Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. This announcement appears for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any securities of the Company. CONVOY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED 康宏金融控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 1019) OPEN OFFER OF NOT LESS THAN 1,844,172,000 AND NOT MORE THAN 2,084,172,000 OFFER SHARES AT A SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF HK$0.25 PER OFFER SHARE ON THE BASIS OF THREE OFFER SHARES FOR EVERY ONE EXISTING SHARE HELD ON THE RECORD DATE AND INCREASED IN AUTHORIZED SHARE CAPITAL Financial Adviser Convoy Capital Hong Kong Limited Underwriter PROPOSED OPEN OFFER The Company proposes to raise not less than HK$461,043,000 and not more than HK$521,043,000 before expenses by issuing not less than 1,844,172,000 Offer Shares and not more than 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares at the Subscription Price of HK$0.25 per Offer Share on the basis of three Offer Shares for every one existing Share held on Record Date and payable in full on application. Qualifying Shareholders are not entitled to apply for excess Offer Shares not taken up in excess of their respective entitlements under the Open Offer. The Open Offer is only available to the Qualifying Shareholders and will not be extended to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders. 1 As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (II) which, in aggregate, entitle the holders thereof to subscribe for 80,000,000 new Shares upon exercise the subscription rights attached thereto. Save for 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II), the Company has no other outstanding warrants, options or convertible or exchangeable securities as at the date of this announcement. The estimate net proceeds of the Open Offer (after deducting the costs and expenses in relation to the Open Offer) are expected to be not less than approximately HK$441,013,000 and not more than approximately HK$501,013,000. The Company intends to apply the net proceeds of the Open Offer in the following manner: (i) as to approximately HK$86,000,000 for the payment of the balance of consideration for the acquisition of real property as disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 7 January 2015; (ii) as to approximately HK$164,000,000 to fund future acquisition of other real property as when the opportunity arises; and (iii) as to the balance of approximately HK$191,013,000 to HK$251,013,000 be used as general working capital. As disclosed in the interim results announcement of the Company dated 27 August 2014, with the Guidance Note published by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance in July 2014, Investment-Linked Assurance Schemes (“ILAS”) market, a major product type of independent financial adviser business in Hong Kong, will go through a big change of commission payment mode which may have adverse effect on commission income. The Company has set up diversification objectives years ago and continued to drive the growth of non-linked insurance, general insurance and mandatory provident fund business to counter the change in ILAS business and its stringent regulatory environment. In preparing for the change in ILAS regulations under an adverse market environment and uncertainty, the Directors consider that the Company shall increase its general working capital level through the fund raised from the Open Offer. As at the date of this announcement, save and except for the real property referred to in the announcement of the Company dated 7 January 2015, the Company has not identified any other real property for future acquisition. 2 UNDERWRITING ARRANGEMENT Pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement, the Underwriter has undertaken to the Company that, subject to the Open Offer not being terminated, the Underwriter has agreed to fully underwrite the Underwritten Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Underwriting Agreement. If the Underwriter terminates the Underwriting Agreement (please refer to the sub-section headed “Termination of the Underwriting Agreement” in the section headed “Underwriting Arrangement” below) or the conditions of the Open Offer (please refer the sub-section headed “Conditions of the Open Offer” in the section headed “Underwriting Arrangement” below) are not fulfilled in whole by the Company and the Underwriter, the Open Offer will not proceed. WARNING OF THE RISKS OF DEALINGS IN THE SHARES If the Underwriter terminates the Underwriting Agreement (details are set out in the sub-section headed “Termination of the Underwriting Agreement” in the section headed “Underwriting Arrangement” in this announcement) or the conditions of the Open Offer (details are set out in the sub-section headed “Conditions of the Open Offer” in the section headed “Underwriting Agreement” in this announcement) are not fulfilled, the Open Offer will not proceed. Accordingly, the Open Offer may or may not proceed and the Shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares and consult their professional advisers if they are in any doubt about their positions. Any Shareholder or other person contemplating selling or purchasing Shares, who is in any doubt about his/her/its position, is recommended to consult his/her/its own professional adviser. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS As the Open Offer will increase the issued share capital of the Company by more than 50% within the 12 month period immediately preceding the date of this announcement, the Open Offer is subject to approval by the Independent Shareholders at the EGM by poll in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules. Pursuant to Rule 7.26A(2) of the Listing Rules, since no excess application for the Offer Shares is available, approval shall be obtained from the Independent Shareholders by way of poll at the EGM in respect of the absence of such arrangement. 