RIVER CITY REALTOR R E A LT O R ® T H E V O I C E F O R R E A L E S TAT E ™ I N T H E G R E AT E R ® L A C R O S S E A R E A FEBRUARY 2015 • VOL. 36, NO. 5 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Tired of the Cold & Snow? Take a break from winter and join us on March 20, for our Annual Snow Bowl. It will be held at Features in West Salem and starts at 3:00 p.m. The cost is only $5 if paid prior to the event. Cost includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, soda, pizza and prizes. Non-bowlers welcome! See flyer included in this issue. Sign up today! Plan Ahead for Golf Mark your calendar! The annual golf outing has been scheduled for Monday, July 20. Watch for more information in upcoming newsletter and at www.larawebsite.com. Are You Ready For Some Baseball? Family night at the Loggers is set for June 12, 2015. Plan on joining us for a family night of fun and great baseball. 2015 Appraisal Conference Join us on March 17-18 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells for the 2015 Appraisal Conference. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Association Executive Message. . . . . . . 2 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Members on the Move. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tour Boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 WHAT IS RPAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Supra Hot Tip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fair Housing Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pathways to Professionalism (con’t) . . 12 Pathways to Professionalism I. Respect for the Public 1. Follow the “Golden Rule”: Do unto other as you would have them do unto you. 2. Respond promptly to inquiries and requests for information. 3. Schedule appointments and showings as far in advance as possible. 4. Call if you are delayed or must cancel an appointment or showing. 5. If a prospective buyer decides not to view an occupied home, promptly explain the situation to the listing broker or the occupant. 6. Communicate with all parties in a timely fashion. 7. When entering a property ensure that unexpected situations, such as pets, are handled appropriately. 8. Leave your business card if not prohibited by local rules. 9. Never criticize property in the presence of the occupant. 10.Inform occupants that you are leaving after showings. 11. When showing an occupied home, always ring the doorbell or knock – and announce yourself loudly before entering. Knock and announce yourself loudly before entering any closed room. 12.Present a professional appearance at all times; dress appropriately and drive a clean car. 13.If occupants are home during showings, ask their permission before using the telephone or bathroom. 14.Encourage the clients of other brokers to direct questions to their agent or representative. 15.Communicate clearly; don’t use jargon or slang that may not be readily understood. 16.Be aware of and respect cultural differences. 17.Show courtesy and respect to everyone. 18.Be aware of—and meet—all deadlines. – continued on page 12 2 Executive Report Committees are Ready to Go! RIVER CITY REALTOR® by Char Glocke, Association Executive Winter has definitely arrived. The cold and snow are here. It looks like the ole groundhog says we will have six more weeks of winter. We shall see! Our Committees are up and running! Many events have the dates set and the final details are being worked on. Please mark these dates on your calendars. Snow Bowl is scheduled for March 20 at Features. Check out the flyer in this month’s newsletter for more details. Family night at the Loggers is on June -- and the Golf Outing is scheduled for July 20. These dates are locked in. The committees are now working on the details. Watch your email, Facebook and newsletters for more information. There is still space to take advantage of the REQUIRED MN CE being offered on February 19. Call the Association Office and sign up today. What a great value. Complete the required class without leaving La Crosse. With all the snow and cold, please treat your DisplayKEY with kindness! Extreme temperatures do wear down your DisplayKEY battery. Do charge it weekly and don’t leave it in your car. Finally, are you our Facebook fan? Please like us and become our Fan! It’s a great way to receive Association pics taken at our events, Association updates and information on our scheduled activities. The River City Realtor® is published by the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 608-785-7744 • 866-425-7744 www.larawebsite.com EDITOR Char Glocke 785-7837 • [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Kent Gabrielsen 608-784-9930 [email protected] President Elect Chuck Olson 608-784-9930 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Dave Snyder 608-782-2300 [email protected] Past President Cindy Gerke-Edwards 608-784-2100 [email protected] LOCAL DIRECTORS Marv Leisso 608-783-6700 • [email protected] Donna Proudfit 608-386-7161 • [email