to the displayed bulletin.

February 8, 2015
By Helping People
Come to Christ
Grow in Christ and
Belong to His Family”
Prayer Line: 567-3950
Phone: 567-4665
410 Main St. Maurice, IA
“At MRC we exist to
Glorify God by
830 and 10:45 AM
“Do Not Swear” – Pastor Gary is teaching
James 5:12
4th & 5th grade students will lead the
praise and worship time
Welcome our new members:
 Addilyn Kay Wielenga, daughter of Jeff and
Sara Wielenga is receiving the sacrament of
baptism at the 8:30 worship service. She was
born on November 30 in Sioux Falls. She has a
sister, Kylee (5 1/2) and a brother Reid (3 1/2).
We welcome as new members Josh and
Jennifer Dorhout. They will be received at the
10:45 worship service. They will soon be living in
Sioux Center, where Josh works for the City of
Sioux Center and Jen works for Premier Communications in Sioux Center.
TONIGHT’s teaching at MRC 6:30 PM
A new teaching series at Sunday evening worship
services begins tonight. The series is entitled: What
Does the Bible Say about Real Life Issues?
The topic tonight is “Can we Say Whatever
we want?....What Does the Bible say about
Freedom of Speech?”
NEXT SUNDAY MORNING 8:30 and 10:45
“Prayer for Healing”
James 5:13-18
At the end of the services next week there will be
opportunity for people to be anointed with oil and
have a prayer of blessing spoken over them.
Please be in prayer for God’s Spirit to be mightily in
charge of our worship time next Sunday.
The Sign up sheets are located in the fellowship hall near the
info booth.
Sign up for Men’s Bible Study starting on February 9th
Sign up to be on the email prayer/information chain
Sign up for the 4-wheeler trip March 25-29
Jr. High - Bus Barn
Sr. High - East side of the Youth Room
Adult growth group opportunities- All studies begin at 9:40 AM
Discussion on this morning’s teaching in the Family Life Center
Young Marrieds - West side of the Youth Room
Love and Respect in the Family - Fireside Room
New Sunday Evening Worship Service Teaching Series
beginning TONIGHT. Our Sunday Evening Worship Series is
entitled….What Does the Bible Say about Real Life Issues?
And the topic tonight will be “Can we Say Whatever we
want?.... What Does the Bible say about Freedom of
Speech?” You are invited to join us as Pastor Kurt and Jon
Eveland lead us in a discussion around round tables in the
Fellowship Hall. We will have worship, prayer time and teaching/
discussion time together. This is a great family series that
everyone is invited to. Hope to see you then!
Monday Night Hoops at 7 PM in the Family Life Center Guys, high school age and above are invited.
Tuesday - Yarn Connection at the Connection from 7 –9 PM
Wednesday - Family Night Meal in the Family Life Center from
5:15-6:45 PM; The menu this week: Chicken casserole, beans,
roll, strawberry fluff, Oreo fluff and cookies. Freewill donation is
Adult Discussion: Wednesday Night 6:30 pm-7:45 pm at
the CONNECTION: Join us at the CONNECTION in Maurice
as this group has discussion each week on various topics. This
week’s discussion question for February 11 is: “Why is it sometimes so hard to forgive?”
Thursday -The Grief Support group “Grief-Share,” will meet
in the Fireside Room from 6:30-8 PM.
Saturday, February 14 is our Pinewood
Derby for 3rd-5th graders. Weigh in time for
racers is 9:30 AM & our races will begin at 10
AM. Prizes will be awarded for 1st & 2nd
place, and of course, the "Best in Show" choice
as voted on by attendees. Invite your family &
friends to come watch the races. Snacks & refreshments are
available beginning at weigh-ins. Everything is 25¢! Come join us
for a morning of fun competition & cheer on our kids
Church Family Prayer Box
Please keep our church family in your prayers.
 Lylis Van Donkelaar is a patient in Mercy Medical Rehab Unit. She
had surgery on January 29 and will be in rehab at Mercy Medical for the
next week or more.
 Margaret Hubers is in the Orange City Hospital for care and therapy
after having a stroke.
 Linda Zevenbergen is in St. Luke’s Hospital in Sioux City. She has
cellulitis in her leg and dealing with a lot of pain.