3 As at the date of this announcement, since there is no controlling Shareholder, the Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors) and the chief executive of the Company and their respective associates, shall abstain from voting at the EGM in respect of the resolution to approve the Open Offer pursuant to the Listing Rules. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Wong Lee Man and Mr. Mak Kwong Yiu, being the executive Directors, holding 34,054,398 Shares and 32,308,916 Shares, representing approximately 5.54% and 5.26% of the entire issued share capital of the Company respectively, will abstain from voting in favour of the resolution(s) relating to the Open Offer at the EGM. Save as aforesaid, there is no other Director or chief executive of the Company holding any Share. THE INDEPENDENT BOARD COMMITTEE The Company will establish an independent board committee, which comprises all independent non-executive Directors in compliance with the Listing Rules, to advise the Independent Shareholders as to whether the terms of the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) are fair and reasonable and in the interests of its Shareholders as a whole, and to advise the Independent Shareholders on how to vote, taking into account the recommendations of the independent financial adviser which will be appointed by the Company. Further announcement will be made by the Company when the independent financial adviser is appointed. INCREASE IN AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL As at the date of this announcement, the authorised share capital of the Company is HK$100,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 Shares of which 614,724,000 Shares have been allotted and issued and fully paid or credited as fully paid. In order to accommodate the allotment and issue of the Offer Shares and future expansion and growth of the Group, the Directors propose to increase the authorised share capital of the Company from HK$100,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 Shares to HK$400,000,000 divided into 4,000,000,000 Shares. 4 GENERAL The Circular including, among other things, details of (i) the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer), and the Underwriting Agreement; (ii) the recommendation of the independent board committee in relation to the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) and the Underwriting Agreement; (iii) a letter of advice from the independent financial adviser to the independent board committee of the Company and the Independent Shareholders in relation to the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) and the Underwriting Agreement; (iv) the Increase in Authorised Share Capital; and (v) a notice convening the EGM will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 3 March 2015. The Prospectus Documents setting out details of the Open Offer will be despatched to the Qualifying Shareholders as soon as practicable, subject to the conditions of the Open Offer being satisfied. The expected timetable for the implementation of the Open Offer and the associated trading arrangements, and date of despatch of the share certificates in respect of the Open Offer will be further announced by the Company in due course. OPEN OFFER Issue statistics Basis of the Open Offer: three Offer Shares for every one existing Share held on the Record Date Number of existing Shares in issue: 614,724,000 Shares as at the date of this announcement 5 Number of Open Offer Shares to be issued: Not less than 1,844,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming no Shares have been allotted and issued pursuant to the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) and not more than 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming a total of 80,000,000 new Shares have been allotted and issued upon full exercise of the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) Aggregate nominal value of the Offer Shares: Not less than HK$184,417,200 (assuming no Shares have been allotted and issued pursuant to the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) and not more than HK$208,417,200, (assuming a total of 80,000,000 new Shares have been allotted and issued upon full exercise of the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) Subscription Price: HK$0.25 per Offer Share payable in full on application Minimum enlarged issued share capital upon completion of Open Offer (assuming no Shares (other than the Offer Shares) are allotted and issued before completion of the Open Offer) 2,458,896,000 Shares 6 Maximum enlarged issued 2,778,896,000 Shares share capital upon completion of Open Offer (assuming 80,000,000 new Shares are allotted and issued pursuant to the full exercise of the subscription rights attaching to the Warrants on or before the Record Date) As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (II) which, in aggregate, entitle the holders thereof to subscribe for 80,000,000 new Shares upon exercise of the subscription rights attached thereto. Save for 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II), the Company has no other outstanding warrants, options or convertible or exchangeable securities as at the date of this announcement. Subscription Price The Subscription Price of HK$0.25 per Offer Share will be payable in full upon application for the Offer Shares under the Open Offer. The Subscription Price represents: (1) a discount of approximately 71.26% to the closing price of HK$0.870 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on the Last Trading Day; (2) a discount of approximately 71.53% to the average of the closing prices of HK$0.878 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the five trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day; (3) a discount of approximately 69.77% to the average of the closing prices of HK$0.827 per Share quoted on the Stock Exchange for the ten trading days up to and including the Last Trading Day; and (4) a discount of approximately 38.27% to the theoretical ex-rights price of HK$0.405 based on the closing price of HK$0.870 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on