protected] Have a great month! Jeff Pralle 608-797-5097 • [email protected] L15431 Kathy Johnson 608-792-9902 [email protected] Jim Orlikowski 608-779-3079 [email protected] Scott Ryan 608-792-4122 [email protected] Kevin Ryan Char LARA Website [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.larawebsite.com Advertising rates for the River City Realtor ® are $6.00 per column inch payable in advance. All new advertising or changes in ads should be delivered to the Association Office, camera ready, by the 15th of the month prior to publications. Make checks payable to the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association. Frequently Requested Phone Numbers: WRA Legal Hotline • 608-799-4468 DSPS • 608-266-5511 Zip Forms Support • 1-800-383-9805 Metro MLS Helpdesk • 1-800-490-3731 River City Realtor® Announcements 3 Agent Code Membership Letter Sorry to…. Sara Schams for missing her Agent Code in last month’s newsletter! Call the Association Office if you find yours in this month’s issue and you will win a free dinner at the next General Membership Meeting! As per Article 5, Section 3 (A) of the by-laws, you are hereby notified that the following people have submitted applications for the class of membership indicated: 2015 Code of Ethics Now Available The NAR 2015 Code of Ethics is now available at our website at www.larawebsite.com. How Well Do You Know The Realtor® Code of Ethics? Duties to Clients and Customers: Article 10 REALTORS,® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. REALTORS® shall not be parties to any plan or agreement to discriminate against a person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. (Amended 1/14) REALTORS , in their real estate employment practices, shall not discriminate against any person or persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. (Amended 1/14) ® Co-Listing with Non MLS Members Properties that are listed with both a Participant and NonParticipant of the Greater La Crosse MLS Corporation may be submitted for publication to MLS provided that the NonParticipant is a member of another REALTOR® MLS, and provided he or she agrees in writing to abide by the Greater La Crosse MLS Corporation. A completed and signed MLS Co-Listing Agreement must accompany the listing submitted prior to the listing being entered for publication. If you would like a copy of the Co-Listing Agreement, go to www. larawebsite.com and hit the MLS tab. REALTORS®: Gary Trim - BHHS Lovejoy Realty AFFILIATES: James Haugen - Advanced Home Inspections, LLC Mike Stangl - Citizens State Bank Should you have any comment in regard to the application of these individuals, submit them in writing prior to February 28, 2015 to the Association Office. It has been determined by the Membership Committee that the above applicant has applied for the appropriate class of membership. Dave Snyder, Secretary/Treasurer La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association Need a REALTOR® Pin? If you have lost or misplaced your REALTOR® pin, stop by the Association Office and we will give you a replacement for free. Tired of the Cold & Snow? Take a break from winter and join us on March 20, for our Annual Snow Bowl. It will be held at Features in West Salem and starts at 3:00 p.m. The cost is only $5 if paid prior to the event. Cost includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, soda, pizza and prizes. See flyer included in this issue. Sign up today! President is Spokesperson for the Organization It is important in creating the best public impression of the Association that any statements regarding the activities of the Association or its public positions come from an official source in the Association. This allows for coordination and clarity in the Association’s message. Our policy is to have the Association President, or someone specifically designated by the President in particular situations, as the only spokesperson for the Association. Our Presidents have spokesperson training and an understanding of the entire Association and how its parts fit together. If you are contacted by anyone, including the media, for any report on the Association or its activities, refer them to the Association office and arrangements will be made to respond. Vol. 36 No. 5 • February 2015 4 Member News Members on the Move Transfers: • Mary Jones from BHHS Lovejoy to Re/Max First Choice Inactives: • Teri Johnson from Hoppens Realty to inactive • Fatima Tano from Century 21 Affiliated to inactive • Christopher Sund from Nextage Assured Realty to inactive • David Pielhop from Convenient Home Inspections to inactive Welcome to LARA Where will you be when you get the Call for Action? You can be anywhere because the new REALTOR® Action Center mobile app contains a host of features to help you VOTE, ACT and INVEST on to go: Mobile Advocacy: Receive a noti- fication alerting you whenever there is a new Call for Action. The new mobile alert format will make participation a snap. No forms to fill