 Alison Lenters is a patient at Avera McKennan in Sioux Falls. He has
Upcoming Surgery:
 Amber Leusink will have major hip surgery at Mayo Clinic on Friday,
February 13.
Pray for members of the Guatemala Team. Greg Van Beek, Adam Van
Beek, Hanah Van Beek, Denise Vander Stelt, Jack Vander Stelt, Jessica
VanDer Weide, Sarah Walter and from New Hope Church in Sioux City:
Doug Robbins, Dave, Katie, Abbey and Nick Miller left last Monday and
are returning home tomorrow. Pray for them on their last day at Paradise
Bound and for safe travels back to Iowa.
Joint Service With Amistad
The joint Worship Service with Amistad Cristiana will be held on March
22. The passage from James that was going to be taught last Sunday
will be taught on March 22.
March 1 – Rev. David Bast will be teaching. David is
President of Words of Hope Ministry
March 8 – Pastor Gary will be teaching.
March 15 – This is Sr. High Youth Sunday
March 22 – Joint Worship service with Amistad Cristiana
March 29 – Palm Sunday
April 2 – Maundy Thursday
April 5 – Easter Sunrise Service and Easter Service
Attention Care Givers at MRC- There will be a Caregivers meeting on
Sunday, February 22 at 9:40 AM in Room #2. Note this meeting will be
during the Sunday School time 9:40-10:30 AM.
Donation/Sharing Freezer is getting low on meals. If you’re
cooking for your family, why not make an extra dish and bring it to
the sharing freezer in the coffee bar kitchen. Thanks!
You may pick up a copy of the 2014 Annual Church Financial report at
the welcome center.
Giving Report -If anyone would like a 2014 giving report for offerings
given in the offering envelopes, please talk to Brad Cleveringa.
Wee Blessings Table:
Wee Blessings Preschool is welcoming donations to help run this
non-profit in order to keep tuition costs lower for each child wishing
to attend. If you would be willing to bless our preschool in this way,
please take a laminated item from the Blessing Table located on
the folding table in the fellowship hall and then return it with the
purchased item to the donation box under the table. This will
only be set up until February 15th. We are very grateful for
any contributions. Thank you for your generosity in supporting
our little blessings!
ATTENTION MEN!!!!! Do you ever feel like: you don’t pray enough,
you don’t read your Bible enough, you don’t share your faith enough,
you don’t love God enough, you aren’t not committed enough, you’re
not spiritual enough? Then we have a group for you. Join us
MONDAY NIGHTS for a guys study on the book MESSY
SPIRITUALITY. Messy Spirituality was written for the silent majority
of us who have been convinced that we just don’t do Christianity
right. We spend most of our lives worried about what we don’t do
instead of what we have done, focused on our imperfections instead
of God’s fondness for the imperfect. We invite you to join us at the
CONNECTION in MAURICE every Monday Night starting
tomorrow night, February 9, at 8:18 pm as we wrestle with
this together. If you are interested, please sign up at the Info
Center at church. If you have any questions, please contact Mike
Mulder at 712-441-1345. Cost of the book is $10.
Pioneer Club Parent’s Night
Parent’s night will be on February 25. This is a night that
families get to spend time together for an evening. This evening
we have a night of service & fun planned. We will be packing items
(see below) for local schools’ sack pack program and hearing from a
volunteer within that ministry.
We also will be working on our “attire” for the closing program. We
are asking each kid to bring a t-shirt that is a size or 2 larger than
what they typically wear and we will be altering them to look like
castaway-type shirts. This can be an old t-shirt, any color (possibly
from a parent or older sibling) that you are willing to cut up.
