WILKERSON ELEMENTARY ADMINISTRATION Robert D. Livernois, Ph.D., Superintendent Joe Konal, Chief Academic Officer Michael Schulte, Principal Kelly Raeside, Secretary Sharon Piotrowski, Clerk MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Wilkerson school community is to ensure that all children will learn. We will develop socially responsible lifelong learners by providing a safe and positive environment that celebrates the individual successes of all children. We will challenge, guide, motivate and nurture every child to achieve their personal best and to be a meaningful contributor to our community. We will respond to the diverse needs of each child through best practices and collaboration among all stakeholders. FEBRUARY 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Office Phone: 586-825-2550 Absence Line: 586-825-2550 #2 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Latch Key: Before School Begins – 6:45 a.m. After School Ends – 6:00 p.m. ENTER DOOR #38 SCHOOL TIMES 8:17 AM- Entry Bell 8:22 AM – 3:29 PM FOOD SERVICES Hot Lunch Milk Breakfast ½ DAY DISSMISSAL 11:33 A.M. Wilkerson Elementary 12100 Masonic Blvd., Warren, MI 48093 Phone: (586) 825-2550 Fax: (586) 698-4385 $2.75 .60 $ 1.25 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Can you believe that we are already past the halfway point in the school year? As we look back on this school year, please take some time to reflect on the academic progress of your child. Here are some little things we can all do to make sure that each student progresses each year: Does your child have homework? If so, are you helping to make sure it gets completed? Are you reading with (or to) your child every night? Or, are you making sure your student is reading every night? Are you checking grades regularly on the Parent Portal (for grades 3-5) Have you looked at testing data (for example, the Iowa test scores), to see your child’s strengths and areas for growth? If you have any concerns about your child’s academic growth, please contact the teacher. In other news, we have much to celebrate, and much to prepare for. We are getting ready for: “March is reading Month” activities. Life Skill assemblies The next round of common assessments (Iowa test, WCS Writing task, WIDA, and M-STEP) PTO election nominations Band concerts Spring Parent Teacher Conferences and book fair Lastly, our lost and found bins are overflowing. There are boots, hats, gloves, coats, water bottles and lots more. There are also eye glasses in the office. If your child has had anything turn up missing, please check in our bins. We will be donating unclaimed articles during the February break. IDENTIFICATION Please be sure to have picture ID available when you are signing your child out early or when you are volunteering at school. We are trying to tighten up on our safety procedures and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. COUNT DAY The state requires two school count days. The first one was Wednesday, October 1, 2014 and the second one is Wednesday, February 11, 2015. It is very important that all students attend school on these days. We ask that parents make every effort possible to have their children attend school on count days. ½ DAY OF SCHOOL FEBRUARY 13, 2015 DISMISSAL AT 11:33am NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK School will be closed February 16 through February 20, 2015 for midwinter break. Classes will resume on Monday, February 23RD at 8:17 a.m. SPRING PICTURES THANK YOUR SERVICE SQUAD MEMBERS! Mrs. Haddad There are many students at Wilkerson that choose to participate and be a member of our Service Squad. These students are very willing to give their time and energy to help the staff and students each and every day. I would like to thank each of you for doing your personal best! If you see a member of our Service Squad please thank them for their dedication and commitment! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH SICK CHILDREN Another safety concern is when children should return to school after being ill. The school policy is that the child must be fever free for 24 hours. A child returning too soon will usually have a relapse and go home sick. All contagious diseases should be reported to the office. During the winter, children do not get out because of weather, and therefore are in their classrooms without fresh air and need all their immunities up to par. Again, it takes everyone doing their part to keep everyone healthy during the winter. Also, for every day a child is absent they have that many days to make up their work. THE BOOK FAIR IS COMING MARCH 9-16, 2015 Please email Mrs. Hardy if you are interested in volunteering for the Book Fair. [email protected] SNOW DAY…NO SCHOOL? If we get a lot of snow overnight and you are not sure if Wilkerson is open. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL! Watch TV channels 2, 4 or 7 for school closing announcements or check the website. To receive school closing information through your phone text: WCSKIDS to 57780. If you hear or see Warren Consolidated Schools is closed, it means that Wilkerson is closed. Tips for Better Communication Between Home and School. ◊ Review all papers your child brings home each day. ◊ Sign and return forms on time. ◊ Inform the school of any changes in your address, phone number or emergency contacts. ◊ Call your child’s teacher or write a note any time you have a question or concern. YEAH!! WE’RE GOING ON A FIELD TRIP! Safety & Service Squad Reward Day The place is booked and the date is set. th June 5 will be On the safety and service squad members enjoying a fun-filled day at CJ Barrymore’s. This is a thank you to the members for all their hard work. The staff and students are so lucky to have these kids help us each and every day we are at school. We thank these Wilkerson students for all their service to the school and the children. ◊ Return phone calls from school as soon as possible. ◊ Volunteer at school as often as you can. ◊ Attend PTO and other parent meetings. ◊ Read school newsletters and PTO notes. ◊ Look for announcements on the marquee. ◊ Inform the school office and teacher when you know your child will be absent. ◊ Get to know other parents and keep their phone numbers handy. THE DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED to Wednesday, February 11 from 6-7:30 pm in the Wilkerson Café. Wilkerson Elementary is having a science fair on February 25 & 26. All interested students are welcome to participate. Students in Grades K-2 may be assisted by their parents. Students in Grades 3-5 may work alone or with a partner in their grade level. Students will receive more information from their teacher or from the school website. Science Kits are available through the school for $6.00. Each kit includes: 36 x 48 Presentation Board Colored labels of the scientific method 12 sheets of colored paper Have your child sign up now to join in the Science Fair. Participation forms need to be turned no later than February 11th. Pennies for the Homeless~ THANK YOU to all of our families that donated pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and gift cards for this year’s Pennies for the Homeless Drive. Our kids and families dug deep into their pockets and couch cushions and we were able to donate $800.00. The classroom that collected the most coins won a pizza party and that class was…..Mrs. Puffer’s class!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! All money and items collected were donated to the MISD Homeless Education Foundation. Also thank you to Lisa Kessler for all her help running this year’s collection. February 11th The PTO will have our new apparel line, tote bags along with water bottles for sale at our Science Night. If we do not have the size or style you want, we will be taking orders. February 9th -13th A second apparel sale will be available for those who did not have a chance to order in December. February 16th The Wilkerson PTO dinner night will be at BD’S Mongolian BBQ located at 29004 Gratiot in Roseville, from 2-8pm. We will receive a 15% kick back from the evening’s sales. Remember to bring your flyer in and the wait staff will attach it to your bill. The 2015 Talent Show is coming up!!! Audition forms will be coming home on February 11 th and MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 25TH!! This will give students an opportunity over winter break to practice their act before Auditions!! More info will be coming home soon!!!!!! Nominations for the 2015/2016 PTO Board As a PTO member, you have the privilege of nominating and electing individuals who you feel will best meet the needs of your Wilkerson PTO. The nomination process will begin on February 23rd and will close on March 5th at the end our PTO Meeting. Please review the nominations/elections guidelines below and cast your vote for the 2015/2016 Wilkerson PTO board. All positions are up for re-election except President. NOMINATION / ELECTION GUIDELINES - All nominees MUST be a paid PTO member - Only one (1) vote per family membership - Only one (1) representative per family may qualify for office - Only those who have signified their verbal consent shall be nominated and elected to an office. - A person shall not be eligible to serve more than four (4) consecutive years in the same office - Only one person per position may be listed on the nomination ballot. Ballots with the same name listed for more than one position will be considered invalid. - Any nominee for the position of Treasurer must have a minimum of one (1) year board experience with the Wilkerson PTO. Not necessarily the preceding year. This position is a two (2) year term. - Only those who have signified their verbal consent shall be nominated and elected. - Nominees will be given up to 24 hours after contact from the nomination committee to give verbal consent. - In the event of 2 or more candidates are nominated for the same position a paper ballot vote will be hold before the April PTO meeting - Shall be general assistant to the President Perform duties of the President in his or her absence Oversee all committee chairpersons and volunteers shall audit all committee chairpersons for the membership shall receive and process all volunteer lists - Keep accurate minutes of the meetings Post and provide the agenda and minutes from all meetings Writes and distributes PTO meeting reminders Submits school calendar of events to district cable channel - Sends cards, flowers, acknowledgements or contributions to the Wilkerson staff for Birthdays, Births, hospitalization, deaths, welcoming a new teacher and holidays/special occasions. - Organize the Teacher’s Welcome Back Luncheon - Organize the Welcome Breakfast - Shall be responsible for all monies received and disbursed from the Wilkerson PTO Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures to be reviewed at each meeting. Shall give an itemized financial statement at every membership meeting Responsible for, along with the rest of the PTO board, preparing and presenting a proposed budget for the upcoming school year Two (2) Trustee positions need to be filled; this position is a one (1) term - One or both Trustees must attend all assemblies - Inform membership of upcoming assemblies and the result of each assembly - Keep inventory of supply cupboard and restock when necessary - Provide refreshments at PTO meetings - Shall aid with any committee work - Shall aid in V President in making volunteer calls. - Organize Wilkerson Family Dinner Nights Keep sending in Box Tops, Campbell Soup labels. Just to give you an idea by just sending in box tops we receive 2 checks during a school year and our first check this year was over $1,700.00! That is amazing! This money will help pay for any upcoming events. Every little bit helps. Please join Kroger Community Rewards by logging onto www.krogersommunityrewards.com . For the first quarter we received a $400.35 check, just from our community grocery shopping. These are very simple ways to help raise funds for Wilkerson. As always we welcome all questions, comments, ideas or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the board members via email or phone. Also please check us out on our Wilkerson Facebook. PRESIDENTV.PRESIDENTTREASURERSOCIAL SEC.SECRETARYTRUSTEETRUSTEE- Michele Monacelli Shawn Lifshay Michelle Graczyk Michele Kipisz Lisa Kessler Dory Brookbanks Kristine Miller 215.7407 838.4932 202.3927 751.8095 242.1858 822.0364 773.5923 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, Warren Consolidated Schools will host an informational parent meeting for all families with children entering Kindergarten in September, 2015. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center located at 12901 Fifteen Mile Road in Sterling Heights, attached to Sterling Heights High School. Parents attending will be provided with information about All Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Options; Year-Round and Traditional Calendar Kindergarten curriculum; Health requirements to attend Kindergarten; Breakfast and lunch options; Transportation; and Before- or after-school Latchkey services In addition, student registration packets will be available as well as information on registration dates and times. Please plan on attending this important step in starting your child’s formal education in the Warren Consolidated Schools. For more information, please visit the WCS webpage, www.wcskids.net BIRTHDAY TREATS We understand that birthdays are very important to our students! In order to help you choose appropriate Birthday Treats, we have set the following guidelines: Birthday Treats must be delivered in the morning before lunch and packaged to be passed out, easily. Good: cookies (individually packaged) Better: prepackaged healthy snacks like Goldfish crackers, pretzels, fruit bars Best: pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. (these must be individually packaged for each student because they will be sent home in the students’ backpacks at the end of the day). Please do not send in: Cupcakes with frosting (too messy) Drinks Sheet Cakes (or any treats that need to be cut) Pizza Frozen Treats Refrigerated Treats Balloons All teachers have been asked to follow these guidelines. We truly appreciate your cooperation! Michael Schulte Principal WILKERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FEBRUARY, 2015 Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 Kdg. Registration Performing Arts Center – 6:00pm 11 Thursday 5 12 Vision Screening Count Day Ann Arbor Handson Museum 6-7:30pm Friday 6 7 13 14 ½ Day of School Dismissal at 11:33am Vision Screening 15 16 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK 22 23 Classes Resume 17 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK 24 Vision Screening 18 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK 25 Saturday 19 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK 26 20 21 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK 27 28 NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND Under Federal law, you as parents may request the following specific information about the professional qualifications of your children’s teachers: 1. Whether the teacher has met the state qualifications/licensing for their grade level/subjects. 2. Whether the teacher is on a temporary permit or waiver. 3. The teacher’s majors, graduate certificates/degrees, and discipline fields. 4. Paraprofessional services and qualifications For further information, please call: (586) 825-2550. CHILDREN IN VIDEOS / NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Occasionally your child(ren) may be videotaped/photographed throughout the school year at various school activities. This video may be replayed on the school channel - Channel 9 in Warren. Pictures may also be put in local newspapers. Please indicate in writing to Mr. Schulte if you do not want your child viewed on our educational channels or their picture put in newsletters. Warren Consolidated Schools is committed to the concept of equal employment opportunity as a necessary element in its personnel program. It is the policy of the district to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, height, weight, marital status, handicap or other characteristic in accordance with the law. Compliance inquiries should be addressed to the Chief Human Resources Officer, 31300 Anita, Warren, MI 48093, (586-6984099). WARREN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS 31300 Anita | Warren, Michigan 48093 | 1-888-4WCS-KIDS | www.wcskids.net Student Achievement A focus on measurable student achievement in our Professional Learning Communities. 2015 Board of Education Susan G. Trombley, President Megan E. Papasian-Broadwell, Vice President I.Susan Kattula, Secretary Brian White, Treasurer Benjamin I. Lazarus, Trustee Elaine G. Martin, Trustee Kaitlynn Schwab, Trustee Dr. Robert D. Livernois, Superintendent High Expectations High expectations for every stakeholder, including students, staff and parents. Strong Relationships Strong relationships among all stakeholders, including: teacher-student, parent-teacher, principal-teacher, and superintendent-board member. In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, and the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1977, it is the policy of the Warren Consolidated Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, age, disability, height, weight, or marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in employment. Inquiries should be addressed to the Chief Human Resource Officer, 31300 Anita, Warren, Michigan 48093, (586) 825-2400, ext 63110.
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