out. Short, fast and easy! Mobile Investing: Make your annual investment via your Advanced Home Inspections, LLC 120 11th Ave S. Onalaska, WI 54650 Contact: James Haugen Ph: 608-792-3657 Email: [email protected] Web: http://advancedhomeinspectionsllc.co/ phone. Now there is no excuse to not invest in RPAC! Citizens State Bank 620 Main St La Crosse, WI 54601 Contact: Mike Stangl Ph: 608-785-2265 Email: [email protected] Web: http://citizensstatebank.us/ REALTOR® Party Tracker: Learn how your state and local asso- Have You Updated Your flexMLS Profile Lately? Action Profiles: The app contains a summary of your REAL- TOR® Party engagement. A list of open action items, actions you have already taken. Advocacy Reports: Track how your state and local associa- tions are doing in terms of their advocacy efforts to help us reach our annual 15% goal. ciation are using NAR programs to build political strength in your own backyard. Find out what tools and programs NAR is providing your association and how much money those programs cost. Consult the flyer in this issue of our Newsletter for instructions on installing the REALTOR® Action Center mobile app. DON’T MISS RESPONDING TO THE NEXT WRA OR NAR CALL TO ACTION! It is easy (one click) and quick! Your profile in flex reflects the information that appears on your listings in flexMLS. If you see that your phone number, email address, or website information on your listings is incorrect, this means that it is incorrect in your profile. To check your profile: • Log on to MLS • On the left side click on “Preferences” • Click on “My Profile” You will see several options for information in your profile. Click on what you would like to change and enter the new information. If you have any questions, please call or email the Association Office. NAR’s it’s Information for Central you 1-800 874 6500 River City Realtor® Member News Tour Information The deadline to submit tour information for listings already entered in flexMLS is Tuesday by 3:00 p.m. However, if it is a new listing, you must submit it by Tuesday by 9:15 a.m. to be included in the tour for that day. We accept tours by: • Phone at 785-7744 • Email to Ryan at mls@ larawebsite.com • Fax at 785-7742 My WRA at WRA.org As a WRA Member, you have the ability to track your education (if taken from WRA Instructors), WRA Committee involvement, WRA membership information, RPAC dollars contributed and much more. Check it out at www.wra.org. 5 MLS Tour Boundaries The current dividing line between the North and the South Tour is I-90. Exceptions: • Holiday Heights and Mayfair Addition are North Tour • Burns, Bangor, Hamilton, and Monroe County are North Tour • Washington and Barre are South Tour • French Island is South Tour • Dakota and Dresbach are North Tour • La Crescent and Hokah North/South are South Tour Dividing Line is I-90 Legal Updates Available at WRA.org At www.wra.org you can search legal updates for the topic of your choice. This publication is emailed to all members on a monthly basis. Important information is covered in these updates. It’s a great resource and benefit of membership for you. Are You Our Facebook Friend? You can find our fan page anytime by logging to the official LARA website, www. larawebsite.com, and clicking on our Facebook link, searching for “La Crosse Area REALTORS Association” within Facebook’s search function, or entering the following address into your web browser: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ La-Crosse-WI/La-Crosse-Area-REALTORSRAssociation/263652751459 Mortgage rates are LOW! Call us or apply online. NAR’s Information Central it’s for you 1-800 874 6500 Vol. 36 No. 5 • February 2015 Tina Mueller (608) 779-8294 (608) 790-0442 Cell [email protected] merchantsbank.com/tmueller Member FDIC Subject to credit approval. * Dawn Garms (608) 779-8222 [email protected] merchantsbank.com/dgarms 3140 Market Place • Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 779-8200 • www.merchantsbank.com 6 RPAC Works for You What is RPAC? Plan Ahead for Golf RPAC is YOUR way to be constructively engaged in politics – effectively, efficiently, and ethically. BE part of the ACTION in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Our Committee will begin our fundraising soon. Please give when one of our Committee members ask for your contribution. RPAC is an investment in your business. Mark your calendar! – Source: www.wra.org The annual golf outing has been scheduled for Monday, July 20. Watch for more information in upcoming newsletter and at www.larawebsite.com. May 11-16, 2015 The REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo is where NAR members take an active role to advance the real estate industry, public policy and the association. Join us in Washington, DC, for special issues forums, committee meetings, legislative activities and the industry trade show. Watch for more information coming soon! Every transaction has a life of it’s own. Handling the ordinary to the unexpected for