Donations for the service night at the Pioneer Club Parent's
Night - February 25... the Pioneer Club
kids and their families will be packing items
appreciated for
for the sack pack program. If anyone in
the Pioneer Club
church has any of the items below that
Parents Night
you’d be willing to donate, please drop
them off in Jill’s Office! (Multi-purpose room
Service project
closet!) The items that can be donated are
any of the following:
Gallon zip lock bags
Regular size boxed Juicy juice 100% apple juice
Other flavors of juice
Applesauce, pudding, fruit cup and Jell-O (all in the
individual size container)
Sunday, February 8
8:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship led by Pastor Gary
9:40 AM Sunday School and Adult Discussion groups
6:30 PM Evening worship led by Pastor Kurt
Monday, February 9
9 AM Fellowship Through Fitness
6:30 PM Counting Team meets in the conference room
6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal
7 PM Monday Night Hoops in the Family Life Center
7:30 PM Good News Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room;
Devotions by Charlene Oolman, Bible Study leader, Carol Kleyer;
Hostess, Karen Bos
8:18 PM Men’s Bible Study at the Connection
Tuesday, February 10
9:30 AM Staff Meeting
1 - 5 PM Stitches of Love meets in room #9
6 PM Elders meeting
6:30 PM Consistory meets in the youth room
7 - 9 PM Yarn Connection meets at the Connection
Wednesday, February 11
5:15-6:45 PM Wednesday Family Night Meal in the FLC
6:30 PM Pioneer Club
6:45 PM Jr. GAP meets in the bus barn
6:45 PM Sr. High meets in the youth room
6:30-7:45 PM Adult Discussion group meets at the Connection
8 PM Young Adult group meeting
Thursday, February 12
9 AM Fellowship Through Fitness
6:30 –8:00 PM Grief Share Support group meets in the Fireside
7 PM Celebrate Recovery meets in the youth room
Saturday, February 14
10 AM Pioneer Club Pinewood Derby in the Family Life Center
Sunday, February 15
8:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday Morning Worship led by Pastor Gary
9 AM Strings for King rehearsal in Room #22
9:40 AM Sunday School and Adult Discussion groups
Sign up for the Spring 4-Wheeling!
Men's 4-wheeling trip: If you are interested in going on the men's
4-wheeling trip to Oklahoma, March 25-29, there is a sign-up sheet
at the information center. Please contact Loren Dykstra at 441-3673
or Doug Hubers at 441-2145 if you have questions.
Reminder of the February
Memory Verse at MRC
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God! And that is
what we are! The reason the world does not know us
is that it did not know him.”
I John 3:1
Volunteering at MRC
This Week – February 8
Sharing the Word 8:30 and 10:45 AM - Pastor Gary Hegstad
6:30 PM - Kurt Van Noord
Organist 10:45 Marge Van Ommeren Pianist 10:45 Kristi Hargens
Little Blessings and Big Promises Nursery - 8:30 Aaron and Amanda
Haverdink, Angel Vander Zwaag 10:45 Jason and Kristi Hargens, Ana Bos
Children and Worship 8:30 Helper, Sara Jansma; Leader, Kelli Bartlett 10:45
Helper, Julie Vis; Leader, Heather Hofmeyer
Prayer Room 8:30 Don Van Horssen 10:45 Miranda Maassen
Flower Chairperson -Sharon Plendl
Next Week – February 15
Sharing the Word 8:30 and 10:45 AM Pastor Don DeKok
Organists 8:30 Judy Vlietstra 10:45 Marge Van Ommeren
Pianists 8:30 Carissa Jensen 10:45 Donna Muilenburg
Little Blessings and Big Promises Nursery 8:30 Laura Haverdink, Amy
Krogman, Hope Vander Zwaag 10:45 Greg & Jenn Leusink and family
Prayer Room 8:30 Colette Hofmeyer 10:45 LaDonna De Vries
Flower Chairperson -Sharon Plendl
Jr. GAP Ministries
This week at Jr. GAP :
February 11 – Service Project
(Visit residents @ Prairie Ridge)
February 11 Lunch: – Ciara Dean, Eric Plendl, Trevor Leusink
Next week at Jr. GAP: February 18 – Fun Night (Dodgeball,
Scatter Ball, Knock Out, etc.)
Lunch Next Week– Zach Oolman, Trevor Sanson, Tayce
Sr. High Ministries
This week at Sr. High:
February 11—Small Group Outings
Lunch this week: Jerad Utesch, Jack
Vander Stelt, Michael Moerman
Next week at Sr. High:
February 18: Survival lesson on Lent/Plan for our Sr. High
Worship Service
Lunch Next Week : Daly Munoz, Evan Bomgaars, Kaida Altena