the Last Trading Day. 7 The Subscription Price was determined after arm’s length negotiations between the Company and the Underwriter with reference to, among other factors, the market price and trading liquidity of the Shares under the prevailing market conditions. The Directors consider the terms of the Open Offer to be fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. The net price per Offer Share will be approximately HK$0.24. Qualifying Shareholders The Open Offer is only available to the Qualifying Shareholders. The Company will send (i) the Prospectus Documents to the Qualifying Shareholders; and (ii) the Prospectus with the Non-Qualifying Letter, for information only, to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders. To qualify for the Open Offer, a Shareholder must be registered as a member of the Company as at the close of business on the Record Date, and not be a Non-Qualifying Shareholder. In order to be registered as members on the Record Date, Shareholders must lodge any transfers of Shares (together with the relevant share certificates) with the Company’s branch share registrars and transfer office in Hong Kong, Tricor Investor Services Limited at Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong for registration not later than 4:30 p.m. on the Latest Lodging Date. The expected timetable in respect of the Open Offer, including but not limited to, the dates of the Latest Lodging Date and the Record Date, and the period during which the register of members of the Company will be closed for the purpose of establishing entitlements to the Open Offer, will be published in a separate announcement as soon as practicable. The invitation to apply for the Offer Shares to be made to the Qualifying Shareholders will not be transferable or capable of renunciation and there will not be any trading of entitlements of the Offer Shares on the Stock Exchange. 8 Rights of the Non-Qualifying Shareholders The Prospectus Documents to be issued in connection with the Open Offer will not be registered under the applicable securities legislation of any jurisdictions other than Hong Kong. The Board will make enquiries as to whether the issue of Offer Shares to the NonQualifying Shareholders may contravene the applicable securities legislation of the relevant overseas places or the requirements of the relevant regulatory body or stock exchange and details and results of such enquiries will be included in the Prospectus. If, after making such enquiry, the Board is of the opinion that it would be necessary or expedient, on account either of the legal restrictions under the laws of the relevant place or any requirement of the relevant regulatory body or stock exchange in that place, not to offer the Offer Shares to such Non-Qualifying Shareholders, the Open Offer will not be extended such Non-Qualifying Shareholders. Accordingly, the Open Offer will not be extended to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders. The Company will send the Prospectus to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders for their information only but will not send the Application Form to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders. Status of the Offer Shares The Offer Shares when allotted, issued and fully paid, shall rank pari passu in all respects with the Shares in issue on the date of allotment and issue of the Offer Shares, including the right to receive all future dividends and distributions which are declared, made or paid on or after the date of allotment and issue of the Offer Shares. Share Certificates for Offer Shares Subject to the fulfillment of the conditions of the Open Offer as set out in the section headed “Conditions of the Open Offer” below, certificates for all fully-paid Offer Shares shall be despatched by ordinary post to those who have accepted, and (where applicable) applied for, and paid for the Offer Shares and which applications have been accepted by the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Open Offer, at their own risk. Further announcement will be made on the expected timetable for such despatch in this regard. 9 No application for excess Offer Shares Considering that the Open Offer will give the Qualifying Shareholders an equal and fair opportunity to maintain their respective pro rata shareholding interests in the Company and is negotiated on an arm’s length basis with the Underwriter, if application for excess Offer Shares is arranged, the Company will be required to put in additional effort and costs to administer the excess application procedures. Accordingly, no excess Offer Shares will be offered to the Qualifying Shareholders and any Offer Shares not taken up by the Qualifying Shareholders will be underwritten by the Underwriter. Odd lots arrangements The Company will not procure an agent to arrange for odd lots matching service. Application for listing The Company will apply to the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange for the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Offer Shares. The Offer Shares are expected to continue to be traded in existing board lot of 2,000 Shares. Subject to the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the Offer Shares on the Stock Exchange, the Offer Shares will be accepted as eligible securities by HKSCC for deposit, clearance and settlement in CCASS with effect from the commencement date of dealings in the Offer Shares on the Stock Exchange or such other date as determined by HKSCC. Settlement of transactions between participants of the Stock Exchange on any trading day is required to take place in CCASS on the second settlement day thereafter. All activities under CCASS are subject to the General Rules of CCASS and CCASS Operational Procedures in effect from time to time. Dealings in the Offer Shares on the Stock Exchange may be settled through CCASS. 