over 135 years. The Title Company, Inc. | 500 2nd St. S., Suite 102 La Crosse, WI 54601 | www.TITLECO.com | 1-800-78-TITLE La Crosse 608-791-2000 | Eau Claire 715-838-2800 | Viroqua 608-637-3700 | Prairie du Chien 608-326-7330 River City Realtor® Information is supplied by seller and other third parties and has not been verified. Copyright © 2007 by Multiple Listing Service, Inc. See FBS copyright notice. La Crosse County Sold & Active Listings – January 2014 7 PRICE-CLASS/TYPE SOLD/ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS CURRENT ACTIVE LISTINGS 0-2 3 4+ TWO CONDO TOTAL SINGLECONDO BDRMSBDRMS BDRMS FAMILY CO-OP UNITS FAMILY CO-OP 29,999.99 and under 30,000 - 39,999.99 40,000 - 49,999.99 50,000 - 59,999.99 60,000 - 69,999.99 70,000 - 79,999.99 80,000 - 89,999.99 90,000 - 99,999.99 100,000 - 119,999.99 120,000 - 139,999.99 140,000 - 159,999.99 160,000 - 179,999.99 180,000 - 199,999.99 200,000 - 249,999.99 250,000 - 299,999.99 300,000 - 399,999.99 400,000 - 499,999.99 500,000 and over TOTALS AVERAGE MEDIAN 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 5 1 1 0 0 0 2 3 12 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 21 0 2 2 2 0 1 7331 15 0 2 0 8 58 2 0 2 6 00 8362 0 1 1 0 0 2182 0 0 2 0 0 2 15 2 0 1 0 0 0 1344 0 0 4 0 2 6 30 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 40 2 0 0 00 0 0210 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 2 71519 3 5 49 366 22 88,686122,913184,887 108,833 164,107 145,396 216,663 226,286 94,000 122,500 158,900 121,500 79,500 125,000 159,900 199,900 Unit Sales by Time on Market Unit Sales by Financing Type DAYS RESCONDO 1 - 30 31 - 60 21 3 2 0 61 - 90 10 0 91 - 120 2 0 Adj Rate Mtg Assumable FHA Assumable VA Cash Conventional 15 Conventional 30 Federal VA FHA 15 121 or over 83 TOTAL SALES 44 5 TYPE RESCONDO 0 0 0 5 3 28 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 FHA 30 Other Owner Fin Private State VA USDA Loan WHEDA TOTAL SALES TYPE Property Type Volume Median Sold Price Residential 6,303,851128,000 RESCONDO 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 44 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 Condo820,53379,500 All 7,124,384 125,000 Have You Looked for Your Agent Code in this Issue? If you find your number, call the A ssociation Office at 785-7744 to claim your free dinner at the next Association activity / meeting! Try these great marketing tools today! MLS Listing Internet Sites MLS Listings are presently on two websites. Check out your listings at the following sites: http://www.wihomes.com http://www.realtor.com Single Family / Condominium If you have any questions, call Char at 785-7837. Title Insurance • 1031 Exchange • Search & Hold • Lender and Cash Closing Servicing La Crosse, Trempealeau, Vernon and Monroe Counties 2850 Midwest Drive, Suite 103, Onalaska, WI 54650 Phone: 608-784-8888 Fax: 866-816-9620 E-mail: [email protected] Vol. 36 No. 5 • February 2015 Order online at: www.wisconsinfirstam.com 8 Supra Hot Tip Audio Tones Your DisplayKEY uses several audio tones to communicate with you. 1 Beep...................................A button has been pressed on the DisplayKEY keypad. 2 Beeps.................................Search for a KeyBox 4 Beeps.................................Operation Complete Series of Beeps.................... Communicating with a KeyBox 1 Buzz...................................Error. Call the LARA Board Office for assistance 2 Buzzes...............................Low Battery. Immediately put your DisplayKEY on a charging cradle (overnight is recommended) 3 Buzzes...............................Your DisplayKEY is no longer usable. Call LARA to determine if your key needs to be reprogrammed or replaced. Four quick beeps................indicate that the operation is successful. Are You Ready For Some Baseball? Mark your calendar! Family night at the Loggers is set for June 12, 2015. Plan on joining us for a family night of fun and great baseball. FINANCING GENERATIONS OF HOMEOWNERS For more than 150 years, Associated Bank has focused on making good loans. Our responsible approach to lending reflects the values of our organization and the customers we serve in the La Crosse area. We’re strong and ready to lend. Kyle Christopherson 450 N. Holmen Dr. | 608-793-3824 | NMLS: 108866 David Jones 605 State St. | 608-793-3832 | NMLS: 523764 Jacob Martin 127 Sand Lake Rd. | 608-793-3836 | NMLS: 523832 *The Wisconsin’s #1 Mortgage Lender designation is based on information gathered from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data compiled annually by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The results of the data were obtained through RATA Comply, October 2014. • Loan products are offered by Associated Bank, N.A., Member FDIC and Associated Banc-Corp. Loans involve interest and other costs. Please ask about details. All mortgage programs are subject to credit approval and property evaluation. Property insurance and flood insurance, if applicable, will be required on all collateral. Equal