - Ushers
March 4 - Lay Readers/Eucharistic Ministers
March 11 - Altar Guild
March 18 - Senior Choir
March 25 – ECW
Back Pack Buddies
If you want to help with BACK PACK BUDDIES, our shelves are low on
individual servings of vegetables: green beans, corn, carrots & peas. Most single
servings come in a four-pack, and some brands have pull-off tin tops. Either are
fine, as long as they are single servings – so they won't be too heavy for the
children to carry. THANK YOU!!!!
Chili for Lunch
Parish Life is planning a chili-fest for Sunday, February 22nd. It’s a great time of
year for a hot bowl of chili, and we hope to make a little money to support more
fellowship activities for you. Plan to drop by ASH after the 10:15 service and
pick up a carton of delicious chili and a chunk of cornbread to take home for your
lunch. The cost is $6.00 per serving. Please sign up in Gardner Hall to help us
with our plans---and so you won’t be left out.
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church
Washington, North Carolina
Please Pray for: Loraine Babcock-member, Audrey Beachler–sister-in-law of
Michael Beachler, Fred Beachler–nephew of Michael Beachler, Cedric Blackfriend of Pam Hodges, Pam Black-friend of Pam Hodges, Bill Dowdall–brotherin-law of Michael Beachler, Jim Egbert–father of Mike Egbert, Charlie
Griffin-member, Patricia Hutto-mother of Gayle Nadel, Catharine Lilesmother of Mary Parker Egbert, Byron Martin-friend of Kay Sharpe, Joe Peele–
friend of St. Peter’s, Marilyn Roth-member, Holly Willis–daughter of Ray
Dennis, Roger Woolard-friend of Pam Hodges.
Polar Challenge Success!
WOW! The Stop Hunger Now Polar Challenge was a success! To date we raised
$3800 from this one event. The top fundraiser by far was Roxanne Holloman
who had over $600 in sponsorships. We had 19 'jumpers', very brave souls. Many
thanks to all the generous contributors, the multitude of supportive spectators and
to the Tates for letting us converge on their yard. The next step is to package the
food on Saturday, March 28th. We will need over 70 volunteers for this fun job.
Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board by the stairs. What a generous and
thoughtful congregation we have! Start thinking about next year. . . Will you
In an effort to minimize costs, Keynotes will be distributed once a month via
Please contact Jennifer at the church office (946-8151 or
[email protected]) if you have not received one; we may not have your
correct email address. Also, please note that hard copies are available in the
narthex of the church and just outside the church office. And, you can access the
information anytime on the website at www.saintpetersnc.org by clicking on the
newsletter and/or calendar tabs.
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is February 17!!!
Shrove Tuesday always falls on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, 47
days before Easter Sunday (Sundays are not included in the 40 days of Lent), so
the date varies from year to year and falls between 3 February and 9 March.
Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is
the last chance to indulge yourself, and to use up the foods that aren't allowed in
Lent. Pancakes are eaten on this day because they contain fat, butter and eggs
which were traditionally forbidden during Lent
The name Shrove comes from the old word "shrive" which means to
confess. On Shrove Tuesday, in the Middle Ages, people used to confess their
sins so that they were forgiven before the season of Lent began.
Prayer list requests may be made by completing a prayer card from the pew rack
in church or by calling (946-8151) or emailing the church office
([email protected]). Names will remain on the prayer list for 30 days.
Those Serving in the Liturgy
Organist & Choirmaster: Douglas Cutler
Lay Readers: Jerry Vick, Jay Marle
Paten Server: Nancy Hamblin
Chalice Bearer: Laura Bliley
Acolytes: Mac Skillen, Sarah Scott Woolard, Grace Paszt
Children’s Chapel: Lynn Harrington
Altar Guild: Nancy Hamblin, Ann Peters, Jane Taylor,
Barbara Walker, Delores Darden
Ushers: Swanson Graves, Lex & Karen Mann, Picott Harrington,
Katherine Tate, William Tate
Vestry Person of the Week: Hodges Hackney
Office Information
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - noon
(252) 946-8151, www.saintpetersnc.org
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 8, 2015
10:15 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Saint Peter's is celebrating the love of Christ by reaching out
and empowering for ministry.
Welcome to Saint Peter’s. Visitors and newcomers are
encouraged to complete a welcome card from the pew rack.
Please let us know who you are and allow us to greet you.