10 UNDERWRITING ARRANGEMENT Underwriting Agreement Date: 6 February 2015 Underwriter: RHB OSK Securities Hong Kong Limited To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, each of the Underwriter and their respective ultimate beneficial owners are Independent Third Parties Number of Offer Shares: Not less than 1,844,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming no Shares have been allotted and issued pursuant to the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) and not more than 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming a total of 80,000,000 new Shares have been allotted and issued upon full exercise of the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) Number of Underwritten Shares: Not less than 1,844,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming no Shares have been allotted and issued pursuant to the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) and not more than 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares (assuming a total of 80,000,000 new Shares have been allotted and issued upon full exercise of the subscription rights attaching to 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II) on or before the Record Date) Commission: 3.5% of the aggregate Subscription Price in respect of the maximum Underwritten Shares of 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares 11 The commission rate was determined between the Company and the Underwriter by reference to the market rate. The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) considers the terms of the Underwriting Agreement including the commission rate to be fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. Termination of the Underwriting Agreement If, prior to the Latest Time for Termination (provided that for the purposes of the Underwriting Agreement if the date of the Latest Time for Termination shall be a business day on which a Storm Warning is or remains hoisted between 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on that day, the date of the Latest Time for Termination shall be the next business day on which no Storm Warning is or remains hoisted between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on that day): (1) in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter, the success of the Open Offer would be materially and adversely affected by: (a) the introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing law or regulation (or the judicial interpretation thereof) or other occurrence of any nature whatsoever which may in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or is materially adverse in the context of the Open Offer; or (b) the occurrence of any local, national or international event or change (whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or after the date hereof) of a political, military, financial, economic or other nature (whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing), or in the nature of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conflict, or affecting local securities markets which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or materially and adversely prejudice the success of the Open Offer or otherwise makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Open Offer; or 12 (2) any adverse change in market conditions (including without limitation, any change in fiscal or monetary policy, or foreign exchange or currency markets, suspension or material restriction or trading in securities) occurs which in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter is likely to materially or adversely affect the success of the Open Offer or otherwise makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Open Offer; or (3) there is any change in the circumstances of the Company or any member of the Group which in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter will adversely affect the prospects of the Company, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing the presentation of a petition or the passing of a resolution for the liquidation or winding up or similar event occurring in respect of any of member of the Group or the destruction of any material asset of the Group; or (4) any event of force majeure including, without limiting the generality thereof, any act of God, war, riot, public disorder, civil commotion, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, terrorism, strike or lock-out; or (5) any other material adverse change in relation to the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing; or (6) any matter which, had it arisen or been discovered immediately before the date of the Prospectus and not having been disclosed in the Prospectus, would have constituted, in the reasonable opinion of any of the Underwriter, a material omission in the context of the Open Offer; or (7) any suspension in the trading of securities generally or the Company’s securities on the Stock Exchange for a period of more than ten consecutive business days, excluding any suspension in connection with the clearance of this announcement, the Circular Documents, the Prospectus Documents or other announcements or circulars in connection with the Open Offer, The Underwriter shall be entitled by notice in writing to the Company, served prior to the Latest Time for Termination, to terminate the Underwriting Agreement. If the Underwriter terminate the Underwriting Agreement, the Open Offer will not proceed. 