Housing Lender. Equal Opportunity Lender. (12/14) 6960 River City Realtor® Dates to Remember February 2 Groundhog’s Day 4 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour New Member Orientation, 9am – 2pm 5 March SMTWT F S 1234567 8 9 1011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 11 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 14 Valentine’s Day 16 President’s Day 18 Open House Deadline 3 pm – South Tour 19 Required MN CE 7.5 Hours 25 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 4 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour 9 SMTWT F S 1234567 8 9 1011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 29 30 31 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins 11 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour 17 St. Patrick’s Day 18 Open House Deadline 3 pm – South Tour 20 LARA 9th Annual Snow Bowl Features Sports Bar & Grill West Salem 3:00 pm First day of spring 25 Open House Deadline 3 pm – North Tour Passing good laws and defeating ba starts with your voice in this build National Women’s History Month February is Black History Month REALTOR® Government Day Scheduled Mark your calendar and plan to attend REALTOR® Government Day on March 11, 2015. See attached flyer for more information. Join REALTORS® from all over the State as they meet with their Legislators to discuss important issues that are so vital to our business. ® & GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n Birthdays - February 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 Mark Etrheim Judy Ditton Andy Maravelas Garrick Olerud Ray Wrobel T.J. Walker Jon Schuster Tom Walker John List Wendy Pertzsch Kathy Appleman Daniel Reinsvold 9 Anastasia Gentry 12 Susan Brooks 15 Lori Love 15 Melissa Warren 16 Pam Eilertson 17 Angela Greene 18 Kari Hoyum 18 Tegan McClain- Wise 18 Dan Veglahn 19 Melissa Sample 20 Cathy Fox Vol. 36 No. 5 • February 2015 Birthdays - March 21 25 25 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 Leroy Holm Beth Pendleton Tom Kress Dennis O’Malley Warren Evans Brian E. Benson Tara Jaeger-Olson Pete Peterson David Fredrickson Connie Mumm Amy Steiger 3 4 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 Paul Iverson Roxanne Reynolds Kassidy Taggart Kathy Raabel Jeanne Button Kathy Johnson Steve Zemlo Fred Prassas Sally Lysne Betty Bertrang Dawn Garms Ryan Olson 12 12 13 15 15 16 16 17 17 19 20 23 Mark Davig Katie Lawton Jacob Martin Brad McNally Richard Staff Vicki Johnson Trent Ziegler Sue Mravik Steve Lillestrand Jeff Brezinka Jim Orlikowski Troy Arenz 24 26 28 28 28 30 30 31 Ryan Jinkins Wendy Struble Marla Britton Judy Gull Daniel Pederson Joe Van Aelstyn Christopher Oates Erin Arneson Fair Housing Corner 10 BUILDING A NATION OF NEIGHBORS “I only want your office to market it, no MLS and no signs – they attract undesirables. You can do that, can’t you?” Key Points • Some sellers will not permit their broker to use yard signs or include their property in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) because they don’t want to get direct calls from passersby or reveal their move to neighbors or other brokers. It may also discourage the causal looker and reduce the chance of their home being burglarized. • Some sellers only want their broker to show the property. This type of refusal will not generate liability either to you or to the seller under the fair housing laws. • The seller has the final decision on using yard signs or the MLS. • Fair housing groups and committees frequently try to discourage the use of signs and the MLS because these open marketing techniques frustrate achieving or maintaining an integration quota in the community. Areas of Liability • Refusal to permit signs or the use of the MLS could possibly have discriminatory intent. • If the seller refuses to use signs or the MLS in order to steer away certain homebuyers because of their race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, then the seller’s conduct will be considered illegal under the fair housing laws. REALTORS® Join Coalition to Pass Patent Litigation Reform By Melanie Wyne, Helen Devlin January 15, 2015 On January 15, NAR announced it joined the United for Patent Reform coalition to pursue comprehensive solutions to abusive patent litigation. The Coalition consists of a diverse group of American businesses from across a wide range of industries – technology, retail, hotels, grocers, restaurants and construction. Patent reform is crucial to REALTORS® as the real estate industry is more and more dependent on the use of information technology and software products to market properties and manage their businesses. Frivolous patent infringement lawsuits for REALTOR® everyday business practices, such as using scanner-copier and adding user-friendly online search features to their website, are impacting REALTORS® and causing them to divert resources away from offering new features or investment in technologies that enhance the real estate experience. As