Port Nelson United Church 3132 South Drive, Burlington ON L7N 1H7 Phone: 905 637-5631 Website: www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com WiFi Guest Internet password: Guest1234 Port Nelson Notebook www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com Week of February 8, 2015 OUR MISSION To reach out to one another and our world as we grow spiritually in a caring, inclusive, Christian community enriched by meaningful worship OUR VISION “Anchored in God~ Sheltered by Christ ~Sailing with the Spirit” OUR VALUES A Sense of Community ~ Being Inclusive ~ Caring ~ Growing Spiritually ~ Meaningful Worship ~OUR Reaching Out VISION Jay Poitras, Developer of Youth Ministry, is attending a youth ministry conference this weekend at Five Oaks Retreat Centre. We are grateful to Claire Sweeny for her leadership with the Pinnacle Group today. Michael Brooks, Minister, and Jay Poitras, Developer of Youth Ministry, will be on vacation from Monday, February 9th to Monday, February 16th inclusive. They return Tuesday, February 17th. Assisting with Worship today: The More Voices music books that are normally underneath the seats are currently being rebound. They will return by the end of February. Ushers: Don & Chris Durfy; Mat & Diana Ardron Greeters: Lorraine MacMaster; Gail Kiefhaber Lorraine Malkovich; Dorothy Stansfield Coffee: Don McMillan & Sylvia Johnston; Irene Crawford Kerry & Kimberly McCarten Flowers: Karen Pettit Sound System: Eric Copland Nursery Helpers: Al Kingston & Erin Grant Photography at Church Events Photos of church sponsored events may be used in upcoming church promotions. Should you have concerns about your photo being used please contact the church office by February 9: Rebecca at 905 637 5631 or email: [email protected] “Anchored in God~ Sheltered by Christ ~Sailing with the Spirit” “Please consider making a donation to offset the cost of the coffee for our Coffee Time after worship.” This Week at a Glance Monday February 9 Teleministry – Accounting Office at 7:00pm Tuesday, February 10 Teleministry – Accounting Office at 9:30am Staff Meeting –O’Brien Room at 1:30pm Reflection Group – Library at 1:30pm Thursday, February 12 Prayer Group – O’Brien Room at 9am Caring Wisdom Group – O’Brien Rm at 1:30pm Chancel Choir – Choir Rm/Sanctuary at 7:30pm Sunday, February 15 Worship Service – Sanctuary at 10:30am Monday, February 16 Family Day - Office Closed Caring Wisdom Circle 2015 – February 12 WOW - Women of Wisdom - will be meeting every Thursday in February from 1:30 to 3:00 in the O'Brien room. Marilyn Parsons will be hosting. Sessions will include a short meditation and sharing time. All are welcome, come and share your wisdom, who knows where it will lead? Wesley Urban Ministries Dinner – February 22 Port Nelson will provide dinner at Wesley Centre for approximately 250 people on Sunday afternoon, February 22nd. If you would like to make a donation toward the cost of the dinner please put your donation in an envelope marked Wesley Centre Dinner, give it to Gord or Pat Gilmore, place it on the offering plate or take it into the church office. Gift cards are on sale this morning for a variety of restaurants, stores and services in our community. All proceeds to go to our food voucher program. Please see Joan Thompson for the specials this month. DURING TODAY’S WORSHIP LARGE PRINT bulletins and music books, and assistive hearing devices for improved sound are available at the back Offering envelopes are available in the seats; if you would like your own set of envelopes, or if you would like to begin pre-authorized remittance (PAR), contact the church office A Supervised Nursery for Infants and Toddlers is available with a pager system; speak to an usher for assistance Other children and youth will be invited forward for a sharing time early in the service -children aged 5 to 12 can participate in our Adventure Crew program -youth in grades 6 to 12 can participate in our Pinnacle Young Leaders program IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME – WELCOME! We invite you to record your name in our Guest Book on your way out so that we may welcome you this coming week We invite you to stay after worship for coffee, tea, Juice, cookies and conversation Calling all Curlers! – March 15 Port Nelson is having its annual curling evening on Sunday March 15, starting at 5:30 pm, at the Burlington Golf and country Club. Beginners are welcome and instruction will be given, both for conventional and stick delivery. (no bending required with the stick) There will be a social time afterward for curlers from 7:30 to 9:00 at the Club, including platters of wings. All of this is included in one low fee of $25 each. Add your name (and those of your friends) to the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, or call Ken Posgate at 905-6392150 May 1st Spring Dinner What better way to brighten spirits amid February’s cold and snow than to think ahead to May flowers! Port Nelson’s major spring fundraising dinner will be held on Friday, May 1st at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Please mark your calendar, and start saving auction items now! And…would you have fun helping to plan and organize this event? Several people have already stepped forward, but more are needed to form a committee. Could you help plan a theme? Organize a live and/or silent auction? Work on venue liaison? Acquire sponsorships? Manage ticket sales? Please contact Nancy McKenzie: 905 332 8697 or email: [email protected] Summer GLEE Camps 2015:The dates for Summer GLEE Camps for 2015 have been set! ADVENTURE CREW FAMILY & FRIENDS MOVIE NIGHT Presents MARY POPPINS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20th 6:00pm – 8:30pm Port Nelson United Church Room 5 R.S.V.P. to Sharon [email protected] (movie length - 132 minutes) Wearing your pj’s, bringing your pillow and favourite stuffed friend is not only allowed but encouraged Port Nelson’s Annual Pancake Supper Shrove Tuesday, February 17th 5:00 to 7:00pm In the Lloyd Auditorium Camp 1: July 13-17 Camp 2: July 27-31 Camp 3: August 10-14 Summer GLEE Camps Staff Positions:Postings for three senior GLEE staff positions are on the children & youth bulletin board, and are also available on the church website: www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com Tickets on sale today or in the church office th Deadlines for applications are February 17 and February 27th. These postings will be of interest to high school and university students. Upcoming Worship at 10.30am February 15 Holy Humour Sunday (Family Day Weekend) Note: There will be no Adventure Crew and Pinnacle programs; children and youth are invited to worship with their families February 22 First Sunday in Lent – Baptisms and Imposition of Ashes Launch of the 2015 Capital Campaign March 1 Second Sunday in Lent – Communion Port Nelson Scouts join us in worship March 8 Second Sunday in Lent Adults $8.00 Children 5 to 11 $6.00, under 5 free Net Proceeds to go to the Port Nelson Food Voucher Program & Spring Youth Retreat The Staff of Port Nelson United Church Michael Brooks, Minister Gord Dunbar, Associate Minister Stillman Matheson, Director of Music Sharon Holmes, Developer of Children’s Ministry Jay Poitras, Developer of Youth Ministry Rebecca Murphy, Church Administrator Rick Tucker, Church Custodian Theresa Woolley, Bookkeeper Christian Boin, Security Lock-up
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