13 CONDITIONS OF THE OPEN OFFER The Open Offer is conditional upon: (1) the delivery to the Stock Exchange for authorisation and the registration with the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong respectively one copy of each of the Prospectus Documents duly signed by two Directors (or by their agents duly authorised in writing) as having been approved by resolution of the Directors (and all other documents required to be attached thereto) and otherwise in compliance with the Listing Rules and the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (as amended from time to time) not later than the Prospectus Posting Date; (2) the posting of the Prospectus Documents to the Qualifying Shareholders and the posting of the Prospectus and a letter in the agreed form to the Non-Qualifying Shareholders, if any, for information purpose only explaining the circumstances in which they are not permitted to participate in the Open Offer on or before the Prospectus Posting Date; (3) the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting or agreeing to grant (subject to allotment) and not having withdrawn or revoked listing of and permission to deal in the Offer Shares by no later than the first day of their dealings; (4) the obligations of the Underwriter becoming unconditional and that the Underwriting Agreement is not terminated in accordance with its terms; (5) the passing by no later than the Prospectus Posting Date by the Shareholders (or, where appropriate, Independent Shareholders) at the EGM, among other things, the following resolutions: (i) an ordinary resolution to approve the Increase in Authorised Share Capital; and (ii) an ordinary resolution to approve the Open Offer. 14 (6) all necessary consents and approvals required to be obtained on the part of the Company in respect of the Underwriting Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereunder having been obtained and remaining in full force and effect; and (7) all necessary consents and approvals required to be obtained on the part of the Underwriter in respect of the Underwriting Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereunder having been obtained and remaining in full force and effect. The Company shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure the fulfillment of all the conditions precedent (save for condition (7) which shall be fulfilled by the Underwriter) by the Latest Time for Termination or such other date as the Company and the Underwriter may agree and in particular shall furnish such information, supply such documents, pay such fees, give such undertakings and do all such acts and things as may be reasonably be required by the Underwriter and the Stock Exchange in connection with the listing of the Offer Shares. WARNING OF THE RISKS OF DEALING IN THE SHARES If the Underwriter terminates the Underwriting Agreement (details are set out in the sub-section headed “Termination of the Underwriting Agreement” in the section headed “Underwriting Arrangement” in this announcement) or the conditions of the Open Offer (details are set out in the sub-section headed “Conditions of the Open Offer” in the section headed “Underwriting Agreement” in this announcement) are not fulfilled, the Open Offer will not proceed. Accordingly, the Open Offer may or may not proceed and the Shareholders and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares and consult their professional advisers if they are in any doubt about their positions. Any Shareholder or other person contemplating selling or purchasing Shares, who is in any doubt about his/her/its position, is recommended to consult his/her/its own professional adviser. 15 CHANGES IN THE SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY ARISING FROM THE OPEN OFFER The shareholding structure of the Company immediately before and after completion of the Open Offer is set out below: Immediately following completion of the Open Offer assuming all Qualifying Shareholders fully take up their respective entitlement and none of the Warrants As at the date of this have been exercised announcement or converted Number of Number of Shares Approx. % Shares Approx. % Immediately following completion of the Open Offer assuming none of the Qualifying Shareholders take up their respective entitlement and none of the Warrants have been exercised Number of Shares Approx. % Immediately following completion of the Open Offer assuming all the Qualifying Shareholders take up their respective entitlement and all the Warrants have been exercised and the holders of the Warrants fully taken up their respective entitlement Number of Shares Approx. % Immediately following completion of the Open Offer assuming none of the Qualifying Shareholders take up their respective entitlement and all the Warrants have been exercised and the holders of the Warrants fully taken up their respective entitlement Number of Shares Approx. % Town Health Corporate Advisory and Investments Limited Wong Lee Man (note 1) Mak Kwong Yiu (note 1) The Underwriter (note 2)) 130,106,000 34,054,398 32,308,916 – 21.16 5.54 5.26 – 520,424,000 136,217,592 129,235,664 – 21.16 5.54 5.26 – 130,106,000 34,054,398 32,308,916 1,844,172,000 5.29 1.39 1.31 75.00 520,424,000 136,217,592 129,235,664 – 18.73 4.90 4.65 – 130,106,000 34,054,398 32,308,916 2,084,172,000 4.68 1.23 1.16 75.00 Other Public Shareholders Holders of Warrants (Note 3) Other Pubic Shareholders – 418,254,686 – 68.04 – 1,673,018,744 – 68.04 – 418,254,686 – 17.01 320,000,000 1,673,018,744 11.52 60.20 80,000,000 418,254,686 2.88 15.05 Total: 614,724,000 100.00 2,458,896,000 100.00 2,458,896,000 100.00 2,778,896,000 100.00 2,778,896,000 100.00 Notes: 1. As at the date of this announcement, each of Mr. Wong Lee Man and Mr. Mak Kwong Yiu is the executive Director. 2. In circumstances where the Open Offer were to become unconditional and the Underwriter was obliged to take up Underwritten Shares in their entirety, the underwriting commitment would extend to a stake of approximately 75.00% in the share capital of the Company as enlarged by the issue of the Offer Shares. The Underwriter undertakes to the Company in the Underwriting Agreement that it will sub-underwrite its underwriting obligations under the Underwriting Agreement to sub-underwriters such that each of the Underwriter and/or the sub-underwriters will be a third party independent of and not connected or acting in concert with the Directors, chief executive or substantial shareholders of the Company or their respective associates. The Underwriter further undertakes in the Underwriting Agreement that the Underwriter should procure that each of the ultimate subscribers or purchasers procured by it or the sub-underwriters will not (together with each of the respective parties acting in concert or any of their respective connected persons or associates) hold in aggregate 10% or more of the voting rights of the Company immediately after the Open Offer. 