part of its commitment to curbing patent abuses, the United for Patent Reform coalition sent a letter to Congress outlining seven legislative reforms it supports: • • • • Reform Abusive Demand Letters Make Trolls Explain Their Claims Protect Innocent Customers Make Patent Litigation More Efficient • • • Stop Discovery Abuses Make Abusive Trolls Pay Provide Less Expensive Alternatives NAR, along with the United for Patent Reform coalition, will continue to advocate for common sense patent litigation reform that fosters innovation and investment while benefiting the entire American economy. Source: www.realtor.org River City Realtor® Member News 11 WRA 2015 Annual Convention September 15-16, 2015 | Kalahari Resort and Convention Center | Wisconsin Dells The WRA’s annual convention is the WRA’s showcase event of the year where thousands of REALTORS® gather together from all corners of the state for classes, networking and fun! Top-name speakers from around the country inspire and energize Wisconsin REALTORS® and provide updates on important issues that impact the industry. Convention is the perfect place to network with colleagues, get recharged, complete CE, and learn new ideas in dozens of workshops. Further details coming soon! WI CE Close To Being Scheduled We will be scheduling the 2015-2016 WI CE Live in La Crosse shortly. WRA is in the process of getting all 6 courses approved for MN CE. As soon as the approval is received, I will book the dates and release to all our members. Stay tuned for updates. Call Char at 608-785-7744 with questions. 12 “A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow.” – Dan Zadra Looking for a lender that can deliver? Same day Preapprovals!! Close on Time!! Local Loan Officers that know the market!!! Rehab loans, Manufactured homes, LOW credit scores ZERO to Low Down‐payment loans FHA, VA, USDA Rural, WHEDA & Conventional Loan programs all available. Todd Cejka – (608)783‐0860 Jeff Thompson – (608)781‐0710 Call today to see how AMEC can help you close more sales faster!! American Mortgage & Equity Consultants 114 N 2nd Ave, Onalaska, WI NMLS Todd 251574 Jeff 256028 Branch 844359 Company 150953 Vol. 36 No. 5 • February 2015 12 Member News – continued from page 1 Pathways to Professionalism 19.Promise only what you can deliver—and keep your promises. 20.Identify your REALTOR® and your professional status in contacts with the public. 21.Do not tell people what you think – tell them what you know. II. Respect for Property 1. Be responsible for everyone you allow to enter listed property. 2. Never allow buyers to enter listed property unaccompanied. 3. When showing property, keep all members of the group together. 4. Never allow unaccompanied access to property without permission. 5. Enter property only with permission even if you have a lockbox key or combination. 6. When the occupant is absent, leave the property as you found it (lights, heating, 7. 8. 9. cooling, drapes, etc.) If you think something is amiss (e.g. vandalism), contact the listing broker immediately. Be considerate of the seller’s property. Do not allow anyone to eat, drink, smoke, dispose of trash, use bathing or sleeping facilities, or bring pets. Leave the house as you found it unless instructed otherwise. Use sidewalks; if weather is bad, take off shoes and boots inside property. Respect sellers’ instructions about photographing or videographing their properties’ interiors or exteriors. III. Respect for Peers 1. Identify your REALTOR® and professional status in all contacts with other REAL- TORS®. 2. Respond to other agents’ calls, faxes, and e-mails promptly and courteously. 3. Be aware that large electronic files with attachments or lengthy faxes may be a burden on recipients. 4. Notify the listing broker if there appears to be inaccurate information on the listing. 5. Share important information about a property, including the presence of pets, security systems, and whether sellers will be present during the showing. 6. Show courtesy, trust, and respect to other real estate professionals. 7. Avoid the inappropriate use of endearments or other denigrating language. 8. Do not prospect at other REALTORS®’ open houses or similar events. 9. Return keys promptly. 10.Carefully replace keys in the lockbox after showings. 11. To be successful in the business, mutual respect is essential. 