Week 4 USING SOAP Find a time and place where you can focus on spending time with God. Get your Bible, a pen, and a journal to write in. SCRIPTURE: A passage has been provided for you. God wants to give you encouragement, direction, and discipline as you read. OBSERVATlON: Write down what is happsning in the passage, who the key people are, and what God is doing in their lives. APPLICATION: Write down how you will be different today because of what you've read. PRAYER: Take a moment to pray. You'll find a prayer prompt on each day's study to focus your prayer. JOURNAL DAY ONE:: Psalm 8:3-4 BACKGROUND: David offers some much-needed perspective, as he examines the majesty of creation and realizes the supremacy of God. OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: Lord, You are so great, so powerful, and so mighty. You created everything around me, yet You care for me. Please continue to remind me how big You are and how small I am. Thank You, God, for caring for me even though You’re so much greater than I am. JOURNAL DAY TWO :: Isaiah 55:8-9 BACKGROUND: Isaiah the prophet learns about the difference between God’s ways and man’s ways. OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: Lord, continue reminding me that You are much greater than I am, and Your ways and thoughts are much higher than mine. Help me to remain humble, and continue to guide me in Your ways. JOURNAL DAY THREE :: James 1:17 BACKGROUND: James, the brother of Jesus, reminds us that only God offers good gifts, and God does not change. OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: Lord, remind me that You are the source of all good things, which cannot come from any other place. Help me to identify the lies that the devil wants me to believe, especially the ones that tell me that good things can be found apart from You. JOURNAL DAY FOUR:: Ephesians 2:8-10 BACKGROUND: Paul assures his readers that we are not saved as a result of our works, but by God’s grace. He then teaches us about our purpose, and why we were created. OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: Lord, I am Your workmanship, Your masterpiece. You created me with a wonderful purpose: to live a life that serves You and pleases You. Lord, continue to empower me to walk in the good works You’ve prepared in advance for me. JOURNAL DAY FIVE :: Revelation 3:14-16 BACKGROUND: Jesus gives an object lesson to a church in Laodicea that was nearby two cities with useful water sources: Colossae (cold spring) and Hierapolis (hot springs). OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: Jesus, show me if I am lukewarm. I want to be useful to you and your kingdom. Give me the strength and willingness to give up everything to follow You. I invite You into my life. Please change me from the inside out. JOURNAL DAY SIX :: 1 Peter 5:8-10 BACKGROUND: Peter warns believers that the devil is dangerous, and we must keep our guard against him. OBSERVATION: APPLICATION: PRAYER: God, I am Your child and I know that I am protected from evil in the name of Jesus Christ from evil. I pray that You give me the wisdom to know when I am tempted to believe in lies that the devil is telling me. Strengthen me, Lord. I place my trust in You. SOAP VERSE :: Colossians 1:16 "For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him." This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerciai·ShareAiike 3.0 United States License. 1b view a copy of this license, visit http:llcnlativecommons.orgllicenseslby-no-sa!J.Oius/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Sufte 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
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