3. As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 outstanding Warrants (II) which, in aggregate, entitle the holders thereof to subscribe for 80,000,000 new Shares upon exercise the subscription rights attached thereto. Save for 40,000,000 Warrants (I) and 40,000,000 Warrants (II), the Company has no other outstanding warrants, options or convertible or exchangeable securities at the date of this announcement. 16 FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES BY THE COMPANY DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE ANNOUNCEMENT The following are fund raising activities of the Company during the past 12 months immediately preceding the date of this announcement: Date of announcement Event Estimated net proceeds Intended use of proceeds Actual use of proceeds as at the date of this announcement 21 January 2015 Placing of bonds in an aggregate principal amount of up to HK$500,000,000 Approximately HK$50.00 million (Note) used for money lending business and business development of the Group and to finance any potential investment opportunities of the Group that may arise from time to time The net proceeds would be utilized in line with the intended use 30 September 2014 Placing of 95,820,000 new Shares under general mandate Approximately HK$92.20 million The net proceeds was partially as to around 25% of the net proceeds for utilized, as to about HK$15 million brand building and marketing campaign, was utilized to brand building and as to around 20% of the net proceeds marketing campaign; about HK$12 for enhancement of the Group’s online million was utilized to enhancement operating platform, as to around 30% of of the Group’s online platform; the net proceeds for the development of the about HK$1 million was utilized to Group’s newly acquired corporate finance development of corporate finance business and as to around 25% of the net business and about HK$23 million proceeds for the general working capital of was utilized to fund the general the Group working capital of the Group 16 September 2014 Placing of bonds in an aggregate principal amount of up to HK$300,000,000 Approximately HK$275.00 million used for money lending business and business The net proceeds was fully utilized (which were in line with the development of the Group and to finance intended use) any potential investment opportunities of the Group that may arise from time to time 8 May 2014 Placing of 39,800,000 new Shares under general mandate Approximately HK$44.50 million For the general working capital and for business development of the Group The net proceeds was fully utilized (which were in line with the intended use) Note: As at the date of this announcement, placing of bonds in an aggregate principal amount of up to HK$54.00 million 17 Save for the disclosure of the issue of the above bonds, in the past 12 months immediate preceding the date of this announcement, the Company also issued other bonds (the “Other Bonds”) on 8 July 2014 and 14 November 2014 for the principal amount of HK$50,000,000 and HK$16,000,000 respectively, both of which were not required to be announced under the Listing Rules. The funds raised pursuant to the issue of the Other Bonds together with the above bonds were used for money lending business of the Group. Save as disclosed above, the Company did not conduct any fund raising exercise during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of this announcement. REASONS FOR THE OPEN OFFER AND USE OF PROCEEDS The Group is principally engaged in independent financial advisory business, money lending business, proprietary investment business and asset management business. As disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 7 January 2015, the Group has been exploring appropriate investment opportunities and is optimistic about the prospect of the property market in Hong Kong. The Company is seeking to undertake an open offer to strengthen its capital base and provide sufficient surplus capital to support future investment in the real property market and any potential asset acquisitions or growth opportunities and as well as to strength its working capital. The Board is of the view that it is in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole to raise the capital through the Open Offer since it allows the Qualifying Shareholders to maintain their pro rata shareholding interests in the Company and continue to participate in the future growth and development of the Group should they wish to do so. The estimated net proceeds of the Open Offer (after deducting the costs and expenses in relation to the Open Offer) are expected to be not less than approximately HK$441,013,000 and not more than approximately HK$501,013,000. The Company intends to apply the net proceeds of the Open Offer in the following manner: (i) as to approximately HK$86,000,000 for the payment of the balance of consideration for the acquisition of real property as disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 7 January 2015; 18 (ii) as to approximately HK$164,000,000 to fund future acquisition of other real property as when the opportunity arises; and (iii) as to the balance of approximately HK$191,013,000 to HK$251,013,000 be used as general working capital. As at the date of this announcement, save and except for the real property referred to in the announcement of the Company dated 7 January 2015, the Company has not identified any other real property for future acquisition. As disclosed in the interim results announcement of the Company dated 27 August 2014, with the Guidance Note published by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance in July 2014, Investment-Linked Assurance Schemes (“ILAS”) market, a major product type of independent financial adviser business in Hong Kong, will go through a big change of commission payment mode which may have adverse effect on commission income. The