12.Real estate is a reputation business. What you do today may affect your reputation – and business – for years to come. February is Black History Month February marks the beginning of Black History Month – an annual celebration that has existed since 1926. But what are the origins of Black History Month? Much of the credit goes to Harvard Scholar Dr. Carter G. Woodson who was determined to bring Black History into the mainstream public arena. Woodson devoted his life to making “the world see the Negro as a participant rather than as a lay figure in history”. In 1926, Woodson organized the first annual Negro History Week, which took place during the second week of February. Woodson chose this date to coincide with the birthday of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln – two men who had greatly impacted the black population. Over time, Negro History Week evolved into the Black History Month that we know today, a four week long celebration of African American History. Need Information? Check out the Association Web Site at www.larawebsite.com for an update on Association activities, membership information, professional standards forms, online MLS Profile Sheets, Open House online form and so much more. La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 111 6th Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601 River City Realtor® REQUIRED FOR ALL MN LICENSEES February 19, 2015 7.5 Credit Hours ATTENTION MN LICENSEES ALL Residential Real Estate Licensees must complete the 7.5 hour CE Modules consisting of: Financial Issues Module: This course will help real estate licensees better understand trust account requirements and issues relating to the earnest money. Information will also be shared on the Mortgage Act and Practices (MAP) rule, the Real Estate Settlement and procedures Act (RESPA) and the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB). Financing topics to be covered include Contract for Deed sales and new FHA loan limitations (This Module Also Satisfies the 1-hour Broker Module Requirement). Learning Objectives: Real Estate salespersons and brokers to attend this course will learn rules for the deposit of earnest money, release of trust funds and record keeping requirements for trust accounts; Learn Mortgage Act and Practices (“MAP”) rules and the penalties for noncompliance; Review Predatory Lending activities; Be updated on dues and responsibilities imposed under RESPA rules and become informed on new financing issues and FHA loan limits in MN. MN Disclosure Module: This course will provide in depth details on numerous real estate licensee disclosure requirement issues. Curriculum also includes the proper disclosures required by sellers, including property “as is” and the liability sellers can incur for non-compliance. Learning Objectives: Real Estate salespersons and brokers who attend this course will receive detailed information on real estate licensee disclosure requirements; review seller disclosure requirements including waiver conditions and cautions; Become informed on special disclosure requirements such as environmental, predatory offender and other disclosure considerations; Learn disclosure rules related to manufactured homes and Common Interest Communities. Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015 Instructor Bio: Schedule: 8:00—8:30 8:30—12:15 12:15—1:00 1:15—5:00 Place: Address: Cedar Creek 2600 Cedar Creek Lane Onalaska, WI 54650 Instructor: Brad Boyd (See Instructor Bio) Cost: $83.00 Brad Boyd received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Minnesota Law School and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with honors from Augustana College, in Sioux Falls, SD. After clerking for the Chief Judge of Juvenile Court, Brad developed his legal advising skills as an attorney in a small boutique law firm focusing on real estate, business and estate planning. During this time, Brad became a licensed real estate broker, and founded and successfully operated a flat-fee real estate brokerage. He subsequently opened his own law practice and in 2006 he merged his practice with Thomsen & Nybeck, PA. Registration, Rolls, & Coffee Financing Issues Module Lunch Served MN Disclosure Module Cost includes MN CE (7.5 hrs plus exam), Coffee, Assortment of Bagels and English Muffins & Lunch. $10 late fee if registering after Friday, February 13, 2015. No refunds or cancellations after Friday, February 13, 2015. Please be on time. Class begins promptly at 8:30a.m. Those arriving late will not be given CE credits. No exceptions. Brad currently serves as General Counsel for the Minnesota Association of REALTORS®, and is lead attorney for the MNAR Legal Hotline. Brad has also taught community education courses, served on the Minnesota Association of REALTORS® Forms and Governmental Affairs Committee as the Chair and on other various industry workgroups. Mail, Fax, or Bring form & check or credit card to: La Crosse Area REALTORS Association., 111 S. 6th St., La Crosse, WI 54601, Fax 608-785-7742 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minnesota DOC 7.5 Hours CE Required Course 2015 NAME:_________________________________________________ FIRM NAME________________________________________ AMT. ENCLOSED: $_______________________________ Check #___________________________________ To pay by credit card, you must complete & sign below (We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover): Card#: ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ Exp: _____/_____ Street Address: __________________________________ Zip: _________________ Signature (required for charges): __________________________________________ [ ] SPECIAL SERVICES. CHECK HERE IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL SERVICES TO ATTEND & OR HAVE SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS. PLEASE ATTACH A DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS. Passing good laws and defeating bad ones starts with your voice in this building. & ® GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n www.wra.org ® & GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI “Success hinges on what we advocate together.” Program REALTOR® & Government Day is your opportunity to help shape the laws that impact you and your real estate business in Wisconsin. Through lobbying efforts at the state Capitol, you’ll meet with state lawmakers and have a unique opportunity to advocate for issues that impact the real estate industry in Wisconsin. Industry success requires advocacy from every REALTOR® in the state. Wisconsin lawmakers saw an impressive demonstration of REALTOR® strength in 2014 with the WRA bringing more than 300 REALTORS® to Madison. With your support, REALTOR® & Government Day 2015 will be a day to remember. Agenda 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 – 1:15 p.m. 1:15 – 1:45 p.m. 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Registration Welcome Gov. Scott Walker (invited) Issues Briefing Move to Capitol Capitol Hill Visits Cocktail Reception Registration Fees Contact Information Payment Information Member First 300 registrants At the door Nonmember Name _______________________________________________ Company name _______________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ FREE $25 $25 City / State / Zip _______________________________________ Work phone __________________________________________ Home phone _________________________________________ WRA member # _______________________________________ Enclosed is a check payable to the WRA Charge my VISA/MasterCard (circle one) Card # _________________________________ Exp. date ______________________________ Register by mail: WISCONSIN REALTORS® ASSOCIATION | 4801 Forest Run Road, Suite 201 | Madison, WI 53704 Register by phone: 800-279-1972 | 608-241-2047 Register by fax: 608-241-2901 | Online registration: www.wra.org WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN YOU GET THE CALL FOR ACTION? As a busy professional on the go your phone. Fewer and fewer of us are tied to a traditional desktop or laptop anymore to complete the functions of our work. Smartphones and tablets are how we increasingly manage our information and daily tasks. THE REALTOR® ACTION CENTER MOBILE APP – DON’T JUST GET IT – USE IT! DOWNLOAD AND LOGIN TODAY The REALTOR® Action Center mobile app contains a host of features to help you VOTE, ACT and INVEST on the go: MOBILE ADVOCACY When there is a Call for Action you will alerting you. The new mobile action alert format will make your participation a snap. summaries of the issue and why your action is important. ACTION PROFILES The app will contain a summary of your REALTOR® Party engagement. A list of open action items, actions you have already taken, your current year’s RPAC investment amount, and more. INVEST IN RPAC Through the REALTOR® Party mobile app you can easily make an investment in RPAC on your mobile phone. To help you plan your investment amount, your action profile displays your total amount invested year to date. ADVOCACY REPORTS Track how your state and local associations SURVEYS Take important REALTOR® Party surveys on your phone. REALTOR® PARTY TRACKER Learn how your state and local association is using NAR programs to build political strength in your own backyard. Find out what tools and programs NAR is providing your association and how much money those programs cost. Help us reach our annual 15% goal! To download, text “App” to 30644 and remember to login! Presented by the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association Location: Features Sports Bar & Grill/West Bowl Lanes 1425 W. City Hwy 16 in West Salem Date/Time: Friday, March 20, 2015 at 3 p.m. Price: $5.00 per person paid prior to this event or $6.00 if paid at the door. (Includes 2 games of bowling, shoes, soda, pizza and prizes) To Sign up: Call 785-7744 or email LARA at [email protected] by Friday, March 13, 2015. (If you cancel after this date, you will be billed) Space is limited (48), so make your reservation today! Register & prepay for this event by cash, check or credit card. Teams are randomly formed! This is a Non-Competitive event! It’s just for fun! Door Prizes drawn throughout the event! Awards will be given for the “Low Score” & “High Score” Team Poker Game at Lanes! Altra Federal Credit Union Associated Bank Bremer Bank Firefighters Credit Union First American Title Insurance Company Marine Credit Union Merchant's Bank New Castle Title of La Crosse, Inc. Scholze Home Inspection Schubert Bros. Pest Control The Title Company Town N' Country Title LLC
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