Company has set up diversification objectives years ago and continued to drive the growth of non-linked insurance, general insurance and mandatory provident fund business to counter the change in ILAS business and its stringent regulatory environment. In preparing for the change in ILAS regulations under an adverse market environment and uncertainty, the Directors consider that the Company shall increase its general working capital level through the fund raised from the Open Offer. ADJUSTMENTS IN RELATION TO THE WARRANTS Pursuant to the Warrant Instrument, the subscription price of the Warrants will be adjusted in accordance with the Warrant Instrument upon the Open Offer becoming unconditional. Such adjustments will be verified by the auditor/independent financial adviser of the Company. The Company, in accordance with the Warrant Instrument, will notify the holders of the Warrant the required adjustment(s) as soon as practicable and details of adjustments will be set out in the Prospectus in respect of the Open Offer to be dispatched to the Shareholders. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS As the Open Offer will increase the issued share capital of the Company by more than 50% within the 12 month period immediately preceding the date of this announcement, the Open Offer is subject to approval by the Independent Shareholders at the EGM by poll in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules. 19 Pursuant to Rule 7.26A(2) of the Listing Rules, since no excess application for the Offer Shares is available, approval shall be obtained from the Independent Shareholders by way of poll at the EGM in respect of the absence of such arrangement. As at the date of this announcement, since there is no controlling Shareholder, the Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors) and the chief executive of the Company and their respective associates, shall abstain from voting at the EGM in respect of the resolution to approve the Open Offer pursuant to the Listing Rules. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Wong Lee Man and Mr. Mak Kwong Yiu, being the executive Directors, holding 34,054,398 Shares and 32,308,916 Shares, representing approximately 5.54% and 5.26% of the entire issued share capital of the Company respectively, will abstain from voting in favour of the resolution(s) relating to the Open Offer at the EGM. Save as aforesaid, there is no other Director or chief executive of the Company holding any Share. THE INDEPENDENT BOARD COMMITTEE The Company will establish an independent board committee, which comprises all independent non-executive Directors in compliance with the Listing Rules, to advise the Independent Shareholders as to whether the terms of the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) are fair and reasonable and in the interests of its Shareholders as a whole, and to advise the Independent Shareholders on how to vote, taking into account the recommendations of the independent financial adviser which will be appointed by the Company. Further announcement will be made by the Company when the independent financial adviser is appointed. INCREASE IN AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL As at the date of this announcement, the authorised share capital of the Company is HK$100,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 Shares of HK$0.1 each of which 614,724,000 Shares have been allotted and issued and fully paid or credited as fully paid. In order to accommodate the allotment and issue of the Offer Shares and future expansion and growth of the Group, the Directors propose to increase the authorised share capital of the Company from HK$100,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 Shares to HK$400,000,000 divided into 4,000,000,000 Shares. 20 GENERAL The Circular including, among other things, details of (i) the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) and the Underwriting Agreement; (ii) the recommendation of the independent board committee in relation to the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer) and the Underwriting Agreement; (iii) a letter of advice from the independent financial adviser to the independent board committee of the Company and the Independent Shareholders in relation to the Open Offer (including the absence of excess application arrangement under the Open Offer), the Underwriting Agreement; (iv) the Increase in Authorised Share Capital; and (v) a notice convening the EGM will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 3 March 2015. The Prospectus Documents setting out details of the Open Offer will be despatched to the Qualifying Shareholders as soon as practicable, subject to the conditions of the Open Offer being satisfied. The expected timetable for the implementation of the Open Offer and the associated trading arrangements, and date of despatch of the share certificates in respect of the Open Offer will be further announced by the Company in due course. DEFINITION In this announcement, unless the content otherwise requires, words and expressions used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to each of them below: “Application Form” the form of application for use by the Qualifying Shareholders to apply for the Offer Shares “associates” has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Listing Rules “Board” the board of Directors “business day” any day (other than a Saturday or Sunday or public holiday) on which licensed banks in Hong Kong are generally open for business throughout their normal business hours 21 “CCASS” the Central Clearing and Settlement System established and operated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited “Circular” the circular to the Shareholders, which will have annexed thereto the notice of EGM, proposed to be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 3 March 2015 (or such other date as the Company may reasonably decide) in the agreed form “Circular Documents” the Circular and the proxy form for use at the EGM in the agreed form “Company” Convoy Financial Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, the issued Shares of which are listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange “Director(s)” director(s) of the Company “EGM” the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be convened and held to consider and approve the Open Offer “Group” the Company and its subsidiaries “HKSCC” Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited “Hong Kong” the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China “Increase in Authorised Share Capital” the increase of the authorised share capital of the Company from HK$100,000,000 divided into 1,000,000,000 Shares to HK$400,000,000 divided into 4,000,000,000 Shares by creating an additional 3,000,000,000 unissued Shares 22 “Independent Shareholders” Shareholders, save and except the executive Directors and their associates, who are not required under the Listing Rules to abstain from voting on the resolution(s) to approve the Open Offer at the EGM “Independent Third Party(ies)” independent third party(ies) who is/are not connected person(s) (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company and is/are independent of and not connected with the Company and directors, chief executive, controlling shareholders and substantial shareholders of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or their respective associates “Last Trading Day” 5 February 2015, being the last trading day of the Shares on the Stock Exchange immediately preceding the date of the Underwriting Agreement “Latest Lodging Date” 4:30 p.m. on a date to be announced or such other date and/ or time as may be agreed between the Company and the Underwriter, being the latest time for lodging transfer of the Shares and/or exercising the Warrants in order to qualify for the Open Offer “Latest Time for Acceptance” 4:00 p.m. on the tenth Business Day immediately following the date of the Prospectus or such other date and/or time as may be agreed between the Company and the Underwriter, being the latest time for acceptance of, and payment for, the Offer Shares as described in the Prospectus “Latest Time for Termination” 4:00 p.m. on the third business day after the Latest Time for Acceptance or such later time or date as may be agreed between the Company and the Underwriter, being the latest time to terminate the Underwriting Agreement “Listing Rules” the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange 23 “Non-Qualifying Shareholder(s)” the Overseas Shareholder(s) whom the Board, after making enquiries regarding the legal restrictions under the laws of the relevant places and the requirements of the relevant overseas regulatory bodies or stock exchanges, consider it necessary or expedient to exclude them from the Open Offer “Offer Share(s)” the new Share(s) to be allotted and issued under the Open Offer, which will be a total of not less than 1,844,172,000 Offer Shares and not more than 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares “Open Offer” the proposed offer for subscription by the Qualifying Shareholders for the Offer Shares at the Subscription Price on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Underwriting Agreement and the Prospectus Documents “Overseas Shareholder(s)” the Shareholders with addresses in the register of members of the Company as at the close of business on the Record Date which are outside Hong Kong “Prospectus” a prospectus containing details of the Open Offer to be issued by the Company in relation to the Open Offer “Prospectus Documents” collectively, the Prospectus and the Application Form “Prospectus Posting Date” the date for the despatch of the Prospectus Documents as the Underwriter may agree in writing with the Company “Prospectus Qualifying Shareholders” Shareholders, other than the Overseas Shareholders, whose names appear on the register of members of the Company as at the close of business on the Record Date “Record Date” the date by reference to which entitlements to the Open Offer will be determined 24 “Share(s)” existing share(s) of HK$0.1 each in the share capital of the Company “Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of the issued Shares “Stock Exchange” The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited “Subscription Price” the issue price of HK$0.25 per Offer Share “Underwriter” RHB OSK Securities Hong Kong Limited, a licensed corporation to carry out business in type 1 (dealing in securities) regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, being the underwriter to the Open Offer “Underwriting Agreement” the underwriting agreement dated 6 February 2015 and entered into among the Company and the Underwriter in relation to the Open Offer “Underwritten Shares” the number of Offer Shares to be underwritten by the Underwriter, which in maximum up to 2,084,172,000 Offer Shares “Warrant Instrument(s)” the instrument(s) of the Company dated 11 March 2013 constituting the Warrants “Warrant(s) (I)” 40,000,000 non-listed warrants issued by the Company, each entitles the holder thereof to subscribe for one new Share at the HK$1.41 per new Shares at any time during the period commencing from 1 January 2015 and up to 10 March 2018 “Warrant(s) (II)” 40,000,000 non-listed warrants issued by the Company, each entitles the holder thereof to subscribe for one new Share at the HK$1.41 per new Shares at any time during the period commencing from 1 January 2016 and up to 10 March 2018 “Warrants” together, Warrants (I) and Warrants (II) 25 “HK$” Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong “%” per cent. By order of the Board CONVOY FINANCIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED Wong Lee Man Chairman Hong Kong, 6 February 2015 As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Wong Lee Man (Chairman), Ms. Fong Sut Sam, Mr. Mak Kwong Yiu and Dr. Hui Ka Wah, Ronnie, JP; and the independent non-executive Directors are Dr. Wu Ka Chee, Davy, Mr. Ma Yiu Ho, Peter and Mr. Lam Chi Keung. 26
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